HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2018-00517 Remodel - BLD Application - 5/20/2018 v LoMASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: wk-I PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: kUHLDING •BUILDING•PLANNING•PUBLIC HEALTHs 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,W RECEIVED Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext.352•Fax.,(360)427-7798 Phone Belfair.(360)275-4467•Phone Elma:(360)482-5269 MAY 1 1 2018 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION05 W.Akler " NAME: lfffAdd 44r a NAME: MAILDXG ADDRES�: MAILING ADD SS. CITY k,A�/ STATE ZIP: CITY: S ZIP: PHONE 1:.2 PHONE: CELL: PHONE#2: - EMAIL EMAIL: R reArTa4TW L&I REG# EXP. PRIMAIaY C NTACT: OWNER CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER❑ NAME EMAIL MAILING CITY STATE ZIP PHONE CELL PARCEL INFORMATION:PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) .2 Zz Soo a3l LZZON—ING IOQ 19 If - G l LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated) IE'!RE I TRICT SITE ADDRESS ' CTTY DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES)( NO❑ IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Chakauthat Wy): SALTWATER LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW❑ ADDITION AL,T�EeRATIO ❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ y/' / AJ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Eta I S/ I�CC.� IS USE: PRIMARY❑ SEASONAL X NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 'XI NUMBER OF BATHROOMS Z HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(whole Bldg) YES(P (s)oj p NO❑ DESCRIBE WORK 4041 �/t r SQUARE FOOTAGE:(propose+existing) ,51 E x I S h C � C e— `J 0 QIV 1 ST FLOOR 3 y, q.fL 2ND FLOOR sq.& 3RD FL4 sq.ft. BASEMENT sq.ft. DECK sq.ft. COVERED DECK sq.ft. STORAGE sq.ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE sq.ft. Anached❑ Detached❑ CARPORT sq.fL Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC❑ SEWER)( / NEW❑ EXISTINGY PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES❑ NO>[ Ijyes,attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERT ETERNOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES NO❑ EXISTING SO.FT.. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOMS TOTAL BEDROOMS �.. OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null 8 void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTI ION F WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTMTY OF THIS PERMIT AP LIC I N OF 80 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON k COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) Q X S—�—/0 Signature of OWNER(Must be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: s-`a -� PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER;— [JU`®� •BUILDING •PLANNING •FIRg: G 615 W.Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 RECEIVED EC Iy +�ED www.co.mason.wa.us 1�►GVL Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 352• Fax.(360)427-7798 �;—01F Phone Belfair:(360)275-4467• Phone Elma:(360)482-5269 MAY 2 1 2018 PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICAT1051W.Alder St"t OWNER IN TI CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: Lvi,cw 1-1:)iia (/e NAME: S, 9&,Q MAILING DDRES OZ - MAILING ADD Sg: CITY; STATE: ZIP: qjff3 CITY: STATE: ZIP: 1"PHONE. PHONE: CELL: 2na PHONE: EMAIL : EMAIL: ff- y7 L&I REG# EXP. PARCEL INFORMATION:PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): 1.20, Zoning: Z/C, " '/ t`�d'T�C•t f LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbrevia.ted): l zG 2G ' SITE ADDRESS: L:, ! o , C TY: D19EQTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: n o .2 O L>° T17PE OF JOB- NEW ADD ALT REPAIR OTHER USE OF BUILDING LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS—I ST FLOOT 2ND FLOOR BASEMENT G GE OTHvk PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL TS Type of Fixture No.of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric LPG Natural Gas—Ductless— Toilets L Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink / i Furnace 'tw-s;?