HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2023-00073 BLD2023-01135 Replace Bulkhead - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 8/17/2023 Aspect
August 17,2022
Nye Tides LLC
6249 Old Olympic HWY SW
Olympia,WA 98512
Re: Geotechnical Assessment of Bulkhead Replacement Project
23022 North Highway 101
Hoodsport, Washington
Project No. 220371-A-0I
Dear Ms. Wendy Kramer and Mr. Daniel Nye:
This letter summarizes Aspect Consulting, LLC's(Aspect)observations, conclusions,and
recommendations regarding the proposed replacement of the existing concrete bulkhead(Project)
along the waterfront of the single-family residential property located 23022 Highway 101 North in
Hoodsport,Washington(Site),also known as Mason County(County)parcel number
The purpose of our study was to observe Site conditions,evaluate shoreline and slope geomorphic
processes,assess impacts of these processes on the stability of the uplands, and provide design
recommendations of the proposed bulkhead replacement. Aspect completed this evaluation in
accordance with our agreed-upon scope of work dated July 7,2022.
Project Description
The Site is located along the western shore of the Hood Canal.Tidal and wave action have
damaged the existing concrete bulkhead and are endangering site improvements, including the
residence. Replacement of the damaged bulkhead is recommended to provide long-term protection
of the residence. Sealevel Bulkhead Builders,Inc. (Sealevel)has proposed to complete a bulkhead
replacement design based on our recommendations and intends to be the contractor for the
This letter provides our recommendations and opinions regarding geotechnical elements of the
proposed bulkhead replacement.
Surface Conditions
Aspect assessed the surface conditions of the Site through a literature review and by field
observations. We conducted a geotechnical reconnaissance on July 25,2022. To supplement our
field observations,we reviewed County parcel maps,County parcel information,geologic maps,
geomorphic maps, light detection and ranging(LiDAR)studies and images, and current and
historical aerial photographs and topographic maps. The following sections discuss the results of
our assessment.
Nye Tides LLC
August 17,2022 Project No. 220371-A-01
Site Conditions
The Site occupies 0.8 acres and is roughly rectangular in shape(Figure 1; County,2022).The
property measures approximately 115 feet east to west and 270 feet north to south and is accessed
by an asphalt-paved, gated,shared driveway extending from United States Highway 101 North
(Hwy 101)on the west side of the parcel(County, 2022). The Site is developed with a one-and-a-
half-story,2,023-square-foot residence near the southern end of the Site with a 640-square-foot
detached garage to the north,both built in 1946(County,2022).
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Figure 1. County Parcel Map (County, 2022)
A 7-foot-tall,concrete bulkhead lines the shoreline from the southern property line extending about
38 feet north of the detached garage(Photograph 1).The septic tank is located less than 10 feet east
of the detached garage and is routed to two,20-foot-long drainfield lines abutting the north end of
the residence and the concrete bulkhead. The residence is about 7.4 feet west of the bulkhead.
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Photograph 1. Oblique aerial image of Site including residence, garage, boat ramp, and along
the shoreline. July 24, 2016 (Ecology, 2022).
The Site slopes steeply down from Hwy 101 to the relatively level area of the residential
development,encompassing about two-thirds of the Site. The northern third of the Site is
undeveloped, unimproved shoreline abutting Hwy 101. The 10-to 15-foot-tall slope between Hwy
101 and the residential development is inclined about 33 degrees(70 percent, 1.5 horizontal:l
vertical);the residence is located 26.5 feet east of the toe of this slope. The toe of the slope is
retained by two 2.6-to 3-foot-tall concrete and masonry block retaining walls spanning 80 feet in
length from the end of the driveway to north of the garage.
