HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2010-00044 for COM2010-00077 - COM Engineering / Geo-Tech Reports - 8/19/2010 Mason County Review Checklist
For a Geological Assessment
This checklist is intended to assist Staff in the review of a Geological Assessment. The Assessment is reviewed for
completeness with respect to the Resource Ordinance. If an item is found to be not applicable, the report should
explain the basis for the conclusion. The Assessment is also reviewed for clarity and consistency. If the drawings,
discussion, or recommendations are not understandable, they should be clarified. If they do not appear internally
consistent or consistent with the application or observations on site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If
resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director.
Applicant's Name: 9)4'M &12 4elirZ Z,01_45VIO
Permit#: 77 Parcel#'s: �.►� 3 �� �O/7/`7/V
Date(s) of the Document(s) reviewed: /0
1. A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development, with geologic unit
designation based on referenced maps.
OK? y Comment:
2. (a) A discussion of the ground water conditions at the site,
OK? Comment:
(b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water
OK? Comment:
(c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage
OK? (/" Comment:
(d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology
OK? L/ Comment:
(e) A discussion of location of upland waterbodies and wetlands.
OK? L/ Comment:
3. The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g. glacial till or outwash sand.
OK? (,-- Comment:
4. A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability(presence of hummocky ground or ground
cracks, terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating
downslope movement, etc.).
OK? I-_ Comment:
5. A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records.
OK? Tl Comment:
6. An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or its associated buffer or
setback ano the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of the proposed development.
OK?�_Comment: 0
/1 /o
7. A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to further evaluate site
conditions and the proposed development of the subject property.
OK?✓ Comment:
Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
8. If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development, then the following are
delineated on a.geologic map/site map:
(a) the area of the proposed development,
OK? Comment:
I" (b) the boundaries of the landslide hazard area (top, both sides, and toe),
OK? Comment:
(c) the associated buffers (top, both sides, and toe)
OK? Comment:
(d) building or other setbacks (top, both sides, and toe).
OK? Comment:
9. A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of
existing and proposed development on the site.
OK? Comment:
Are the Documents si ned and stamped? ✓ By whom?
License#: License tpV-(9Col
_..__........_.._...._....- ---- ---
FIRST REVIEW _..-------...._._..............
If not approved, hat is the next action/recommendation for further action?
Reviewed by C on _ /U Time spent in review: !>Z .,�!.7
---.........----.._._._._.....----._._.._... -....__.._._.._....._...._._. —_
Reviewed by on . Time spent in second review:
--— — --------- —.----...._..................................................................
__— — —
Reviewed by on . Time spent in third review:
Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Assessment
Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
Mason County Deg artment of Community Development
Submittal Checklist For a Geological Assessment
This checklist must be submitted with 2 Gea and completed, signed, andogical Assessment p 9
stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geological Assessment for review by
Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item found to be not
applicable, the report should explain the basis for the conclusion.
er�� �e_.��_.. <<,��� Parcel #
e t� 5,,,,Q/.��
ApplicanUOwner hlVV
Site Address .s 2
(1) A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the
proposed development, with geologic unit designation based
on referenced maps
Located on page(s) <
(2) (a) A discussion of the grou d water conditions at the site,
Located on page
(b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water
Located on page(s)—P `2 3 _
(c) A discussion of the quan ty of surf ce seepage
Located on page(s) ��►� '2a `e
(d) A discussion of the upslope geornorpholo y
Located on page(s)_0,. `2 n
(e) A discussion of location of upland w;terbodies and wetlands.
Located on page 'F s) J (1 2 E' -?(3) The approximate depth to hard or dense�competent soil, e.g. glacial till or outwash sand.
Located on page(s)
(4) A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability(presence of
hummocky ground or ground cracks, terraced topography indicative of landslide block
movement, bowed or arc d trees indigating downslope movement, etc.).
Located on page(s) ,2 j Z o S
(5) A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the
referenced maps and record .
Located on page(s)
(6) An opinion on whether the proposed deveiopment is within the landslide hazard area or
its associated buffer or setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of
the proposed development. n
Located on page(s) !- /"
(7) A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to
further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property.
Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
Located on page(s)- `—V 3J 3
(8) If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development,
then the following are delineated on a geologic map/site map:
(a) the area of the proposed deve!op mt,
Located on Map(s) ---� 111- ___
(b) the boundaries of the landslide haz rd area (top, both sides, and toe),
Located on Map(s) ,P"� 3-� 3 _
(c) the associated buffers (top, both ides, and toe)
Located on Map(s)_ �� 3� 3 _
(d) building or other setbacks (top, bot sides, and toe).
