HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2013-00359 Cancelled Retaining Wall - BLD Application - 5/6/2013 MASON COUNTY PERMFr NO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar• P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 1)L � Shelton(360) 427-9670 • Beffair(360)275-4467•Elma(360) 482-5269 On the /Ai�F web vrww.co.mason.wa.us APPLICANT INFORMATION GONTRACTOR INFORMATION Owner 6 ri-1 6ALA4AJC, Company Name lJlarling Address 3 ',2 __]-i!i. 51 T MalIing Address Cityi11�-��-� State Tip Code 9 City State Zip Code er Ph. Phone Other Ph. Lien/Title Holder CA%N r f'4 - Contractor Reg.# Exo. E mall address o g- COA4 E Mail Address Drivers Lic.94 d�DOB Drivers Lic. DOB SEPTIC 1 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION -Connect to New Septic Existing Septic Connect to Water System Name of Water System Well Water System Name of Water System PARCEL INFORMATION- 11 Digit Parcel No '- Fire District Legal Description I utiA-f 5 1- 5 9 J ite Address (Please include street name,street number and city) / — 2r ��� �' Direcrions to site Will timber be cut and sold in parcel re aration?Yes/ o is property within 200' of Saltwater�C' Lake River Creek and Wetland Seasonal Runoff Stream Slopes or Bluffs 1 is this permit submittal the result of a Stop Work Notice,Correction Noti or oth ment action?Y o TYPE OF JOB -New Add Alt Repair Other PRI Y RESID NCE SEASONAL Use of Building Describe Work © �� P Lt l No. of Bedrooms No.of Bathrooms Square Footag -ist Fl r 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Basement Deck Covere eck er Sq.ft Ga-rage Attached Detached .0 ort ch- Detached MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION -Make Model Year Length Width Serial No. No f B rooms No.of Bathrooms Type of Heat Purchase Price$ e ement Unit? Yes/No Installer Name cation No. OWNER/BJdDE- A nDWaJges of bacaurate n may A in Vbp wDrk order or permit nawmAol A:}nDvAedgemerrt aF s.c�h is by sanature below.I declare ttLt I am the owner,owrw legal prose or the contractor.I further declare that I am ended to ra--eive this P=—TTa and to do the work as proposed in the appGat3om I are that I e o ' e the p°irnisson from all then r5 par ies tf permssion is ra7ired from arty easement holder,or arty other party in' regard"m this on or the work proposed in the appLmbxn I have obtained parrression from there to apply for this permit and condu work pro - d T owner or anon+on owners behalf,represa-As ttict the triformanon provided is axrad:e and grants empioyees of Mason urty access to the desated property and struclaire for review and inspectc)n. PROO NTTNIi O F RMIS,ZY S OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. X Date: e:s Represantatve/Ca ctor (mdcate whir one) A FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND IS POINT Accepted b UjDate DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DENIED NOTES Building Department oco Planning Department Environmental Health Dep grit Public Works Departm Fire Marshal FEES Building Permit Fee Site Inspection Plan Review Fee EH Review Fee Plumbing&Base Fee Planning Review Fee Ma--hanical &Base tee Other Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee f /lJ v State Fee Violation Fee (� p'l �- Pre-Paid at Submittal Valuation$ TOTAL FEES L - of I •""� I ,5 n . .....---__ -• __. ( �, ales Mfg IVA dddV 01103r8f1S S3 Nb'HO 1 r 3_LIS NO 38 Ol 0381n63N.NVId 311S =r --�.;aa JNINNb'ld aka A-LNnoo NoSdW--__ MAO ,o � ,� ___ _ r�'- 1 ly)ut u a 17) -U , �• ;. ,a.�oa ,tip t OA 1110 Yj J 1011nG 3H1 J2/Nib1103r08d ct fi 'Q i 1S3H18nJ 3.H1 W08A rb 3bf1Stf3W 32id/S)10V9l3S 11b K) CL cQ n d O � k,n. ( tit 41 ,.:) 4 � cl Co14 S NameJ•oS —•u , tL o Parcel# ZZ,� —50 -(9OG83 BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 1 of 2) Per Mason County Code,Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment', with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface'. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction, installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 'Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To.. Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X Width = Area *All dimensions in feet Buildings X = X = Measurements for buildings are taken at the X _ perimeter of the farthest projections (example: eaves/gutters) X = Driveways X = X = Length of drive begins at the right of way X Parking Areas X 3 C,> X = Any pave gravel r packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Others X = ��< ,4 ,' .. � k X If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = - development is greater than 2000 square feet a 4 Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required `s �� Tgtal�lm �l rf*a .ea E f as I3�jCU = If the"Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet, please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- descriM property for eview and ' specti n as may be required. X (/ A7� wn Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: If the"Total Impervious Surface Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet, please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. Pagel of 2 r , `t v't 14 1 y 7 11/28/2012 11/28/2012 11/30/2012 rez 41 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 'u 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 a I 4 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 Austin Engineering Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Services 2182 NE Eton