HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeoTech Review Enforcement Case - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 12/2/2004 °N.STAP MASON COUNTY o s u = PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER Y. N Y Shelton,Washington 98584 DATE: December 2"d, 2004 lesa INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Diane Marcus Jones, DCD—Planner Kristen French, DCD -Planner FROM: Alan A. Tahja, P/W- Co. Hydr. Engr. WO#PLG-04 SUB.J: Enforcement Case Review NAME: Vermillion Grading A S Shr Rd ENF2004-00126 The geotechnical report/restoration plan prepared for the Jerry Vermillion property located on the south side of the South Shore Road(State Highway 106)has been received and reviewed by Public Works. The materials submitted for Public Works review included a preliminary geotechnical report prepared in 2002, and a more recent completion of that original report, dated March 30, 2004. The most recent report indicates that the proposed project consists of"leaving in place, as is, the existing Cleared Areas and system of Trails/Roads on his property to provide access throughout his property for fire protection and select tree cutting. Further, he proposes to maintain them, do select tree cutting, and occasionally install spur skid trails to access select trees." The report may be considered adequate based on this level of activity, and provided the engineer's recommendations are incorporated into the limited activities indicated in the report. The roads already constructed on the Vermillion property, are viewed as temporary logging roads with no permanent status. If in the future,the property owner renews his plans to develop the property into divided lots, claims that any roads already exist will not be entertained when stormwater modeling of the site is performed. To summarize,the report appears adequate for the proposed continuance/maintenance of the logging access roads, but the reviewed plan is not detailed enough to allow additional un- permitted grading or clearing. Please feel free to contact me at County extension 461 if you have any questions pertaining to these comments, or if you feel additional features or issues need further attention. Since ly, / Z , f Wan A. Tahja File: H: \WP\GEO\Restoration Plans\Vermillion.doc 3a a3� 41 90 0o a 11-11JUM WORKS DEPT. uV Date: PEWIT �d (EI Work Order ` Requested by:. ,rhj . Numbor. - ,o Authorized by: Type of Work: -F --r�«�, a tr, Dole: CHARGE TO: CY a NAME Gr�a�v., tfl►-> ti� .—easu�, AGENCY/COMPANY BILUNG ADDRESS PHONE Pub. Woft Person In Charge: Project 17me Llne: (from•to dates y Pro}ect Statt date: TO Eaated.Flnlsh Gate: APR�r�ate hotxs: '� . ESTIMATEOTOULL VS: (Ii COST ESTIMATE �� _bS'ei .Batt Hours 22 TOTAL EQUIPMENT USED: Lem MATERIAL USED; ACWO Cost s man oATE CAM. PRar P: • TOTAL= -------------- EQU1PMEW USED; ! TOT , :x MATERIAL,USED; (0) GILLED DATE INV TOTAL ALLPAID DATE i MARTIG ENGINEERING P.O. Box 11850 Olympia, WA 98508-1850 (360) 754-9687 Fax (360) 704 0789 RECEIVED March 30, 2004 APR 0 7 2004 MCCD - PLANNING Mason County Department of Community Development 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 578 Shelton, WA 98584 Attn: Kristin French, Code Enforcement Re: GEO-TECHNICAL REPORT for: * Property Owner- Jerry Vermillion * Parcel Address- 8371 E. Hwy 106 Union, WA 98592 * Phone Number- (360) 898-8234 * Tax Parcel Numbers- #32234-44-00010 & #32234-44-00000 * Proposed Project- Leave in-place, as-is, existing Cleared Areas &Trail/Road System; Maintain same; Cut select trees; & Install occasional spur skid trails * Response to Mason County Code Enforcement requirement to provide submittal of FULL GEO-TECHNICAL REPORT. Dear Ms. French: Martig Engineering has completed a full Geo-Technical Report for the above referenced Vermilion Property/Project, to satisfy Code Enforcement requirements. As a result of our investigations, outlined within this Report, we can affirm that all potential Landslide Hazards can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and no significant Environmental Impacts will result if this project is permitted as outlined within this Report and its attachments. PROPOSED PROJECT Jerry Vermillion proposes to leave in place, as is, the existing Cleared Areas and system of Trails/Roads on his property to provide access throughout his property for fire protection and select tree