Shoreline Structures
A 175-foot-long, 7-foot-tall concrete bulkhead lines the shoreline in the area of the residential
development(Photograph 2). The bulkhead inclines 88 degrees on average except below the south
lawn where the bulkhead has a 5 degree forward lean. Much of the bulkhead is in poor condition
with multiple wide-aperture vertical and horizontal fractures spanning 142 linear feet of wall
(Photograph 3). Two sets of steps extend down from the residence over the bulkhead to the beach.
One set is just north of the residence and the other is at the far northern end of the bulkhead and in
the center between the residence and garage. A boat rail system is also installed east of the garage.
At the southern end of the bulkhead are several deteriorated concrete groins extending outward
from the bulkhead next to several rotting creosote-treated timber pilings(Photograph 4).
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Photograph 2. Concrete bulkhead and residence on the Site. Note multiple cracks on the face
(yellow arrows) and cinder blocks (orange arrow) with steel rail at the top of the wall. Timber
piles (bottom left), groins (bottom left and center), concrete stairs (bottom center right), and
boat rail (bottom right). View to the north.
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Photograph 3. Annotated photograph of a section of bulkhead showing multiple vertical
(red lines) and horizontal (yellow lines) fractures. Some fractures have been previously filled
by homeowners. View to the west.
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Nye Tides LLC
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Photograph 4. Concrete steps installed in 2011 at the far northern end of the bulkhead and a
portion of concrete bulkhead replaced in 2010. View to the west.
Based on our review of historical records, it is unknown when the bulkhead was originally
constructed. The bulkhead was likely needed in order to construct the residence;therefore, it is
assumed that the bulkhead was constructed in or before 1946(Google,2022;NETR,2022;
The bulkhead appears to have been repaired and modified multiple times since installation.There
are 2 feet of stacked and mortared cinder blocks and steel railing at the top the bulkhead that appear
stylistically different and in better condition than the rest of the wall. County records indicate the
northern 33 linear feet of bulkhead was replaced in 2010 and an additional set of concrete stairs
were installed in 2011 (Photograph 4;County,2022).
The lower 3 to 5 feet of wall appears to be a different color than the upper portion of the bulkhead
and shows signs of frequent inundation(presence of barnacles and seaweed attached to the
concrete;Photograph 5). The staining on the wall face and the lack of vegetation on the beach
indicate that the ordinary high water mark(OHWM) line is above the base of the bulkhead.
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Photograph 5. Concrete bulkhead north of the residence showing concrete steps, newer-
looking cement bricks, and cleaned lower portion of bulkhead. View to the west.
Vegetation on the property consists of grass, landscaped woody and herbaceous shrubbery,Big
Leaf Maple trees,Madrona trees,St. John's Wort groundcover,and many evergreen trees(mostly
Douglas Fir)on the hillslope between Hwy 101 and the residence. At the Site,the evergreens are
generally straight on the slope up from the residence;however,the majority of the evergreens on
the unprotected shoreline slope north of the bulkhead have slight to severe trunk curvatures and
lean(Photograph 6). In general, straight,vertical-growing evergreens indicate stable slope
conditions and leaning trees, or curving trunks, indicate slope instability. We did not observe
hydrophilic vegetation that would indicate saturated or perennially wet soil conditions anywhere on
the parcel itself.
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Photograph 6. Curvature and lean in trees growing in the bluff north of the residence on the
Site. Hwy 101 at the top of the slope. View to the north.
The garage does not have a roof gutter and downspout system. The west side of the residence roof
has one gutter section with no downspout(Photograph 6). It appears at one time there was an
underground,terra-cotta,clay pipe system that conveyed water from downspouts to an outlet on the
bulkhead,but all downspouts have since been disconnected(Photograph 8).
Weep holes are located along the 33 feet of newer bulkhead installed in 2010.about 2 feet above
the beach surface. Several terra-cotta,pipe drainage outlets are located along the face of the older
concrete bulkhead. We observed no seepage through the bulkhead structure during our
Surface drainage and groundwater conditions at the Site will vary with fluctuations in precipitation,
Site usage(such as irrigation), and off-Site land use.
