HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2012-00351 ATF Retaining Wall - BLD Permit / Conditions - 7/13/2012 Inspection Line(360)427-7262 MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (360)427-9670, ext. 352 Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT BLD2012-00351 OWNER: BREEDEN/KOEHL RECEIVED: 5/21/2012 CONTRACTOR: LICENSE: EXP: ISSUED: 7/13/2012 SITE ADDRESS: 12921 NE NORTH SHORE RD BELFAIR EXPIRES: 1/13/2013 PARCEL NUMBER: 322345000014 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MADRONA MORNINGSIDE BCH TRACTS TR 14&T.L. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: After the Fact permit for concrete retaining walls replacement and the ST RT 3 TO BELFAIR, L ON ST RT 300/NORTH SHORE RD, TO SITE relocation of a small storage building to 5 feet from side property line. ADDRESS ON THE LEFT SIDE General Information Construction&Occupancy Information Square Footage Information No. of Bedrooms: Type of Constr.: Type of Use: SF Insp.Area: No.of Bathrooms: Occ. Group: Lot Size: Deck: Type of Work: BH Fire Dist.: 5 No. of Stories: Occ. Load: Building: Valuation: $ 5,000.00 Building Height: Occ. Status: Basement: Manufactured Home Information Setback Information Shoreline&Planning Information Make: Length: Ft. Front: Ft. Shoreline: Ft. Water Body: HOOD CANAL SEPA?: No Model: Width: Ft. Rear: Ft. Slope: Ft. Shoreline Desi Side 1: Ft. 9•: Urban Year: Serial No.: Side 2: Ft. Comp. Plan Desig.: Rural Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures FEES Type Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt Plan Check Fee GMM 5/21/2012 $73.00 S1201200000001 BLD Vio. Investigation Fee GMM 5/21/2012 $73.00 S1201200000001 Planning Review Fee GMM 5/21/2012 $205.00 S1201200000001 Building State Fee GMM 5/21/2012 $4.50 S1201200000001 Building Permit Fee GMM 5/21/2012 $ 141.00 S1201200000001 Building State Fee LDK 6/11/2012 $4.50 S1201200000001 Planning Violation Fee AHB 6/19/2012 $255.00 S1201200000001 Total $756.00 BLD2012-00351 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 1 of 5 CASE NOTES FOR ,BLD2012-00351 CONDITIONS FOR BLD2012-00351 1) Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-647-�82. The person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. x /�,i� 2) All approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is called for and plans are not available on site, then approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee(refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and must be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. 3) Owner/A is responsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.28. X ���� 4) The plan review check list and corrections are part of the approved plans and must remain thereto. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make the corrections indicated on the plans. Once the plans are marked "APPROVED", they shall not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official. The permit holder is responsible to retain the complete approved set of plans on site for the duration of the project. Failure to comply and/or removaLzLppproved documents will result in failure of required building inspections. X 5) THE FOUNDATION SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED ON UNDISTURBED, NATIVE SOIL. X 6) The"approved" site plan is required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is requested and the"approved" site plan is not on site, then approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and shall be collected by the Building Degtment prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. X �S< 7) Owner/builder assumes all responsibility if drainfield/reserve area is encumbered. A. Drainfield/Reserve requires a 10ft setback from all footing/foundations. B. Septic tank(s) requires 5ft setback from all footing/foundations. C. No fou drains within 30ft, down gradient of drainfield/reserve area. x BLD2012-00351 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 2 of 5 