HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlarm Tests - FIR Inspections - 1/14/2009 3485 Rllverdale Way NW,Silverdale WA,58383,(360)308-0254 TA-Tek Systems Fax 'ro. �� � ��� Froma Tri 7ek Systems Fax: —n L a '47-7 ,-77 J 4 Pages: Covet'+ Rhone: Date: ^1 � Re: CC: 0 Urgent *or Review l] Please Gorntment ©Please Reply LJ Please Recycle • Cpmments: rVI " IMM Tri-Tek Systems 360 731 6693 TO 39ad SW31SAS A31 I�Jl VSZ080E096 819 :80 600Z/17T/T0 04/12/2012 0 f:4V ZJbVJUbQZt14 I ril I tN uzvvv r. vvb/vv r Trn-Tek Systems FOR THE CITY OF A LLIJ N3 8527 Knute lane NW . . Silverdale,WA 98383, Wic:e_(360) 373-8373. Fire Alarm System Confide,de o, e rt �y.Fax:(3�50)3.OF�-0254 ,,""" �I Central Station Account No_ �.." f Occupied as (major tenant) LE N3 K3 Al2D k S a#_.LA r HC LSE.._ Address I B fs4z HW I? _&- Zip Code 852-AA, Phone No. 2)L 0 -7_75-666t) Type Of test: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annu Acceptance Number of initiating circuits r Number of signaling circuits Fire control panel manufacturer rS1 LE� F AN I C14 l Model No. —'TZ�-7 Central Station transmitter manufacturer —SILC MT. 1A MIGW T_ Model No. SZD 7 Battery voltage Z a Charge circuit voltage � Battery under load c •-f A Alarms tripped by which initiating circuit A Lt -- CENTRAL STATION Smoke detectors cleaned? --_ FIRE CONTROL PANEL TRANSMITTER System operates on AC power 1(A6 U No ❑NA byres. Q No "Alarm Silence'results in tbl.sig_ s O No ❑NA O No Loss of AC.results in trouble signal ❑No ❑NA es ❑No System.operates on battery ia�4 s ❑No ❑NA s ❑No All circuits checked for elec_supv. s ❑No Q NA ❑No Test meets manufacturers specs, ie�,� O No LI NA Q'Yes ❑No Alf auxiliary equipment operates S0 s ❑No ❑NA. Key to fire control panel available t1 O No El NA Operating instructions posted ❑No O NA Test record posted at control panel Lq�Yels ❑No CI NA [YYes ❑No Automatic time delay of general alarm minutes Time initiated _._ Time received by Central Station . EQUIPMENTTESTED NO.OF UNITS SATISFACTORY NO.OF UNffS TYPE OF EQUIPMENT +T9STED YES . NO NA.-" IN BUILDING Bells,Horns,Chimes,Voice Alarms.Speakers,Water Gongs Visual Alarm Devices Trouble Indicators Heat Detectors Smoke`Wteciors Smoke Beams Sprinkler Waterflow Alarms �r Sprinkler SuperviSory Switches Manual Pull Stations Ventilation Controls Operate Annunciators Elevator Recall Fire Pampers/Smoke Dampers Phone Jacks .r Automatic Door Release 7. Other r This is to Certify that this fire alarm system/central station transmitter has been properly testM and inspected for rellablllty to cover the items Coed in this report,is consistent with fire alarm maintenanoe standards/manufacturer's requirements,and all oorrectipns have been/have not been made. Signature of inspector Date Z-.7— 7 W17. Problems Found Corrections Made 01/10/2010 10: 10 3603080254 T TEK SYSTEMS PAGE 03 Tn Tek Systems ; a0 .