HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO-Tech Assessment for BLD2008-01219 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 11/4/2008 Form Effective June 2008 �L� ��� -� ►aC � Mason Countv Department of Community Development Submittal Checklist For a Geological Assessment Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geological Assessment and completed, signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s) who prepared the Geological Assessment for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Orvdinance. If an item found to be not applicable,the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Applicant/Owner: KEN CHOW Parcel #: 322327590151 TO BE KEPT IN THE Site Address: 260 E Union Heights Drive, Union Washington 98592 PARCEL FILE (1) A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development, with geologic unit designation based on referenced maps. Located on page(s) 6-7 (2) (a) A discussion of4he ground water conditions at the site, Located on page(s) 8 (b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water Located on page(s) 8. (c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage Located on page(s) 8 (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology Located on pap(s) 6 (e) A discussion of location of upland water bodies and wetlands. Located on page(s) 8 r � Form Effective June 2008 (3) The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g. glacial till or outwash sand. Located on page(s) 8 (4) A discussion of anfteomorphic expression of past slope instability (presence of hummocky ground or ground cracks, terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating down slope movement, etc.) Located on page(s) 6 (5) (6) A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in referenced maps and records. Located on page(s) 8 (7) An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or its associated buffer or setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of the proposed development. Located on page(s) NA (8) A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property. Located on page(s) 9 (9) If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development, then the following are delineated on a geologic map/site map: (a) the area of th"roposed development, Located on Map(s) NA (b) the boundaries of the landslide hazard area (top, both sides, and toe), Located on Map(s) NA (c) the associated buffers (top, both sides, and toe), Located on Map(s) NA (d) building or other setbacks (top, both side, and toe), Located on Map(s) NA Forfn Effective June 2008 (10) A site map*awn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on this site. Located on Maps(s) FIGURE 2 I, CURTIS D CUSHMAN hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geological Assessment, dated 11/03/2008 and entitled GEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 260 E Union Heights Drive, Union, WA meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Landslide Hazard Section, is complete anc&rue, that the assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. (Signature and Stamp) Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Assessment. `e o� Was i ngkmring Geologist ti 2439 � O o�Se d Ge I CU?iTIS D 1 C'U.C 1^,N i I� 16[nn1,v\5 . 1 R.ECT D NOV 0 v 2008C)/L;C) MASON COUNTY GEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 260 E UNION HEIGHTS DRIVE UNION, WASHINGTON PREPARED FOR KEN CHOW BY GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY, INC. OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 3, 2008 1 1 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARER INFORMATION GTL PROJECT NUMBER: 08-0362 CONTACT: CURTIS D.CUSHMAN ADDRESS: 10011 BLOMBERG STREET SOUTHWEST OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON 98512 TELEPHONE: (360)754-4612 FACSIMILE: (360)754-4848 EMAIL ADDRESS: GEOTESTLAB@COMCAST.NET CLIENT INFORMATION CLIENT CONTACT: LAURI JAY TELEPHONE: (360)229-9150 BILLING ADDRESS: UNITED BUILDERS P.O BOX C SHELTON WA 98584 SITE ADDRESS: 260 E UNION HEIGHTS DRIVE UNION,WASHINGTON 98592 PARCEL: 322327590151 GPS LOCATION: N47°20'54.73"W 123"05143.81" 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 2 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY SCOPE OF UNDERSTANDING KEN CHOW 12616 NE 94'STREET KIRKLAND,WASHINGTON 98033 RE: GEOLOGIC ASSESSMENT 260 E UNION HEIGHTS DRIVE UNION,WASHINGTON 98592 PARCEL#322327590151 N470 20'54.73" W1230 05'43.81" Mr. Chow: As per our conversation with Laurie Jay of United Builders, Shelton WA we have conducted a geological assessment and analysis for the above-mentioned parcel. The results of this investigation are to be found in the following assessment. We have provided three copies for your review and distribution. We are also a full service laboratory that can meet all your building, testing(soils compaction, asphalt, concrete, resteel), and other inspection needs. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions concerning the above items,the procedures used, or if we can be of any further assistance please call us at the phone number listed below. Respectfully Submitted, �0 0{ Wash GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY co Engi ering Geologist 2439 c0'8�dG oD Curtis D Cushman Senior Engineering Geologist 1 TI D'^_'I CUvHMAN iI I 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 3 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#:(360)754-4848 i GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTACTINFORMATION ......................................................................................................................2 SCOPEOF UNDERSTANDING.................................................................................................................3 TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................................4 PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................................5 SITECONDITIONS ..........................................................................................................................................6 . GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................................6 SITESOILS..................................................................................................................................................... 