HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2012-00048 for BLD2012-00721 - GEO Geological Review - 6/22/2012 GEO
Mason County Review Checklist
For a Geological Assessment
This checklist is intended to assist Staff in the review of a Geological Assessment. The Assessment is reviewed for
completeness with respect to the Resource Ordinance. If an item is found to be not applicable, the report should
explain the basis for the conclusion. The Assessment is also reviewed for clarity and consistency. If the drawings,
discussion, or recommendations are not understandable, they should be clarified. If they do not appear internally
consistent or consistent with the application or observations on site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If
resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director.
Applicant's Name: /",44 �7�'�/J��
Permit#: G� �J/� l a Parcel#'s: 230
Date(s) of the Document(s) reviewed:
1. A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development, with geologic unit
designation based on referenced maps.
OK? t/ Comment:
2. (a) A discussion of the ground water conditions at the site,
OK? � Comment:
(b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water,
OK? L"' Comment:
(c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage,
OK? Comment:
(d) A discussio of the upslope geomorphology,
OK? Comment:
(e) A discus si of location of upland waterbodies and wetlands.
OK? Comment:
3. The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g. glacial till or outwash sand.
OK? Comment:
4. A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability (presence of hummocky ground or ground
cracks, terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating
downslope movement, etc.).
OK? L-"�' Comment:
5. A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records.
OK? ✓ Comment:
6. An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or its associated buffer or
setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of the proposed development.
OK? ✓ Comment:
7. A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to further evaluate site
conditions and the proposed development of the subject property.
OK? -� Comment:
8. If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development, then the following are
delineated on a geologic map/site map:
Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
(a) the area of the proposed development, .
OK? y Comment:
(b) the boundaries of the landslide hazard area (top, both sides, and toe),
OK? y Comment:
(c) the associated buffers (top, both sides, and toe)
OK? 11"'� Comment:
(d) building or other setbacks (top, both sides, and toe).
9. A site map dFZoi
to Cale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of
existing anded development on the site.
OK? Comment:
Are the Documents signed and stamped? By whom?
License#: 30 g Li ense type: t^ _
FIRST REVIEW proved ❑ Need more info.
If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action?
Reviewed by on Oalloy . Time spent in review: r
SECOND REVIEW/ UPDATE ❑ Approved ❑ Need more info.
If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action?
Reviewed by , on . Time spent in second review:
THIRD REVIEW/UPDATE ❑ Approved ❑ Need more info.
If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action?
Reviewed by , on . Time spent in third review:
Disclaimer. Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Assessment
Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
80 �JE0 o I a . ono,4 g
Mason County Department of Community Development `�.{d
Submittal Checklist For a Geotechnical Assessment
Instructions: "CEIVE
�v .0
This checklist must be submitted with a Geotechnical Report and completed, signed, and stamped by the.
licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geotechnical Assessment for review by Mason County
pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item found to be not applicable, the report CEP 2 5 2012
should explain the basis for the conclusion.
�16 Applicant/Owner Steve&Patricia Marksteiner Parcel# 32304-11-%05 W. CEDAR ST.
3 -+ �-
REz .i�-IED
Site Address —880 N Namma Ridge Drive. 1.111twauc.Washineton 98555 SEP 2 5 2012
(1) A discussion of general geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the
proposed development, with geologic unit designation based 426 W. CEDAR ST.
on reference maps_
Located on page(s)_Pes 1 thru 2
(2) (a) A discussion of the groundwater conditions at the site, �� I N
Located on page(s) Page 2
(b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water
Located on page(s) Page 2
(c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage
Located on page(s) Paae 2
(d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology
Located on page(s) Page 2
(e) A discussion of location of upland waterbodies and wetlands.
Located on page(s) Page 2
(3) The approximate depth to hard or competent soil, e.g. glacial till or outwash sand.
Located on Map(s) Page 2 &Plan Sht 2
(4) A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability(presence of
hammocky ground or ground cracks,terraced topography indicative of landslide block
movement, bowed or arched trees indicating downslope movement, etc.).
Located on Map(s) PRge 3
(5) A discussion of the history of landslide activity, as available in the
referenced maps and records.
Located on Map(s) Page 3
(6) An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or
Its associated buffer or setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of
The proposed development.
Located on Map(s) Page 3
Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical
Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
(7), A i*ecommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to further
evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property.
Located on page(s) Paee 3
(8) If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development, then the
following are delineated on a geologic map/site map
(a)the area of the proposed development
Located on Maps None Found or Observed
(b)the boundaries of the landslide hazard area(top, both sides, and toe),
Located on Map(s) None Found or Observed
(c) the associated buffers(top, both sides, and toe)
Located on Map(s) None Found or Observed
(d) building or other setbacks (top,both sides, and toe).
