HomeMy WebLinkAboutBiological Evaluation - OT General - 3/6/2016 Addendum to Hunter Family Farm and. James & Joan Hunter Joint-use Pier, Ramp and Float Project NWS 2015-239 Addendum. dated May 18 2016 c1� � l � ESSMV MARINE SURVEYS Et ASSESSMENTS 267 Hudson St. Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 385-4073 Marine.surveys-inc@gmait.com Figure 1 with revised structure location 0' 25' 75' 10, 50' 100' HOOD CANAL DANIEL&JILL JOHN&JOAN SULLIVAN PECKENPAUGH 18010 VIKING WA NW 22520 87TH PL W. POULSBO,WA EDMONDS,WA 98370 98026 ORIGINAL #32236-51-00036 PL PL NEW LOCATION—� '" E #32236-50-00006 LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED JOINT-USE STRUCTURE. PI p1 115'FROM L L BULKHEAD L HAPPROX APPROX. 'w 152' MHHW=11.8'(MLLW) a IS 1'UP THE BULKHEAD 1 x 6'concrete pad under pier 22' 12' 2' ROW 30' - - -FOG LINE SR 106 CENTER LINE JOINT USE APPLICANTS TJAMES&JOAN HUNTER HUNTS 9894 EL SR106,UNION, RWAERSHIP PO BOX 2049 #32236-50-00010 SHELTON,WA 98584 #32236-50-00007 NOTE: This is not a survey. PL PL All measurements are approx. PL Contractor should verify all measurements before construction. Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD. Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0.0,MLLW Partnership and James&Joan Hunter float Job Name:Hunter Family Farm LTD. in:Hood Canal Adjacent Property owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- At:N 48,3575521 W 123.0144031 Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 County:Mason 87`"Place W.,Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference* (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 96592 Date: 5/17116 Page:2 of 8 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Figure 2. Habitat survey map with revised structure location MACROALGAE AND COVERAGE PER S$UARE METER: F= ilamentous Reds G=Gracilaria S.=S.latissima T Number and EGT= number of Zostera Marina turions NOTE;Only macroalggaae at%coverage of 10'/ 0 25' or greater are seen on this map. 10' 50' T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 TS T9 T10 T11 l0F 10F 20F 10F 10F 10F 1DF 10F lOG ,as 10G 1as 106 106 106 106 106 106 10G 106 105 105 205 205 105 205 205 2051o5 105 170 1 10F 20F 20F 3UF I 10F 10F 106 -5.3 1;6 10 !OS 16 1D5 105 105 105 10F 10F 105 105 160 1 I I 20F 30F 106 106 i i -4.3 20F 20F to ]OF 106 Ib I I t 1 � lOG I 10G f06 206 �. -10 F. IT 3i F 30F f 20 F I I 140 _1siT 206 i -3.3 10F 30 F I 1-30 10 F 120 T F -1.3 10F I _ 100 0.7 NEW�. ORIGINAL LOCATION LOCATION BO 3.2 60 4.7 _ 40 6.6 20 B.3 Distance along T6 and tidal elevation (MLLW)in feet 0 BULKHEAD/BASELINE 10.0 I Figure 3 Planting Plan Details Mitigation Planting and Monitoring Plan for Hunter Family A.Mitigation Plan Mitigation is required for this site as the proposed structure will be built on a shoreline of statewide significance and will impact critical habitats.Native plants will be installed along the top of the top of the bulkhead replacing the grass which continues from the road to the edge of the bulkhead. The planting plan area can be seen in Figure 1 (planting plan map) and in Figure 2 (photos). Plants will be installed in a 6 foot by 240 foot area just above the bulkhead. Nootka Roses will be installed at 4 foot centers for approximately 240 feet skipping the area in front of the proposed structure. Other species will be interspersed. The plants selected for this site are all native plants that can tolerate salt spray from the marine environment. They were selected to improve the overall value of the functions in this critical area buffer. Soil stability,nutrient input,and wildlife habitat were all important factors. Following is a table showing the plant species and numbers for the planting area. Plants will be selected from a regional native plant nursery. Plant List Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Size 36 Rosa Nutkana Nootka Rose 2 Gal 4 Holodiscus discolor Oceanspray 2 Gal 8 Ribes sanguineumRed-Flowering Currant 2 Gal 6 Vaccinium ovatum Evergreen Huckleberry 2 Gal 12 Leymus mollis Dunegrass 1 Gal 10 Gaultheria shallon Salal ] Gal Plants should be installed in late fall or early spring following the construction work. During these times plant are semi-dormant and soils are easier to work.Plants will be laid out by hand generally following the spacing specified on the planting plan map(Figure 1). The plants will be installed by digging a one to two foot hole, loosening the soil,placing the plant in the ground after loosening soil around the root ball. The hole must be deep enough to ensure the roots are straight,but not so deep as to bury plants too far above the root collar. Once the plant is in place,the hole will be backfilled and tamped lightly.Mulch should be applied 3"deep around plants,being careful not to touch the stem of the plant.No extraordinary measures are proposed at this time to protect installed plants other than mulching,weeding and watering. Substitutions might be necessary for species or individuals that cannot be found at local nurseries. All plant substitutions will be approved by the project biologist prior to installation to ensure their suitability for the site. L B.Performance Standards Performance standards are measurable criteria for determining if the goals and objectives of the mitigation project are being achieved. If the proposed benchmarks are not achieved by comparing the surveys to the mitigation goals,then contingency plans will need to be implemented. Performance Standard#1 (survival rate): Immediately after planting, all plants will be counted and documented. At the end of each growing season(late Aug-early Sept)plots will be visited and a count of surviving plants will be documented. The percent survival for the plots will be calculated by dividing the total number of plants after planting by the total number of surviving plants at the end of the season. Photo stations for the replanting site will be determined and a photograph of each transplant location will be taken on an annual basis. Individual plants that die must be replaced with native species I order to meet the survival performance standards. Performance Standard#2 (percent cover): The percent cover standard will be monitored by looking at each monitoring unit of the enhanced areas from above and estimating the area covered by the individual species. The percent cover within an area can be quantified as a total greater than 100%because plants (in tree,high/low shrub and herbaceous layers)overlap uncover. C.Monitoring Plan An as-built drawing and report will be submitted as documentation of the implementation of the approved planting plan within one month of installation.The plan will include vegetation description and photo documentation from established photo stations.A panoramic photo of the entire mitigation site will also be provided. Photos should be taken June—August,during the growing season.Monitoring will take place over a period of five years at the end of the growing season(late August or early September) of each monitoring year. The performance standards will be monitored by measuring plots in zones within the planting area that will be established and mapped after planting occurs, on the as-built plan. There will be photo points for each plot and they will be referenced on the as-built plan. Each year, the photo points established at each site will be used for comparison.Photos will be taken at all points for all years as visual documentation of the performance standard's progress, or lack thereof. In addition to photos at designated points,photo documentation must include a panoramic view of the entire planting area. Submitted photos must be formatted on standard 8 '/2"by 11"paper, dated with the date the photo was taken and clearly labeled with the direction from which the photo was taken. The photo location points must be identified on an appropriate drawing..Collected data and photos will be compiled into an annual Riparian Planting Report each year and submitted by November 30 of each monitoring year for five years.Each annual monitoring report shall include written and photographic documentation on plant mortality and replanting efforts and must document whether the performance standards are being met. Monitoring results will determine whether or not contingency measures will be needed. Performance Standards#1 & 2 Year 1:Achieve 100%survival success of replanted natives into mitigation areas. Year 2:Achieve 100%survival success at end of second year into mitigation areas. Year 3:Achieve 80%survival success at end of third year into mitigation areas. Year 4: Achieve 80%survival success at end of fourth year into mitigation areas. Year 5: Achieve 80%survival success at end of into mitigation areas. D.Maintenance and Contingency Maintenance shall occur at least twice during the growing season to ensure the survival of all native species within the mitigation area, including volunteer natives.Watering by hand or sprinkler may be necessary during year number one until the plants are established. Water requirements will depend on the timing of planting with the seasons and weather conditions. Once plants are established, extra watering may not be necessary. Hand weeding will be necessary around all plants that are being monitored to ensure survival and coverage. If the required rate is not met by the end of any monitoring year,plants lost to mortality will be replaced to achieve the percentage cover called for in the performance standard described above. Prior to replacement, an appropriate assessment will be performed to determine if the survival was affected by species/site selection, animal damage, or some other factor. Subsequent contingency actions must be designed to respond directly to the stressor(s),which are increasing mortality of planted native species. If a particular species is shown not to endure site conditions then another,more appropriate species will be selected. If excessive damage is observed,protective measures will be introduced.Monitoring years may be added if significant replanting becomes necessary. Monitoring on an annual basis for five years will occur with photographs to determine the survival rate of the transplanted area. If 100% success is achieved during the first two years or 80% success rate during the last three years,monitoring will continue without extra replanting efforts. Within the five year time period,transplanting will occur on an annual basis to replace any plants that are lost until 80%success is achieved. 