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Photograph 6. Gutters on the west side of the residence without a downspout. View to the
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Photograph 7. Disconnected downspout and terra-cotta, clay lined pipe.
Surticial Beach and rdal Conditions
The beach surface extends from the base of the bulkhead and gradually slopes down to the Hood
Canal with inclinations between 8 and 10 degrees(14 to 18 percent). During our reconnaissance,
the tide reported at nearby Union,Washington, was between 1 and 0 feet above mean lower low
water(MLLW; Tides,2022). We observed the water line approximately 50 feet east of the
bulkhead. The beach surface along the base of the bulkhead was composed of fine to coarse gray
sand with gravel and few cobbles to approximately 10 feet east of the bulkhead where the dominant
clast size became gravel grading into cobbles further down the beach profile. We found
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accumulations of predominantly sand-sized drift sediments on the south side of the groin structures,
as well as the south side of the central concrete stairs.
Shoreline Processes
The Site is located on the western shore of Hood Canal at a location where the canal is about 1.4
miles wide. The Site has a maximum overwater fetch(the horizontal distance over open water
where the wind generates waves)of about 20 miles to the north and about 5 miles to the southeast.
During the winter months,the predominant direction of low-pressure systems entering the Puget
Sound area is from the south and southwest. The shoreline at the Site is subject to wave impacts
from storm-driven waves within the canal, small vessel wakes,and sediment transport due to tidal
Drift cells are defined as discrete zones along the shoreline that contain areas of sediment erosion,
transport corridors, and deposition or accretion areas. The data regarding coastal processes indicate
the Site is a transport zone traveling right to left, north to south(Ecology,2003).
Beach levels tend to fluctuate based on the season and as a result of storms. Storm-driven wind,
currents,and wave forces tend to remove beach material from the base of the bulkhead and cause
the beach to lower(degrade). Calmer periods(such as during the summer)may result in material
accumulating on the beach,causing the beach to raise(aggrade). Based on our observations,the
shoreline appears to be relatively stable.
The geologic map of the Site area indicates the Site is underlain by pre-Fraser Olympic sourced
glacial drift, undivided(Qapd;Polenz et al., 2012).Glacial drift is a general term for soils deposited
during a glacial stade that include materials that have been glacially overridden and those that have
not. Till is material deposited under the advancing and retreating continental glacier and recessional
outwash is associated with the retreat.
During our reconnaissance,to the north of the garage,we observed outcrops of interbedded dense,'
dry to slightly moist,gray to brown, silty sand(SM)2 with gravel and gravel(GP-GM)with sand
and cobbles,which we interpreted to be recessional outwash associated with the glacial drift,
consistent with the geologic map.We advanced two hand explorations 1.5 feet deep on the beach in
front of the bulkhead but were unable to dig below beach deposits.No soil exposures were
observed elsewhere at the Site.
Alternatives Analysis
The Revised Code of Washington(RCW)Section 77.55.23l(1)(b)(WSL, 2021)was revised in July
2021 to require an Alternatives Analysis following a prescribed flow chart that considers options
I Relative density was assessed in the hand explorations with a 1/2-inch-diameter,pointed steel T-probe at various
depth intervals and effort to advance the auger.Based on this,a relative density was assigned to the unit.
2 Soils were described according to ASTM International(ASTM)D2488,Standard Practice for Description and
Identification of Soils(Visual-Manual Procedure;ASTM,2018).
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ranging from complete bulkhead removal to in-kind hard structure replacement. The following are
the Alternatives,from most preferred to least preferred:
(i)Remove the structure and restore the beach;
(ii)Remove the structure and install native vegetation;
(iii)Remove the structure and control upland drainage;
(iv)Remove the structure and replace it with a soft structure constructed of natural
materials, including bioengineering;
(v)Remove the hard structure and construct upland retaining walls;
(vi)Remove the hard structure and replace it with a hard structure located landward of the
existing structure,preferably at or above the ordinary high water line; or
(vii)Remove the hard structure and replace it with hard shoreline structure in the same
footprint as the existing structure.
