HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2011-00373 Cancelled - BLD Application - 5/10/2011 MASON COUNTY PERMIT NO. 57-3 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar• P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton (360) 427-9670 • Belfair (360) 275-4467 • Elma (360) 482-5269 % C On the web www.co.mason.wa.us APPLICANT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Owner i—C�►J�n F=C i c K Company Name �,-11.<r tii s-Sc.i/ --zk.5r Zz_zt Mailing Address Mailing Address in l City State Zip Code City,SHf ,L) State L�A Zip Code Phone Other Ph. Phone _1_n- j -f-2 Other Uyt i Lien/Title Holder Contractor Reg. #= i�31 K.S�rgCl ?J Exp. t z E mail address E Mail Address ::E:X i[f Y Lc!a 2 Drivers Lic.# DOB Drivers Lic.# DOB SEPTIC/WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION - Connect to New Septic Existing Septic Connect to Water System Name of Water System Well Water System Name of Water System PARCEL INFORMATION- 12 Digit Parcel No Fire District Legal Description Site Address(Please include street name, street number and city) L -A. F S z�y Directions to site �-1r;4— lr-7 le,4/hr / 2&L Will timber be cut and sold.in-parcel preparation? Yes 963 Is property within 200'�Saltwater t.Lake River/Creek Pond Wetland Seasonal Runoff +t Stream Slopes or Bluffs > 150% 11­1__,�i Is this permit submittal the result of a Stop Work Notice,Correction Notice or other enforcement action?Yes/No TYPE OF JOB - New Ad Alt Repair Other PRIMARY RESIDENCES SEASONAL ❑ Use of Building Cjc j 1� Describe Work r:3412n JCL— eLx s5 i 7 y9 42s-c L No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms Square Footage- 1 st Floor _ nd Floor 3rd Floor Basement Deck Covered Deck Other Sq. ft. Garage Attached� Detached Carport Attached Detached MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION - Make Model Year Length Width Serial No. No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price $ Replacement Unit? Yes/No Installer Name Certification No. OWNER/BUILDER Acknowledges submission of inaccu to inf ion may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owne rs le resentative,or the contractor.I further declare that I am entitled to receive this Q permit and to do the work as proposed in the applica I dec that I ve obtained the permission from all the necessary parties.If permission is a required from any easement holder or any other pa in inter st regarding is application or the work proposed in the application,I have obtained v permission from them to apply for this permit and conduct th work proposed. The owner or agent on owners behalf,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason Coun cress to thq above described property and structure for review and inspection. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF APROGRE&S INSPECTION X Date Owner/Owners Represents t ,/ o a for ndicate which one) FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYON S QJ.NT rf Accepte y: Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APP D DENIED NOTES Building Department Planning Department Environmental Health Department No Public Works Department Fire Marshal FEES Building Permit Fee Site Insp,ection Plan Review Fee EH Review Fee Plumbing & Base Fee Planning Review Fee Mechanical & Base fee Other Wood/Gas/ Pellet Stove Fee State Fee Violation Fee Pre-Paid at Submittal Valuation $ TOTAL FEES oN'STATF MASON COUNTY o P� A o N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F o N Z Planning Division N i y P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 °o a° (360)427-9670 1864 NOTIFICATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION June 02, 2011 LONZO FLICK 18270 STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN WA 98524 Parcel No.: 122205002006 Project Description: COVER OVER EXISTING DECK Dear Applicant: You have submitted a permit application (case no. BLD2011-00373) for proposed construction or development in the county. Upon review of your application, I have determined that the contents of the application are incomplete or do not provide enough detail for review. Therefore, review of your application will not proceed until the necessary information is provided (see the comment section of this letter for details.) Once the information is submitted and the application is complete, I will continue to process your application accordingly. If the additional information is not provided to the County within 180 days of this request, the application shall expire and no further action on the proposed development shall take place. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 6/2/2011 Page 1 of 2 BLD2011-00373 NOTIFICATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION 6/2/2011 Case No.: BLD2011-00373 Comments: On May 26, 2011 1 visit this property and measured the distance from the bulkhead to the roof eaves at the southeast portion of the residence (the area closest to the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet). THE PROPOSED ROOF OVER EXISTING DECK WILL NOT MEET STANDARDS AND CANNOT BE ALLOWED. That distance is 35 feet from the bulkhead (13 feet depth of deck and 22 feet from the deck to the bulkhead). That distance is the minimum shoreline setback allowed by Mason County Planning Dept. regulations. In addition, with an existing residence located out in front of and closer to the shoreline than either residence to the north and south, proposed expansion or addition to the subject residence has to be behind the commonline drawn from roof eaves of the adjacent residences to the roof eave corners of the subject residence. This standard addresses potential view obstructions to neighboring properties. The builing contractor stated that the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet has changed over the years. State aerial photos show the change in the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet is not as significant (a few feet) to allow the roof to be constructed over this existing deck and meet the commonline standard or the 35 foot shoreline setback. Any addition proposed will need to meet the regulations noted. 6/2/2011 Page 2 of 2 BLD2011-00373 P 9. yF !i i ^ !C� 74 u.. -a. �T22Nft4W f. i J n� � 3 Y a i i 7 q k *�J•+f1 y N 1 inch = 50 feet VV r l 1 inch = 0.01 miles S A DOILL55 PLANNING: �sz7o sr�3 ALL !' NplG� zzX 13 cav£� 1 SETBACK ' A 11 YA N WA. FROM S AgSUR vrioPROJECT ON pF TU9 85 2y UILDING PLO P.(--4 k) l : LANIVIN � RE G CEIVED � °C I MAY 0 g 2011 - 426 CEDAR ST. � 1 N W -f, a 41�1 ConCv'f-iL Di2(VWAtf _# s 7-4 x 30 EX(ST HC#K . •a- - � • '� ,0 DEtACREO t?"IE EXiSTY j a T 24x17- o N Luc " N 7 nl r 1 ,in I(O 1 O� i . I l Case Activity Listing Ae,& K`6Z t-AdU3 14� 11/7/2013 2:42:OOPM Case#: BLD2011-00373 *f&"J- A Done Actin ity Description Date I Date 2 Male 3 hold Disp To By updated updated 13y BLDA010 Application Received 5/10/2011 5/10/2011 None DONE TW 5/10/2011 GMM BLDA920 Miscellaneous Action 5/10/2011 None DONE TW 5/10/2011 GMM NORTH BAY SEWER NO EH REVIEW BLDB 155 Letter of Incompleteness 6/2/2011 None DONE AHB 6/2/2011 AHB On May 26,20111 visit this property and measured the distance from the bulkhead to the roof eaves at the southeast portion of the residence(the area closest to the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet). THE PROPOSED ROOF OVER EXISTING DECK WILL NOT MEET STANDARDS AND CANNOT BE ALLOWED. That distance is 35 feet from the bulkhead(13 feet depth of deck and 22 feet from the deck to the bulkhead). That distance is the minimum shoreline setback allowed by Mason County Planning Dept.regulations. In addition,with an existing residence located out in front of and closer to the shoreline than either residence to the north and south,proposed expansion or addition to the subject residence has to be behind the commonline drawn from roof eaves of the adjacent residences to the roof eave corners of the subject residence.This standard addresses potential view obstructions to neighboring properties. The builing contractor stated that the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet has changed over the years. State aerial photos show the change in the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet is not as significant (a few feet)to allow the