Lane, Bremerton, Washington 98311-9529 Voice: 360-698-1661 Cell: 360-271-1772 email: austinengr@gmail.com Date: 19 June 2013 T Subject: BLD2013-00359 Mason County, Department of Community Development jUN 2 A 2013 Mason County Building III 426 West Cedar St., P.O. Box 186 426 W, CEDAR Shelton, WA 98584 Attn: Ms. Debbera Coker, Building Inspector IV Reference: Your letter dated 13 June, 2013; same subject Dear Ms. Coker; Your reference to the IRC is interesting,but that is for a building foundation wall and not a free standing in contact with the soil material that is being retained. I have attached the revelant sections of the International Building Code (IBC) 2012 edition, which refer to Retaining walls and their loads. The 24 inches of unbalanced fill applies to a footing walls and not retaining walls as their purpose to retain earth materials and are not laterally restrained in any way what so ever! This only applies in tall basement walls where the SFR floor structure restrains the top of the footing wall. The builder of the walls should be able to provide as-built plans as I was not retained to provide plans, field survey, or as-built plans for this project. Mr.Marty Reynolds was the builder of the walls and should be able to provide the necessary plans for your files. I do not think that the ground snow load has any bearing of the wall loading,nor does the wind loading have any effect the wall, unless there is a tall extension to the top of the wall. Seismic loading is not a major factor unless there is a major earth quake,that is over 6.0! Otherwise earth retaining walls move with the earth during an earth quake and are not subject to the same stress that a building may experience, and then only a Heavy building i.e. A concrete building(icf). I believe that Mr. Galando was arranging for the Geotechnical report to be prepared. I review the calculations and have made a revision to the 6 foot wall, but it does not change any of the Factors of Safety for overturning, sliding, or bearing! Please note the sections of the IBC which are attached for your information. 1 . Paul Austin PE&LS WA # 16968 cc: File: 12-24 Mr. Joseph Galando 3124 SW 171" St. Seattle, WA 98166-3244 Mr. Marty Reynolds P.O. Box 34 Allyn, WA 98524 2 w CITY OF WEST RICHLAND—Building Division 3801 W Van Giesen,West Richland WA 99353 Ph:(509)967-5902 Fx:(509)967-2419 Inspection Request Line 967-3518 Retaining Wall Permit Submittal Requirements PERMIT REQUIRED: A permits is required for Retaining Walls made of any material (concrete, masonry, ecology block, steel,railroad ties, etc.), unless specifically exempted as described in this handout. PERMIT EXEMPT: Retaining Walls four feet in height or less measured vertically from the finished grade at the exposed toe of the wall to the highest point unless: supporting a surcharge or, impounding, Class I, II, II-A liquids or, subject to the provisions of Chapter CODE: International Building Code 2006 Edition WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, &Municipal Construction(Current Edition) FEE: Fee is based on valuation of the project plus a 25%plan review fee and a$4.50 state fee. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. A Critical Areas Determination, issued by the Planning Division 2. Permit Application 3. Soils Investigation or Soils Report—Two (2)copies, stamped and signed by a Washington State licensed Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. 4. Grading Plan—Two (2)copies,with yardage calculations 5. Plot Plan—Two (2) copies, scaled 1"=20' 6. Retaining Wall Section and Elevation Views—Two (2) copies, stamped and signed by a Washington State licensed Engineer. 7. Retaining Wall Design Calculations, - Two (2) copies, stamped and signed by a Washing State licensed Engineer 8. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan—(2)copies 9. For Retaining Walls in Critical Areas designated as geologically hazardous areas or, in the mapped ESLHA, a letter from a Washington State licensed Geotechnical Engineer addressing the criteria of WRMC ?????? INTRODUCTION Retaining Walls, including shoring structures, are structural systems that provide lateral support for vertical or near-vertical slopes of soil. Several common types of Retaining Walls include: gravity, semigravity, cantilever, soldier pile, sheet pile, proprietary modular block, mechanically stabilized earth, and soil nail retaining walls. The City of West Richland does not consider rockeries(walls constructed of rock from the earth)to be Retaining Walls. DEFINITIONS Wall Height. For permitting purposes, Retaining Wall height is defined as the height measured vertically from the finished grade at the exposed toe of the Retaining Wall to the highest point of the finished wall. Setback Area Height. For setback purposes, Retaining Wall Setback Area Height is defined as the height measured vertically from the original grade to the highest point of the Retaining Wall supporting soil. EXEMPTIONS FROM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A Retaining Wall permit is not required for the following conditions: however retaining walls must also meet the General Requirements listed within this handout: • Retaining Walls four (4) feet or less in height, provided that none of the conditions below (numbers 1-5 under General permit requirements) apply. (See Wall Height definition above.) • For Retaining Walls proposed for construction in conjunction with an approved subdivision or