Below we present our considerations for each Alternative and our conclusions on the most feasible
approach to protecting the Site infrastructure. "Feasible"means available and capable of being done
after taking into consideration the cost, existing technology,and logistics in light of overall Project
purposes per RCW 77.55.231(1)(c)(WSL,2021).
Alternatives i through iv: Remove the structure (bulkhead)
The residence and septic system are being protected from shoreline processes. If the bulkhead were
removed,the residence and septic system would be at risk of falling into the waterway imminently,
within 3 years.The inclination from the shoreline to the residence and septic system is greater than
45 degrees. The soils behind the bulkhead are not stable at this inclination and with the addition of
shoreline processes,the slope would fail immediately. Unprotected shorelines or soft structure
shorelines are effective for slopes less than about 10 degrees. The residence depends upon the hard
structure shoreline protection.Natural drainage and stormwater from the residence and garage
should be collected,tightlined to the bulkhead,and discharged through a diffuser,as described in
the Drainage section.
Alternatives i, ii, iii,and iv are not feasible.
Alternative v: Remove the structure and construct upland retaining walls
The distance between the bulkhead to the residence(7.4 feet)and to the drainfield(a few feet) is
extremely limited,creating insufficient space to construct upland retaining walls. The buildable
area on the Site is very limited,therefore moving the residence and utilities farther landward from
the bulkhead in order to construct an upland retaining wall is not feasible. Therefore,we conclude
that constructing an upland retaining wall is not feasible,as defined by RCW 77.5 5.23 1(1)(c)
Alternatives v is not feasible.
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Alternatives vi and vii:Replace failed hard structure and replace with hard
Alternatives vi and vii call for a hard bulkhead landward of the existing bulkhead or at the same
location of the existing bulkhead,respectively. In our opinion,a new bulkhead can be feasibly
constructed landward of the existing bulkhead and then the existing bulkhead removed;therefore,
Alternative A is the chosen solution. This bulkhead replacement will be approximately 175 feet
long. The new bulkhead will protect the residence and the drainfield. The Project will include the
removal of the creosote timbers that are in the waterway, creating a net gain of ecological function.
The 175-foot-long, 7-foot-tall existing concrete bulkhead is deteriorating,which will lead to
problems with its structural integrity—eventually,total failure will occur. The residence is 7.4 feet
from the top of the bulkhead and the septic drainfield is within a few feet of the top of the bulkhead.
It is our opinion that the bulkhead should be replaced to protect the residence and septic drainfield
before total bulkhead failure. If total failure occurs,the residence would be at immediate risk of
falling into the water in less than 3 years, and more likely within weeks to months. To provide
structural integrity to the residence,we recommend an anchored, soldier pile wall with precast
concrete panel lagging.
The existing bulkhead can be removed after installation of the piles and concrete lagging for the
new bulkhead.After the old bulkhead is removed,the anchors should be installed immediately.
This will not expose the uplands to increased risks from erosion,provided the recommendations
below are incorporated into the design.
For design of the new soldier-pile bulkhead,we recommend assuming the active lateral earth
pressure acting on the bulkhead is equal to an equivalent fluid density of 36 pounds per cubic foot
(pcf)represented as a triangular distribution against the back of the wall. Active earth pressures
should be applied over the full height of the wall accounting for the maximum long-term exposed
height of the wall. We recommend a maximum long-term exposed height of 10 feet to account for
future beach scour. The ultimate passive earth pressure for the soldier piles extending below the
long-term exposed height of the wall and below the beach surface should be 200 pcf. The bulkhead
should be designed to be permeable; it will allow a more natural hydraulic connection between the
shoreline and the Site.