7 SURFACEWATER CONDITIONS....................................................................................................................... 8 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS........................................................................................................................ 8 DEPTHTO COMPETENT SOIL.......................................................................................................................... 8 PASTSLOPE INSTABILITY .............................................................................................................................. 8 HISTORY OF LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY................................................................................................................ 8 POTENTIAL FOR LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY ..........................................................................................................9 RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................................................9 REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE..........................................................................................9 READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY............................................................................................................ 10 WELLLOGS................................................................................................................................................. 11 VICINITYMAP............................................................................................................................................. 13 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 4 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#:(360) 754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY PURPOSE This report summarizes the results of our geotechnical consulting services for the proposed residential building. The report has been commissioned by Laurie Jay of United Builders, Shelton Washington. The parcel (1.08 acres) is located in Union,Washington. (See site aerial photos below). The site is approximately 0.6 miles south-southeast of Union, Washin on. The site is accessible from Union Hei ghts Drive off East Mcreav Road in Union. r i �r i Terraserver USA Aerial Image Mason County GIS Aerial Image Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with Ms. Laurie Jay. We understand that the parcel is to be developed with a single-family residential unit. The proposed septic drain field is located on the northeastern portion of the parcel and is approximately 95 feet away from the proposed residence. The approximate layout of the site is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. The steepest slope measured at the building site was under 10 percent. Locally slopes reaching up to 23% were measured along the southern portions of the parcel. Offsite slopes across the Union Heights Drive to the south have an approximate slope of 30% down and away from the property. Therefore, Mason County requires that a geological assessment be prepared in accordance with the Critical Areas Ordinance. The Mason County Resource Ordinance Geologically Hazardous Areas(12-27-2006)contains the following: 17.01.100 Landslide Hazard Areas E. Special Reports 1.Applicability Category d. Development proposed within 300 feet of areas with slopes between 15 percent (8.5 degrees) and 40 percent (21.8 degrees) will require a Geological Assessment, and may further require a Geotechnical Report upon the findings of the assessment. 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 5 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#:(360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY SITE CONDITIONS At the project site, exploration was conducted on October 21, 2008 by Prashanta Lamichhane under the guidance of Curtis D Cushman. The purpose of the site inspection was to physically observe the property and adjacent properties to identify geologic and geographic conditions. Photographs were taken and field observations were documented. Site-specific features were mapped, and vegetation noted. The site is well vegetated with plants common to the Northwest except in the cleared areas where grass and shrubs are present. _ The site is well vegetated in the southern slopes with native trees. The proposed building location and the eastern portion of the site are cleared. A silt fence has been installed on site in the eastern portion to deter erosion and sediment flow. The site is relatively flat and the drainage tends to flow towards south eastern corner of the property. Site elevations range from approximately 400 to 420 feet. The approximate site plan is included as Figure 2 at the end of this report. No evidence of active surface erosion was observed. Slumping and sloughing were not observed throughout the site. No evidence of deep-seated slope instability was observed onsite. Onsite trees were observed to be straight and vertical. 