cutting. Further, he proposes to maintain them, do select 1 tree cutting, and occasionally install spur skid trails to access select trees. The Vicinity Map (Attachment # 1) shows directions to the property. This Vermillion property has two Parcel Numbers. On July 26, 2002, a Geo-Technical Report was prepared for Parcel # 32234-44-00000 for the Building Permit involving the construction of improvements to his existing single family residence. A copy of it is attached to this Report as Attachment # IV. On November 11, 2002, an Engineering Report was prepared, as a precursor to this Geo-Technical Report, to present the current status of Trails/Roads and Tree Cutting that had been conducted before County approval to do so. A copy of it is attached to this Report as Attachment #V. The following discussion summarizes our: Site Investigations; Research of Site Conditions; Analyses; and Conclusions, allowing this Geo-Technical Report to be completed for the above referenced site. GEO-TECHNICAL REPORT 1. Geology, Soils, Groundwater, Landslides: This site is shown on the Mason County Coastal Atlas Maps (Attach. #5 & #6 within Attachment# IV ). Attach. #5 shows the residence located within a Stable designation, with the adjacent land to the south (Parcel # 32234-44-00010) being designated Intermediate. No landslides are designated near this site. A small perennial Spring emerges from the hillside in the northwest portion of Parcel # 32234-44-00010 at an elevation of approximately 45. It creates a Type IV Stream that runs across both parcels. Very small, localized, extremely minor, surface slides have occurred near the spring. These minor surface slides cause localized shifting of the stream channel but do not create structural instability of the hillside. Attach. #6 shows that the Parcel # 32234-44-00000 site soils are an Alluvium of sands and gravels which allow moderate infiltration and low runoff. The adjacent Parcel # 32234-44-00010 soils to the south are Pleistocene gravel deposits older than Vashon Till which stand at steep natural slopes for long times with high infiltration and low runoff. The Mason County Soils Survey identifies the Parcel # 32234-44-00000 site soils as Everett Gravelly, Sandy, Loam and indicates slopes of 5 to 15% (measured to be in the 5% range at the existing residence). These soils are well draining and consistent with the Geologic Conditions reported in the Atlas. The adjacent Parcel # 2 32234-44-00010 soils to the south are shown to be Alderwood Gravelly, Sandy, Loam with slopes 30 to 45%, found to be as high as 59.6% on the Union Quadrangle Map. We found no evidence of slides or slope instability during our site inspection visits nor did we find any using DNR stereo Aerial Photographs dated 1989, 1995, 1997, & 1999. A 1" = 500' scale copy of the 1999 DNR Photo (Attach: #7, within Attachment # IV) shows the stable site. The south Highway 106 ditch captures both surface water runoff and shallow groundwater interflow and conveys them to the Canal easterly of the residence. Only the precipitation falling directly on Parcel # 32234-44-00010 introduces water into the site soils. Since the surface rapidly infiltrates precipitation, very little surface water flow can exist. The southerly property line of Parcel # 32234-44-00010 lies at the ridge of the watershed, therefore, no off-site water is tributary to the property Given the geologic conditions, we did not expect to find, nor did our site inspection encounter, any horizontal subsurface groundwater interflow thru unconsolidated soils that could cause slope instability on either parcel. No new clearing or measurable new grading will occur. The existing cleared areas and the existing Trails/Roads will be maintained as such. DNR road water baring will be used to prevent the development of down-gradient road erosion/washing. Attachment # V shows photographs of the major portions of existing cleared areas and Trails/Roads. No new roads will be constructed without prior County approval. Small spur skid trails can be allowed, to reach selected trees from existing Trails/Roads, without causing any hillside instability or any adverse environmental impact. The selective removal of trees can be allowed without causing any hillside instability or any adverse environmental impact. 