The active earth pressures act over the full soldier pile center-to-center spacing above the base of
the bulkhead and over the soldier pile diameter below the base of the wall. Passive pressures act
over three times the soldier pile width. The passive values are ultimate values, and we recommend
applying a factor of safety of at least 1.5 for design. We also recommend neglecting passive
resistance to a depth of 3 feet below the current beach surface.
Due to the low retained height of the bulkhead, and because the bulkhead will not provide direct
support to a habitable structure,we do not recommend designing the soldier pile bulkhead for
surcharge loads from the residence foundations or seismic earth pressures.
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We recommend that operating equipment and material stockpiles(both temporary during
construction and permanent post-construction)should be located at least 8 feet away(laterally)
from the back of the wall. If equipment and material stockpiles are to be located closer than 8 feet
from the back of the wall,an appropriate surcharge load should be added to the earth pressures
provided above. The surcharge load should be distributed uniformly against the back of the wall
over the full exposed height.
Concrete Panel Lagging
For the design of the pre-cast concrete panel lagging,we recommend assuming the pressures
exerted on the lagging are equal to 100 percent of the active earth pressures presented above(i.e.,
no reduction due to soil arching).This is due to a combination of the fill and native deposits that
will be present behind the lagging and the use of relatively stiff/rigid lagging material,which
reduce the effects of soil arching. We recommend the lagging extend a minimum of 3 feet below
the beach surface for long-term support and to account for potential future beach scour. Spacers
should be provided between the concrete lagging to ensure adequate drainage through the face of
the bulkhead.
Earth Anchor Capacities
MANTA RAY®(MR)anchors are driven anchor elements installed into the ground by hydraulic or
pneumatic equipment without digging,drilling,or concrete backfill/grouting. During driving of the
anchors,the surrounding soil is compacted and densified. Once driven to the appropriate depth,the
anchors are tensioned in order to lock the bearing plate into position against the surrounding soil,
allowing the anchors to rely on the passive earth pressure resistance against the bearing plate to
resist pullout and tensile forces on the anchor.
The earth anchor capacities are dependent on the soil conditions,the depth of installation,and the
size of the anchor bearing plate. For the lateral earth pressures described above,we recommend
appropriately sized anchors installed a minimum of approximately 10 feet behind the face of the
bulkhead with an inclination of about 15 degrees below horizontal. For the above anchor type and
geometry and soil conditions behind the bulkhead,an allowable anchor capacity of 8 kips can be
assumed(includes a factor of safety of 2.0).
We recommend a geosynthetic filter fabric be included along the back of the lagging to prevent
piping of upland soil through the new bulkhead.
The residence and garage do not have roof gutters attached to downspouts. We recommend
installation of gutters and downspouts into a tightline that discharges through the face of the new
Plans Review
We reviewed the design report and plans prepared by Sealevel dated July 20,2022(Sealevel,
2022). Based this review,we understand the bulkhead will consist of a soldier pile wall about 175
feet in length with an exposed height of about 7 to 9 feet and about 3 feet of embedment below the
shoreline surface. The lagging for the walls will be constructed using 5-foot-long,pre-cast concrete
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The soldier piles will be installed landward of the existing bulkhead,about 2 feet behind the face of
the existing bulkhead and will be about 9 to 11 feet below the shoreline and about 7 to 9 feet of
stickup above the shoreline surface. This will move the bulkhead landward while keeping a similar
height as the existing bulkhead. The piles will consist of W6x20,galvanized, steel beams installed
with 5-foot-on-center spacing. The concrete panels will be 5 feet long by 2 feet tall by 4 inches
thick and a geosynthetic filter fabric will be included along the back of the lagging to prevent
piping of upland soil through the new bulkhead.
The earth anchors will be 3/4-inch-diameter,threaded, galvanized, MR-1 earth anchors installed
with a 15-degree batter and will extend about 10 feet back into the soil behind the bulkhead. The
anchors will be installed on a 10-foot spacing for a total of 20 anchors. Channel steel will be affixed
to the face the bulkhead and act as a waler for anchorage to the new earth anchors.