Located on Map(s) P4, 3, _'3__
(9) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the
location and nature of exiliiig and prop sed development on the site.
Located on Map(s) ��
---- __hereby certify under
penalty of perjury that I am a civil ngineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized
knowledge of geotechnicai/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist
licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify
that the Geological Assessment, dated 1 � , and entitled 4ss,�a
•�Y ���.-r 5�1�n�.�1�rcLtsa1��— �/S�meets all the requirements of the
Mason County Resource Ordinance, Landsli e hazard ection, is ccmplete and true, that the
assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be
mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are
mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety.
(Signature and Stamp) ".•,r
Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological
Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008
Bradley-Noble Geotechnical Services
A Division of The Bradley Group, Inc.
PO Box 12267, Olympia WA 98508-2267
Phone 360-357-7883 • FAX 360-867-9307
19 August 2010
Mr.Tomas Morris, AIA
Tomas Morris Architects, Inc., P.S.
8 Boston Street, Suite 6
Seattle,Washington 98109
Subject: Geotechnical Assessment for the reconstruction of the Community
Building at the Blue Heron Resort& Condominium Property located at
East 6520 State Highway 106 in Union, Washington.
Dear Mr. Morris:
Bradley-Noble had prepared a report addressing geotechnical considerations for the
reconstruction of the Community Building at this site. This report was not prepared as
a Geotechnical Assessment for the Mason County Department of Community
Development Submittal Checklist Format. The project is located in a developed
residential community with existing condominium buildings, roadways, walkways,
parking areas and recreation areas. This development was constructed in the mid
1970's, prior to any Critical Areas Ordinances. We expect that the construction was in
conformance with building codes and Mason County development codes in force at the
time of construction.
We understood that the new Community Building would be reconstructed in the same
building footprint as the former structure. We would not expect then that a Geological
Assessment would be required by Mason County for a replacement structure in a
developed community where it was being reconstructed in the same building footprint
as the former structure. We have prepared this report to allow for Mason County
Community Development to fulfill their check list requirement.
(I) Geologic Map of the Shelton I:I00,000 Quadrangle, Washington by Robert L. Logan,
2003, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2003-15
maps the development as being Qapo,Alpine outwash, pre to late Wisconsinan. This is
also typically described in other geologic mapping as Qs, Skokomish Gravel. At this site,
we find the Skokomish Gravels as being mantled by Vashon Advance Outwash (Qva or
Qga depending on which geologic map you use) a glaciofluvial sand and gravel soil.
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_ ems`
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(2) (a) At the time of our field work, we found the near surface soils in the building
footprint to be saturated. This is due to surface drainage being directed to
the site combined with damage to the existing drain system by the
demolition work. This surface drainage will be corrected and improved as
part of the new construction.
(b) Estimated depth to the year around water table is in excess of 100 feet
below the site.
(c) This is a developed property with constructed surface control of storm
water. No seeps were observed which is consistent with the site geology
and constructed drainage systems of the development.
(d) Extensive site grading for the development has modified the upslope
geomorphology. Upslope of the building site, we find roadways, landscape
areas, residences, and parking areas. Extending further- upslope and off the
property, we find other single-family residences with associated roadways,
driveways. These are areas of low relief with moderate slopes.
(e) There are no water bodies or wetlands upslope of the building site.
(3) The Skokomish gravels are a highly overconsolidated and cemented soil unit. The
Skokomish gravels crop out in road cuts of State Highway 106 to the west of this
site as you go towards Union. We did not observe outcrops of this formation on
the site. We expect that the mantle of the advance outwash soils varies from ten to
perhaps as great as 40 feet before the dense Skokomish gravels would be
(4) The project site has been extensively graded as part of the site development work.
This work would have destroyed the surface features which may have indicated past
soil movement.
(5) The project area is not in a mapped landslide hazard area. Relative Slope Stability of
the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington by Mackey Smith and R.J. Carson, 1977,
Map 1-853-F and published by the Washington Division of Geology and Earth
Resources places the site into site Class 2, areas believed to be stable under normal
conditions. We agree with this classification.