8) Concrete used for basement,walls, foundation walls, exterior walls, porches, carport slabs, steps exposed to the weather, garage floor slabs and other vertical concrete work exposed to the weather shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi (IRC Table R402.2). X ' 9) All construction must meet or exceed all local ordinances and the international codes requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Occupancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in permit revo< X 10) Provisions for surface/subsurface drainage control must be implemented with new construction or development on site and MUST NOT adversely impact adjacent parcels. Under the requirements of Mason County Stormwater Ordinance, either private ditches and drains will meet requirements of the stormwater ordinance or prior approval will be granted to use an existing utility and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose. For further information regarding this ordinance and the REQUIREMENT to obtain an ACCESS PERMIT for the installation/construction of a driveway or access connecting from a Mason County Road, Contact the Mason County Public Works Department prior to construction at Ext 450. For any construction which is proposed to be located within 25' of a Mason County road right of way, it is suggested to contact that office to review future planned work which may affect your project. X 11) Placement 'ructure must comply with standards set forth per the international codes regarding descending and/or ascending slopes. X 12) All changes to"approved" building plans that effect compliance with the international codes as amended and adopted, or any other Mason County ordinance ulation, must be reviewed and approved by Mason County prior to construction. X 13) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED BUILDING CODE. The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the international codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Building Inspeotor sbalbe made prior to requesting additional inspections. X 14) All property lines shall be clearly identified at the time of foundation inspection. X�� 15) All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason Co ordinances and building regulations. X 16) All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may extend the time for action for a period not exceeding 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit (older h�ayee�pr ted action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. BLD2012-00351 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 3 of 5 17) Retaining walls needed to support a surc arge s structures, roads, or to support slopes, shall require a separate building permit and approval prior to construction of the retaining wall. X 18) By definition, propane tanks and heatpumps are structures, which must meet setback conditions. Please check your"Approved Site Plan"to ensure these structures meet the setback conditions listed. X 19) Landings and stairs must meet the same setback conditions as any permitted structure; and, must be shown on your site plan. Please check your "Approved Site Plan"to ensure these structures are shown and meet the setback conditions listed. X 20) Any concrete poured without a county inspection will require a Washington State licensed Engineer to provide in writing approval and ok for adequecy of concrete poured. Letter to be on site at time of inspection for County inspector to verify. X !