Based on our review,the plans generally meet our geotechnical recommendations contained herein.
Construction Monitoring
Aspect should be involved during construction of the new soldier pile wall bulkhead and during the
removal of the existing bulkhead.The integrity of the new bulkhead and overall Site stability
depend on proper Site preparation and construction procedures. In addition, engineering decisions
may have to be made in the field if variations in subsurface conditions become apparent. We
recommend a pre-construction meeting be organized at the start of construction that includes you,
your contractor,and Aspect. During this meeting,we will gain an understanding of the goals and
schedule to be upheld during construction.
ASTM International(ASTM),2018,2018 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, West Conshohocken,
Google,2022,Google Earth Pro Program,Years reviewed: 6/1994, 11/2003, 7/2005,4/2006,
5/2009,9/2009, 8/2011, 9/2011, 5/2013,2/2015, 8/2016,6/2017, 7/2018,and 6/2021,
accessed July 25,2022.
Mason County(County),2022, Mason County WA GIS Map,https:Hgis.co.mason.wa.us/mason/,
accessed July 25,2022.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA), 2003,Datums for 9445958,
Bremerton,WA,https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=9445958, accessed
July 29,2022.
Nationwide Environmental Title Research,LLC(NETR),2022, Historical Aerials,Years reviewed:
1951,1980,and 1981,https://www.historicaerials.com/,accessed July 25,2022.
Polenz,M.,B.A. Miller,N. Davies, B.B. Perry,K.P. Clark,T.J. Walsh,R.J. Carson,and J.F.
Hughes(Polenz et al.),2012,Geologic Map of the Hoodsport 7.5-minute Quadrangle,
Mason County, Washington, Washington State Department of Natural Resources,
Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources,Open File Report 2011-3, Scale:
1:24,00,August 2012.
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Sealevel Bulkhead Builders,Inc.(Sealevel), 2022,Daniel Nye/Nye Tides LLC,Project: Replace
failing concrete bulkhead with a concrete soldier pile bulkhead,Drawing 1/2 and 2/2,June
29,2022,report July 20,2022.
Tides,2021,Union,Union Tide Chart for July 25,2022,
https://www.tides.net/washington/2847/?year=2022&month=7&day=25,accessed July 15,
Washington State Department of Ecology(Ecology),2003, Washington State Coastal Atlas Map,
https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatlas/tools/Map.aspx, Scale 1:24,000,accessed July 25,
Washington State Department of Ecology(Ecology),2022,Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington,
Shoreline Photos from July 24,2016,July 21,2006,May 22,2001, May 24, 1992,June 25,
1977, and 1944, available at: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatlas/,accessed July 5,
Washington State Department of Natural Resources(DNR),2019,Washington Lidar Portal,Hood
Canal 2015 DTM Hillshade;Olympics 2017 DTM Hillshade; and Olympics South Opsw
2019 DTM Hillshade,lidarportal.dnr.wa.gov,accessed September 18,2020.
Work for this project was performed for Nye Tides LLC,and this report was prepared consistent
with recognized standards of professionals in the same locality and involving similar conditions,at
the time the work was performed.No other warranty,expressed or implied, is made by Aspect
Recommendations presented herein are based on our interpretation of site conditions, geotechnical
engineering calculations,and judgment in accordance with our mutually agreed-upon scope of
work. Our recommendations are unique and specific to the project,site,and Client. Application of
this report for any purpose other than the project should be done only after consultation with
Variations may exist between the soil and groundwater conditions reported and those actually
underlying the site. The nature and extent of such soil variations may change over time and may not
be evident before construction begins. If any soil conditions are encountered at the site that are
different from those described in this report,Aspect should be notified immediately to review the
applicability of our recommendations.