(6) The project site is not in a landslide hazard area. There is no risk of future land
sliding or mass wasting events in this project that would pose a risk to the
reconstructed Community Building reconstructed in former footprint. There are
no mapped landslides in the project area. Slope angles are less than 22 degrees
(40% slope) in the project and immediate surrounding areas. No indication of past
or recent mass wasting events were observed within 300 feet of the site, and no
indications were observed in the development. Improvements to site surface
drainage will be included in the development work which will reduce any possible
risk that the development work would have any adverse future affect on erosion of
(7) A geotechnical report is not warranted for the reconstruction of the Community
Building in its former footprint. Based on site topography and development history,
we question the need for us to even prepare a geotechnical assessment for this
(8) Items a through d do not apply to this property and project.
(9) The project architect will submit with this report a site plan showing property
boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location of existing and proposed
development on the site as part of the permit process for reconstruction of the
Community Building for the Blue Heron Resort& Condominium project.
David C. Strong, L.E.G.
Enclosure: Submittal Checklist for a Geotechnical AssessmentCl
cc: Mr. Bob Macht, Bradley Scott, Inc. °`'-----�-.r
AFY.`11Y_':.YI..y,v..rY IMn•t L':•.Y'r-fi.e,'wu.
Bradley-Noble Geotechnical Services
A Division of The Bradley Group, Inc.
PO Box 12267, Olympia WA 98508-2267
Phone 360-357-7883 • FAX 360-867-9307
6 April 2010 PLANNING
Bradley Scott, Inc.
Attention: Bob Macht
400 Warren Avenue, Suite 450
Bremerton, Washington 98377-1408
Subject: Geotechnical considerations for the reconstruction of the Community
Building at the Blue Heron Resort& Condominium Property located at
East 6520 State Highway 106 in Union, Washington.
Dear Mr. Macht:
1 met with you, your structural engineer, Mr.James Ashley-Cole, and your Site Manager,
Mr. David Brandt on 30 March 2010 to observe site soil conditions exposed after the
demolition of the of the former Community Building. The purpose of our site visit was
to observe site soil conditions exposed after demolition in the footprint of the former
building. From our field discussion, two major geotechnical concerns need to be
addressed in the reconstruction. One is providing foundation soil support as the
exposed soils are saturated and loose. The other is collection and control of surface
and subsurface flows of ground water. We understand that flooding of the former
structure had occurred in the past.
We understand that the new Community Building will be constructed in the same
building footprint of the former structure. At the time of our site visit, we found the
upper 1.5 to 2.0 feet of the soils to be very loose and saturated when we probed.
Below the loose soils, the probe was stopped by gravels. We also understand from
your site manager that the excavator that was used for the demolition became mired in
the soft soils when it moved off the slab during its demolition work.
We have provided extensive geotechnical work in the Union and Alderbrook areas of
Mason County. The site soil profile is not typical of this area. The usual soil profile in
undisturbed areas is a thin, poorly developed topsoil over colluvium. The colluvium
varies from a few feet to as much as twenty to thirty feet at the toe of slope adjacent to
Hood Canal. The colluvium is a mixture of downslope transported material of silty
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4" � 4
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sands, gravelly sands, and silty sandy gravels. The density of these soils, based on N-
values varies from the mid-range of firm to dense. The colluvium is deposited onto
either Vashon advance outwash soils of dense to very dense sands and gravels or onto
the very dense and highly overconsolidated Skokomish Gravels which crop out in
vertical cut faces of the highway west of this property.
The loose soils that were exposed in the demolition work as gravelly silty to very silty
fine sands and blue-gray silts with gravels. Our interpretation of the history of these
soils is that they either represent natural deposition of fine grained soils in shallow
depression or they may be fill placed during the development of the project to level the
site. We expect that at relatively shallow depth suitable firm bearing soils will be
exposed. We also expect that these bearing soils are of low permeability and porosity
which cause the saturation to the surface observed.
The site soils exposed are unsuitable for use in support of the new Community Building.
These soils are loose fine grained and compressible with actual bearing capacity and
settlement potential varying point to point across the site. These soils are moisture
sensitive and prone to rapid saturation during rain events. To control site development
costs, we recommend that site excavation and construction of a structural fill section be
delayed to the dry season, typically mid-June through September when weather
conditions will allow for the control of moisture contents of the soils. The on-site soils
could be reworked and conditioned to moisture contents that would allow for reuse in
construction of structural fill sections, but we expect that this cost would exceed the
cost of removal and replacement with imported structural fill soils.