short plat, a separate retaining wall permit is not required. However, wall details shall be included on the subdivision/short plat civil drawings, the submittal requirements listed on page 1 of this handout shall be submitted with the plans, and plan approval signed by the City Engineer will constitute Retaining Wall approval. Retaining Walls shall be designed, reviewed and approved based on the requirements of this handout. • Retaining Walls four (4) feet or less in height proposed on an individual lot with a Critical Areas determination of Erosion Hazard Area only. Other Critical Areas determinations do not apply to this exemption. GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A Retaining Wall permit shall be required when any of the following conditions apply: 1. Retaining Walls greater than four (4) feet in height to eight (8) feet in height, (see Wall Height definition above.) • Plans must be designed and stamped by a WA State licensed Engineer • Design Calculations shall be submitted with the plans, stamped by the Engineer of record • Peer review and special inspection are not required for Retaining Walls 8 feet or less in height unless a special environmental or potentially hazardous conditions exists 2. Retaining Walls greater than eight (8) feet in height, (see Wall Height definition above.) • Plans must be designed and stamped by a WA State licensed Engineer • Design calculations shall be submitted with the plans, stamped by the Engineer of record • Peer review and special inspection are required 3. Retaining Walls of any height located in a designated Critical Area other than Erosion Hazard area. • Plans must be designed and stamped by a WA State licensed Engineer and comply with WRMC Chapter???? • Design calculations shall be submitted with the plans, stamped by the Engineer of record • Peer review and special inspection are required for all Retaining Walls located in designated Geologically Hazardous Critical Areas 4. Retaining Walls of any height supporting a surcharge from a street, road, alley, driveway, parking, building, structure or other surcharge or Retaining Walls that impound flammable liquids or hazardous materials. • Plans must be designed and stamped by a WA State licensed Engineer • Design calculations shall be submitted with the plans stamped by the Engineer or record • Peer review and special inspections are required for Retaining Walls grater than 6 feet in height 5. Terraced Retaining Walls are subject to the noted conditions above for permit requirements and exemptions;the following conditions also apply: • Each tier is considered to be a separate Retaining Wall (if any individual tier exceeds the threshold for a permit then a permit shall be required for the entire terraced structure) • The upper tier shall be setback from the lower tier a distance equal to, or greater than,the height of the lower Retaining Wall tier. • If the distance between the upper tier and the lower tier is less than the height of the lower tier then the lower tier shall be considered to support a surcharge from the upper tier and a permit shall be required and be subject to the requirements of this handout i RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION For gravity block and modular block retaining walls, the contractor shall follow the manufacturer's recommended installation procedure. For all other types of retaining walls, the contractor shall follow the plans and specifications prepared by the Engineer of Record. Keyway The Engineer of Record shall determine the minimum embedment for all walls in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or as required by the International Building Code. Wall Backfill For gravity and modular block retaining walls, the backfill material shall be placed in lifts to an elevation approximately six (6) inches below the top of each course of blocks, until the uppermost course is placed. Any backfill material on the bearing surface of one block course shall be removed before setting the next course. For all other types of retaining walls, the contractor shall follow the approved plans and specifications prepared by the Engineer of Record. Backfilling When fill is placed behind a Retaining Wall, the soil parameters for design are based on the knowledge of the proposed fill soils and the anticipated control of the compaction. Special inspection by a licensed geotechnical engineer is required to verify that the soils and compaction procedures are proper and the compacted soils properties achieve the design parameters. Underdrain A minimum six (6) inch diameter rigid perforated or slotted drainpipe shall be placed in a shallow excavated trench located along the backside of the Retaining Wall. The pipe shall be placed on the surrounded by "Gravel Backfill for Drains" to a minimum height of 1'-6" above the bottom of the pipe. A filter fabric shall surround the gravel backfill and shall have a minimum 1'-0" overlap along the top surface of the gravel. This requirement for fabric may be waived by the Engineer of Record if soils and water conditions make it unnecessary. The perforated drainpipe shall be connected to the storm drainage system (other than detention) or an approved outfall. Terraced Retaining Walls Each tier of the terraced Retaining Wall shall be installed in accordance with the prescriptive installation design standards described herein and reflected in the diagrams on the project specific plans and