HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPA - BLD Permit / Conditions - 7/3/1996 YDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL ASON COLPM ROPO R.C.W. 7 5 . 2 O . l O O RTMENT OF FISHE ??? �r General mEES ist on Bldg. R.C.W. 75 .20 . 103 Olympia, W i on 98504 4❑ July 3 , 1996 06) 753-6 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) - PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES 10 LAST NAME FIRST 18 CONTACT PHONE(S) ICONTROL NUMBER Mason County Public Works (360) 427-9670 00-CO114-02 19 STREET OR RURAL ROUTE ® q❑ WRIA P.O. Box 1850 ATTN: Alan Tahja 14 .MARI ITY STATE ZIP 14 17 Shelton WA 98584 12 ATER TRIBUTARY TD 11 T PE OF PROJECT Hood Canal Admiralty Inlet Rep�ace Gravel 13 UARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY SECTION SW 33 22N 01W Mason Traps With Energy ————————————————————————————— —————————— Dissipators TIME LIMITATIONS : 5❑THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN ©AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY Immediately March 14, 1997 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. SH IMPORTANT GENERAL PROVISIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF APPROVAI NOTE: This Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) is a change of the on final HPA issued May 29, 1996 in response to a verbal request by Alan Tahja, Mason County Pubic Works, received on July 2, 1996, and it supersedes all previous HPAs and modifications for this project . See Provision No. 8b. 1 . This project is approved as illustrated in your application subject to the following provisions . 2 . The permittee or contractor shall notify the Area Habitat Biologist listed below b fax ( (360) 902-2946) or mail at least 7 working days prior to he start of construction activities. 3 . Work below the ordinar hi h water line (OHWL) shall not occur from March 15 through June T4 o any year for the protection of migrating juvenile salmonids. 4 . In addition, work below the OHWL shall not occur from September 15 through December 31, and from January 1 through March 1 of any year for tFie protection of surf smelt spawning beds . S . Project activities shall not occur when the project area is inundated by tidal waters. SEPA: DNS by Mason County final May 3, 1996 REGIONAL HABITAT rgAGER - Nell Rickard (360) 664-4671 PATROL - Oh1Qe 029 [P2] APPLICANT - WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAB. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES DIRECTOR 88/9L/OL Aid •uoT-4oP aAPM ao aagPM AgTootaA gBlq Aq Apmp pagspm ao do ualloaq buTaq sqT quanaad oq azTs pup AgTTTgpanp quaToTgjns P 30 TvIaGgPw aptn up 'uaato go pasodihoo aq TTPgs NOOU • 6 • 966T 'ST aagwajdag oq aoTad uoTgoagoad Nupq dpadTa AaPssaoau AUP PUP 'TaAPab 'sped gsPTds NooZq aTgpo aql TTPgsi(I •p • t uoTSTAoad uT paouaaajaa asogq go uoigdaoxa agl ggTM sNDOTq . Abotooa Bi[=Pwaa TIP PUP 'NuTT uTago 'oTagpg aa4TT9 auq anowag •o •puaTdn go pasodsTp puP 90T APmgBTH O:VO8 gspg qP dpaq TaAaab agq woag paAowaa aq Avw 'sPPOT xxo-naq Z 'TPTaGgPw 90 spaPA oTgqno OZ go wnwTx�w 'TPAowaa NOOTq Abotooa oq aoTaa •uoT�daoxa buTmOT TOJ age ggTM 'saoaoJ Tpangpu woag NUTT uTpgo pup oTagpg aGITT9 agq oq umop gopaq aqq oquo agngTaqsTpaa oq TaA�ab pug pumas agq mOTTV •g • ST aunr as-qg-e atgTssod sp uoos sp sdpaq TaAPab au2 uTggTM w013 uoTgpgabaA TIP PUP gaaATna ago 90 pauma@4Pm sNDOTq AboTooa agq 90 TTp aAowaE •P : aouanbas buTMoTTo3 ago uT aDPTd GNPI TTPgs uoTgonagsuoo pup uoTgTTowaQ • 8 •uoTgoa oad Nupq sTgq aog pazTTT n aq TTPgs sNDOTq A u boTooa agq oq qao�� P ATGgPTpawwT gopaq .zaddn agq uo xooa afTnbup buTgsTxH • sNootq ABOToaa buTUTL'waa ago 90 aoPJ agq upgj papmjaq-eM aaow ou Pa-4pool aq TTPgs !�N6OTq AboToaa age bu. Tdaa dpadTa asoot A wag UP go aoPJ papmaaqpm ags •o •uoTgpdTssTp Abaaua aoj uaaggpd aPTnbuaTaq P uT slaaAIno agq go papAaaq-�M pauoTgTsod aq TTPgs saapTnoq dpadTa asooT a aaT aaags •q •appab gopaq quaoplpa agq oq do sped gsPTds agq go doq uo paoPTd aq TTags eoanos puPTdn up woa TaAPab gouT-S • T oq 0 • T upato pagaodwT ao TaAPab pagt?AaoxH • ap-eaz gopaq Zpangpu quaopCpp agq Motaq sagouT 9 go wnwTUTw P paTanq ag Tjlpgs sPpd gsplds agq go sdoq aqj •uoTgaagoAd'xupq N6oTq AboTooa BuTulpwaa AUP oq quaoPcPP PUP sgaaATno agq go papm -aa:jpM ATGaPTpawwT paopTd sped gsulds N66tq atqpo aapnbs qoog qgbTH a :Aq paoPTdaa aq TlPgs sdaa4 TaAPab agz • L • agpgs agq go saagaM aaqua qou op Aagq gpgq gons �puPTdn paiTsodop pup goPaq agq woad panowaa aq TTPgs NUTT uTPgD PUP oTagpj .za'4TTg '90T AumgBTH OTi08 gsaH qP auTTNupq agq o; juaoPEPP sxooTq AboTooa o sMoa Z woggoq agq qnqq TIP PUP ' 66ZL gsPH qP JATno agq �{buTgoagoaa aG auTTxupq agq oq quaoPCpa sooTq botooa agq go S qnq ITv • 9 I2i�'1nI i�T vtbn© TPuPD POOI%31Vn ZL ZO-iVTTOO-00 OL96-LZt (09E) sxaoM aTTgnd AqunoO uosPw d3awnN 10KNOoL (S)3NOHd 13VIN03 sl 3WVN 1Stll OL S39Vd 30139Vd (aouapuodsajjoo ))e ui alep sLyl of jalai p)noys lueOLldde) S3Ii13HSI3 !0 1N3W12lVd3O e -N L (90" 966T 'E Inr h ho586uo1 ene Io £OT ' OZ' SL •M*D*-d 6P18 uo lle p eJaua9 0 0 T ' 0 Z ' S L •M•D*'d HSI3 j0 1N3W1Mdd r 'IVAO2IddK 1321DOUCT DirmFI2IQ2LH HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RTMENT OF FISHE >v R.C.W. 7 5 . 