�' 29 Bath Tubs 16 Heat Pump L� ' t b / Fan 2 D Showers Spot Vent Fan1 �7, DD Water Heater i IV Propane Tank Clothes Washer irt 7d Gas Outlets Kitchen Sinks 17 Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Dishwasher ! Kitchen Exhaust Hood Hose bibs Dryer Vent 3,�Q Other Solar Panel Other C./(fic Base Fee Base Fee vZ r o TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or contractor.I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized const tion is not ommenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATI OF HI PERMIT S BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INV DAT THE LICATI X 5-20 2LI/ ignature of Owner Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Rev:1/27/2016 1BN t ( 00 By 3�er ' �! i I . re Or, ve way Fen66,;5 47 Or IT DH W� a.r�xtao� U� P14r.,, - . • l} X � x x � x t i Y VED MASON COJ�� , �r 7 PLANNING dale TO Preq, SITE PLAN REQUIREu i 0 BE ON SIT CHANGES SUBJECT TO AP A At if �r�) 1 © BY Date 1,4w) (ei5wv4 cover) ,p� f f 41,0GG endrol s C4-€r Po ref,/ MIA�e �`•� .��. � _rasa � d 6 s d C n lib'r' terms T016/ /00 /0 k//// ie hi�; �alliTj, 75�0 bra t/i E�tJ Lor �L ,� e Ryle i ��/l is S r C0mmorr Sri, ," l � �An avn 1att5 a, 4? ee � /0 r /?'.2-z L7 rF, �7/ NameA�&- e Parcel# BLD# . RECEIVED Mason County 'L��� pp�� Department of Community Development MA Smal�1'arcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 1 of 2) Per Mason County Code,Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment',with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surfacez. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction,installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 'Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X Width = Area *All dimensions in feet Buildings X _ X = Measurements for buildings are taken at the X _ perimeter of the farthest projections (example: eaves/gutters) X = Driveways X = ,Z X = 9k Length of drive begins at the right of way X = Parking Areas X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Others X = X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area (sum of all areas) �D If the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Spuare Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is b signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further ackno edg at the i ormation provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- descr/iVo erty or evie nd inspection as may be required. X Owner Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: If the Total Impervious Surface Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. Page I of 2 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WSEC/Ventilation Code Compliance Application Submit with heating/cooling system size worksheet (see instructions A41 SI"E r.() zner- O Parcel#: Type f project: e .z 9y00 d v Total Sq. Ft. Ilst Floor: 2"d floor: Heated Basement: of heated area:: 34� Pl/Y' Heating System Type: O Electric wall heater O Electric Central Furnace O LPG Furnace ,YHeat Pump with electric furnace O Heat pump with gas furnace O Ductless Heat Pump O Boiler, specify fuel type: O Other: Specify: Prescriptive Option Table R402.1.1 (see table on previous page) Compliance Method ❑ Component Performance, R402.1.3 — Calculation worksheets required Must Check one:: ❑ Other (Specify): — - Whole House Ventilation system El Whole House Ventilation