HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2024-00278 - SWG Application / Design - 6/20/2024 415N 6 ® MASON COUNTY TH STREET, SHEL EXT 4B4 SH ELTON: 60427-O ONN,0,EXT 400 BELFAIR:360-275 4467,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360-4B 69,EXT 400 FAX:360d27-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00278 APPLICANT LANPHEAR THOMAS F Phone: Address: 1920 Hudson Street NW OLYMPIA,WA 98502 OWNER LANPHEAR THOMAS F Phone: Address: 1920 Hudson Street NW OLYMPIA,WA 98502 SEPTIC DESIGNER Alex Paysee Phone: 360-426-1803 Address: 3083 E Mason Benson Rd GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 Site Address: XX E Union Heights PI North Primary Parcel Number: 322327590031 Permit Description: 4-bedroom pressure system Permit Submitted Date: 06/20/2024 Permit Issued Date: 07/12/2024 Issued By: David Anderson Current Permit Fees Paid: $540.00 (additional reaa my be reeuired upon rsrxrretion or system). Permit Expiration Date: 07/10/2027 (based on dale of repodson) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic DesignerlEngineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmental/onsite/oss-inspection-request.php or call: 360.427-9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY ® m.., zaiw�,. ANNMELnw. . MASON COUNTY lM� — COMMUNITY SERVICES "Ilcl lN ffummWHMJFml MO �° ° y M-7-A rcnmenNl HeshN LA y SWG �DoW4 - Oaz-t8 o A Z N ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION 3 A m n AFFtIGM Ptl-E m THOMASLANPHEAR c MAIUNGADDRESS-STREET,CITY.STATE,2IPCOCf ac 1920 HUDSON STREET NW OLYMPIA WA 98502 m A SREAEORE53-STREET GTY,ZIPCCDE ' XXX UNION HEIGHTS PL UNION WA 98592 NAYEOFOESIGNER PIpNE I N ALEX L PAYSSE 360426-1803 NAMEOFINSTALIFR RL'JNE O I IV TBD m I w PERMITTYPE(e .j CC�� DPoNSNGNMTERSCI O ®RESIUENTIALOSS GICOMMUNITWOSS LICOMMERCIALOSS E:PRNATEINDIVIDUALWELL EIPRIVATET PARWMLL 2 IN TYPEGMORX(s —) 7 PUSUC WATER SYSTEM PUD 1,UNDR ff NEWCONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES 51REPAIRIREPIkCEMENT OTHERDETALSJW &Uat ❑TABLE IX REPAIR IV SUepMmuS O SURFACING BEARDS ❑EXISTINGFAIWRE OSHOREUNE fK DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) IRSEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOT WE r IN FjNNIVER(S)(IFAPPUCABLE) FOUR 1.16 I ' DIRECTIONS TO SITE AND 51TE CIXUNTICNS to k[AeOpile) FROM SHELTON HEAD OUT BROCDALE RD. TOWARDS UNION. CONTINUE STRAIGHT ONTO MCREAW RD. FOLLOW PAST GAS STATION TO LEFT ON UNION HEIGHTS DR. r UP HILL TO INTERSECTION, RIGHT ON UNION HEIGHTS PLACE NORTH. LEFT ON o 0 FALLING STAR LN. LEFT ON ACCESS, JUST BEFORE PRIVATE DRIVEWAY. PDI SIGN POSTED, SEE SITE PLAN. 91TlYD9TlEF{A(NiEO fRq/YAM ROAD ANOTESTHOI£SYUST BEFUGDlD1NIN ildl MOfl MIYBERS I f OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UFGRACEIFMWRESOURCE(Mnpatilgpupae) OVOLUNTARY OMAINTENANCEIPUMNNG [3 BUILDING PERMIT QHOMES<LE QCOMPLNHT OOTHER: INEPECTOR.LLO04 CLMMENS/CCNgTIONS TNt:d- 43`( vyL5 I,-1fWkedsc4 FGCogs pyIII­ 4# LUB t / 441 pC � � pd �D I(�a a-37" v(lo to 677b� JUN 202024 NJ:0 "'/q BYE SDILCDDES: REWRp[RA.W AND INSTALLATION RERHT V.WE G=GRAVE. S=SWD L=LOPE M-SILT C=CIAY E=.REMELY R=ROUTS REWIRED FOR FINALAPPROVAL. IRE GTE APPUCATICN EX%RATION DATE APPLIG APPROYEO'ISSUM. DATE NSP $IONATII THIS FORM MY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC WEN ON WE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE REVSEDIV7QME DESIGN FORM-PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 3 2 2 3 2 - 7 5 - 9 0 0 3 1 A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: 'Completed design form that has been signed and dated. 'Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist 'Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. 