01 25 751 Nootka Rose 10' 50' 100' ' Red Flowering Currant 115'from bulkhead/MHHW Oceanspray PL Dunegrass Evergreen Huckleberry b ;v Salal PL PROPOSED JOINT USE STRUCTURE MHHW = 11.8' (MLLW) IS 1' UP THE BULKHEAD RULKHEA00t �1�� 4 ��� f 4 M� r .�•a �Cy���� F �•�.�. f F t'. nor. o 12' ROW 30' — FOG LINE SR 106 CENTER LINE Figure 4. Aerial photo showing revised location f� •rtc j, y, w . �. APPROX. ' OW ,. �. APPROX. 152' STRUCTURE a LOCATION ,� �,,yam.• � . F 175' r , p JJJ 44,• K t { i P• 0 r Hunter Family Farm and James & Joan Hunter Joint-use Pier, Ramp and Float Project Interim Abbreviated Biological Evaluation for Overwater Structures March 6, 2016 For: Hunter Family Farm Limited Partnership 9894 E. SR 106, Union, WA 98592 and James $ Joan Hunter PO Box 2049 Shelton, WA 98584 S SSESVI� ��` MARINE SURVEYS Ft ASSESSMENTS 267 Hudson St. Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 385-4073 marine.surveys.incCgmail.com List of Figures and Attachments FigureNumber.................................................................................Page 1. Project location .................................................................................12 2. Site plan..............................................................................................13 3. Plan view of the proposed structure ..............................................14 4. Elevation view of the proposed structure......................................15 5. Main float grating details.................................................................16 6. Finger float grating details ...............................................................17 7. Float grating functional grating calculations................................18 8. Documented forage fish map ........................................................19 9. Mitigation planting plan..................................................................20 Attachment Number.......................................................................Page 1. Habitat survey.............................................................................21-27 2. Habitat survey map...........................................................................28 3. Photographs of the site ..............................................................29-36 4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service species list...................................37-39 5. Essential Fish Habitat Assessment....................................................40 6. Assessment of Impacts to Critical Habitat for Puget Sound Chinook and Hood Canal Summer-run Chum .......................41-42 7. Assessment of Impacts to Critical Habitat for Coastal - Puget SoundBull Trout............................................................................43-44 8. Assessment of Impacts to Critical Habitat for Juvenile Canary andBocaccio Rockfish ....................................................................45 9. Coastal Zone Management Form............................................46-47 MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James i*Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 2 INTERIM ABBREVIATED BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION FOR OVERWATER STRUCTURES IN INLAND MARINE WATERS In Washington State 24 October 2012 SECTION A- 1. Corps Reference number: [To be completed by Corps Project Manager] 2. This form constitutes an application for an individual permit and a Reference Biological Evaluation. NMFS Reference Number: 2003/00214&2006/07415 USFWS Reference Number: 04-PI-0803& 1-3-05-I-0675 SECTION B-General Information 1. Date:March 6,2016 2. Applicant name: Hunter Family Farm LTD.Partnership.9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 and James&Joan Hunter. PO Box 2049,Shelton,WA 98584 Mailing address: see above Home phone: Alternate phone: Email: Mailing address: Work phone: Alternate phone: Fnmil: Ian: 3. Authorized agent name: wMarine Surveys&Assessments—Meg Amos Mailing address: 267 Hudson Street,Port Townsend,WA 98368 Work phone: Alternate phone: EEmail: 60 3 I a�: 385-4073 arine.surve surveys. mail.com 4. Contractor's name: Tim Zech Lake Shore Construction Mailing address:PO Box 1058,Belfair,WA 98528 Work phone: Alternate phone: Email: 360.275.5029 1 1 zech@,g.com SECTION C—Project Information 5. Location where proposed work will occur Location of sin-use property(street address,city,county):9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Waterbody: Hood Canal '/,Section: Section:36 Township:22N Range:03W Latitude:48.357552' Longitude: 123.014403' Parcel Number:32236-50-00010 6.Adjacent Property Owners: John and Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 87 Place W.Edmonds,WA 98022.#32236-50-00006 Daniel&Jill Sullivan. 18010 Viking Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 #32236-51-00036 7.Work Type: The project consists of building a new joint-use pier,ramp and float structure on Hood Canal(Figure 1).The structure will consist of a G by 50'pier with 100%grating,a 4'by 40'aluminum fully grated ramp,an 8'by 30'main float and an 8'by 14'"finger"float. The pier and ramp will be 100%grated.The 8'by 30' float will have 58%functional grating and the 8'by 14' "finger"float will have 54%functional grating.Float stops and 2 stud pilings will prevent the floats from grounding out. Four galvanized steel pilings(8"diameter)will support the pier structure.The floats will be attached to four 10"diameter gale.steel pilings(Figures 2-5).The pilings will be driven to refusal with a drop hammer.A 6"thick wooden block will be used to attenuate the pile drivingnoise. oise. Provide a detailed description of work and mitigation,maps and drawings as detailed in Appendix "E", "Drawing Checklist and Examples of Title Blocks". Effective drawings facilitate the prompt evaluation of the application.The drawings must clearly show the factors detailed in the specific project description section of this RGP. See figures attached below MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James ft Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 3 8.Single or Joint Use: Joint Use If joint use,you must list the other waterfront property owners:name,address,and telephone number,as co-applicants.You must also provide a joint use agreement(Agreement)signed by all involved property owners;the Agreement must state that each property owner voluntarily agrees to build no overwater structures on their property except for the maintenance or modification of the authorized joint use overwater structure.Upon issuance of the permit for the joint use overwater structure, all property owners must record this Agreement on their deeds. See above 9. Existing Structures Are there any existing structures at the project location? 10'by 10'swim float If so provide the ages of each structure:Unknown at this time SECTION D—ESA and Specific Project Information I(We) 1(We) Not Conservation Measure and Construction Specification Specific Project Information Will Will Not Applicable Implement Implement 1.PIERS a.The width of the modified portion of a pier or Width of pier:__6'_feet X proposed new pier must not exceed 4 feet for single-use and 6 feet for wheelchair or joint-use. b.At least 40%functional grating with 60%open Grating: 60%open area X area is required on all new or replacement piers that are 4-6 feet wide. _ c.For all sections of the pier that span upper X intertidal obligate vegetation and/or when any part of the pier spans shoreline vegetation,that section will be fully grated with 60%open area. d.Pier configuration: The pier must be a straight X ❑ line. New,repair,or replacement of finger"ell"or "T"shaped piers are not authorized by this RGP. e.The repair,maintenance,or replacement of Will an electrical utility box be ❑ ❑ X existing structures on piers,or the construction of repaired,maintained or replaced? new structures on piers,(buildings,planter boxes, No slides)are not authorized,but electrical utility boxes can be repaired,maintained or replaced. If so,provide dimensions and detail: 2. FLOATS a.For a single use structure the float width must Length/Width offloat: ❑ X not exceed 8 feet and the length cannot exceed 30 %functional grating. feet. Functional grating must be installed on at least 50%of the surface area of the float. b.For a joint use structure the float width must not Length/Width offloat: Main X exceed 8 feet and the length cannot exceed 60 feet. float is 8'x30 eel Functional grating must be installed on at least _I40 square feet of functional 50%of the surface area of the float. grating. (58%) The finger float has 60.8 square feet of functional grating(5LO/Jo c.To the maximum extent practicable,floats will Direction of length of float: X ❑ be installed with the length in the north-south Main float—133/313 dee direction. d.If the float is removed seasonally,the applicant Storage location: ❑ X needs to indicate this in their application along Corps authorization may be required with the storage location.Floats should be stored if the float will be stored within Corps above MHHW/OHW or at an approved location. jurisdiction even in a marina). e.Flotation for the float shall be fully enclosed. X ❑ ❑ f.Floatation shall be installed under the solid X ❑ ❑ onions of the float,not under the grating. g.If the float is positioned perpendicular to the Length/Width o float: X MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 4 ramp,a small additional float may be installed to Feet accommodate tidal movement of the ramp. The dimensions of the float cannot exceed 6 feet in width and 10 feet in length. 3.FLOAT STOPS a.To suspend the float above the substrate,the Float stops must be able to fully X ❑ ❑ preferred and least impacting option is to suspend support the entire float during all tidal the float above the substrate by installing float elevations. The floats will be stops(stoppers)on piling anchoring new floats. suspended by float stops and 2 stub files. b.If float stops attached to pilings are not feasible X (provide explanation)then up to four 10 inch Proposed number of stub piles: diameter stub pilings can be installed instead. 