s p4 Check one �,� Ventilatio using exhaust fans&window or wall Integrated with a Forced Air El Other(�,,a c i 6: fresh air vents(M1507.3.4). If using System(M1507.3.5) n System window vents be sure to order windows with vents. Referencing Table R406.2, "Additional Residential Energy Efficiency Requirements,"all residential units must develop credits as specified in Table 406.2. Identify and describe which option(s)will be used to comply. If the table is not attached to this form you can access the table on our website at: hftp://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/Community Dev/iecc wsec.pdf Additional a) Description: Small dwelling units: less than 1,500 sq. feet of heated or cooled floor area and less than 300 sq. ft fenestration area (skylights, doors, windows, etc). Energy *Including additions to existing building that are greater than 500 sq. ft. of heated floor Efficiency Requirem but less than 1,500 sq ft of floor area. Requires 1.5 credits ents b) Medium dwelling units that are not included in (a)above {small dwelling}, OR (c) below Energy {large dwelling) Requires 3.5 credits credits EXCEPTION. Dwelling units serving R-2 occupancies shall require. Requires 2.5 required: credits. See page two for description. c) Large dwelling unit is a dwelling unit that exceeds 5,000 sq. ft. of heated or cooled floor area. Requires 4.5 credits d) Additions less than 500 sq feet. Requires .5 credits (Fenestration is defined in the IECC as skylights, roof windows, vertical windows, opaque doors, lazed-doors that include products with glass and non-glass glazing materials. Describe Energy Credit Option(s): S PY /^quIlf(r T, Using Option � number(s): f'T 5/7 1�y5�fr�CIr 11 o f val�nj vca' d �� 4�4 IP Ila�14A, - R 3 FENESTRATION'SCHEDULE USE FOR ENERGY CREDIT, a) SMALL DWELLING OPTION & COMPONENT PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE List all windows, doors, skylights. (If needed attach an additional sheet) 'Fenestration is defined in IECC Chapter 2 as skylights, roof windows, vertical windows, opaque doors, glazed-doors that include products with lass and non-glass lazing materials. Manufacturer Location U-Factor Size Quantity Total rough opening) Square Feet /�l' aa►' lit G'�� 0 l ZY / g 3o as a o X25 � 0 , 34 I-1q )(iol c72 o Total Fenestration: windows, skylights and door area Energy Credits 4 UIL®IN `, Simple Heating System Size:Washington State RECEI v ED This heat in system sizing.calculator is based on the Prescriptive Requirements of the 2015 Washington State Enemy Code(WSEC)and A AL (('' Manuals J and S.This calculator will calculate heating loads only.ACCA procedures for sizing cooling systems should be used to de e o V v�-• loads. Al Please fill out all of the green drop-downs and boxes that are applicable to your project.As you make selections in the drop-dowr�1bc+le�c�t•sleLR��S �t some values will be calculated for you.If you do not see the selection you need in the drop-down options,please call the WSU Energy Extension Program at(360)956-2042 for assistance. Project Information Contact Information 7570 E Grapeview Loop Rd Allyn,WA Michael Donahue 253-797-7894 Heating System Type: O All Other systems @)Heat Pump To see detailed instructions for each section,place your cursor on the word"Instructions". Design Temperature Instructions Design Temperature Difference(AT) 47 j Shelton AT=Indoor(70 degrees)-Outdoor Design Temp Area of Building t Conditioned Floor Area Instructions Conditioned Floor Area(sq ft) 936 Average Ceiling Height Conditioned Volume Instructions Average Ceiling Height(ft) 9.01 8,424 Glazing and Doors U-Factor X Area = UA Instructions _..