specifications prepared by the Engineer of Record. For gravity block and modular block retaining wall installed in accordance with the prescriptive design standards described herein, the upper Retaining Wall tier shall not be located within a horizontal distance from the lower Retaining Wall tier equal to the height of the lower Retaining Wall. 4 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR RETAINING WALLS General There are two types of Retaining Walls; one type is protecting, typically used for soils that are capable of standing by themselves without support and the other type is retaining or supporting, for soils that are not capable of standing or remaining at the existing slope. Retaining Walls shall be designed based on standard engineering methods provided by the International Building Code (current adopted edition) and WSDOT/APWA Standard specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction(current edition). Width and height of footings and walls shall be provided,including a reinforcing steel schedule and design calculations. The submitted plans, specifications, engineering calculations, diagrams soils report, and other data shall conform to the requirements of the current adopted edition of the International Building Code but not be limited to,the requirements of IBC Chapter 1806. Gravity block and modular block walls shall meet the requirements of the City Engineering installation design standards described herein and reflected in the attached diagrams. All other types of Retaining Walls not described within this document shall conform to the requirements of the International Building Code. Wall Backfill For gravity and modular block retaining walls,the Sieve Size Percent Passing 4100 material located directly behind the wall shall conform to Square 2"S 5- 100 US No.4 the manufacturer's recommendations or plans and .4 22 specifications prepared by the Engineer of Record. If there -66 is no manufacturer's recommendation or plans and US No.200 5.0 max specifications prepared by the engineer of record, the wall Dust Ratio: backfill shall consist of well draining granular material in %Passing US No.200 conformance with WSDOT/APWA 9-03.12(2) %Passing US No.40 Sand Equivalent 52 min. Gravel Backfill for Drains A system shall be designed to intercept ground water Sieve Size Percent Passing behind the retaining wall in order to prevent hydrostatic 1" Square 100 pressure on the wall. The intercepted groundwater shall be 3/a" Square 80 100 channeled to an approved drainage system. Specify all 3/8" Square 10 40 drainage materials (piping, type of backfill, etc.) on the drainage plan. Note, the backfill that surrounds the drainage US No-4 0 4 pipe shall conform to WSDOT/APWA 9-03.12(4) outlined in US No. 200 0 2 the adjacent chart. This material shall be placed to a twelve (12")inch minimum width between the entire block facing and the cut slope. J _GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. All Retaining Wall designs that require a permit shall have plans and details stamped and signed by a WA State Licensed Professional Engineer, including the design calculations when required. 2. A soils investigation/report is required to determine the classification of soil design parameters and soil design bearing capacity. All report recommendations shall be incorporated into the Retaining Wall design including drainage considerations. 3. Retaining Walls shall not exceed there (3) feet in height, above original grade, when located in setback areas. (See Setback Area Height definition above) 4. Retaining Walls of any height shall not be constructed over public utility easements, or be constructed to adversely affect drainage, or create a sight distance hazard. 5. The slope behind the top of a Retaining Wall shall be no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) unless specifically approved by the applicant's Geotechnical Engineer. 6. Retaining Walls of any height shall not be constructed in, on, or over (developed or undeveloped) City right-of-way, unless specifically approved by the City Engineer. Per WRMC Chapter ??? approval of an Encroachment Permit may be granted to locate a Retaining Wall within the City right-of-way if it does not interfere with the public's use of the right-of-way and/or if the proposal benefits the public interest, safety or convenience. 7. A two (2) foot minimum shy distance shall be maintained from Retaining Walls to the edge of roads (including private access roads serving 3 or more lots), streets and alleys. 8. Temporary Spoil. Unless substantiated by the applicant's Geotechnical Engineer, temporary spoil or stockpiling shall be placed no closer than two (2) feet from the surface edge of the excavating, measured from the nearest base of the spoil to the cut. Spoil should be placed so that it channels rainwater and other run-off water away from the excavation. Permanent spoils are considered to be fill and are subject to IBC permitting and fill requirements (a separate fill/grading permit may be required. 