HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEP97-00173 Planning Letter - SEP Determinations - 10/23/1997 GARY YANDO,DIRECTOR
N y y BLDG. I • 411 N. 5TH ST. • P.O. BOX 578
°J �° SHELTON, WA 98584 • (360) 427-9670
October 23 , 1997
In compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) , RCW 43 .21C,
the Mason County Department of Community Development is notifying you
that we have made a Determination of Significance for the following
development proposal . After a scoping period of 21 days the applicant
will be required to complete an Environmental Impact Statement to address
the impacts to the environment associated with this proposal, in
accordance with RCW 43 .21C.030 (2.) (c) , This Scoping Notice is being sent
ent ..with
to you to give you the opportunity to,hel sr us to def inee the finals.
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our department, and will be used i pingOf SEPA
of the applicants EIS . Enclosed -with thisprocedure for thenotice is. a:. y EIS the EIS
rules (WAG 19.7-11) that specify the p
of proposal The applicant is proposing to excavate
Description the
approximately 2 , 600 , 000 cubic yards (c.y. ) of sand and. gravel from a 56
acre operating area of a 72 acre forested parcel . Excavation is propr sed
to a depth of approximately 40 feet below surrounding plant
mine will contain a gravel screening and crushing
Name of Proposal : McEwan Prairie Surface Mine
Proposed Use: Sand and gravel mine with rock screening and crushing
Site Acreage: 72 acres
Acreage to be developed: 56 acres
Proposed Lifetime of Use: 15-20 years
Water: Well .
Sewage Treatment : On-site septic system.
Roads : Access from Oaks Road, off McEwan Prairie Road.
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Rural .
Environmental Features : Site is located on Mason County' s Critical
Aquifer Recharge Area, as designated in Chapter 17 . 01 .080 of Mason
County' s Interim Resource Ordinance. Wetlands are located on-site and
adjacent to the site on west; Rex lake and associated wetlands lie to the
east . The area lies within the Johns Creek watershed. The site and the
majority of adjacent land is forested.
Name of Proponent: BB&R Partnership (Brix Living Trust, John A and Jean
L Bishop, Paul E Reid Estate)
Location of Proposal : In the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of Section 33 , Township 21 North, Range 3 West, W.M. , the 72 acre parcel
is adjacent to and immediately south of McEwan Prairie Road, and west of
Oaks road. Parcel no. : 32133-00-00020 .
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Lead Agency: Mason County Department of Community Development .
Areas of Environmental Concern:
Thus far, the following areas have been identified as meriting further
study in the EIS :
1 . Impacts to Critical Aquifer Recharge Area, including: impacts to
ground water quality, quantity and availability; increased risk of
aquifer contamination (both shallow and deep aquifer) .
2 . Impact of proposal on surface and ground waters, including: on-site
and off-site wetlands, other surface waters in vicinity (including
Rex lake) ; potential for dewatering adjacent properties, other
impacts to water regimes; potential for impacts during and after
excavation phase, on- and off-site.
3 : Impacts of proposal on vegetation, wildlife, and wildlife habitat,
both during and after excavation phase of project, on- and off-site.
4 . Impacts to the surrounding environment resulting from traffic
related to the proposal .
5 . Effects on public services and utilities, including: roads,
utilities .
6 . Increase in noise levels as a result of this proposal .
7 . Impacts to air quality resulting from activity, including: mining,
processing, handling, storage and transportation.
8 . Risk of contamination from petroleum products and other pollutants,
as a result of this proposal, both during and after excavation phase
of project, on- and off-site.
Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to
comment on this proposal by writing to the following official :
Gary Yando, Director
Department of Community Development
You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable
significant adverse impacts, and licenses of other approvals that may be
required. Correspondence should be sent to the following address :
Mason County Department of Community Development
Attn: Pam Bennett-Cumming
411 N 5th St
PO Box 578
Shelton, WA 98584
BY November 12, 1997 .
The area lies within the Johns Creek watershed. The site and the majority of adjacent land is
Name of Proponent: BUR Partnership (Brix Living Trust, John A& Jean L Bishop, Paul E
Reid Estate).
Alpine Evergreen Company, Inc.
Location oUPropgsal@ 153 acres of property in the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of
Section 33, Township 21 North, Range 3 West, W.M., and portions of the north half of Sections
4 and 5, Township 20 North, Range 3 West. The parcels are adjacent to and immediately south
of McEwan Prairie Road, and west of Oaks road. See Figures 1-3 of checklist.
Parcel #s 32133-00-00000; 32005-10-00000; 32004-22-00020.
Lead AgeaM Mason County Department of Community Development.
Areas of Environmental Concern:, Thus far, the following areas have been identified as meriting
further study in the EIS:
1. Impacts to Critical Aquifer Recharge Area, including: impacts to ground water quality,
quantity and availability; increased risk of aquifer contamination (both shallow and deep
2. Impact of proposal on surface and ground waters, including: on-site and off-site wetlands,
other surface waters in vicinity (including Rex lake); potential for dewatering adjacent
properties, other impacts to water regimes; potential for impacts during and after excavation
phase, on-and off-site. Note: it has now been determined that both original proposal
site and new property added to the project contain Category I wetlands which appear
to depend on the shallow aquifer for their water regime. The wetlands extend beyond
the site boundaries.
3. Impacts of proposal on vegetation, wildlife, and wildlife habitat, both during and after
excavation phase of project, on- and off-site.
4. Impacts to the surrounding environment resulting from traffic related to the proposal.
5. Effects on public services and utilities, including: roads, utilities.
6. Increase in noise levels as a result of this proposal.
7. Impacts to air quality resulting from activity, including: mining, processing, handling, storage
and transportation.
8. Risk of contamination from petroleum products and other pollutants, as a result of this
proposal, both during and after excavation phase of project, on-and off-site.