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DDR2011-00113 for BLD2011-00335 - DDR Application - 12/16/2011
MASON COUNTY Mason County Permit Center Use: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DDR ZD 1 I -6D I 411 N. Fifth Street/P.O. Box 186, Shelton WA 98584 ii + 360.427.9670 ext. 352 Date Rcvd '2-" 1 o-1 1 Request for Administrative Variance for Reduction in the Required Setbacks ($115.00) For administrative review, the minimum variance on a setback request is 5 feet from the side yard lot lines and 10 feet for front and rear lot lines or any access easement. Request for further reduction requires a standard variance. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure, including roof eaves. \ J Applicant/Owners: Mailing Address:: S� OIL l) 'I k City: u'W1 State: \N) Zip: J Telephone: A Email: If this reduction is tied to a building permit, please give permit case number. BLD,Z 1 1 - O 03�35 Parcel Number(s): 3 22,35 -3 Zoning f Site Address: q �� �`7` b � I'on I WL Requested setback variance: (� ft. W Front ❑ Rear ❑ Side ft ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Side ft. ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Side ft ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Side Front Setbacks—From access easements and road f o right ways. Minimum 10 feet. g Rear Setbacks—From the rear ro er line. Minimum 10 eet. P P ty .f Side Setbacks—From the side property line. Minimum 5 feet except for certain shoreline designations. An illustrated site plan is required. Your site plan must show the following: north arrow, abutting street or easements, set backs to all property lines and existing buildings, slopes, surface water, wetlands, critical areas, septic, well and driveway. Show all proposed new development. IACommunity DevelopmentTA0VARIANCES\Admin Variance.doc Edited on 7/ FRONT AND OR REAR YARD REDUCTION REOUESTS: For existing lots of record as of March 5,2002; You must meet one of the following: 2) One of the following exists on the lot(check all that apply): ❑ a) steep slopes, wetlands,or streams present; ❑ b) soils that restrict building or septic development; ❑ c) lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; ❑ d) lot size of no more than one-fourth acre; 'A e) existing improvements of buildings, septic systems, and well areas. SIDE YARD REDUCTION REQUESTS: For existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following: 2) One of the following exists on the lot(check all that apply): ❑ a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; ❑ b) soils that restrict building or septic development; ❑ c) lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; ❑ d) lot size of no more than one-half acre; ❑ e) existing improvements of buildings, septic systems, and well areas. Explain how these circumstances preclude a reasonable development proposal from meeting the setback standard for Rural Residential 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 zones. 