9. General Requirements apply even if a retaining wall is exempt from Permitting requirements. GENERAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 1. If the Retaining Wall is located on private property and is permitted as part of a building permit or as a separate Retaining Wall permit, the property owner is responsible to call the City Building Inspection line (509-967-3518) for the following inspections, including but not limited to: • Location and Setbacks • Verification of Bearing Soil • Placement of Reinforcement • Wall Drainage(behind wall and to a point one foot away from wall) • Drainage dispersal inspection (inspected by City Engineer for drainage on foot away from wall to approved dispersal area) • Final Inspection and Height 2. If the Retaining Wall is constructed as part of a subdivision or short plat site improvement, the property owner is responsible to call the City Engineer at 509- 967-5434 for the noted inspections above. SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS • For poured concrete Retaining Walls, if the design Engineer specifies a concrete design strength greater than 2500psi, a special inspection is required by either the Engineer of Record or a Special Inspector approved by the Building Official who is certified by the Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO) for reinforced concrete. • The Geotechnical Engineer of record shall verify conformance with the project specific Retaining Wall design including but not limited to: soil bearing conditions and capacity, groundwater conditions, verification of backfill material, compaction methods, drainage, and retaining wall placement procedures, etc. • Field reports by the Geotechnical Engineer of record shall be submitted in a timely manner to the Building Division for review and approval for private individual lot development and to the Engineering Division for subdivision/short plat and right-of- way development. PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST A Critical Areas Determination, issued by the Planning Division, must be completed and on file with the City. Provide applicable information as indicated by the decision for compliance with WRMC Chapter???. 2. SOILS INVESTIGATION OR SOILS REPORT The classification of soil and design bearing capacity must be determined based on observation and tests of the soil materials disclosed by borings or excavations. Such work shall be performed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. Soils investigation/report recommendations shall be incorporated into the Retaining Wall design and shall conform to the requirements of IBC 1802 and IBC Table 1804.2 3. GRADING PLAN Three(3) copies, scaled 1"=20'. When fill or grading for Retaining Walls exceeds 50 cubic yards, a separate grading plan with yardage calculations must be submitted (additional permit fees required). Exception: Grading in designated Critical Areas or within the mapped ESLHA requires grading plans, peer review and additional permit fees regardless of the amount of grading or fill. 4. PLOT PLAN Three (3)copies, scaled 1"=20'. a) North arrow,property line dimensions,streets, alleys, driveways,parking areas, etc. b) Clearly show edge of City right-of-way,curb, gutter, sidewalk, street trees, etc. c) Detail public and private access and utility easements that encumber the property *Provide copies, of all recorded easements that affect the property d) Show location of existing house, garage,decks, etc. on the subject property e) Show location of streams, creeks, drainage courses,etc. on the subject property f) Clearly show the proposed location of the Retaining Wall and distance to property lines g) Indicate the height of the wall, including top and bottom elevations of the wall at five (5) foot linear intervals to clearly show height of the wall along its entire length h) Clearly show how wall drain pipe will connect or discharge to an approved drainage system i) Show existing and proposed grade contours at two (2) foot linear intervals for slopes up to 15% and five(5) foot linear intervals for slopes exceeding 15% slope 5. SECTION AND ELEVATION VIEWS Two (2) copies, stamped and signed by a Washington State licensed Engineer with the following: a) Provide a typical section view of the Retaining Wall. b) Footing and wall detail: specify width, maximum height, reinforcing steel schedule, rebar spacing, etc. c) Wall detail: specify width,height, steel schedule, etc. d) Drainage provisions behind wall (piping size and material) and backfill proposed. Clearly show how Retaining Wall drain pipe will connect or discharge to an approved drainage system. 6. RETAINING WALL DESIGN CALCULATIONS Two (2) copies, stamped and signed by a WA State licensed Professional Engineer and shall include: soils classification, unit weight of soil, allowable bearing pressure, active and passive earth pressures, liquefaction potential, coefficient of friction, seismic loads, site specific surcharge loads, water table information, grading calculations, global slope stability, sliding resistance, overturning, local capacity of walls (bending, shear, deflection, embedment), lagging design and fascia design. For manufactured systems (i.e., block walls, keystone) and other engineered Retaining Wall systems provide the installation instructions with the permit application submittal. 7. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN Three (3) copies of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans per WRMC Chapter????. 