HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2009-00004 Shoreline Stabilization Geotechnical Report - GEO General - 1/30/2009 MASON COUNTY
Planning Division
P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584
Geotechnical ReportReview Acceptance Letter
February 05, 2009
Case No.: GE02009-00004
Parcel No.: 422055200051
The Geotechnical Report for THERESE DELEO has been received and reviewed by the Planning
Department. The report was prepared by Alan Tahja, Tahja Engineering, Inc. dated 1/30/2009.
Based on the certification provided by the licensed engineer/geologist, the referenced
Geotechnical Report was prepared in general accordance with the requirements in the Mason
County Resource Ordinance, Landslide Hazard Areas 17.01.100.E.5. Mason County considers
the review valid until such time as scope of project, site conditions, and/or regulations change.
Should the scope of work, site conditions, and/or regulations change after the original review, then
an addendum from the original author of the report may be required to address these changes.
The report would only be re-reviewed if a permit for development were submitted after these
changes occur. Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical
Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 295 if you have questions.
Si cerely,
Tammi Wright
Land Use Planner
Mason County Planning Department
2/5/2009 Page 1 of 1 GE02009-00004
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Mason County DCD
Planning Division
PO Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584
Tracy DeLeo & Charles Smith
61 N Gull PI
Hoodsport, WA 98584
(360) 877-9915
Stephen& Amy Latham
60 N Gull PI
Hoodsport, WA 98548
5648 179th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98006-5931
Re; Geotechnical Report
60 N Gull PI &
61 N Gull Place, Hoodsport, WA 98548
Parcel No.s: 42205-52-00051 & 00951
Mason County's geotechnical document review process will determine that the proposed
Smith-DeLeo/Latham Lake Cushman Erosion Protection Wall Project construction will result
in development inside a Landslide Hazard Area or inside the required 50-foot Vegetated
Hazard Area Buffer required under Resource Ordinance 17.01.100.
The purpose of the project is to provide stability to the lake shoreline located between the lake
and existing residences.
On behalf of the Smith-DeLeos and Latham families, I request that the proposed shoreline
stabilization wall be allowed to be sighted on the landslide hazard area and inside the hazard
area's buffer as promoted in my site plans and geotechnical report dated 1/30/09.
WA a
Alan A. Tahja, P.E.
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Qt' ICI S f ERA Zlev
File:C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo/LathamlHA Buffer Reduction Rqst I of 1
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Mason County DCD
Planning Division
PO Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584
Tracy DeLeo & Charles Smith
61 N Gull PI
Hoodsport, WA 98584
(360) 877-9915
Stephen & Amy Latham
60 N Gull PI
Hoodsport, WA 98548
5648 179th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98006-5931
Re; Geotechnical Report
60 N Gull PI &
61 N Gull Place, Hoodsport, WA 98548
Parcel No.s: 42205-52-00051 & 00951
Mason Co. Case No.s:
I was contacted in late 2008 by Mr. Charles Smith and Tracy DeLeo who requested my
investigation and documentation of slope stability and landslide hazard issues relating to the
permitting and development of their property located at Lake Cushman Development Division
19, Hoodsport, Washington. Mr. Smith and his neighbors, Steve and Amy Latham wish to install
an erosion control retaining wall along the Ordinary High Water (OHW) elevation of Lake
Cushman. Both the Smith-DeLeo and Latham properties have been developed in the past with
single family residences and appurtenant structures, including garages and a stairway and dock
on the Smith-DeLeo property.
The site was visited in October and December of 2008 and in January of this year to collect
topographic information and verify measurements and feature locations. Measurements were
made using a Trimble T5415 total station, a 4-foot range pole, a Sokkia model No. 8047-55
inclinometer, 100 foot and 300 foot long fiberglass surveyor's tapes and other field equipment
common to surveying. Software employed in creating a site plan and writing this report included
AutoCAD 2006, a Terrain 3-d contour modeling program, GALENA Slope Stability Analysis
software, and Microsoft Office Word 2003. Areal contours were developed from Mason
County's GIS website information. Contours within the property boundaries were developed
from topographic survey information collected for this project. Property improvements are
located generally on the level portions of the properties, with the hillside descending down to the
lake being vegetated with natural vegetation and fairly young second growth Douglas Firs,
Hemlock, Maple and Alder trees with an understory of Huckleberry, Salal, and Oregon Grape
File: C:lProjectslSmith-DeLeo-LathamlGeo-Rpt I of 7 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
The westerly boundaries of the two properties is defined by the Lake Cushman shoreline/Marine
Bluff which averages between 90 and 120% between the lake elevation and the developed
residential areas, over an elevation difference of roughly 30 feet. The slope immediately adjacent
to the lake OHW elevation rises at slopes between 230% and vertical over an elevation
difference of approximately 18-feet.