44Z 4 lam or�e� `to a���1�`�c�P n���� 5�' ja Owner/Agent (please indicate) — Sign a Date Official Use Only �l Approved by: %//J Date 2 / Denied by: Date Reason for denial: I:\Community Development\PAC\VARIANCES\Admin Variance.doc Edited on 7/ / --r N t L 1 a!L �2(} �✓�/ � t d oIJ MAP J3V R-SH O EXISTING CATCH BASIN a a' PRIMARY 3 BDRM EXISTING DRIVE a. A. .0 a a SEPTIC DRAINFIELD 68.g�. EXISTING POWER ° RESERVE DRAINFIEL 'TING DETACHED ( 2$ •: � \ ``• �\ 2 0 GAL AGE(896 SR) >� a�'•``. \\ 1� PTI ANKS )reject Info )ert Vandling // '�� `;��''•. `� `\� / ress �,t�/� \3 2'-4'MAX L SCAPING E.SR-106 "' �� ` ` ` ROCKERY/KTONE on,WA,98592 f` � NEIGHBORING RES. a= � '••,\ `•, 3`I- - � 2353190040 EXISTING HOME&DECK 30 J TO BE REMOVED. J14 - W ?0-320 1 EXISTING 4'ROCKERIES 1 /24/11 1 ��11Z PROPOSED REPL� MENT Size- 12,197 sf. EXISTING WELL ._ f 3 BDRM SFR(52'x32') Impervious surfaces: I i Home= 1,680 sf. , e✓rS�o h Garage= 8% sf. ��\ p ROV "D i r Porch= 1,283 sf. i0ASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING Total= 3,859 sf. \� S ITE PLAN REQUIRED TO 8E ON SITE CHANGES ET TO APPXOVAL :, .Home= 2,196 sf. op.Total— 3,092 sf. �`. -3Y !pervious Coverage= 25.3% i 40 0 80 120 - 160 D� Scale: 1" = 40 feet Iv TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE: RECOW" BUILDING APR 29 2011 426 W. CEDAR ST. Direction: Scale: Approval: for office use Building Permit number. �7i. �" �" _ ��, , a Building: ' Owner/Applicant:Cw�'�R� vAN�;;:��V �.���^'.�A -� Date of Planning: �.v ;� ,_lam` application: Env. Health: Parcel Number. � P' ROBERT & LYNN VANDLING y PROPOSED REPLACEMENT HOME SEPTIC AS-BUILT PARCEL INFORMATION: y P LA N N!N G LEGAL ABB.DESCRIPTION: CB AY PLANNING TR 4 OF GOVT LOT 3 TR 1 OF CONSULTING . ` ALL SETBACKS ARE MEASU ED sP�is3z F VICINITY MAP ORTHO FROM THE FURTHESTshe'°°����°"�`^"°°"`°� LOT SIZE: 12,197 sf. - 0.28 Acres 3043 Center St 98409 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED REPLACEMENT HOME FFROJECTION OF THE BUIL ING Tacoma,WA,2W ZONING: RR5/ Construct new home in place of existing 28'x60'home KEYILEGEND: at 9110 E.State Route 106 in Union. Proposed new single m ° ® PROPERTY CORNER v NOTICE: family residence would be _ CONTOURS The.rittarl dtnensiorla constucted within the existing a PROPERTY BOUNDARY on this plm apsesde footprint affecting lest ° 4d a EXISTING HOME my=dad menuranmts. e�,/ . This Ia not o vxM impervious area than before. PROPOSED HOME T°)ogrWhy band m pWic QS. Storm water would be EXISTING CATCH BASIN � % / ° For°king purposes ar4 ° EXISTING CATCH BASIN(S) controlled by directing roof - '- 1 / a ° :-1 FLAGGED WETLAND POINT runoff by downspouts that -� -.� � � /'. 4 are ti htlined with 34'length a r EU-T— °1 a TEST HOLES TO A. g 1 /� '° °. , EXISTING PRIMARY 3 BDRM DESIGNATE RESERVE feet of 4"pvc pipe to 5'x4' , /". a . �o SEPTIC DRAINFIELD -- EDGE of wEi LAND"A" drywell located at the EXISTING DRIVE ° a o a �a ACTION ON-SITE SERVICES(8-9-11) WETLAND LOCATED BY _______ ND BUFFER LINE proleCt Infer ' v Southeast interior of the site /�. ° 32j 6� --�68.¢2r � -w-WATERLINE er a a -� /� 5. � E between the garage&existing EXISTING FENC g g g - '-�-- EXISTING SEPTIC well approximataly 35'from aaa //o "- -- — (FIELD LOCATED) Robert Vandling the residence across the East EXISTING POWER °=" � ---$ASEMENT/WELL RADIUS reSS 1 /� 0�� 9110 E.SR-106 yid POLE // EXISTING TREE(S) Union,WA,98592 E ., RESERVE DRAINFIELD —_EXISTING FENCE arce GLENDON MOUND 322353190040 1'-4'R• � � OCKERTES Roof Co..aow i '. \\ EXISTING DETACHED 1 ' \ 'r \ \'• s ��OR KEYSTONE WALL GARAGE(896 SF.) (2)750 GAL SPO-320 SEPTIC TANKS 8/14/11 Co•reca.: �•�"^-,_` �00 i \ '; \lam'"� ♦` �r1+ `a' UC,,,, Lot Size- 12,197 sf.DRY WELL �� � '.