HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeoTech Assessment for BLD2004-00274 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 5/20/2004 STAr T7 BE KEPT IN THE M cc MASON COUNTY PARCEL FILE N N Y PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER Shehon,Washington 98584 DATE: May 20'', 2004 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Tammi Clark,DCD -Planner FROM: Alan A. Tahja,P/W-Co. Hydr. Engr- WO# PLG-04 SUBJ: Geo-Tech Assessment Review NAME: Matteson SFR addition k Union BLD2004-00274 Tammi, The geotechnical assessment prepared for the proposed Cliff Matteson Single Family Residence (SFR) addition E 281 Windstar Road,Union,has been received and reviewed by Public Works. 'The assessment appears to dispel the need for further geotechnical investigation,conforms to standards of engineering principles and practices for this time and place, and appears to conform to the minimum requirements of DCD for geotechnical assessment reporting. The evaluation raises no issues or concerns, and appears acceptable for the level of reporting required. Recommendations contained in the report should be incorporated into the site's development. The escape of silt or mud from the subject property constitutes a violation of both State and County stormwater quality protection regulations, and could subject violators to fines and penalties. Please feel free to contact me at County extension 461 if you have any questions regarding these comments, or if you feel any features need further discussion or attention. Si cerely, v Alan A. Tahj a File:H.IWPIGEOIAssessmentslMatteson.doc a ' WORK ORDER - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, tq Work Order PERMIT M. i-U-ooj )09-7y _ Number: �' �-� 77-1 IASO -Roquested'by:•� T A16666d by: Date: i Type of Work: CHARGE TO: NAME AGENCY/COMPANY 8lUJNG ADDRESS PHONE Pub.Works Person In Charge: (c) Project Time Line: (from-to dates e TO� Project Sall date: ��t Es%-Wed FkM DAW: ' yes• ESTIMATEO'TOTAL$'S: COST ESTIMATE ' (D) lilts rtubf0d Fflnm% TOTAL$ _z Irt S�tI BAIt< TOTAL n EQUIPMENT USED: MATERIAL USED: Acwal Cost BARS: PROD P. DATE Eno" Q HUM. 3 RAtO Hours Subto ! Fdrfoe% TOTAL$ EQUIPMENT USED: pia 4 801 TOTAL A MATERIAL.USED: TOTAL ALL 10) BILLED DATE -NV/ PAID DATE RECJ cvl :11:d:4jnE5 ow I Bradley-Noble Geotechnical Services A Division of The Bradley Group, Inc. PO Box 12267, Olympia WA 98508-2267 Phone 360-357-7883 9 FAX 360-867-9307 10 May 2004 RECEIVED MAY 17 2004 Mr. Cliff Matteson "CCD - PLANNING 23107 47th Avenue West Mount Lake Terrace, Washington 98043 Subject: Geotechnical assessment of the slope stabilitv and erosion potential to your proposed actalrion LU LIM,' c i -L_L1-Ly home at E. 281 Windstar Road, Tax Parcel Number 32235-75-0026, south shore of Hood Canal area, Mason County, Washington. Dear Mr. Matteson: As requested, we visited the above property in order to develop an opinion on slope stability and erosion potential at the site of the proposed addition and to evaluate their probable long-term influence on the proposed construction of an addition to the existing mobile home. Our scope of work consisted of a site visit, review of available geologic information, and preparation of this report based on our observations, research, and discussion with you about the proposed construction. The site is located in the upland area above the south shore of Hood Canal. Access to the site is gained off of State Highway 106 by a narrow road that leads up the slope of the former fjord to the upland area. In the upland area, the relief is typical of the Vashon recessional outwash plain with a gently undulating surface. At your lot, we found the surface to have a slight rise from the road to the proposed building area. In the area of the proposed addition we found the general site to be of low relief. Walking to the north of the existing mobile home, we found the surface to be well vegetated for a distance that varied from 45 to 60 feet to the north from the north side of the mobile home before the top of slope was encountered. The slope visible appears to be well vegetated, trees growing vertically, and no evidence of recent mass wasting process were noted. 04051101 Page 1 of 3 , 1 04051101 Page 2 of 3 The location of the proposed addition was marked by stakes and string lines on the surface. This addition will be isolated from the existing mobile home. The addition will be located in the general location of the southwest corner area of the mobile home. The addition will not extend north of the existing north wall line of the mobile home. The slope to the north is moderate to steep down into the Hood Canal. This slope was created after the retreat of the Vasho a ff j rd now occupied by Hood Canal. The valley slopes vary in apparent stability. In this area, the soils forming the slope are mapped as Vashon advance outwash (Qva) of gravels and sands . The upland area where construction is proposed is mapped as Vashon subglacial till (Qvt) . In this area we find a thin layer of outwash sands and gravels (Qvr) over the subglacial till . Soils on the slope have limited outcrops other than in areas of road cuts . Erosion of the slope since the retreat of the glacier have mantled the slopes with colluvium. Geology of the area is mapped in Plate 1, Water-Supply Bulletin 29, Geology of Southeastern Mason County, Washington by John B. Noble and Dee Molenarr. Based on soil exposures, we agree with this general mapping. Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington by Mackey Smith and R.J. Carson, published by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources 1977, map I-853-F presents an opinion on slope stability. We find the slope to the north between this upland area and Hood Canal Lo be classified as a Class 3, areas inferred to be unstable because of slopes, generally greater than 15%, which are underlain by weak, unstable material in which old or recent active landslides have occurred. Includes areas of sand and gravel on top of impermeable silt and clay, mostly along steep valley sides . We are in general agreement with this opinion. Slope failures in this area are typically shallow events on the steep slopes, usually due to overstepping of the toe support by grading or by directing concentrated flows of water over the slope. Concentrated flows can create areas of localized saturation and induce slope instability. 04051101 Page 3 of 3 Visual examination of the slope to the north of this site did not indicate recent mass wasting events . We do expect that the typical mass wasting event that is likely to develop on this slope will involve the active soil zone, the zone of colluvium and topsoil that can become oversteepened and saturated and slide on the relatively unweathered soils at depth. If one of these events were to develop at the top of slope at this property, a sudden loss of top of slope on the nrder of ten feet could occur. After the event, we expect that natural reveg�ian u " L-LB 1-ope and slump scarp will occur and apparent stability return to the site. These events are random in occurrence with apparent stability and slow erosion returning between events . At the present setback of the exiting mobile home from top of slope, we do not consider that it would be adversely affected by one of these events . With the proposed addition located even further from top of slope, its being adversely affected is even more unlikely during its economical useful lifetime of at least the next 50 years . Good storm water disposal practices will be required to prevent concentrated flows of storm water from being directed to the slope. Based on our field observations and research, it is our opinion that the addition may be constructed at the location indicated with no significant risk of future loss or damage at the observed erosion rates and process for at least the next 50 years . We agree with the planner that a geotechnical assessment is appropriate for this site and proposed construction. We do not consider the preparation of a geotechnical report would significantly change our opinion on stability and erosional processes at this site. If you have any questions, or if we may be of additional service to you, please contact us at our Olympia office. Cordially, BRADLEY-NOBLE GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES `e oEVVash;� David C. Strong, L.E.G. <�. -my' l'•�Z . 1129 Posed Geo�o DAVID C. STRONG