------ u-0.30 VJ 0.300 112 33.60 Skylights U-Factor X Area = UA Instructions 0.50 0� --- Insulation Attic U-Factor X Area = UA Instructions R-38Advanced 0.026 0� Single Rafter or Joist Vaulted Ceilings U-Factor X Area UA R-38 vented Will 0.027 936 25.27 Above Grade Walls(see Flpure 1) U-Factor X Area UA Instructions R-21 II4T plus R-4 d V 0.043 875 37.63 ra Floors U-Factor X Area UA Instructions R-30 i 0.029 936 27.14 Below Grade Wallis(See Figure v U-Factor X Area UA Instructions t SelectR-value ��� No selection -- Slab Below Grade(see Figure 1) F-Factor X Length UA Instructions No selection — Select conditioning V �Y (iiiilifiWuifl" Slab on Grade(see Figure v F-Factor X Length UA Instructions t - ' . Seled:R-Value . � No selection 0 --- Location of Ducts Instructions — Duct Leakage Coefficient Unconditioned Space - _ -= 1.10 Sum of UA 123.64 Envelope Heat Load 5,811 Btu/Hour Figure 1. Sum of UAX AT Air Leakage Heat Load 4,276 Btu!Hour volumeX 0.5XATX.018 Above Grade Building Design Heat Load 10,087 Btu/Hour Air Leakage-Envelope Heat Loss Building and Duct Heat Load 11,096 Btu/Hour Ducts in unconditioned space:Sum of Building Heat Loss X 1.10 Duds in conditioned space:Sum of Building Heat Loss X 1 Maximum Heat Equipment Output 13,870 Btu/Hour Building and Dud Heat Loss X 1.40 for Forced Air Furnace Building and Dud Heat Loss X 1.25 for Heat Pump (07101113) rn � N rn > SnI rnD GA5E I N L E 7 m 00 r �ml � zz Op Y D a UJ NORTH rn • �' O § > a Aoz -4- HID rn u,x FEI 10' 5' �rn D � �m O t1, ^, CP I uj ci rn z y1/ Z C O — v >X m rn D rn ®r r GRAFEV I EW LOOP RD. TOM ��R5T�1� DONAHUE0( IN6 M516N 1�4- 296 TREMONT ST., PORT ORCHARD, WA 98366 • 360-876-6893 SITE PLAN FAX - 876-7419 E-MAIL - office®tomherstad.com UJ z RECEIVED o m z iy- MAY 2 1 2018 0 615 W. Alder Street _ o �p U 117' n/ coLu O 3 � OL IQS / x � w U O UA - O SEWER GRINI7 EXiSTGE r TO BE GARAGE WELL ~ N - PUMP D BY O - - EXISTG CONTRACTOR SFR K LH ADI7ITI ION } LEIDRIVEWAY Lu v r � 51 TE FLAN. I" = 20'-0" APPROVED t PLANNING Z MASON COUNTY DCD SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE CHANGES SUBJECT TO tR/V QL By _Date W O � THIS SITE PLAN 15 DRAWN BASED ON DATA SUPPLIED BY CLIENT AND WITHOUT BENEFIT OF SUR\/EY OR TOPOGRAPHY June 18, 2018 RECEIVED JUN 18 2018 Ron Buckholt 615 w. Alder Street Mason County Planning Dept APPROVED Re: BLD 2018-00517 CLMP P1ASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SIT CHANGES SUBJECT TO AP P�R 'A By Date Dear Mr Buckholt, hPP ull I have drafted the CLMP for 7570 E Grapeview Loop Rd to the best of my ability. After meeting with you I think I have a handle on it but, if there are any problems please give me a call (253)797-7894 or email mike.rdprentals@gmail.com. We are anxious to start our project and I wish this would have been caught at the time of submittal. Respectfully Please L FILE Michael J Donahue To:�(' �t''G /Z1Z�fS' Zo�31 ej Date Sent to Fk:__ 24'-0' 7b RDNe1 6aNERAL NOTES, I.nx!oesxxrm AccDltnns TO M aatl k O t ].fLx11ULroATO GlLK ND Val/Y ALL p i 4'-O' l4• 1'i• 4'-6" alOaluw eerae neaGa7»w. � �f !.LGI,IIIlTaI Ta Ga1rYM M'Jm.YK�K,NO SIEtilS Of WEH1 ?KL eTrticllRaL NO rrINDM leers. wo ve WINDO/'l5: � li Y D/e Y GLS qt Vo o K ,«uLDM aeRr a wNoatl N YEeI»e Ircartl lrvat wr eAcxa —— IIaA Hahn RtVR W .M MM roP1Ql IOR�M A PCtlll M 1]'.OR I 4r' ROGR QI M!C x na'rtw vetrcAUY De x]Ir1eDMTALLY Der�Rs ress!]�•oc.� ro R wren rA�.al•xr oera xA]Almae AG�we. E— � �. VENTILATION: I�nn.wRc 1 a ".V!!x,xtl rwa O/Ala!w e•wa ro nDe.arrr at t ro Rxtx.x]ow � ..._ I !.«rtclex R,we w!a ,-D. �.L� a 111Plipt YKIL ICIOe TM1 PiC 1.IIbJIO!A]RR MR ND G.Nt YK!vpIfLLATIOx n11111L NELHANILAL a ELEL-RICAL. 