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GeoTech Report - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 4/30/2010
GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY RON COLE 15739 SE 175TH PLACE RENTON,WASHINGTON 98058 RE: DRAINFIELD LOCATION 151 EAST WINDSTAR ROAD UNION,WASHINGTON 98592 PARCEL 322357590300 N47o 21.0241 W123o 01.1321 APRIL 30,2010 Mr. Cole: As per the request of Joyce Johnson, we have conducted a review of the proposed drainfield location for the property listed above. The location sent us on her sketch map sent on April 14, 2010 has been reviewed along with the original report of November 29, 2007. This letter is a result of that review. This letter is not a geotechnical review and addresses itself only to the drainfield location. We have provided three copies for your review and distribution. The location of both primary and reserve drainfields is the same, as they are interfingered on the flat area to the west side of the property. The location is outside of the 100' well radius, and above and away from the location of the dwelling. It is our opinion that the drainfield, as located, does not constitute a hazard for existing structures or to the stability of the slopes. Likewise,nearby construction should not impact the drainfield. All other provisions in the original report should be honored. All work is to be incompliance with professional standards of the industry and done in compliance with all rules and regulations required by the appropriate government agencies. We are a full service laboratory that can meet all your building,testing(compaction, asphalt, concrete), and special inspection needs. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you and we look forward to working with you in he future. If you have any questions concerning the above items, the procedures used, or if we can be of any further assistance please call us at the phone number listed below. Respectfully Submitted, GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY Curtis D Cushman, L.G., L.E.G. Senior Engineering Geologist 9815 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 �J GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 151 EAST WINDSTAR ROAD ANION, WASHINGTON PREPARED FOR RON COLE BY GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 29, 2007 GEOTECHNIOAL TESTING LABORATORY CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARER INFORMATION GTL PROJECT NUMBER: 07-0532 CONTACT: HAL PARKS ADDRESS: 10011 BLOMBERG STREET SOUTHWEST OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON 98512 TELEPHONE: (360)754-4612 FACSIMILE: (360) 754-4848 EMAIL ADDRESS: GEOTESTLAB@COMCAST.NET CLIENT INFORMATION CLIENT: RON COLE TELEPHONE: (206) 200-1059 FACSIMILE: (253)850-9849 BILLING ADDRESS: 15739 SE 175T"PLACE RENTON,WASHINGTON 98058 SITE ADDRESS: 151 EAST WINDSTAR ROAD UNION,WASHINGTON 98592 PARCEL: 322357590300 GPS LOCATION: N470 21.024' W1230 01.132' #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 2 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY SCOPE OF UNDERSTANDING RON COLE 15739 SE 175TH PLACE RENTON,WASHINGTON 98058 RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 151 EAST WINDSTAR ROAD UNION,WASHINGTON 98592 PARCEL 322357590300 N470 21.024' W 1230 01.132' Mr. Cole: As per your request,we have conducted a soils exploration, foundation evaluation, and slope stability analysis for the above-mentioned parcel. The results of this investigation,together with our recommendations,are to be found in the following report. We have provided three copies for your review and distribution. Several representative soil samples were submitted for laboratory testing from the project site. The data has been carefully analyzed to determine soils bearing capacities, footing embedment depths, and building setback distances. The results of the exploration and analysis indicate that conventional spread and continuous wall footings appear to be the most suitable type of foundation for the support of the proposed structure. Some variability was encountered in comparing the soil profiles of the site. Net allowable soil pressures, embedment depth, and total expected settlements have been presented for the site later in the report. We are also a full service laboratory that can meet all your building, testing(compaction, asphalt, concrete), and special inspection needs. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions concerning the above items,the procedures used,or if we can be of any further assistance please call us at the phone number listed below. Respectfully Submitted, 01 Washz GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY o Harold Parks, L.G.,L.E.G. Senior Engineering Geologist Engl I G logist d 27 7� O ed Geoff HAROLD EXPIRES SIGNED //-)9 #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 3 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 CEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTACTINFORMATION.....................................................................................................................................2 SCOPE OF UNDERSTANDING...............................................................................................................................3 TABLEOF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................4 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................5 SITECONDITIONS...................................................................................................................................................6 SurfaceConditions..................................................................................................................................................6 GEOLOGICALLYHAZARDOUS AREAS..............................................................................................................8 LandslideHazard Classification.............................................................................................................................8 Seismic Hazard Classification................................................................................................................................8 Erosion Hazard Classification ................................................................................................................................9 SiteGeology............................................................................................................................................................9 SiteSoils............................................................................................................................................................... 11 SubsurfaceExplorations....................................................................................................................................... 12 SubsurfaceConditions.......................................................................................................................................... 12 BoringLog............................................................................................................................................................ 13 Recommendations for Suitability of Onsite Soils as Fill...................................................................................... 13 ShearMethod........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Slope Stability and Analysis 15 Recommendations for Building Setback............................................................................................................... 17 LiquefactionHazard.............................................................................................................................................. 18 SeismicHazard..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Recommendations for Erosion Control................................................................................................................ 18 EARTHWORK......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Recommendations for Site Preparation................................................................................................................ 19 Recommendations for Structural Fill.................................................................................................................... 19 Recommendations for Cut and Fill Slopes...........................................................................................................20 Recommendations for Foundation Support..........................................................................................................20 Recommendations for Floor Slab Support............................................................................................................21 Recommendations for Retaining Walls................................................................................................................21 Mason County Prescribed Wall Design................................................................................................................23 Recommendations for Retaining Wall Alternatives.............................................................................................25 Recommendations for Site Drainage....................................................................................................................25 SepticImpact.........................................................................................................................................................25 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................25 General..................................................................................................................................................................25 REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE....................................................................................................26 References.............................................................................................................................................................27 APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................................................29 AdditionalSite Photos..........................................................................................................................................30 LaboratoryResults................................................................................................................................................31 ShearResults.........................................................................................................................................................35 WellLogs..............................................................................................................................................................36 Figure1 Vicinity Map...........................................................................................................................................39 Figure2 Site Plan................................................................................................................40 Figure 3 Erosion Control Notes..................................................................................................41 Figure4 Cross-section............................................................................................................42 #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 4 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECRNICAL TESTING LABORATORY INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of our geotechnical consulting services for a proposed single-family residence. The single-family residence will be located in the southern portion of the site. The report has been commissioned by Ron Cole. The site(5.05 acres) is located along the north-facing hillside overlooking the Hood Canal (see site photo below). The site is approximately 3.8 miles east of Union, Washington. The site is accessed from the existing driveway off Windstar Road. The GPS location of the site is shown relative to the surrounding area on the Vicinity Map,Figure 1. . v . Proposed Building Location J ` t Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with you and our explorations and review of the site. We understand that the parcel is to be developed with a single-family residence. A septic system is planned for onsite disposal and grading will consist of the excavation of the foundation, footings, and septic. The approximate layout of the site is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Desired septic location is noted. This must be at least100 feet from any existing well. A 50' vegetative buffer is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. There is no need for a revegetation plan or drainage plan outside the building site regulations. The purpose of our services is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site as a basis for providing geotechnical recommendations and design criteria for the project and to satisfy the requirements of the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance. Geotechnical Testing Laboratory is therefore providing geologic and hydrogeologic services for the project. Specifically,our scope of services for this project includes the following: 1. A review of the available geologic,hydrogeologic,and geotechnical data for the site area. 2. A geologic reconnaissance of the site area and surrounding vicinity. 