Site work should consist of the excavation and removal of the existing soils until firm
granular soils are exposed. The surface of the exposed firm soils is to be proof-rolled
to develop a firm and non-yielding surface. Placement and compaction of a structural fill
section that will provide support for footings and slabs on grade is to be constructed in
conformance to the enclosed Recommended Grading Specification. The thickness of
the structural fill will be controlled by the depth to suitable bearing soils and plan finish
grades. To ensure lateral support for foundations, the fill section must extend outside
of building lines equal to the depth of the structural fill section.
The structural fill section will provide support for standard spread footing with crawl
space type of construction or support of standard footings with a concrete slab on
grade for the floor system.
For preliminary design of the foundation and supported by a structural fill section
constructed in conformance with the Recommended Grading Specification, we
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recommend a bearing value of 2000 p.s.f. This value may be increased after review of
the material used to constructed the structural fill section and compaction records. A
one-third increase in this value will be permissible for short-term wind or seismic
loading. Based on our understanding of the geologic section under this area, use of a
Site Class C as defined in Table 1613.5.2 of the 2006 International Building Code (IBC)
is permissible. Figure 1613.5(2) Maximum Considered Earthquake Ground Motion of
1.0 Second Spectral Response Acceleration (5% of Critical Damping), Site Class B of
0.5G. The site coefficient and adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral
response acceleration parameters are adjusted for the site class effects using Equation
16-37 and 16-38 in the 2006 IBC.
Control of surface and ground water flowing to the structural fill pad and building must
be addressed in the project's civil engineering. At a minimum, we recommend the
construction of a french drain upslope of project perpendicular to the axis of the slope.
The location of the french drain will be determined by the project's civil engineer. The
depth of the excavation for the french drain will need to be field determined to ensure
that it extends to soils of low permeability. A footing drain placed at the base of the
foundation is also recommended to be included in the design. We recommend that the
footing drain be constructed using rigid plastic pipe. Rigid pipe is more resistant to
crushing and deflection than the flexible ADS type of pipe. We also recommend
cleanouts be included in the design to allow for future maintenance of the drains if
Collection of storm water from impervious surfaces must also be addressed in the
design. We recommend that all roof rain leaders, yard drains, and catch basins be
collected into a tightline collection system. We recommend the use of rigid plastic pipe
with glued watertight joints. This storm water collection system must be isolated from
the footing drain system. We understand that the project does have a storm water
collection system and the storm water collected from this project may be connected to
the existing system. Connection of the footing drain into the project system must be at
III an elevation such that back-up into the footing zone cannot occur.
Placement of foundation backfill and site grading to ensure positive flow away from the
foundation must conform to the requirements of the IBC Section 1803.2 Placement of
Backfill and Section 1803.3 Site Grading. If a crawl space is incorporated in the design,
we do recommend that a minimum vertical separation from top of landscape surface to
bottom of crawl space of at least three inches. This will prevent the crawl space vents
from becoming a conduit for water entry into the crawl space. Good compaction
control of the backfill under sidewalks is required to prevent future settlement and
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If you have any additional geotechnical questions on this report, or if we may be of
additional service to you and your design team on this project, please contact us at our
Olympia office.
e 01 Wasy�o
David C. ong, L.E.G. �� o
Enclosure: Recommended Grading Specifications _
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Dave Greene 425-746-7566 p.1
Bradley-Noble Geotechnical Services
A Division of The Bradley Group, Inc.
PO Box 12267, Olympia WA 98508-2267
Phone 360-357-7883 • FAX 360-867-9307
(I-)m2Dio -Yj�JMM—t�
25 April 2013
Bradley Scott, Inc.
Attention Bob Macht
400 Warren Avenue, Suite 450
Bremerton, Washington 98377-1408
Subject: Geotechnical acceptance of the structural fill section constructed to
support the Community Building at the Blue Heron Resort& _
Condominium Property located at East 6520 State Highway 106 in Union,
Dear Mr. Macht:
Your project manager for reconstruction of the Community Building at this project has
verbally forwarded a request from Mr. Larry Waters of the Mason County Building
Department that Bradley-Noble provide a final report of earthwork completed and that
this work did meet our requirements. Certification of the installation of the drainage
system is outside of our area of expertise. The project civil engineer should be able to
provide this certification if required by the county.
We were not retained to provide geotechnical observation of the work in the
construction of the structural fill section or supervision of the testing agency of record.