�0 - b�qb R HE CITY.OFF 8527 Knute Lame NW 98383 ' Voice: (360) 373-8373 Finey A SJ em Oh dense Report Fax:(360} 308-0254 Central Station Account No.7-T72 13 Occupied as (major tenant) L E Address I A'54- tTATE R\AJ --e ' "c�....,1 EWST Zip Cottle `D:5 Phone No. 266- 2 Z'S M 6660 Type of test: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annua Acceptance Number of initiating circuits Number of signaling circuits Fire control panel manufacturer Model No. T -7 Central Station transmitter manufacturer Model No. Battery voltage �i o ' Charge circuit voltage Battery under load . Alarms tripped by which initiating circuit �• LL. CENTRAL STATION FIRE CONTROL PANEL TRANSMITTER Smoke detectors cleaned? System operates on AC power aes ❑No 0 NA ves 0" "Alarm Silence"results in tbl,Sig. ❑No C3 NA /es ❑No Loss of AC results in trouble signal es 0 No El NA ©,Yes O.,Nc System operates on battery II Y s ❑No D NA ,i�es ❑ All circuits checked for eleo.supv. s ❑ No^ ❑NAND, p(es C]No Test meets manufacturer's Specs. ��*es ❑ No ❑NA ❑No All auxiliary equipment operates l s ❑ No ❑NA Key to fire control panel available s ❑No ❑NA Operating instructions posted , 0 No O NA r Test record posted at control panel ❑No ❑NA es ❑No Automatic time delay of general alarm minutes Time initiated Time received by Central Station EQUIPMENT TESTED NO.OF UNITS SATISFACTORY NO.OF UNITS TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TESTED YES NO NA IN BUILDING Bells,Horns,Chimes,Voice Alarms,Speakers,Water Gongs Visual Alarm Devices Trouble Indicators Heat Detectors Smoke Detectors " r Smoke Beams Sprinkler Waterflow Alarms Sprinkler Supervisory Switches Manual Pull Stations Ventilation Controls Operate Annunciators Elevator Recall Fire Dampers/Smoke Dampers Phone Jacks " Automatic Door Release Other ��kQ F_Sy This is to certify that this fire alarm system 1 central station transmitter has been properly testod and inspected for reliability to cover the items listed in this report,is consistent with tire alarm maintenance standards/manufacturer's requirements,and all corredons have been/have not been made. Signature of Inspector #9U)L-�� Date 4 'W-Vs Problems Found �4L Corrections Made Tri-Tek Systems FOR THE CrrY OF A 0 ,* f %� 8527 T�,nute Ln,NW Silverdale,WA 98383 Voice- (360)373 8373 Fax; (360)308 0254 Fire Alarm System Confidence Report Central Station Account No7 .S72` 1546 ALAW UAIM P— Occupied 3s(major tenant �Qi� �A ��� P � Address '"i`+J i� U Zip Code. /I Phone No. Type of Test: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Acceptance Number of Initiating circuits .� Number o"f`signaling circuits Fire control panel manufac �turer Modes No. zo 'p� { Central Stab op transmitter manufacturer 1.> � � model No. Battery Voltage Z-7e I Charge Circuit Voltage 7-7• 3 Battery under load 27,157 4 Alarms tripped by which initiating circuit Ad— CEN77RA L.--- CEN7R,1 LSTATION RECONTROLPANEL TKANSMITIER Smoke detecto"cIeaned7 "V✓/ 0 No Svstem operates on AC power 0 No ❑ NA a "Alarm sacnce results in tbl.9iS, es No NA B 0 NO Loss of AC results in trouble sign-] �es Q Ne Q NA Yes ❑ No System operate&on battery eS ❑ No ❑ NA ,_, yes 0 No All circuits checked for elec,sup— No Q NA LS Yes ❑ No Test meets manufacturer's&Pecs- ❑ No ❑ NA Yes 0 No All auxiliary rquiprrient operates ®/Yes 0 No 0 NA Key to fire cnntrDl panel avnilable e c4 ❑ No ❑ NA Q perating In u-motw posted 19 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA .� Test record posted at control panel eyes ❑ No ❑ NA V Y, 0 No Automatic time delay of general alarm minutes Time initiated— Timc received by Central Station EQIUIPMENT TESTED [.0.OF UNIT SATISFA ORY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT TESTED YES NO NA [N BUILDING 6et1e,1-19—,Ch-,m VoL—Alarm&,Spurkers,Water Gonsa Viauai Alarm L)tvkts Trr,.ble Indicators Iicat Detectors Snwkc Detectors Smoke Beams Sprinkkr W1tcrflow Alarrw Sprink]er Supervisory Switchcs Manual Pull 5tations Ventilation Controls Operate Amunciarors Elevator Reeall Fier Dampers/Smoke Dampers Phone lacks Automatic Door R.ei— jj us Qr2ier � `i 7 lL TFIIS 15 TO C£RT[FY THAT THIS FIRE A]Alt3�f SYSTEM!CENTRAL 5l AT10N TRANSMIT=1iAs HIMS MOPERLY TESTED AND D45PECrM FOR RELIASlLiT 1 TO COVER THE ITEMS Li= IN T11L5 REPORT, 1S CONSISTF-NT WITH FIRE ALARM l t�`p`?'�TiAlICE STANDARDS /MANUFACTIMER'S REQUIR AEN IS.AND ALL co►p.FCI'IONS HAVE BEEN I HAVE NOT AMN MADE, p Si lure of Isl.Spcetor fZi.A_-� ► ' ` Date /_ /r e l Probicros FoundR] n� ir"! S 1)�&{ OI L� Corse ` ctions Made R—PU , Zf� 39vd SW3ISAS A31 IJl bSZ0808098 8b :80 600Z/bl;/T0 TVI b M L rT' C CITDt+� - -~ FIR. All RA c i_nIsrA rya 2��� _ .L� _ S WEK�T (Ak)I LUT c s j�, rc� ,— MIA 60 39Vd SW31SAS A31 I�Ji VSZ080£09£ 817 :80 600Z/VT/T0 Ib/2014 08: 05 3803080254 TRI TEK #4137 P. 008/008 'Tri-Tek systems FOR THE CITY 4F ALANM 8527 Knute Lane NW Silverdale;WA.98383 Voice:(360)373-8373 Fire Alarm System Confidence Report F? x: (360)308-0254 Central Station ount No_ 72S 72" 159. Occupied as(major tenant) I ^_ .address ����� � y� Zip Code Phone No.��s���'�t;of .Type of test: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual n Acceptance Number of initiating circuits Number of signaling circuits Fire control panel manufacturer ILRT AKI(S."T Model No_ 5= ~"'entral Station transmitter manufacturer _-'5.1LF_K7 K LVAT Model No_ '3attery voltage 2-7. 7 . Charge bircuit voltage ZZ 3 _Battery under load alarms tripped by Which initiating circuit CENTRAL_STATION Smoke detectors,cleaned? ffFIRE CONTROL PANEL TRANSMITTER System operates on AC power WNe1 J No ❑NA Icy�s. 13 No `Alarm Silenoe"results in tlsl.sig_ as ❑No U NA O No Loss of AC results in trouble signal: Dr9��es Q No ❑NA . f 0 No System operates on battery lfl'Tes ❑No ❑NA ❑No all Circuits checked for elec.supv. - L', U No ❑NA �"es. U into Test meets manufacturer's specs. des ❑No L] JVes O No Ali auxiliary equipment operates U���Yes ❑No VIA Key to fire control panel available fr4e' s 0 No ❑NA ,Operating instructions posted v s ❑No LJ NA IcGt record posted:at control panel iloirs ❑No ❑NA iiii+les 33 No Automatic time delay of general alarm _ minutes Time initiated Time rec>3tvecf by Central Station EQUIPMENTTESTED - NO-OF UNITS SATISFACTORY ._NO.OF UNITS. 4 TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. TESTED YES NO . NA IN BUILDING. _ Sells-Horns,Chimes,Voice Alarms,Speakers,Water Gongs Visual Alarm Devices 45 Trouble Indicators �T _ Neat Detectors Smoke Detectors Smoke Beams Sprinkler Waterflow Alarms i.Sprinkler Supervisory Switches Manual.Pull Stations �.Ventilation Controls Gperate FAnnunciators. _Elevator Recall Fire Dampers%Smoke Dampers _ Phone Jacks Automatic Door Release _ Other _ Tt is is to certify that this lire alarm system/oeniral station transmitter ttaS been properly tested and inspected for reliability to cover the items listed in this,report,is oonsisfsnt" yNith fire alarm maintenance.standards/rnanutacturers requirements,and all corrections have been/have not,*een made. ♦ - .. ;signature of Inspector Date Z6 Pzn Problems Found W u�. >P6 a TAIC1 V�_Imi Corrections Made