HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2008-01206 Garage - BLD Permit / Conditions - 2/23/2009 Request To Revise An'Approved Plan Permit Number: BLD200 8 - D I a0 Cp Name 40W&A cL Ann S� Parcel Number_I A,.;, 19 - Sy - ncn'+ a Phone Number daytime 3[00 ) 3y0 r7 1[a F, Project Address I Co E LJAS'OCZ � -be- nol°4*4ailing Address Al L�. WA 9 8 SZ4-} Please provide a complete, detailed description of the proposed revisions to the approved plans: 1 - 30(STS Mi4 l/t'�-�✓2.� SG/SSoi2 T!Z✓SSrs A�o d� .te R FZ T n o o ^'a Goo�2 o .G �r "aoa.r,�z�_ o.✓ �ftGf/S��a f d a sr.4 2 G✓/.✓d Op.ls f 6oe y S/Z_ 3 .GiLVM Oyo ro y0 y0 A6F4.&-7 r�1 .S7Jlyg �i��✓ci r �Go�2 t� Sw,g��pa� 7�0 /QOIoQ Sc�Ji c�2 Are two sets of the revised plans or addendum indicating the changes included? 0 Yes ❑ No Are the approved site plans included? 0 Yes ❑ No Are the revisions clearly and accurately identified on the plans or addendum? jd Yes ❑ No Does the plan contain an engineer's or architect's lateral or vertical analysis? 9 Yes ❑ No If Yes, Has the engineer or architect approved this revision? R( Yes ❑ No Is a stamped and signed approval included with this request? X Yes ❑ No (Note: No structural changes to a"designed"plan will be approved without the written consent of the engineer and/or architect of record Does the proposed revision modify the footprint or location of the structure? ❑ Yes 0 No If Yes, Is a revised site plan, with all new setback dimensions included with this request? ❑ Yes ❑ No Additional Information: Applicant's signature / Date: Z/z31Av9 Office Use Only Received by: ` Date Sent Assigned To Ap roved By to ❑ B. as 2 D Original Valuation: Additional Valuation: $ Sq.Ft. x$ $ Sq. Ft. x$ $ Total New Valuation $ Additional Fees: Additional Planning Dept. $ Additional Plan Review $ Q r Additional nditjo / e Additional Building Permit $ Additional Plumbing $ Additional Mechanical $ Additional E.H. Dept. $ Ny Other $ Total Amount Due: $ Amount To Be Paid Up-Front$ Inspection Line (360)427-7262 MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (360)427-9670, ext.352 Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 1rf;0 Shelton, WA 98584 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT BLD2008-01206 OWNER: HOWARD HONSEY RECEIVED: 9/22/2008 CONTRACTOR: LICENSE: EXP: ISSUED: 10/16/2008 SITE ADDRESS: 100 E WESTLAKE DR NORTH ALLYN 1 .t EXPIRES: 8/2/2009 PARCEL NUMBER: 122195000042 (\ r LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LAKELAND VILLAGE 7 LOT: 42 ,Llu PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: Garage. 2 story heated storage Lakeland Villiage General Information Construction & Occupancy Information Square Footage Information No. of Bedrooms: Type of Constr.: VB Type of Use: SF Insp. Area: No. of Bathrooms: Occ. Group: U Lot Size: Deck: 48 Type of Work: ACC Fire Dist.: 5 No. of Stories: 2 Occ. Load: Building: Garage-Detached 2,162 Valuation: Building Height: Occ. Status: Primary Basement: Manufactured Home Information Setback Information Shoreline& Planning Information Make: Length: Ft. Front: W 10.0 Ft. Shoreline: Ft. Water Body: Rear: E 51.0 Ft. Slope: Ft. SEPA?: Model: Width: Ft. Side 1: N 4.0 Ft. Shoreline Desig.: Year: Serial No.: Side 2: 5.0 Ft. Comp. Plan Desig.: Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures FEES Type Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt Lavatories 1 Ventilation Fan 1 Plan Check Fee KKK 9/22/2008 $459.39 S22008000 Showers 1 Boller 1 Planning Review Fee KKK 9/22/2008 $190.00 S22008000 Water Closets (Toilets) 1 EH Plan Review KKK 9/22/2008 $40.00 S22o08000 Water Heaters 1 ADJUST--Plan Check Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $9.10 B12008000 Building State Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $4.50 61200800o Building Permit Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $720.75 B12008000 Mechanical Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $25.40 B120o80oo Mechanical Base Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $26.60 B12008000 Plumbing Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $32.40 B12008000 Plumbing Base Fee ARC 9/25/2008 $23.10 B12008000 Total $1,631.24 BLD2008-01206 Please refer to the following pages for conditions ofthis permit. 