2 0 . 10 0 R.C.W. 75 .20 . 103 General inistr on Bldg. Olympia, Ida on 98504 4❑ July 3 , 1996 6) 753- DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE OF PAGES 10 LAST NAME 18 CONTACT PHONE(S) 1 CONTROL NUMBER Mason County Public Works (360) 427-9670 00-CO114-02 1 �2 uATERHOOd Canal 9 NRIA 14 .MARI 10 . Use of equipment on the beach shall be prohibited. 11 . Removal or destruction of overhanging bankline vegetation shall be limited to that necessary for the construction of the bulkhead. 12 . If a fish kill occurs or fish are observed in distress, the project activity shall immediately cease and WDFW Habitat Program shall be notified immediately. 13 . All natural habitat features on the beach larger than 12 inches in diameter including trees stumps, to s, and large rocks shall be retained on the beach following construction. These habitat features may be moved during construction, if necessary. 14 . Gravel bed material other than that excavated for the placement of the cable block splash pads shall not be utilized for project construction. 15 . Excavated materials containing silt, clay, or other fine-grained soil shall be removed and disposed of y upland such that they do not enter waters of the state. 16 . If stockpilin of sand, ggravel, and other coarse excavated material g is conducted below the OHWL, it shall be placed within a 25-foot work corridor waterward of the ecology blocks . 17 . Beach area depressions created during project activities shall be reshaped to preproject beach level upon project completion. 18 . All trenches, depressions, or holes created in the beach area shall be backfilled prior to inundation by tidal waters . Trenches excavated for the splash pads may remain open during construction; however, fish shall be prevented from entering such trenches . 19 . Project activities shall be conducted to minimize siltation of the beach area and bed. 20 . All debris or deleterious material resulting from construction shall be removed from the beach area and bed and prevented from entering waters of the state. 21 . No petroleum products or other deleterious materials shall enter surrace waters . REV 10/16/88 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL R.C.W. 75 . 20 . 100 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES General Administration Bldg. R.C.W. 75 .20 . 103 Olympia, Washington 98504 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES July 3 , 1996 (206) T53-6650 (applicant should refer o this date in all correspondence) PAGE 4 OF PAGES 10 LAST NAME 1 18 CONTACT PHONE(S) 1 CONTROL NUMBER Mason County Public Works (360) 427-9670 00-CO114-02 12 WATERHood Canal KWRIA 14 .MARL 22 . Protect activities shall not degrade water quality to the detriment of fish life . If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Neil Rickard, Area Habitat Biologist, at (360) 664-4671 . LOCATION: East 7292 and East 8040 Highway 106, Union. cg:23 :Jun96 c: Dave Gufler, WDFW Allen Borden, Mason Co. DCD REV 10/16/88 VICINITY MAP (No Scale) Tan��ron), Ecology B1ock .Debris Basin Removals Sisters Mason County Department of Public Works Points Division oaf Engineering and Construction 411 North Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1850, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Jerry Hauth, P.E. , L.S. , County Engineer Phone (206) 427-9670 Ext. 461 IS .� TOF o Foot Bpi e Z VT ' •F— a mom • / f Q/ �. Q .;+-�����c`,J�Y�- / -j�^ •- 10 1'r►IC 01 AT1001ALiILAT.Lte at. :i , •.r IoRccr t y r � ... i 14 j —LF 00 -� •.r- Y '�;-- _ -- �-�..Y,_ _ 4 __ - _ - — 'MIL _ 'r— ------------- 14 1 — ------- ' -- _ 0 Yicin _ r _ if el ~ +' .. •may - t - _ ..- ;�:� 1 ~i/ I � !ter �. - � - 1_ .-- �' •��OIC�- .".1- i/'/^\`•\ Wit•-- _�.------------`�i - _ MASON COUNTY - - VICINITY MAP (No Scale) Ecology Block Debris Basin Removals Mason County Department of Public Works Division of Engineering and Construction 411 North Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1850, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Jerry Hauth, P.E. , L.S. , County Engineer Phone (206) 427-9670 Ext. 461