2. Site Plan of Important Geologic Features: The Vicinity Map, Attachment# I shows the Vermillion Property on the USGS Union Quad Map at a scale of 1" = 500'. It shows that the major release of water from the hillside occurs within streams located westerly and easterly of the property A minor swale runs along the westerly property boundary but does not support a stream. The small perennial spring located in the northwest corner of Parcel # 32234-44- 00010 is located just east of this swale but has had no major impact on the hillside contours. 3 Attachment # II shows the USGS Quad contours at a scale of 1" = 200'. Both property parcels are shown on it, along with the location of two Elevation Views (Attachment # III shows these elevation views as Section A-A & Section B-B). You can see the stable, uniform spacing of the 20-foot contours and see that essentially no off-site water is tributary to the property. 3. Location of Soil Exploration Holes/Probes: The above described soils formations that exists at and near the site are exposed as cut-slopes along older logging road grades existing within Parcel # 32234-44- 00010 (photographs of these appear in Attachment#V). Additionally, previously dug septic system soils test pits remain at various locations along the hillside, confirming the reported soils. Given these exposed soils, no additional soils test borings or test pits were required to confirm the conditions and type of the site soils. 4. Cross Sections showing slope disturbances: No new excavations or grading will occur. The existing cleared areas and Trails/Roads have been monitored for stability since early 2002, which includes the winters of 2002/2003 & 2003/2004. These existing improvements have remained stable with no required maintenance. Cutting and mowing will be necessary to keep the vegetation growing within these existing improvements at ground level to facilitate travel over them. No side-slope disturbances will occur. Section A-A & Section B-B, shown on Attachment# III, are the two Elevation Views drawn on the Attachment# II USGS Quad Topographic Map. They show that the predominant hillside slope varies from about 30% to 60%. However, localized small areas of lesser slopes occur at several locations within Parcel # 32234-44-00010, especially along the south Hwy 106 righ-of-way. 5. Slope Stability Discussions: As discussed within this report, the existing Cleared Areas and Trails/Roads are stable and are not creating landslides or other adverse environmental impacts. Leaving them as constructed, the proposed maintenance of them, the proposed cutting of selected trees, and the installation of spur skid trails to reach some selected trees will not create significant environmental impacts and no landslide hazard will be induced if these proposed activities are permitted. 6. Drainage, Septics, Water, Placement.- This Geo-Technical Report addresses leaving in place the existing Cleared Areas and Trails/Roads as well as the continued maintenance of them. It further addresses the selective cutting of trees and the installation of spur skid trails as 4 approvable activities. Therefore, no Septic or Potable Water issues are relevant. Improvements associated with the older existing residence on Parcel # 32234-44- 00000 and related water & septic issues were addressed in the July 26, 2002 Geo- Tech Report, Attachment IV. No runoff problem exists at either parcel. The site soils infiltrate very rapidly once the good existing Understory vegetation becomes completely wetted. The site has been monitored for runoff problems over the last two winters. 7. Clearing & Grading Plan: No new clearing or grading is proposed, only the maintenance of existing Cleared Areas and Trails/Roads, the select cutting of trees, and the occasional installation of spur skid trails to access selected trees. 8. Erosion Control Plan: Since no new grading will occur, special erosion control measures will not be needed. The existing Clearings and Trails/Roads will remain intact. These areas are stable with existing water bars and natural vegetation. Trail/Road maintenance involves the blading/cutting and/or mowing of vegetation growing within their existing limits to allow travel over them. Water bars will be maintained and added if traction ruts develop. Select tree cutting must leave the Understory vegetation intact. Any newly exposed bare soil resulting from the installation of occasional spur skid trails must be immediately covered with 3-inches of loose straw/hay until natural vegetation returns. Water baring and/or other DNR erosion control measures should be used if/as required. 