14 Site View facing east As the site is on a regional crest,there is no upslope geomorphology. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Geologic Map Of Washington—Northwest Quadrant, (2002) by Dragovich et al, has described the site geology to be of continental glacial origin. The material Till, Qgt is described as, Till (Qgt): Unsorted, unstratified, highly compacted mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel and boulders deposited by glacial ice, may contain interbedded stratified sand, silt and gravel. Includes parts of the Vashon drifts undivided. I 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 6 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 i GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY i Geologic Map of Shelton 1: 100,000 Quadrangle, Washington by Logan (2003), has described the site geology to be of continental glacial origin.The late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene)till (Qgt) is described as, Till, late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene)—Unsorted, unstratified, highly compacted mixture of clay, silt, I sand, gravel, and boulders deposited by glacial ice of the Puget lobe; gray, may contain interbedded stratified sand, silt, and gravel; sand-size fraction is very angular and contains abundant polycrystalline quartz, which distinguishes this unit from alpine till; cobbles and boulders are commonly striated and (or)faceted; although unweathered almost everywhere, may contain cobbles or small boulders of deeply weathered granitic rock Field observation at cuts on-site verify the conclusion that the building is on Glacial Till(Qgt) SITE SOILS i The Soil Survey of Mason County, USDA Soil Conservation Service (1960) has mapped the site soils as an Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes (Ab), at the building site and Alderwood gravelly sandy loam 15 to 30%(Ac) in the southern sloped areas of the parcel . The report reads: I The Alderwood soils typically formed from gravelly glacial till. They are described as having good natural drainage. Typically, there is no occurrence of a high water table. Internal drainage is described as medium. An erosion hazard may exist if the vegetation is removed. The Soil Survey of Mason County, USDA Soil Conservation Service (1960) has mapped the site soils as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes(Ab). The survey reads, The Alderwood soils typically formed from mixed gravelly glacial till dominated by acid igneous rock It occupies undulating to rolling moraines. In undisturbed areas a 1-to 2-inch mat of very dark brown, acid organic matter is on the surface. This grades to a thin, dark grayish-brown, highly organic mineral soil. The surface soil consists of a friable, brown, medium acid gravelly sandy loam 8 to 13 inches deep. It has a weak granular structure and contains numerous rounded shot. Below the surface soil, to depths ranging from 18 to 24 inches, is a pale-brown gravelly sandy loam that is very friable, is single grained, and contains small to moderate amounts of shot. Between this layer and the cemented till is a 3- to 10-inch layer of very pale brown gravelly sandy loam. It contains no shot and is firmer but has the same texture as the layer above. However, it is faintly to distinctly spotted and horizontally streaked with brown and yellow. The cemented till consists of light-gray, gravelly sandy loam, and it normally occurs at depths ranging from 24 to 32 inches. It is impermeable to roots and very slowly permeable to water. The first few inches is usually laminated and streaked with reddish brown and yellow. Below this, to a depth of many feet, the till is uniformly cemented,fairly uniform light gray, and medium to strongly acid. A thin mat of roots often lies over the till. The cemented substratum tends to restrict the rapid downward movement of moisture. The Soil Survey of Mason County, USDA Soil Conservation Service (1960) has mapped the site soils as an Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes(Ac). The survey reads: This soil varies more in depth, but otherwise it is similar to Alderwood gravelly sandy loams, 5 to 15 percent slopes. It occurs in close association with and adjacent to that soil. It is on 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 7 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#:(360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY moderately steep ridges, along drainage ways, and on elongated irregular slopes. Small areas with slopes of more than 30 percent are mapped with this soil. Surface drainage is more rapid than on the more gentle slopes. Runoff and erosion on the logged and semi cleared areas are controlled by the dense growth of plants. Erosion would damage the soil if it were cleared for crops. SURFACE WATER CONDITIONS _ No surface water flow was observed onsite at the time of site visit. No ponding of water was observed throughout the site. No seeps or springs were observed onsite. Wetland vegetation was not observed at or near the proposed building location. No upland wetlands were observed on or near the site as it is on a ridgecrest. The nearest recorded wetland is mapped across E McReavy road. The approximate distance to this wetland is approximately 500 foot east of the property and far downslope. No upland water body was seen from visual inspection of aerial photographs available. As noted above, surface water on site drains towards south eastern portion of the parcel. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Groundwater seepage was not observed at or near the proposed building location. Depth of groundwater is beyond the scope of this work. However, research of the local wells indicates that depth to static groundwater is well below the surface. No distinct figure for the water table depth could be presented here as the data available for well logs in the vicinity show a dry well or are incomplete. See the well logs at the end of this report. DEPTH TO COMPETENT SOIL The building location is upon a site where the Alderwood gravelly sandy loam has been removed to the underlying Qgt. The proposed site is on firmer glacial deposits. Any Alderwood Soil encountered is possibly loose and unsuitable for construction unless adequately watered and compacted or removed. It is to be noted that the excavation work done for the proposed construction essentially has removed the surficial soils on site. Compaction of all on-site materials should be monitored. PAST SLOPE INSTABILITY Surrounding the subject site, trees were observed to be straight and vertical. No indication of past instability was discerned at the site. At the site, the slopes are between 10 and in the 30 percent range and no signs of instability were observed. HISTORY OF LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY No historical landsliding was observed during our site investigation onsite or near the subject parcel. The proposed building location is relatively flat. The Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington by Smith & Carson (1977) has mapped the site as Class 2 and is described as, Areas believed to be stable under normal conditions, but may become unstable if disturbed by man's activities, if slope is oversteepened by erosion, or if subjected to strong seismic shaking. Slopes generally steeper than IS percent, but may be less in some areas of weak geological materials. Includes 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 8 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY area underlain by. well-drained sand and gravel, mostly on valley sides that lack known slope failures; glacial till with steep slopes;and bed rock. POTENTIAL FOR LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY This site has no indication or record of old or recent landslide activity. Even though natural slopes within 300 feet of the property approach nearly 30 percent, the potential for landslide activity is not likely for the proposed development based on our observations and analysis. The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann(September 2004)maps the site area as having very low-liquefaction potential. The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann(September 2004)maps the site area as site class C. Site class C is classified as a very stiff soil or soft rock. RECOMMENDATIONS There is no evidence of soil erosion or deposition onsite to suggest that the site should be included in the Erosion Hazard Area designation. A silt fence barrier is already constructed down slope to deter potential sediment migration problem. Proposed activities and site conditions for the development do not warrant a more comprehensive Geotechnical Report. The site is suitable for the proposed construction. We recommend no further action is needed unless areas of concern are unearthed during construction or damage ensues from removing vegetation. To minimize erosion and sedimentation, we recommend that vegetation remain or be cultivated in areas outside the building location. We recommend verification of site compaction before the footing is placed to assure the soil is suitable for construction. If there are any changes in the loads, grades, locations, configurations or types of facilities to be constructed, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this assessment may not be fully applicable. If such changes are made, we should be given the opportunity to review our recommendations and provide written modifications or verifications,as appropriate. All applicable rules to minimize damage from soil erosion during construction should be followed. Changes to the Mason County Code may require our firm to revisit the subject site prior to development, if six months has elapsed,to ensure the conditions are in agreement with our original report. REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE We have prepared this assessment for the exclusive use of Mr. Ken Chow and his authorized agents, including United Builders, for the proposed building site in Mason County, Washington. Site inspections, research, and mapping have culminated in this assessment. This assessment is intended to meet the requirements of the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance. This report does not specify setbacks for: line-of-sight setbacks, FWHCA setbacks, eagle tree setbacks, wetland setbacks, or property line setbacks; however, any of these provided by the 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia,WA 98512 9 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY client will be included in the site plan of this report. