HomeMy WebLinkAboutAFTER THE FACT - SWG As-Built AFTER THE FACT RECORD DRAWING, pg 1 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Owner Name AIn+r5 -OEt-L. .Assessor Parcel# Mailing Address 311 bE 1C4W4ZLfru(2 Q OlM Specialist Name W Sic' IX City, State, Zip I VJA `W04 Installer Name - AyVf G� ) Site Address 3i(PS C. !PrCk4SU"J6 Piz Designer Name Je"aJ4-lali Please complete this checklist to the best of your knowledge. If items are unknown leave blank. INSTALLATION CHECKLIST System Type P.eireatment Type IJ A- r Drainfield Ln. Ft. ZGr7 Dralnfield So. Ft._ O� _ Drairfield depth 1-2 >5 ft. from foundation? ----------- ------ ---- -- - -- ❑wA !!ppp{{{Yes NO >60ft.from wells? ------- ----- - -- ----- - - -- - - - - - ❑ ❑ >50ft.from surface water? - -------------- - -- - - - - -- ❑ ❑ Fa- Cleanoutbetvacenbuildingandtank? -------------- - -- - - ❑ � ❑ V Tank beffies present? -- - - - - - -.-- ---- - - - -- - - - - - - -. ❑ ❑ 1- 24'access risers over each compartment?--- - ❑ X ❑ WEffluentfilter installed?- - - - -- - - --- - --- -- - - -- - - - - ❑ ❑ N Septic tank size flee gal Manufacturer- o D-bow:water level and speed levelers used? -- -- - - - DKNIA ❑YES ❑ NO 0J 0 Manifold/D-box accessible from surface?-- - ------ -- -- - - - - ❑ ❑ ❑ i t?Ik Ik 0Q Check valves installed? -- -- -- ----- -- ---- - ; - - - - ❑ ❑ Ela e Transport Line Size 2 schadule/Class- LtD g Bel.come installed (if known) ❑2 1<3 ❑4 ❑5 ❑6 ❑Commercial/Other >10 ft.from foundation? - - --- --- - - - -- -- - --- -- - - - - - ❑ NtA wee ❑ NO f L., >100 ti,from wells?---- - - - - - - --- - - -- --- ..- ..- - - -- - ❑ ttt3 W >100 ft.from surface water? . _------ .. - - - - -- - -- -- - - - . ❑ ❑ M �10@.from potable waterlines?----- - - --- ---- ---- - - - - ❑ ❑ p Z >5ft.from property lines and easements?-- -- -- - -------- ri ❑ >30 ft.from downorad!ent curtain:tlo!mdation drains? - ---- - - -- - _ $( ❑ ❑ Oraveless chambers or 4 Clean gravel used? ighzck one` Proper cover instafisd over drainflaid?----- ---- ----- -- - -- ❑ A ❑ Pump tank setbacks crnsistant with septic taak?--------- - - -- 1-1 Nu Yes NO Y Pump tank size 320 at Manufacture_.Ly W-eyfYtOAQ�t I� aE g2A"access rlsar�s)and accessible from surface?--------- - - -- ❑ �( ❑ Alan or Control Panel Installed? - --- --- -- - - -- -- - - - ❑ ❑ Control Panel equipped with Timer!ETM/Counter-- - -- - - - - - ❑ ❑ a Pump inffia!Ied!a i-; 2:!che,. or ❑ On Block or ❑ Other •�sr -r - Pump Make/Model YZ Ficats or ❑Transducer i a Tank draw down ___inlmin Pump capacity_,__gpm W� Squirt Height ft !7i Pump on time ll O'Np Pump o8ti� e g Dam ily flow set at y� Ipd j 1palt^:RiRoln AFTER THE FACT RECORD DRAWING, pg 2 Assessor Parcel#21p�e}� —doloo,9 RECORD DRAWING ❑ Dralneeld&manifold .notation&layout wldimanblons for reioagon. ❑ Trenchroed dimensions and on c distances vathin layout ❑ Seplidpump lank laatkm widii sons,for re-lualbn ❑ Location of buildings exisfing/proposed ❑ Obauvation pods, deartoul loatbns, &noodfoldsld-boxes ❑ Lncegonofwalls, Wdel'eM r.roads. &wated nes. ❑ Five.eras($) ❑ North Arrow Sep 2 JS , If needed drawing may be attached on a separate page No.PagesAaeohed CERTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION DESIGNER/APPROVED DIM SPECIALIST I certify that the information contained in this document is accurate to my knowledge. The drawing and information h been ob of through common locating practices. 