HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2020-00975 Deck Cancelled - BLD Application - 7/23/2020 • fbia Z02,0 —Oocl I's MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: �/ /� ^ PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: (�J�I `E •BUILDING•PLANNING•PUSLJC HEALTH•RRE MARSHAL �•• _ 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton.WA 98584 L 1 : Phone Shettom(360)427-9670 ext 352•Fax(W)427-7798 Phone JUL Bellair.(360)275-4467.Phone Ekre.(360)482-5269 6 3 ?O?O BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION f$ VV qIder St ( i X PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: (� p D re , %AME:-1 f A- I\6 F_ \ . 1 4 NAME: J t� 1 �j MAILING DDRESS: ,' G MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATER A I A ZIP ' y CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE#I:-.�, / q —(,3 I/ — rr�r r: PHONE: CELL: N `�L14 tL PHONE#2: __ — 2 EMAIL: r EMAIL:. z' P LBtI REG# EXP. PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNS CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER❑ NAME `E. `,EMA1 k 2 P (\&1-,k �f i^,Ii h\A MAILING ADDRESS ' 7r-a CITY STATE I LDZ%_ZIPC Y PHONE CELL PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) �.Z�-d- J `� T �O ZANW LEGAL DESCRIPTtIO (Ab vtased) + FIRE DIS SITE ADDRESS l 5 1 �(t C)(r(1 �1 L �j�r— CITY DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS IS THE PROJECT WITHIN OF 'OPEIS)GREATER THAN 14'/.�Ns�w_ IS PROPERTY WITHIN200 FOLLOWING: tche*all dmiappt SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ RI REEK❑ POND❑ WETLANDRUNOFF❑ STREAM❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW❑ TION❑ ALTERATIONkW REPAIR❑ OTHER Q USE OF STRUCTURE(Resid .e Garage.Commercial Bldg.Etc.) IS USE: PRIMARY S NA4jD NUMBER OF BEDROOMS NUMBER OF BATHROOMS HEATED STRUCTUIE9/ �taBldg!❑ YES fPanJs)alB1A 1 p NO } DESCRIBE WORK rrj _L-� Cr r)t—1' IF C'� /` - - - -- UARE FOOTAG p,opased) IST FLOOR_r#ft. 2ND FLOOR ft 3RD FLOOR sq.ft. BASEMENT sq.ft. DECK La sq.ft. COVERED DECK STOW#PE sq.ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE sq.ft. Attached❑ Derac ❑ CARPORT sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MAAtAjTURED HOME INFO N: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* OD YEAR LENGTH H BEDRO 1IS I SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL \ ^ SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: S SEWER ` / NEW❑ EXISTING I[] PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES'[] NOI,51 ;. Ijyes,attach completed WaterAdegrrocy Form �` I, PERIMETERJFOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YIS❑ NO�/ EXISTING SQ.Fr. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BE*OMS TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate Information esuit in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acitnowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and 1 further declare I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,inducing any 110rement holder or parties of interest regarding this project The owner or legal representative,represents that the Information provided is accur4rand grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)(or review and inspection.This permillappl' es null&void If work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or it construction work is suspended for a period of ill lb PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON PERMIT IS B IVI EANS OF INSPECTION. INACTTY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF ISO DAYS ORE WILL C �TdE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON J1 c 14 08.42) IPC i Signature of OWNER ��ff (D•at DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH From: Genie McFarland Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 9:40 AM To:jeaneenhamlett@gmail.com Subject: Fw: BLD2020-00975, 181 E. Country Club Drive, 12220-55-00014, Deck f vJ�j wit w cwi t to tauclti lei w fitly yo w o w the p ermit It scafwLk Lake the.,project L*co Meted, the,deck W lei