Located on Map(s) None Found or Observed
(9) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the
Location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site
Located on Maps Plan Sheets 1 & 2
I, Alan A.Tah*a, P.E. hereby certify under
penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized
knowledge of geotechrncal/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist
licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify
that the Geotechnical Assessment. dated 6/22/12 , and entitled Steve& Patricia
Marksteiner Geotechnical Assessment meets all the requirements of the Mason County
Resource Ordinance, Landslide Hazard Section, is complete and true, that the assessment demonstrates
conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included
geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent
harm to property and public health and safety. (Signature and Stamp)
WA '
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Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical
Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. �et) 2p101 • d 60��
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 7R�L
�-id Zola-oo-�Z.I
Mason County DCD
PO Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584 RECIEWED
Steve&Patty Marksteiner SEP 2 5 2012
5530 Sedalia Tr# 631
Benbrook, TX 761261811 426 W. CEDAR ST.
(817) 914-0346
RE: Geotechnical Assessment
Mason Co. Case No.s SWG2006-00954
Mason Co. Prcl No. 32304-11-90502
The Marksteiners are in the process of developing their property in the community of
Hamma Ridge Drive with a single family residence. The property has been cleared and
partially level at some past date,and has an existing septic system installed on the property in
the location indicated on the attached site plan. Slopes on the property were investigated as
well as slopes within 300 feet of the property. The property itself contains gentle slopes,
typically measured between 10 and 20%. The slopes west of the Marksteiner property were
investigated, and though found to exceed 40% in gradient,they were also found to be 400'
plus away from the Marksteiner's property boundaries. Mason County's Critical Resource
Ordinance requires geotechnical investigation of any properties with slopes exceeding 15%
and more than 10 feet of vertical relief.No thresholds for a geotechnical report were found,
but the property's slopes do warrant that a geotechnical assessment document be prepared to
dispel the need for a geotechnical report.
The slopes on and around the Marksteiner property place it in a category "b" classification
under Mason County's Resource Ordinance requirements(MCRO Section E.1). Category b
properties are required to be investigated under the requirements of Mason County's
Geotechnical Assessment report requirements. The assessment is intended to investigate
stability issues relating to the proposed development, and to determine whether a more
aggressive Geotechnical Report is needed for the property's development.
The following nine elements are required to be addressed in geotechnical assessments
prepared to meet the County's geotechnical assessment requirements.
1. Discussion of geologic conditions: The site is located in the Hamma Ridge
Community approximately 7 miles north of Hoodsport, Washington on the Olympic
Mountain foothills situated above and to the west of US Highway 101. The general lay of the
land has been described in the introduction as generally sloping at an average gradient of
roughly 16%from the property's south corner to its north corner. Probing with a 4 foot rod
found a moderately dense loamy sand covering most of the site to a depth between half a foot
to three feet deep. Probe locations and depths to the underlying firm hard soil layer are
shown on plan sheet 2.
File:C: Projects 3farksteiner!Geo-Assmni 1 of 4 6/22/2012
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Inspection of the Washington State Interactive Geologic Map indicates that the site soils are
Continental Glacial Deposit of the Fraser Glaciation, Vashon Stade described as soil category
Qgt, which are described as follows:
Q9t Till. late Wisconsinan(Pleislocene) Unwrtcd unstratiiwd. highly
compacted ml\ture of clay. silt, sand gntvcL and boulders deposited
by glacial ice of the Puget iobc;gray, may contain interbedded strati-
fied sand,sih. and gravel; sand-size fraction is very angular and con-
tains abundant polycrystalline quartz. which distinguishes this unit
from alpine till, cobbles and boulders arc commonly striated and ior>
faceted. although unweathered almost everywhere. may contain cob-
bles or small boulders of deeply wrathered granitic rock-
Inspection of the Soil Survey Map of Mason County found the soils listed as a Hoodsport
soils which are described as a moderately shallow soil layer resting on top of a cemented
glacial till layer, generally located on 10 to 15%slopes. The Hoodsport Gravelly Sandy
Loam soils(Hg& Hf)are not listed under Mason County's Resource Ordinance as an
erodable soil. Inspection of the Washington Coastal Atlas, landslide hazard section, found the
site located in an area identified as"stable".
