HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlarm Inspections - FIR Inspections - 1/10/2014 Vu/ lb/;eV14 VU'04 J60:1Vti02b4 IKi ILK 1741of r. VVrIvviS ' FOR THE CITY OF L LE._YIV .111 k=Systems 8527 Knute Lane NW. Silverdale,a'VA 98383 - Vt"`C_ �36 > -'3_8373 Fire Alarm System Confidence Report Paz: (360).308-0254 'entral Station Account No. Z� --cupled as (major tenant) . address Y1 i�Z��C�� VAEEUN 1f.I�IC- Z% Zip Code ' 'SZ4— Phone No- —277—I 336 07 Type of test: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Arinua{ nnual Acceptance Number of initiating circuits ! Number of signaling circuits 4- Fire control panel manufacturer tf�_ii- Model No._6Z Central Station transmitter manufacturer 1 UEKT - ���7�3�TG4 t Model No- 5 Z07 Battery voltage Z�s Z_ Charge circuit voltage Z • r_:..3 Battery under load. 6 i Alarms tripped by which initiating circuit ALA CENTRAL STATION . Smoke detectors cleaned? FIRE CONTROL PANEL TRANSMffTER ,system operates on AC power iiW/ ❑ No ❑NA -Ve ems ❑No ":alarm Silence'results in tbl..sig. y ❑No ❑NA - Yes Q No oss of.AC results in trouble signal Wep U No U NA 1911Ss ❑No System operates on battery O'Yge ❑No ❑NA ef5es Q No a circuits checked for elec.supv. I ❑No ❑NA � ❑.No Test-meets manufacturers specs- Q��Y� ❑No ❑.NA QVes ❑No 'All auxiliary equipment operates >s� e ❑No ❑NA Key to fire control panel available O No ❑NA Operating instructions posted es D No ❑NA " �� Tesi record posted at control panel es ❑No El NA iivr ❑No s Automatic time delay of general alarm minutes Time initiated Time received by Central Station EQUIPMENTTESTED NO.OF UNITS SATISFACTORY NO:OF UNITS TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TESTED YES NO NA IN Bull-DING cells.Horns,Chimes,Voice Alarms,Speakers,Water Gongs Visual Alarm Devices .,:Trouble Indicators „{eaf Detectors _1.16 — Smoke Detectors aZ t Sprinkler Waterflow Alarms ;.;.Sprinkler Supervisory Switches Manual Pull Stations Ventilation Controls..Operate .. iAnnunciators Elevator Recalt Xt Fire Dampers/Smoke Dampers. j Phone Jacks - "Automatic Door Release. G { Other This is to Certify that this fire alarm system/central Nation transrnitter has been properly tested and inspected for reliability to oover the items listed in this'report,is consistent ,vita fire alarm maintenance standards/manufactu rer's rrNuiremonts,,and all corrections have been/have not been made. .. 'Agrlature of Inspector i!�!_ Date ?roblems Found WEN, M TAIS 1 SW-C - - - - - .1orrections Made :. N ... .. ... .. ,...Tr:q+T'r.w^:.:..-T, r,M'A>i:K� .}. `Cr. rJ,.'Ft'.<?'Y.'E':':r'T,.�v.._..;,It t •�f�,. .:,v.•�.a...ate ";�v°;.{r76:n..x.x�,��-_ _ v Range Hood Systems Report OATS SEgNC3 I ' t 1 '• a A. P.ML ANNUAL 1{ SEMMNMJAL RECHARGE OWALLAMON RENOVATION • LOCATION OF SYSTEM CYLINDERS U1.301) FIRE CONTROL e 19- 0No r MANUFACTURER MODaNUMBER DRY CHEMICAL 877-866-3473 Phone 1 $77-841-9293 Fax a {� PO Box 11369 'TERS,��,,,� �,L�DER9�E�A�E Olympia, WA 98508 / eA i CUSTOMER RISE LINKS 35 FUSE LINKS 45W F. rUSE LINKS 5101 F. 01"ER I Name lie►✓,-n o �L r ri Iom � , i FUEL SHUTOFF ELECfR1O GAS SITE Address e , X X k i City ! N4 n State Uas Z I P SERIAL NUMBER LAST-HYDRO TEST GATE LAST RECHARGE GATE /{//�jT Telephone3bb-a72-C63(2 Store No. L-UFMANUAL PREFERENCEOwnerorManager /ot'.4, Ke1Ae('V%O0S1Q DRAWINONUMBER DATE COOKING