Under Mason County's Resource Ordinance, land disturbing activities within 300 feet of a
landslide hazard area(slopes> 40% with more than 10 feet of height) requires some level of
technical investigation or special report in the form of either a geotechnical assessment, or a
geotechnical report. The slope to the west of the Smith-DeLeo and Latham properties categorizes
the properties as being within Landslide Hazard Areas defined in Mason County's Critical
Resource Ordinance, requiring the preparation of a geotechnical report based on the owner's
plans, site conditions, and the County's approval of the proposal. The following thirteen
elements are required by Mason County to be addressed in geotechnical reports prepared to
comply with Mason County's Critical Resource Ordinance Sections 17.01.100 through
The site is located approximately 5 miles west of Hoodsport Washington in the area identified on
the Geologic Map of Shelton 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Washington) on the following page. The
map reveals that the soils surrounding the subject properties are glacial deposits classified as
Continental Glacial (Qgo) soils. The soils are further described as follows:
I.racer (aaciation, Vashon Stade
Proglacial and recessional out-wash, late wisconsinan
(Pleisto-cene)--Typically poorly to moderately sorted, rounded gravel and
sand with localized coarser- and finer-grained constituents; lithologi-
cally varied mixture of mostly northern-provenance clasts, especially
containing granitic and metamorphic rocks that identify the unit as
being deposited by the Puget lobe of the Cordilleran glacier; also con-
tains varying amounts of locally derived Crescent Formation basalt,
and in the Mox Chehalis Creel:valley, central Cascade Range—
derived andesitic Blasts; typically shades of gray where fresh or
brown where stained especially in proglacial and morainal areas; buff
staining near the ground surface; fine sand, silt, and clay constitute
local overbank sediments having relatively poor permeability or del-
taic foreset bedding along north sides of valleys with higher permea-
bility; porous and permeable enough to yield small to moderate quan-
tities of groundwater; very poorly consolidated to loose; moderately
to well-rounded clasts; mostly unweathered with rare weathered
reworked clasts; thickness varies and is not well known; most com-
monly occupies out-wash channels scoured into or through till_
DNR OFR2003-15 Geologic Map of Shelton 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Washington
File: C:iProjectslSmith-DeLeo-lathamlGeo-Rpt
2 of 7 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
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As the portion of the Geologic Map of Shelton 1:100,000 Quadrangle reveals, the Smith-
DeLeo/Latham properties are located in the vicinity of at least three fault lines identified on the
map as (1) a fault line which follows Hood Canal is located approximately 4 miles east of the
project sites, (2) two fault lines intersect north of Dow Mountain approximately 3-1/2 miles
northeast of the project area, and (3) a fault line courses through Lake Cushman from southwest
to northeast through Lake Cushman approximately 3-1/2 miles northwest of the project site. The
presence of these features does not represent a hazard, and standard seismic analysis of the site is
intended to anticipate potential tectonic impacts.
Inspection of the Washington Coastal Atlas and other related landslide hazard mapping found
little information for the project area. The predominantly glacial till and basalt rock substrate
underlying the Lake Cushman area provide a very stable condition in gently sloping areas. The
steep slopes surrounding Lake Cushman may be considered of intermediate stability, susceptible
to erosion and dis-lodging of the shallow surface soils developed on the steep Olympic Mountain
foothillsides. The area immediately surrounding the subject properties has displayed no large
scale instability.
A site plan showing the general topography of the area surrounding the Smith-DeLeo / Latham
property is attached as an appendix. Utilities (water, phone & electricity) are delivered to the
sites from the North Gull Place Cut-de-Sac right of way. Both sites already have existing septic
systems approved at the time of their construction/installation and exhibit no discernable
File: C:• ProjeetslSmith-DeLeo-LathamlGeo-Rpt
3 1/30/2009
of 7
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
problems. No upland water bodies or wetlands other than Lake Cushman were found in the
Smith-DeLeo / Latham property vicinity. The groundwater elevation was modeled as coinciding
with the Lake Cushman water surface elevation.
Various areas of the subject properties were inspected by different methods. The steep lake
shoreline bluff provides an easily accessible view of the glacial till substrate materials underlying
the project areas. Additional soil probing along the top of the steep bank and the upland areas of
the properties exhibited a 6 to 30-inch deep layer of weathered till soils overlying a strongly
cemented glacial till substrate.
Modeling of the site employed a moderately cemented weathered till soil layer overlying a
stronger cemented till layer beneath the surface soil layer. The site soils were modeled as a
homogenous soil of moderately cemented gravelly sand (USCS GP-GC) located above a deep
glacial till layer.
The attached site plan shows the general locations of existing improvements and planned new
construction. The steep slope bordering the westerly property boundaries is labeled as hazard
areas on the appended site plan. The hazard area's vegetated buffer (50-feet from hazard areas) is
also labeled on the attached site plan.
The existing residential structures are located within the 50-foot vegetated buffer required under
Mason County's Critical Resource Ordinance. The currently proposed activities are located
either at the top or toe of the steep shoreline slope. The proposed shoreline erosion control
retaining wall and concrete tie-back deadmen will be sited in the hazard area or inside the 50-
foot vegetated buffer area(s). A request for a reduction of the hazard area buffer to zero-feet will
be prepared for the proposed site improvements.
A cross section view of each of the subject properties is provided in the attached plan sheets as
well as a part of the GALENA Stability Analysis Print-Out. Minor grade changes in the form of
retaining wall backfill and landscape sloping above the retaining walls will be performed.