2 stub iles 8" c.Float feet attached to the float may be ❑In coarse substrate,D25 of 2S EJ ❑ X considered an option only under certain mm or larger for a grain size sample circumstances(see middle column for specifics). taken from upper]foot ofsubstrate ❑For elevations of-3 MHHW and Appropriate documentation must also be provided. lower at D25 of 4 mm or larger for a See the RGP 6 text and appendices for specific grain size sample taken from upper I guidance for each situation. foot of substrate(to exclude muck) ❑For repair or replacement of existing float feet only if I)the substrate contains mostly gravel(no analysis needed photographs are sufficient)and if(2)proposed replacement or repair includes other improvements of the environmental baseline like the removal of creosote- treated Iles and increased grating d.Floats can be held in place with lines anchored For a single-use float,a maximum X El ❑ with a helical screw or"duckbill"anchor,piling of 4 piling(not including stub piling) with stoppers and/or float support/stub pilings(see or helical screw or "duckbill" middle column for particular requirements). anchors can be installed X For a joint-use float,a maximum of Appropriate documentation must also be provided. 8 piling or helical screw or See the RGP 6 text and appendices for specific "duckbill"anchors can be installed guidance for each situation. ❑If anchors and anchor lines need to be utilized, the anchor lines shall not rest on the substrate at any time. ❑In rocky substrates where a helical screw or "duckbill"anchor cannot be used,another type of Corps-approved anchor(i.e., concrete block maybe permitted 4.RAMPS AND MARINE RAILS a.The width of the ramp cannot exceed 4 feet. Length of ramp: 40'_ --feet X ❑ ❑ Width of ram 4' feet b.Ramps will be fully grated with 60%open area. X c.Marine rail systems must be designed and ❑ ❑ X constructed so they are not barriers for littoral drift. 5.GRATING a.Grating must not be covered(on the surface or X ❑ underneath)with any items(e.g.,floats,canoes, kayaks,planters,sheds,carpet,boards or furniture, etc. .Grating must be kept clean of algae,mud or 1"D25 of 25mm"means that 25%of the substrate has a grain size of 25 mm or less. MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 5 other debris that may impede light transmission. b.Grating specifications(type and manufacturer) Grating Type/Manufacture:Fiberg_rate X ID and%open area(grating should have at least 60% Composite Structures open area or light penetration that is the same or more compared to grating with 60%open area) should be included as part of the application. c.Grating openings will be oriented lengthwise in X ❑ the east-west direction to the maximum extent. d.Overwater structures should incorporate as 60% X much functional grating as possible,and that grating should have at least 60%open area or light penetration that is the same or more compared to grating with 60%open area. e.The area of boat lifts and the vessel to be ❑ X moored at the overwater structure will be included in the float grating calculations. 6.PILING a.Replacement or proposed new piling can be How will abrasion be minimized? ❑ X steel,concrete,plastic,or untreated or treated wood. Any piling subject to abrasion(and subsequent deposition of material into the water) must incorporate design features to minimize contact between all of the different components of overwater structures during all tidal elevations. b.New-piling supporting a new pier must be Number of new piling X ❑ spaced no closer than 20 feet apart. (4)galvanized steel pilin sg at 8„ diameter c.If the project includes the replacement of Number of replacement piling: ❑ ❑ X existing piling,they should be either partially cut with a new piling secured directly on top,fully extracted,or cut 2-feet below the mudline. If treated pilings are fully extracted or cut,the holes or piling must be capped with clean,appropriate material. Hydraulic water jets cannot be used. d.A maximum of 2 moorage piling may be ❑ ❑ X installed to accommodate the moorage of boats Dolphins are not permitted. exceeding the length of the floats. 7.PILE DRIVING ACTIVITIES a.Vibratory or impact pile driving must not be See Appendix "H"for a list of known X ❑ ❑ initiated if ESA-listed marine mammals(Killer Sea Lion haul out sites. whales or Steller sea lions)are present within 300 A monitoring plan will be completed feet of the work site.Pile driving must be if required by NOAA and USFW S immediately suspended if the animal approaches the operation to within 300 feet,and shall only continue once the animal departs beyond 300 feet. b.Vibratory or impact pile driving must not be The permttee must develop and X ❑ ❑ initiated if ESA-listed birds(Marbled murrelets) implement a monitoringplan with the are seen within 160 feet.On a relatively clear day Corps and the USFWS. there is a reasonable probability of detecting A monitoring plan will be completed murrelets within 50 meters. if required by NOAA and USFW S c.If steel piles are proposed,only a vibratory pile Type ofpile driving:The pilings will El X driver can be used for installation. be driven with a drop hammer.A 6" thick wood block will be used for sound attenuation. d.Wood,concrete,or plastic piles can be installed Type ofpile driving: See ❑ X via vibratory pile driver or an impact pile driver. above e.No sound attenuation devices are required for ❑ ElX vibratory pile installation/removal. MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James 13 Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 6 f.Pile driving will occur during daylight hours X only,for a maximum of 12 hours per day. g.The applicant must provide the Corps with X anticipated date pile driving will be initiated,and Dates and times ofpile driving:This the anticipated date of piling driving will end. information will be provided when it Following completion of pile driving,the applicant becomes available. will provide the actual dates of pile driving and the estimated duration(excluding set-up times). 7a.PILE DRIVING ACTIVITIES a.Vibratory or impact pile driving must not be X ❑ ❑ initiated if ESA-listed marine mammals are present within 300 feet of the work site.Pile driving must be immediately suspended if the animal See 7a above approaches the operation to within 300 feet,and shall only continue once they move beyond 300 feet. b.Vibratory or impact pile driving must not be On a relatively clear day there is a X ❑ ❑ initiated if ESA-listed birds(Marbled murrelets) reasonable probability of detecting are seen within 160 feet. murrelets within SO meters. c.The following work window is in place X ❑ whenever steel piles will be driven with an impact hammer:All pile driving operations are only authorized to occur between 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset during Marbled murrelet nesting season(April 1 to September IS . d.The applicant must provide the Corps with X ❑ ❑ anticipated date pile driving will be initiated,and the anticipated date of piling driving will end. See 72 above for the response to the Following completion of pile driving,the applicant same issue. will provide the actual dates of pile driving and the estimated duration(excluding set-up times). e.When installing steel piling that is up to 10 X ❑ ❑ inches in diameter with an impact hammer,sound Information on proper installation attenuation devices must include one of the and use of bubble curtains is following:the placement of a block of wood available at the Corps'website: (minimum of 6 inches thick)between the hammer www.nws.usace.ar Y.mil/reg html and the pile or the use of a bubble curtain that distributes air around 100%of the perimeter of the 6"thick block of wood pile(the entire depth of the water column)or any other Corps approved sound attenuation device. f.When installing steel piling with a diameter ❑ X greater than 10 inches,the sound attenuation Information on proper installation device must include both the placement of a block and use of bubble curtains is of wood(minimum of 6 inches thick)between the available at the Corps'website: hammer and the pile and a bubble curtain that www nws.usace.army.mil/re html distributes air around 100%of the perimeter of the g' pile(the entire depth of the water column)or another Corps approved method/device. 8.TREATED WOOD a.No creosote,pentachlorophenol,CCA,or If treated wood will be used, list type X El comparably toxic compounds not approved for marine use,shall be used for any portion of the of treatment:ACZA over water structure. ACZA treated wood must See:Trehttpatment www.wwpin is ate.ore/ meet Post-Treatment Procedures. Treatment Certification is attached. b.No treated wood shall be used for the decking. X c.For restrictions on the use of ACZA treated piles X in forage fish spawning areas see Section 8. d. Some alternatives to treated wood include X plastic lumber,grating and untreated wood. MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 7 Treated wood can be used for all structural elements. 9.WATERCRAFT/MOORAGE a.A description of the watercraft to be moored at Type: Ski boat ❑ X the overwater structures must be provided. Size:6'wide by 20'long` Draft: 14" b.Watercraft cannot rest on the tidal substrate at How will grounding be prevented? X ❑ any time. See text for ways to prevent grounding. The boat will be pulled out at Twanoh State Park at low tides. c.Floating boat lifts or"pier extensions"are not ❑ X authorized by this RGP. d.A maximum of 2 additional piles may be used to ❑ ❑ X attach a watercraft grid to the piles used for anchoring the floats. e.The bottom of the watercraft grid or lift shall be ❑ X at least 1 foot above the substrate at all times. 