1L VIN6 1 7'-O}' T-D}• d I.carom IMGiaea Ix Txtl nAx arutl R nnesl¢+eD�x!xweTeo W mAR A.o na RCK AYaRw ra na le lrecrw xxtl caRur A nerwax�t reuwxcK�necTerx canlxcroR F . — ' * ],lxtaxe GAleallnxoRR OlTGTu4lrx4L eRae rRnwr \ �1e e�i y{ curetrllorl llLDW NxIxrwMflen evaa►�leui \ � ��S �! -}•� I �\ O � a xaercoraTeo ro R AuaRD Tltxatlreur teaw. 1 5? � !.vtltr wr RlY®N Loa«car w RMIle Alo ll]eD tl �' lh41 R 11!One DNx lY wax a/e— ® nArm ox II-lo rAD a ucATrn R weATea entcc at ears ne �c6+ ve I a � is Tr'wi— t�� r loero�coroHna nw rn.mrea we c«n � Eli t�l �� L_ MISLELLA/EOlSi 1.Np.•2E a rnr RM'Dl roefe r talc. �� �PII[el{��(�1 ® III !.��exmuae oec4e aro raecres ro R careTacTrn 1 1 — _ � wNNx aeraom R.Ilr'oRcw lien w.u! -_-- _ _- � � � I � MTMAMMI,aCbry.M9oaMl ll a6�li����� y� Q ENEII6Y LODE CREDITS n NNN n �c":r'$ a N Au eHoreRleAo 1 kRtalN NMc rA:.rsn 11NLL! ` � ' RATm.'aI.1D ern at l.eN.KL onat N.AVATaRY rA4uelf Y lrULL MTN9 a IG erH. !»IeH xrlcoNcr HVAc.Axt eawce NlAr rI.M Al x+eN Hxrr a�c n EX15TINS FLOOR PLAN REVI510N5 xv,e:Au aesltlNe.owes.oerAutl Iron ..�-o !a�n. Oro o x e;orRerm IN•RAee ruRrc.ARerxree,n.D xo caHTRa�aR c»woe ar.ow�L rx ee RDe.o.aieLe raR cdrTweTx»N reAra�xennoe.Trc.«xxc, lea,elces at rrraceauRs as weir nacwrlorc e'-0' S'-�' -� 1'-4• tl'-0' •rrtoerv++e w caeecnox r4TN Tl!rout. SEE eRrclxe.. NEW FLOOR PLAN Y••rC Nb.R. "oolrcw fIT le.rt. W eau•x �! VISM DATA. ONMAPPLIC.ANT CODE 2015-IRC,WIC,IPC,WSEC puce VOKAwe WIND SPEED 110 MPH (� SEISMIC ZONE D-2 PHONE 279-141-1644 LU SNOW LOAD 90 PSF aL a SOIL BR6 1500 PSF 517E ADDRESS DRAWIN G INDFX FROST DEPTH 12' 1910 E.bRAPEViEW LOOP RD. LEGEND DHeDr No. DExRInIOH 6RAPEv�Eri wA 4c�2a EXISTING REYOVE exlen»e.R:W xLeaR rLAra.cweeecna» PARCEL NUMBER ____ ] ralmAnax exTeRloR eLev.na».w.LL Dec Gl OPE �p/�/T1 won�Nsx ale•IaRY.S Hole ALORaI[Ma NI extlllll!N]D[ LI ' I ION RhA[t M ntTM NO ItDV/[M e%L!M R]]r MD"oa�MT qe. W M extlTMH}DetlWrDlTI RAH.MMMCeroRMIYDbN «•..a• ro�Do A le1 caetrt rnloaTCN wlWe VGNT -- ----------- ---i� TTT II II t � e-�#• I I wore,exhnw'utews I � vw+T�cl., � �. I TO MIVN I r ©❑❑ I rwMW�1tlM OM I alma I I rn L_J i i exro»el i i �? I I--------- --I I UNX9PLOOR VIDTILATION L�J I I I I O FRONT ELEVATION vouwTloW rwo•sarwe roorr•e.d •x ar. -------------- I I I �' m weauwev I •roe vnaee.� I I I � rr•ea»ow I I s•.u•ecweereo Touo�no�veer.m sr.enu •�-m. I]D. o fc.eetm vans TWA Mw.e elm I rt�i.�i"p n. I eaunur er.cm www rewl.erew a rauo�naW. / � I I � I I 4 II II I I RI6HT ELEVATION IJ ill: 240' VCMY COWMN FCL NOATION �••ra u w.or n w saT ttr n FOLWATION PLAN 'OaT r wow . MIO eew mores. n..w V19M e e vox w,rww ox r 1e1 •��oi. ..w wiwe euw ® • REV l5lON5 eR.•eoi+.i m�ri wwt aTwrr vewT ncc.�1a •etilw wnw snw mr�u eenw wm•w ova b uel...Tnv m cow crwoecwer •ana. ������ .•s Dr 4 M�/b 10eT exlare a..a �•.�� .r•ac W e0.T M�q!AM L o�Y'aM x mmr w LEFT ELEVATION 1 rr•siw•r•oc. 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AT S/D'9NEATWN4-M CONi1�N•6'EDSeS,1]'rltl.D �/li'SILATNIN6-Od COMION-i'EDSES,I]'PIELD 6�(bYPSun DOARD) Qg COVER11KrµA Ill— Or A)STL05 x ED b'104 UID IA1 MNi�M.MT T1icKAlrD!1%] rL�D MiCiIA'W.�i 1 OR�SLIRce'tl T'SPACII'l4 AT PANeL—ft INLLI.OIN6 TOP Aro DOTTOM __� - AD1V(KTL•RNATl DRAOtD IIAW ADM N CONS11111CTlD AS PeR DlTAIL SHALL CE rERMITTeD �� O REPEAL!1'OP DRAClD YULE PULL N RlCUIRCD DY ' A zecnan Rso]10� rre MAxlwn Ne14Nr um nMINM LEwTN �� S'tg� nrm NDLv Daw+PORce a eACM rnreL SNnLL a M ACGORDAK[ WTN T.AeLe RDO]AOS]' ��� 4��lI jt M CWTSTOR G4 Y DUILDINSS. N PnIRL SHALL D[INSTKLCD A9 ` 1 FO.roMtIOHL CR LPR/N,�1NM IS.TOItA�®tID DIREL1LrYON A S t�� T U p I rOLTOATION f'NILH IS CONTINI.Yl14 ACROSS M lNT1RE LlM4TN OF __Jl__J T�!DRKm YM1L LIK 9 S ] IN TNe PIRST STORY OP--STORY ° dALDIR4S,DALN DRAGeD {!�� PULL SHALL oc IN ACCOImAMLE MTN 1llM 1 ADOVl, ! 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