The steep slope(s) to the west of the Smith-DeLeo / Latham properties displays minor sloughing
of the shallow vegetated soil layer off of the cemented glacial till layer underlying the two
properties. The trees on the steep hillside were found to be growing reasonably straight with no
indications of trunk curvature typically associated with mass landslide movements.
File: C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo-LathamlGeo-Rpt 4 of 7 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Unified Soil Classification System typing places the hillside soils in a dual symbol category due
to its fines content falling between 5 and 12%. The coarse element of the soil conforms to a GP
classification, and the fine soils conform to a GC soil category. The soils are best described as a
GP-GC soils characterized as having a saturated soil unit weights of 130 and 131 lbs/ft3, a phi
angle of 38°, and a cohesion character of 200 lbs/ft2 for the moderately cemented soils and 500
lbs/ft2 cohesion for the cemented glacial till soil located at the property's high elevation. The
water table is located beneath the till layers underlying the site, and shouldn't affect the stability
of the hillside slopes.
The slope geometry and soil characteristics provide a factor of safety for the site in a static and a
dynamic analysis that exceeds the County's minimum safety requirements. Analysis of the site
indicates Factors of Safety of,2 and 1.5 for the Smith-DeLeo site in a static & dynamic
analysis and Factors of Safety of 15 and 1.3 for the Latham site in a static condition & dynamic
Slope stability analysis indicates that the westerly descending slope west of the Smith-DeLeo /
Latham properties is stable in its present geometry and condition and does not represent a
landslide or geological hazard to the existing residential improvements on the subject properties.
Drainage from the present site is generally dispersed and migrates towards the west, which
should be preserved as the Best Management Practice (BMP) for this site's stormwater runoff.
The site's permeable soils are fairly shallow, generally making infiltration of stormwater runoff
impractical and difficult. Dispersing stormwater into vegetated areas of the yard should be
employed as the primary stormwater Best Management Practice for this site and location. Gutter
downspouts should be discharged onto splash blocks located near the corners of the building(s).
Stormwater runoff from the driveway and parking areas should be dispersed into vegetated strips
paralleling the driveway or parking area. The yard area between the roof downspouts and top of
the steep slope should be maintained with a lawn and/or vegetation of the owner's choosing.
The location of the proposed shoreline retaining wall is clear of vegetation, requiring no removal
of vegetation for the proposed construction. The contractor and owner have indicated their
intention of hand digging the pile footings planned for the retaining wall. This construction
method will minimize impacts to the existing vegetation on the sites.
Vegetation should be encouraged to grow on the completed slope above the proposed retaining
wall(s). The existing bare slope above the retaining wall location should receive a cover of
geosynthetic filter fabric to keep the natural hillside soils in place and allow the seeping of
groundwater through the gravel backfill mater that will be installed between the completed
retaining wall and the existing hillside slope.
File: C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo-LathamlGeo-Rpt
5 of 7 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Inspection of the Soil Survey of Mason County found the site to be located in an area with a
Hoodsport Gravelly Sandy Loam (He) soil type, which is not identified in the County's Critical
Resource Ordinance as a severe erosion hazard, and does not require the development of a site
specific Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control Plan. The proposed hand digging of the retaining
wall pile footings will minimize the disturbance of the soils in the construction area.
The work is proposed to be accomplished during the lake's low level period in the late Winter
and early Spring before Tacoma City Light raises the Jake's water surface elevation for
summertime recreational purposes.
The project properties already have existing stable vehicle accesses off of N Gull Place Court
and already have all weather erosion resistant driving and parking surfaces.
Construction and completion of the proposed improvements are not expected to result in any
adverse on-site or off-site impacts.
Encouraging vegetation to grow and act as a stormwater mitigation and bank stability element is
strongly recommended. Promoting vegetation on the steep slopes to the west of the existing
building areas is recommended.
Modeling of the slope in the proximity of the residence and amenities indicates that the location
of the existing improvements are safe. The proposed retaining wall/erosion control wall(s) is
proposed to reduce the continual erosion of the lake shoreline resulting from the seasonal raising
and lowering of the lake and the impact of wind and watercraft waves which attack the lake
shoreline upper elevation during the Summer season.
The retaining walls have been designed to provide against toe kick-out, overturning, and
excessive deformation the backfilled wall could develop. The footings for the proposed retaining
wall wide flanged piles are specified to be a minimum of 6-feet deep which will be almost
entirely located within the glacial till hardpan soil layer located at the toe of the existing steep
shoreline slope.
A site plan is attached as an appendix to this report and is hereby made a part of this report along
with the cross section view of the property, and the stability analysis printout.
Summary & Conclusions:
File: C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo-L.athamlGeo-Rpt
6 of 7 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
The Smith-DeLeo / Latham properties, though in the vicinity of slopes identified as hazard areas
by Mason County terminology, is stable in its present condition. Development of the site as the
Smiths and Lathams are proposing should not result in any adverse impacts to either their or their
neighbors' properties.
Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns regarding this report or my
Alan A. Tahja, P.E. Ir
Attached: Plan Views & Cross Section Sheet
GALENATM Stability Analysis Printouts (2) �'i'Lt,�EGISTEF:"
File: C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo-LathamlGeo-Rpt 7 of 7 1/30/2009
Mason County Review Checklist
For a Geotechnical Report
This checklist is intended to assist Staff in the review of a Geotechnical Report. The Geotechnical Report
is reviewed for completeness with respect to the Resource Ordinance. If an item is found to be not
applicable, the Report should explain the basis for the conclusion. The Report is also reviewed for clarity
and consistency. If the drawings, discussion, or recommendations are not understandable, they should be
clarified. If they do not appear internally consistent or consistent with the application or observations on
site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should
refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director.
Applicant's Name: Tracy DeLeo & Charles Smith
Permit# BLD2009-00068 Parcel #42205-52-00051
(''�Ciit`L" 'u" ` i MEF'.1i(xi 1:- 14-1, Brix I
Date(s)of the Document(§)reviewed: Geotechnical Report 1/30/2009
(1) (a)A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development,
OK? Yes Comment: Pages 2-3
(b) A discussion of specific soil types
OK? Yes Comment: Page 2 3 4 5 & 6
(c) A discussion of ground water conditions
OK? Yes Comment: Page 4
(d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology
OK? Yes Comment: Pages 2-3
(e) A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands
OK? Yes Comment: Page 4
(f) A discussion of history of landslide activity in the activity in the vicinity, as available in the
referenced maps and records
OK? Yes Comment: Page 3
(2) A site plan which identifies the important development and geologic features.
OK? Yes Comment: Plan Sheets 1-7
(3) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes.
OK? Yes Comment: Plan Sheet 1
(4) The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and
setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site.
OK? Yes Comment: Plan Sheet 1
(5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and
which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes.
OK? Yes Comment: Plan Sheets 2-5
(6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading
conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the
Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum
seismic safety factor is 1.1. and the quasi-static analysis coefficients should be a value of 0.15.
OK? Yes Comment: Page 5 & GALENA Stability Analysis Pages 1-3
(7) (a) Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features
OK? Yes Comment: Page 5
(b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields
OK? Yes Comment: Pages 3-4 -
(c) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings
OK? Yes Comment: Page 6
(d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other
slopes on the property.
Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
OK? Yes Comment: Page 4
(e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of
other slopes on the property.
OK? Yes Comment: Page 4
(8) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically
identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the
method of vegetation removal.
OK? Yes Comment: Page 5
(9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which
identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the
slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods.
OK? Yes Comment: Page 6
(10) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development.
OK? Yes Comment: Page 6
(11) Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage,
erosion control, and buffer widths.
OK? Yes Comment: Page 6
(12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed
OK? Yes Comment: Page 6
(13) A site-map to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location
and nature of existing and proposed development on the site.
OK? Yes Comment: Plan Sheet 1
Are the Documents signed and stamped? Yes
Type and #of License: Professional Engineer #30784
If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action?
Reviewed by Tammi Wright, Planner on 2/5/09
Time spent in review:
Reviewed by on
Time spent in second review:
Reviewed by on
Time spent in third review:
Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Report.
Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
Mason County Department of Community Development
Submittal Checklist For a Geotechnical Report
This checklist must be submitted with a Geotechnical Report and completed, signed, and stamped by the
licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geotechnical Report for review by Mason County pursuant to
the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item found to be not applicable, the report should explain
the basis for the conclusion.
Applicant/Owner Charles Smith Tracy DeLeo Stephen &Amy Latham Parcel#s 42205-52-00051
& 42205-52-00951
Site Address 61 &61 N. Gull Place Hoodsport Washington 98548
(1) (a) A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development,
Located on page(s) Pages 1-3
(b) A discussion of specific soil types
Located on page(s) Pages 2 4 5& 6
(c) A discussion of ground water conditions
Located on page(s) Page 4
(d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology
Located on page(s) Pages 1-3
(e) A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands
Located on page(s) Pam_
(f) A discussion of history of landslide activity in the the vicinity, as available in the referenced
maps and records
Located on page(s) Page 3
(2) A site plan which identifies the important development and geologic features.
Located on Map(s) Plan Sheets 1 -7
(3) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes.
Located on Map(s) Plan Sheet 1
(4) The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and
setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site.
Located on Map(s) Plan Sheet 1
(5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and
which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes.
Located on Map(s) Plan Sheet 2 5& GALENA Stability Analysis pages 1 & 3
(6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading
conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the
Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum
seismic safety factor is 1.1. and the quasi-static analysis coefficients should be a value of 0.15.
Located on page(s) Page 5 and GALENA Stability Analysis Printout pages 2 & 4
(7) (a)Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features
Located on page(s) Paie 5
(b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields
Located on page(s) Pa eg s 3-4
(c) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings
Located on page(s) Page 6
Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report.
(d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other
slopes on the property.
Located on page(s) Page 4
(e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of
other slopes on the property.
Located on page(s) Page 4
(8) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically
identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the
method of vegetation removal.
Located on page(s) Pate 5
(9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which
identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the
slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods.
Located on page(s) Pates 6
(10) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development.
Located on page(s) Paae 6
(11) Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage,
erosion control, and buffer widths.
Located on page(s) Pa
(12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed
Located on page(s) Pa e 6
(13) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location
and nature of existing and proposed development on the site.
