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COM2015-00008 Hood - COM Permit / Conditions - 1/27/2015
MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IIISpeC:UUII Lille tJOU�4L/ /LOL repN cupHr Mason County Bldg. III Phone: (360)427-9670,ext. 352 ' 426 W. Cedar Shelton, WA 98584 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT COM2015-00008 OWNER: BRIAN WILSON RECEIVED: 1/26/2015 CONTRACTOR: LICENSE: EXP: ISSUED: 1/27/2015 SITE ADDRESS: 18471 E STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN EXPIRES: 7/27/2015 PARCEL NUMBER: 122205059005 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALLYN BLK: 59 LOT: 5-8 &W 10'VAC PTN SHERWOOD AVE ADJ EX W 65' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: modifications required to install new commercial hood General Information Construction&Occupancy Information Type of Use: Insp.Area: No. of Units: Type of Constr.: Type of Work: Fire Dist.: No. of Bathrooms: Occ. Group: No. of Stories: Exit Design. Load: Valuation: $ 14,600.00 Building Height: Pre-Manufactured Unit Information Square Footage Information Make: Length: Lot Size: Model: Width: Building: Year: Serial No.: Basement: Parking Spaces: Setback Information Shoreline& Planning Information Front: Ft. Shoreline: Ft. Rear: Ft. Slope: Ft. Water Body: Shoreline Desig.: Side 1: Ft. SEPA?: Comp. Plan Desig.: Side 2: Ft. Fire Protection System Information Auto Fire Alarm System?: Emergency Key Box?: Standpipe?: Auto Fire Sprinkler System?: Access Road?: Fire Extinguishers?: Fixed Fire Suppression System?: Fire Hydrants?: Fire Lanes?: COM2015-00008 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 1 of 6 Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures rrra Type_ Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt Plan Check Fee nl r. 119a19ni5 �iR3 ii gignunn IFC Plan Check Fee nl rr iigFnnix; oRi FR gignirnn Building State Fee nl r 119Fi?nir, as Fin Gignirnn Building Permit Fee nl r inFnniF R7rii 9x; gi9niew Total $500.72 CASE NOTES FOR COM2015-00008 CONDITIONS FOR COM2015-00008 1) This permit is approved to install a new commercial hood in an existing structure. Construction will include construction of a partial wall and roof repairs necessary to support the new hood in accordance with engineer specifications. A separate fire protection permit is associated with this permit for the hood suppression system, Mason County permit number FIR2015-00005. COM2015-00008 Page 2 of 6 2-) SUBJECI I U INSNLG I IUN BY I-IKL MAKSHAL The structure is subject to inspection by the Mason County Fire Marshal. All corrections deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal, to assure the minimum fire and life safety requirements as adopted by Mason County and Washington State may be required. X i COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD: All commercial kitchen hood systems shall be protected with a UL300 compliant automatic fire extinguishing system installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and maintained as required by the 2012 International Fire Code, Building Code, and International Mechanical Code. The system shall be inspected and tested for proper operation at 6-month intervals unless approved otherwise. Maintenance records shall be available for inspectors during inspections. X r' STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Per section 901.2.1 of the 2012 International Fire code, Statement of Compliance. Before requesting final approval of the installation of the hood and suppression system, the installing contractor shall furnish a written statement to the fire code official that the subject fire protection system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and has been tested in accordance with the manufactures specifications and the appropriate installation standard. Any deviations from the design standards shall be noted and c pies of the approvals for such deviations shall be attached to the written statement. X l� Grease Duct Test Prior to the use or concealment of any portion of a grease duct system, a leakage test shall be performed in accordance with the 2012 International Mechanical Code Section 506.3.2.5. X FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Install 2A10BC fire extinguishers throughout the building in accordance with chapter 9 of the 2012 International Fire code. The fire extinguishers shall be installed such that the extingishers are located not more than a travel distance of 75 feet in any direction and mounted no more than 60 inches above floor to the top of the unit. At least one extinguisher is required on every level or floor. Not less than 1 type K portable fire extinguisher shall be located in the commercial kitchen area, within 30 feet of the cooking appliances and no closer than 10 feet. 1 X r 3) Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-60982. The person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to 47� WA state law. X 2 1','_ 2 4) All approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If inspection is called for and plans are not on site, Approval WILL NOT be granted. In addition, a reinspection fee, based on the current fee schedule, minimum one-hour.will be charged and collected by the Mason County Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. X `, COM2015-00008 Page 3 of 6 5) Owner/Agent is responsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.28,,- X � i �, 6) Any changes in construction shall be reviewed by engineer of record and submitted in writing to the Mason County Building Department prior to construction. All engineering documents are a part of the approved set of plans and must remain attached thereto. If engineering documents are removed, approval will not be granted. In addition, a reinspection fee, based on the current fee schedule, minimum one-hour will be charged and collected-by the Mason County Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. 7) ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODES AND THE INTERNATIONAL CODE REQUIREMENTS AND OCCUPANCY IS LIMITED TO THE PERMITTED AND APPROVED CLASSIFICATION. ANY CHANGE,.OF USE OR OCCUPANCY WOULD RESULT IN PERMIT REVOCATION. CHANGE OF USE MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO CHANGE. x 8) The demolition and disposal of debris must meet the regulations of Mason County and Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA). It is unlawful for any person to cause or allow the demolition (or major renovation) of any structure unless all asbestos containing materials have been identified and removed from the area to be demolished. Work shall not commence on an asbestos project or demolition project unless the owner or operator has obtained written approval from ORCCA.2490 B Limited Lane NW, Olympia WA 98502, 360.586.1044/800.422.5623 www.or)caa.org X 9) Chang approved building plans that affect compliance to the current Washington State Energy Code (WSEC), ventilation requirements), Building/Plumbing/Mechanical Codes and/or Mason County Regulations shall be approved prior to construction. X .; \ 10) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED BUILDING CODE. The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the international codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Building Inspector shall be made prior to requesting additional inspections. X �. 11) All build— in permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason County ordinances and building regulations. X /� I 12) All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may extend the time for action for a period not exceeding 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holder have prevented action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. 13) Makeup air shall be provided during operation of commercial kitchen exhaust systems in accordance with the 2012 International Mechanical Code Section 508. The makeup air shall not have a temperature differential greater than 10 degrees Fahrenheit between the makeup air and air in the conditioned space. Makeup air systems shall be automatically controlled to start and operate simultaneously with the exhaust system. X COM2015-00008 Page 4 of 6 T4) Type I hood systems shall be separated from combustibles in accordance with the 2012 International Mechanical Code. Clearance is not required from gysum wallboard or 1/2" or thicker cementitious wallboard attached to non combustible structures provided that a smooth cleanable nonabsorbant and noncombustible material is installed between the hood and the gypsum or cementitious wallboard over an area extending not less than 18-inches in all directions from the hood. Ducts penetrating the ceiling enclosure shall have not less than 1-hour fire-resistive rating. Provide manufacturer specifications for inspection. The inside lower edge of the commercial hood shall overhang or extend a horizontal distance of not less than 6-inches beyond the edge of the top horizontal surface of the appliance on all open sides. The vertical distance between the fron lower lip of the hood and such surface shall not exceed 4-ft. Except that the hood shall be permitted to be flush with the outer edge of the cooking surface where the hood is closed to the appliance si�e by a noncombustible wall or panel (IMC 507.12) X OWNER/ BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s) for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null &void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF,.180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. / /c Signature Date OWNER - REPRESENTATIVE - CONTRACTOR Print Name (Circle one to indicate) COM2015-00008 Page 5 of 6 n O K CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME r By Footings /Setbacks Date Ribbons w w_..___ O o Gas Piping Z o Intenor Date By Interior-Date By Date By Exteror Date By Exterior-Date By co Set-up Point Load I Isolated Footings fNSULATION Date By D BG t SLAB INSULATION Z Date By Data By FIRE DEPARTMENT Foundation Walls Floors Date By Date By Data By DECKS FRAMING Waits Date By Date By Data By PROPANE TANKS PLUMBING vautt Da1e By Date By OTHER Groundwork Attic Date By Type. Date B y Data By D..w.v DRYWALL Type O Int.Brace Wall Date By Date By ic Date By FINAL INSPECTION N Water Line Fire Sepe ration O Date By, Date By Dat© By CD O Pass or Request Inspect. c Type of Insp. Fail Date Date Done By Comments 00 vl�o "''' P, Z n 0h 7 rS "V(_ DkA �� �{°P �-� tY r� Zv►/5 j�1f- '�-� �rJ {v��� I,,�S'�,Ilu1,�,t1 S W rc- PAS Z31ISM �fl; ��t wf� '(d I-L/V"W zrrwv� Lvi& ro 0 0)