3. Investigation and identification of shallow subsurface conditions at the site by characterizing the exposed soil and by reviewing published well logs. 4. Comparison of site to published geologic maps, previous field investigations, and open file reports. Inspection of aerial photographs to determine the geomorphology of the site. 5. Laboratory grain size and shear angle analysis for the soil samples collected from the site. 6. Evaluation of the landslide, erosion, and seismic hazards at the site per the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance regulations(December 27,2006). 7. Building setbacks determined from dynamic slope stability modeling. 8. Geotechnical recommendations for site grading including site preparation, subgrade preparation, fill placement criteria(including hillside grading), temporary and permanent cut and fill slopes, drainage and typical erosion control measures(Figure 3). #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 5 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY The steepest slope measured onsite was approximately 61 percent along the northern slope. Therefore, Mason County requires that a geotechnical report be prepared in accordance with the Critical Areas Ordinance. SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE CONDITIONS The proposed building site is located in an area of sparse residential development in the Puget Sound glacial upland along the southern hillside overlooking the Hood Canal (see aerial photos below). The southern portion of the site will be further developed. An existing cabin is located in the southwestern corner of the parcel. The sloping portions of the site are well vegetated. The site has a predominant northwestern exposure. Site elevations range from approximately 30 to 540 feet. Sh ;tea TerraServer-USA Aerial Photo WA DOE Coastal Photos A test boring was commenced on September 10, 2007 and completed in September 14, 2007. We conducted a reconnaissance of the site area on September 14, 2007 by Lance Levine under the direction of Harold Parks. The purpose of the site reconnaissance is to physically observe the property and adjacent properties to identify any recognized geologic conditions. Photographs and visual observations were documented. Site-specific features were mapped; soil logs were recorded. No grading has occurred recently. The following photo illustrates the proposed building location of the site. Proposed Building Location r .r 1 .r _4.. A, 'Jsi x #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 6 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY The general topography of the site area indicates that drainage flows toward the northern slope from the proposed building location. The site plan is included as Figure 2. No evidence of active surface erosion was observed. No surface water flow was observed onsite. No ponding of water was observed throughout the site. Slumping and sloughing were not observed onsite. No evidence of deep- seated slope instability was observed onsite. No seeps or springs were observed onsite. Onsite trees were observed to be straight and vertical, see photo below. rl ro i _. Northem Slope No upland water bodies or wetland features were observed during the site reconnaissance or through the inspection of aerial photographs within '/2 mile to the south. Possible small wetland areas may exist within 1 mile of the site. Development will havee no impacts outside the building area if county regulations are followed. The maximum slope is approximately 61 percent along the northern slope. The southern portion of the site is approximately 4 percent. The selected building location has a slope of approximately 15 to 20 percent. The existing septic drainfield has a similar slope. All slope angles were measured using a Brunton inclinometer. The site is protected with vegetation common to the Northwest. The vegetation includes fir, alder, cedar, maple, pine, and madrone trees as well as salal, rhododendron, manzanita, huckleberry, Scot's broom, blackberry, and grasses. See photo below. r� ryrr j" i r ti wl"�-. �s � ` :ply; ';• - '`1,. "r # �if Northwestem Slope - %; { ^ 10011 Blomberg treet ympia, Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GE,OTE,CHNICAL 'TESTING LABORATORY GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS AREAS LANDSLIDE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION The Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance(17.01.1 OOA 1)defines a landslide hazard area as: The following shall be classified as Landslide Hazard Areas: a. Areas with any indications of earth movement such as debris slides, eartli lows, slumps and rockfalls (see figure F.100). b.Areas with artificial oversteepened or unengineered slopes, i.e. cuts or fills. c. Areas with slopes containing soft or potentially liquefiable soils. d. Areas oversteepened or otherwise unstable as a result of stream incision, stream bank erosion, and undercutting by wave action. e. Slopes greater than 15%(8.5 degrees)and having the following: i. Hillsides intersecting geologic contacts with a relatively permeable sediment overlying a relatively impermeable sediment or bedrock(e.g. sand overlying clay);and ii. Springs or groundwater seepage. f. Any area with a slope of forty percent or steeper and with a vertical relief of ten or more feet except areas composed of consolidated rock A slope is delineated by establishing its toe and top and measured by averaging the inclination over at least ten feet of vertical relief. The subject site meets the qualification of a landslide hazard area due to the adjacent slopes (northern) that are greater than 40 percent and more than 10 feet in vertical height (17.01.100A 1 f). This slope will be over 60 feet from the proposed building location. SEISMIC HAZARD CLASSIFICATION The Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance(17.01.102A)defines a seismic hazard area as: 1.Areas susceptible to ground failure including the following: a. Areas with mapped geologic faults until proven inactive; b. Deep road fills and areas of poorly compacted artificial fill; c.Areas with artificially steepened slopes (i.e. old gravel pits); d. Postglacial stream, lake or beach sediments; e. River deltas; f.Areas designated as potential Landslide Hazard Areas; g. Bluff areas; and h. Areas underlain by potentially liquefiable soils 2. The following criteria may be used as a guide by the County to indicate areas that have a higher likelihood of meeting the classification criteria above: a. Areas identified on the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington, Volume 9, Mason County as Af, Qal, Qa2, Qvc, Qls, Qos and Qp. b. Areas identified on the Mason County Soil Survey Map as having slopes greater than 15 percent. c. Faults identified on "Map Showing Known or Suspected Faults With Quaternary Displacement in the Pacific Northwest'; A.M. Rogers, T.J. Walsh, W.J. Kockelman and G.R. Priest, US Geologic Survey, 1996; or described in "Active Faulting Investigations on the Canyon River Fault, Southern Olympic Range, Washington'; T.J. Walsh and KG. Neal, U.S. Geologic Survey, 1997. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 8 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY d. Areas underlain by potentially liquefiable soils as shown "Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington" by Stephen P. Palmer, Sammantha L. Magsino, James L. Poelstra, Eric L. Bilderback, Derek S. Folger, and Rebecca A. Niggemann, September 2004 This site does qualify as a seismic hazard area because the site is categorized as, "Lf. Areas designated as potential Landslide Hazard Areas." EROSION HAZARD CLASSIFICATION The purpose of the Erosion Hazard Section (17.01.104A) is to identify areas that present potential dangers to public health and safety, and to prevent the acceleration of natural geological hazards, and to neutralize the risk to the property owner from development activities. Areas in Mason County underlain by soils which are subject to severe erosion when disturbed. Such soils include, but are not limited to, those for which potential for erosion is identified in the Soil Survey of Mason County,USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1960, or any subsequent revisions or additions to this source. These soils include, but are not limited to, any occurrence of River Wash ("Ra') or Coastal Beaches ("Cg') and the following when they occur on slopes 1 S%or steeper: a.Alderwood gravelly sandy loam ("Ac"and "Ad') b. Cloquallum silt loam ("Cd') c. Harstine gravelly sandy loam ("Hb') d. Kitsap silt loam ("Kc') The soils at the site are mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Ab and Ad). This site does meet the technical criteria of an erosion hazard area. SITE GEOLOGY The site is generally situated within the Puget Sound glacial upland. Multiple glacial advances deposited Pueet Sound LiDAR Consortium the onsite material. The near surface material was deposited during the most recent Vashon stade f (stage) of the Fraser glaciation that occurred between about 9,000 and 11,000 years ago. Weathering and erosion has occurred since. The figure (right) is a LiDAR image at a 12-feet resolution. In the local vicinity, ridgelines trend d northeast to southwest. Drainages trend to the northwest towards Hood Canal The surficial soils are composed of firm gravelly silty sand underlain by well-cemented and well- graded dense glacial till material (sandy gravel), see following photos. The vertical boring advancement was slow due to the inherent cementation and large gravel. Geologic sources map the lower slope geology as advance outwash at about the 300-foot 1/ contour. A description of the onsite soils is included in the"Boring Log" section of this report. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 9 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GE®''I ECHNICAL TESTING STING ABORA TRY The following geologic excerpts are for the educational purposes of the client and not necessarily for the review staff at Mason County. The following photos portray the onsite material. The Geologic Map of Washington—Northwest Quadrant(2002) has mapped the southern site geology as glacial till deposits(Qgt)of continental glacial origin. The report reads: Till— Unsorted, unstratified, highly compacted mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and boulders deposited by glacial ice; may contain interbedded stratified sand, silt, and gravel. Includes part of the Vashon Drift undivided. 