Located on Map(s) Plan Sheet 1
I, Alan A Tahia P E hereby certify under penalty of perjury
that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of
geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of
Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geotechnical
Report, dated 1/30/09 and entitled Tracy DeLeo Charles Smith Stephen and Amy Latham
Geotechnical Report meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource
Ordinance, Landslide Hazard Section, is complete and true, that the report demonstrates conclusively
that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design
recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property
and public health and safety. (Signature and Stamp)
3D784 w4
0A ��GI ST v. �V
Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report.
GeoResources, LLC
Ph.253-896-1011 5007 Pacific Hwy. E, Suite 20
Fx.253-896-2633 Fife, Washington 98424-2649
April 21, 2009
Mr. Charles Smith
61 North Gull Place
Hoodsport, WA 98548-9671
Geotechnical Consultation
Bluff Erosion
61 North Gull Place
Hoodsport, WA
Job No: Smith.NGullPI.RG
This letter summarizes our site observations and review of the Geotechnical Report
dated January 30, 2009 prepared by Tahja Engineering, Inc. prepared for your property
located at 61 North Gull Place in Hoodsport, Washington. On April 15, 2009 we visited the
site and observed existing conditions. The site is a medium bank waterfront lot located along
the west Lake Cushman shoreline. The site is occupied by a residence with an attached
garage and carport. Access to the shoreline is via wooden stairs that include a landing and
dock out into the water. At the time of our site visit the bank consisted of a 20 to 30 foot
exposed near vertical bluff. The existing residence is setback from the top of the bluff
approximately 35 feet with a deck that is within approximately 20 feet from the bank. Lake
levels were at winter levels, which appear to be several feet below ordinary high water. We
understand that you are applying for a permit to construct a bulkhead/retaining wall to protect
the bluff from further regression towards the residence. The purpose of our site visit and
letter is to review the site conditions, prepare a geotechnical assessment, and provide our
opinion of the proposed bluff mitigation.
Based on our site visit and review of the provided report it appears that the site is
mapped within an area of glacial outwash soils. Based on our observations of the exposed
bluff face along the shoreline within the project vicinity, it appeared that the bluff consisted of
the mapped outwash soils, exhibiting a slight amount of cementation/consolidated properties
which indicates it to be advanced outwash. While the site appears stable relative to a deep
seated failure, exposed soils along the bluff are susceptible to surficial weathering and
erosion. Without mitigation the bluff will continue to erode placing the house at risk. It is our
understanding that the proposal includes constructing a bulkhead along the shoreline and
that its height will be extended to provide protection of the exposed bluff face.
Normal shoreline erosion processes consist of wave action eroding the toe of the bluff,
undermining the bluff to the point where a "calving" type failure occurs every 10 to 20 years.
By installing a bulkhead this erosion and subsequent bluff failure can be reduced. Because
the bluff consists of outwash soils, it is more likely to experience continued surface erosion
and regression even though the toe erosion is mitigated by the bulkhead. For this reason we
conclude that in order to protect the residence and bluff from continued regression that a
buttress protecting the slope must also be constructed.
We understand that you want to protect the slope with a soldier pile wall installed along
the shoreline. The wall will be approximately 14 feet in height and will also act as a bulkhead.
The wall height is necessary in order to provide a stable slope above the wall and in order to
provide sufficient protection of the bluff face. It is our professional opinion that the chosen
method for protecting the bluff is adequate (we have not reviewed the engineering of the
t-** rinted Trom i I viason uounty DMS
April 21,2009
Page 2
wall). Further it is our opinion that the wall is necessary to protect the bluff and to ensure the
future safety and viability of the home and appurtenant structures.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Please do not hesitate to
call with any comments or questions at your convenience.
Respectfully submitted,
GeoResources, LLC
of Was, .
•r. 1 �
n n g ogis
1 925
y/ (ter KEITH SCOTT SCHEMES ,, 01,9
W. Glen Coad, PE Keith S. Schembs, LEG
Principal Principal
Printed from Mason County DMS
Alan Tahja,P.E. Smith-DeLeo/Latham Smith,C
PO Box 235 60&61 N Gull Place
HoodspoA WA 98548 Hoodspo4 WA 98548 1 of 6
Mason Co.NO No.s: 42205-52-OW51&00951 (360)877-9512 (360)877-9915
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Alan Tahja,P.E. Smith-DeLeo/Latham Smith,C
PO Box 235 60&61 N Gull Place
HoodspoA WA 98548 Hoodsport, WA 98548 2 of 6
Mason Co.Prcl No.s: 42205-52-00051&00951 (360)877-9512 (360)877-9915
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Alan Tahja,P.E. Smith-DeLeo/Latham Smith, C
PO Box 235 60&61 N Gull Place
Hoodsport, WA 98548 Hoodspor, WA 98548 3 of
Mason Co.Pre]No.s: 42205-52-00051&00951 J (360)877-9512 (360)877-9915
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4'x4'x8'Concrete Anchor g b
Block with 1/2" Reinforcement I/
bar attachment hook. Install
Tie-Back Cables(Stainless Steel or Galvanized Steel) 4 reinforcement bars along — I
Splice eyes in ends or install cable saddles at connection W x ti
long length of block&splice
ends. Install a turnbuckle in each cable and tighten cables to attachment hook. i } try
to equal tensions.Install 4'long 2"diameter steel pipes oo p y a
beneath drape points where needed.