The project area lies at the base of the Olympic Mountain Foothills which can be
characterized as a mix of ravines, valleys, and a gentle sloping shelf which connects the
foothill plateau with the steep Olympic Mountains to the west. The immediate upslope
geomorphology of the Marksteiner property may be described as"hilly". The Marksteiner
property is located on a north trending knoll which is surrounded to the west and north by
steep slopes. The ground south of the Marksteiner property continues to ascend
approximately 30 vertical feet over a distance of approximately 270-feet where it is fairly
level over a distance of roughly 200-feet where it then begins a southerly descent.
2. Discussion of groundwater conditions at the site: The general slope of the property
helps keep the property well drained and dry. No evidence of rutting or stormwater
channeling on the Marksteiner or neighboring properties were evident during site visits to the
property. The property is located fairly high (600-feet+)above the Hood Canal Sea Level
elevation. No indications of groundwater surfacing or wetlands were found on or around the
property. The groundwater elevation likely coincides with the Hood Canal sea level
elevation. No surface seeps, flows or standing water were found anywhere near the site.
3. Approximate depth to hard or competent soil: Soil probe locations are shown on
plan sheet 2 along with measured depths to the underlying hardpan layer. Most of the
undisturbed areas have a moderately dense soil layer approximately 30-inches deep overlying
the strongly cemented glacial till substrate. The Conjectural Building Area shown on plan
sheet 2 was found generally to have a relatively thin moderately dense soil layer overlying
the underlying/supporting glacial till layer. It appears soils graded off the building area were
shoved towards the north and/or may have been used to provide additional soil cover depth
over the septic drainfield already installed on the property, apparently in 2007.
File:C.IProjects�Marksteiner',Geo-Assmnt 2 of 4 6/22/2012
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
A conjectural residence is shown on the attached site plans. The house location has good
bearing soil typically at a depth of less than 30-inches. Footings for proposed structures
should bear on the underlying hardpan layer,or on fill material placed as a structural fill in 6
to 8-inch lifts compacted to 95%or greater of the soil's maximum compacted density.The
onsite soils may be used as structural fill provided it is placed with the soil's proper moisture
content to achieve the target compaction.
4. Discussion ofgeomorphic expression ofpast slope instability: The Marksteiner
property and residential properties surrounding the site display no evidence of recent slope
instability or earth movement.
5. Discussion ofthe history oflandslide activity in the vicinity: Inspection of the
Coastal Zone Atlas covering this area reveals that the upland area surrounding the
Marksteiner property is stable. Areas of the access road(N Hamma Ridge Drive)have
experienced varying degrees of slope movement and small scarping,but most of this activity
is located in the outwash soils located along Highway 101 near the sea level elevation. A
large landslide developed approximately a mile southwest of the Hamma Ridge Community
on Highway 101. The highway was re-routed through this area and reconstructed and has
remained stable since then.
6. An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard
area or its associated buffer or setback: The Marksteiner property is located approximately
400+feet away from the nearest potentially unstable slope(s) (slopes with a gradient greater
than 40%),and the property itself reveals no evidence of stability problems, so I am lead to
an opinion that the proposed property improvement(s) are located outside of a hazard area or
any associated buffers or setbacks.
7. A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be
required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject
property: A geotechnical report level investigation of the property does not appear
warranted from the observations and findings already made.
8. If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed
development, then the area of the proposed development, boundaries of the hazard, and
associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated(top, both sides, and toe)on a geologic
map/site map. No hazard areas or slopes exceeding 40%were found on or within 400+feet
of the Marksteiner property.
9. A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow,
and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site: This report
includes a site plan which contains the required information. The existing 3 Bedroom Onsite
Septic System(OSS)and the approximate location of a proposed residence are shown on the
attached site plan.
File:C:IProjecislMarksteinerlGeo-Assmnt 3 of 4 6/22/2012
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
This concludes my assessment of the Marksteiner property located in the Hamma Ridge
community of Mason County, Washington. In brief, it is my opinion that the property and
proposed improvements are not in jeopardy from instability or earth movements, and should
be allowed to proceed without additional landslide stability investigation or reporting. Please
feel free to contact me if there are any additional concerns or issues required to be addressed
by Mason County's Resource Ordinance 17.01.100— 104.
`Sj�NAL E�
Alan A. Tahja, P.E.
Attached: 2 page plan set.
Geotechnical Assessment Checklist
File:C:iProjec$stMarksleiner�Geo-Assmnl 4 of 4 6/22/2012
Alga Tabja,P.E. Steve&Pablds MwkshiiowMaduta
PO Boat 235 5530 Sedalia,TR 631
HoodWork WA 98548 BwbrWk TX 76126 a.Ji-�Ca Pid Na: 3230&11-9= (360)877-9512 (817) 91"346 2 oft
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