HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvironmental Checklist - SEP Application - 11/21/1978 F_PNIRONtIrDITAL CI;ECKLIST The State Environmental Policv F.ct of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values Loth for their ovn actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an envir- onmental Impact Statement he prepared for all major actions significantly af.fectinc- the muality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agen- cies involved determine whether your proposal is such a major action. ?lease answer the questions following as completely as you can with the information presently availaAe to you. ''here explanations of your ans%yers are required, or c-yhere you believe an explanation iyould he helpful to government decision-makers, enclose your explanation in the space Provided or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are a�rare and which are relevant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now %rill help all of the agencies involved with your Proposal to undertake the required environmental revio%-! vithout unnecessary delay. The questions following apply to your total nroposal, not just to the license for irhich approval is sounlit. Your ansi!ers should include the impacts which will he caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion rtay not occur until sometine in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which gill be involved to complete their environmental review noki, %-Yithout duplicating paperejork in the future. (This is a standard forr, heincr used )-.y all state and local ac;encies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. 'Iany of the questions may not apply to ,your nroposal. If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. Use backside of sheets for additional convents if space pro- vided is inadequate.) I. BACKGROUND 1. Tame of Applicant: Blue Heron Owner's Association 2. Addlress and phone numher of applicant: c/o Wendell Hedges & Assoc. 2200 112th NE Bellevue, WA 98009 455-2560 3. Date checklist su_ti-mitted: ee;; 4. Agency requiring checklist: Mason Co. Regional Planning Commission 5. Project 11ame, if applicable: Amendment to the Blue Heron Condo. 6. 7'ature and brief description of the nroposal: Changing the status of certain areas to become common area, and adding common drainfield area. 7. Location of Proposal: approx 1.5 miles easterly of Union, on Hood Canal 8. Estimated date for completion: upon filing 9. List of all permits, licenses, or government approvals required for the proposal (federal, state and local--including rezones) : county condominium amendment hearings 10. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this Proposal? If yes, explain: no 11. Do you kPow of anv plans by others which nay affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, exnlain: no 12. Attach any other application form that has !,een Completed regarding this proposal; if none has 1-,een completed, }gut is expected to he filed at some future date, descriv�e the nature of. such application form:* see attached -1- . 1 II. E*1VIROrr1T*'TAL I11PACTS (Fxplanations of all "yes" and "maybe" ans�yers are reauirect.) (1) rarth. 1'►ill the nroposal result in: ; _ Yi'C ."IAYI T' i n (a) Unsta),le earth conditions or in any changes in neoloc*ic substructures? X (h) Disruption,, disnlacerents or overcoverinn of the soils? X (c) Channe in toponrarhy or nround surface relief futures? X (d) The destruction, coverinc! or modification of any unicTue neolonical or physical features? X (e) Any increase in -ind or rater erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X (f) Chan(-,es in deposition or erosion of leach sands, — or in chanacs in siltation, deposition, or erosion lihich Pay nodifv the c',.annel of a river or streari or the r•ed of the ocean or ante Y.av, inlet or lake? X Exnlanation: — — (2) Air. Till the proposal result in: (a) T_ir erissions or ceterioration of an>-ient air nuality? X (} ) The creation of o1 jectional�le odors? (c) Alteration of air movenent, moisture or ter- erature, or in any channe in climate, either locally or reoionall,i? Explanation: (3) -ater. !!ill the proposal result in: (a) Cliannes in currents, or the course or direction or rater movements, in either marine or fres!) N,ater? (1)) Chancres in absorption rates, drainane patterns or the amount of surface eater run-off? X (c) *lterations to the course or floe of flood �,aters? -X— (d) Change in the amount of surface :,ater in any i?a tercourse? X (e) Discharge into surface 1•aters, or in any altera- tion of surface %,Ater nuality including tempera- ture or turbidity? X (f) Plteration of the direction or rate of floe^ of -round i,aters? (n) Channe in the ouantity of around eaters, either through direct additions or x-ithdrawals, or through interception of an aouifer I,v curs or excavation? X (R) Deterioration in orounOx-rater aualitv, either through direct injection, or throunh the seepage of leachate, phosphates, deterrents, vaterhorne virus or 1•,acteris, or other suf stances into the c?round eaters? X (i) Reduction in the amount of loater ot)-erc••ise available for put•lic eater supplies? X Explanation: -2- (4) flora. ['ill the proposal result in: YPS 111rYBr NO (a) Change in the diversity of species, or nu_^Lbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? X (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered s'pecics of flora? X (c) Introduction of necr species of flora into an area, or in a harrier to the norr^al replenishment of existing species? X (d) Reduction in acreage of any agriculture crop? �- rxplanation: (5) Fauna. Fill the proposal result in: (a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell fish, henthic organisms, insects or nicrafauna)? (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of fauna? X - (c) Introduction of nes•r species of fauna into an area or result in a harrier to the mi(,ration or nove- ment of fauna? (d) Deterioration to existing fish or %A ldlife X hahitata Explanation: X (6) : . Explanationon: kgill tha 13zvr>o,al increase existing noise levels? }{ (7) Light and Glare. !ill the proposal produce new light or glare? VXnlanation? X (8) Lan_ d Use. :'ill the proposal result in the alteration of the nresgnt or planned land use of an area? £xplanatipn? X (9) Matural Resources. -ill the Proposal result in: (a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? (1�) Depletion of any nonrenei,,able natural resource? X Explanation: X (10) Pisk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazArdous substances (including, but Tlpt limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? rrmlanation: X (11) population. "ill the nroposal alter the location, distri- hution, density or growth rate of the hur)an no an area? Pulatign of -3- X • Explanation: (12) Itousinq. .ill the proposal affect existing housing, create YM *_O a demand for additional housinn? Explanation: (13) Transportation/Circulation. gill the proposal result in: (a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X (b) rffects on existing harking facilities, or demand for new park inq? X (c) Impact unon existing transportation systems? X (d) Alterations of present natter ns of circulation or movements of neople and/or goods? X (e) Alteration to v-aterhorne, rail or air traffic? X (f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor- vehicles, bicyclists or Pedestrians? X Pxplanation: (14) Public Services. "ill the Proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered goverrurental services in any of the follox,inq areas? (a) fire protection? X_ (h) Police protection? _$_._ (c) Schools? X (d) Parks or other recreational facilities? _$ (e) ?Iaintenance of pUblic facilities, including roads? T (f) Other governmental services? X Explanation: (15) Energy. Fill the proposal result in: (a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X (b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of ne,, sources of energy? X Explanation: (16) Utilities. Ijill the proposal result in a need for new sys- tems, or alterations to the follouinq utilities: (a) pox er or natural clas? X (h) Communications systems? X (c) 'later? X (d) Se-ex or septic tanks? X (a) Stour water clrainane? X.T, (f) Solid waste and dispopal? X explanation: (17) I?uman t'ealth. fill the nroposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X Explanation: -4- � _ 1 • (18) Aesthetics. "ill the pronosal result in the obstruction of US "TYPE PTO any scenic vista or vie%y open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of any aesthetically offensive site open to public vieir? X___ Exnlanation: (19) Fecreation. trill the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X rxplanatign: (20) Archeological/listorical. dill the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? X rxplanation: l III. SIG*7ATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my 1cnov-lecicie the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withOraw anv declaration of non-sic'inificance that it might issue in rella.pce upon this checklist shogld there by any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: N.B. : All systems included in this amendment are already in existence. The changes contemplated are entirely administrative changes in ownership status in conformance with the Horizontal Properties Regimes Act (Chapter 64.32) . -5-