APPUANCE LOCATIONS. LEFT TO RIGHT Ir e Ee ��, 1. All appliances property covered w/correct nozzles _ 20. Replaced fuse links 2. Duct and plenum covered w/correct nozzles X 21. Check travel of cable nuts/G-hooks 3. Check positioning of all nozzles .X_ 22. Piping&conduit securely bracketed 4. System installed in accordance w/MFG UL listing X 23. Proper separation between fryers&flane 5. Hood/duct penetrations sealed w/weld or UL device - 24. Proper clearance-flame to frfters 6. Check if seals intact,evidence of tampering -� 25. Exhaust fan in operating order 7. If system has been discharged,report same X 26. All filters in place 6. Pressure gauge in proper range(rf gauged) 27. Fuel shut-off in on position 9. Check cartirdge weight(if applicable) 28. Manual&remote set/seals in place ;'- 10. Hydrostatic test date 29. Replace systems covers ' 11. 6 year maintenace date - 30. System operational&seals in place 12. Inspect cylinder and mount 31. Slave system operational 13. Operate system from terminal link 32. Clean cylinder&mount 14. Test for proper operation from remote 33. Fan warning sign on hood k. 15. Check operation of micro switch 34, Personnel instructed in manual operation of system 16. Check operation of gas valve 35. Proper hand portable extinguishers 17. Clean nozzles X 36. Portable extinguishers properly serviced 18. Proper nozzle covers In place 37. Service&Certification tag on system 19. Check fuse links and clean NOTE DISCREPANICES OR DEFICIENCIES BELOW is COMMENTS: S}e>r>r, c'Sr'Iti.�:Ot►ct I On this date,this range hood fire suppression system was inspected and operationally tested in accordance with the fire suppression system requirements2SNFPA17 or VA, 96 and the manufacturer's manual,with the res ults indicated above. i SERVICE TECHPfCIAN PERMIT NO. DATE: TIME: AM PM CUSTOMER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT The above service technician certifies that the system was personally inspected and found conditions to be as indicated on this report. WHITE-CUSTOMER COPY / CANARY-DISTRIBUTOR / PINK-AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION Fire One, Inc. Wet- Automatic Sprinkler 107 Washington Blvd ' 56 q(amo Test Report Algona,WA 98001 (206)575-0311 FAX(253)735-4976 BREMERTON(360)478-0428 FAX(360)782-25 (One System per Report) CONFIDENCE TEST ® REPAIRS ❑ Occupancy Name: The Haven in Allyn Occupancy Address: 180 E. Wheelwright St,Allyn Building Owner: same Phone Number: Responsible Person: Debra Phone Number: 360-621-1110 Date of Inspection: 2-21-2011 Inspection Type: Annual ® Quarterly(High Rise Only) ❑ Testers Name(Please Print): George Holtmeyer Location of System: Garage 2 Design Density 0.00/ft (example .495/2000 sq. ft): Central station monitoring? Yes ® No ❑ Monitoring company name: Alarm Center Acct: 7572-0221 Control panel manufacturer: Silent Knight Model Number: 5702 Problems Found: (If additional room is needed,please add a separate sheet) NONE Corrections Made: Date Corrected: Corrected By: (If additional room is needed,please add a separate sheet) This certifies that this fire and life safety system has been properly inspected for reliability to cover the items listed in this report and is consistent with Fire Department Fire Code standards,and that discrepancies are noted and have been reported to the