HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDR2008-00022 - DDR Application - 2/1/2008 Oct 17 07 03:49p Fred Kiibourne 334-272-4626 p.2 RECEIVED FEB 0120P MASON COUNTY 426 W: CEDAR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 411 N Fift1, Street I P.O. Box 186, Shelton WA 98584 360.427 9670 ext- 352 DDR Rec'd byvjt Request for Administrative Variance for Reduction in the Required Setbacks ($100.00) For administrative review, the minimum variance on a setback request is 5 feet from the side yard lot lines and 10 feet for front and rear lot lines or any access easement. Request for further reduction requires a standard variance. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure. including roof eaves. Applicant/Owners: Mailing Address: � Telephone : `TJ f Z5 fZ9�l` City: State: 009L- Zip: If this reduction is tied to a building permit, please give permit case number. BLD Parcel Number(s): 322-314 - 5t—00008 zoning k—S Site Address: 71 C /r�( . �����'!O/�' Cf uK�on . wrr 115YZ Requested variance: rout/ Rear!Side Yar (please circle all that apply) Requested setback variance: rvpKfi i -&tek in (O ft- Sidra -to r „0 O An illustrated site plan is required. > m Your site plan must show the foilowing: north arrow, abutting street or easernents, sei backs to aii property iines and existing buildings, slopes, surface n ;R water, wetlands, critical areas, septic, well and driveway. Show all proposed new ('n m '0 development. r -i "n z The following circumstances must apply: FRONT AND OR REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS: r = 1) Existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; Rl I-t1 You must meet one of the following: (Please circle all that apply) 2) One e of the following exists on the lot: a} steep slopes, wetlands, or streams present; b) sol s a restrict or septic development; c) of at the front yard lin-0 of no more than 50 feet; d}qo ¢e o no more a - ou acre o. Z4 4cre1 Z365 acire-0 e) existing Imp ovemen s o u1 Ing se Ic systems, and well areas. C DOCUME—ITREDKI--I\LOCALS—I\Temp\1ncreRMai l\Adminstrative.var.doc Created on Oct 17 07 03:49p Fred Kilbourne 334-272-4626 p.3 SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS: 1) Existing lots of record as of March 5, 2002; You must meet one of the following. (Please circle all that apply) 2) One of the following exists on the lot: a)(:steep slope wetlands, or streams present; b) sol s a restrict build in or se is develo ment* c) width at the front yard line of no more than 50 feet' ' d) tot siz�51 o m one- � � �e) existirovements of buildings sep Ic sys m and well areas. Explain how these circumstances preclude a reasonable development proposal from meeting the setback standard for Rural Residential 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 zones. (�i7��jouf T/t�Nt sia/e Udrd IWIUG itovl5 . 4 gAf2Zce_ /�1JDrbC1II,G_/l Srtita l�, A-e 47*ckil dAQw.,:ra shows IZOO 59C, fir` jr;2je"P 7A e exi s H iia 5eptc 5VsteIM ReSP oe, cyez s U,4ve4 e Reft '40 t. 13 of -Me am !rt'Slcle Sfa�nnlzre-cI od' Oedulcipej setba&k boy h/1"te3 Owner!Agent(please indicate) A�9 -/����✓� Signature and date Official Use Only Approved LK_ ;✓ VV Date Denied Date Reason for denial: CADOCU ME—ITREDKI-11LOCALS--IITemp\IncredNaiHAdminstrativc var.doc Crcatedon r s w o w o APPROVED SITE PLA REQUIRED TO BE N SITE i y n CHAIy E SUBJECT TOAPP OVAL 0° `"- o V5, I � O � � i1 t'� y 1 _ l Date 0 a I UQITI Wa G• m -o Property ine 54.76' W yr a �o Wp o 00 rrb ` N%Slope `� �' o c ?0 o ° �a ` 4` \ c \ CD 0 m n \\ \\ 1 cn o \ 0 a .a 1 Q' Property Line 145.75' ode U <, wo a cn — 00 -•• W - fr a OZ8 1301 0,LL6-LL8(09£) N96-LL8(09£) 80000-rS-6£ZZ£ 'oK[Wd'oo UOWN 6109E 7Y `XMLuAuoyV 8K86 VAI U0dsP00H 'M PRON PJvA-MH L027 S£Z xog OCT aamoq" amnogr.r y apmr W Touapa j •g-d`0gv.L usIV sriOd'g.Las DAff=g Dru`DMN9aNUDNH VfHVL aoud.L=a #pax