1 of 5 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 411 N. Fifth Street/ P.O. Box 186, Shelton WA 98584 360.427.9670 ext. 352 DDR — I Rec'd by Request for Administrative Variance for Reduction in the Required Setbacks ($115.00) For administrative review, the minimum variance on a setback request is 5 feet from the side yard lot lines and 10 feet for front and rear lot lines or any access easement. Request for further reduction requires a standard variance. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure, including roof eaves. Applicant/Owners: Mailing Address: /Oo Telephone : 3ho- 75-9'00.2 City: A=�,4,4 / State: A.//1- Zip: 9> � If this reduction is tied to a building permit, please give permit case number. BLD D8-O/�Olp Parcel Number(s): /Z 2/9S O�Of�yz Zoning Site Address: S,9r�c Requested variance: Front / Rea / Sidi Yard (please circle all that apply) Requested setback variance: An illustrated site plan is required. Your site plan must show the following: north arrow, abutting street or easements, set backs to all property lines and existing buildings, slopes, surface water, wetlands, critical areas, septic, well and driveway. Show all proposed new development. The following circumstances must apply: FRONT AND OR REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS: 1) Existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following: (Please circle all that apply) 2) One of the following exists on the lot: a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; b) soils that restrict building or septic development; c) lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; d) lot size of no more than one-fourth acre; \\CLUS'FERI_HOME_SERVER\HOME\COMMON\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENRPA0VARIANCES\2009 Adminstrative.var.doc Updated: 12-15-2008 4 e) existing improvements of buildings, septic systems, and well areas. SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS: 1) Existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following. (Please circle all that apply) 2) One of the following exists on the lot: a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; soils that restrict building or septic development; (a lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; d) lot size of no more than one-half acre; e) existing improvements of buildings, septic systems, and well areas. Explain how these circumstances preclude a reasonable development proposal from meeting the setback standard for Rural Residential 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 zones. /�"S✓ZG✓ -0 TWL--F' 2 ——,-/ ��2 Tye ��Z.���•�,c= ITS .rtN o-tllJ Sygj�� L v�`� Owner/ Agent (please indicate) Signature and date Official Use Only Approved Date Z(. Denied Date Reason for denial: \\CLUSTERI_HOME_SERVER\ TOME\COMMON\COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENRPAC\VARIANCES\2009 Adminstrative.var.doc Updated: 12-15-2008 .o CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME p o y w Footln Setbacks 0-Z�� Date Y-/ �t/ � ) Ribbons 0) Gas Pip ng interior Date y Interior-Date By Date By rnExterior Date By / Exterior-Date BSety _ Point Load/Isolated Footings INSULATION Date By COC BG t SLAB INSULATION C Date By Data By FIRE DEPARTMENT > Foundation Walls Floors Date By p Date B Data _ (� By DECKS FRAMING TA Wails Date By Date -(� By Data By PROPANETANKS PLUMBING vault Date By Date By OTHER Groundwork Attic Type: Date By Date By Date By D.W.v C©iv_D DRYWALL Type_ Int Brace Wall Date By W Date �(—� By Date By FINAL INSPECTION p ni Water Line Fire Seperation C Date By Date By Date '- - By p Pass or Request Inspect. CD Type of Insp. Fail Date Date Done By Comments c CD a� ya S 1-9917 /L 4 _t j 2 a w � / c , 100 AX o riv ' 8 u 1 < < - 0 1, t o /.✓ i/�� .