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Alan Tahja,P.E. Smith-DeLeo/Latham Smith, C
PO Box 235 60&61 N Gull Place sh,,,
HoodspoA WA 98548 HoodspoA WA 98548 5 of 6
Mason Co.Prcl No.s: 42205-52-00051&00951 (360)877-9512 (360)877-9915
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4"x 12"x 12'Treated Timber Lagging.Stagger Ca le
Joints and fasten to Piles along Pile Edges with T`e'6acks
Galvanized Wood Lag Bolts and Washers.DO
Cable anchor flanges at center of flange parallel N Ane�or& ~
with pile web.Attach spliced eye cable ends to
cable anchor flanges with shackles and turnbuckles men) p
to provide uniform wall support from cables. w p v o
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y/ 4"x 12"x l2'Trea d Timber Cap e E
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/ Cable Tie-Backs to C ncrete Anchors(Deadmen)
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Smith-DeLeo X-Section A-A Static Stability Analysis
Cemented Glaoal TV
8660 Weather Surface Soils
820 A ~
Hous Lorauu v_
780 We hu ,Teo s I L. \
�O 30784 9 4
Teo l/' c�men�edGIa W 1,11 �S`S'IONAL
740 /� prymyc Sp1ii-.High Lk Lwei
720 _ -T~
Analysis: 1
700 Multiple Stability Analysis
Method. Bishop Simplified
Surface: Circular
Factor o/Safely. 1.85
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
EdW 28 Jm 21X0 Pi see 28 Jan M
Project., Smith-DeLeo Stability Model
Ens: C:1Docrments and SetfinpstOwnerVdy Documents\Projects%Smith Charles%Smilh Stability%Stafic t.ymf Tahja Engineering,Inc.
Galena 5.01 Analysis Results Licensee: Tahja Engineering, Inc.
DATA: Analysis 1 - Static
Material Properties (2 materials)
Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Cemented Glacial Till
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
500.00 38.0 131.00 1.10
Material: 2 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Weather Surface Soils
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
200.00 38.0 130.00 1.10
Water Properties
Unit weight of water: 62.400 Unit weight of water/medium above ground: 62.400
Material Profiles (2 profiles)
Profile: 1 (10 points) Material beneath: 1 - Cemented Glacial Till
0.00 699.00 37.10 719.00 66.50 735.00
67.90 735.50 69.20 737.50
76.80 753.50 81.30 755.50 103.80 757.50
112.10 775.50 295.40 777.50
Profile: 2 (2 points) Material beneath: 2 - Weather Surface Soils
0.00 820.00 300.00 820.00
Slope Surface (10 points)
File:C:(Projects`iSmith-DeLeo X-Sec d rlF Analysis Printout 1 of 4 1/30/2009
lb je
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
0.00 700.00 37.10 720.00 66.50 736.00
67.90 738.00 69.20 740.00
76.80 756.00 81.30 758.00 103.80 760.00
112.10 778.00 286.40 780.00
Phreatic Surface (2 points)----------- 0.00 738.00 300.00 738.00
Failure Surface
Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R
Intersects: XL: 50.00 YL: 727.02 XR: 125.00 YR: 778.15
Centre: XC: 75.68 YC: 769.92 Radius: R: 50.00
Variable Restraints
Parameter descriptor: XL XR R
Range of variation: 70.00 70.00 45.00
Trial positions within range: 10 10 10
RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Static
Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface
Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques
Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 2.40
There were: 512 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles
489 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry
Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.85
Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 12 Factor of Safety circles)
Circle X-Centre Y-Centre X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right
Radius FoS
1 50.46 774.37 61. 67 733.37 90.00 758.77
42.50 1.848
2 46.78 778.48 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
47.50 1.859
3 43.17 782.50 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
52.50 1.877
4 54.26 770.13 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
37.50 1.891
5 39.61 786.47 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
57.50 1.896
6 58.24 765.69 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
32.50 1.910
7 36.09 790.40 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
62.50 1.915
8 32. 60 794.29 61. 67 733.37 90.00 758.77
67.50 1.936
9 50.00 792.23 38.33 720.67 121.11 778.10
72.50 1.945
10 51.18 797.23 46.11 724.90 121. 11 778.10
72.50 1.960
11 62.58 760.85 61. 67 733.37 90.00 758.77
27.50 1. 967
12 49.11 786.56 30.56 716.47 121.11 778. 10
72.50 1. 969
File:C:1ProjectslSmith-DeLeo X-Sec A-A Analysis Printout 2 of 4 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Smith-DeLeo X-Section A-A Static Stability Analysis
GALENA v-s.m
cemented GAN"7N
aeo weather surface sous
7e0 W-1h.rai sou I.Y.