9. On-Site & Off-Site Impacts: In summary, no adverse environmental impacts nor landslide triggers will result, either On-Site or Off-Site, if the existing Clearings and Trails/Roads are allowed to remain as constructed. Nor will their maintenance, the select cutting of trees, and the occasional installation of spur skid trails, if these activities are permitted as presented within this Geo-Technical Report. 10. Final development Conditions: Existing site conditions will be maintained and no new clearing or grading is necessary. Therefore, no special conditions are necessary for this Project as proposed. 5 I, Kenneth W. Martig, Jr., PE, of Martig Engineering have completed the required Geo- Technical Report as document within this letter Report and its attachments. I am familiar with this site, having lived in the area for decades and having visited and inspected the site and its surrounds for several years and the two most recent winters. As documented, potential landslide hazards have been overcome and no significant environmental impacts will result if this proposal is permitted as discussed above. C ified by: K nneth W. Martig, r., E Attachments: #1 Vicinity Map and Site Entrance Photo; #II USGS Union Quad Topography Map (with two Elev. Views); #III Elevation Views Drawing, Section A-A & Section B-B; #IV Parcel # 32234-44-00000 Geo-Tech Report (copy); & #V Parcel # 32234-44-00010 Engineering Report (copy). Of 9 12�2 O w� FGjSTEP� ?�`' ONAL ENG EXPIRES 1-9- p y 6 U lGt✓t l� IY�� 3(301c)4 Yt1INA1�I�OM� ~• r Il HWy 106 CPPL _0 � HOOD r � � S f VICINITY MAP or vRO� C NOT TO SCALE Q �` P O �J ¢ a�stN :«: y�t, � wv'F54 � a �?��fiK��k,1,}�.S=�+ "�y+'s�nr-+!`,r*�►;?*.a.vh.� {ikai�.i��4f,�� i �ri*�;��� t{���5 .tom �v�'� •d� �i-�' �.��nfi4 � R�' ��.�0 ..1 =.s ��a6 �t a♦ 1 .;;.t �' "W ��.•�� '1.a - i ,R;4 Y?9l t.� }��'��?_ yS eR" yr i 1 ii S" i t � s• rai ♦'+ + 9.yA to S U5 Lk-%ob. Q,,.etA s _ n 5cA�e: t =ZOO �, z i - pmp Y t 4 M�� 1:Y/M1 9W SIYk 15,HlL[M �,rJnnt � � ` A2-392 50 SHEETS EYE-F S S SQUARE �O�iNBNonel r'Bfdtl l 42-� 21000 SHEETS S EYE-EASC'5 SQUUM' w.n-,u s i• �0.GL,I.r,�1n� SeCA-Lo' " A-A 4 pp Sac, 4-75 3�C) I i Z.00 i p 6o se��-�o ti Q'B B 67a z3s o n 100 zaa 300 4-00 SDo a IDID Za0 MARTIG ENGINEERING P.O. Box 11850 l.(o�4bty ll,2oaz Olympia, WA98508-1850 ,.��K��,.t�� (360) 754-9687 Pf►vc�eA November 11, 2002 3 2z3a'44 o o d l o Mason County Department of Community Development 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 578 Shelton, WA 98584 Attn: Kristin French, Code Enforcement Re: CODE COMPLIANCE for: * Property Owner- Jerry Vermillian (10237 Kiwa Dr. SE, Olympia, WA, 98513); * Parcel Address- 8371 SR 106 Union, WA 98592; *Phone Number- (360) 491-8234; *Tax Parcel Number-#32234-44-00010; *Completed Grading- Access Roads & Graded Pads/Tumarounds/Staging Sites; *Response to Mason County Letter- Code Enforcement Warning Notice, 2/15/02; *SUBMITTAL OF ENGINEERING REPORT; *Supplement to existing Correspondence; Dear MS. French: This Engineering Report documents our investigations and analyses of the above referenced property in response to your Waming Notice Letter dated 2/15/02, our site visit with you and Michael MacSems, and numerous discussions concerning the grading activity and vegetation removal that has occurred on this property. This Engineering Report is intended to address the stability of the already graded areas of concern and will be followed, at a later date, by a full Geotechnical Report. The full Geotechnical Report will cover how the already graded areas will be integrated into an approvable development plan, or restored, as well as cover all other necessary elements of the proposed development plan. 1 SITE INVESTIGATION On October 8, 2002, Martig Engineering conducted a complete inspection of all areas on the above referenced property where grading and vegetation removal has occurred. When comparing the graded areas with aerial photographs of record, we find that this grading has been ongoing over a number of years. Originally, grading of logging roads and skid trails was conducted to remove timber. Also early on, graded access to a potable water supply spring was conducted, with water supply pipes being installed to