HomeMy WebLinkAboutMEP2003-00054 GEO and SSP Review - MEP Inspections - 9/23/2003 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORICOUNTY ROAD ENGINEER Shelton,Washington 98584 DATE: September 23`d, 2003 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Scott Longanecker, DCD - Planner FROM: Alan A. Tahja, P/W-Co. Hydr. Engr. WO#PLG-03 SUBJ: Geo & SSP Plan Review NAME: Harmony Hill (a�Union MEP2003-00054 Scott, The Stormwater Site Plan(SSP) and geotechnical report prepared for proposed improvements to the Harmony Hill Retreat in Union has been received and reviewed by Public Works. The geotechnical report appears to comply with County reporting requirements, and recommendations in the report appear to have been incorporated into the proposed drainage work. Plan sheet 1, in the general notes(#11) indicates that"Connection may not be made to the catch basin at SR-106 without the written permission of Mason County.(Pending)"This requirement stems from the "Blackbear Resort" flooding and landslide problems several years ago which resulted in the installation of the culvert under SR-106, and the County's obligation to maintain it. I contacted Gary Yando, the County's Director of Utilities and Waste Management regarding this issue, and Gary indicated that he had two concerns which he'd expressed in 2002 in a letter written to Mr. Christopher Webb, P.E. (attached). The concern that a sump be installed is included in the current plans and appears acceptable. The second concern expressed by Gary was his position that the cost of maintaining the system should be shared between the County and the applicant. The applicant should contact Mr. Yando (County phone extension 270)to work out an agreement regarding maintenance costs. I've also contact Brad Lindgren, WSDOT's hydrologist to see if he had any issues relating to this proposal. Brad felt the details had already been worked out to his satisfaction, but indicated that a general permit would be required to be acquired by the applicant for any work within the State right of way. The applicant should contact Larry Anderson 357-2709 FAX 357-2748 Email : andersl@wsdot .wa.gov regarding State access and general permit issues. Once these issues have been worked out, the proposed project appears acceptable. File: H: \WP\Strmwtr\Reviews\Harmony Hill.doc Please feel free to contact me at County extension 461 if you have any questions regarding these comments,or if you feel any features need further discussion or attention. Si rely, Al n A. Tahja Attached; Yando Letter dated February 12, 2002 File: H: \WP\Strmwtr\Reviews\Harmony Hill.doc 08.21iO3 THU 16:50 FAX 3604278425 MASON COUNTY 001 ' PERMIT NO.: Af MASON COUNTY DATE RECEIVED: g As-t DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE ORDINANCE(Chapter 17.01 MCC) 411 N.5TH Street/P.O.Box 279,Shelton, WA 98584 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION MASON ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT L� : CONDITIONAL USE❑ VARIANCE C The purpose of the Resource Ordinance is to protect Mason County's natural resource lands and critical areas and is under the authority of Chapters 36.32,36.70A,39.34,,84.33,84.34 and 90.58 RCW. PLEASE PRINT 1, Owner: 4 toll Ql to I'!', t-- Owner Mailing Addrogig-S /4 >E Site Address:V,36 S,R City:tit � � Ct�''— State: Zip: K C t, State I— Z' Lien/fiUe Holder: Phone:DaytimeCL) C� � Address: Fire District#: City:` State: Zip: Signature: 2. Parcel Number: 3.?-7J 3 - _�j L]DyD Leg.]description SEE to-17;w of ec T Parcel Size- /I t Rc res 3. Directions to Site: r✓`ACN.M.. i i I p 4-ci. w d y 1 atO 4 State what sections require a permit: In-Holding Lands,Chapter 17.01.062 ❑ Long-Term Conunercial Forest,Chapter 17.10.060 [j Wetlands,Chapter 17.01.070 Mineral Resource Lands,Chapter 17.01.066 ❑ Frequently Flooded Areas,Chapter 17.01.000 ❑ Aquifer Recharge Areas,Chapter 17.01.080 Landslide Hazard Areas,Chapter 17.01.100 Erosion Hazard Areas,Chapter 17.01.104 Seismic Hazard Areas,Chapter 17.01.102 ❑ Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas,Chapter 17,01.110 C 5. Identify carte use of property with existing improvem ts: L-f /1 % k%r t e•.� �.. Hie� .. r a�p4 » w' a a 4"n r4 RECEIVED 6. Identify and describe the proposed project,including the type of materials to be used,construction methods,principle SEP 0 8 2003 dime ions and other pertinent information(Attach dditional sheets if needed): »s+-c "T - L- rt-i c.- J r,c c�,� �s(-t+�t.y,.. 426 W! CEDAR STD 7 Any water on or adjacent to property:Saltwater L Lake River ❑ Pond Wetland ❑ Seasonal Runoff L Other c,•,�s .,� /0 ,tan r a� }b t3, Will there be an alteration of a wetland and/or wetland vegetation area? Yes ❑ No 9' If septic is located on project site,include records. Connect to septic? ] Community Septic? ❑ Public Water Supply? 