HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2024-00270 - SWG Application / Design - 6/14/2024 584 MASON COUNTY 415N8SHELTONSTREET, 0427-9 70,EXT 400 SHEL AIR:360d275 70,EXT 400 BE ELMA 360.275<487,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA'.380-462-5289,EXT 400 4 FAX:W0427-7787 rOn-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00270 APPLICANT Gab! Colby Phone: Address: 8902 Lawrence Dr Se PORT ORCHARD,WA 98367 OWNER Gabi Colby Phone: Address: 8902 Lawrence Dr Se PORT ORCHARD,WA 98367 SEPTIC DESIGNER Dave's Septic Services- Phone: 360-710-2449 Address: PO Box 301 SEABECK,WA 98380 Site Address: 411 NE Barbara Blvd Primary Parcel Number: 223365300106 Permit Description: 3-bedroom gravity system: Repair Permit Submitted Date: 06/14/2024 Permit Issued Date: 06125/2024 Issued By: David Anderson Current Permit Fees Paid: $805.00 (emmarel tees may be reamrcd upon mmlmrwn orsystem). Permit Expiration Date: 06/14/2025 teased on dace of ins"on) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuitt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES, For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmental/onsiteloss-inspection4equest.php or call: 360-427-9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY GATFucENEn MASON COUNTY (- I L{ aoaU y a COMMUNITY SERVICES ° R �RLD N NDNY c m Putdi'H' M,(CommuMiHeaMXE Hmnme�ml HezpN y N SWG z rA ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION 3 0 AP0.IGANT PHONE m m Sabi Colby z c x✓.alrvc AnDREss-STREET,an.srATE.zIP CODE '3 8902 SITE,NDCRSLawrence-STREET, E DR SE Port Orchard, WA 98367 s z 411 NE Barbara Blvd, Belfair WA 98528 o I N NMIE OF DESIGNER PONE (D I N Dave Ghylin 36 p—"71 D— 7-'IV N EOF INSTALLER PHONE L FERMCITTYFENoW-e) ORINKINGWATERSW0.CE N I W l_WRESIDENTIALOSS f-1'COMMUNT'OSS 2COMMERCIALOSS ff PRIVATE INDIVIDUALWELL IDPRWATETNO-PARTYWELL Z TYPEOFY (m _) Of PUBLICWATERSVSTEM Ly. CQ L NEW CONSTRUCTNJNIUPGRADES REPAIR/REPIACEMENT OTHER OETNLS(nMeellMMeppy) []TABLEIXREPAW wIN SUBMITTALS CC O SURFACING SEWAGE ElEMSTING FAILURE ❑SHORELINE EDESIGNFORM(REGUIRED) ffSEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LCTSIII I W ffWAIVER(S)(IF APPLICABLE) 3 56'X158' x I ' DIRECTIONSTOSREANDSTECCNDRIDYS:(ev.b dpNN I CD ArrrA C4. o I ti � Io O m 10)811EYV8TBEflAOGEOFFOM Y.4W ROAOAHD iEdTMOLEb YU6TBE FlA00E01M1X TE6TNIXEAUYBFYb. OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE VPGNME/FAIWRE SO,10.CE(b repMp P/Nall OVOLIINTARY QMAINTENANCE/PUMPING OBUILOINGPERMIT OHOMESALE 1300MPLAINT DOWER: INSFECTORSOILL S COMMENTS I CONORIONS 7N�f P). a-3o"cwlcels 30 6z" ►h ed S ao 60*M TI12(►) = 0 3z" «dS 3l CO` W45 * 40*m TN3 (a): U Z4" tWdf 40 &O*An eaLcaDEa: RECORDM WNGAND1NST L TICNRDgRT yayERY G-GRAYELLY S=SAND L-LOAM BI=SILT C=GRAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REDVIREDFORFN AFPROy MSPECTCP SIGNATURE DATE APRIGTION E%PYUTId10AlE /3PL1 TONPFPROVFDIISSVEO BY DATE /Z / rr2- 6/!yl olS 6/� z THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNEDA AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MABON COUNTY WEBSRE RE,..txnrzots DESIGN FORM-PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 2 3 3 6 - 5 3 - 0 0 1 0 6 A design win be reviewed when 3 conic of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that bas been signed and dated. "Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. a Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form maybe scanned and available for public view on me Mason County Web site.Maximum paper size: 11"'X 17" PA CEL_ 1 NTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG 7oly_lJbZ90 Designer's Name: Dave Ghylin Gabi Colby 360-710-2449 Applicant's Name: y Designer's Phone Number: Mailing Address: 8902 Lawrence Designer's DR SE Desi er's Address: PO Box 301 Port Orchard WA 98367 Seebeck, WA 9B380 city State Zr City State Zi GN ETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofiher ❑Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑Sand Lined Drainfeld ❑Recirculating Filter,Type: ❑Aerobic Unit Make/Model ❑Disinfection Unit Make/Model Other: Drainfield Type 5(Gravity ❑Pressure ❑Trench fii(Bed ❑Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 