HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOM2024-00033 Change Tenant Care Dealer to Realator - COM Application - 6/6/2024 MASON COUNTY 427-9670 Shelton ext.352 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVRfiCiE U�360) :0) 275-4467 Belfair ext. 352 BUILDING.PLANNING•FIRE MARSHAL (360)482-5269 Elma ext. 352 y Mason County Bldg. 8 J U N 0 6 2024 1854 615 W. Alder Street, Shelton,WA 98584 www.co.mason.wa.us 615 W. Alder ':;trAAt COM 2a-4- OGw,2 CHANGE IN TENANT APPLICATION PROPERTY INFORMATION Date:6/3/2024 Assessor's Parcel Number:31917-22-91003 Legal Description:LOT:A OF SP#2716 PTN S1/2 NW NW Building Site Address:66 SE LYNCH RD SHELTON C APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of Applicant:Zenith Group NW LLC Mailing address:110 W K St Suite C City:Shelton State:WA Zip:98584 Day phone:360-780-39991 Contact Person:Derek& Derrick Message phone:360-780-3999 r� PROJECT INFORMATION Proposed business name:Zenith Homes � Proposed use:Manufactured Home Retailer Number of employees: Previous business name:Dogcon Auto LLC Describe previous use:Car Dealer STRUCTURE DETAILS Check one: 0 Detached single level/single tenant ❑ Single level/ multi tenant ❑ Multi level/single tenant ❑ Multi level/multi tenant Age of structure: Is structure currently If not occupied, how long has it been vacant? 43 years occupied? ❑Yes E]No Yr.1 Mo.1 Square 1429 Basement:0 First: 1429 Mezzanine: Second.O Third:O footage: Is the structure Type of Heat: Circle one: ❑Furnace ❑Heat Pump HElectric wall []Radiant heated? Circle one[]Yes ❑No Fuel type: Circle one: ZElectric ❑Liquid Propane ❑Natural Gas ❑Oil Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes or no, if applicable: Floor lay-out: ❑YesONo Lighting: ❑Yes❑No HeatingOYes ONo Exterior FinishesoYes ❑No Interior Finishes❑Yes❑No Parkin EYes ONo Number of restrooms provided: Number of fixtures in each: 1 Water Closets 1 Lavatories 1 Bath/Shower_° Is structure handicap accessible? EntryElYes❑No Restroom(s):❑Yes ❑No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system❑Yes E]No Fire alarm system? ❑Yes ZNo Monitoring Station Name: I Phone number: APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT: Floor Plan (5 sets): • Draw the floor plan to scale • Use of rooms • Room Dimensions • Location of all exits and windows (include dimensions, • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures counters, tables, shelving, benches, fire exits • Interior doors with swing radius _ and exit signs). Site Plan (1): Note scale used • Property lines, easements, & right of ways • Location of all existing structures & dimensions • Distance, in feet, from property line & structures • Location of all existing structures & dimensions • On-site sewage tanks and drain fields, & reserve • Landscape buffer yards • Location of fire hydrants & vehicle access roads • Well location • Parking areas number &arrangement) Continued on back If construction or remodeling is proposed an additional Building Permit and construction documents/drawings may be required. After permit issuance and compliance to all conditions is complete, schedule an inspection by calling 360.427.9670 ext. 352 OWNER/ BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s) for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null & void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICAT7N OF 18�1 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. 6/3/2024 Signature of Applicant Date XDerek Johnson & Derrick Rock Owner/Owners Representative/Contractor Print Name (circle to indicate which one) Official Use Only Accepted byCVJA11J Date 2-4 Submittal Amount$ Receipt number Department Teview Initials Date Comments Building Fire Marshal Planning Occupancy Change? (circle one) Yes No Land Use Designation: Occupancy classification change from to New occupant load calculated: persons Existing occupant load design persons. Type of construction S "coi MASON COUNTY IVED (360)427-9670 Shelton ext.352 �r9oN c�G DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY jc (360)275-4467 Belfair ext. 352 BUILDING•PLANNING•FIREMAR5HAL (360)482-5269 Elma ext. 352 Mason County Bldg. 8 JUN 0 6 2024 1854 615 W.Alder Street, Shelton,WA 