\ `' \ Impervious surfaces: rLaN wow y \ \ 2'-4'MAX LANDSCAPING Ex.Home= 1,680 sf. NTs ROCKERY EYSTONE � Ex.Garage= 896 sf. NEIGHBORING RES. � \TT `•\•`., 9 -, � W , DRYLINE TO \ '/� .- 1 EXISTING HOME&DECK Ex.Porch= 1,283 sf. TO BE REMOVED R�1 �; I W W x.Total= 3,859 sf. Won Gentryot Moo 1 \ . n+r c,aon!a�;: I � /�3 i Prop.Home= 2,196 sf. fleuee Owt"ow or pawr me,s I V I �w 1 EXISTING 4'ROCKERIES ` j S , aloe awn Tawo+ 1 1 Prop.Total= 3,092 sf. 12ci1 Impemious Comrage- 25.3 PROPOSED REPLACEMENT HOME o �, EXISTING WELL 3 BDRM SFR(52'x32') Fire Mee"sme^ iCafth yvdor a t� ' APPROVED SP-1 ""0D"'"' ,,;,,n,aa.,.l„ r.l.e `� � PROPOSED 5'DIA.DRYWELL swoe rn ffne- MW Rwo"m I \ 34'LF.OF TIGHTLINE ^ t 1;Z- r% 1,73 o IV MASON C�J,I t Y Dk,D PLANNING Fh-t<,bnc Roft SLOPE @ 2%MIN. SITE PLAI4 REQU17\D TO BE ON SITE DRY WELL CHANGES SUBJECT TO APPROV�A•!! fx Gro,nRaamr T,aw �'' �� i SECTION `♦ / -----J' ., Da te OWNER/APPLICANT: ` Robert&Lynn Vandhng 40 0 80 120 160 Gill bdort you dig'. " l ieEa){2i SSS5 " SEPTIC AS-BUILT (FIELD LOCATED) 1"=40' Scale: 1" = 40 feet Y ROBERT&LYNN VANDLING iLPROPOSED REPLACEMENT HOME ��. •__, SEPTIC AS-BUILT ,i FARM RJFORMATION: LLGAL ABB.MSCRIP140N: CB AY TR40PGOYr LOrr3TR1OP _.- - !k � SP/IM CONSULTING LOT SIZE: 1ZI97 of.-0.28 Aces 3UL7 Career St Tarnnq WA.9aN9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: YROI'OSBU RSYLACHMEN"C I IOMB MOM,. Conatruct new home in place of existing 28 x6V horde KEY/LEGEND: at 9110 E.State Route 106 in Union.Proposed new single -- )ml .Im .. 0 rROPERTrCORNER xonce farnB residence would be y .. CONTOURS cmurtucted within the existing . \' —PRAP➢_IxxJNnARr footprint affecting last ... J- .rr T....�.4 impervious area than before. - ^� \ .- \ ---Ex1SnvO HOME .�w Storm water PROPOSED controlled bywould directing roof m IIXISfINGCATCHBASIN Q,: %, ` n F.>asI GCAIIC}fBASAf(s) r.Wool runoff by downs"that Il7 a \ :`mAGGR9 wI11ANn raNr are tlghtlned with 34'length feet of 4'pvc pipe to Tx4' �� `� P �� • • \ HXISI'ING YRIMARV 3 B6RM 0 u N2R.1Y liTOYJhItYY drywellbcatedatthe GD v- .e -/. \� �' T Y —PMROFWMANn•A• Southeast interior of the site p (� r .• a. _ LpC ----wEMAND JIMER UNIT s� /�A`` ` ., • ten. ,� _ _ AC'P10NON-SII1 V[CQS(8-9-I1j Protect Info between t1w l��h�8 \`� ^ ��� � \�. EKISTNG FENCE �"WATER I.IV Robert Vnnd well approxisrataly 33'from V / _ N Eum uc sErllc the renidoxe across the East ati ��� _ —`�•�,X ��_ \ P-15 cuv,•M-) b*`R y� �^� j. ~ ! ;% \ * xnwwtENr wxLLxAusus 9110 .3R-IU4 WaS11NCTUE(S) IT WA.9e541 RESERVE DRAINFTELD —_ExI517Nc PLNC'8 ,�,a„r,• .,a'�� ., y GLENDON MOUND ONLY 3223531WM EXISTING DETACHED �, /r•' r a x9C W I jo yo- GARAGE(896 SF.) 'mad L 1,I 111 \ C21750 GAL oR 1¢vSmb e W ALL SPO-320 1SEl\I'TC TANKS �_ 1Mlaw EXMIING WATER LINE 1\"� ayf t \\0 �&15'FASRMFNT 9/20 J 11 * aRrMLL c--r 11'�1 111 \\1 6. ,!e ' L,*size- L'197 sE. .`It1.i t1 �111 2'4-M\ L \ APING BcH_. ft��- I,NVI nf. NBiclmoR➢cRESs. TfC[i7LIVE 1n\t ROCKER E r r.Camp 996 M. vR trru. v EXLS7QIC HOME&DECK IF'K m 'IDEBRBMOVY.D iii111 t`7�' �n �v_w 1�Y R.Tuhl- 3A"A M+•.0 E)(ISITNG 4'ROCKERIES �5b * I . Y Humu- ZI96f. Prop.Tots)- 3,092 of. 9o � �a PROPOSEDREPLACELSWHOME EXLSI•W CP © ) •rmr GWELL *,__�_.-- 3DORMSIR(5Yx32'j r%`1 - PROPOSED SD YWELL SP 1 `---" SLOPB fF 2%MADE y _ r rw-.ram.. eeGrlpM 1 � 'l, UWNBR/AYl'LICAN'L• lxrfo�k brut/u� ,\ /• �\ 40 0 80 120 160 i,1 Scale., i' = 40 feet SEPTIC AS-BUIL" (FIELD LOCATED) 1"=40' 1 BAY QL � � �(l - 0 3C