'Cross-section sketch, including all applicable items on checklist. This forts may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason county Web site.Maximum papersiae: 11"X 17" a/ —�yPARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG yZ l L0Q2- d Designer's Name: ALEX L PAYSSE Applicant's Name: THOMAS LANPHEAR Designer's Phone Number: 360-428-1803 Mailing Address: 1920 HUDSON STREET NW Designer's Address: 3083 E MASON BENSON RD OLYMPIA WA 98502 GRAPE lI WA 98546 city State zip city Stale zip Treatment Device O Glendon Biofilter ❑Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑Send Lined Drainfield ❑Recion lating Filter,Type: ❑Actable Unit Make/Model ❑Disinfection Unit Make/Model Other: Drainfleld Type ❑Gravity EfPressure fiftrench ❑Bed f]Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 4 / Schedule/Class SCH.40 — Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 360 gpd Length 67 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 480 , gpd Diameter 1.25 " in Septic Tank Capacity(working) 1500 _ gal Number 4 ' Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 4 r Separation 10 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.6 i gpd/ft' Orifices Required Primary Area 800 fir Tom]Number of Orifices 56 Designed Primary Area 804 e W Diameter 3116 in Designed Reserve Area 804 ftr Spacing 60 in TrenchBed Width 3 ft Manifold TrenchBed Length 268" ft Schedule/Class SCH.40 Elevation Measurements Length 32 It Original Drainfield Area Slope 5 % Diameter 1.25 in New Slope,If Altered 5 % Preferred manifold configuration used? IiYes O No Depth of Excavation Up-slolx 11 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade po.�,-slope 9 in Schedule/Class SCH.40 Designed Vertical Separation -24+ in Length <100 ft Gmvelless Chambers Required? ❑ Yes 16 No D Optional Diameter 2 in Pump Required? Ed Yes ❑No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day 6 Diff.in Elevation Between Pump&Uppermost Orifice c5 ft Doss quantity 80 gal Dminfield Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) 2 ft Chamber Capacity(flood) 1500i gal Uppermost Orifice EfHigher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Please check those required. Capacity Q Total Pressure Head 33 gpm RITimer Sitlapse Meter RrEvem Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 17 it If Timer: Pump on 1.2 MIN ,Pump off 4 FIRS Comments 71 'DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:3 2 2 2 — 7 5 — 9 20 0 3 1 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch RJ Test hole locations IZ Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: la Soil logs Rf Trench/bed dimensions and Rf Septic tank Ib Property lines critical distances within layout EX Drainfield cover m Existing and proposed wells E6 D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property 16 Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: 19 Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations 19 Laterals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas Eg Observation port location bottom 19 Location and orientation of Eg Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption Rf Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components