98584 615 W. Alder Street www.co.mason.wa.us COM CHANGE IN TENANT APPLICATION PROPERTY INFORMATION Date:6/3/2024 Assessor's Parcel Number:31917-22-91003 Legal Description:LOT:A OF SP#2716 PTN S1/2 NW NW r Building Site Address:66 SE LYNCH RD SHELTON APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of Applicant:Zenith Group NW LLC Mailing address:110 W K St Suite C City:Shelton State:WA Zip:98584 Day phone:360-780-39991 Contact Person:Derek&Derrick Message phone:360-780-3999 PROJECT INFORMATION Proposed business name:Zenith Homes Proposed use:Manufactured Home Retailer Number of employees: Previous business name:Dogcon Auto LLC Describe previous use:Car Dealer STRUCTURE DETAILS Check one: El Detached single level/single tenant ❑ Single level/multi tenant ❑ Multi level/single tenant ❑ Multi level/multi tenant Age of structure: Is structure currently If not occupied, how long has it been vacant? 43 years I occupied? []Yes ENo Yr.1 Mo.1 Square 429 Basement:0 First: ,�429 Mezzanine: Second:O Third:0 footage: Is the structure Type of Heat: Circle one: ❑Furnace ❑Heat Pump ElElectric wall ❑Radiant heated? Circle oneElYes ❑No Fuel e: Circle one: Electric ❑Li uid Propane ❑Natural Gas ❑Oil Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes or no, if applicable: Floor lay-out: ❑Yes ❑No Lighting: ❑Yes❑No HeatingOYes 0 No Exterior FinishesflYes ❑No Interior Finishes❑Yes[]No Parkin flYes [E]No Number of restrooms provided: Number of fixtures in each: 1 Water Closets 1 Lavatories 1 Bath/Showero Is structure handicap accessible? Entry es❑No Restroom(s):DYes ❑No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system❑Yes ONo Fire alarm system? ❑Yes [E]No Monitoring Station Name: I Phone number: APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT: Floor Plan (5 sets): • Draw the floor plan to scale • Use of rooms • Room Dimensions • Location of all exits and windows (include dimensions, • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures counters, tables, shelving, benches, fire exits • Interior doors with swing radius and exit signs). Site Plan(1): Note scale used • Property lines, easements, &right of ways • Location of all existing structures &dimensions • Distance, in feet, from property line& structures • Location of all existing structures & dimensions • On-site sewage tanks and drain fields, & reserve • Landscape buffer yards • Location of fire hydrants &vehicle access roads • Well location • Parking areas number&arrangement) Continued on back If construction or remodeling is proposed an additional Building Permit and construction documents/drawings may be required. After permit issuance and compliance to all conditions is complete, schedule an inspection by calling 360.427.9670 ext. 352 OWNER/ BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null &void if work or authorized construction is not =commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICAT N OF 18Q DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. X. 6/3/2024 Signature of Applica t Date XDerek Johnson & Derrick Rock Owner/Owners Representative/Contractor Print Name (circle to indicate which one) Official Use Only Accepted by CVM U Date ' Z4 Submittal Amount$ Receipt number Department Yeview Initials Date Comments Buildin Fire Marshal Planning Occupancy Change? (circle one) Yes No Land Use Designation: Occupancy classification change from , to New occupant load calculated: persons Existing occupant load design persons. Type of construction 0 F R'n" ao rBreak �+ 9'10 1/8"► 4 5' 7/8"► El LjM Bathroom °f t Office 20'0"------ -- 4'8 11/16" r I � CIT Room a Office Conference Room Office Print Room r N F. pRA Office Exec Suite C Main Entry/Reception Area lnoc*� as n 4 4914118"► 4T47/8"► j 10'55/16"0, I ` l 45'0" Site: Parcel: Business: Tenant: Notes: Pinnacle 66 SE Lynch Rd, Shelton KA, 98584 31917-22-91003 Manufactured Zentih Group Construction Some Retailer NW LLC Site Plan Drawn Separately Port Orchard, WA Title Floor plan for Zenith Group NW LLC Scale: Date: Rev: 253-225-2808 (Office for retail sales of 1" = 8' 06/01/2024 A manufactured homes) qo ' x Dr In Field Se tl r------ Icoma1 N 1 Existing QJflce -C 1 Building ------i i------� 1429 