Risks are inherent with any site involving slopes and no recommendations, geologic analysis,or
engineering design can assure slope stability. Our observations,findings,and opinions are a means
to identify and reduce the inherent risks to the Client.
It is the Client's responsibility to see that all parties to this project, including the designer,
contractor,subcontractors,and agents,are made aware of this report in its entirety. If project
developments result in changes from the preliminary project information,Aspect should be
contacted to determine if our recommendations contained in this report should be revised and/or
expanded upon.
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The scope of work does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Site safety is
typically the responsibility of the contractor,and our recommendations are not intended to direct
the contractor's site safety methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures.The scope of our work
also does not include the assessment of environmental characteristics,particularly those involving
potentially hazardous substances in soil or groundwater.
All reports prepared by Aspect for the Client apply only to the services described in the
Agreement(s)with the Client.Any use or reuse by any party other than the Client is at the sole risk
of that party,and without liability to Aspect. Aspect's original files/reports shall govern in the event
of any dispute regarding the content of electronic documents furnished to others.
Please refer to Appendix A titled "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use" for additional
information governing the use of this report.
We appreciate the opportunity to perfonn these services.
Aspect consulting, LLc
of Was/7/
En ' eering Geologist
�SOd Geoff° 8/17/2022 FS CASTE �G� 8/17/2022
F- Alison J. Dennison
Alison I Dennison,LEG Henry H. Haselton,PE,PMP
Senior Engineering Geologist Principal Geotechnical Engineer
adennison@aspectconsulting.com hhaselton@aspectconsulting.com
Attachments: Appendix A—Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use
VA220371 Nye Tides Shoreline\Deliverables\Geotechnical Assessment—Nye Tides Bulkhead.docx
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Report Limitations and
Guidelines for Use
Geoscience is Not Exact
The geoscience practices(geotechnical engineering,geology,and environmental science)are far
less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. It is important to recognize this
limitation in evaluating the content of the report. If you are unclear how these 'Report Limitations
and Guidelines for Use" apply to your project or property,you should contact Aspect Consulting,
This Report and Project-Specific Factors
Aspect's services are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. Aspect has performed the
services in general accordance with our agreement(the Agreement)with the Client(defined under
the Limitations section of this project's work product). This report has been prepared for the
exclusive use of the Client. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the
purpose described in the Agreement.
Aspect considered many unique,project-specific factors when establishing the Scope of Work for
this project and report. You should not rely on this report if it was:
• Not prepared for you;
• Not prepared for the specific purpose identified in the Agreement;
• Not prepared for the specific subject property assessed; or
• Completed before important changes occurred concerning the subject property,project,or
governmental regulatory actions.
If changes are made to the project or subject property after the date of this report,Aspect should be
retained to assess the impact of the changes with respect to the conclusions contained in the report.
Reliance Conditions for Third Parties
This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Client.No other party may rely on the product
of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm
with reasonable protection against liability claims by third parties with whom there would
otherwise be no contractual limitations. Within the limitations of scope,schedule,and budget, our
services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and recognized
geoscience practices in the same locality and involving similar conditions at the time this report
was prepared.
Property Conditions Change Over Time
This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings
and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time,by events such as a change in
property use or occupancy, or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability,or
groundwater fluctuations. If any of the described events may have occurred following the issuance
of the report,you should contact Aspect so that we may evaluate whether changed conditions affect
the continued reliability or applicability of our conclusions and recommendations.
Geotechnical, Geologic, and Environmental Reports Are Not
The equipment,techniques,and personnel used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study differ
significantly from those used to perform an environmental study and vice versa. For that reason,a
geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually address any environmental findings,
conclusions, or recommendations(e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage
tanks or regulated contaminants). Similarly,environmental reports are not used to address
geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding the subject property.
We appreciate the opportunity to perform these services. If you have any questions,please contact
the Aspect Project Manager for this project.