10.MOORING BUOYS a.A single mooring buoy is covered under this Has a SPIF been submitted? ❑ X RGP. Applicants must fill out and submit the No SPIF entitled"Mooring Buoys".See Page 3 for details. b.Applicable State/local permits must be obtained. ❑ X Check with your local jurisdiction to ensure mooring buoys are allowed within the project area. c.The absolute location of the mooring buoy must Latitude: ❑ X be identified;provide the latitude and longitude. Longitude: 11.SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION/MARINE PLANT SURVEYS a.No survey is required for the replacement of ❑ ❑ X decking,ramps,floats or piles,if the replacement structure is within the same footprint. b.For all proposed new overwater structures or A description of substrate types at the X ❑ structures outside of the footprint of existing project site(e.g. mud,sand,fine structures,the applicant must submit survey cobble, large rock,at+5 feet above information on submerged aquatic vegetation MLLW)is attached with photographs. (SAV)and substrate conditions. c.In documented and potential forage fish According to WDFW,there is X ❑ spawning substrate,a spawning survey may be documented surf smelt spawning required prior to construction. activity at the site(Fi ug re 8). d.All overwater structures,piling,and associated The bottom of the boat or any part of X vessels must be placed outside of a 25-foot wide the structure, including the float, zone on both sides of the structure and measured when sitting on the float stops, must waterward to the landward edge of the relevant be a minimum of 4 feet(vertically) submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV)beds,at above the elevation of eelgrass beds substrate level. or relevant SAV(or 25 feet waterward)whichever is further. See Attachments 1 and 2. e.Within five miles of any major estuary,see list Major Puget Sound Estuaries: Li U X below,all overwater structures,pilings and Nisqually,Puyallup,Snohomish, associated vessels must be placed outside of the 25 Stillaguamish,Skagit,Nooksack foot wide zone waterward on both sides of the structure projecting waterward to the landward edge of the relevant submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)bed(s),at substrate level. All structures need to be constructed leaving a minimum of 4- foot elevation between the bottom edge of the MSttA Hunter Family Farm and James Ft Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 8 structure and the landward edge of SAV/eelgrass. f.If a pier is to be constructed through an eelgrass X or macroalgae bed,the structure will need to be long enough that the float is waterward of the eelgrass bed. Structures should be designed so that piles are not installed in SAV. If this is not possible,piles will need to be at least 40 feet apart; up to 2 piles may be allowed in SAV/eelgrass. 12.FORAGE FISH HABITAT a. If piers and ramps need to be constructed over Number ofpilingproposed in forage X ❑ documented or suitable Pacific herring,surf smelt fish spawning habitat:2 and/or sand lance spawning habitat,they must span at least 40 feet.If habitat is mapped as suitable for forage fish spawning but appears to have changed,documentation must be submitted that shows why the substrate is no longer suitable. b.Floats,float-support piling,helical anchors,and X watercraft grids or lifts cannot be installed in documented or suitable Pacific herring,surf smelt and/or sand lancespawning habitat. c.No overwater structure,piling,or vessels that X use them,can occur within a 25 foot wide zone on both sides of the structure projecting waterward (horizontally)and or within 4 feet vertically, whatever is greater,of eelgrass and relevant SAV. 13.WORK WINDOWS a.The Corps fish work windows(which might be See Corps website for work windows: X ❑ ❑ different than the HPA window)will be met. July 16 to Sept 14 www.nws.usace.army.mil/re .html b.If there is documented forage fish spawning Is there documented forage fish X ❑ habitat at the project site and there is no approved spawning habitat at the project work window for forage fish prior to construction, location? N_Q_X the applicant must have a qualified biologist or But WDFW has documented surf biologist certified by the WDFW confirm,in smelt spawning at the site in 1974. writing,that no forage fish are spawning in the Is there potential forage fish project area during the proposed construction.If spawning habitat at the project the Corps confirms the biologist's assessment,the location? No X permittee has 48 hours to begin work and 2 weeks from the date of inspection to complete all work contacting the substrate waterward of MHHW. c.Pile driving in marine waters will occur during X ❑ ❑ daylight hours only between 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset during the Marbled murrelet nesting season(April 1 to September 15). 14.WORK IN THE DRY a.Work that involves the excavation of the ❑ ❑ X substrate,bank,or shore shall occur in the dry whenever practicable. 15.OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT a.Use of equipment on the beach shall be held to a X ❑ minimum,confined to a single access point,and limited to a 12-foot work corridor on either side of the proposed work. Equipment shall be operated from the top of the bank,on a temporary work platform,bar e,or similar out-of-water location. b.Equipment shall be operated in a way that X ❑ ❑ minimizes turbidity. c.Required methods to identify problems and X ❑ ❑ maintain equipment will be implemented. MSftA Hunter Family Farm and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 9 d.Barges may not ground out at any time. X ❑ e.Any disturbance of the beach areas,waterward X ❑ of MHHW,by construction activities or equipment,shall be restored to the original pre- project conditions upon the immediate completion of construction and mitigation work. 16.DISTURBANCE OF RIPARIAN ZONE a.Existing habitat features(e.g.vegetation and ❑ ❑ X woody debris)shall not be removed if possible. b.Disturbance of bank vegetation shall be limited X ❑ to a work strip area no wider than twice the width See RGP text for illustrations. of the pier.There is no length requirement. c.If woody vegetation with a DBH of 4 inches or Check with local jurisdiction for ❑ ❑ X greater needs to be removed within the"work strip additional land clearing regulations area",the applicant must submit photographs of before work begins. the bank,work strip area,and areas immediately adjacent with justification to the Corps as part of the permit application before work begins. d.Trees that are removed should be left along the ❑ X shoreline as habitat features where possible. e.Disturbed bank vegetation shall be replaced with Planting Plan is attached ❑ ❑ X native species appropriate for the site.A Planting Plan must be provided and approved by the Corps. Plantings must be installed during the appropriate time of year and within one year of construction. 17.HARDENED SHORELINES The construction,replacement or maintenance of ❑ ❑ X hardened shorelines is not authorized by this RGP. 18.MITIGATION a.The applicant must submit a mitigation plan to The applicants are willing to remove X ❑ address impacts to aquatic resources. The plan the remains of an old boat ramp must be approved by the Corps. structure(Photographs of the Site for details). In addition,they will remove a single swim float measuring 10'by 10, (1)If plantings are selected as a mitigation Mitigation Planting Plan is attached. ❑ ❑ X option,the applicant must submit a plan with their The permittee is required to preserve application,to be reviewed/approved by the Corps. plantings for the duration that the permitted work/structure exists. (2)The approved mitigation measures,except X ❑ ❑ plantings,must be completed within 6 months from the start of project construction. Plantings must be installed at the appropriate time of year and within 1 year of permit issuance. 19.MITIGATION PLANTING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS a.A report on mitigation completion or a status ❑ ❑ X report on the project and mitigation,including as- built drawings,must be submitted to the Corps within 12 months from the date the RGP is issued. b.Mitigation planting monitoring reports will be ❑ ❑ X due annually for 5 years from the date the Corps accepts the as-built drawings. Reports will include written,dated documentation on plant mortality and replanting efforts.Photographs must be taken between June—August and show a panoramic view of the entire mitigation from a set point. c.Plantings must be installed during the X appropriate time of year for the selected species and within one year of project construction. MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 10 d.100%survival of all planted trees and shrubs is Individual plants that die must be ❑ X required during the first and second years after replaced with plants taken from Table planting. During the third through fifth years after 3 or other approved native species planting 80 percent survival is required. . e.Maintenance of the mitigation area includes During the monitoring period, the ❑ X replacement of dead or dying plants and removal permittee must implement any Corps of all invasive and noxious weeds. Maintenance required contingency plans if the does not include pruning,trimming or mowing. 1 performance standards are not met. 20.SKIRTING New or replacement skirting on any portion of an ❑ ❑ X overwater structure is not authorized by this RGP. GENERAL CONDITIONS All General Conditions will be met. X ❑ ❑ SECTION E- If"Will Not Implement"was checked for any of the above the following must be completed: El You must attach a completed Coastal Zone Management(CZM)form. This form can be found on the Corps'website at:www.nws.usace-army.mil X Describe in detail why each conservation measures/construction specification cannot be met and the alternative measures or actions that are proposed.Additional pages may be attached to this form. 2b.Due to the need for extra floatation in the"ramp float"to support the ramp,it is only possible to install 24%functional grating. 7c.The pile driving contractor does not own a vibratory pile driver. I Id. 12b Given the design of the structure,the float is located within 25'where there is 30%filamentous red algae and 10% densities of Gracilaria(See the Habitat Man and Habitat Survey). the structure has been redesigned from its earlier version to avoid as much macroal ae as possible X You must attach a copy of the HPA from the Department of Washington Fish and Wildlife. It will be provided when issued APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR A PERMIT OR PERMITS TO AUTHORIZE THE ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION,AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE,COMPLETE,AND ACCURATE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I POSSESS THE AUTHORITY TO UNDERTAKE THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES. I HEREBY GRANT TO THE AGENCIES TO WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS MADE,THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED LOCATION TO INSPECT THE PROPOSED,IN-PROGRESS,OR COMPLETED WORK. I VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS ON THIS FORM. I AGREE TO START WORK ONLY AFTER ALL OTHER NECESSARY LOCAL AND STATE PERMITS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. I ALSO ACKNOWLEGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT ANY CHANGES IN PROJECT LOCATION AND/OR PROJECT AND MITIGATION PLANS REQUIRES SUBMITTAL OF THE REVISED PLANS TO THE CORPS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. DEVIATING FROM APPROVED PLANS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL MAY RESULT IN THE ASSESSMENT OF CRIMINAL OR CIVIL PENALITES. Signature of Applicant(Permitee) Date Signature of Authorized Agent Date Signature of Contractor Date MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 11 Figure 1. Site location .LL`Jt'JJ".