sq.ft -----------� I Q i 1 g i ----- Li I Display Home I } SO 1 i i i 1 i WheelCha c 'X 25" �Q 1-----------J 1 X 5 31 Wage ------------ 1------J 1-------1 b i Display Home � / � FM DRAFT 1 1 i i iVat untain '------------J 1. Existing Driveway/Parking Y / Compacted Gravel lat 1 \ Ci bo Site: Parcel: Business: Tenant: Notes: Pinnacle Construction 66 SZ Lynch Rd, Shelton WA, 98584 31917-22-91003 Manufactured Home Zenith Group *No Clearing to Retailer NN LLC be done. *Display homes Port Orchard, WA 'title: Site plan for Zenith Group NOP LLC Scale: Date: Rev: to remain on 253-225-280 (Retail sales of manufactured homes) 1" = 50' 06/01/2024 A chassis. 3 Ss0 WARNING L E GA L DESCRIPTION I R.tptntlss ,Ivy and expense for FOIEVD 01SED bu n drop. Impr ovemenrs or Isolnt enanc. g�M�V! 9 of eat emenis tnd pr ivote roads leadlno IN HIOMs1Y to or serving fort «Tinto tA1s SAorl 18 ' LYNCH ROAD NO. 1550 TRACT 3 OF SHORT PLAT NO. 1863. FILED UNDER Subdrvltron (uniest sacs roadt nave (� A. F. NO. 4891 31 , BEING A PORTION OF NW 1/4, been systems) hail rest with cthefy 1 .tad sytl em) shod rest wilA the lot .—are, I 2 Any further division of loft within NW 114. SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RATVGE is, soar+ spbdiyl swan toile D. sae)eat fAe raga a enwnet of Chapf er i6.I6 I 3 WEST. W M. , ALL IN MASON COUNTY, WASH I NGTON. of Mason county cod.. 3. Declaration of Snort Subdfvtlon Audlfor'I Flit No. /0Z-5//ar e TAe proposed .1-1 ion of tept le SO FT. PRIVATE ROAD sysr ens ore advisory only. We 1:it c r AND 071L1/Y EASEMENT aDPl1co1/an and seP+Ic site inspection must be oppll:d for error to building i ) permit. 5 ine rots. pwctis or }rods y tv conlorn.d wrinln Iht. short s:bdlvition ExiSNw, oH!o have Deen ueafed without estabitshinp aoApwr; is.' a potable wafer supply. No building E 26 S6 IO' , P.rl.,r necessltotrnp potable rater i EASEIA:Nl law fat M117sn -� 9 will be issued without first satisfying air[tiS71Rt t potable wafer requirements as required Nrasa 2 ASPIW.f I by the Abcon County Health Services !/ ! Director DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL I J) i j AC 4 " f3Fi@ i Approved for recording pursuant to Mason Co.) Title 16.36 ;1: I Ai7 1 •�W 286.d6 v, Olre<fo un, y Develop" 177 67, f00.99 -- — Dote Approved _ ....q-I0- e o (V 3 \\ AUD I TOR S CERTIFICATE Filed for record this day of '�• `u, 7S•-"�-,gyp: � Yll.1.— 199s of 3•aa-P.m 11 n � Vol_ Of Short Plot.. Poga_La3 of Ph. r egwf I of rLIILE e. L IVOMfIi - Auditor's ilJe No. . Va511y _ A, /.iIAPC•G�i•� t SCALE Noson CounlY Auditor r �J 0 too zoo MERLE L 1 NDGREN I2.I'K PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NOTES: THE LOIS OF THIS SHOh1 &A51_S OF BEARINGS P.O. BOX 31?6 ® SLUDIV151ON SIMLL BE USED SHORT PLAT NO. IOU. RECORDS f1OODSPORT. WASHINGTON 985ee 1-011 COeAWHLtAt Pf1kPO5ES OM_y OF ANSON CO. WASH. (360) 611-S647 LOT A IS SERVED BY A -'1WAXr'1!Y — ._.- ..-........_ [ prf by dD, oEc/9e! JO!R!. l•1Mg WATER SYS/EAt SEE A F NO. 541714 iQa Iv FNL I SCKE/'•10p' SItFfT OI(OF DrR m �L, SURVEYOR S CERTIFICATE o q Ee.i;917i�\ ruts map ......t,y rep:esanFt a survey • gw4 �, mils by ate of •ender my directfan in + P inte1-1 .,Ph the rtqul'ismenis of s the Surrey htcc.dlep Act Of The w O � ' stsKo % /its'/ It OUAat 4/ /A1eri e11eK so bt LAB i •n utc 199S N 2-31':SE W _ .- 1�" LE f:Ai do,If 3.? is '-,:I S"ILI . I S'UN _ :i _ WIhYL B!'rSE • aE Et. _Mr-m is:As.•S/I'REBAR IVP(ASJIC W SET SHC:T". WASH. 4!f aA ,. ._ •1!2'REBAR lE,'WASItC c 36U 14,M t?6E :AP FND. - LS 11355 i:-O'11.�riEfiT ry P :=.J',ttT,r. SURVF.Y .n•H:xr,:.tt ♦BF C'Y(,t d:r K, sy,MAryfy, :,a i'KrFi Ia Y! :1YsfY-::./<`i.:�tM r'RA,'OsU f;1MIH.a4 il. igFt OR AS NOTED EL-IINIENT: )OPC2'V 6• rOIAL STa7t•1'1 N rwr mtrf"SbR:E MAY_aXu:.~!fTrt a r01lrlr.At SrxLE 'rF L%7AwirlsI$". i•I:N Al S&7)(,FAW4. DARYI, BUGCE S9 SOIL LOG AM CAL iitRAM, .Am,l JPA,WIEL0j. 5fR,r,i.A,. to"ks,"J%StakAsA /A'Ka.~S. FEE,>rATI'MS. FHL:r5J i$FDO wisif—l:tr, IN • PROPOSED WELL SITE fa 9e 1AMt Dv.•Veit%WAYS. i:gfiu aq Doi�MEw 4EAh,-:,,LAC aPvAvf. ,x_. .HSE:i iCIDES. OATA0:+li fn Al Y 114. 114. SFC. 17. rkCCC:iJRE: FIELD TRA VCRSf ct Ah astts. ON Acc•.ttL Ar,r.•i x )A RYIA,NfVlTf4 6AA846F TWP. 19 N.. R. 7 WEST. W.M.