thew 3 0" from gt-adei a*i d/the cover was- 'L+iq' Is,the correct? if yatw a i wer �,k yeas thew we,a.rei go+i1W to-ca wx4l thik permit Jw4t-let mel 61.4ow. Mason County Permit Assistance Center and Building and Planning Departments are currently closed to the public. Staff are continuing to work for you either from home, in the field or in the office. To find out how we are operating TODAY, please visit:http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/buildinA/index.php. Geni&Mcf"La t& Pe-mit specialist gmvn@ca:mzc4o*v.wa:ak 1.360.427.9670 ext. 284 or 354 From: Dave Kuzawa Sent:Thursday, October 29, 2020 9:13 AM To:Joshua Luck; Genie McFarland;Trish Woolett Subject: Fw: BLD2020-00975, 181 E. Country Club Drive, 12220-55-00014, Deck FYI...The application is on my desk if you need it. DaveK From:Jeaneen Hamlett<jeaneenhamlett@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 1:42 PM To: Dave Kuzawa Subject: Re: BLD2020-00975, 181 E. Country Club Drive, 12220-55-00014, Deck We redesigned deck it will be 20 inches from ground. We have our material and a contractor so we had to get done. All is done according to Mason County guidelines. Thank you On Mon, Oct 26, 2020, 2:41 PM Jeaneen Hamlett <jeaneenhamlett@gmail.com> wrote: Received, thank you. On Mon, Oct 26, 2020, 12:45 PM Dave Kuzawa <DKuzawa@co.mason.wa.us> wrote: Good Afternoon, I have attached a request for further information regarding the above referenced building permit application. Please feel free to call if you have further questions. Sincerely, Dave Kuzawa Mason County Building Inspector/Plans Examiner jRi Q Product Le Cut Logic ck Joist J1 10 2x8 HF#2 Treated 18'10x 1/18 ck Joist Blockin Bk1 16 2x8 HF#2 Treated R/L ck Beam 81 2 4x10 DF#2 16'2x 1/15 ck Post Pt1 2 4x4 HF#2 Treated 12'2x 2J6 ck Ledger Ld1 16 2x10 HF#2 Treated R/L mRm1 72 2x8 HF#2 Treated R/Ln er H I 20 LUS28 Z Simpson Strong Tie Deck Deckin 643 LF of 1x6 Trex Decking Enhance Sim son H3 4 ABU44 Z Simpson Strong Tie Sim son H1 2 HUC410 Z Simpson Strong Tie Rml ) Pitt U to •cu ui O � Bk1 ~" 61 P�1 2 Bl 15' J1 18 Ldl Rm1 Pt1l - W:..- Rm1, Pt 1— -- Rmi RECEIVED ��O RE ��tato w OR Material List Explanation JUL20 2 J m t E u a u w t)Tag:caw pref Vodre and number that Mennhes,prod,, _ Alder Street 3j prrod�aroduc��and ar special adhn,tes 615 W c 3 a v o= o 4)Len.Length of the Product to be shipped - 5)Cut Logic.A.list of vhmh pieces shwld be cut out of the dsterent shipped lengths of product Example Befwr.Yx{iN 1Vf use(1)pieeed2x'10 al f0' - O "�' G� O C ahrpped tengfh Awf(1J pits d 4'eM(f)piece of d'. c c o Next sled,'fx(2R use(1)p—e of 2x f0 at?0 snipped r rerprh to cut(2)pieces w 5' Estimator:Estimator Name 1) 21 3) 4) 5) 1 1 Tracking:Tracking# r�oss 4 ce nee u t. tqt:� )1v. 2,�,;,d Sheet 1 of Ta Q Product Le Cut Logic Deck Joist J7 10 2x8 HF#2 Treated 18'10x 1118) Oeck Joist Blockin Bkt 16 2x8 HF#2 Treated R/L Deck Beam B1 2 4x10 DF#2 16'2x 1/15 Deck Post Ptt 2 4x4 HF#2 Treated 12'2x 2)6 Deck Ledger Ld1 16 2x10 HF#2 Treated R!L Rim Rm1 72 2x8 HF#2 Treated R/L Han er H2 I 20 LUS28 Z Simpson Stron Tie Deck Deckin 643 LF of 1 x6 Trex Decking Enhance Sim son H3 4 ABU44 Z Simpson Strong Tie Sim son H1 2 HUC410 Z Simpson Strong Tie Rm1 i t1 U a O Y � u 0 Pt1 Bk1 :gyp- BRm1z- P 1j15- 71-18 Ldl Rill kppti—j R Rmlli o Z! M a a-0 o off, o a t o p Z U y N Material List Explanation RECEIVED ¢o o v o d 3 nua o,vii�a 7)Tag:Cob,prenrkuMv and number that idern Pies a product y - O CO L uo 2)Oty:O 4 of product as 3 j u o "' C O 7 Product P.&.t - J U L 2 3 2020 type and any cpea�ai am�bmes 4)Len:Length or the product to be shipped BUILF ., * f"� m G a 5)Cut nent..ppe l gtkh f es should be wt out d the • ¢°i o tlMerent shipped kn hs of product Exampk 8~. 1r(SN 1,a)`use(1)p�W 2n10 ar 10' sh pped length b cu,(1)puce at 4'end(1)piece et d' ,ve.r smp,•ixrys)`use(+)paste er blow}o-sNpped 615 W. Alder Street largrh fo cur(2)pietas at 5' Estimator:Estimator Name 1) 2) s) 4) 5) Ti Tracking:Tracking# "" 1'ta,:,`1,.' Sheet 1 of