21rb1z3 Signature of Designer crApproved 0/M Specialist Date MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH This is an afferthe fact record drawing, which may or may not include a county inspection. This intimation is to only document an existing OSS location and components. Signature ofEnwronmentat Health Speuafist Date THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNEDANDAVAIIABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE 1 ASON COUNTY WEB SITE I 1 , f I � T I � I o I I M � �I.C-rl�ovt I I CIM1..Ro I I I ivtil - ------ - ------ - - I Jirnt65 4 � / SITE PLAP lLEG OES Rlp lI i 4DER BEACH JWME T TR=-d 'BAMFORD SEPTIC REPAIR,LLC SITE dD�re:ss� aloe e PICKER!NG RD 301 E WALLACE KNEELAND BLVD y s.eLTw.uesuTou STE 224-332 SHELTON,WA 9OU-2985 ^ f Sanford septic Sepa/rxLLC 301 E. Wallace kneeland Blvd STEa224-332 13e01902344 Shelton. WA 96564 PROPERTYINFORMATION Location:3968 E PICKERING RD Shelton Tax 10:220045000003 seem JAMESSBELLETAL 84TH ST SW Utah I.AKEWOOD,WA 08499 GENERAL SYSTEM TYPE:Conventional (Non-Pressurized) ON ID:220045000003 County Area:Case Inlet ON-SITIE WASTEINATER TREATMENT SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT ;peeled:02`1042023 - Inspection Type:ROUTINE- Correction Status:No corroc0ons needed pany Work powered By: SuemldOd0VI.Y20236y] a lBamford.seplic Repan,LLC Thaddeus Bamford Thaddeus Bamford 11I1 COMMENTS 8 GENERAL INSPECTION NOTES No Deficiencies Noted hei ected for Aher the Fad AS-BUILT. Located!lines 0 drain field. NO ohsowd problems. GENERAL SITE 8 SYSTEM CONDITIONS The General Site and System Conditions were: Fully Imbedded Components ecdelrf for ed(iservice' YES All required secedeperlormetl(il no specify omitted inspection hems In notes): YES Surfacing ellluenl from any empon nd(including mound seepage): NO Components appear to he Esential-do visual leaks. YES Improper¢nUOaCM1meM(BVWVIR9(mpGmiWe eudafEa) NO All riser has securely hastened upon departure: YES I-Areal repairs needed If YES describe In comments: NO l t many c.mp.cddts If YES tl b coin 1 NO thing problems observed IFYIESdedonseaddedurnin, NO The Mueeldruclure was seems or used infiniquidi assessment of the drelMeltl was not possible. NO ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM INSPECTION DETAIL nna tun,pm,om was: Fuge pynOed Effluent bvN within operational limits(it No eaplatn in COmmenta) YES M required leaOles in place(NIA=No Saflles dequiredl: YES Compartment l Scum pnchas.11olharspedfy): Compartment1 Sludgeondraccumulation(chess.IIther euesed Compartment 2 Sound eccumulal tfo(I(inche.If otherr speci 1. Compartment 2 Sludge ecwmulalion(inches If other specily). Pumping recommended NO Mmute0Wnr:ant ConsWcbe Martel'.Gravel Th'16c7lnp. enlcods: FlayImluden Laleralllnes flu shed: NO Average squirt height(if pedormad)(feel,Ifother specify). Ponding prasenty If YES explain in comments: NO This component was Fully Inspecsa] Conlmis lundimning: TES Tested gallons per minute flow I it Refusal llM289 View inspector reuses online at wvw.onlinerme.com Page i of ..w..wn.are rznomoos raoe.l.r.m aimlf.a�n rms componem war. s�uv m.�rwa (Alarm mecnaNsm luntl�oning as inleneed ves n.,w..�s....�w.e.n,rc.an»o.a...��m•w�+m..,.a.,..n,A..r.v«rewn.a+�.:..am..w,sw.o.n.m...•. RopowID:MUM View mep wn reports online al wvw onfinermecom Page 2 d 2