Caoeaed GlwW Tie
I)u�t'OC / PlYeic Surfica-Hieh Lk Levcl
Analysis. t
700 -.-�'-�� MiAple Stability Analysis
Method: Bishop Simplified
Surface: cffc"
660 Critical(minimum)
Factor of Safety. 1.49
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ea &2e J-a» A--.d:22 J-2"
Proiect: Smith-DeLeo Stability Model
EUL c:V)ocuments and Settin0slowrwWy Documents1P-jeUslSmith Chartes%mith Statiikty%Static 1.gmf Tahja Engineering,Inc.
Galena 5.01 Analysis Results Licensee: Tahja Engineering, Inc.
DATA: Analysis 1 - Dynamic
Material Properties (2 materials)
Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Cemented Glacial Till
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
500.00 38.0 131.00 1.10
Material: 2 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Weather Surface Soils
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
200.00 38.0 130.00 1.10
Water Properties
Unit weight of water: 62.400 Unit weight of water/medium above ground: 62.400
Material Profiles (2 profiles)
Profile: 1 (10 points) Material beneath: 1 - Cemented Glacial Till
0.00 699.00 37.10 719.00 66.50 735.00
67.90 735.50 69.20 737.50
76.80 753.50 81.30 755.50 103.80 757.50
112.10 775.50 295.40 777.50
Profile: 2 (2 points) Material beneath: 2 - Weather Surface Soils
0.00 820.00 300.00 820.00
Slope Surface (10 points)
File:C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo X-Sec A-A Analysis Printout 3 of 4 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
0.00 700.00 37.10 720.00 66.50 736.00
67.90 738.00 69.20 740.00
76.80 756.00 81.30 758.00 103.80 760.00
112.10 778.00 286. 40 780.00
Phreatic Surface (2 points)---------- 0.00 738.00 300.00 738.00
Failure Surface
Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R
Intersects: XL: 50.00 YL: 727.02 XR: 125.00 YR: 778.15
Centre: XC: 75.68 YC: 769.92 Radius: R: 50.00
Earthquake Force
Pseudo-static earthquake (seismic) coefficient: 0.150
Variable Restraints
Parameter descriptor: XL XR R
Range of variation: 70.00 70.00 45.00
Trial positions within range: 10 10 10
RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Dynamic
Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface
Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques
Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 1.89
There were: 512 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles
489 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry
Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.49
Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 11 Factor of Safety circles)
Circle X-Centre Y-Centre X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right
Radius FoS
1 50.00 792.23 38.33 720.67 121.11 778.10
72.50 1.489
2 49.11 786.56 30.56 716.47 121.11 778.10
72.50 1.492
3 57.46 790.60 38.33 720.67 128.89 778.19
72.50 1.511
4 54. 11 786.30 38.33 720. 67 121.11 778.10
67.50 1.517
5 51.18 797.23 46.11 724.90 121. 11 778. 10
72.50 1. 517
6 58.69 796.30 46.11 724.90 128.89 778.19
72.50 1.517
7 55.02 791.81 46. 11 724 .90 121.11 778.10
67.50 1.529
8 50.46 774.37 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
42.50 1.529
9 48. 64 780.01 22.78 712.28 121.11 778.10
72.50 1.533
10 40. 97 782.46 22.78 712.28 113.33 778.01
72.50 1.536
11 46.78 778.48 61.67 733.37 90.00 758.77
47.50 1.536
File:C:IProjectslSmith-DeLeo X-Sec A-A Analysis Printout 4 of 4 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 48548
/360\ 077-9512
Latham X-Section A-A Static Stability Analysis
GALENA v—szi
Weathered S��Mce Toll Soil
Soo A.
Multiple Stability Analysis
Method OiShop Simplified
Surface: Circular
6W Factor of Safety. 1.53
Prollect: Latham Stability Analysis
Galena 5'01 Analysis Results Licensee: Tabja Engineering, Inc.
DATA: Analysis l - Static
Material Properties (2 materials)
MateziaI: l (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Cemented Glacial Till
Cohesion Phi OoitWeigbt Ro
500'00 38'0 I3I.00 l'lO
Material: 2 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Weathered Syrfaoe Till Soil
Cohesion Phi OoitWeigbt Ru
200,00 38.0 I30,00 1.10
Water Properties
Duit weight of water: 62'400 Unit weight of water/medium above ground: 62'400
Material Profiles (2 profiles)
Pzofile: I <2 points) Material beneath: 2 - Weathered Syrfaoe rill Soil
0.00 800.00 200'00 800'00
Profile: 2 (8 points) Material beneath: l - Cemented Glacial Till
U'UO 699,00 27'00 719.00 44,80 729.00
50,80 733,00 55,80 737.50
62,20 753,50 88'90 776.00 185.90 789'00
Slope Surface (lI points)
fil,:C.\frnjeots\lath*mX-Sec A~«Analysis Printout l mf4 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
0.00 700.00 27.00 720.00 44.80 730.00
50.80 734.00 54.90 738.00
55.80 740.00 62.20 756.00 66.80 760.00
78.90 770.00 88.90 778.00
185. 90 790.00
Phreatic Surface (2 points)------------ 0.00 738.00 200.00 738.00
Failure Surface
Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R
Intersects: XL: 40.00 YL: 727.30 XR: 100.00 YR: 779.37
Centre: XC: 50.10 YC: 776.27 Radius: R: 50.00