3 Schedule/Class 3034 Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 360 gpd Length 45' i ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 360 - gpd Diameter 4" in —�- Septic Tank Capacity(working) 1200 gal Number 3 - Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 3 / Separation 3 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate .8 gpd/ft' Orifices Required Primary Area 450 / ft Total Number Orifices N/A Designed Primary Area 450 i fir Diameter in Designed Reserve Area 1,425 W Spacing in Trench/Bed Width 10' ./ ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length 45' ft Schedule/Class Elevation Measurements Length ft Original Grainfield Area Slope 0-2 % Diameter In New Slope,If Altered 0-2 a% Preferred manifold c oration used? 0 Yes 0 No Depth of Excavation Un-slope 24" in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Down-slope 24" in Schedule/Class Designed Vertical Separation 36"+ in Length ft Gravelless Chambers Required? ElYes 0 No lid0litional Diameter in Pump Required? ❑Yes RfNo Dolum and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day N/A Di . ' Elevation Between Pump&Upperm criftce ft Dose quantity gal Drainfield S ' t/S et esidual(head) _ft Chamber Capacity(flood) gal Uppermost Higher er than Pump Shutoff �p controls:Please those required. Cap ' mal Pressure Head gi m OTimer OElapse Meter ❑Event Counter alcalmed Total Pressure Head If Timer: Pump on ,Pump off Comments DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:2 2 3 3 6 — 6 3 -- 0 0 1 0 6 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch Id Test hole locations 0 Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: id Soil logs R1 Trench/bed dimensions and lid Septic tank ❑ Property lines critical distances within layout <d Drainfield cover ❑ Existing and proposed wells Rf D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property 56 Septic tmWpump chamber and restrictive strata: ❑ Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations EA Laterals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas fd Observation port location bottom ❑ Location and orientation of (Z Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption Ed Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components ❑ Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: m Location and dimension of E6 Lateral placement with distance 59 Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Other Information ld Buildings ❑ Audible/visual alarm referenced Yes No ❑ Direction of slope indicator 19 Scale of drawing shown on scale Ef ❑ Design staked out III Waterlines bar 56 ❑Recorded Notices attached iid Roads,easements,driveways, ❑ Gd Waiver(s)attached pig ❑ 9 Pump curve attached 5d North arrow,and scale drawing Rf ❑Evaluation of failure shown on scale but Non-residential justification ❑ ❑ Waste strength ❑ ❑Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be 'fled by installer at time of installation es ❑ No / 2yqSi tune of Designer Date % The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined tt b�>�A compliance with state and local on- regulations: r 7 7 JU O En ental o/F[Wth) /C�ecialist ` � Date ryE ,y 202y O✓A MFNT418E4( CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: T/•' ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. / ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/72015 Mason County WA GIS Web Map O n � Y ti•. t .1 NE Malga u, c s y MF � A A(yFq(rH 5(3112024,1:17:25 PM 1:3,059 0 OM 0.05 0.1 ml County Boundary u a I 11 1 km No Filled Tax Paroels(Zoom in to 1:30,000) sn ree,xnux.a,oee.uY w..