�" .V,.`J>`'JU• .Y•' JV'L4TCY.' LU YY AR, s It 00 o i �-•- GS-V TS•C I.221 - '' o i { 09 10° 1 • 1 J 106 !6T � ,�z�- __-_✓ '�`'' PROJECT SITE 0 0 leis �O° ints .t' �j y V. D P IWO � SHE I Ml[ 0 1000 FEET p SOOm I000. ' /r---��pr/ edt frovmm�TOPO!OI999 Wddfiomsr Pro&ctions(ai%ic.tooppo ccom)� P /� l ✓ C/m U/Y 1 rin l %_-YNI Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0 0 MLLW Partnership and James&Joan Hunter float Job Name Hunter Family Farm LTD In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48.357552 W 123 014403' (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh 22520 87°i Place W Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference# County:Mason (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan 18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Date:Jan.21,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page:1 of 8 MS£LA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 12 L Figure 2. Site plan 0' 25' 75 PROPOSED LOCATION FOR 10' 50' 100, 0F HELIX SCREW ANCHORFOR MOORING BUOY HOOD CANAL 12 5' JOHN&JOAN DANIEL&JILL PECKENPAUGH SULLIVAN 22520 87TH PL W. 18010 VIKING WA NW EDMONDS,WA I POULSBO,WA 98026 PL 115'from bulkhead/MHHW—r 98370 #32236-50-00006 PL #32236-51-00036 PL PL PROPOSED JOINT USE APPPDX. STRUCTURE AIPROX. 200' 127' MHHW=11.8'(MLLW) I5 I'UP THE BULKHEAD BULKHEAQ 04W N� C eYyJ�'• C .cricz�Oc�,tYAr:Ct z�0[Ke[Y�c�Cc%f+cr� .erx�c: 2'x 6'concrete pad 22• under pier 12' ROW 30' — — — —FOG LINE 5R 106 CENTER LINE JOINT USE APPLICANTS JAMES d JOAN HUNTER HUNTER FAMILY FARM LTD.PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 2049 9894 E.SR 106,UNION,WA SHELTON,WA 98584 #3 2 2 3 6-50-00010 #32236-50-00007 PL PL NOTE: This is not a survey. All measurements are approx. PL Contractor should verify all measurements before construction. Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0.0'MLLW Partnership and James&Joan Hunter float Job Name Hunter Family Farm LTD. In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48.357552' W 123 014403" 87'"Place W.,Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference#: County:Mason (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E SR 106.Union,WA 98592 Date:Jon 21,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page:2 of 8 MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Ft Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 13 Figure 3. Plan view of the proposed structure DRAFT 115'5TRUCTURE HUNTER FAMILY PROJECT HOOD CANAL Jan.15,2016 One of four 10"diameter a 8' galy.steel pilings 7 __ + 30' One of two • 8"diameter g•At least 50 stub piles functional grating in the floats 0' 10' 25' 50' • Aluminum ramp with 100%grating 3 5' One of four 8"diameter pier piles 115' 100%grated aluminum pier 50 PIER 6' MHHW=11.8' IS ONE FOOT UP THE BULKHEAD\ ROCK BULKHEA \\1� 2'X 6'CONCRETE PAD UNDER PIER `y 12' 22 SR 106 ROW Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD. Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0.0'MLLW Partnership and James&Joan Hunter float Job Name.Hunter Family Farm LTD. In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48 357552' W 123 014403" (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 87 County:Mason Place W.,Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference#. (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Date:Jan.21,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page: 3 of 8 MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 14 Ln cr D 115' F 50 � y ROW FOG LINE CENTER LINE 10"GALV. STEEL 100%GRATED 4'RAMP I 12' 30' PILES 100%GRATED 6' BY 50'PIER hIHHW - 92' T 11.8' 8"PIER PILES M.Hw_ C _ = 10.8 — — C BVLKHEAD � E 3 5' A rn MLLW 1 tD 0.0'- - - < � Q n STUB PILE TWO FLOATS WITH AT LEAST 50% O 3 FUNCTIONAL tv GRATING < C (D a � a+ a to so• 0 CD Pp 5 25 (D 0 70 0 2 -0 7 0 rr N rD (p L Q 0 N C C (� � rt rD C :2 — (D �i Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD. Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and 3 Datum:0.0'MLLW Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Float w Job Name:Hunter Family Farm LTD. T In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- Adjacent Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48.357552` W 123.014403 r* (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 87'"Place W.Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference# County:Mason (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106.Union.WA 98592 Date: Jan.21,2016 n Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page:4 of 8 K cn Figure 5. Main float grating pattern 40,1-po, Ll 20 sleepers 4c8 2cK stnngcrs stun r 2• c' Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD. Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0.0'MLLW Partnership and James 8 Joan Hunter float Job Name:Hunter Family Farm LTD. In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint- (i)John 8 Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48.3575521 W 123.014403° 87'h Place W.,Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference#: County:Mason (2)Daniel 8 Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Date:Jan.21,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page:5 of 8 MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 16 Figure 6. Finger float grating pattern 8"float pile• 2'x3'flotation 4"x8"sleeper tub t 4-4"x8" 2"x6"sleepers on the float stringer I E 2"x8"stringers i 8"stub pile under the floats 0 4' 8' 2' 6' Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD. Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0.0'MLLW Partnership and James i3 Joan Hunter Float Job Name:Hunter Family Farm LTD. In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint- (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48,357552' W 123,014403, 87"Place W.,Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference#: County:Mason (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Date:Jan.19,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page:6 of 8 MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James ft Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 17 I Figure 7. Functional grating calculations 8'x30' Float Functional Grating Calculations SLEEPERS: (2)48 x 4' long=2x.29x4' long=2.32 ft2 (6)2x6 x 6' long=6x.458x4' long= 10.99 STRINGERS: (4)4x8x4' long=4x.29x4' long=4.64 ft2 (2)4x8x6' long=3.48 ft2 (4)2x8x4' long=4x.125x4' long=2 ft2 (2)2x8x6' long=2x.125x6' long= 1.5 ft2 Flotation area=64 ft2 4 8"diameter pilings area=5.47 ft2 TOTAL SHADED AREA=94.4 FT2 OVERALL FLOAT AREA=240 FT2 TOTAL CLEAR AREA= 145.6 FT2 %FUNCTIONAL GRATING=61% 8' x 14'Finger Float Functional Grating SLEEPERS: (4)2x6x4' long=4x.458x4'=7.32 ft2 (2)4x8x4' long=2x.29x4'=2.32 ft2 STRINGERS:(4)4x8x2.5' long=4x.29x 4' long=2.9 ft2 (4)2x8x'2.5' long=4x.I25x2.5' long= 1.25 ft2 Flotation area=36 ft2 One 8"diameter piling area= 1.38 ft2 TOTAL SHADED AREA=51.17 FT2 OVERALL FLOAT AREA= 112 FT2 TOTAL CLEAR AREA=60.83 FT2 %FUNCTIONAL GRATING=54% Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD. Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0.0'MLLW Partnership and James 8 Joan Hunter float Job Name:Hunter Family Farm LTD. In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- (1)John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48.3575521 W 123.0144031 871"Place W.,Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference*: County:Mason (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E.SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Date:Jan.21,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mall Add:Same as job address Page:7 of 8 MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 18 I Figure 8. Documented forage fish beaches / P. `• 1 / / Y e!� I Purpose:On water recreation Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD Proposed:Joint-use pier,ramp and Datum:0 0 MLLW Partnership and James&Joan Hunter float Job Name.Hunter Family Farm LTD. In:Hood Canal Adjacent Property Owners: Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Joint- (1) Use Pier,Ramp and Float Project At:N 48.357552` W 123 014403' �John&Joan Peckenpaugh.22520 87' Place W..Edmonds,WA 98022 Reference#: County:Mason (2)Daniel&Jill Sullivan.18010 Viking Job Add:9894 E SR 106,Union,WA 98592 Date:Jan.21,2016 Way NW,Poulsbo,WA 98370 Mail Add:Same as job address Page:8 of 8 MSttA Hunter Family Farm and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 19 Figure 9. Mitigation planting plan 0' 25' 75' = Nootka Rose 10' 50' 100 - Red Flowering Currant 115' from bulkhead/M,HHW--�. Oceansproy PL Dunegrass Evergreen Huckleberry e_/V Sa I a I P ' L PROPOSED JOINT USE STRUCTURE MHHW = 11.8' (MLLW) IS I' UP THE BULKHEAD BULKHEAD 1 22' 2' ROW 30' — — FOG LINE SR 106 CENTER LINE MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 20 Attachment 1. Habitat Survey A SCUBA survey was done September 9a',2013,a sunny day,from approximately 2:OOPM to 4:30 PM at the project site.Nam Siu and Dave Campbell used SCUBA to run eleven transects to identify flora,fauna, substrate types and other qualitative information relative to the pier,ramp,and float,as well as mooring buoy proposed in this project.Water visibility was approximately 10'.The eleven transects(T1-T11)were all parallel and oriented approximately at right angles to the rock bulkhead.These transects generally ran east to west and were generally oriented 2900 Magnetic North.The transects were arranged from south to north(T1 to T11)and were generally separate from each other by 1Oft with the exception of T1 and T11 which were separated from T2 and T10 by 15ft respectively. T1 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Features Noted Macroalgae(estimated transect from beginning (corrected to percent of area (Bulkhead) MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290° feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Cobble with some Pea Same Gravel 20 8.3 Same,Barnacle Same 30 7.5 Same Same 40 6.6 Same Same 50 5.8 Same,Oysters