0 Well? ❑ 10. Type of Job: New 2 'dd [i Alt :1 Repair ❑ Demolition ;] Other This perntit is granted pursuant to the Resource Ordinance(Chapter 17.01 MCC)and nothing in this permit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other federal,state,or local statutes,ordinances,or regulations applicable to this project,but not inconsistent with the Resource Ordinance.The permit may be rescinded pursuant to the event the permittee fails to comply with the coalitions of this ordinance. MASON ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT: $500.003300.00(w th another Permit) MASON CONDITIONAL USE ENVIR.PERMIT: $1,2000,00 MASON RESOURCE ORDNANCE VARIANCE: S1,200,00 REVISED:03-12-03 HEARINGS EXAMINER: S200.00 I:LPL.A VNTNG\R&GPAC\ENVIRONNENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION Mason County Department of Community Development Environmental Permit Application Continuation Sheet Legal Description: Site address is 7362 E SR106 Union WA. 98592 Legal Description.- The West one half of Gov't lot 1 , SEC 33, T22N.R3W, W.M. in Mason County Washington. Excepting therefrom the following described: Beginning at a point on the shore of Hood Canal, SB4"09'46"W. 671.31 Feet distant from meander corner of fractional sections 33 and 34, T22N, R3W, W.M. in mason county Washington; thence S00'50'E, 273.04 Feet; Thence S81"29'W, 50.56 Feet; Thence N00"50'W 272.53 feet; Thence N80"54'E, 50.64 feet to the point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom right of way 60 feet in width for Navy Yard Highway, as the same is now located and in use: The forgoing land being also known and described as tracts lettered U and V and the East 50 Feet of tract no. 12 of the unrecorded plat of Callison's Olympic view tracts, being a subdivision of the west one Half of Gov't Lot 1, Sec 33, T22N, R3W, W.M., in Mason County Washington. so -STA o A o N MASON COUNTY " >_ SN UTILITIES & WASTE MANAGEMENT o N Y o~ MASON COUNTY BLDG. II • 410 N. 41 ST. • P.O. BOX 578 1864 SHELTON, WA 98584 • (360) 427-9670 September 25, 2003 Mr. Christopher Webb, P.E. 2020 ENGINEERING, Inc. 700 Dupont Street Bellingham, Wa. 98227 Dear Mr. Webb: In February 2002 1 forwarded a letter to you regarding the information you sent in relation to the Harmony Hill project. I received no response to the items I mentioned in that letter. On September 24, 2003 I was contacted by Mr.Allan Tahja, Mason County Public Works Department. He informed me that the project was moving forward and that he want to know if I had anything that needed to be included in any approvals. He also pointed out, as I understand it, the plan now calls for a energy dissapating and sedimentation vault which would pick up down hill flow before it enters into our existing catch basin. It appears that this direction is being in order to take care of the concern we expressed in our earlier letter in which we pointed out that the we felt that it would be beneficial to redo the manhole and include a sump. Are we correct in our assumption? I am still a bit concerned about impacts to the existing catch basin and our maintenance of the line. For some time now we have not experienced any problems related to the flows or the cleaning of the culverts. Because we are the responsible party through an agreement with the state we want to make sure that it remains that way. Based on what I understand at this time it would appear that an agreement would be of benefit where the developers of Harmony Hill would share in the maintenance of the system from the existing catch basin to under the highway to the beach. I re(e)c fully request your input in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. Sin ely, ary Y Cc: Allan Tahja Scott Longanecker GARY YANDO,DIRECTOR SON.S TA P MASON COUNTY O AO N } s "N O UTILITIES & WASTE MANAGEMENT t- T = � N Y Y MASON COUNTY BLDG. II • 410 N. 4TH ST. • P.O. BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 • (360) 427-9670 1864 February 12, 2002 Mr. Christopher Webb PE. 2020 ENGINEERING, INC. 700 Dupont Street PO Box 1621 Bellingham, WA. 98227 Dear Mr. Webb: Wanted to take this opportunity to inform you that I had received you overall site plan(Phase 1 drainage and road improvements) dated January 25, 2002 - Harmony Hill of Union. I have done some review of the information I have. I did notice that their appears to be a bit of a discrepancy in the length of pipe running along Hwy. 106. From where your 18"CPEP runs into the manhole it is my understanding the line going east to where it goes under Hwy. 106 is a 36" line. It looks like on the drawing it is noted as 12". I am also concerned with the manhole you plan to direct the flow. As part of our cleanup program we had the system televised and in discussions with our contractor it appears that it would be beneficial to redo the manhole and include a sump. Have you checked it out to determine if any additional state or local permits are needed? State Hwy. Department because the line we maintain is on their right-of-way. What about additional discharge out of the 36" line into the canal? It would also be appropriate to look at sharing the cost of maintaining the system. I ask that you review the above and forward any comments you may have back to me. I would suggest that we meet regarding this so I can make sure that I have a clear understanding. If you have any questions,please call me at X270. Sin e ely, Gary Y o GARY YANDO,DIRECTOR