�R 21) Approved per dimensions and setbacks on site plan submitted on 05-21-2012. Setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the structure. Wall on east side shall be reduced according to the agreed-on modifications and drawing on the site plans, so that the wall does not intrude onto the beach; debris of m9daed walls shall be removed from the property. X 22) The proposed project must be consisten wit applicable policies and other provisions of the Shoreline Management Act, its rules, and the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. X 23) Concrete leeacchate must be contained during pouring, such that water quality degradation of adjacent waters does not occur. X_� 24) All construction and demolition debris must be removed from the site area after project completion. Proper dil 'I of construction debris must be on land in such a manner that debris cannot enter or cause water quality degradation of State waters. X � 25) The applicant acknowledges that this wall repair was sited such that no further shore protection measures will be required for the protection of the upland areas and that no further modifications of the walls or the area enclosed along the shoreline will be made without Dept. of Community Development review. X 26) The applicant acknowledges that on the storage building near the access easement built in 2011 &2012, the roof overhang on the east side will be reduced to a gutter width where the roof edge and vertical wall meet. This will improve the setback of the shed structure from the east property line�� X BLD2012-00351 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 4 of 5 This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, or if construction or work is suspended for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. Evidence of continuation of work is a progress inspection within the 180 day period. Final inspection must be approved before building can be occupied. Proof of continuation of work is by means of a progress inspection.The owner or the agent on the owners behalf, represents that the information provided is accurate + and grants employees of Mason C access to the above described property and structure for review and inspection. OWNER OR AGENT: DATE: BLD2012-00351 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 5 of 5 co o ca CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME o N Footings/Setbacks Cana Piping By Ribbons M o Interior Date By Interior-Date By Date By m Exterior Date By Exterior-Date B Z Set- Point Load!Isolated Footings INSULATION Date By O BG!SLAB INSULATION Date By Data By FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 r Foundation wails Floors Date By Date By Data By DECKS FRAMING wawa Date By Date By Data By PROPANE TANKS PLUMBING Vault Data By Date By OTHER Groundwork Attic Date By Date By Type- Date By D.w.v DRYWALL Type. Int Brace Wall Date By W t Date By Date By FINAL INSPECTION Water Line Fire Separation N Date By Date By Date ByCD O m N g Pass or Request Inspect. Type of Insp. Fail Date Date Done By Comments w o s CD v Vl r O 0 O 7 Q O 7 V1 O r S CA CD 3 N (D 0 BUILDING MASON GOUNW PERMR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IAY) 426 W.Cedar-P.O. Box 186, Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton(360)427-On the web w vw co2masa nova Elrna(350)482-5269 _ us APPLICANT INFORMATION �1 E CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Owner :�� i i"lq 1LC e In 1 1 Imo'lA V1 )`rl�(- f- Company Name Mailing Address i D 6 5 1 I Yt�� I� ►1 Mailing Address City LI r k I�io State.�-jL zip Code`�i c> 3 State Zip Code Ph- PhoneQ AS 13 3 Y I:.�! Other Ph. }�� 9 IL !iv`i�l`1 Phone Other Lien/Titie Holder ` Contractor Reg.# P• E mail address t��h , P�� G C iyic u t h r C E Mail Address DOB Drivers Lic.# e i,I fit' DOB Drivers LiI# SEPTIC I WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION-Connect to New Septic E)asting Septic X Connect to Water System Name of Water System Well Water System Name of Water System PARCEL INFORMATION-12 Digit Parcel No �� `I - `2tZr�`'� l`� Rre District Legal Gi c Site Address(Please include street name,stre4t number and city) 7XCr Directions to site Will timber be cut and sold in parcel preparation?Yes/moo' Pand Is property within 200'of Sattwater�(f '-:>—Lake River Creek Wetland Seasonal Runoff Stream Slopes or Bluffs ] 151/6 Is this permit submittal the result of a Stop Work Notice,Correction Notice or other enforcement action?Yes(No TYPE OF JOB-New Add Aft Repair tether