Variable Restraints
Parameter descriptor: XL XR R
Range of variation: 55.00 55.00 35.00
Trial positions within range: 10 10 10
RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Static
Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface
Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques
Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 1.74
There were: 718 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles
283 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry
Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.53
Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 13 Factor of Safety circles)
Circle X-Centre Y-Centre X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right
Radius FoS
1 29.02 793.25 49.17 732.91 90.83 778.24
63.61 1.535
2 25.77 796.23 49.17 732.91 90.83 778.24
67.50 1.537
3 32.32 790.21 49.17 732.91 90.83 778.24
59.72 1.537
4 31.50 795.52 43.06 729.02 96.94 779.00
67.50 1.539
5 32.25 798.26 49.17 732.91 96.94 779.00
67.50 1.542
6 35.71 787.10 49.17 732.91 90.83 778.24
55.83 1.544
7 31.86 787.68 43.06 729.02 90.83 778.24
59.72 1.546
8 28.50 790.94 43.06 729.02 90.83 778.24
63. 61 1.547
9 34.69 792.08 43.06 729.02 96.94 779.00
63.61 1.549
10 30.87 792.81 36.94 725.59 96. 94 779.00
67.50 1.550
11 35.33 784 .32 43.06 729.02 90.83 778.24
55.83 1.551
12 35.38 795.01 49. 17 732.91 96.94 779.00
63.61 1.553
13 25.23 794.12 43.06 729.02 90.83 778.24
67.50 1.553
File:C.•IProjectsUatham X-Sec A-A Analysis Printout 2 of 4 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Latham X-Section A-A Dynamic Stability Analysis
GALENA vw soc
Cemented Glacial Td
Weathered S3rface TJ Soil
800 ,
W"O-,dSurf Sal /
C-m d Gi.-I Till
Lk 07-.738 EI. Ptrntic Surf
720 /
AnaWs: 1
Multiple Stability Analysis
Method: Bishop Simplified
700 Sur(aoe: Circular
680 Factor of Safety: 1.25
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
eemd:ere A.2009 Pens+ 29 dam mos
Project: Latham Stability Analysis
E& C:1DoauneMs and SettinpsIlOwneAMy Doc mentslProjec:tslSmdh CharlesUAtham Stability\Latham GALENA Stability-Static.pmf Tahja Engineering,Inc.
Galena 5.01 Analysis Results Licensee: Tahja Engineering, Inc.
DATA: Analysis 1 - Dynamic
Material Properties (2 materials)
Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Cemented Glacial Till
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
500.00 38.0 131.00 1.10
Material: 2 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Weathered Surface Till Soil
Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru
200.00 38.0 130.00 1.10
Water Properties
Unit weight of water: 62.400 Unit weight of water/medium above ground: 62.400
Material Profiles (2 profiles)
Profile: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: 2 - Weathered Syrface Till Soil
0.00 800.00 200.00 800.00
Profile: 2 (8 points) Material beneath: 1 - Cemented Glacial Till
0.00 699.00 27.00 719.00 44.80 729.00
50.80 733.00 55.80 737.50
62.20 753.50 88.90 776.00 185.90 789.00
Slope Surface (11 points)
File:C:1ProjectslLatham X-Sec A-A Analysis Printout 3 of 4 1/30/2009
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
0.00 700.00 27.00 720.00 44.80 730.00
50.80 734.00 54.90 738.00
55.80 740.00 62.20 756.00 66.80 760.00
78.90 770.00 88.90 778.00
185.90 790.00
Phreatic Surface (2 points)------------ 0.00 738.00 200.00 738.00
Failure Surface
Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R
Intersects: XL: 40.00 YL: 727.30 XR: 100.00 YR: 779.37
Centre: XC: 50.10 YC: 776.27 Radius: R: 50.00
Earthquake Force
Pseudo-static earthquake (seismic) coefficient: 0.150
Variable Restraints
Parameter descriptor: XL XR R
Range of variation: 55.00 55.00 35.00
Trial positions within range: 10 10 10
RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Dynamic
Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface
Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques
Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 1.43
There were: 718 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles
283 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry
Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.25
Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 11 Factor of Safety circles)
Circle X-Centre Y-Centre X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right
Radius FoS
1 31.50 795.52 43.06 729.02 96.94 779.00
67.50 1.254
2 32.25 798.26 49.17 732.91 96.94 779.00
67.50 1.256
3 30.87 792.81 36. 94 725.59 96. 94 779.00
67.50 1.260
4 25.77 796.23 49. 17 732.91 90.83 778.24
67.50 1.264
5 29.02 793.25 49.17 732.91 90.83 778.24
63.61 1.264
6 34.69 792.08 43.06 729.02 96.94 779.00
63.61 1.264
7 30.29 789.65 30.83 722. 15 96. 94 779.00
67.50 1.265
8 32.32 790.21 49.17 732.91 90.83 778.,24
59.72 1.267
9 35.38 795.01 49.17 732. 91 96. 94 779.00
63.61 1.268
10 34.15 789.14 36.94 725.59 96. 94 779.00
63.61 1.270
11 28.50 790. 94 43.06 729.02 90.83 778.24
63.61 1.274
File:C:IProjectslLatham X-Sec A-A Analysis Printout 4 of 4 1/30/2009