HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI20196-00077 - SPI Inspections - 7/26/2019 Page PERMIT Report Run On: Monday, 05 August ((491R. k NOTES2019 14:29 Permit# SP12019-00077 Parcel # : 122205000017 Site Address: UNKNOWN Note Type Note Code Text Created By Begin Date End Date REPORT Permit Notes arianep@co.mas 08/05/19 on.wa.us CORRESPONDE Site Pre-inspection Notes rbuckholt@co.ma 07/26/19 NCE son.wa.us Project#: SP12019-00077 for the purpose of a possible residential development on a shoreline property on tax parcel#122205000017: Date of Site Visit Meeting: July 26,2019 Zoning:The zoning designation for the site is Allyn UGA R-1 P(residential). Standard setbacks for this zone are a 20-foot for front and rear yard setbacks and 5-foot setbacks.The front yard refers to the lot line adjacent to the property access, including access easements. 2 ft.overhangs are allowed with the prescribed setbacks. Height limit is 35 feet. Shoreline: Shoreline Designation under the Mason County Shoreline Master Program (MCSMP)17.50.070 is Urban Residential. The Shoreline Master Program requires a 115 ft buffer/setback from the shoreline(100 ft buffer+ 15 ft building setback).Provided, however,the Mason County Resource Ordinance(MCRO) allows for a possible reduced shoreline buffer/setback via the"common line"provision (s): a.Special provision for view protection on subject lots. Applications for single-family residential construction and meeting the following conditions may have buffers and setbacks as described below: 1)Where existing residences are on both sides of and within 150 feet of the lot line of the subject lot, and no more than 200 feet from the shoreline OHWM,the setback on the subject lot is determined by an imaginary common line drawn across the subject lot which connects the shore-side roof lines of the first adjacent existing residences. (See Figure 1).The common line set back may be more or less than 115 feet from the OHWM, provided, however,that: (a)the buffer shall not be less than 35 ft.total (20 feet buffer width from the OHWM and an additional 15 ft.building setback in conjunction with the submittal of a Common Line Mitigation Plan(CLMP). See Appendix B of the newly adopted Resource Ordinance for more information. The purpose of the CLMP is to mitigate for any impacts created within a shoreline buffer less than the 115 ft standard in relation to the proposed development and to ensure that there will not be a net loss in habitat value and function of said reduced buffer. I PERMITPage 2of3 9W, Report Run On: Monday, 05 August NOTES201914:29 (b)there shall be a maximum buffer of 100 feet from the OHWM with the balance of the setback established by the common line to be a building setback area. Note:All newly proposed development shall be placed landward of the common line, an imaginary line connecting the roof-line of the primary residential structures(including elevated or cantilevered decks, projections,or detached accessory structures)located on both adjacent properties through the subject property. In no case,can the common line(shoreline)setback be less than 35 ft.from the ordinary high water mark. The most restrictive between the common line and the 35 ft setback applies. CLMP will be required at the time of building permit submittal,see attachment. Stream: There is an unclassified stream within close proximity to the north. A certified wetland biologist shall classify and delineate the subject stream via a report per MCC 8.52. Seasonal or non-seasonal,which are non-fish bearing will likely require a buffer-setback of either 90 ft or 115 ft. Once the stream classification and delineation are determined,the buffer-setback shall be depicted on the site plan. Geological/landslide hazards: Any slope higher than 10 vertical feet,over 15%(8.5 degrees) grade and within 300 feet of proposed development will require a Geotechnical Assessment to evaluate slope stability on and near the site.The assessment must meet the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance(MCRO)section 17.01.100 EA. The assessment must also state that the hazards of the landslide area can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety,and must also assure the project will cause no significant environmental impact.See MCRO 17.01.100, E7. A Geotechnical Report may be needed if through a Geotechnical Assessment it is determined necessary,or if slopes are in excess of 40%(21.8 degrees)See MCRO 17.01.100 E. NOTE: Geo-assessment will not be required. Slopes are less than 15%. Stormwater Management: Project shall be in conformance with the small parcel stormwater management requirements. A small parcel stormwater application is required for properties creating 2,000 square feet of new impervious surface. Septic/Drainfield: It is strongly encouraged that you consult with our Environmental Health Department for requirements on septic system design,to make sure that it is sized accordingly to serve the improvements as well as water connection requirements. Note: Further shoreline restrictions may apply towards building envelopes or expansions. For more specific information, please contact Jeff Wilmoth, at 360.427.9670 x543. PERMIT Page 3of3 1 Report Run On: Monday, 05 August Nk NOTES2019 14:29 FEMA: The first 60 feet landward of shoreline is located within the Floodplain A. According to the site development regulations provided, it appears that all development will be situated outside of said floodplain due to the shoreline and stream setback requirements. Docks: Maximum size is 250 sq.ft.; however, the maximum length is 60 ft;maximum width parallel to the shore is 20 ft. Maximum pier width is 6 ft. Maximum float width is 8 ft. Please see attached shoreline permit matrix for permits and studies required. WA.ST. Fish& Wildlife will require docks to have light grating through their hydraulic permit(HPA). Docks are subject to the regulations of the adopted Shoreline Master Program and subject to state and federal permits aside from the County permits. Please see attached shoreline permit matrix. Thank you for meeting with the county's Development Services staff to discuss your proposed project at the subject site or letting staff conduct a reconnaissance of your land in your absence. For your use, here is a project file memo,which highlights the issues discussed at our field meeting or observations made in the field in your absence. Disclaimer:Please note that this is a list of preliminary specific issues discussed or observed,and is not intended to be conclusive nor preclude any subsequent permit review or final condition letter that will be provided to you when a formal application is submitted and reviewed. We hope that you find this information helpful and informative as you proceed through the permitting process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these notes,please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate staff member or myself, Ron Buckholt,directly at(360) 427.9670 Ext.287. Specific development standards contained in the County Codes may be found at the County home webpage,www.co.mason.wa.us. Thank you and we look forward to working with you. TAG NB sewer call ext 296-THIS PARCEL IS MIGRATION 06/06/02 LOCATED IN THE REQUIRED NORTH BAY SEWER CONNECTION.PLEASE CONTACT, DEPT.OF UTILITIES AT EXT 296 OR 270, WHEN ANY PERMIT IS APPLIED FOR. 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