deliver water to cabins on the Canal. While in control of the property, Mr. Vermillian has improved and extended the logging roads and skid trails to further remove timber and firewood. Associated with this activity, he has graded level pads for decking logs, sawing lumber, and producing split firewood. Recently, Mr. Vermillian has been attempting to sub-divide the property into several single-family residential lots. He did contact Mason County staff during his efforts, and did proceed with Septic System perk holes (which required additional access grading). However, he did not understand the actual process requirements, since many of the applicable regulations were evolving and new to him. Mr. Vermillian completely halted all grading and vegetation removal since receiving the February 15, 2002 Warning Notice letter. His activities have been restricted to cutting firewood and finishing the sawing of lumber, both using roads and sites existing as of 2/15/02. During our site investigation we photographed all areas where grading and vegetation removal has occurred. Attached at the end of this Report narrative is a copy of the "Roads & Grading Site Plan, Photo Inspection Record". This Site Plan shows all graded areas and where each of the thirty-one photographs was taken. Copies of the photographs are also attached. ANALYSES As shown in the attached thirty-one photographs, most of the graded areas have noticeable vegetation on them, except the tire tracts where bare gravely soil remains. This vegetation consists of planted grasses and natural Understory brushes, weeds, vines etc. and Canopy seedlings of Alder, Fir, Cedar, etc. that have started naturally. 2 Photographs 1 and 2 show the road associated with the Septic Drainfield for the Vermillian Cabin. This road continues up the hill for timber and firewood removal as shown in photos 3 thru 6. Photographs 7 thru 15 show the majority of the roadway grading. Potential building sites, yet to be proven feasible, exist at photo site 7 thru 9, at site 11 & 12, at site 22 & 23, and at site 24 & 25. The upcoming full Geo-Tech Report will address their actual potential and include a proposed development plan. The main Code Warning problem area is shown in photographs 16 thru 21, at the Site Map location marked Partial Road "Gap". At this point, no signs of erosion or soil instability can be seen. However, no completion or additional grading will occur at this gap unless/until a County Approved proposal can be secured. CONCLUSION No new grading or vegetation removal will occur until a full Geotechnical Report supporting such additional activity is presented and approved by the County. Only the continued removal of firewood and timber thinning will continue, using existing roads that will be maintained using DNR BMP's to arrest runoff and erosion. Since the disturbed and graded areas have ground cover growing on them and no areas of active erosion or eminent erosion were identified during our inspection, no additional erosion control actions are prescribed at this time. However, Martig Engineering will be monitoring the site thru the 2002-2003 winter wet season. Should any erosion potential appear, Martig Engineering will immediately coordinate corrective measures with Mr. Vermillian. This concludes this Engineering Letter Report. Sin rely: IT IsTEP� nneth W. Martiqr., a S/011VAL Attachments: #1- Roads & Grading Site Plan, Photo Inspection Record JEXPIRES 14- o #2- Thirteen Pages (showing thirty-one photographs) 3 i I Mo �a I elf c I 3��hs N o. oilX'� o i AIIIN 1 I � m Vu i ,. %� \ � � oQ-fit►- �iZ� 'oN �sa..�ea x�l; �4"�'�"�G� .. . ... ., ,. 1..-.,�..; .. ..._...., ._...�.,,�+::,' .... ,•.,�'.a.�.Y-esi�e"�n:�.t++a�.ev:..we;.,�..+.ywc--:r, .;x e.�wmse++�a.rv...�::R>...�a:_e.: _ _ ,�Yl � • :r 'sA s a w tij ;♦ 3, Zap r�'s•• � � a *g. a� o '•aa .'s 4� ♦ f� �► .ivy �x _ 'y R° ... -- - �r fin. y k ti y r � � �.�"� }'..y 4Sr; Yet:�o�f•_ �,. �`r t -\ .,ALL •'Ow - - -,/'� r ekL1+SF7 a• � r ow oo or- rz .46 ;E vet�. r� '!* ��« !_� .. �- '1.�. . ./ • A �re" s�:T't .I'' � '- �� i f� `y�yi� b'� ar ..•1 ."Z ' . - A !� =A s �r :� r '' ^ mow' y'e��„� �• .A�qb' Apt ' — w falzr 'r�- --,. .'..• � ��'d' +'"�M.„:$ 1. s wr? _ . �. s! r TAB' $W,. q `_ •+� 4 f4�!"f'A .6 K f i`.f;a0 'Yt�l T r_ . 41. POP •xr.:..,� .,'sue, ..`�...., 1���,,rr, kr� r3a' . 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