roof to be constructed over this existing deck and meet the commonline standard or the 35 foot shoreline setback. Any addition proposed will need to meet the regulations noted. BLDB130 Planning Review 5/10/2011 6/2/2011 None FAIL AHB AHB 6/2/2011 AHB On May 26,20111 visit this property and measured the distance from the bulkhead to the roof eaves at the southeast portion of the residence(the area closest to the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet). THE PROPOSED ROOF OVER EXISTING DECK WILL NOT MEET STANDARDS AND CANNOT BE ALLOWED. That distance is 35 feet from the bulkhead(13 feet depth of deck and 22 feet from the deck to the bulkhead). That distance is the minimum shoreline setback allowed by Mason County Planning Dept.regulations. In addition,with an existing residence located out in front of and closer to the shoreline than either residence to the north and south,proposed expansion or addition to the subject residence has to be behind the commonline drawn from roof eaves of the adjacent residences to the roof eave corners of the subject residence.This standard addresses potential view obstructions to neighboring properties. The boiling contractor stated that the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet has changed over the years. State aerial photos show the change in the ordinary high water mark of Case Inlet is not as significant (a few feet)to allow the roof to be constructed over this existing deck and meet the commonline standard or the 35 foot shoreline setback. Any addition proposed will need to meet the regulations noted. ahb BLDB110 Building Plan Review 5/10/2011 6/7/2011 None DONE LDK 6/7;201 1 LDK COMPLETED REVIEW,SENT TO CASE MANAGER. BLDA920 Miscellaneous Action I1/7/2013 None DONE AHB AHB 11/7/2013 AHB This permit was held up from June 2011 to Feb.2013,as the applicant did not revise their site plan. Fire on Feb. 18,2013 destroyed most tof the home.BLD2013-00431 will rebuild home and the deck that is setback from shore. AHB Page 1 of 1 CaseActivity..rpt MASON COUNTY PERMIT NO.'- BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar• P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton (360) 427-9670 • Belfair (360) 275-4467 • Elma (360) 482-5269 On the web www.co.mason.wa.us APPLICANT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Owner 1=-Ue K Company Name - 171<C-;:Zl PSc.ill ei:. /- :Zz-k. Mailing Address 5sr_ Mailing Address k)t Lc;�,cLa-r-c-i c City State Zip Code City."sHi uz State LVA Zip Code 9ILL'f Phone Other Ph. Phone_7,-_e) 32,- -7 Other Ph._` -C•-v 9b ever Lien/Title Holder Contractor Reg. #l-?-Ki?i r S�rSnlh�Exp. ->.A 2 E mail address E Mail Address f lam}iL F Y L y:-9 Drivers Lic.# DOB Drivers Lic.# DOB SEPTIC/WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION - Connect to New Septic Existing Septic Connect to Water System Name of Water System Well Water System Name of Water System �f%f PARCEL INFORMATION - 12 Digit Parcel No, Fire District Legal Description Site Address(Please�include street name, street number and city) f�?7CU �tZ;3 f /LY�cv LcIA. Directions to site OLL -171f- ��si A��e��� fry /(? 16 072', Will timber be cut and soldir>_.parrel preparation? Yes o Is property within 200' f Saltwater Lake River/Creek Pond Wetland Seaso—nalRunoff Slopes or Bluffs ] 15% � /­ Is this permit submittal the result of a Stop Work Notice, Correction Notice or other enforcement action?Yes/No TYPE OF JOB - New Ad Alt Repair Other PRIMARY RESIDENCE Ec SEASONAL ❑ Use of Building (i; 1f - Describe Work :?d­Pn �OCI,1 t`,tS7 vim, No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms Square Footage- 1 st Floor Win( nd Floor 3rd Floor Basement Deck Covered Deck Other Sq. ft. ZMF16 Garage Attached Detached Carport Attached Detached MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION -Make Model Year Length Width Serial No. No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price $ Replacement Unit? Yes/No Installer Name Certification No. OWNER/BUILDER Acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or the contractor.I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed in the application. I declare that I have obtained the permission from all the necessary parties. If permission is required from any easement holder or any other party in interest regarding this application or the work proposed in the application, I have obtained permission from them to apply for this permit and conduct the work proposed. The owner or agent on owners behalf,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure for review and inspection. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. X �7 ` - Date: =1 L r Owner/Owners Represents ive,t'Co actor indicate which one) FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYONb THIS POINT Accepted by: Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DENIED NOTES Building Department 7 �� Planning Department Environmental Health Department Nj Public Works Department Fire Marshal FE E S- Building Permit Fee Site Inspection Plan Review Fee EH Review Fee Plumbing & Base Fee Planninq Review Fee Mechanical& Base fee Other Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee State Fee Violation Fee 1 Pre-Paid at Submittal Valuation a 1 TOTAL FEES IJ A I)o ILE-C6 6 2 70 s R 3 RECEIVED ProPC&W 2 Z X 13 coUef' l A 11 YA N WA. g MAY 0 9 2011 ou fir' G=X�STrv� pECis 9 83 2y 426 W. CEDAR ST. i za -v BUILD � ING c ti 1 t a0 C_cnC*,-LLL. 40►2.1 V WA 4 _.a► _ s� f Z4 x 30 EX ISTIYI& HcJME... •Q V E TACH ED t?ArA9 E EX�ST1 j a N puK � 4 •N + 30.-0„ + Ii-o" } bo a" 35 0�� I l A50 4 Cott MASON COUNTY i DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mason County Bldg. III, 426 West Cedar Street _- — PO Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 1854 www.co.masonma.us (360)427-9670 Belfair(360)275-4467 Elma (360)482-5269 Inspection Request Line (360) 427-7262 (Inspections conducted between 8:00am and 4:00pm) GARAGE / DECK PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Owner: LOh2o �I�c.��- Contractor: I-VwTs Iy\. C&—yl Permit Number: 131,0;kot 1-00Z n Site Address: IS6a'7U S 3 Plans Examiner: LllpL Date: !o/7/ 11 • 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) WAC 51-51 • 2009 International Building Code (IBC) WAC 51-50 • 2009international Mechanical Code (IMC) WAC 51-52 • 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) WAC 51-56 & 51-57 • 2009 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC), WAC 51-11 • 2009 International Fire Code WAC 51-54 • Seismic Zone , Wind load 85 mph, Exposure (3 (as determined in R301.2.1.4) • Roof snow load '2X�4 lbs. Per square foot. Floor live load varies, see R301.5. The numbered items on the following pages are associated with the above referenced codes, as adopted by Mason County. The same number identifies items in the checklist and noted on the approved plans. This checklist shall remain attached to the approved plans and be available during inspections by Mason County Building Inspectors. This checklist is submitted as information only, and shall not be construed as an all- inclusive list of code requirements. Errors or omissions in the plans and specifications shall not prevent the Building Official, or his authorized agents, from requiring revisions or corrections to these plans, and stopping the progress of the project under permit. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections can be scheduled by calling(360) 427-7262. From Belfair call (360) 275-4467 ext. 262. Requests can also be faxed to (360) 427-7798 or via the Mason County website at www.co.mason.wa.us. Go to Community Development, then click the link in the left banner"Request an Inspection, Building Division": http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community_dev/bld inspection.php To schedule an inspection the following information will be needed: Permit number, site address, name of owner, type inspection requested, preferred day-ofinspectin, and the telephone number Mason County staff should use when they call to confirm the inspection. Staff will attempt to accommodate dates that are requested-. Word.2009manufactured home checklist coversheet FLOOR PLAN 1. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS&COMPLIANCE interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one TO APPROVED PLANS : IRC Section RI06. alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual unit. Approved site plans shall be attached to the approved The alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms over building plans during inspection. Property lines shall be background noise levels with all intervening doors closed. marked. Setback distances will be measured from the Required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power furthest projection of the permitted structure. from the building wiring when such wiring is served from Manufacturer's installation instructions shall be available a commercial source and when primary power is on the job site at the time of inspection. All work shall be interrupted,shall receive power from a battery. installed in accordance with the approved construction Additions, interior alterations, and repairs shall be documents. Any changes made during construction that provided with smoke alarms as required for new are not in compliance with the approved construction dwellings;the smoke alarms shall be interconnected and documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an hard wired. (Exception:Smoke alarms are not required to amended set of construction documents. To request be interconnected and hardwired where the alteration or approval of revisions complete a"Request To Revise An repairs does not result in the removal of interior wall or Approved Plan"form and submit to the Mason County ceiling finishes exposing the structure, unless there is an Permit Center along with approved plans and documents attic, crawl space,-or basement available which could detailing the proposed changes. R106 provide access for hard wiring and interconnection without removal of hard finishes. Repairs to the exterior 2. EGRESS WINDOWS: IRC Section R310. All sleeping surfaces of dwellings are exempt from these rooms and basements with habitable space shall have at requirements). least one openable emergency escape and rescue opening. Such opening shall open directly into a public street, 4. SAFETY GLAZING: IRC Section R308. All glass public alley,yard or court. Emergency escape and rescue located in areas that are considered hazardous must be openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 safety glazed and provided with a manufacturer's square feet. Except that grade floor openings shall have a designation,designating the type of glass and the safety minimum net clear opening of 5 square feet(see definition glazing standardwith which it complies,which is visible below). The minimum net clear opening height dimension in the final installation. The designation shall be acid shall be 24". The minimum net clear opening width etched,sandblasted,ceramic-fired,laser etched, dimension shall be 20".The openings shall have a embossed,or be of a type which once applied cannot be finished sill height not more than 44"above the floor. removed without being destroyed. A label may be Emergency escape and rescue openings shall be permitted in lieu of the manufacturer's designation.The operational from the inside of the room without use of following shall be considered hazardous locations: keys or tools or special knowledge.Window wells shall be 1. Glazing in swinging doors. provided when egress windows have a finished sill height 2. Glazing in fixed and sliding door assemblies and below adjacent ground elevation. The well shall allow the panels in sliding and bifold closet doors. window to be fully opened and provide a minimum 3. Glazing in storm doors. horizontal area of 9 sq.ft'with a minimum horizontal 4. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. projection and width of 36-inches. Window wells with a 5. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, vertical depth of more than 44"shall be equipped with a whirlpools,saunas, steam rooms,bathtubs and permanent ladder. Grade floor opening definition:A shower.Glazing in any part of a building wall window or other opening located such that the sill height enclosing these compartments where the bottom of the opening is not more than 44"above or below the exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60- finished ground level adjacent to the opening. Refer to inches measured vertically above any standing or handout for additional information. walking surface. 6. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel 3. SMOKE ALARMS:IRC Section R313. All smoke adjacent to a door where the nearest vertical edge alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL217 and is within a 24-inch arc of the door in a closed installed in accordance with the provisions of the position and whose bottom edge is less than 60" International Residential Code and the household warning above the floor or walking surface. equipment provisions of NFPA 72. Smoke alarms shall 7. Glazing that meets all of the following conditions: be installed in each sleeping room,outside each separate 7.1.Exposed area of an individual pane is greater sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms, than 9 square feet. and on each additional story of the dwelling,including 7.2. Exposed bottom edge is less than 18"above basements. Each floor and basement shall have at least the floor. one detector. When more than one smoke alarm is 7.3. Top edge greater than 36"above the floor. required to be installed the alarm devices shall be 1 A fNKl+lCK+w ^, VENT ���Tirry ra ewL R) AT 1 Sq Ft Per 1.50 Sq Ft -�t Z x ro over r-01�ucj5 ->"C) cook Z x f=ACI A t 1trusE engineering : -70 be avE ilable i in, site l ► AWF -%SSSC)r rruss�,s Z'"oc ti k I Z. TD►� cc+ro f rarr ng ins ectio, Z• `z t36rr c�I� �'�/55 cum p�c� Truss ""Pr - 44 x I Z. t3EAPVA CAC 4+ SfoL t MaY r-3C ts77(I E- \—HUCRtIO ZACHS10 I CCQ 4y PUSr CAP° --AC14 SIDS C,,, t l t�ecd -ro (x-." 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SULr�r3.n Cs Q 9L t,;,;, 0 z /t!,- rn-,r�,� sr�ds w► �►�, 1- c�s t �!► �-� , Lo ,, zv S ITE COPY 222o S-v 020010 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT LO>G- Date A 7 1 Documents attached to approved plans: Site plan: Plan review checklist: Yfs Pages Engineering: Y () Lateral Vertical THESE PLANS MUST BE Number of pages�S ON THE JOB SITE 4 FOR INSPECTION MIDST MEET ALL.CURRENT WASHINGTON-STATE'CODES CHANGES aUBMIT CHAN-S FOR APPROVAL PRI+aR To PERFORMING VORK Full truss engineering must be available on site at VENT framing inspection AT 1 Sq Ft Per 150 Sq Ft # I A �-� VE-NT Wrt AcL ffr4i oc~c -rz-, c3� V ry m c 1117-1 dox-0 AT 1 Sq Ft Per 150 Sq Ft 2 x F otter rn^(Mi1S fo coof- DE T-.4 L 6 ` ?pf Z z x FACrA l I trus engiri :ring , �o b e a i l a b l e n s i to t ,� mot= -%SgS cr- '►ra.W15 Z,&oc N k r Z. -M P cart fra ng ins ectio z.+ r 2- Corr c.�+�a N f// TruSS Cum p�4c� Tlu�s �Pr - Li x rZ OEAvv% 6ACN Srpf- �3ccsnrr6- l.. F}GwrE ��- NuC�►o u+sraE, r C C Q ` If Posr cAlo F1+cr+ S I ok�, I , C,a;t l ttiecd ro CSC � I I 'E�kvrf"-� I�Av�� /S�ZC�I�w�f/ ��L_ De-craZ7ut- PRf- mAtir COCc,--' 'To .SC-10 odes- pc6T� fo S"pforl dcA,,, Tv r r , ! � GCiQ 44 Enclt Scl�. ny�pasf 0 LH X Z4 X If COM- 01Err w 9+a Lf "R�,4ck wad ,P k orF K�Xt57-iiUC: p`U( �' W M C 0 Q Z 44X4 P-F Posr- in F t3&r) AS° CoLoUwt THESE PLANS MUST BE 6� r�ST� �I �� , ON THE JOB SITE POSfis .sc/?L— '/Y I - o FOR INSPECTION w RPM -->Of- fow � p�Ct{ Tin) VVt r W\44 QW.- 7S 10 ID -r►�tsS Z� o C- w,rt J �lun(�- ALL 3GTH SdJS F+t fQacH 04f- 4LotsJ )C TGS 14ucGiZ4 �z Pb� �L v 7— c32AIK CAP r�L su � r�+- 4Y467"" t+T't �-- GF >_Md ° t"r S c as y q ,ter L4asE_ x y b Cun C- P c Ef- Zq,l Z iL 1�5&co c� — - �i- E ar-4+ -clot— s • ' : • Zs - o " +u �rurec�� .�. THESE PLAN- �, zCt-o ♦ ON THEJ08 -kf�L- /y`` = t U" FOR INSPEC'� . 3�6d-,O 11-60-37 3 FILE COPY 2 2 0/ S0 0?10-(� REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT L (X— Date 9 7 -I Documents attached to approved plans: T i1ESE PLANS MUST BE Site plan: ON THE JOB SITE Plan review checklist:tiS Pa;.r., Engineering: Y-© Lateral Vefti-ai FOR INSPECTION Number of pages Z S MIDST MEET ALL CURP, WOQNGTO N�STATE CG(s r CHANGES SUBMIT CHANIC=s FOR APPRROVAI p>RIQR TO PEitfOR A' !G Full truss engineering mus- be available on site at VENT framing inspection AT A.Sq Ft Per 150 Sq Ft