building Owner/Manager for corrective action. Signature of Tester: Phone# 206-575-0311 Testing Agency: Fire , nc Mailing Address: 107 Washington Blvd Algona,WA 98001 Building Representative (Signature) The items on the checklists below shall be inspected and tested.This list does not constitute all of the required inspecting and testing of the fire and life safety system. The Haven in Allyn Flow test conducted? Yes ® No ❑ Static pressure: 45 psi Flow pressure: 40 psi 2-inch drain? Other ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Flow switches, supervisory switches and alarm bells tested? N/A ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Alarm bell operates? N/A ® Yes ❑ No ❑ System inspected and lubricated? Yes ® No ❑ Pressure regulating valves tested? N/A Yes ❑ No ❑ Valves are sealed or supervised? Yes ® No ❑ Signs are provided on valves? Yes ® No ❑ Pumper connections and clapper valves unobstructed and turn freely? Yes ❑ No ❑ Wet type sprinkler heads replaced or successfully sample tested in last 50 years? Yes ® No ❑ Sprinkler coverage is acceptable? Yes ® No ❑ Proper number of spare sprinkler heads available? Yes ® No ❑ System left in service? Yes ® No ❑ System gauges replaced or calibrated every 5 years? Yes ® No El Sprinkler heads free of corrosion, paint, obstructions and/or physical damage? Yes ® No ❑ Was debris found in the Fire Department Connection(FDC)? Yes ❑ No Was the Fire Department Connection (FDC)back flushed? ? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was an internal pipe and valve inspection performed every 5 years? CPVC Yes ❑ No ❑ Sprinkler wrench available for each type of sprinkler? Yes ® No ❑ 7-;, 7 7 FOR 11M CM OF A/ I Tfif-'Tek Systems 8527;Knute Ln.NW Silverdale,WA 983 3 33 Wice, '360)373 8373 FaX.: (36(1) 308 0254 Fire Alarm System Confidence Report Central Statioi,Account No. 75, 77- 6771 ALKAI eEk17TR- Occupied as(major Tenant) RPLI v M M\ " Address IM E , 04191)2-16 ZIP Code. Phone No, Type of Test: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Acceptance Number of lrifiating circuits I Z- Number of signaling circuits 4 -aCtWcr SILEVI KA)j([rFM del No, 5�--07 Fire control panel manufacturer Central Station transmitter manufacturer No. -. Battery VoltageZ7 7_* ! Charge Circuit Voltage Battery under load 7-S Alarms tripped by which initiating circuit CENTRAL STATION Filzr r-ohrr]ROL PAN'Et TlkANSMI I I ER smoke rletae rs E/,' 0 No ❑ NAes U No System operates on AC powcr c "Alarm Silent results in tbl-sir, ID No ❑ NA L1 No Loss of AC results in tru-t1le signal escl N NA 'ye-, 0 No System opewe5 or,battery ID No a NA T Yes 0 No Ali c4ruits checked for 0c,-5-pv, � Yes 0 No ❑ NA Yes 0 No ❑ Test meets rn ,ufaMrer's specs Yes No 0 NA N- A-U uxAlary equipment operates es 0 No NA Key K o N to fire control panel available Operating instructions posted y Q No EJ NA es No ❑ NA 'Imt record posted at control panel 5�lyes 21/y. 0 No Automatic time delay of general 4mrm mmvte-- Imc initiated Time rcccivca by Central Station • F-QU1FMtN-r TESTED No.OF UNITS SATItiFA ORY No-OP TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TE51rM YES NO NA IN BUILDING • BeUb,Hprrs,Chi—,Vojm Ala—,Speakers,Wow r--ip Vi-1 AL.