•xi oe�mn.Y.rm Jqn.YFR u,a1n 0W NuvA Iq 4�euNT m,midt�M waeu�l'mmup Ymi GMY vw GIe wee Yw pYIYn wm fn,M uwim uvF1'.ne,YF a Yma�„a xur w.id Ype tr run An iaYe m t mp/Mnrnwias,A,grvlbYnu.pp General Designer Notes Ppf�o Owner Name: Gabi Colby 414804,ppNN J(*,2 Reference: 22336-53-00106 ryENy�RpN DJ4 MENPgt NEA #1 —Soil logs have been dug on this site and are the responsibility of the property owner or owner's agenl`& have these soil logs buried after the inspection process has been completed. #2—If during the construction process, soil conditions are found that may lead to premature failure of the system,construction shall stop immediately and the designer shall be notified. Such soil conditions may include but not limited to ground water, surface water,fill material, clay soil,bedrock,or excessively permeable gravels. #3 —Any substitutions or deviations from these plans shall be approved by the Health Department or the designer prior to construction. All changes of the system components shall be documented by the designer on the final As-built drawing. #4—Peak design flow is_360_g.p.d., Recommended daily flow should not exceed_288_g.p.d. or premature failure may occur. #5—Backfill sewage disposal system immediately after final inspection process,cover soils should be loamy sand or better. Seed final cover with grass or shallow rooting ground cover. #6—Keep all maintenance access lids and ports accessible to ground surface. #7—Installer should rake the finished grade smooth and slope it to divert all surface water runoff away from tank and drainfield areas. #8—Setbacks from house foundation to drainfields and reserve areas are 10', septic tanks 5' and transport lines 2' unless otherwise stated within the design. #9—Driveways and parking areas must stay 5' from drainfield areas. Tanks may be located within parking area and driveways if approved for this application. #10—Sewage waste strength should meet the following criteria or be lower Bod-5 = 130-174 mgll,TSS= 47-71 mgfl FOG= 10-20 mg4 PH=6.5-7.2 with microscopic life forms present. #11 —Installer must adhere to all manufacturer installation requirements for all products used. #12—The attached septic design does not represent a survey nor does it purport to show all easements or encroachments,if any. Designer recommends property lines be located prior to any final installation occurs. Surveys may be required to accomplish this. #13—Property lines and comers have been represented by owner or owner's agent,the designer is not responsible for errors due to inaccurate measurements from property lines or comers that are inaccurate. #14—If a curtain drain is required with this design it must meet all Health Department installation requirements. #15—Developers,homeowners and installers,installations of on-site sewage disposal system should always be installed in dry weather conditions. Irreparable soil damage may occur if systems are installed in wet conditions. Planning the installation of system is very important and should be done as early in the building development stage as possible. Wet weather conditions have caused delays in final approval dates. #16—Maintenance is required will all sewage disposal systems. Owners will receive details of this in the designer manual with the final approval of the application. #17—Adhere to all designer notes located on design layout page. #18—If development exceeds 10,000 square feet of impervious surface an engineered drainage plan may need to be submitted. Options are available to reduce square footage requirements,such as wagon wheel driveways, contact DCD for further details. Owners are responsible for any fee for redesigns or revisions that may be needed after BSA submittal not due to designer error. #19—Low flow water fixtures are recommended within the home to help lower the hydraulic load to the system. #20—Watertight components are a must for all onsite sewage systems. Installers are required to ensure all components are watertight,extreme care should be used during backfilling of these components to prevent settling and or water intrusion issues. If leaking components are not fixed in a timely manner,the designers warranty may be void. #21 —Installation of this design must meet all Health Department regulations and all adopted policies by the Health Department that may apply. Installer is required to be versed in these regulations,if any questions contact designer. #22—All components used must be on State Department of Health approved products list for use with residential waste. #23 —Installer must inspect all tanks used at time of delivery and any tanks with defects must be rejected and not used. When using any existing tank,the installer must due a 24 hour leak test to ensure all tanks used are