You had retained the services of Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC, a WABO approved
testing laboratory, to provide testing and inspection services during the construction of
the structural fill section. The testing laboratory of record was charged with ensuring
that the construction of the structural fill section to support the reconstructed
Community Building did in fact conform to the approved project plans and specifications
for earthwork.
We were on-site to observe progress of work on the 18" of October 2010. We issued
a field r ort dated 22 October 2010 presenting our observations of the work in
progresss..a`Frome our records, this is the only site visit we have`�C��4 WWgur initial sitep 2
visit from which we prepared our 6 April 2010 geotechnical report for the project. This
site visit was made with the project structural engineer on 30 March 2010.
1NOID6 2
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Dave Greene 425-746-7566 p.1
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Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC has provided us with copies of their compaction
records for the project. We have also discussed their work with Mr. Tim Barney,
WABO Laboratory Manager on 24 April 2013. From our discussion, we understand
that the structural fill as constructed and tested conforms to the project plans and
specifications. We also understand that they have not submitted a final report for the
certification that the structural fill section does in fact conform to the project plans and
specifications based on their compaction.testing and field observations.
Based on our review of the compaction records and our field observations during
construction of the structural fill section on 22 October 2010,, it is our opinion that the
structural fill section as constructed and verified by compaction testing by the testing
laboratory of record does conform to the recommendations presented in our 6 April
2010 report. This letter should eliminate the issue of the structural fill section
geotechnical certification from the "punch list" of Mason County for the close out of
this project.
If you have any additional geotechnical questions on our work or reports,,please contact
us at our Olympia office.
David C. Strong, L.E.G. �� SzqrN=—_c,..
cc: Mr. Larry Waters, Mason County Building Department �'�"
Mr. David Green, Project Manager '
10/22/10 09:03 FAX 1 360 867 9307 Bradley Group dui
Bradley-Noble Geotechnical Services
A Division of The Bradley Group, Inc.
PO Box 12267, Olympia WA 98508-2267
Phone 160-357-78,53 - FAX 360-867-9307
22 October 2010
Bradley Scott, Inc.
Attention: Bob Macht
400 Warren Avenue, Suite 450
Bremerton,Washington 98377-1408
Subject: Field observations of soil conditions exposed at the Community Building
at the Blue Heron Resort 8t Condominium Property located at East 6520
State Highway 106 in Union, Washington.
Dear Mr. Macht:
I visited the above site on Monday 18 October 2010. At that time, the si earthwork
contractor, Kamin Construction had completed most the excavation of tic site to
expose bearing soils. There was some additional material to be excavate and be
removed from the western edge of the building pad. This work should b completed at
the end of the work day. 1 introduced myself to the project superintendent. Mr.
Howard Stewart of McBride Construction Resources, Inc. A sample of tie proposed
imported structural fill material was at the job site trailer. We undersmr d that Kamin
Construction will import this material from a source on Johns Prairie Rod in Shelton.
The following observations and recommendations are presented:
Site excavation exposed a lens of plastic silts with a Uniform Soil Classification of ML
These soils are of fluvial/lacustrine depositional history and represent the deposition of
"rock flour" from the retreating Vashon glacier into a shallow depressior on the
outwash plain. These soils are compressible and for all practical purposes impermeable
We expect that the construction of the former Community Center's fo dation on
these soils was the cause of both the settlement, as well as water flow i o the
structure during rain events. The site work contractor reported that on ne they had
breached the granular material over the silts, a flow of perched water en.-Bred the
excavation. The water that entered the excavation has flowed out with my minor
ponding observed at the time of our site visit
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The new perimeter drainage system that will be installed for the new Community
Center will int Kept the downslope flow of water towards the building and direct this
flow around the structure and convey this water to infiltration structures. With the
foundations co strutted on a structural fill section of coarse sandy gravels and the
design drainage system, we do not expect that storm water or flow of water on the silts
will have any adverse affect on the new building,
The excavatior has extended through the silts and dense sands and gravels are exposed
at the bottom f the excavation. These soils are suitable for support of the structural
fill section. Th site work contractor will proof-roll the exposed surface prior to
placement of s ructural fill. With the structural fill being supported by dense sands and
gravels, we wil not require the placement of a geotextile support fabric between the
native soils anc the structural fill section.