—Dtvfce Trouble Indidstor; H—i Detectors make Det--tors Smoke Berms ^1 Sprin Wxterfiow Alarms Sprinkler Supervisory Switches M.rlwl Full staljor%& 4- 1 Ventilation Controiv.Operate ee Arn..6*1ors R4-1 Elevrtor P--All Fire D—pers/5-oke 04rmper.5 Pho—Jacks - Automrtic Do.,ROtase other TJJJS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 71ES FIRE ALARM Sy5TEM CENTRAL STATION TRANS MITTER SNITTER HAS BEEN PROPERLY TE=AND INSPECTED FOR REUARUM To COVER Tj4r rrnM!; LISTEI) IN TMS RFpMT. IS CCNS]STENT wrTI4 FIRE Aj�1RM IqAI ANANCE STANDARD5 NI iANITACT17RER'S RFouvtNENIM.AND ALL CQRJ� HAVE M IGNS HAVE /RAVE NOT BEEN MADE- Signature of Inspector el 50CM Date I - 17_Z(M 9- - Probl=s Found K b K)E F\S DD�-- T�) t U S� z On IF�\,�A Corrections Madef?'217-U-1b Z AM PAN` EATTERI r,- 5 ON-TACF-2mo VO ' .KN CDC. BOX CLLS( F lZ� "K*q C KJ i NI N LLN N3 _. ' LE �3 iWT__m0DEL S 60-7 WRLy- TCST -- h�1T1 ATl k1 C-� L ITS 0 Iti4p A, 11RC .1T5 exi euxe eee�a emxava anv -- 13. -HI PATS Q Eta W ZZ5, I� Lkhlc _ ��'F _- 8. -- T)iIC.T��TE . �SF's 50 dDHd SlJd1S,'.S »l IJl b5Z0806096 8b :80 600Z/t7T/T0 04/12/2012 07: 38 3603080254 I K i I h K A2VVV F'. V05/00y T6 Tek'Systems fORTH,E CITY OF 8527 Knute:Lanz NW Silverdale,WA 983.83 Voice:(MO)373-8373 Fire Alarm.System Confiiden Report F4:'(360)308*0254 Central Station Account No. 75 7 z' Z Z Occupied as (major tenant) AM At Address'T�Q EAST . W RIUN W ralA-7 Zip Code Phone No. 31nD-7.-1 -1- b>�3>� Type of test: Monthly Quarterl Semi-Annual nnua Acceptance Number of initiating circuits Number of signaling.circuits . Fire control panel manufacturer -!S1 LK KYT Y U1 a417 Model No. -520-7 Central Station transmitter manufacturer J' ILEKE T KNIG V-17 Model No. 5720-7 Battery voltage Z 7.7...� Charge circuit voltage Z 7. Bahr r under load 5� Z-.. Alarms tripped by which initiating circuit � .�.. ~ CENTRAL STATION Smoke detectors cleaned? FIRE CONTROL PANEL TRANSMITTER System operates on AC power R41 s ❑No 0 NA 13 e ❑No 'Alarm Silence"results in tbl.sig. PIS ❑No 0 NA ❑No. Loss of AC results in trouble signal 21 ❑No ❑NA les ❑No System.operates on battery 7-�J1, 0 No ❑NA ll,w�/es ❑No All circuits checked for elec.supv. Cis ❑No ❑NA Ves ❑No Test meets manufacturer's specs. �/ ❑No 0 NA t�Vfes 0 No All auxiliary.equipment-operates CC1' U No ❑NA Key to fire control panel available ❑No 0 NA Operating instructions posted O No ❑NA Test record..posted at control panel 19'S'as II No ❑NA 3W11 ❑No Automatist time delay of general alarm minutes Time initiated Time received by Central Station EQUIPMENT TESTED NO-OF UNITS SATISFACTORY NO.OF uNrTs TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TESTED YES NO NA IN BUILDING Bells, Horns.Chimes,Voice Alarms,Speakers,Water Gongs Visual Alarm Devioes Z Trouble Indicators ( Heat Detectors 7r r f Smoke Detectors 7— Smoke Beams Sprinkler Waterflow Alarms Sprinkler Supervisory Switches Manual Pull Stations Ventilation Controls Operate Annunciators Elevator Recall -Fire Dampers/Smoke Dampers Phone Jacks Automatic Door Release Other This is to certify that this fire alarm system/central Station transmitter has been properly tested and inspected for reliability to cover the items risted.in n3is report,is oonsistent with fire alarm maintenance standards/manufacturer's requirements,and all corrections have been/have not peen made. Signature of Inspector tLK— Date -7 )7-- Problems Found mbkl L M O f7 #S IMSKER h Corrections Made