watertight. #24—All plumbing must be routed into the new sewage system that has been designed. It is the property owners responsibility to show the designer all plumbing stub outs and all gray and black water discharge points. A plumber may be needed on old homes to ensure that all stub out locations are connected to the new proposed sewage disposal system. An inside pump basin may be needed in some cases where plumbing is located in basements and elevations for a gravity discharge cannot be maintained. #25—Do not use low profile chambers or the system will be red tagged. All lateral lines must be a minimum of 6"off the infiltrative surface. Lateral ends must be secured at the cleanout and must be in the center of the port. #26—Gravel trenches are recommended,but Arc 36"chambers are allowed. Specific Designer Notes: #1-This application is for a repair on an existing 3-bedroom home. #2-A new gravity system is proposed with a 10'x45'gmviy bed of drainfield. #3-Existing septic tank to be certified or must be pumped,decommissioned and replaced. #4-Any large stumps holes to be filled with sand filter sand. #5-Extreme caution must be taken on clearing drainfield area.Native soils can't be damaged Recommended to be done by septic installer. A S�Ncc�N 5?0Z4 ryEh'�iga N/AfNT44HF�I+,. v ,may a Dave's Septic Services, Inc. Licensed On-site Sewage Disposal Consultant I pp)� V Percolation Test and Engineering Designs ®1 �s Licensed Operation & Maintenance Specialist E-mail: dss9699laoutlook.com MgSON,� fUN252024 OSS Failure Investigation Report ONNryFNVIRONM p�q FN7gG N fqG l{ Site Address of OSS Failure: 411 NE Barbara Blvd Belfair, 98528 Designer: Dave Ghylin / Dave's Septic Services Inc. Date of Investigation: 5/31/24 The OSS at the above address has failed due to: ❑ Hydraulic Overload (e.g., OSS flooded out due to leaking OSS components, excessive groundwater, or surface water intrusion, leaky household fixtures, or water use above the what the OSS was designed to handle, etc.) ❑Abnormal Waste Strength /Water Characteristics (e.g., normal OSS operation appears to have been adversely impacted by household use of pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, fats/oil/grease, or additives, etc.) ❑ Physical Damage (e.g., OSS was damaged due to vehicular traffic, new construction, or animal intrusion, etc.) ❑✓ Age or Other(e.g., OSS does not exhibit any signs of the above. However, failed due to age, system type, or site condition, etc.) Root intrusion. 6Mry eT"4`31Gy__ Dave's Septic Services, Inc. P.O. Box 301 Seabeck, WA 98380 (360) 710-2449 Customer Information: Date: 5/31124 Applicants Name: Gabl Colby Site Address: 411 NE Barbara Blvd Belfair, 98528 Tax ID #: 22336-53-00106 INSONCOUN JUN?a '70 OSS Failure Report: ry�✓q NMfNTq�H �r,. Hydraulic Overload ❑ Abnormal Waste Physical Damage ❑✓ Age/Other z M-V El$OYA-C,T,- Appf,ov o Z = _ a r W MASONcouN UIV o Zo 2014 w (7 r r Z w a Q? JA A(H£AlT w W 7 >i LLU Or ZK 0 w OZ'1I ow 0 (0 mJ- r w 0 CO) OUr Q rKz Iwo �M- Ot Z _ �m LV zY LLl O a P OZw O UZ W LU y J O s Z W LL Z Y > a U Cl) Y w LLI rr m D Y Z ,�^ O ¢ LLI Oco a: Q_ wQ w UZa w O1 Qv D N a O Q r a ~ r U Q m 7 w J r O ~ ? O U N (7 O (n Q a W M 3 S 5 U N N th Q N 1D N X Y O N O U C ~ T > m m o LLB ILH a ° M W o a U 0 U Wm & 1 � a HMO W V LL N O_ W N � F- U) N J Y Zaz O U w F- a 7 Z o In V C Q 49 F N G O_• 11 00 APPROVED Jq@ 5y4z k VC, ; § . % . DJA "® c } } ) § s / )ƒ \ k § R =§ \ � § / ) 0z /, § CO ) } \ ■ _ ƒ § � a \ LL 0 / / \ / o = . a CD \ 0 .. \ ° w �\ \ . \ i ( . _ � » § 00 LU /. I — — of t : - [ / » ! J , uj / &! ID 0 to / � ( LU L \ _ ) a / f ; 52 : k k 2 , FL \FL §� \ \ / ) UQJ m § \ _ d ( e Cme \ U, § A \ . / \ \ ] § 2 . & 2 § § � ` | | I } \ \ \ \ \ W ; 2 ¥ § 2G § \ } � ) XZ § ) § ( ( ) ) § 0 2a ) k (\\k0 \ 2 o ® APPRO z j kk ( % ] ) § WOPHOW W § j k ) ( § / kk \ § / k \ / § ` � ww 466w6aiad \ -IIP�.rll� � ���•\� 41, WA If - _ ��I �•i'ii'.' _ I ' r a L • • 0 o __ ® . . o ƒ ) o < ! 2 - . - � ® � , ) 42 \ « g ; { 7 ? \ \ \ g l rri � $ _ + ) - e _ > m ( co 9 + - ° : \ ) ! - am� j \ \ ; 2 jk / § � % o � \ rn ) ( ) \ _ ) : 10 / a * n - ! - ) ) r : « : z IA �to 2 � OD \ \ } 00 §/ §\ § j \ ° � 2 N) % ` 2 \ \ { J