The proposed itructural import material is a coarse sandy gravel with few fines. This is
a suitable"all eather" fill material and is not considered to be moisture sensitive. Our
examination of the sample on site sugge-ts that this material contains more than 30% by
weight of mate ial retained above the '/,-inch screen. In the Recommended Grading
Specifications x iat we supplied you, we had specified the use of ASTM D 1557 for
control of corr pacbon. This is the same test specified for use in Appendix] of the
International Building Code (IBC). This test method is for soil mixtures with less than
30% by weight retained above the 3/.-inch screen. This test method then is not
applicable to coarse granular fill materials, such as proposed for this site. This limitation
on the use of STM D 1557 is discussed in the text of the test method procedures.
With coarse sandy gravels, the development of a firm and non-yielding surface may be
used by the testing agency to evaluate compactive effort.. Each lift is to be uniformly
compacted usi ig a heavy vibratory roller until the drum does not penetrate the surface
of the lift more than a half inch. This field observation may be further verified by the
use of a "T-pr be" to ensure a uniformly dense surface.
Based on our teld observations, the unsuitable silt has been removed from under the
building footp int and suitable dense native granular material exposed. The proposed
imported structural fill is suitable for compactive effort and the construction of the
structural fill s action that will support the new Community Center. The testing agency
of record will jeed to observe the compactive effort to ensure that a uniformly dense
structural fill s ction has been constructed meeting the geotechnical recommendations
presented. Unless an unforeseen soil a5ndition is exposed, we do not expett that we
will be needed to provide additional site inspection.
�p� dno,tg Aelplig LOCs L99 09C T YV3 MOO OT/CZ;OT
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If you or your general contractor have any additional questions on is report and its
recommendations or if we may be of further geotechnical assistance to you on this
project, please rontact us at our Olympia office.
os Wash/
David C. Stron'/IF. .
cc: James A shley-Cole P.E. F .=.j
Howard Stewart, Superintendent
McBrid Construction Resources Incorporated (by FAX)
Bradley-Noble Geotechnical Services
A Division of The Bradley Group, Inc.
PO Box 12267, Olympia WA 98508-2267
Phone 360-357-7883 • FAX 360-867-9307
25 April 2013
Bradley Scott, Inc.
Attention Bob Macht
400 Warren Avenue, Suite 450
Bremerton, Washington 98377-1408
Subject: Geotechnical acceptance of the structural fill section constructed to
support the Community Building at the Blue Heron Resort &
Condominium Property located at East 6520 State Highway 106 in Union,
Dear Mr. Macht:
Your project manager for reconstruction of the Community Building at this project has
verbally forwarded a request from Mr. Larry Waters of the Mason County Building
Department that Bradley-Noble provide a final report of earthwork completed and that
this work did meet our requirements. Certification of the installation of the drainage
system is outside of our area of expertise. The project civil engineer should be able to
provide this certification if required by the county.
We were not retained to provide geotechnical observation of the work in the
construction of the structural fill section or supervision of the testing agency of record.
You had retained the services of Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC, a WABO approved
testing laboratory, to provide testing and inspection services during the construction of
the structural fill section. The testing laboratory of record was charged with ensuring
j that the *ruction of the str�ct�.:r�l fall section * ' n * tCA
coast o to support she reco.,struc .U
Community Building did in fact conform to the approved project plans and specifications
for earthwork.
We were on-site to observe progress of work on the 181h of October 2010. We issued
a field report dated 22 October 2010 presenting our observations of the work in
progress. From our records, this is the only site visit we have made after our initial site
visit from which we prepared our 6 April 2010 geotechnical report for the project. This
site visit was made with the project structural engineer on 30 March 2010.
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Pacific Testing & Inspection LLC has provided us with copies of their compaction
records for the project. We have also discussed their work with Mr. Tim Barney,
WABO Laboratory Manager on 24 April 2013. From our discussion, we understand
that the structural fill as constructed and tested conforms to the project plans and
specifications. We also understand that they have not submitted a final report for the
certification that the structural fill section does in fact conform to the project plans and
specifications based on their compaction testing and field observations.
Based on our review of the compaction records and our field observations during
construction of the structural fill section on 22 October 2010, it is our opinion that the
structural fill section as constructed and verified by compaction testing by the testing
laboratory of record does conform to the recommendations presented in our 6 April
2010 report. This letter should eliminate the issue of the structural fill section
geotechnical certification from the "punch list" of Mason County for the close out of
this project.
If you have any additional geotechnical questions on our work or reports, please contact
us at our Olympia office.
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David C. Strong, L.E.G. "
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cc: Mr. Larry Waters, Mason County Building Department , *�� a
Mr. David Green, Project Manager a W