- ,ail Ij CP �J a GJ ov w✓ �} �9SS -�S/a -19/ TF/1 l (2y ,✓ frN19C �j�✓.9� ,-4t z 16-1 2-),7 It iF 71 . �� R sf� Aru►'��ro 0 0^- #I) MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 411 N. Fifth Street/ P.O. Box 186, Shelton WA 98584 2-3 Ve 360.427.9670 ext. 352 DDR - III Rec'd by Request for Administrative Variance for Reduction in the Required Setbacks ($115.00) For administrative review, the minimum variance on a setback request is 5 feet from the side yard lot lines and 10 feet for front and rear lot lines or any access easement. Request for further reduction requires a standard variance. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure, including roof eaves. Applicant/Owners: Mailing Address: /OD Telephone : 36,o- ;�, 75-9'OOZ City: Az �f.j State: Gy/- Zip: y� If this reduction is tied to a building permit, please give permit case number. BLD o8-O/zoo Parcel Number(s): /2 2 /9S O�Of�yZ Zoning Site Address: SA-74 Requested variance: Front / Rea / Side Yard (please circle all that apply) Requested setback variance: An illustrated site plan is required. Your site plan must show the following: north arrow, abutting street or easements, set backs to all property lines and existing buildings, slopes, surface water, wetlands, critical areas, septic, well and driveway. Show all proposed new development. The following circumstances must apply: FRONT AND OR REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS: 1) Existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following: (Please circle all that apply) 2) One of the following exists on the lot: a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; b) soils that restrict building or septic development; c) lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; d) lot size of no more than one-fourth acre; \\CLUSTERI_HOME_SERVER\HOME\COMMON\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\PAC\VARIANCES\2009 Adminstrative.vandoc Updated: 12-15-2008 e. e) existing improvements of buildings, septic systems, and well areas. SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS: 1) Existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following. (Please circle all that apply) 2) One of the following exists on the lot: a) steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; soils that restrict building or septic development; nc lot width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet; d) lot size of no more than one-half acre; e) existing improvements of buildings, septic systems, and well areas. Explain how these circumstances preclude a reasonable development proposal from meeting the setback standard for Rural Residential 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 zones. /a3/��li✓ To rr��"" S® .T,.� �iz.m���s--T y Li nor' �N® Th'�� Q oCS iv o'7 �Lc-o u./ c�G—t/ /LVOM .�✓� /f DiC=/G�cy��"-7-fl .�ii r, q1tolr ,�� z4 Owner/Agent (please indicate) Signature and date Official Use Only Approved Date 1, Denied Date Reason for denial: \\CLUSTERI_HOME_SERVER\ TOME\COMMON\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\PAC\VARIANCES\2009 Adminstrative.var.doc Updated: 12-15-2008 •� ' ,k1�. � gip_ WTI a k - W y. "E w j.: .. -"b F5 " ' f w _ )♦ AMI t 1 a > _ y • it ... .. - - _ _ _ �•,.x� +- � r.��, w - �� � `� -�. -�... �{tip � t'.-`•' � �,.v �` . - _ +. .IMf. s- �WllA�'� :w, K Y '�."`. •° � >� 3�,> ,,,�„c , ,fig-,.�.�` �",��'� .. .� � �`�n+ �.1 `�' " a 4 4 e ty r M i N. s r iqL A . { APPROIED PLAN PLOEIVED ISION M _ P ' 1ELANNING :- DATE S t� lT c S BJErTTO APPROVAL �� Da to --� ' F�Ge£ OF I'�SP11Ita—T . f�Vc3rL�lX� �1z A/ --- — -- co . E_ P,zo�ds�a Cxis r�r✓G- i 2,v d 2I✓L�L✓�y tt k''Ac Pa o�.oscn "OvA Ib - ��Mir1 GQ�vc�L N S9r �K O V \\ f N n M sy V& APPRO ;fE® �hw N MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING c�— SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE 001, PLAN PLOT VISION E ' � APPROVED DATE MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE CHANGES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL RIW wy a - • E�bir oF• /-�spf�nta--7' L N a s c r p --- z -------------- ell 12 ...,,,,•q LPG. k P.za �X/ST�r✓G- . �� pf►arli "'1 sy � WAts- APPROVED Lhw N MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING 9' SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE CHANGES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL _ � 1.