PRIMARY RESIDENCE E] SEASONAL Use of Building Describe Wo No.of Bedrooms No.of Bathro s Squ Dotage-1st Flop 2nd Fio 3rd Ficor Ba ent D k Cov d Deck er Sq2ch Garage Attached Deiac Carp Attach e MANUFAC ED HOME INFORM N -Make Model Year Length Wi Serial No. o.of Bedrooms �No- BathroomsType of Heat Purchase Price$ lacemenf Unit? Installer Name "cation No. CRNNER/I 3ULDER Ac[arovwIedges submission of naxurate information may result in a smp work order or pemit revocaton.Aknow aigement of such is by signature below.1 dew ttat 1 am the owrwr,owners l�l representafrve,or the contractor.I further declare that I am e-,Med tD raceive th;s pemut and to do work as proposed in the appC�aSon I dare that 1 have obtained the permission from all the r>er�ry parties.tf petrrii ion is regrnn--d from arty easement holder,or arty obier party in hhnst regarding tY:s app5�5on or the wa'k proposed in the appG�fion I have obtained pa rrii s on from them to apply for trfs pan-ret and condum ti-e work proposed. The owner or agard on owners��r���`�that theme m-a ion provided s mats and girans employees of Mason CDur4 amass m the above desk property '�� PROOF OF CONTINt1 N OF WORK Is BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS IPtSPECTION. VIES i Date 1�1 1 Z Owner I Owners Ftepreseretafive/Co dractor �ndcate whit ono) FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND THIS POINT A�epted b r Bate DEPARTMENTAL REV[EW APPROVED DENIED NOTES Building Department �� tz(At• Planning Department f Environmental Health Department Public Works Department Fire Marshal FEES Bulkfing Permit Fee Site Ins ection Plan Review Fee EH Review Fea Plumbing&Base Fee Planning Review Fee Mechanical&Base fee Mar Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee State Fee Violation Fee Pre-Paid at Submittal Valuation$ TOTAL FEES � °;et UV V,le" CA i i 1 I I I Ft I Q J 120FT / � I (5) - 18 x/8" 48" PA VERS FIR � F-1 (5) - 7.25 x/8"S EPS I ' ►5Ft + + j .3' HIGH Jr I BLOCK WALL '` W + + ' ft + ' + + + v 7"HIGH }+ + (5) - 7.25" /"STEPS ; + I j5Ft + + BLOCK WALL A. + ! ++ + + A- ++ + + + + Ar + + ++ + STAMPED + + No 1 !1 + + + CONCRETES �\ - j o + •d 1 + + 77_---- ^/1 + + 8 1 L ' o -� S 50. 00 2'X2' FLAGPOLE FOUNDA T/ON ATER N NORTH SCALE: I" 5 I Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System ERTS # 634579 Initial Report External Reference# !Caller Information Where did it happen First Last Berth Anchorage Name Jerry Brockmann Location Name Madrona Momingside Development Busines Name Street Address 12921 NE North Shore Plat 14 Street Address 12911 NE North Shore Other Address Other Address City/Place BELFAIR State WA Zip City BELFAIR State WA Zip County-Region MASON SWRO FS ID E-mail Confidential—FL WIRA# Phone Ext Type Waterway Type (206)914-8342 Home Latitude Longitude Topo Quad 1:24:000 BELFAIR What happened Spills Program Oil Spill? N Direction/Landmark(mile post,cross roads,township/range) Incident Date 6/18/2012 Received Date 6/18/2012 13:37 Medium SURFACE WATER-MARINE Material OTHER-SEE NOTE Primary Potentially Responsible Party Information Quantity Unit First Last Name Unknown Source DOMESTIC Business Name Street Address Cause HUMAN FACTOR-IMPROPER PROCEDURES Other Address Activity BUILDING CONSTRUCTION City State WA Zip Impact NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE Phone Ext Type Vessel Name E-mail Hull Number Additional Contact Information Name Phone Ext Type 'More Information Caller says that as of March neighbor has poured foundation and footings,one(1)wall for'unpermitted'boat house taking a 4-foot wall and pouring to 8-feet. Caller talked with Mason County(Al Borden)and a permit has not been issued,which is also on the property line. Caller recently read article regarding un-permitted construction on Hood Canal and would like to see this issue resolved. Per Rick Mraz Mason County Bldg permit 2012-00351. Entry Person JUNEAU,CONNIE Entry Date 6/18/2012 Monday,June 18,2012 ***The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the Page