Same 60 4.9 Same Same 70 3.9 Same Same Cobble/Pea Gravel, 80 2.9 Oysters,Mussels Same 90 2.4 Same Same Same,Pisaster sp. (Ochre 100 Seastar),Clinocardium Same 1.4 nuttallii Cockle 110 0.4 Same Same Pea Gravel with some 120 -0.6 Cobble Same 130 -1.6 Same Same Filamentous Reds 5%, 140 -2 6 Same Gracilario sis 2% 150 Pea Gravel with some Sand Filamentous Reds 20%, -3.6 Gracilario sis 2% 160 Same, Tresus sp. (Horse Gracilaria 10%, -4.6 Clam) Gracilario sis 2% Gracilaria 10%,S. latissima 170 -5.6 Same 10% T2 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Macroalgae(estimated transect from beginning (corrected to percent of area (Bulkhead) Features Noted MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290° feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Cobble with some Pea Same Gravel MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 21 20 8.3 Same,Barnacle Same 30 7.5 Same Same 40 6.6 Same Same 50 5.8 Same,Oysters Same 60 4.9 Same Same 70 3.9 Same Same Cobble/Pea Gravel, 80 2.9 Oysters,Mussels Same 90 2.4 Same Same Same,Pisaster sp. (Ochre 100 Seastar),Clinocardium Same 1.4 nuttallfi Cockle 110 0.4 Same Same 120 Pea Gravel with some Same -0.6 Cobble 130 -1.6 Same Same Filamentous Reds 5%, 140 2 6 Same Gracilario sis 2% 150 Pea Gravel with some Sand Filamentous Reds 20%, -3.6 Gracilario sis 2% 160 Same,Tresus sp. (Horse Gracilaria 10%, -4.6 Clam) Gracilario sis 2% Gracilaria 10%,S.latissima 170 -5 6 Same 10% T3 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Macroalgae(estimated (Bulktransect from beginning (corrected to percent of area MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290900ead) Features Noted feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Cobble with some Pea Same Gravel 20 8.4 Same,Barnacle Same 30 7.6 Same Same 40 6.5 Same Same 50 5.9 Same,Oysters Same 60 5.1 Same Same 70 4.3 Same Same 80 3.5 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same 90 2.5 Same Same 100 1.5 Same,Oysters,Mussels Same Same,Strongylocentrotus 110 0.5 allidus White Sea Urchin) Same 120 -0.5 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 130 -1.5 Same Same 140 -1.5 Same Filamentous Reds 5%, 150 -2.5 Pea Gravel/Sand Filamentous Reds 10% 160 -4.5 Same Filamentous Reds 10%,S. latissima 10% 170 -5.5 Same Filamentous Reds 10%, MS£tA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 22 Gracilaria 10%, Gracilariopsis 2%, S.latissima 20% T4 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Macroalgae(estimated (Bulktransect from beginning (corrected to percent of area a Features Noted LLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 2900 Mfeet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Cobble with some Pea Same Gravel 20 8.4 Same,Barnacle Same 30 7.6 Same Same 40 6.5 Same Same 50 5.9 Same,Oysters Same 60 5.1 Same Same 70 4.3 Same Same 80 3.5 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same 90 2.5 Same Same 100 1.5 Same,Oysters,Mussels Same Same,Strongylocentrotus 110 0.5 allidus White Sea Urchin) Same 120 -0.5 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 130 -1.5 Same Same 140 -1.5 Same Filamentous Reds 10%, Zostera marina 2 turions 150 -2.5 Pea Gravel/Sand Filamentous Reds 10% 160 4.5 Same Filamentous Reds 20%,S. S.latissima 10% Filamentous Reds 10%, 170 -5.5 Same Gracilaria 10%, Gracilariopsis 2%, S. latissima 20% T5 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Macroalgae(estimated (Bulktransect from beginning (corrected to percent of area MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290900ead) Features Noted feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.3 Same Same 30 7.5 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.6 Same Same 50 5.8 Same Same 60 4.7 Same Same 70 3.7 Same,Oysters Same 80 3.2 Cobble with some Pea Same Gravel MSFtA Hunter Family Farm and James it Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 23 90 1.7 Same,Oyster,Mussels Same 100 0.7 Same Same 110 -0.3 Same Same 120 -1.3 Same Same 130 -2.3 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 140 -3.3 Same Filamentous Reds 10% Gracilariopsis 2% Pea Gravel/Sand with some Filamentous Reds 20%, 150 -4.3 Cobble Gracilaria 10%, Gracilariopsis 2%, Filamentous Reds 20%, 160 -4.3 Same Gracilaria 10%, Gracilariopsis 2%, S.latissima 10% 170 -5.3 Same Same T6 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Macroalgae(estimated transect from beginning (corrected to percent of area (Bulkhead) Features Noted MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290o feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.3 Same Same 30 7.5 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.6 Same Same 50 5.8 Same Same 60 4.7 Same Same 70 3.7 Same,Oysters Same 80 3.2 Cobble with some Pea Same Gravel 90 1.7 Same,Oyster,Mussels Same 100 0.7 Same Same 110 -0.3 Same Same 120 -1.3 Same Same 130 -2 3 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 140 -3.3 Same Filamentous Reds 30% Gracilariopsis 2% Pea Gravel/Sand with some Filamentous Reds 30%, 150 -4.3 Cobble Gracilaria 10%, Gracilariopsis 2%, Filamentous Reds 30%, Gracilaria 10%, 160 -4.3 Same Gracilariopsis 2%, S. latissima 10% 170 -5.3 Same Same MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James 8 Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project. 24 T7 Distance in feet along Tidal Substrate and Other Elevation Macroalgae(estimated transect from beginning (corrected to percent of area (Bulkhead) Features Noted MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290° feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.1 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.2 Same Same 30 7.4 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.5 Same Same 50 5.6 Same Same 60 4.85 Same Same 70 4.1 Cobble/Pea Gravel,Oyster, Same Mussels 80 2.6 Same Same 90 1.6 Same Same 100 -0.4 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same 110 -2.4 Same Filamentous Reds 10%, Gracilario sis 2% 120 -2.4 Same Filamentous Reds 30% Filamentous Reds 30%, 130 -3.4 Pea Gravel/Sand Gracilariopsis 2%, Gracilaria 10%, Zostera marina 18 turions 140 -4.4 Same Same 150 -5.9 Same Filamentous Reds 10%, Gracilaria 10% 160 -6.4 Same Same Filamentous Reds 10%, 170 -8.4 Same Gracilaria 10%, S.latissima 20% T8 Distance in feet along Tidal Substrate and Other Elevation Features Noted Macroalgae(estimated transect from beginning (corrected to percent of area (Bulkhead) MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290° feet 0 10.0 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.1 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.2 Same Same 30 7.4 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.5 Same Same 50 5.6 Same Same 60 4.85 Same Same 70 4.1 Cobble/Pea Gravel,Oyster, Same Mussels 80 2.6 Same Same 90 1.6 Same Same,Gracilario sis 2% 100 -0.4 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same MSHA Hunter Family Farm and James&Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 25 I 110 -2.4 Same Filamentous Reds 10% 120 -2.4 Same Filamentous Reds 30% 130 -3.4 Pea Gravel/Sand Filamentous Reds 20%, Gracilaria 20% 140 -4.4 Same Same Filamentous Reds 10%, 150 -5.9 Same Gracilaria 10% 160 -6.4 Same Same Filamentous Reds 10%, 170 -8.4 Same Gracilaria 10%, S.latissima 20% T9 Distance in feet along Tidal Substrate and Other Elevation Macroalgae(estimated (Bulktransect from beginning (corrected to percent of area MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290901ead) Features Noted feet 0 10 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.4 Same Same 30 7.6 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.8 Same Same 50 6 Same Same 60 5.25 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same 70 4.5 Same,Oyster,Mussel Same 80 3 Cobble/Pea Gravel/Shell Same Hash 90 1.5 Same Same 100 1 Same Filamentous Reds 10% 110 0 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 120 -1 Same Same,Gracilario sis 2% 130 -2 Pea Gravel/Shell Hash Same 140 -3 Same Filamentous Red 10%, Gracilaria 10% 150 -3.5 Same Same Filamentous Red 10%, 160 -4.5 Same Gracilaria 10%, S.latissima 10% 170 -6 Same Same T10 Distance in feet along Tidal Elevation Substrate and Other Macroalgae(estimated (Bulktransect from beginning (corrected to percent of area 0ead) MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 29090 Features Noted feet 0 10 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.4 Same Same 30 7.6 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.8 Same Same MSfrA Hunter Family Farm and James it Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project-26 50 6 Same Same 60 5.25 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same 70 4.5 Same,Oyster,Mussel Same 80 3 Cobble/Pea Gravel/Shell Same Hash 90 1.5 Same Same 100 1 Same Filamentous Reds 5% 110 0 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 120 -1 Same Same,Gracilario sis 2% 130 -2 Pea Gravel/Shell Hash Same 140 -3 Same,Cement Block Filamentous Red 10%, Anchor for Swim Platform Gracilaria 10% 150 -3.5 Same Same Filamentous Red 10%, 160 -4.5 Same Gracilaria 10%, S. latissima 10% 170 -6 Same Same T11 Distance in feet along Tidal Substrate and Other Elevation Features Noted Macroalgae(estimated transect from beginning (corrected to percent of area (Bulkhead) MLLW in covered/square meter) Bearing 290° feet 0 10 Pea Gravel Barren 10 9.2 Pea Gravel/Cobble Same 20 8.4 Same Same 30 7.6 Same,Barnacles Same 40 6.8 Same Same 50 6 Same Same 60 5.25 Cobble/Pea Gravel Same 70 4.5 Same,Oyster,Mussel Same 80 3 Cobble/Pea Gravel/Shell Same Hash 90 1.5 Same Same 100 1 Same Filamentous Reds 5%, Gracilario sis 2% 110 0 Pea Gravel with some Same Cobble 120 -1 Same Filamentous Red 10% 130 -2 Pea Gravel/Shell Hash Same 140 -3 Same Filamentous Red 5% Gracilaria 20% 150 -3.5 Same Same Filamentous Red 5%, 160 -4.5 Same Gracilaria 10%, S.latissima 10% 170 -6 Same Same MSOA Hunter Family Farm and James it Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 27 Attachment 2. Habitat survey map TN 0' 25' 10 50 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 10 F 10 F 20 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 G 105 lOG t0G 10G ]06 106 306 l0G t06 l06 Jos 105 105 205 20s 105 zo5 205 2�5 30s 105 170 MACROAL6AEAND I l Jos 204 ion ion I I to ,o� 106 5.3 COVERAGE PER 1 IG 1016 10 5 10 5 la s 1_5 ]o F to F 10 5 10 5 1015 _ 160 5QUARE METER: j 106 106 F=Filamentous Reds I I l to F 20 F 3o F I -4.3 G=Graalaria 20 F 20 F 10 F IO G I I l 1 I IG i I 30IF 10 F 206 $._$.latlsslma 1 306 30G E T 2 IOIF 30F 30 1 I I I __ 1 1 f _ 140 Number and 1s Ear 206 3 EGT= number of Zostera Marina turions 10 F I so NOTE.Only macroalggae 1 'also 1u _ 120 at%coverage of 10"/ 10 1 I -1.3 or greater are seen on this map. 100 0.7 60 3.2 60 4.7 _ 40 6.6 20 8.3 Distance along T6 and tidal elevation (MLLW)in feet 0 BULKHEAD/BASELINE — 10.0 MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 28 Attachment 3. Photographs of the site o� �rr i` i a • ( a Arrow indicates approximate structure location. Smaller arrows indicate the remains of an old boat ramp supports that will be removed as mitigation. Department of Ecology Oblique Aerial Photo -Coastal Atlas - 2006 MSELA Hunter Family Farm and James it Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 29 fly' Ax t. rev a.