13-1 @15 feet After Adding Water B-1 @ 2 feet B-1 Close-up The Geologic Map of Washington—Northwest Quadrant(2002) has mapped the northern (lower) site geology as advance outwash deposits(Qga)of continental glacial origin. The report reads: Advance outwash — Glaciofluvial sand and gravel and lacustrine clay, silt, and sand deposited during the advance of glaciers; sandy units commonly thick, well sorted, and fine grained, with interlayered coarser sand, gravel, and cobbles; locally contains nonglacial sediments and deposits mapped as transitional between glacial and nonglacial. Includes the Colvos and Esperance Sand Members of the Vashon Drift and part of the Vashon Drift undivided. The Geologic Map of the Shelton 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Washington, by Logan (2003) describes the southern site as late Wisconsinan(Pleistocene)glacial deposits. The glacial till(Qgt)is described as: Till, late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene)—Unsorted, unstratified, highly compacted mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and boulders deposited by glacial ice of the Puget lobe; gray; may contain interbedded stratified sand, silt, and gravel; sand-size fraction is very angular and contains abundant polycrystalline quartz, which distinguishes this unit from alpine till; cobbles and boulders are commonly striated and(or)faceted; although unweathered almost everywhere, may contain cobbles or small boulders of deeply weathered granitic rock. The Geologic Map of the Shelton 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Washington, by Logan (2003) describes the northern site as glacial advance outwash(Qga). The glacial advance outwash is described as: Advance outwash, late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene)—Glaciofluvial sand and gravel and lacustrine clay, silt, and sand deposited during the advance of glaciers; sandy units commonly thick, well sorted, and fine grained, with interlayered coarser sand, gravel, and cobbles and silt rip-up lag deposits at their base;may contain nonglacial sediments;generally overlain by till. The Geologic Map of Southeastern Mason County, Washington, USGS Water-Supply Bulletin 29 by Noble and Molenaar(1970)describes the southern site as Till. The Till(Qvt)is described as follows: Till: cobbles and coarse gravel in matrix of mine sand, silt, and clay. Generally a compact, unsorted mixture. Extensively underlies drift plains in thicknesses of a few feet to more than 50 feet. Poorly pervious, but has sand and gravel streaks that may yield small quantities of perched #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 10 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNicAL TESTING ]LABORATORY groundwater. Serves as confining aquiclude to artesian groundwater at some localities near sea level. The material observed on-site was a sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel, with local sandy gravels(see boring log).This is consistent with Vashon Till(Qgt) SITE SOILS The Soil Survey of Mason County, Washington, USDA Soil Conservation Service (1960)has mapped the southern (building location)site soils as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes(Ab). The survey reads, The Alderwood soils typically formed from mixed gravelly glacial till dominated by acid igneous rock It occupies undulating to rolling moraines. In undisturbed areas a 1- to 2-inch mat of very dark brown, acid organic matter is on the surface. This grades to a thin, dark grayish-brown, highly organic mineral soil. The surface soil consists of a friable, brown, medium acid gravelly sandy loam 8 to 13 inches deep. It has a weak granular structure and contains numerous rounded shot. Below the surface soil, to depths ranging from 18 to 24 inches, is a pale-brown gravelly sandy loam that is very friable, is single grained, and contains small to moderate amounts of shot. Between this layer and the cemented till is a 3- to 10-inch layer of very pale brown gravelly sandy loam. It contains no shot and is firmer but has the same texture as the layer above. However, it is faintly to distinctly spotted and horizontally streaked with brown and yellow. The cemented till consists of light-gray, gravelly sandy loam, and it normally occurs at depths ranging from 24 to 32 inches. It is impermeable to roots and very slowly permeable to water. The first few inches is usually laminated and streaked with reddish brown and yellow. Below this, to a depth of many feet, the till is uniformly cemented,fairly uniform light gray, and medium to strongly acid. A thin mat of roots often lies over the till. The cemented substratum tends to restrict the rapid downward movement of moisture. They are described as having good natural drainage. Typically, there is no occurrence of a high water table. Internal drainage is described as medium. An erosion hazard may exist if the vegetation is removed; otherwise, the soil has a low erosion hazard in its present condition. Cementation is usually present. The soils are not considered hydric. Non-vegetated Surface Material 13-1 at 3 feet Non-vegetated Surface Material 407-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 11 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 The Soil Survey of Mason County, Washington, USDA Soil Conservation Service(1960)has mapped the northern (lower) site soils as an Alderwood gravelly sandy loam,30 to 45 percent slopes(Ad). The report reads: The Alderwood soils typically formed from gravelly glacial till. They are described as having good natural drainage. Typically, there is no occurrence of a high water table. Internal drainage is described as medium. An erosion hazard may exist if the vegetation is removed. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS Subsurface conditions at the site were evaluated by advancing a test boring at the proposed building location, observing the exposed building site soil, probing,and reviewing available well logs. No seeps, seepage,or springs were observed onsite. Groundwater was not encountered at the proposed building location and is beyond the scope of this report(59 to 460 feet below ground surface). See the provided wells logs in the Appendix. Soil logs were field logged (visually) using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The soil logs were recorded by Neil Lorenzo on September 9, 2007 and Lance Levine on September 14, 2007. Soil colors were visually determined using the Munsell Soil Color Charts, revised 1992. Grab samples were collected by means of split spoon sampler via test boring. The samples were sealed in Ziploc bags, labeled, and transported to our soils laboratory. Soil gradations were determined by laboratory test method ASTM D-2487 that utilizes the Unified Soil Classification System. The soils laboratory has the following certifications,accreditations,or qualifications: AASHTO American Association of State highway and Transportation Officials AMRL AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory CCRL Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation ICC International Code Council Army Corp. of Engineers SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS In general, stiff to dense Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (silty gravelly sand) was observed throughout the site. Vashon Stade glacial till material (gravelly sand with silt)was observed below the Alderwood material. Specific soils information is contained in the following "Boring Log" section of the report. Depth to competent soil is approximately 6 to 14 inches throughout the proposed building location, see photo below. Proposed Building Location ,e, wag #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 12 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 Groundwater was not observed or encountered in the test boring. Groundwater seepage or springs were not observed along site slopes or along the (onsite) road cuts of Timber Tides Drive. Offsite and downhill, a small seep was observed along a cut slope adjacent to an existing residence. The seepage is approximately 920 feet from the proposed building location. BORING LOG Date: 9/10&9/14/07 File#: 07-0532 Boring Log#: 1 Client: Cole,Ron Boring Type: 6"Hollow Stem Auger Depth Drilled: 27 feet Location: N47°21.024' W 123°01.132' Elevation: 533 feet Location: 151 East Windstar Road,Union Groundwater: No GW feet Depth Laboratory Change (Ft) Description in Soils %M N Field Description I_�) Gravel with sand,strong brown(7.5YR46) 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 SM,Silty Sand with Gravel n 1ior 1" 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 SW-SC,Well-graded Sand with 11.3% 50 for 2" Silty Clay and Gravel 11.0 110 13.0 eater Added 14.0 15.0 50 for 4" Sandy Gravel,brown(7.5YR5/3) 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 SW,Well-graded Sand with 7.3% 50 for 2.5" Gravel 21.0 21.0 22.0 Hard Drilling 23.0 24.0 GW-GC,Well-graded Gravel " 25.0 with Silty Clay and Sand 8.0�" 50 for 2" 26.0 27.0 No advancement due to grn,�I TD=27 feet No GM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUITABILITY OF ONSITE SOILS AS FILL Onsite soils may be considered for use as structural fill if industry standards are satisfied. Fill material requirements are found on page 9-31 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications 2006. In general, the native soils (sand, silt, and gravel) encountered on the site must have less than 10 percent fines (material passing the US No.200 sieve)to be suitable for use as structural fill. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 13 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GE®TECRNICAL TESTING LABORATORY Laboratory analysis of the onsite material indicates that the onsite material sampled may be used as structural fill (gravel base). See the laboratory results in the Appendix. SHEAR METHOD A collected grab sample from the drill was tested to determine shear angle and cohesion. Results of the shear test are listed below. The standard method of test was method AASHTO T 236-92,Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions. Specifically,the disturbed sample is remolded into the shear box. A computer records the test readings. The data file is imported into Excel. The three peak strengths were hand picked by choosing, from the individual trials, the break point of the curve. Utilizing the concepts of the Mohr circle analysis,the maximum shear stress is plotted against the normal stress. A line is drawn to"best fit"the peak data points. The shear angle is the measured angle of the "best fit" line relative to the abscissa. The cohesion is determined by the intersection of the "best fit" line and the ordinate. See the shear related figures in the Appendix. Native soil density was determined by the Bulk Density test method (ASTM C-29/C-29M-97 (2003)). The soil was determined to have a dry density of 134 pcf. The sample was determined to have the following characteristics: Unit weight 134 pcf Cohesion 200 psf Shear angle 380 Terzaghi Equation Based on our laboratory testing conducted on the sample of material collected from subject site, we have calculated the theoretical ultimate bearing capacity. The following Terzaghi formula calculates the ultimate bearing capacity. Using the Terrag u F4kation is given by the following formda: Figure 6.3, page 173 by Prakash, the bearing Qd=B(cNc+-yDfNq+%z yBN7) capacity factors are determined from the shear angle. Using a factor of c Nc