HomeMy WebLinkAboutWetland Determination Ecology - PLN General - 8/6/2002 SI ATF OF XAWSHINCTON
QH`A1 1M1-1,,41 ()I.- L:(--C)LOGY
P-0, 130A' 4iY7,5 • /Y 04-7775 (Mn) 1107,6300
August 6, 2002
Mr. Rick Mraz, Planner
Mason County Dept. of Coniniullity Development
PO Box 279
Shelton, Washington 98584 owe
Re: Wetlands Reconnaissance, 18440 East SR 3, Allyn, WA; Carol Ann and Mike Seversen
I am happy to have this opportunity to provide technical assistance regarding Wetlands for the above
referenced property. These comments are based on illy field reviews of 3ui)e 26 and August 2, 2002.
'File subject lies approximately 165 ft from the 01-fWM of Case Inlet. My field ingl)cctiolls revealed that
much Of the subject Property is wetland. These wetlands lie within 200 feet of the shoreline of Inlet and
are therefore,considered to be associated(WAC 173-22-030).
Wetland Determination
During my August 2 site inspection,I dug two soil pits and insp"ted the soils, vegetation, and hydrology
at those pits(see attached data sheets and site drawing).
Pit AI. was dominated with creeping buttercup(RanwivuIU8 repens, FACW), tall fescuo(1Csluca
arwidinacea,FAC-),and bentgrass (Agrostis sp,FAC or FACW). More than 50%of the dominant
vegetation species are facultative(FAC),facultative-wetland(FACW), or obligate(OBL)bydrophytcs
and so the hydrophytic(i.c,,wetland)vegetation criteria is met at this location, This site had been
maintained and presumably planted at one time as a lawn, However-, in addition to lawn grasses
(Agi-0-FAV, or bentgrass, and Poa, or bluegrass), the majority of the colonizing vegetation (or weeds)were
further indicative of wetland conditions.
Soils at this location met the field indicators for hydric soils, in that tile Inatrix within J 0-12 inches of the
surl'ace had low chroma.(chrome of 1)with common, prominent redox concentrations along pore linings,
including living roots.
]'he soils were moist, but not saturated during this field inspection. Soils at this general location were
likewise moist but not saturated during my June 26 field inspection, However, many wetlands in our
region do not remain saturated and may in fact become seasonally dry during our suinincr seasonal
dl'Ought. It is not unusual to encounter wetlands in late-)uric or early August that are Jacking direct
hydrology. (.given that these soils were at least moist(and this JKA following any rainfall)and that the
field indicators of hydrophylic vegetation and hydric soils were present, I am assuming that the soils am
saturated to the surface long enough in the early part Of tJ)c P,"Owillg season to yield wetland conditions
(and to incot the criteria for wetland hydrology.).
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Mr.Rick Mraz
August 6,2002
Page 2
Pit A2 had similar characteristics and was also determined to be wetland.
I dug soil pits and examined the soils during my June 26 site visit:as well. These pits are indicated "J 1-3
on the attached drawing, Soils at J l-3 had hydric characteristics as those described for Al-2 and were
moist.during that time, with the exception of J2, which was saturated during the June site visit.
Vegetation at.J l-3 was similar to that found at pits A 1-2,and hydrophytic.
From my site inspections, it is my determination that the majority of the subject lot:is wetland, The
footprint of the original homesite is not wetland and it likely breaks apart otherwise continuous areas of
wetland on the property. However,the lower portion of the properly(closest to the shoreline)is one
continuous area of wct.land that appears to be greater than 2500 square feet. Those WCtland areas rate as
category III wetlands. Category II and 111 wetlands 2500 square feel in size and greater are regulated by
the Mason County Resource Ordinance.
The property owners informed me that water used to flow across the site in an unconfined ditch. This
ditch was placed in a culvert eighteen munths ago. The owners wore suggesting that this may have
effectively drained the property. If this is true, clearly this has not drained the property enough to remove
all wetland characteristics. There is sufficient hydrology to support continued wetland characteristics in
the location of site J2(in the SW corner of the lot, along SR 3)as well as other portions of the properly
that may stall have soils saturated to the surfaw long enough in the early part of the growing season to
support wetland conditions.
Shoreline Association
Associated wetlands are"those wetlands which are in proximity to and either influence or are influenced
by tidal waters or a lake or stream subject to the Shoreline Management:Act,"(Chapter 173-22-030(1)
WAC). Wetlands within 200 feet of the shoreline are considered to be"within proximity" and are in all
cases considered to he associated. This is further discussed in the Shoreline Adminstratur's Manual (page
M-42; Fvology Publication iY 90-45b).
Please telephone me, at(360)407-6221, if you have any wnccrus or questions regarding these comments,
Ann Doeholt, Wetland Specialist
Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program
cc: Kim Van Zwalenburg, DOE Shoreline Specialist
Carol Ann and Mike Seversen(via FAX)