8. LETTER FROM GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSING THE CRITERIA OF WRMC CHAPTER ???. For Retaining Walls in designated geologically hazardous Critical Areas or in the mapped ESLHA, the Geotechnical Engineer of record shall submit a stamped and signed letter acknowledging that the criteria of WRMC Chapter ??? has been reviewed and all applicable design considerations for code compliance have been incorporated into the plans. NOTE: THE PURPOSE OF THIS HANDOUT IS TO ASSIST THE PUBLIC IN COMPLYING WITH DETAILED PERMrr SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. rr IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST OF PERMrr OR CODE REQUIREMENTS AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER/DESIGN PROFESSAL TO REVIEW THE SUBMITTAL FOR COMPLETENESS AND APPLICABILrrY TO OTHER CODES. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY FOR REVIEW. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Building Load Requirements Per IBC Sec 1600 Project: fi, W o- ( AE: IZ ~ Zq Sht 1 of Sht- �n� �i. GQ.Ia•��o Wind Exposure: Wind Factors: Seismic Factors: Dead and Live Loading per IBC Chapter 16: LL= I z C - 3,4 .p DF= psf Per Building Officials in Mason County Ground Snow Load 25 pounds per square foot See Mason County WEB site for Snow Load Map Wind Speed 85 miles per hour Seismic Design Category D2 Weathering Moderate Frost Line Depth 12" Termite Slight to Moderate Decay Moderate to Severe Winter Design Temp 26 degrees Fahrenheit Ice Shield Underlayment Requirement None Flood Hazards as established by FEMA and Mason County Air Freezing Index 170 Mean Annual Temp 51 degrees Fahrenheit AUSTIN ENGINEERING Civil Engineering and Survey Services 2182 NE Eton Lane, Bremerton WA 98311-9529 360-698-1661 austinengr@gmail.com MODULAR BLOCK GRAVITY RETAINING WALL CALCULATIONS t� PROJECT: Galndo Northshore Rd., Belfair CONSULTANT: Austin Engineering ENGINEER: E P Austin PE DATE: 14 Jan 13 Project No.: 12-24 PARAMETERS: Equivalent height of wall w/surcharge if given (Feet). 0. Slope of backfill above wall (Degrees). 0 Ka: 0.28565 Height of wall (Feet): 10.00 Pa: 2018.627 Angle of internal friction (Degrees): 34 Ma: 6728.77 Angle of wall friction (Degrees): 30.6 Unit weight of soil (PCF): 120 Batter on wall (Vert./Horz.): 6 Angle of inclination (Degrees): 80.53775 Unit weight of block wall (PCF): 155 Bearing capacity of soil (PSF): 2000 HEIGHT, WIDTH, WEIGHT, LEVER ARM & MOMENT/FT. OF BLOCKS STARTING AT THE BOTTOM: H1: 2 B1: 8 W1: 1860 L1: 3,123973 M1: 5810.589 H2: 2 B2: 4 W2: 1240 L2: 2,468079 M2: 3060.418 H3: 2 B3: W3: 620 L3: 1.812185 M3: 1123.555 H4: 2 134: 2 W4: 620 L4: 2.142554 M4: 1328.383 H5: 2 135: W5: 620 L5: 2.472923 M5: 1533.212 H6: B6: W6: 0 L6: 1.651844 M6: 0 H7: B7: W7: 0 LT 1.651844 MT 0 H8: 138: W8: 0 L8: 1.651844 M8. 0 1­19: 1 139: W9: 0 L9: 1.651844 M9: 0 H10: B10: W10: 0 L10: 1.651844 M10: 0 SUM: 10 SUM: 4960 SUM: 12856.16 OVERTURNING Safety Factor: RatioM/Ma: 1.910625 �ti� ";,�'N,,�, a SLIDING Safety Factor: ;5 Ratio (Fv/Fh)Tanp 7.903638 (Fv/Fh)Tanp > SF: OK k {m 4 . BEARING Safety Factor: Ratio Cap./Wt.: 2.419355 Cap./Wt. >SF: IOK 0� � N V MODULAR BLOCK GRAVITY RETAINING WALL CALCULATIONS PROJECT: CONSULTANT: Austin Engineering ENGINEER: E P Austin PE DATE: 14 Jan 13 Project No.: 12-24 PARAMETERS: Equivalent height of wall w/surcharge if given (Feet): 0` Slope of backfill above wall (Degrees): 12 Ka: 0.340458 Height of wall (Feet): 6.00 Pa: 866.1374 Angle of internal friction (Degrees): 34 Ma: 1732.278 Angle of wall friction (Degrees): 30.6 Unit weight of soil (PCF): 120' Batter on wall (Vert./Horn.): 6 Angle of inclination (Degrees): 80.53775 Unit weight of block wall (PCF): 1 155 Bearing capacity of soil (PSF): 1 2000 HEIGHT, WIDTH, WEIGHT, LEVER ARM & MOMENT/FT. OF BLOCKS STARTING AT THE BOTTOM: H1: 2 B1: 4 W1: 1240 L1: 2.13771 M1: 2650.76 H2 2 B2 2 W2: 620 L2: 1,481816 M2: 918.7259 H3: 2' B3: 2 W3: 620 L3: 1.812185 M3: 1123.555 H4: 134: W4: 0 L4: 0.991107 M4: 0 H5: 135: W5: 0 L5: 0.991107 M5: 0 H6: B6: W6: 0 L6. 0,991107 M6: 0 H7: 67: WT 0 LT 0.991107 MT 0 H8: B8: W8: 0 L8: 0,991107 M8: 0 H9: 139: W9: 0 L9: 0.991107 M9: 0 1­110: B10: W10. 0 L10: 0.991107 M10: 0 SUMI 6 SUM: 2480 SUM 4693.041 OVERTURNING Safety Factor: 15_;, Ratio M/Ma: 2.709172 M/Ma >SF: OK SLIDING Safety Factor. 1.� QP VAS fi' s�� T Ratio (Fv/Fh)Tanp 11.05256 (Fv/Fh)Tanp > SF m OK ,r�, � ? --1 BEARING Safety Factor: 1 f Ratio Cap./Wt.: 3.225806 C Cap./Wt. >SF: fN -n I I MODULAR BLOCK GRAVITY RETAINING WALL CALCULATIONS PROJECT: Galndo Northshore Rd., Belfair CONSULTANT: Austin Engineering ENGINEER: E P Austin PE DATE: 14 Jan 13 Project No.: 12-24 PARAMETERS: Equivalent height of wall w/surcharge if given (Feet): 0 Slope of backfill above wall (Degrees): 0 Ka: 0.28565 Height of wall (Feet): 10.00 Pa: 2018.627 Angle of internal friction (Degrees): 34 Ma: 6728.77 Angle of wall friction (Degrees): 3&6 Unit weight of soil (PCF): 120 Batter on wall (Vert./Horz.): 6 Angle of inclination (Degrees): 80.53775 Unit weight of block wall (PCF): 156 Bearing capacity of soil (PSF): 2000 HEIGHT, WIDTH, WEIGHT, LEVER ARM & MOMENT/FT. OF BLOCKS STARTING AT THE BOTTOM: H1: 2 B1: 6 W1: 1860 L1: 3.123973 M1: 5810.589 H2 2 132: 4 W2: 1240 L2: 2.468079 M2: 3060.418 H3: 2 B3: 2 W3: 620 L3: 1.812185 M3: 1123.555 H4: 2 134: 2 W4: 620 L4: 2.142554 M4: 1328.383 H5: 2 B5: 2 W5: 620 L5: 2.472923 M5: 1533.212 H6: B6: W6: 0 L6: 1.651844 M6: 0 HT B7: W7: 0 LT 1.651844 MT 0 H8: 68: W8: 0 LB: 1.651844 M8: 0 H9: B9: W9: 0 L9: 1.651844 M9: 0 H10: B10. W10: 0 L10: 1.651844 M10: 0 SUM: 10 SUM: 4960 SUM 12856.16 OVERTURNING Safety Factor: 1.5 Ratio M/Ma: 1.910625 �h���. ,'�"'•'�'i M/Ma >SF: OK SLIDING Safety Factor: 1.5 Ratio (Fv/Fh)Tanp 7.903638 �� -n v (Fv/Fh)Tanp > SF OK t� Im O BEARING Safety Factor 1'5 ~r Ratio Cap./VVt.: 2.419355 Cap./Wt. >SF. OK