Y Df Nq 0.5 Y B Ny safety of three (3), the 1 65 134 1 55 0.5 134 2 77 theoretical maximum bearing capacity is equal to 5,900 psf using a shear angle Ultimate Bearing Capacity is: 17753 of 38°. See the following Using a Factor of Safety of 3 5918 spreadsheet calculation. The 13C (Table 1804.2) lists c=unit cohesion 1 the allowable foundation Y=soil density 134 pressure as 2,000 psf for a B=footing width 2 sandy gravel to a gravelly D(f)=depth of footing 1 sand(SM, SW,and SC). N(c)=bearing capacity factor 65 N(q)=bearing capacity factor 55 N(Y)=bean ng capacity factor 77 #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 14 Phone#:(360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GE®TECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY SLOPE STABILITY AND ANALYSIS In general,the undisturbed native soils of the site consist of a mixture of variable amounts of sand and gravel with minor silt. These soil materials are in a dense and cemented condition except where they have been disturbed by weathering activity. No evidence of significant erosion was observed onsite at the time of our investigation. Instability of this nature is typically confined to the upper weathered or disturbed zone, which has been disturbed and has a lower strength. Due to the widespread vegetation, soil was not exposed to allow for raveling and sloughing onsite. As previously discussed, weathering, erosion, and the resultant surficial sloughing and landsliding are natural processes that affect slope areas. Significant weathering typically occurs in the upper 2 to 3 feet and is the result of oxidation,root penetration,wet/dry cycles and freeze/thaw cycles. Over excavation may be necessary to ensure the removal of deleterious material. These processes can be managed and the risk reduced through proper construction of the residence. Erosion control recommendations in the slope and buffer areas are provided in the "Building Setback"and"Erosion Control"sections of this report. Excavation and back-filling will occur based on appropriate engineering and earthwork recommendations found in the following"Earthwork" section. Grading in the building portion of the site should be conducted in accordance with geotechnical recommendations provided herein. The Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood ©"' Coastal Zone Atlas Canal Area, Washington, (1977) describes the site area as Class 1. Class 1 is expressed as: Areas believed to be stable. Slopes generally less than 15 percent, but may be greater locally in areas too small to be shown at the map scale. Largely comprises rolling uplands underlain by very stable material such as young glacial till, mantled in places by a thin layer of sandy gravel or other permeable material; also S F includes flood plains, deltas, alluvial fans, and some beach deposits. Class I areas s immediately adjacent to steep slopes of class 3 ` areas may be threatened by potential landsliding. Normal, proper engineering �6 practices generally are adequate to insure stability in these areas. l f -- ------ The Coastal Zone Atlas, Volume 9, Mason County(MA- 9) maps the southern site as Vashon glacial till (Qvt). Foundation stability is described as "excellent." Seismic stability is described as "good." The northern I site area is mapped as Vashon Advance Outwash (Qva). The chance of flooding is less than one percent. Permeability is described as high,while runoff potential is low. Infiltration is moderate on natural slopes and high on cut slopes. Springs at the bases of slopes are common (no springs or seeps were observed onsite). The slope stability is described as"stable"at the proposed building location and"intermediate"along the northern slope. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 15 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GE®TECHNIC.AL TESTING LABORATORY Resources by Rogers and Walsh detailing faults in the Puget Sound were reviewed. No known faults are mapped in the vicinity of the subject site. Slope stability was modeled using the GeoStudio 2004 program (version 6.20) in both static and dynamic conditions (Ca = 0.15). Factors of safety were determined using Bishop's, Janbu, and the Morgenstern-Price methods. The site was modeled using a layer of cemented gravel and sand (see Figure 4 Cross-section). The material was determined to have a unit weight of 134 pcf, cohesion of 200 psf, and a shear angle (�) of 38' (see Appendix for shear test results). Since groundwater was not observed in the test boring, the site was modeled using "dry" or unsaturated conditions. The footings will be founded on undisturbed and unyielding native material; hence,the surficial material was not used in the slope models. Under static conditions,the slopes remained stable to deep-seated and shallow failure. See Figure 4 for the cross- section. The factor of safety is equal to 1.50 for section "A" along the lower portion of the site. Under dynamic loading, the 3328 computations demonstrated that the slope is not susceptible to surficial raveling or large deep- seated failure. The following figure illustrates the moment factor of safety for section "A" under the existing conditions. The critical slip surface factor of safety is equal to 1.11 for section"A." Mason County code requires a dynamic factor of safety to be at least 1.1 at the proposed building location. The critical or quasi-static slip surfaces are labeled on the following figures. Both factors of safety meet the ordinance. The following figures exhibit the need for a building setback of 40-feet from the crest of the steep slopes. This is included within the 50' vegetative buffer. All foundation elements shall be constructed on native material or engineered fill material. The current proposed building location meets the previous requirements. Static p % C Cole Site—Section A .^ Static Model FoS 1.5 Proposed Building sss Location s3o Boring i m agp Descnph-Gravelly Sand Wt 134 Cohesion.200 0 aao Ph.38 > cos W yp m 330 ]a5 50 1a0 1'.a 300 TA 300 3T0 10o rSo 500 550 WO em nlet811Ce(ft) #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 16 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY namic Cole Site--Section A Dynamic Model ' 4; FOS 1.11 - r Proposed Building ,ss Location �o Boring 1 ' sos Leo Description:Gravely Sand Wt:134 as Cohesion:200 0 Uo Phi:38 m n 'v w sao sss I ow 3os zea o so tao tso zoo zso 7. zso ,ao ,so sao sso eoo sso Distance(ft) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BUILDING SETBACK The building setback may be measured from the bottom of the footing to the face of the steep slope in accordance with the International Building Code 2006,(1805.3.1), see figure to right. As previously discussed, weathering, erosion and the resultant surficial sloughing and shallow landsliding are natural processes that affect slope setback areas. Slumping and sloughing were not observed onsite. To manage and reduce the potential for these natural processes, we recommend the following: ➢ No drainage of concentrated surface water or significant sheet flow onto the sloped areas. ➢ No filling within the setback zone. ➢ Maintain a 15-foot vegetative buffer from the landslide hazard area. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 17 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY LIQUEFACTION HAZARD The surrounding undisturbed slopes are well vegetated. The absence of springs and seeps along the slope faces and the lack of groundwater encountered during in the test boring signifies that groundwater is at least 59 feet below the ground surface. With the local well logs available,we conclude the groundwater is approximately 59 to 460 feet below the ground surface. Shaking of the already dense glacial till is not apt to produce a denser configuration and subsequently excess pore water pressures are not likely to be produced. Lacking shallow groundwater, the mixed material (gravels, sands, and silts) is well graded and cemented and is not a likely candidate for liquefaction concerns. Grain-size analyses are found in the Appendix. Based on our review of the subsurface conditions, we conclude that the site soils are only mildly susceptible to liquefaction. The following geologic excerpts are for the educational purposes of the client and not necessarily for the review staff at Mason County. The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004) maps the northern site area as having a very low to low liquefaction potential. The southern site area is mapped as having a very low liquefaction potential. The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004) maps the northern site area as site class C to D. Site class C is a very stiff soil or soft rock and site class D is a stiff soil. The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann(September 2004)maps the southern site area as site class B to C. Site class B is rock and site class C is a very stiff soil or soft rock. SEISMIC HAZARD According to the Seismic Zone Map of the United States contained in the 2006 International Building Code(IBC), the project site is located where the maximum spectral response acceleration is 45 percent of gravity(g). Based on the subsurface conditions observed at the site,we interpret the site conditions to correspond to a seismic Soil Profile Type D, for Stiff Soil, as defined by Table 1613.5.2 (IBC). This is based on standard penetration rates utilizing a 140-pound hammer. The shallow soil conditions were assumed to be representative for the site conditions beyond the depths explored. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL Active surface erosion was not observed on or surrounding the subject site. Evidence of ponding was not observed onsite. It is our opinion that the potential erosion hazard of the site is not a limiting factor for the proposed development. Removal of natural vegetation should be minimized and limited to the active construction areas. Yard landscaping around the home is permissible, but understory growth on the slopes should be encouraged as much as possible as a deterrent to erosion. Hazard trees located on steep slopes may be removed only if the stumps remain to deter erosion. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures should be implemented and maintained during construction and/or as soon as practical thereafter to limit the additional influx of water to exposed areas and protect potential receiving waters. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 18 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY Erosion control measures should include, but not be limited to, silt fences, berms, and swales with ground cover/protection in exposed areas. Typical erosion control notes and a silt fence detail are included on Figure 2 Site Plan. Any re-contouring of the site will create a need for erosion control measures as recommended above. Proposed r Building " Location i EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SITE PREPARATION All areas to be excavated should be cleared of deleterious matter including any existing structures, debris, duff, and vegetation. Based on our observations, we estimate that stripping on the order of 6 to 14 inches will be necessary to remove the root zone and surficial soils containing organics. Areas with deeper, unsuitable organics should be expected in the vicinity of depressions or heavy vegetation. Stripping depths of up to 3 feet may occur in these areas. These materials may be stockpiled and later used for erosion control and landscaping. Surficial material that cannot be used for landscaping or erosion control should be removed from the project site. No foundation elements shall be constructed on"untested"fill material. Where placement of fill material is required, the exposed subgrade areas should be proof-rolled to a firm and unyielding surface prior to placement of any fill. We recommend that trees be removed with the roots, unless located on a slope. Excavations for tree stump removal in any building area should be backfilled with structural fill,compacted to the density requirements described in the"Structural Fill"section of this report. If structural fill is needed, we recommend that a member of our staff evaluate the exposed subgrade conditions after removal of vegetation and topsoil stripping is completed. Any soft, loose or otherwise unsuitable areas delineated during foundation preparation or probing should be compacted, if practical, or over-excavated and replaced with structural fill, based on the recommendations of our report. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 19 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY All fill material should be placed as structural fill. The structural fill should be placed in horizontal lifts of appropriate thickness to allow adequate and uniform compaction of each lift. Fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of MDD (maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D-1557) to within 2 feet of subgrade and 95 percent MDD in the upper 2 feet. The appropriate lift thickness will depend on the fill characteristics and compaction equipment used. We recommend that the appropriate lift thickness be evaluated by our field representative during construction. The suitability of material for use as structural fill will depend on the gradation and moisture content of the soil. As the amount of fines (material passing No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. During wet weather,we recommend the use of well-graded sand and gravel with less than 9 percent(by weight)passing the No. 200 sieve based on that fraction passing the'/<-inch sieve. If prolonged dry weather prevails during the earthwork and foundation installation phase of construction, a somewhat higher(up to 10 percent)fines content will be acceptable. Material placed for structural fill should be free of debris, organic matter,trash, and cobbles greater than 6 inches in diameter. The moisture content of the fill material should be adjusted as necessary for proper compaction. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CUT AND FILL SLOPES All job site safety issues and precautions are the responsibility of the contractor providing services and/or work. The following cut/fill slope guidelines are provided for planning purposes. Temporary cut slopes will likely be necessary during grading operations. As a general guide,temporary slopes of 1.5 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter may be used for temporary cuts in the upper 3 to 4 feet of the glacially consolidated soils that are weathered to a loose/medium-dense condition. Temporary slopes of 1 to 1 or flatter may be used in the unweathered dense to very dense sands and gravel. These guidelines assume that all surface loads are kept at a minimum distance of at least one half the depth of the cut away from the top of the slope and that significant seepage is not present on the slope face (due to recent rain events). Flatter cut slopes will be necessary where significant raveling or seepage occurs. Surface drainage should be directed away from all slope faces. Straw, hay, or jute matting shall be used to cover the exposed soils until permanent vegetation is established. All slopes should be seeded as soon as practical to facilitate the development of a protective vegetative cover or otherwise protected. Northern Slope t . G_ y R #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 20 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 Where foundation elements are located near slopes between 5 and 30 percent, the footings should be located a minimum of 2 times the footing width from the slope face (horizontally), and founded in medium dense or denser native soils or properly prepared structural fill. We recommend a minimum width for isolated and continuous wall footings to meet IBC 2006. Footings founded as described above can be designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,000 psf(pounds per square foot) for combined dead and long-term live loads in areas of medium dense to dense soils. The weight of the footing and any overlying backfill may be neglected. The allowable bearing value may be increased by one-third for transient loads such as those induced by seismic events or wind loads. Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the bases of footings and floor slabs and as passive pressure on the sides of footings. We recommend that an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.40 be used to calculate friction between the concrete and the underlying soil. Active pressure may be determined using an allowable equivalent fluid density of 150 pcf(pounds per cubic foot). We estimate that settlements of footings designed and constructed as recommended will be less than 1 inch, for the anticipated load conditions, with differential settlements between comparably loaded footings of '/2 inch or less. Most of the settlements should occur essentially as loads are being applied. However, disturbance of the foundation subgrade during construction could result in larger settlements than predicted. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FLOOR SLAB SUPPORT Slabs-on-grade should be supported on medium dense or dense native soils or on structural fill prepared as described in the "Structural Fill" section of this report. We recommend that floor slabs be directly underlain by a synthetic vapor barrier. Below the synthetic vapor barrier, we recommend a minimum 6-inch thickness of coarse sand and/or gravel containing less than 5 percent fines (by weight). The drainage material should be placed and compacted to an unyielding condition. A synthetic vapor barrier must be used for the control of moisture migration through the slab, particularly where adhesives are used to anchor carpet or tile to the slab. A thin layer of sand may be placed over the vapor barrier and immediately below the slab to protect the liner during steel and/or concrete placement. The lack of a vapor barrier could result in wet spots on the slab,particularly in storage areas. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RETAINING WALLS Retaining walls may be utilized on the sloping portion of the site to retain fill material. The lateral pressures acting on the subgrade and retaining walls will depend upon the nature and density of the soil behind the wall. It is also dependent upon the presence or absence of hydrostatic pressure. If the adjacent exterior wall space is backfilled with clean granular, well-drained soil (washed rock), the design active pressure may be determined using an active pressure coefficient equal to 0.25 (Ka = 0.25). This design value assumes a level backslope and drained conditions as described below. Retaining walls located on or near the toe of a slope that extends up behind the wall should be designed for a lateral pressure, which includes the surcharge effects of the steep slope in proximity to the wall. Although not expected at this site,the following data is provided for planning purposes. For an irregular or composite slope, the equivalent slope angle may be determined by extending a line upward from the toe of the wall at an angle of 1 to 1 (Horizontal to Vertical)to a point where the line intersects the ground #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 21 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 surface. The surcharge effects may be modeled by increasing the equivalent fluid pressure for flat ground by the percentage given in the following table: SLOPE INCLINATION: EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE Slope Angle Percent Increase Equivalent Fluid Pressure Horizontal 0% 35 pcf 3H:1 V 25% 44 pcf 2H:1 V 50% 53 pcf 1 H:1 V 75% 61 pcf If the walls are greater than 4 feet in height, exclusive of the footing, additional design considerations should be applied. Walls greater than 4 feet in height must be designed by a Professional Engineer. Positive drainage,which controls the development of hydrostatic pressure, can be accomplished by placing a zone of coarse sand and gravel behind the walls. The granular drainage material should contain less than 5 percent fines. The drainage zone should extend horizontally at least 18 inches from the back of the wall. The drainage zone should also extend from the base of the wall to within 1 foot of the top of the wall. The drainage zone should be compacted to approximately 90 percent of the MDD. Over compaction should be avoided as this can lead to excessive lateral pressures. A perforated PVC pipe with a minimum diameter of 4 inches should be placed in the drainage zone along the base of the wall to direct accumulated water to an appropriate discharge location. We recommend that a non-woven geotextile filter fabric be placed between the drainage material and the remaining wall backfill to reduce silt migration into the drainage zone. The infiltration of silt into the drainage zone can,with time,reduce the permeability of the granular material. The filter fabric should be placed in such a way that it fully separates the drainage material and the backfill, and should be extended over the top of the drainage zone. Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the bases of footings and as passive pressure on the sides of footings and the buried portions of the wall. We recommend that an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.40 be used to calculate friction between the concrete and the underlying soil. Passive pressure may be determined by using a passive pressure coefficient equal to 4(Kp=4). Mason County has provided a prescribed retaining wall design that may be used for non-bulkhead retaining walls less than 4 feet in height. I #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 22 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 MASON COUNTY PRESCRIBED WALL DESIGN MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Masan Country Bldg.III,426 West Cedar Street PO Box 1815,Shetton,WA 98584 ov-wa .mason.taus (380)4274670 Belfar Elma;31?0482-5256 UPLAND CONCRETE DesignPrescriptive DESIGN STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY TO SHORELINE EROSION CONTROL BULKHEADS Slope less than or equal to 1:1 s —Y-BARS TI, S-BARSFRtvoe FLOW PROOF C(ATiNt. I 1 = 1 1 1 1 vl- 2'0 CRMNS I 1 1 I 1 i I 1 1 BARS AT IP'U.C. • • 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 -1--t-t-t--1--f-F--1-- GROUND I 1 1 j I 1 I 1 V2 PARS SURFACE d.pollead Pip a tlipIM11D it 1 I I 1 ( I 1 I 1 12'rlin. M bCaMDM1 1 I I 1 i I 1 I 1 cxaee to.ro I I 6 O 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I .y• a •_ F 1 I / 1 1 1 I 1 F4�tl9g5 5raI to '—SHEAR KEY, B- F43cc-i m LSE 2K6 KNOCKCIIJT ELEvATION NOTE: SFCTInN_ SPACINr••^)F S-EZRS ISAPFRC•%IMATE USE TABULAR"BER OF S&R3 AND FACE EvENLY we 7'COVE} _E. H 'c T 'VOL CONC BARS tENr3THE B R, EARS FEINFORCEMENT FT FT-IN N YEWIFT WE WACI11G VI-BARS Y241AAS 92E 'xACwG LENOTM i Elg Oi•C:NG LSE PER FOOT 6 b3 10 0.30 fir 'V - — 1I7 '7• --1S 11 316' tr T 5•D 10 0.3E i/r _ E--' — L? 41-5' 13 309• 1r -.