-.�. Psi ✓µ! .' �:. 4#W.,f.g,. � _ ✓&4 � � ��.. r r�����,,, s.���_ yuy.yM�,'h'��r^��,�-.f 1-.s:•�7 Looking southwest along the site bulkhead r y, , Ilk. All 9� p�V \\�' t . 'Ifni _ Looking northeast along the site bulkhead MSFtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 30 � ,3'�y r- y'r Ste! .+ l.r.r,+1� fr,• '> r7! r} w , �.+ �Nr c;t /�'`� ! ;Yyi .r aw��,.,3'�,+��,�v'��S• �'i�.'al P 'tom..:'gip r �,�, rr5?,.,, '� � �z �.r w �,,.��,r1. i r 13F f f ♦ .�. .� �r ��.�� �,wI���� f•�.r�}�.c�!", �7'l,.J-..Y�'7�f��t�K'�lxi3•�� r�r:rAf� rl .>.�-�c � r ,. `♦ .� . �' L: '�..+(}6A."'C +C"r'.r' l.�.q`'r,✓r�!'� x S ,f sn.t » r er J � .lr�. .>'R 4f� ws.: 5 f' IN rc-�`�,� .<i�� .,"r - f.:.�^2 �sL#r'-+*+` i ?� fiff�',"i� �`drYf-+, �.1•3'-!r:' r.Y �,Y,j Substrate in the intertidal area at the site MS8A Hunter Family Farm and James it Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 31 AMM ,r T �Y kill 's' , 7ru�;_e xr- iy Y kL r� � Y I Concrete bases for old boat ramp that will be removed, MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James&Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 32 1 asi 1 _ + , � t; -� ` ��1- •- gyp•. _.ti 4 �•.r, �A �. y .i• _ c, r • _�.y '�`...��:�:�, •' -`;. ,cam�,+.�^� ti � .r� .. - _ `� - 1. r `•/ ' i. �, �": . ` a�= ••r rs z ,. Jrls- A.41 1. t If 1 3!ti, r • �� - � A� r L' - i ••t••, , .1` ,, ice• _ p•.." .• f ,a. F 1 °i� ",i�?- �I�- ��� .r. # Yuri h !t�}( �•• - ,fir '1�.T � � � ... _ •�, +� �,++ �� ���.� yam" .�` �+,=a' �!��� •� • may- i`w } `. �, � '► "�`+ r k'' � h sK "� rye • l ?•j, r 4b' •�,l� ,.•, All Fs rc f47, 771t Y gyp�!q,,iyy��,r. .�•' 9�* - . a r �r 4 •ti t MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 35 10' by 10' swim float that will be removed oil Sc •;rt #� ti .. _ W, -_ w ,w w 7 a.. MSFtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 36 Attachment 4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service species list IPaC Trust Resc,r'-r Ref)oiI US Fish & Wildlife Service ...... I/14111. M II'M Y IPaC Trust Resource Report - / i Hunter Family Farm LTD Joint-Use Pier, Ramp and Float Project LOCATION Mason County, Washington IPAC LINK https:/liecos.fws.aov/`ipac/proieLV C EBFY-55C6F-HT3DY-H 3MY7-IJ EQG E U.S. Fish & Wildlife Contact Information Trust resources in this location are managed by: Washington Fish And Wildlife Office 510 Desmond Drive Se, Suite 102 Lacey, WA 98503-1263 (360)753-9440 MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 37 IPaC Trust Resource Report Endangered Species Proposed, candidate,threatened, and endangered species are managed by the Endangered Species Program of the U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service. This USFWS trust resource report is for informational purposes only and should not be used for planning or analyzing project level impacts. For project evaluations that require FWS concurrence/review, please return to the IPaC website and request an official species list from the Regulatory Documents section. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires Federal agencies to"request of the Secretary information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of such proposed action"for any project that is conducted, permitted, funded, or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local office and a species list which fulfills this requirement can only be obtained by requesting an official species list from the Regulatory Documents section in IPaC. The list of species below are those that may occur or could potentially be affected by activities in this location: Birds Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. httosl/ecos fws aovttess pub icJoroflelspeciesProfile action?spcode=B08C Streaked Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris strigata Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. httns l/ecos fws govltess up bliciprofi Profile action?erode=lKM Y samencerm� Threatened There' gneted�e�H�isspee;es--� MSItA Hunter Family Farm and James b Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 38 IPaC Trust Resource Report Fishes Bull Trout Salvelinus confluentus Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. https//ecos fws goy/fit ss public(profil l peciesProfiie action?spcode=E065 Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma Proposed Similarity of Appearance(Threatened) CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. httos l/ecos fws gov/tens public rop fle/speciesProfile action?5pcode=E097 Mammals Fisher Martes pennanti Proposed Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https//ecos fws govltess public/profile/spec e5Profile action?spcode=AOHS Critical Habitats This location overlaps all or part of the critical habitat for the following species: Bull Trout Critical Habitat Final designated https l/ecos fws goy/tess_psrbttiVprofile/speciesProfile actionvspcode=E065#crithab Chinook Salmon Critical Habitat Final designated __https.//ergs,fws..g0.v/tess—publiUpfQfjl"/peciesProfile action?spcode=E06D#crithab Chum Salmon Critical Habitat Final designated https//ecos fws gov/tess public/profile/soeciesProf le action?spcode=E09Q#crithab MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 39 Attachment 5. Essential Fish Habitat Assessment A.Background The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act(MSA),as amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996(Public Law 104-267),requires Federal agencies to consult with NMFS on activities that may adversely affect designated Essential Fish Habitat(EFH)for the relevant species.According to the MSA,EFH means"those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning,breeding,feeding,or growth to maturity."For the Pacific West Coast,the Pacific Fisheries Management Council(Council)has designated EFH for federally managed groundfish(PFMC 1998a),coastal pelagic(PFMC 1998b)and Pacific salmon fisheries(PFMC 1999). Species of fish in the three groups present in the Puget Sound at various times in their life-history phases are seen in the table at the end of the Assessment. The purpose of the EFH Assessment is to determine the effects of the proposed project on the EFH for the relevant species and to recommend conservation measures to avoid,minimize of otherwise offset adverse effects on EFH. B. Identification of EFH The designated EFH for groundfish and coastal pelagic species encompasses all waters from the mean high water line,and upriver extent of saltwater intrusion in river mouths,along the coasts of Washington,Oregon and California,seaward to the boundary of the U.S.exclusive economic zone(370.4 km)(PFMC 1998a, 1998b).The designated EFH in estuarine and marine areas for salmon species extends from the nearshore and tidal submerged environments within state territorial water out to the full extent of the exclusive economic zone(370.4 km) offshore of Washington,Oregon and California north of Point Conception to the Canadian border(PFMC, 1999). C.Proposed Action To construct a joint-use pier,ramp and float on Hood Canal. D.Effects of the Proposed Action The project may have temporary adverse effects on EFH designated for groundfish,coastal pelagic fish and Pacific salmon(chinook,coho and Puget Sound pink salmon)due to noise and turbidity impacts from pile driving. E.EFH Conservation Measures A work window will be implemented to minimize any possible adverse effects to EFH. In addition,grating will be installed to minimize shading impacts. F.Conclusion The project may have temporary adverse effects on EFH for groundfish,coastal pelagics and Pacific salmon,but will not adversely affect EFH for groundfish,coastal pelagic fish and Pacific salmon(chinook,coho and Puget Sound pink salmon)in the long term. MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project-40 Attachment 6. Assessment of Impacts to Critical Habitat for Puget Sound Chinook and Hood Canal Summer-run Chum Project description: Construct a joint-use pier,ramp and float on Hood Canal Applicant: Hunter Family Farm LTD Partnership and James&Joan Hunter. COE reference:NWS-2015-239 NMFS reference: unknown at this time The primary constituent elements determined essential to the conservation of salmon and steelhead are: (1)Freshwater spawning sites with water quantity and quality conditions and substrate supporting spawning,incubation,and larval development. Existing Conditions: Does not apply-the project is in the marine environment Effects to PCE:None (2)Freshwater rearing sites with water quantity and floodplain connectivity to form and maintain physical habitat conditions and support juvenile growth and mobility;water quality and forage supporting juvenile development;and natural cover such as shade,submerged and overhanging large wood,logjams and beaver dams,aquatic vegetation,large rocks and boulders,side channels,and undercut banks. Existing Conditions: Does not apply-the project is in the marine environment Effects to PCE:None (3)Freshwater migration corridors free of obstruction with water quantity and quality conditions and natural cover such as submerged and overhanging large wood,aquatic vegetation,large rocks and boulders, side channels,and undercut banks supporting juvenile and adult mobility and survival. Existing Conditions: Does not apply-the project is in the marine environment Effects to PCE: None (4)Estuarine areas free of obstruction with water quality,water quantity and salinity conditions supporting juvenile and adult physiological transitions between fresh-and saltwater;natural cover such as submerged and overhanging large wood,aquatic vegetation,large rocks and boulders,and side channels,and juvenile and adult forage,including aquatic invertebrates