IZ Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: In Location and dimension of Ed Lateral placement with distance Rf Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Other Information Ib Buildings Rf Audibletvisual alarm referenced Yes No In Direction of slope indicator R1 Scale of drawing shown on scale Ed Design ❑ staked out Ib Waterlines bar ❑ [if Recorded Notices attached lif Roads,easements,driveways, ❑ Rf Waivers)attached parking 9 ❑Pump curve attached lid North arrow and scale drawing ❑ [if Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar Non-residential justification ❑ 1f Waste strength ❑ If Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be notified by installer at time of installation 56 Yes ❑ No .rY(R_ /ie C0 Signa re of Date goer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in I compliance with state and local on-site ula'ons: 7//z/7oay EnAronmental Health Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. Y/- /_ ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: I//� ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 169'-1" a __ ____ _ _ UNION HEIGHTS PLACE NORTH — 7jll- 4 —' R - 82' ---------� DRI VRE aIDRIVEWAY I _ BEDROOM r DRAINFIELD PRIMARY @RESERVE �\ 10'SETBACK TO 1 FOUNDATION 1 1 I SEPTIC TANK I 111I PUMPTANK N 40' I o I I I > I 1 I FUTURE BUILDING I LOCATION 1 '1 (HOME•GARAGE I FUTURE WATERLINE C I W/LIVING) I MAINTAIN 10'+ TO / — SEPTIC COMPONENTS Z � I n & LINES 1 1 \ 1 I EXISTING I m DRIVEWAY I � ------ ----- -- I I 1 0 FALLING STAR LANE ' ,LLF1 LMl w7g •. � 1 IN AN ASBUILTI INSTALL SIGNOFF FEE MALL BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION PIONEER DIGGING, W G CUSTOMER TI$7MAS LANIPI EAR TEST HOLE 1, TFST HOLE z TEST HOLE 3: PARCEL x 32232-7590031 D37 GSL 03/G9. P32 G9. 371COMP/TILL 37+L~TSL 32�C WlTIL SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: )=LI lION HEIGHTS PL ROOTS®37 R�11037�=.W1103 3083E MASON BEWN RD. GRA IEW,WA 9A546 DESIGNER: AIEX L PAYSSE OFFICE-360-4261803 FAX-360-427-2353 SHEET. SEIEPLAN SCALE F=40 OB PORT Bt CLEANOUT -- —1 5' -li I I I I I I I N I I I I I I " � I I I I I I i O j INSTALL LATERALS Z I WITH CONTOURS D MAINTAINING I CONSISTENT TRENCH DEPTH. zI I DRAI N FI ELD AREA y I-- 10' CLEARING MUST I F I BE DONE BY CERTIFIED INSTALLER TO �I N MINIMIZESOIL I DISTURBANCE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.25"SCH. 40 t I MANIFOLD LINES VALVE BOX AU iaw,g 2"SCH. 40 -- ---------------------- F , N ... TRANSPORT LINE AN ASBUILT/INSTALL SIGNOFF FEE WILL BE CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION PIONEER DIGGING, INC CLLSTOMER THOMAS IA VPHFAR TAT HIE I: TEST HOLE 2 TEST HOLE 3: PARCEL t.32232-7590031 37.CO. 37+ G9. 32. O 3A CJM1iP/'IUI. 37+CJ.MP/TII, 32+COMP/TILL SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: X: LMONHEr.I IMPL ROOTS 0V ROOTS@37 RJJTS@33 3083EM NBEI SO RD. GRAPEVIEW.WAN5 DESIGNER: ALFXL PAYSSE OFFICE 3604261803 FAX-360H27-2353 SHEET: DFDEULL. SCALE P=10• "".ff-`°"^"°�"'�"'•�Z' TO OB PORT SANDY FILL p MATERIAL � C/O FINISHED TO COVER b°+ r GRADE I FILTER/ I FABRIC I - ORIG. GRADE CLEAN' E , WASHED ROCK I I � + REST. LAYERIt t_ W----- I •,7, 'OR EQVIVELEN I ( 1 ume aJ ' LLEt td6 Wl$ THREADED CAP OwxalxEORMAnoxaaPM CLEANOUT ORIFICE DIST,TO 15T LATERAL# LENGTH(FT) SPACING R ORIFICES ORIFICE "ORIFICES@12:00 1 s u 12 W/ SHIELDS 2 05 is 12 3 0 5 14 II MM C u 5 u 12 Q0. IOTALLATEMLIENGTN 3E0 SWEEP TOTAL#ORIFICES 59 ORIFICEOIRPIJT