- 6 fr0 1.T 0.4T Yc' - - - E-T =.e S. Is 31T tr #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 - GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY Prescriptive Concrete Retaining Wall DESIGN STAHUARDS Do NOT APPLY To SHORELINE.EROSION CONTROL B"HEADs Height.,Maximum Eight Fear Upland concrete retaining walls installed in accordance with the prescriptive design shown on the reverse side need not be designed by an engineer unless the Mason County Building Dept.determines special conditions exist. Any retaining wall exceeding eight feet in height or van/ing from the prescriptive design requires an engineered design. Location of Retaining Waft Retaining wal s must only be placed against stable slopes, consisting of firm, undisturbed soil. Drainage must be provided as shown with a 4'perforated drain pipe or 2`weep holes spaced not less than 12 feet on center. No surcharge load, such as a building or driveway, may be placed on the retaining wall or within a distance equal to the vertical height of the retaining•wal unless an engineered design is prepared for the additional load. Ground Surface Above Retaining Wall The ground surface above the retaining wall shall be less than or equal to 1 A (i.e- 1-foot vertical to 1-foot horizontal). Retaining Wall Placement The top of the footing for the retaining wall must be set a minimum of 12 inches below grade. The footing and wall dimensions shall not be less than outlined in the retaining wal?chart. The footing shall be placed on firm,undisturbed earth. Drainage A minimum of 12 inches of washed granular drainage material shall be placed between the undisturbed soil and the retaining wall. The drainage materials must be composed of gravel with 1-inch particle sizes. Two-inch weep holes shall be located approximately 6-inches above grade, below the granular drainage material, spaced not less than 12-feet on center. At the base of the wall, a perforated drain pipe,with at least a four-inch diameter,shall be installed within the drainage materials. The drain pipe must drain to a point of discharge,approved by Mason County. Inspections Prior to the placement of concrete;the builder must schedule an inspection of the formwork and reinforcement placement for the retaining wall footing. During the first inspection,the inspector will verff the soil condition,footing dimensions,footing reinforcement,and footing placement as we[ as the provisions for drainage. At the next inspection,the inspector shall verify the wall dimensions and reinforcement prior to the wall pour. A final inspection must be performed once all work is complete. To schedule an inspection caI the Mason County 24-hour recorded inspection request line at(360)427- 7262. Inspections can also be requested online at:► ,w.co.mason.>va.us or by fax at(360)427-7798_ When requesting an inspection please proWde the fohlowng information- 11 Name on permit 2)type of inspection 3)Permit number Al Site Address 5)Type of permit 6) Date inspection requested and 71 Name and phone number of caller. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 24 Phone#:(360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHWAL TESTING LAB®RAToRy RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RETAINING WALL ALTERNATIVES Typically, block wall systems are more cost effective for long-term walls than the other options. Specific design criteria for these options can be provided at your request by the block manufacturers. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SITE DRAINAGE All ground surfaces, pavements and sidewalks should be sloped away from the residence and associated structures. Surface water runoff should be controlled by a system of curbs, berms, drainage swales, and/or catch basins and tight-lined into the appropriate drainage facilities. We recommend that conventional roof drains be installed. Footing drains shall be installed for the proposed structure. The roof drain should not be connected to the footing drain. For footing drains,the drain invert should be below the bottom of the footing. Typical drainage control measures are included on Figure 3. Onsite irrigation to lawn areas shall be closely monitored. We recommend additional testing occur at the proposed infiltration location. Either a double ring infiltrometer or a grain-size calculation will determine the permeability of the onsite material. SEPTIC IMPACT The existing septic drainfield is located in the eastern portion of the site to the northeast of the proposed building location. Chapter 246-272-09501 of the Washington Administrative Code requires a minimal horizontal separation between septic drainfields and various facilities. The existing drainfield is located over 30 feet from the proposed building location. We conclude the slope stability of the site will not be adversely impacted by the proposed structure and the existing septic drainfield will not adversely impact the proposed structure. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL Based on the results of our site reconnaissance, subsurface observations, and our experience in the area, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed project. The proposed building location is stable relative to deep- seated instability and will not be affected by the proposed structure. The proposed structure will not undermine adjacent slopes. Proper drainage control measures will reduce or eliminate the potential for erosion in this area and improve slope stability. The hazards of the landslide area can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety, and the project will cause no significant environmental impact for the life of the project. If tested and confirmed, the onsite soils may suitable for use as structural fill material. Saturated soil conditions may be associated with these soils during or following extended periods of rainfall. However, to reduce grading time and construction costs,we recommend that earthwork be undertaken during favorable weather conditions. Conventional construction equipment may be utilized for work at the site. Conventional spread footings may be utilized at the site for support of the structure. We do recommend that roof and footing drains be installed for the structure with conventional spread footings. A vapor barrier is recommended for all slab-on-grades. Conventional spread and continuous wall footings appear to be the most suitable type of foundation for the support of the proposed structure. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 25 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECnNicAL TESTING LABORATORY REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of Ron Cole and his authorized agents for the proposed single- family residence in Mason County, Washington. Site inspections, research, and mapping have culminated in this report. This report is intended to meet the requirements of the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance. This report does not specify setbacks for: line-of-sight setbacks, FWHCA setbacks, eagle tree setbacks, wetland setbacks, or property line setbacks. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, expressed or implied, should be understood. CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to onsite personnel and to adjacent properties. READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY Some clients, design professionals, and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices(geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. Geotechnical Testing Laboratory includes these explanatory"limitations" provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with Geotechnical Testing Laboratory if you are unclear how these "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use"apply to your project or site. GEOTECHNICAL,GEOLOGIC,AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS SHOULD NOT BE INTERCHANGED The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, geotechnical engineering or geologic reporting does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 26 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY REFERENCES MAPS DeLorme 3-D TopoQuads(2002),Source Data USGS,Yarmouth,Maine. Dragovich, Logan, Walsh, and Schasse(2002), Geological Map of Washington-Northwest Quadrant(Geological Map GM- 50),published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Logan(2003), Geologic Map of the Shelton 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Washington, (Open file report 2003-15),by published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Noble and Molenaar(1970), Geologic Map of Southeastern Mason County, Washington, Water Supply Bulletin 29, Plate 1, Published by Washington State Department of Water Resources Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004), The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington, published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004), The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington,published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Rogers, A. M., Walsh, T. J., Kockelman, W. J., and Priest, G. R. (1996), Map showing known or suspected faults with quaternary displacement in the Pacific Northwest, published by U.S. Geological Survey OFR 91-441-0, Plate 1, scale 1:2,000,000. Smith, Carson (1977), Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington, prepared in cooperation with the Washington Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources; and, Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey. Dragovich, Logan, Walsh, and Schasse(2002), Geological Map of Washington-Northwest Quadrant(Geological Map GM- 50),published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Walsh(1997), The Canyon River fault, an active fault in the southern Olympic Range, Washington: Washington Geology,v. 25,no.4,p.21-24,published by U.S.Geological Survey. Washington State Department of Ecology (1979), Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington, Volume 9, published by Washington State Department of Ecology. PUBLICATIONS Ambrose(1981),Simplified Design of Building Foundations,Table 2.5,pages 48-57,published by John Wiley&Sons,Inc. ASTM International(2005),Annual Book of Standards 2005, Section 4, Volume 4.08,published by ASTM International,West Conshohocken,Pennsylvania. Bloom(1991),Geomorphology,published by Prentice-Hall,Inc.,Upper Saddle River,New Jersey. Gallagher, Patricia M. (October 27, 2000), Passive Site Remediation for Mitigation of Liquefaction Risk, Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Virginia. International Code Council,Inc.(2004),2003 International Building Code,published by International Code Council,Inc. #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 27 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 I� GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY International Code Council,Inc.(2006),2006 International Building Code,published by International Code Council,Inc. Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation (1994), Munsell Soil Color Charts (1994 Revised Edition), published by Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation,New Windsor,New York. McCarthy(1993),Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations, published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,New Jersey. Moffat(1992),Surveying 9`"Edition,published by Harper Collins,New York,New York. Ness,Fowler,Parvin(1960),The Soil Survey of Mason County, Washington, USDA Soil Conservation Service,in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, and Washington Agricultural Experimental Station, and the Soils Conservation Service. Parks, Neal, Koloski, Laprade, Molinari, Butler, and Lorentson (November 2006), Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geology Reports in Washington, published by Washington State Geologist Licensing Board,Olympia,Washington. Prakash(1981),Soil Dynamics,Figure 6.3,page 173,published by McGraw-Hill,Inc. Sowers(1979),Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Geotechnical Engineering,Table 10:4,page 472,published by Macmillan Publishing Co.,Inc. Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)(2005),Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 2006 M41-10,prepared by WSDOT Engineering Publications,P.O.Box 47408,Olympia,Washington. WEBSITES Mason County Government Information Services (http://www.co.mason.wa.us) Mason County Codes,Ordinances,and Regulations (http://www.co.mason.wa.us/code) Puget Sound Lidar Consortium (http://pugetsoundlidar.ess.washington.edu/lidardata/index.html) Slope Stabilization Erosion Control Using Vegetation A Manual of Practice for Coastal Bluff (http://www.ecy.wa.govibiblio/9330.html) Vegetation Management Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners (http://www.ecy.wa.govibiblio/9331.html) United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (http://soildatamart.nres.usda.gov) Washington Administrative Code (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/) Washington Department of Ecology (http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/welllog) (https:Hfortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatlas/viewer.htm) #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 28 Phone#:(360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEOTECIINICAL TESTING LABORATORY APPENDIX #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 29 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 " ---- ILTER FABRIC MATERIAL Or WADE ROLLS BE STAPLES OR WIRE RING TO ATTACH • / �'ABRICTOWIRE Geotechnical FABRIC GAUGE ALE _ FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT Testing Laboratory 6'MAX D OR BURY OTT.OF FILTER MATERIAL IN$'XIT TRENCH JRFACE 5'.T IT 3'MI 2"XP WOOD POSTS ALT:STEEL FENCE POSTS Geotechnical Services :HASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO QA/QC Services TO AVOID VO BS JOINTS.WHEN JOINTS Testing Services H SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONLY AT MUM 61NCH OVERLAP AND SECURELY __"____ — TIE POST. '"U(BAUM OF B FEET APART AND DRIVEN --"_________________ (MINIMUM OF 30 INCHES). ED APPROXIMATELY$INCHES VIDE AND 12 10011 Blomberg St.SW � OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. ' Oympia,WA 98512 ------ --------- ILTER FABRIC IS USED,A TARE MESH STENED SECURELY TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE Phone:(360)7544612 WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 1 INCH / ---------------A.THE WARE SHALL EXTEND INTO THE Fax:(360)754-4848 ES AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 30 GROUND SURFACE. i VEGETATED TER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR HARED ------------------OFFABRICSHALLBEEXTENDED Date: 09/28/2007 C SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 3$ ;' OINOSURFACE,FILTER FABRIC SHALL Designed by: L �_�,�R D EVINE % L 1�'7IILSTL�IIJNGTREES Drawn by: LEVINE/LAMICHHANE _tdA"7_JQ1Rt5 R FABRIC AND CLOSER POST SPACING IS Checked by: CUSHMAN —IT FENCE MAP BE ELIMINATED,IN SUCH ------- ,-'" STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECTLY TO THE Dwg#:09-28-07-100 $IONS OR ABOVE NOTES APPLYING. NOT BE REMOVED BEFORE THE UPSLOPE —Y STABILIZED. ---- "KBE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL.ANY -----WDE IMMEDIATELY. YE ETIAfED _SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE .THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND THE COUNTY THE INSTALLATION OF PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE ITEMS ,OR I$RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ICE OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 'ROPOSEO DRAINAGE FACILITIES 63%S PE,'' EBBE TAKEN TO PREVENT MIGRATION PROJECT NAME: DAILY SURVEILLANCE OF ALL EROSION COLE SITE i ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS 151 E.WINDSTAR ROAD - ASURES.THE CONTRACTORSHALLPROVIDE OHEPROJECTNGINEER.FAILURE URES AS UNION,WASHINGTONVCxT D DIRT NECESSARY ID STATE EROSIONALTIESBEICONTROLLEVI PARCEL 322357590300 CIVIL PENALTIES BEING LEVIED F�1JE/OR PROTECT OWNER. MSER TO MARCFQ ALL ED SOILS SLIyI HOURS AFTER STOP OF WORKS EROSIONID TO. pATipNA�p ,IHCDWdNGSPdL PILES WITH R" (si F1�J: AREA NG,JUTE MATTING.STRAW MULCH, 1'Z9-O7 HE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL TAKE IS LL BE CHECKED REGULARLY ' VERAGE IS COMLETE.AREAS SHALL BE TLRED AS REQUIRED. L NOT BE ALLOWED.IF ANY SOIL IS ''ET,ITS BE REMOVED BY THE END JRTHER TRACKING OF MUD WALL THEN VE ' A'R WASHING OF THE VEHICLES TIRES STREET. DATUM FOR THE SITE PLAN INCORPORATED CH ON A DOWNSLOPE OF MORE THAN 5 VARIOUS TECHNIQUES AND SOURCES INCLUDING ONETIME. THE FOLLOWING: TAPING AND PACING,SLOPE MEASUREMENTS WITH VE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES AN INCLINOMETER,ANGLES AND BEARINGS USING A /SHALL BE DISC WRGED IN MANNER THAT WILL BRUNTONO GEO TRANSIT,SITE LOCATIONS USING A BTREAMs.ORA NAGE SYSTEMS OR GARMINO HAND HELD GPS UNIT,TOPOGRAPHIC SCALE:1 inch=I DO feet MAPS FROM DELORME®,MASON COUNTY G.I.S. EIVING RUNOFF FROM THE PROTECT DURNG WEBSITE,AND SURVEYS RECORDED AT THE MASON VEGETATED TECTED SO THATSE ERINO THE CONVEYANCE S SYSTEME .WATER YSTE . COUNTY ASSESSOR. GEOLOGIC SITE MEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE SITE RECONNAISSANCE OCCURRED ON SEPTEMBER 14, LEED. FIGURE LOOT BY LEV INE. IE SEEDED OR SODDED UPON COMPLETION HALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT THE PRESENT RECORDED SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED STURSED AREAS IS PROVIDED$THAT BY ASPEN LAND SURVEYING;THE SURVEY IS DATED S ESTACA SALT. SITE PLAN ED MAY OF 2007. THE SURVEY IS BASED UP THE MMETA IO FILTER FABRIC MUST BE _GETATON IS ESTABLISHED. PREVIOUS SURVEY V 1,PGS210-213. ter: r Y View Looking Northwest _ - � '�'��+.'s,�� a ':•- ^: 9 �Fs"'f .. _Northwest Along Windstar •.., ors_, IIIII v.. +-- a. Proposed Building Location • 1 1 11 C • �- • � ' ; 1 G OT '1 CHNIC L TESTING LABoRAToity LABORATORY RESULTS U.S.Standard Sieve Opening in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer Results 100% 20 5 4 3 t'rb % h 4 #4 10 16 20 30 40 50 too 200 0% 90% 10% � ` I 80% 20% 70% 30% 60% ` ` 40% 50% 50% T 40% ` 60% c 30% `` 70% 20% 80% 10% 90% 0% 100% 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters Gravels Sands Cobbles Silts Clays Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Date: 09/14/07 D,,= 0.06 Classification %Gravel Sample#: 1332 D30= 0.40 SM,Silty Sand with Gravel 30.43% Sample ID: Silty Sand with Gravel D60= 3.17 Specifications %Sand Source: B-1 Cc= 0.81 WSDOT 9-03.10 Gravel Base 57.48% Project: Cole Cu-51.09 %Moisture:3.0% %Silt&Clay Client: Cole Liquid Limit-- 0.00 Dust Ratio= 12.09% ASTM: C-33 Plastic Limit-- 0.00 Fineness Modulus Sample Meets Specs Depth: 5' Plasticity Index-- 0.00 3.62 No Coarse Actual Interpolatedroes Actual Interpolated Section Cumulative Cumulative Section Cumulative Cumulative Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs US Metric Passing Passing Max Min US Metric Passing Passing Max Min 6.00" 150.00 100.0% #4 4.750 69.6% 69.6% 100.0% 22.0% 4.00" 100.00 100.0% #8 2.360 55.1% 55.1% 3.00" 75.00 100.0% #10 2.000 52.3% 2.50" 63.00 100.0% #16 1.180 46.1% 2.00" 50.00 100.0% 100.0% 75.0% #20 0.850 43.5% 1.75" 45.00 100.0% #30 0.600 41.6% 41.6% 1.50" 37.50 100.0% #40 0.425 31.5% 1.25" 31.50 100.0% #50 0.300 24.3% 24.3% 1.00" 25.00 100.0% #60 0.250 22.1% 7/8" 22.40 100.0% #80 0.180 19.00/0 3/4" 19.00 100.0% 100.0% #100 0.150 17.7% 17.7% 5/8" 16.00 95.6% #140 0.106 14.4% 1/2" 12.50 90.4% 90.4% #170 0.090 13.2% 3/8" 9.50 83.8% 83.8% #200 0.075 12.1% 12.1% 10.0% 0.0% 1/4" 6.30 74.2% #270 0.053 Copyright,Spears Engineering&Technical Services PS,1996.2004 407-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 31 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY U.S.Standard Sieve Opening in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer Results 100% 20 s 4 s 1% i 1 ? #4 10 16 20 30 40 50 100 200 0% 90% \ \ 10% 80% \ \ 20% 70% \ \ 30% \ L 60% \ 40% p, 50% \ 50% 40% \\ \ 60% m 30% \ \ 70% 20% 80% 10% 90% 0% 100% 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters Gravels Sands Cobbles Silts Clays Coarse I Fine Coarse Medium Fine Date: 09/14/07 Dto= 0.12 Classification %Gravel Sample#: 1333 D30= 0.77 SW-SC,Well-graded Sand with Silty Clay and Gav 31.27% Sample ID: Sand with Silty Clay and Gravel D60= 4.00 Specifications %Sand Source: B-1 Cc= 1.23 WSDOT 9-03.10 Gravel Base 62.29% Project: Cole C,=33.57 %Moisture: 11.3% %Silt&Clay Client: Cole Liquid Limit-- 0.00 Dust Ratio= 6.44% ASTM: C-33 Plastic Limit-- 0.00 Fineness Modulus Sample Meets Specs Depth: 10' Plasticity Index= 0.00 4.22 Yes oarse Actual terpo at roes ActualInterpolated Section Cumulative Cumulative Section Cumulative Cumulative Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs US Metric Passing Passing Max Min US Metric Passing Passing Max Min 6.00" 150.00 100.0% #4 4.750 68.7% 68.7% 100.0% 22.0% 4.00" 100.00 100.0% #8 2.360 40.9% 40.9% 3.00" 75.00 100.0% #10 2.000 38.9% 2.50" 63.00 100.0% #16 1.180 34.3% 34.3% 2.00" 50.00 100.0% 100.0% 75.0% #20 0.850 30.9% 1.75" 45.00 100.0% #30 0.600 28.3% 28.3% 1.50" 37.50 100.0% #40 0.425 24.61/6 1.25" 31.50 100.0% #50 0.300 21.9% 21.9% 1.00" 25.00 100.0% 100.0% #60 0.250 18.8% 7/8" 22.40 95.5% #80 0.180 14.4% 3/4" 19.00 89.5% 89.5% #100 0.150 12.5% 12.5% 5/8" 16.00 88.1% #140 0.106 8.9% 1/2" 12.50 86.4% 86.4% #170 0.090 7.6% 3/8" 9.50 82.3% 82.3% #200 0.075 6.4% 6.4% 10.0% 0.0% 1/4" 6.30 73.1% #270 0.053 Copyright Spears Engineering&Technical Services PS,199642 #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 3? Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 U.S.Standard Sieve Opening in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer Results 100% 20 6 4 3 t�1 •i vs ? #4 10 16 20 30 40 50 100 200 0% 90% 10% 80% 20% 70% ` 30% 60% ` 40% T � 50% 50% c m 40% ` 60% a ` .m `0 30% 70%` 20% 80% 10% V. 90% 0% 100% 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters Gravels Sands Cobbles Silts Clays Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Date: 09/14/07 D10= 0.22 Classification %Gravel Sample#: 1334 D3o= 0.99 SW,Well-graded Sand with Gravel 36.23% Sample ID: Sand with Gravel D60= 3.80 Specifications %Sand Source: B-1 Cc= 1.19 WSDOT 9-03.10 Gravel Base 59.82% Project: Cole Cu= 17.52 %Moisture: 7.3% %Silt&Clay Client: Cole Liquid Limit--- 0.00 Dust Ratio= 3.95% Boring#: C-33 Plastic Limit--0.00 Fineness Modulus Sample Meets Specs Depth: 20' Plasticity Index-- 0.00 4.37 Yes oarse Actual Interpolatedroes Actual Interpolated Section Cumulative Cumulative Section Cumulative Cumulative Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs US Metric Passing Passing Max Min US Metric Passing Passing Max Min 6.00" 150.00 100.0% #4 4.750 63.8% 63.8% 100.0% 22.0% 4.00" 100.00 100.0% #8 2.360 54.3% 54.3% 3.00" 75.00 100.0% #10 2.000 48.4% 2.50" 63.00 100.0% #16 1.180 34.8% 34.8% 2.00" 50.00 100.0% 100.0% 75.01/6 #20 0.850 26.4% 1.75" 45.00 100.0% #30 0.600 20.0% 20.08/o 1.50" 37.50 100.0% #40 0.425 16.1% 1.25" 31.50 100.0% #50 0.300 13.4% 13.4% 1.00" 25.00 100.0% 100.0% #60 0.250 11.3% 7/8" 22.40 95.7% #80 0.180 8.5% 3/4" 19.00 90.0% 90.0% #100 0.150 7.3% 7.3% 5/8" 16.00 87.7% #140 0.106 5.3% 1/2" 12.50 85.1% 85.1% #170 0.090 4.6% 3/8" 9.50 79.6% 79.6% #200 0.075 1 3.9% 3.9% 10.0% 0.0% 1/4" 6.30 68.9% #270 1 0.053 Copyright Spears Engmeering&Technical Services PS,1996 2004 #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 33 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEO TECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY � U.S.Standard Sieve Opening in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer Results 100% 20 6 4 3 1X '/. 