I MODULAR BLOCK GRAVITY RETAINING WALL CALCULATIONS PROJECT: Galndo Northshore Rd., Belfair CONSULTANT: Austin Engineering ENGINEER: E P Austin PE DATE: 14 Jan 13 Project No.: 12-24 Revised: 19 Jun 13 PARAMETERS: Equivalent height of wall w/surcharge if given (Feet): 5 Slope of backfill above wall (Degrees): 0 Ka: 0.28565 Height of wall (Feet): 6.00 Pal 726.7057 Angle of internal friction (Degrees): 34 Ma: 1453.414 Angle of wall friction (Degrees): 30.6 Unit weight of soil (PCF): 120 Batter on wall (Vert./Horz.): 6 Angle of inclination (Degrees): 80.53775 Unit weight of block wall (PCF): 155 Bearing capacity of soil (PSF): 2000 HEIGHT, WIDTH, WEIGHT, LEVER ARM & MOMENT/FT. OF BLOCKS STARTING AT THE BOTTOM: H1: 2 61: 4 W1: 1240 L1: 2.13771 Ml: 2650.76 H2: 2 B2: 2 W2: 620 L2: 1.481816 M2: 918.7259 H3: 2 B3: 2 W3: 620 L3: 1.812185 M3: 1123.555 H4: 134: W4: 0 L4: 0.991107 M4: 0 H5: B5: W5: 0 L5: 0.991107 M5: 0 H6: 136: W6: 0 L6: 0.991107 M6: 0 H7. B7: W7: 0 L7: 0.991107 MT 0 H8: B8: W8: 0 L8: 0.991107 M8. 0 H9: B9: W9: 0 L9: 0.991107 M9: 0 H10: B10: W10: 0 L10: 0.991107 M10: 0 SUm-.1 6 SUM: 2480 SUM: 4693.041 OVERTURNING Safety Factor: Ratio M/Ma: 3.228977 M/Ma >SF OK Q 4 esJt cTj� SLIDING Safety Factor Ratio (Fv/Fh)Tanp 18.58276 (Fv/Fh)Tanp> SF: OK w ro BEARING Safety Factor 1 , „ € cn Ratio Cap./Wt.: 3.225806 7G96 m 0 Cap./Wt. >SF: 1OK , ° S `rlO1VAL� O 1 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT tj Mason County Bldg. III, 426 West Cedar Street �X !l —_ PO Box 186, Shelton, WA 985841854 p www.co.mason.wa.us Shelton (360)427-9670 Belfair(360)275-4467 Elma (360)482-5269' hf June 13, 2013 Joseph and Barbara Galando 3124 SW 171 sc Street Burien, WA 98166-3244 E-Mail: joeg@coastal-foods.com Building Permit Number: BLD2013-00359 Dear Mr. &Mrs. Galando, Thank you for submitting the building permit application referenced above. In order to complete the building department review additional information will be needed which is listed below. Note that this letter is also being sent to Austin Engineering,the engineer of record. Please discuss with the engineer and arrange for a response as requested. PLAN REVIEW REQUIREMENT COMMENTS: 1. Our office received gravity design calculations for modular block walls 10-ft and 6-ft in height. Referencing Section R404.4 of the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) all retaining walls that are not laterally supported at the top and retain in excess of 24-inches of unbalanced fill shall be designed to ensure stability against overturning sliding, excessive foundation pressure and water uplift. Retaining walls shall be designed for a safety factor of 1.5 against lateral sliding and overturning. Please verify that the design calculations provided take into consideration all elements specified in Section R404.4. 2. Please provide construction plans showing as-built conditions and engineered design corrections as needed. The plans shall clearly identify an elevation plan that identifies terraced conditions, height of each retaining wall, footing information/details, drainage system, backfill material including compaction specifications, approved filter material as needed, slope of material and finished grade. 3. The planner has noted that a Geotechnical report is required for this project. Please provide a copy of the geo-report with your response. The design criteria for this parcel is as follows: Snow load: 25 psf Wind load: 85 mph, exp"B" Seismic zone: D2 When you have compiled the requested information please submit it to the Mason County Building � Department, attention D. Coker. Please respond to comments, in writing, in the order listed. Revisions, required as a result of this letter must be transferred onto proposed building plans. Where required, please return two sets of revised plans and documents along with two sets of calculations. If you have questions please contact me at(360) 427-9670 ext. 510 or via e-mail at: DLC@co.mason.wa.us Sincerely, D era Coker ason County Building Department Building Inspector IV Word/BLD2013-00359, Bldg Dept. comment letter cc: Austin Engineering,2182 NE Eton Lane, Bremerton, WA 98311-9259—Email: austinengr@gmail.com. MASON COUNTY o �') n 427-9670 �' EXT. BUILDING DEPARTMENT ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO AT ONCE TOP WORK On these Premises at This order is issued because t��/�T� � 1242 4- ' Posted / Z � ,fmb1/ O- 20 By WARNING The failure to stop work, the resuming of work without permission from the Building Official, or the removal, mutilation,destruction or concealment of this Notice is punishable by fine and imprisonment. 5p47 COo„ MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mason County Bldg. III, 426 West Cedar Street PO Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 1854 www.co.masonma.us (360)427-9670 Belfair(360)275-4467 Elma (360)482-5269 Notification of Mason County Code Violation December 5, 2012 Mason County Department of Community Development Shelton WA 98584 Claimant Vs. Joseph and Barbara Galando 3124 SW 171 st ST Seattle, WA 98166 Notice The receipt of this notice shall constitute service regarding notification of violations of the Mason County Code, and shall also serve as Warning Notice pursuant to Mason County Code, Title 15, Section 15.13.035. The violation(s) are occurring at the following property: Parcel Number: 32224-50-00083 Site Address:10911 NE Northshore Road, Belfair, WA 98528 Legal Description: CADY'S SUNRISE BEACH