and fishes,supporting growth and maturation. Existing Conditions: There is documented surf smelt spawning at the site.There is no submerged large wood at the site.There is no woody debris on the beach.There are no side channels at the site.There is some large riparian vegetation along to the shoreline. Effects to PCE: Pile driving will produce brief and localized increased turbidity within 25'of each piling. The project will have no impacts on water quantity,salinity conditions or water temperature.Shading impacts on the benthic environment will be minimized by installed grating in the structure.Grounding impacts will be prevented by float stops and stud piles. (5)Nearshore marine areas free of obstruction with water quality and quantity conditions and forage, including aquatic invertebrates and fishes,supporting growth and maturation;and natural cover such as submerged and overhanging large wood,aquatic vegetation, large rocks and boulder and side channels. Existing Conditions: See 4 above Effects to PCE: See 4 above MSftA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project-41 (6)Offshore marine areas with water quality conditions and forage,including aquatic invertebrates and fishes,supporting growth and maturation. Existing Conditions: Does not apply-the site is in a nearshore marine environment Effects to PCE:None Determination of Effect: May affect,not likely to adversely affect MSEtA Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 42 Attachment 7. Assessment of Impacts to Critical Habitat for Coastal - Puget Sound Bull Trout COE reference: NWS-2015-239 Applicant: Hunter Family Farm LTD.Partnership and James&Joan Hunter. The primary constituent elements determined essential to the conservation of bull trout(Salvelinus confluentus) are: (1)Water temperatures that support bull trout use.Bull trout have been documented in streams with temperatures from 32 to 72°F(0 to 22 °C)but are found more frequently in temperatures ranging from 36 to 59°F(2 to 15°C). These temperature ranges may vary depending on bull trout life history stage and form,geography,elevation, diurnal and seasonal variation,shade,such as that provided by riparian habitat,and local groundwater influence. Stream reaches that preclude bull trout use are specifically excluded from designation. Existing Conditions: The project is in a marine environment-Hood Canal. Effects to PCE:Not applicable (2)Complex stream channels with features such as woody debris,side channels,pools,and undercut banks to provide a variety of depths,velocities,and in-stream structures. Existing Conditions: See 1 above Effects to PCE: See 1 above (3)Substrates of sufficient amount,size and composition to ensure success of egg and embryo overwinter survival, fry emergence,and young-of-the year and juvenile survival.This should include a minimal amount of fine substrate less than 0.25 in(0.63 cm)in diameter. Existing Conditions: See 1 above Effects to PCE: See 1 above (4)A natural hydrograph,including peak,high,low,and base flows within historic ranges or,if regulated, currently operate under a biological opinion that addresses bull trout,or a hydrograph that demonstrates the ability to support bull trout populations by minimizing daily and day-to-day fluctuations and minimizing departures from the natural cycle of flow levels corresponding with seasonal variation:This rule finds that reservoirs currently operating under a biological opinion that addresses bull trout provides management for PCEs as currently operated. Existing Conditions: See 1 above Effects to PCE: See 1 above. (5)Springs,seeps,groundwater sources,and subsurface water to contribute to water quality and quantity as a Cold- water source. Existing Conditions: See 1 above Effects to PCE: The project will have no impacts on springs,seeps,groundwater sources or subsurface water at the site. (6)Migratory corridors with minimal physical,biological,or water quality impediments between spawning, rearing,overwintering,and foraging habitats,including intermittent or seasonal barriers induced by high water temperatures or low flows. Existing Conditions:There is documented surf smelt spawning at the site.There is no submerged large wood at the site.There is no woody debris on the beach.There are no side channels at the site.There is some large riparian vegetation along to the shoreline. Effects to PCE:The project has been designed to minimize impacts on foraging and migratory habitat.Grating will decrease the shading impacts on the benthic environment.Work windows will minimize impacts migrating bull trout. MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 43 (7)An abundant food base including terrestrial organisms of riparian origin,aquatic macro invertebrates,and forage fish. Existing Conditions: See 6 above. Effects to PCE: See 6 above. (8)Permanent water of sufficient quantity and quality such that normal reproduction,growth and survival are not inhibited. Existing Conditions: See 1 above Effects to PCE: See 1 above Conservation Measures: See"E.Conservation Measures"in the BE. Determination of Effect: no destruction or adverse modification MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project-44 Attachment 8. Bocaccio, Canary and Yelloweye Rockfish The project is located in Hood Canal which contains proposed nearshore critical habitat for juvenile canary and bocaccio rock fish.The proposed pier,ramp and float will be located in water that is less than 30 meters deep. Therefore,yellowfish proposed critical habitat will not be affected by this project. The Primary Constituent Elements(PCEs)are as follows: 1.Quantity,quality and availability species to support growth,survival,reproduction,and feeding opportunities. Existing Conditions:The predominate substrate is peagravel.Cobble and barnacles for the first 150' from the bulkhead,with peagravel,sand and cobble being the main substrate out to 170'. In the area where the structure will be located,there is no kelp.There is some S. latissima at densities of 10%beginning approximately 45' seaward of the float. Sand is suitable forage habitat for juvenile canary and bocaccio rockfish,but the kelp at the site is located seaward of the float location. Effects to PCE:The presence of the structure will not affect the small percentage of S. latissima present in deeper water. 2.Water quality,quantity and sufficient levels of dissolved oxygen to support growth,survival,reproduction and feeding opportunities. Existing Conditions: Low oxygen(Category 5)was reported in the area where the project is located in the DOE Marine Water Quality Assessment 303(d)listing for 2012. Effects to PCE: Pile driving could cause brief turbidity within 25' of each piling resulting in a temporary decrease in water quality. Determination of Effect: May affect,not likely to adversely affect critical habitat for juvenile canary and � bocaccio rockfish. MSBA Hunter Family Farm and James Ft Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project- 45 Attachment 9. Coastal Zone Management Form CERTIFICATION OF CONSISTENCY WITHTHE WASHINGTON STATE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR FEDERALLY LICENSED OR PERMITTED ACTIVITIES Federal Project Number:_NWS-2015-239 Applicant:Hunter Family Farm LTD.Partnership and James&Joan Hunter Project Description: The project consists of building a new joint-use pier,ramp and float structure on Hood Canal(Figure 1).The structure will consist of a 6'by 50'pier with 100%grating,a 4'by 40'aluminum fully grated ramp,an 8'by 30' main float and an 8' by 14'"finger"float. The pier and ramp will be 100%grated.The 8'by 30' float will have 58%functional grating and the 8' by 14' "finger"float will have 54%functional grating.Float stops and 2 stud pilings will prevent the floats from grounding out. Four galvanized steel pilings(8"diameter)will support the pier structure.The floats will be attached to four 10" diameter galv.steel pilings(Figures 2-5).The pilings will be driven to refusal with a drop hammer.A 6"thick wooden block will be used to attenuate the pile driving noise. Six galvanized steel pilings(8"diameter)will support the pier structure.The ramp float will be attached to two galvanized steel pilings(8"diameter). The"T"float will be attached to six galvanized steel pilings. See Figures 2- 4. The pilings will be driven to refusal with a drop hammer.A 6"thick wooden block will be used to attenuate the pile driving noise. This action under CZMA§307(c)(3)is for a project that will take place within Washington's coastal zone or which will affect a land use,water use,or natural resource of the coastal zone. (The coastal zone includes all parts of Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island,Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason,Pacific, Pierce,San Juan,Skagit,Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum and Whatcom counties) The project complies with the following enforceable policies of the Coastal Zone Management Program: 1.Shoreline Management Act(SMA): Is outside of SMA jurisdiction () Applied for shoreline permit ()# being reviewed by Has a valid shoreline permit (A issued by on Has received an SMA Exemption ()# issued by on 2.State Water Quality Requirements: Does not require water quality permits () Applied for water quality certification () Has received water quality certification ()# issued on Applied for stormwater permit ()# issued on Has received stormwater permit ()# issued on 3.State Air Quality Requirements: Does not require air quality permits () Applied for Air Quality permit ()# being reviewed by Has an Air Quality permit ()# issued by on 4. State Environmental Policy Act: SEPA Lead Agency is: Project is exempt from SEPA () SEPA checklist submitted ()date SEPA decision issued/adopted ()DNS()MDNS()EIS()Other date NEPA decision adopted by ()SEPA# date lead agency to satisfy SEPA Public Notice for this proposed project was provided through: ()notices mailed to interested parties using mailing list on (date). ()publication in (newspaper)on (dates). MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James&Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project-46 Therefore, I certify that this project complies with the enforceable policies of Washington's approved Coastal Zone Management Program and will he conducted in a manner consistent with that program. Signature: Date: MS&A Hunter Family Farm and James Et Joan Hunter Joint-Use Pier Ramp and Float Project-47