ass GPM mm GLUED TEE RISER/LID OR VALVE BOX PWSECTION IENISTmi m FEEDER TOTAL ORIFICES HEAD(m DNE LEN6Ix AD)U5T 2•TRANSPORTPIFE 00 NA NA 0 1## TO # OF LATERALS LATERAL91 v 3 7O 14 an ATERAL02 0 u A 14 DM ATEML#1 67 22 19 14 an ATEML## 62 32 99 u L01 TorgLPRlrnory Loss 5.31 CHECK BALL CATION CW1xGE s VALVES RESIDIALNEAD 2 VALVES Loss THROHTTINGS s (AS NEEDED) TOTALDRNAMCHEAO 1 12.31 PIONEER DIGGING, INC 1CLETOMER- THOMAS LANPHEAR TEST HOLE L TFST HOLE 2 TEST HOLE 3: o-37 GSL 0-37 GSL o-32 G9. PARCEL#.32232-7590031 37+COMP/M. 37t COWITILL 32+COW/M SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS )=LINION HDHTS PL ROOTS 037 ROOTS @37 ROOTS@32 3063EMASONBEN4lNRD. GRMEVIEW,WA983s, DESIGNER: ALE(L PAYSSE OFFICE-36a4261803 FAX-3604 2353 SHF.EI': DFDE-FALC2) SCALE NA »'av w.o,.emo����owsEreM.sv�ri..� 24'RIBBED RISERS W/BOLTON WATER-TIGHT LIDS CLEANOUf VSE RISER LID ADAPTERS WITH NO GASKET LIDS L.. FINISHED GRADE WATER,nGHT JOINTS S INLET OUTLET 7 7WO WAY TEE WATER-TIGHT .i 4 O51 JOINTS EFFLUENT FILTER TANKS MUST BE ON STATE DOH f3W C LLONWA7ER77GHT APPROVED LIST CONCROFSEV77C TANK OF SEWAGE Y, i TANKS PUMPTANKS -• ' �� OVER 1000 GAL REOVIRESTWO ACCESS RISERS « -`r r,•. "r`•' •••�• r."" �'.•- '`', nme TO GRADE PVMPTANK5 AOVAWORKS LOCATEDATHIGHER CONTROL PANEL ELEVATION THAN W/TMEREVWCWNTER EN�iu�s+orx wne r24"RIBBED RISERS DRAINFIELDMU5i &HWRMMR nucenseoeseacicwn I W/WATER TIGHT LIDS HAVEANTI-SIPHON V DEVICE INSTALLED. FINISHED GRADE esscmrA�mnwi. TRANSPORT LINE INLET UNION&BALL VALVE 1500 GAl10N WA7ER77GHT CONCRE7E%/MGTANK (28 GAL./IN.) WATER-71GHT JOINTS PRESSURE TRANSDUCER CHECK VALVE (OR FLOATS) USE TANKS FITTED W/CAST IN WATER TIGHT FITTINGS FOR USE RUBBER INLET/OUTLE5AND PUMP BUCKET: GROMETS FOR CAST IN RISER BUCKET HEIGHT MUST BE TRANSPORTLINE ADAPTERS TO AT LEAST HEIGHT OF PUMP AND ELECTRICAL ENSURE WATER ON RISERS MAKE TIGHTNESS SURE ALL HOLES ARE WATER-TIGHT CUSTOMER: THOMAS LANPIiFA L SGVENA PIONEER DIGQNQ INC PARCEL x.32232-754MI IN5TALLTANKSON ORIGINALOR SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS:X00(UNION HEIGHTS PL COMPACTED LEVEL SOILS. RUN CROSS "3EMA80NBF315ONR G EVEEWVwA98516 DESIGNER: AID(LPAYSSE CONNECTIONS INTO ORIGINAL SAILS TO OFHCE-3609 IW3 FAX-360- KS 4272353 SHEET: TAN SCALE NA AVOID SETTLING. Inatallotion&System Notes 1.Installer must contact designer for final inspection of the installation prior to cover. All components,Including tanks,lids, transport line,drainfield,and water lines must be open for inspection. A$350.00 fee will be charged for time involved with the inspection of the installation and creation of the record drawing. The designer reserves the right to charge additional fees if multiple visits are needed due to installation errors or inaccessible components. 2.This septic design must be installed by a certified installer with the local health department. All components shall be Installed according to state,county,and manufacturer requirements. For Homeowner Installs,the owner must get approval from the designer and local health department prior to attempting installation. 3. Designer is not a surveyor. Installer must familiarize themselves with property line locations prior to installation. Any confusion or conflicts with line locations should be reported to the property owner. A licensed surveyor maybe necessary prior to installation to confirm all line locations. Any discrepancies found must be reported to the designer immediately. 