1/2 ? #4 10 16 20 30 40 50 100 200 0% 90% \ \ 10% 80% \ \ 20% m 70% ` 30% 60% \ 40% T ` \ \ 50% \ 50% T 40% \ \ 60% m 30% \ ` \ 70% \ 20% ` 80% o 10% 90% 0% 100% 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters Gravels Sands Cobbles Silts Clays Coarse I Fine Coarse Medium Fine Date: 09/14/07 D10= 0.12 Classification %Gravel Sample#: 1335 D30= 1.12 GW-GC,Well-graded Gravel with Silty Clay and Sa 54.80% Sample ID: Gravel with Silty Clay and Sand D60= 9.69 Specifications %Sand Source: B-1 Cc= 1.06 WSDOT 9-03.10 Gravel Base 38.05% Project: Cole Cu= 79.34 %Moisture:8.0% %Silt&Clay Client: Cole Liquid Limit-- 0.00 Dust Ratio= 7.15% Boring#: C-33 Plastic Limit-- 0.00 Fineness Modulus Sample Meets Specs Depth: 25' Plasticity Index-- 0.00 4.82 Yes oarse Actual Interpolatedroes Actual Interpolated Section Cumulative Cumulative Section Cumulative Cumulative Sieve Size Percent Percent 7Specs Specs Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs US Metric Passing Passing Max Min US Metric Passing Passing Max Min 6.00" 150.00 100.0% #4 4.750 45.2% 45.2% 100.0% 22.0% 4.00" 100.00 100.0% #8 2.360 40.8% 40.8% 3.00" 75.00 100.0% #10 2.000 37.7% 2.50" 63.00 100.0% #16 1.180 30.5% 2.00" 50.00 100.0% 100.0% 75.0% #20 0.850 27.7% 1.75" 45.00 100.0% #30 0.600 25.5% 25.5% 1.50" 37.50 100.0% #40 0.425 20.9% 1.25" 31.50 100.0% #50 0.300 17.6% 17.6% 1.00" 25.00 100.0% 100.0% #60 0.250 15.6% 7/8" 22.40 94.7% #80 0.180 12.9% 3/4" 19.00 87.7% 87.7% #100 0.150 11.7% 11.7% 5/8" 16.00 79.4% #140 0.106 9.0% 1/2" 12.50 69.8% 69.8% #170 0.090 8.1% 3/8" 9.50 59.3% 59.3% #200 0.075 7.1% 7.1% 10.0% 0.0°() 1/4" 6.30 49.8% #270 0.053 i i Copyright Spears Engmcering&Technical Services PS,1996-2004 407-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 34 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHWAL TESTING LABORATORY SHEAR RESULTS Peak Shear Stress vs. Normal Stress 2500 2000 38' ch a N1500 L vJ L 1000 V/ a t 1/4 ton 500 - - f 1/2 ton Cohesion = A 1 to 200 psf 0 -- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Normal Stress (psf) 907-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 35 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNicAL TESTING ]LABORATORY WELL LOGS Fft pwWl wne I Wih W&TER WELL REPORT S.^card«a '7 5 0,5� oapertwwrw a itevoy be s.aorw Co"-Owwar'a Copy Yrwrd Coar-DnR.r.Cady STATE OF WAS"NGTO01 - N.r.r H aM H•mrd Flp. (T) ow"Eft tars. _ (E) LOCATION OF WELL: C..r.r-ZYU62Ae .,, 1281 Ill"MT AObbactly OF WELL(or aawr.w aMYwd- _ (.7) PROPOAF_0 USE: Do w IMwhrl MunicipUl_ (10) WELL LOG 6r ABANDOIfMENT PROCEDURE OESC*tPT10N - __ Drwehrr Teat Well U Other 7 PorraNYon: o■eafwa ay eMw.cnaractw. aaa a awwAl ey rrwr.• .aa U.o. •aawra«of OWa«.wk M hind eaA Ads-o0 ine r.ae.rwt In awl e1f.I..n (!) TYPE Oi WOOK:0`-- .r.ow ar.w wMan laeaf-a.w/ry.w Ndh cIerge•rallomlaltelf. ;nwrx*than on.) Mw A6endonnd l.. Naw.r.n �,' uetf•dd� Owe I I Bored _ - MATERIAL TO .._. Uaepenad Cable I1 Dawee C Farowdrr•owad Rolafy Jetted GR.�vr� SAfe�il/ fy�ryti4 ;.^'7s 3!. (5) DIMENSIONS: Duelitter ot wore Dn1e12-71—//}}'1-110l. DapMolr[mplrletlwMl __h. - __- - - 461 CONuTRUC IDN�DETAILS. - '- - -- Catth.e INalallab �11t oi.r.I+rr yin is Se tNaa}M t.nw nafa4e I OiarT+.Yam _n Io LL. --1-_ . D{f/P.I.b.. Per}dretlotlfl lrN 110 4• _. . T Yw d o...n.•.ar..•d_ _... S•2f a prrec.ao-o.a—. it.by.- as 06 Dw,wMlow■Ydr/ _.,__N.to �. __ 0.,k~iow.raw A.to A. - Sam"i: rah Ll N. - Tya own sra e+ar a. „- 0rwM elel alto .r.� •.la N .__.. .._ ...GreeHOeaa16 ve*FJ we M81«.rea.w Grabal lleaoee,nlrr._. _ _n.ro _.r _ Surface trek r..1�1 Nof7 Ta wear dap1N7 -_N. MAFQA w.d a Mal__. R 14" OiA err urea eem.ar wu.etw.Hv'l -- - _.. Y,..L1 No® Typ.a..,arT - _Deethel win. a,euw d.l MMnp.Isla u'f ---- (7) PUIMP: Trpa - idi WATER LE S- Land•eer'teee aeaatwe 2YE� ww..w laws—A n ---- S..Ic I..+a. ___h C..a.wC M...a ht. .n••an praw.r. _Ice 0-..wr.ncr. Date .�arw seer la owaefatlw0 er__. ___ won 191 WELI.TESTS Oryftvraarrt n.sea Nwlrw.et.e4Mew.I.rr a�a w«e a.at.rrd.'l y«�.1 Wa 1 a,aa_yy, ad T - WELL CONSTRUCTOR CERTIFICAnOn: f\ r red eal rn VAN.= ._11.01,adoaweRr -.. _ -4 I conelnrc,ad awdra acupt r•eponuEiliry(or cawelruclion of INIe wrM, and nor CDfa(YraaCe wlta we welaafVOn wM C00e1NC/10(l I11211daf04. Materiwfa uaed rnd the anfernumlim mported above are true to I%V beat Recwrrrydolarllere rlw"towwMw a..aOlr.ad URI)lwolw,walae«eretl knaaledpa and la..raf . Nam well lae,a serer Ie.�O ' r.• ...,.i a..a tar w.r.r a..r - _ 0"30k t.qM.OR CORIOPa� fTNt Ott vow" .-- __ Addreee. �r// /�/j�/41Y�Ie7l�1L.I fr.f.eM►i..+-��• ta..71 i.a�r tt 1«e f2 eM.rwln.wlta h6wdawwoMr ttr< (SlenWl MMA draaaaef __ LICMMtay r�� CoI►traaor'e Mrl'4aa1 eat fatal.wRw ale.ew at R.Iwr ari R Ia1Mq!� .n.re.INrw ept* Dan r NoeO T17f�1!+/6Y Date Tamows1w.a s_wet wee a eNawreY ene".m"al v«U N01 J WE K 407-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 36 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 blew®!ECHNIC!" L TESTING STING LABORATORY )!I]e I]rlaSaal and llret Capp wlklr ApVUGluon No. t).wrttn.i.t df icnbp WATER WELL REPORT - -LltRoc.,.CCO�y DO��n�r� y STATs W AA.6N Parrot No (f) OWNER: Nun•Lexatr Haktisen A4111011111..3201b--22Uji-mo w .Wa...28062 (2) LOCATION OF TMU: co„nv Mastm_..._.......n _{..'�-..__.__.__.___...... ._ .1�-lY SE_V.3e0.35 r.22.tt•.l43��r�d a.__L1nr ra distance Irma secilon or pbdirldion wrnar I.LIt L7 CLtG g ---- (3f PROPOSED USE- nofnecur a indtat W O 7wmtekD•t❑ (10) WELL LOS Ir,yaflpt O `I'esi Well. CD Otb•r ❑ r•rraaww'p.ac.ter by c^d�,rf,arprfar,au..,�mai.riei dwd.tr4Sp/T!,fwd erww LA,rk+vu d/aa•u t/.ra fnd TA. 4i+�a.,.b natur.of iha malawvl/w.mch atratu,n Prnar_ted, tarlfh di trust an,a—&,-v Io,.urn c1.0y04 of tovmdl46n. (4) TYPE OF WORK: " "•:• nudt6ir•i roes IiAT=lU/i „f m&eo Wan mitl.. _ . New well i(1 fsethod:Dal O BbPid ❑ Oeraeted fl Cable al netw=Q Aecandttlaned Q Afir}❑ J~ O emolomrate (5) DIMENSIONS! Dtaeneter of well 6 .op_��t ._T.'224 `Drtma r82 A Dopth of �mpiwtvd woo 482....._._7L 16) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: - cAmnud sar ara.'4ray(a1 And-_it!8t�22� w .226 I Call" isawlek, .6'. lylam. from ...0 ft. W .482 n -- - - firr>,at CLL1_ _ 2 TLre•efd 0 "]Slrie. frafromre. to . . K. _�— wreidfd(a num. Crown ft. to. It. �- .gyp5 HArdpan Pertaratiama: Yelr G etaitl .. Type of rirterat•r aced_..._-_.. g�i�h brown clay with ardyel. 28 alL9 of pirtonkn m... .........._ ._. Ia.bl/ pfraeraetoac tnkae...__......_...._A.+Ie........._...._.. to, f.___i _ 0± _....... . .._pffldir�flank_.._......_..... fi,ii............._...._. ft j73zj/( n ....,.. ._.... pfeiarwieMwte Beta._...__..._.•.t4 t+e_...�...�..._R, - -- au44slt b rnm'k clay lii 3t:reetva: v..& ire O .C�OIIC... - — - - Na.nut��a+elnrerY.lNem• ....--......••.--..._....•••••••••-•-•.• v 7)•ae..wftL1J.es n...__...._�_/.{ lk......, DlarA. �.._.slat aAY 7if~ales...7J/ 11.Y_JieCi�r4 Man, Itaw..............at r_..._..._..rC Gravel Wked: v.a we I)^ WA of ahead: -401 _460 Gr.yel placed trem _..-._..__-.._......_..fi.p_..........__.....,.-.A. t l: .._.....Rkf- fl. S� grsayol M vAr'OY �..... YOi� Sartate Sea rrs Cd lio D To aettel dfsYif - -�-- leatrr"I Lsee In reaL."alite .. _....•..-.---..^-•. - --- �— Dtd any rarsu canIan vamltaOU watery Y+aQ Nib - 1 Tyy.at wattrT.... .. .._.. Heath of rlriLa ._......._......... �l..�.i. wethod of.#aped etra/a 61T. -•_ ----'— -- _. (7) PUMP: ldaautaKiwes'e Jr.e Tvee- SV1 C51 T— (8) WATER`LEVELS: :eo:`win.ea�)evel n.b y ,. n .. .... __ .._. 1M. Slane level ..'1vV ab tow of .It Dftt ._....... .. .._ _ ..-- � -- Artetlm Preterite ]bd per r7Wri Wit Date..._..... ... ...- . Arlts]ao Wtt.f Lt control]ea tr .._.... ..__... .... ...__. 1 (9) WELL TESTS. DrPwisown a :mount wattr 1r 1 w lowered blow■eaue level tye�etditid.--.---• _... .lee...__. - Was a t•uNryst m test Yai J K'X} Tf)et by w1wan7 -- vlold. 1�a1lmm. wwW 12 it.drawdowa 4111-1 1 hr. WELL. DRILLERS STATEXENT: This well was dr►tkd under my lurisdictim and this report W -'� true to the berg of my Itnawledge end belief. N.AbeerT Asta ctlme ,Wren a. tiro when W11MY Weed 08) 1►aver Idfal rnestuted rrum wrsli toy m..vatcr In•r11 NAKz. Day..]..S Drilling rtatd tefe.r Lwil Tim. usual Lewrl Time Md/ev i.tdit IPare.mai.fkr>m,of corporetaewl 413"of prmtf ._..... ............__... ..�........_.... ..........r.. ....«.._........ pry,�_�[` aa -�gy•tpp .............. /44dilra..DG118)�.�.- _.71�J.LG._ ._......... ........................ Lsa of test _._. - rr(t Ill........ ...._.. ,...._.t^•..... Bauer test .10 .....a•t nab..kae_iL w.dnardrrn iewr�...1.__�ef. •..- -riiia;d�letilirt.. A itefian Aow .---..._...._...._ .. ..Il?m. Date.. .-..---•--'--'-f-w..t e1 77p � cs��L�.. T.mD.rsi—of wsur.._. -else a eAnMcat awalra►made4 Tea a #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 37 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEO'TECHWAL TESTING LABORATORY WATER WELL REPORT cvxiaENT O siydl a l a oqy- .!'d1/r-aweiar,7s e.vr-d fifer t.,.°:L'°.4 1 NOW*of intent No.V4EOu729 &nstructiodgemmmisdau(X"IKt(rde) aj f rl�i�{ Construction rX T'T V Unique Ecology wea TD'fag No. Dmummission C)MUNAL INSTiiLt.,VON WRter Right Pemlit No. NWiM fa hueW.Nwrt6er WE raom lium ® Domaalla 13 binew p Mtaaie4.t PMPCITY Owner NM49 BILL d SHARON IZER ❑ DdWaw 13 Wmw= ❑ T49 Wall 2Cir Well street AddressLoT 1 E TiMERITDES DR _ TYPE OP WORK- ® Reu wa 0 Rtown'linnl 6fea d ❑U.j ❑BMW p Dn.w City g County Af�at`4d D f - ❑CAN. 0 Raory Q INlef L+,calion 8E U4-U4 SE 1.4 Scc S Twn 22 R DIMENSL04fr Dumpoer of wtU§tarLes•dalladLU R UWK 13 T vM of°�-'n7 weir M A. 4 Ctptsr MUCrION DET,ULS LatfLoug wwm R C.rlac 0 wewatl (a,t,r SM Lat Deg ! Min,sec isa w -- ❑I.roer aaiaard_ l)Ia h._!a _fl. REQUIRED) Long Deg_ Min_ S-, _ ❑Tlaradrd _'�Dtsr_Fnm t—A.to _,R COMMUCnON OR DECOMMMION PROCEIIIS DU Fft 1W irar Yo b; Funa"m Dtaetlsc by calm.dwousm,aac of maWnd and svacwn,and Sc tsr&W TYpa of pwfwvW mtad_ &awe orax rwmwl in each arwuni pcscnlc&wqh at team am avp for Bald ctaa" of tafhrnuaws (115F A17tJMONAL$HEFTS IT NECF.58ARY) Stet of part&�is try to.ua no o(frn_i u R to_R MAMMAL i[t f 713 "-9cantwr-0-yp--Q-pya ®-r;•I'ac -- _ tucamoti t]_], ST)C(UP e 1 Monufxtew'sNaar ljt!�fM45 N j BROWN SAND GRAVEL CLAY 1 33 1yPe S§, maw Nn TELE BROWN t iAMD GRAVEL 35 41 txam!�NIw strt 24 6„m to A W JU dt BROWN SJWD GRAVEL CLAY SEAM 41 98 Dina 51:st swe 6aM A.w A. OF S&KID_GRAVEL WATER 41 M Grimy YLmr PnEwd: 0 Yet ®fa ua<a(1}at,aysrwd_ BROWN SAND GRAVEL CLAY M Atun,ils.puaret fiuet_h io_n AOM SANDCPAVEL WAIVA 4 1 starfaee sou: 0 res ❑ Ka SMALL S&Wd OF SAM 6RON& a 1 MAWral aged is seal9.Et(LQ)!IfIE Gd r.r scan WMM.Mughtilc waln' O Tll 0.tb..; Tilm it-Me_ ,Dtvm of a n iRECEM^_ kuiid ot>trw(ibra etc�_ � _` E Ptxae: kwiiilieattii'it+llrtt_ , 97 %ATM 1XVILS IJedeufat chradon aba.t ssan xa iaiill—fl. _ - Shaiclr-mi W below wgafwea IWe10JMQ6 rV lllYlCtt. Arms"(+sage_ttw inr+Goss m�:b Doac_ Atwaoo No is camaUed by_ cW.-&M,em) WLI.I.TILM.: rhawdmm u somm wait awl It lowesd beam.and a Irwl Wan♦/amP 40 me*,❑ Yee [1 hto If P10.by wkwl 15a1t1:_-_lal.�ra.wnh R dm„dnxn rH�„_Ines. ~ yield.�Atr�mra.wnh~e.&imdNM Aerrn ,ew. - - YteJ 1._yt,tYa►woh—a on.Sawa aRcr_ye. -.— Aaar.w+P Aft PU%t mNw as Aeru r.lY,Fautp mnrelyffi(A mer MN -,Y Tic Waatc Lwd 7-90 Wattr Lemma] Time ww3tw L4rl1 G Oaa&MtnD Radhft t0 tom YOM 1 R dtwwdMch arbv 1 era I — AaW p1;�:with+two set at_R.fm_fin. Anes ft., R o m Day_ StHrt LYdtC T -- D1I ` T®persnr of wmq olas s rieotitaf a.dym.nok? ❑Yes 0.uo Tax Parcel No.322M r 590210 - .. %'LU(:t3NFMC 014 C.KRTTif"'n0N_ I can=L ed widtar inept resprmsitsility fry ammicirm of thm ac!I wit r� -th all 14'seltrnglen well notabifdian fiU lards Mafanls uuW and die infomlation reptutcd above we true to my best bxMc--Age and bd id onikr D Dnikr ar tniatx l.imase No.277UT priding Cafnpany Nb0"9�1 ORILI.M4 MMC Hank h a leti rho SAhU'hE NfIC Addrftl PO BOX 123 driOerA t nxrRraitltoe CAA,Stoat.Zip PORT ORCHARD. WA, 983" B'TRAINEE.DlYtfitr's Uce Nn:0519 AW WILEY L IVitCaCtOr'3 Dritler'a S Rtgi,arnrvw.No.MCMUQi13TObA Dme 11.MO7 #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 38 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP i O O 37 TofuYa Suxr � � � ti 'Y •�Uya j ��l i J s" 67 ill 16T Pbk s O P 2zG �.'m,—.ova-d' 1 (^�' .r/•// (/dh ��/a° /`i"f" � �'.\ '/ ���% /n Highway 106 �- Site VV/` Timber Tides Windstar Road 1 l(`✓` ..� p � Drive Timber Tides Drive 011 ®W Wzooz®-o r0000uw•®.o.e•eournanr or eon:.nr own•n �• -. —- —__ �f�..e #07-0532 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 39 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848