I of 2 complainant. Department of Ecology- Environmental Report Tracking System ERTS # 634579 Referral Referral# 157784 Referral Method Person Referred to Mason County Planning,Allan Primary Phone (360)427-9670 Fax 0 E-mail ERTS number E-mail Ahb@co.mason.wa.us 0. E-mail attachment Program/Organization Department of Planning 0 Print Address 0 Telephone City Shelton WA Region/Location SWRO Referral Date 6/1 812 0 1 2 Referral# 157785 Referral Method Person Referred to MRAZ,RICK Primary Phone (360)407-6221 Fax 0 E-mail ERTS number E-mail nnra461@ecy.wa.gov 0. E-mail attachment Program/Organization SHORELANDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE 0 Print Address 300 DESMOND DR 0 Telephone City LACEY WA Region/Location SWRO Referral Date 6/18/2012 Followup (None) Monday,June 18,2012 '•'The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the Page 2 of 2 complainant. MASON COUNTY PrUtl►� �% j�`'►'er^� ►� �'� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G►vvA cc'[" . Mason County Bldg. III 426 West Cedar Street �OwN'T rti I . PO Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 www.co.mason.wa.us (360)427-9670 Belfai}(360)295-4467 Elma(360)482-5269 CONCRETE • SHORELINE BULKHEAD PrescriptiveDesign & Installati • n Standard V�O�F QL� Slope less than orequal to 1:1 S-BARS V-BARS t I S-BARS I I I I I I —�— —4----{----a--- PROVIDE FLOOD I I I I PROOF COATING I I I I a I I I I 1"washed rock I I I I = I I VI- I 2 0 DRAINS I I I I I I j I BARS AT 12' O.C. a . I I I I I I I 1 I 00 i—i--i--i-1--r—f--r— v2- GROUNpQ) 1 I I I I I 1 I SURFACE a Wv po "perforated pipe —I I I I j—I— —I— BARS 12°min. — p aylighted to an I I I I I I I I I Grade to top I= 6 �' approved location. I I I I I I I I I land wall only I I I I I I I I I of footing a . I I I I I I I I i a . Footings ----- ---- shall be .SHEAR KEY. B-BARS placed on USE 2x6 firm native soil KNOCKOUT ELEVATION B NOTE: SECTION SPACING OF S-BARS IS APPROXIMATE. USE TABULAR NUMBER OF BARS AND SPACE EVENLY w/ 2" COVER H B T VOLCONC BARS LENGTHS g RS BARS REINFORCEMENT FT FT-IN IN YDS'/FT SIZE SPACING V1-BARS V2-BARS SIZE" SPACING LENGTH tt SIZE SPACING LBS PER FOOT 5 3-6 10 0.25 3/8' 10" 6'-4" — 3/8" 10" 3'-2" 9 3/8" 12" 7.7 6 4-3 10 0.30 1/2" 10" 7'-4" — 1/2" 10" 3'-10" 11 3/8' 12' 13.1 7 5-0 10 0.35 1/2" 7" 8'-4" — 1/2" 7" 4'-8" 13 3/8' 12' 19.8 8 6-0 12 0.47 5/8" 9' 9'-8- 6'-0" 5/8" 9' 5'-8' 15 3/8' 12' 24.4 HESE PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE FOR INSPECTION Concrete Retaining Wall and Shoreline Bulkhead Height: Maximum Eight Feet ' Upland concrete retaining walls installed in accordance with the prescriptive design shown on the reverse side need not be designed by an engineer unless the Mason County Building Dept. determines special conditions exist. Any retaining wall exceeding eight feet in height or varying from the prescriptive design requires an engineered design. Location of Retaining Wall Retaining walls must only be placed against stable slopes, consisting of firm, undisturbed soil. Drainage must be provided as shown with a 4" perforated drain pipe or 2" weep holes spaced not less than 12 feet on center. No surcharge load, such as a building or driveway, may be placed on the retaining wall or within a distance equal to the vertical height of the retaining wall unless an engineered design is prepared for the additional load. Ground Surface Above Retaining Wall The ground surface above the retaining wall shall be less than or equal to 1:1 (i.e. 1-foot vertical to 1-foot horizontal). Retaining Wall Placement The top of the footing for the retaining wall must be set a minimum of 12 inches below grade. The footing and wall dimensions shall not be less than outlined in the retaining wall chart. The footing shall be placed on firm, undisturbed earth. Drainage A minimum of 12 inches of washed granular drainage material shall be placed between the undisturbed soil and the retaining wall. The drainage materials must be composed of gravel with 1-inch particle