4.Drainfield area may only be cleared by a licensed installer familiar with sensitive drainfield area preservation. The builder,lot developer,or property owner shall not clear the drainfield area. Any clearing required for drainfield installation shall not remove or disturb any top soil In Primary and Reserve areas. Removal or disturbance to drainfield soils could render design void. 5.The property owner and installer are responsible for locating all underground utilities(ex.water,gas,electric)prior to installation. Any utility locations shown within design drawings are likely approximate and may not be exact. 6.All proposed tanks must be installed on original soils or compacted gravels. Extend all tank connection lines out onto original soil to avoid settling issues. Risen and lids must be brought to finished grade and left accessible for future operations and maintenance. Component manufacturers(ex.ATU,Glendons,)may have other requirements not listed within this design. 7.All electrical wiring shall be done by a licensed electrician or homeowner(if allowed)and must be permitted through labor andlndustries. Designer not responsible for electrical permitting or other electrical specific code requirements. 8.The proposed septic system should be installed in dry weather conditions. Any failed attempts at installation during wet weather conditions may render this design void. 9. Maintain loft to waterlines with all septic components. If less than 10ft is required,sleeving in sch.40 pvc is required. If sewage transport lines and waterlines must cross,waterline must be 18"above sewage line with one of the lines sleeved in sch. 40 pvc loft in each direction of crossing. 10.This design may include waiver applications with specific mitigation measures pertaining to installation,operation and maintenance of the proposed components. 11.Stormwater runoff,footing drains,roof drains must be diverted away from any septic system components. No curtain, foundation,perimeter drains shall be installed 30ft downslope and 30ft upslope of drainfield areas. 12.This design is site specific and intended to meet state and county requirements that are related to the system components being proposed. Any placement of proposed buildings,proposed wells or other non-related items on these drawings may or may not meet other requirements. 13.All onsite septic systems require regular maintenance to verity satisfactory operation. The system owner/operator is responsible for the continuous operation and maintenance of the system per WAC 246-272A. For operation and maintenance information,refer to Mason County Public Health Homeowner's Manual,which should be received after installation approval. 14.System owner should be cautious of landscaping around septic components. Root intrusion can cause premature failure of the drainfield area. In addition,bushes and trees should be kept away from lids and other septic maintenance points. 15. Changes made at time of installation may impact designer calculations,pump sizing,and compliance w/county and state requirements. Contact designer prior to install w/any proposed variations from design. Changes may result in additional fees and permitting. PIONEER. DIGGWG, WG AR OEL`tE ';N' L AU a;M„g SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRESS: X%X UNION HEIGHTS PL 3083EMASONBBNONRD GKVFVIFW,WAWW DESIGNER. AM L PAYSSE OFFICE 36042151803 FAX-360i27-2353 SHEET: NOTES SCALE' NA