HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2024-00265 - SWG Application / Design / As-Built - 6/12/2024 MASON COUNTY 415NfitHELTON , 0427-97W EXT 400 SHSTREE SHELTON, A98584 BELFAIR.360-275-4467,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELVA:360482-5269,EXT 400 FAX 360-427 7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00265 APPLICANT SHELLY ROSADO Phone: Address: 2010 MCCORKLE RD SE OLYMPIA, WA 98501 OWNER FITZSIMMONS LENARD N Phone: Address: 2010 MCCORKLE RD SE OLYMPIA, WA 98501 SEPTIC DESIGNER ADAM HUNTER' Phone: 360-753-1226 Address: PO Box 162 OLYMPIA, WA 98507 Site Address: 81 E QUEENS WAY Primary Parcel Number. 221295100019 Permit Description: Repair 3bd ATU to subsurface drip Permit Submitted Date: 06/12/2024 Permit Issued Date: 06/18/2024 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $805.00 (admroral fees may be required upon installation of system). Permit Expiration Date: 06/17/2025 (eased on date of nspeeron) Permit Conditions. 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staNper Mason County Title IT 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic DesigneNEngineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS, PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmental/onsiteloss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427.9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH CAS "`NG) 0 a ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION ` 0 M.D `I — "O �cvs m In 41546EBSteet,(Bldg 8) Shelton WA,98594 U U77 y SheltoD3fi0-0i690 eIt400 Belhlr3 6]ext 400 fia2]5�4 SWG _ o Z N Z 9 APPLICANT PHONE n D SHELLY ROSADO 3606886780 m m MATINGADORESS-STREET.CITY STATE ZIP CODE r 2010 MCCORKLE RD SE OLYMPIA WA 98501 3 SITE ADDRESS-STREET CITY ZIP CODE I}1 81 E QUEENS WAY SHELTON WA 98584 z NAME OF DESIGNER PHONE ADAM HUNTER 3607531226 NAME OF INSTALLER PHONE TBD CHECK ALL APPLICABLE DENS DRINKING WATER SOURCE F 0 NEW CONSTRUCTION 0 RV HOLDING TANK ONLY (] PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL [g REPLACEMENT SYSTEM 0 INSTALLATION PERMIT ONLY 0 PRIVATE TWO-PARTY WELL Z �� 0 TABLE 9 REPAIR 0 SINGLEFAMIIY COMMUNITY/PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM 0 TANK(S)ONLY 0 COMMERCIAL SYSTEM NAME EL w R LNo 0 UPGRADE TO EXISTING 0 OTHER'. BEDROOMS DNLOT SIZE FJ, E] EXISTING FAILURE "I-ANH nwiul.l " 0.42. QJ � w anAstanaaors- 3r O '} DIRECTIONS TO SITE-BE SPECIFIC AND ADVISE OF ANY NEEDED INFORMATION FOR ACCESS(ex pocked gale) i7 PICKERING EAST TO A LEFT ON QUEENS WAY TO SITE ON THE LEFT. I� 0 I� Lr SITE MUST BE FLAGGED FROM MAIN ROAD AMU TESTXOLES MUST BE PASSED WITH TEST HOLE NUMBERS OFFICIAL USE ONLY NELO W THIS LINE UPGRADE I FAILURE SOURCE Nr,S Alm,purposes) []VOLUNTARY []MAINTENANCE/PUMPING E]BUILDING PERMIT E]IIOMESALE []COMPLAINT E]OTHER: INSPECTOR SOIL LOGS COMMENTS I CONDITIONS Tf�A ; D ' 25 I, 2� r L�Fs � �u�Li 2 zoza ,NI r10-r+- SOIL CODES: BY-- =VERv O=GRAVELLY S=SAND L=LOAM BI-SICT C=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R-ROOTS INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE APPLICATION APPROVED BY ATA �yuM I� Inhy G I1-1 (ZS I , 6)i8iz" THIS FORM MAY BE bCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBBRE REVISED 1LS2ms DESIGNFORM—PAGEONE Assessor's Parcel Number: g L q — g f_ — L_�Ls A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the follae'ing are submitted: v Completed design form that has been signed and dated. v Scaled layout sketch, including all applicable items on checklist e Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist, v Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site.Maximum pope, size: I I"A'17" PA-RCF,L IDENTIF CATION Permit Numbep SWG Z — Designer's Name. ADAM HUNTER Applicant's Same: SHELLY ROSADO Designer's Phone Number. 360-753-1226 Mailing Address: 2010 MCCORKLE RD SE Designer's Address: PO BOX 162 OLYMPIA WA 98501 OLYMPIA WA 98507 City State Zip City State Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofilter ❑ Sand filter ❑ Mound ❑ Saad Lined Drainfied ❑Recirculating Title,, re: Aerobic flat Makc/Mrdcl BNR500 ❑ Disinfection Unit Makc/Model Other: Drainfield Type ❑Gravity ❑ Pressure ❑ Trench ❑Bed M'Sub Surface Drip Septic TanWDrainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 3 Schedule/Class DRIP Daily Plow-Operating Capacity 270 gpd Length 225 ft Daily Flow. Design Flow 360 gpd Diameter 1/2 in Septic'I ark Capacity 1200 gal Number 2 R eceiving Soil Type(1-6) 4 Separation 1.5 ft Receiving Soil Appl. Rate 0.6 gpd/Il'- Orifices Required Primary Area 675 ft" Total Nombcr of Orifices PER DRIP 4' Designed Primary Area 675 be Diameter PER DRIP in Designed Reserve Area N/A g'- Spacing 12 in TrercfrBed Width 15 ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length 45 I't Schedule/Class 40 Elevation Measurements Length 30 tt Original Drainfield Area Slope 2 s/ Diameter 1 in New Slope,If Altered 2 / Preferred manifold configuration used? 6YYcs 0 No Depth of Excavation cn-dupe 9 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade uown-slope 9 in Schedule/Class 40 Designed Vertical Separation >12 in Length 40 ft Gravelless Chambers Required? ❑ Yes V No O Optional Diameter 1 in Pump Required'? R(Yes ❑No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses'day 12 Difference in Elevation Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity 30 gal Orifice IIt Chamber Capacity 1200 gal Uppermost Orifice R(Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls: Please check those required. Capacity(a Total Pressure Head Z2 gpm Timer 9Elapsc Meter 5YEvent Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 1331 fl If Timer: Pump on 9.52MIN Pump off 2HRS Comments APPKUVM SUN 18 2021t RET DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number: 7,gy, ,.� -- Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch 16 Test hole locations EZ Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: [Z Soil logs R( Trench/bed dimensions and Y Septic tank E9 Property lines critical distances within layout E' Drainfield cover EZ Existing and proposed wells 9 D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property 9f Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: • Measurements to cuts,banks, and locations ❑ Laterals, trench,'bed,top and surface water and critical areas [Z Observation port location bottom • Location and orientation of 1Z Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption 9 Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components V Orifice placement Other truss-suction detail: V Location and dimension of 9 Lateral placement with distance EZ Observation ports'clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed € Other Information E9 Buildings 9 Audible/visual alarm referenced Yes No V Direction of slope indicator Ed Scale of drawing shown on scale d ❑ Design staked out Watcdines bar ❑ ❑ Recorded Notices attached Roads, easements,driveways, ❑ ❑ Waiver(s)attached parking ❑ ❑ Pump curve attached f� North arrow and scale drawing ❑ ❑ Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar Non-residential justification ❑ ❑ Waste strength ❑ ❑ Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer 4tdcsign ifi taller at time of installation Rf Yes ❑ No 6/11/24 at e of Designer Date The undersigned has revie on behalfof Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state ande regulations: � 0r 611`�Iz" Environmental Health Spec alisl Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsile Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Iixpiration Date is: U, l 1 I—t ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Datc: 12!7/2015 a N -' APPROVED JUN 18 2024 — ,., MAKN C:U4T'f P,';IRCOESTAI.HEALTH RET eet ,4i;�+i AaSa a pp ee+�a �" II Mal s E ells N I 4 q I 9 5 N �I ICI � s 5FF C �f O I 9 III E 0 t y a O =6 as c O Cl E m d z ism! '` Oreenc • Technicai Data sheet Using a Pump Curve A pump curve helps you determine the best pump for your system.Pump curves show,the relationship between flow and pressure(total dynamic read or"TDM'),providing a graphical representation of a purnp's optimal performance range.Pumps perform best at their nominal flow rate.These graphs show op0'nmal pump operation ranges with a solid line and flow rates outside of these ranges with a dashed line.For the most accurate pump specification,use Drano's PumpSelect"software. Pump Curves 500 400 - - -- PF10 Series,fi0 Hz,0.5-1.0 hp -- - PF20Series,fi0 Hz,0.5-1.5hP 400 - - - - — 350 PF2015 - u PF1910 y v 350 -.... _. a 300 C 300 PF1001 0 250 a 250 PF1005 -- -- a -- 200 200 E - - 150 PF21n5 150 4- 100 m 100 - 50 L 50 0 2 4 6 10 12 14 16 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Flow in gallons per minute (gpm) Flow in gallons per minute (gpm) 900 APPROVED PF31 PF30series,sfix:.9s-s.onp JUN 18 2024 soo — MASO4 �M1- et14CM1ME5'iAL�EAiTH m 700 _ P,ET = 600 - 0 PF3030 -- 500 . .. . _ .. ._ .. _ -' _— 6/11/24 m t 300 PF3015 ti� L PF3010 a 200 PF30m V i2�.o:- 100 PF3005 ZIIII .i.1 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Flow in gallons per minute (gpm) NM-M-PF-5 0renco Systems°•000-340-9043•+1 541-159-4449•www.orenco.cam Rec 3 O D1121 Pape 4 of 5 � { � f - D �9 2 } � PATIO . , \ \ r QUEENS Wy \ \ \\ ; NI -� ! : ; - � \ ) ' 3 2� r � I O m r . --i rCi, ➢ 0 A � p y m C A D m r D i m T z ➢ A m D < Z C X D < E V � 9 9 C D O S 2 y D Z. A m y D Z r r y y < O y z m Z C OT z m ? 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