sizes. Two-inch weep holes shall be located approximately 6-inches above grade, below the granular drainage material, spaced not less than 12-feet on center. At the base of the wall, a perforated drain pipe, with at least a four-inch diameter, shall be installed within the drainage materials. The drain pipe must drain to a point of discharge, approved by Mason County. Inspections Prior to the placement of concrete, the builder must schedule an inspection of the formwork and reinforcement placement for the retaining wall footing. During the first inspection, the inspector will verify the soil condition, footing dimensions, footing reinforcement, and footing placement as well as the provisions for drainage. At the next inspection, the inspector shall verify the wall dimensions and reinforcement prior to the wall pour. A final inspection must be performed once all work is complete. To schedule an inspection call the Mason County 24-hour recorded inspection request line at (360)427- 7262. Inspections can also be requested online at: www.co.mason.wa.us or by fax at (360) 427-7798. When requesting an inspection please provide the following information: 1) Name on permit 2) type of inspection 3) Permit number 4) Site Address 5) Type of permit 6) Date inspection requested and 7) Name and phone number of caller. Effective November 17,2004 1 � 1 1 I . I I . I � i I I CLUO I � 1 1 20FT / 1 ❑ ❑ — r (5) — 18 X18' ,48 " PAVERS \1R I' I I Y I ❑ I I I I I 1 I I I I � i (5) — 7.25 V8'S EPS I � I I I I i3' HIGH + r BLOCK WALL + y + + + v 7'HIGH ++ + (5) — 7.25 1'STEPS jSFT + A- BLOCK WALL + A- , + + + + + + A- STAMPED + + + Ap +++ ++ + CONCRETE r.`rt pYr` vi 4t 'up to + 77 v o _-- 50 00 S _-- 2'X2' FLAGPOLE FOUNDA TION ATER LINE IN W NN NO:R qANS MUST BE JOB SITE SCALE.- INSPECTION • 41 N01133dSNI 80.1 311S 80f 3H1 Na 39 Lsnw SNVId 3S3HJ. a • i I )-7 4i-A 1' r • 4 • { { t 768 1 a )N ti-1 1 • 1 f x t iU)cc LUa LQ 20FT / F—I El ❑ F7p] (5) - /8"Xl8" (� 48" \ FA VERS FIR I � , cy, o tf ` (5) - 7. 25"W" S EFS Ll i 4w i 3' HIGH + m BLOCK WALL k W i A- ' � k Ar �. A- v Ar k (5) - 7. 25"X l" S TEFS ' v 7 HIGH A- A- ' ISFT v + BLOCK WALL A- k , v v k k A- A- a tall i A- A- A- v0 v A- + + 4- A- S TA MFED + v -- + U i v A- A- A- A- CONCRETE v + � v 1 2 k v -"� p 77 jV1 _ 50 - 00 n v __ 2'X2' FLAGFOLE FO UNDA TION TEp [, NE W A N IG— F NORTH SCALE: l 5 J 12.,-60-S s I SITE COPY �27Z,34 S- Owl REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' Date Z Documents attached to approved plans: THESE PLANS MUST BE Site plan: ON THE JOB SITE Plan review checklist: rJC Pages FOR INSPECTION Engineering: Y ( ) Lateral Vertical Number of^ages CF1At,i4jGES 8141 ke.,1EMITCHAN :� '.'OR APPROVAL. f,� R TO iAUST MEET ALL CURRE NT' VASHINGTON STATE CODES t ' BUILDING RECEWED ,CA/ SON COUNTY I I I OFF I � , rol � I I - � I I 20F r - ❑ I I , ' � E ❑ -F Z/ Ll(5) - l8"xl8" 4 8" I FA VERS FIR Ir I F-1 � I I , I , I , (5) - 7.25"x18" S EFS I �M 11 I 15F� �I l 1 3' HIGH m I BLOCK WALL - I I J5� '4 I k � k }„u 0 a ' v 7" HIGH + (5) - 7. 25"X l" STEPS k ��jFT v BLOCK WAL \ k + v v A -� + AA k a'•1�►l V k + k I �- �- S TA MFED W v v CONCRETE _❑ v k k -�'- kA- 0 58 -�- S 77 i v -�- ` 50 - 00 APPRO ED MASON COUNTY EX D PLANNING SITE PLAN REQUIRED rO BE ON SITE _ CHANGE SUBJET T APPR V L 2'x2' FLA GFOLE FOUNDA TION By ate v RIN E � VVA T E N I � N NORTH .w._ i. SCALE: l 5 20FT - � � " (5) - /8"X/8" 48 PA VERS FIR i 41 F-1 1VAOadd`d 0113mns E 3014WO �� ' 311S NO 39 01 aabu 103?J NVId 3-US ONINNV'ld (13a AINn 3 NOSVVI 441 k a3AOHdd (5) - 7.25'X18" S EPS Ll i a.► 11 ' I FT I �- 7 o +.,k t 3' HIGH k m BLOCK WALL k I k I k � i I 15Fl kk 4s'�R,t . k v 7" HIGH k k (5) - 7.25'x / ' STEPS ' v k k ' �5FArk BLOCK WALL k k k k A- A- A- k S TAMPED k r ' v v j + k CONCRETE _- \ k � v A- k � v k k k-�- 0 58 , ❑ _ 1 S APPROVED v _ 500 0 MASON COUNTY DC PLANNING . SITE PLAN REQUIRED Tcl BE ON SITE v _ CHANGES BJET TO PPROVALp --� D -L 2'X2' FLA GPOLE By FOUNDA T/ON RI, IN E WA T E N GH NORTH SCALE. 1��=5