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SEP99-0029 Forest Moratorium Release - SEP Letters / Memos
Mason County Forest Moratorium Waiver/Release Application fj�Y L This application is used to waiver a portion of a parcel for development permits or to release the entire tract from the six year moratorium for development permits. This process was created under the guidance of RCW 76.09.060. This application needs to be filled out completely, so that we have all the information necessary to process the application in an expedient manner. Are you requesting a Waiver or a ReleaZelease a Moratorium? El Waiver Applicant's Name: X5, Applicant's Address: a celS 6E,�r Operator's Name: Ir-/ Q igr-Cjo© Operator's Address: 3 Parcel number of affected Parcel:1�3� -_7 DOD a .3a?„2 3 7l— o00 70 Parcel size in acres: Identify w at type of imber was removed, ie: }' ple, etc: cC _ Was the timber harvest done under an approv, / C ?-5C, s th r Vo rcement action_taken by the es ❑ -32Z3G - S -0c&5C-) Forest Practice Application Number: C)o a 6 Forest Practice Application Date of Approval: Wha do you p n to usWha do you n to th�ffected parcel forparcel for