TR. B-1 &T.L. Enforcement Case: BCC2012-00090 and ENF 2012-00095 ❑ Our office has received notice that retaining walls 6-ft tall or more have been constructed without a building permit or approval. Constructing the non-exempt structure(s) without obtaining permits prior to construction is a violation of Mason County Code Chapter 14, subject violation and penalties outlined in Chapter 14.12. On November 30, 2012 the inspector posted a STOP WORK notice on the garage structure in accordance to Chapter 14.12.040. A copy of the stop work notice is enclosed. In addition I have enclosed a copy of the Mason County exemption list for your reference. According to the Mason County Assessor records, parties named above hold legal interest in the parcel and are therefore subject to enforcement action for failure to comply. The parties shall respond to the county within twenty days of the postmark of this notice, no later than December 27, 2012. Order YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to abate the violation by following one of the options below: 1. Apply for a building permit. A complete building permit application shall contain 3-sets of plans demonstrating compliance to the 2009 International Building Code, a completed permit application, and a site plan drawn to scale. A building permit application package is enclosed. Based upon information obtained in the photos taken when the structure was posted it appears that an engineered design shall be required in order to approve the building plans. The Washington state licensed design professional will need the following design criteria in order to complete the engineered design: Snow load: 25 psf Wind speed: 85 mph, exp. B (unless determined otherwise) Seismic zone: D2 2. As an option, remove the retaining wall structure(s). When completed contact our office to make arrangements for a compliance inspection to verify removal. Penalties This notice is to inform you that in the event that you fail to comply, we will pursue additional enforcement action against you, including but not limited to recording against the parcel, civil infractions, liens against the property through the Mason County Hearings Examiner process and/or criminal prosecution as allowed under Title 15.13 of the Mason County Code. Note that the removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of any notice posted on November 30, 2012 would be deemed a separate violation of Title 14. In the event that you feel you have received this notice in error or that the facts are inaccurate, I strongly encourage you to contact me to discuss your concerns immediately. I can be reached at (360) 427-9670 ext. 510 or via e-mail at: dlc@co.mason.wa.us. Sincerely, I 6De, berg Cokerding Inspector IV/Code Enforcement Cc: Property File Encl.: copy of the stop work notice posted on 11.30.2012 Exemption list Building permit application package. Joseph and Barbara Galando Joseph and Barbara Galando 3124 SW 171st Street 3124 SW 171s' Street Seattle WA 98166 Seattle WA 98166 Mason County Dept. of Community Development Mason County Bldg. III, 426 W. Cedar, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton: (360) 427-9670 Belfair: (360) 275-4467 Elma: (360) 482-5269 0101 Web: http://www.co.mason.wa.us Notification of Mason County Code Violation May 29, 2013 Mason County Department of Community Development Shelton WA 98584 Claimant Vs. JOSEPH GALLARDO 3124 SW 171 ST SEATTLE WA 98166 Notice The receipt of this notice shall constitute service regarding notification of violations of the Mason County Code, and shall also serve as Warning Notice pursuant to Mason County Code, Title 15, Section 15.13.035. The violation(s) are occurring at the following property: Enforcement Case No.: ENF2012-00095 Parcel No.: 322245000083 Site Address: 10911 NE NORTH SHORE RD BELFAIR You are receiving this notice because of the following: The specific Mason County Code(s) that apply to this activity are as follows: According to the Mason County Assessor records, parties named above hold legal interest in the parcel and are therefore subject to enforcement action for failure to comply. The parties shall respond to the county within twenty days of the postmark, posting on site, or delivery of the notice. Order YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to abate violations in the following manner: By you must: Penalties After the fact permits are subject to a triple fee penalty. Documents that are supplemental to application do not have additional penalty fees. In the event that you fail to comply, by the compliance deadline of we will pursue additional enforcement action against you, including but not limited to recording against the parcel, civil infractions, liens against the property through the Mason County Hearings Examiner process and/or criminal prosecution as allowed under Title 15.13 of the Mason County Code. In the event that you feel you have received this notice in error or that the facts are inaccurate, I strongly encourage you to contact me at (360)427-9670 ext 365 to discuss your concerns immediately. Permit applications are accepted at the Permit Assistance Center, Mason County Building 3, 426 W Cedar ST, Shelton WA. Complete applications must be submitted with all applicable fees and supplemental documents. Sincerely, Allan Borden Planner / Code Enforcement Mason County Dept. of Comm. Development Cc: Property File Allan Borden Debbera Coker ENF2012-00095 Page 2 of 2