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, expressed or implied,should be understood. READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY Some clients, design professionals, and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of _ understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. Geotechnical Testing Laboratory Inc includes these explanatory "limitations" provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with Geotechnical Testing Laboratory Inc if you are unclear how these "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use"apply to your project or site. The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, geotechnical engineering or geologic reporting does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia,WA 98512 10 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#:(360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY WELL LOGS File Original asid First Copy with ApplImn Department of jory WATER WELL REPORT — s Copy can, Permit No. Third Copy—D,ffler Copy STATE OF wiLsEcINGTON 7f (1) OWNER: %r ......................... (2) LOCATION OF WELL: county M................. See 0 --4-�3t= -S7­ — - CL Scarmt; and distance from section or subdlWssojj_�orner III — (10) WELL LOG: (3) PROPOSED USE: Domcauc industrial 0 municipal 0 ". andot structure. IR-1 and .lure of the material in each Trosation Qr Test Well ❑0 Other 0 rormatitt ec .c�'.j,.,cribl b.v *1*1. .. flood ', d erratum penetrated, with at least one entry jar each ch—Ps of for-41"rt. (4) TYPE OF WORK: number of well mArER L FROM TO more than one) to New-411 0 Method: Dug 0 Bored 0 Cable 0 Driven 0 Deepened 0 Reconditioned 0 Rotary 0 Jetted 0 0 (5) DIMENSIONS: Dismeterof-ell - Inches. C -Si It. 0 Drilled................................ft. Depth of completed well._...-. to (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS- ECasing installed:.................Diam. from -.............. ft..to .2 Threaded C3 ............­'*vlam.from-------------- it,to Welded 0 ............."Dism.from ............... EL 20 ........... It' dI Perforations: yes C] . No o Type at perforator wed.._.__........_._.:__......._._._._._..._....._._.—...:—.—. O SIZL Of performuom -.......... tn. by .................... In. ....................perforations from..................... ft.to..................it. ............... it.to ft, ....................Perforations from cc .....................perforauans from......................ft.to co Screens: Yes ci No 0 Manufacturers Type..._..........__._....._.. model Diam.............­Slat size...............from................ft.to-----------It. Diem..------._...._Slot-420...........—'from ft'to tL Gravel packed: Yes 0 No C3 size at travel: ............­1....... It. Gravel placed from---------.....................ft.to............... Surface seal: yet o No E] To what depth? .............. ft- material used in seat........................... avatars -ate-r-7..........Ye I a-0 Did any strata contain unusable 0 Type of water?. Depth of Method at sealing strata off..................................................... 4) (7) PUMP: manta.ctu.isr's N-ine................................................ 0 ....................................................................... >, (9) WATER LEVELS: L,"d-surf.ce ele—tion above mean"a level.... .........—------ ......_......_--..........._-.__......ft.below lop of well 0 Static level par square inch Date........_.._..__..._..___ 0 Artesian Pressure 0 Artesian Water N Controlled by................. lys"Ole—, LU 0 Drawd wn is amount water level is Completed....................................%_ (9) WELL TESTS. lowered below static level a Pump test_,,Is, y No 0 If yes.by ........................ WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: Yield: al./min.with ft.drawd=m*fTter IN This well was drilled under My jurisdiction and this report is E true to the best of my knowledge and belief. coovery (Uwe taken turned off) (water level data then PUMP CL wed gram well lop to water evel) NAME...................ii� W Time Water XaUdt I Time Water Lethal Time Water Lapel ................................. ..................................... ....................................... Address...._................................................................... .1............. ...11................ ............................................................................ . ....................................... .............................................................................. Date of test----—-------------------------------­------- [Signed)...........................................(wiil-i5kuwi------- ------------ ailer with...............ft.drawdwri .rtestan ................Date................................... Temperature of water_____...was&F alyals as[3 No 0 License No............................. made USX %DDrrjON^j.SHZ=S JCr NECESSARY) a.r.No.73Mi_.4DS_(R*V.4-71). p 10011 Blomberg Street SW, Olympia, WA 98512 11 Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY Fqe Original and First Copy with aypitcauon No. Departmehe hl Eralaar WATER WELL REPORT WAB STATE O "f ``t second(bpY-(hvrtee's copy ��^..,/t•... Third CnPY-DNller'e CopyOFHA�GTON Permit N Address--_.................. ._..._____... ........... .... ............ ` (2) LOCATION OF WELL: ..... ......._...... ._.. __....— ._. )k..!�see..._3da-k TQ 1 N..R_?A"W.M. . - r Rearing and distance from sseuon or aubdlviaion corner d3(J` '^ r �� (3) PROPOSED USE: Domestic p industrial ❑ Man1cipal❑ (10) WELL LOG: Irrigation ❑ Test Well ❑ Other ❑ Formation:Describe by color,Marocter sire of material and structure,tired show thickness of aptarfers and the kind and nature of the material in each > (4) TYPE OF WORK: etrotam penetrated,wltft at I.,one entry for each change of formation. Uwner'a number of well y 'if more Man near).... ............_..._.....-...._._ _ _ -- MATERIAL FROM TO New well ❑ Metbad:Qug • ❑ Plated' f Deepened 0 . -.Cable ❑ -Drtvea_ •- FC.r Reconditioned ❑ Rotarxio Jetted E3 p (5) DIMENSIONS: Diameter of �:/..:�_.:-itlehY C Drilled........_.....___......[t. Depth of campieted ti.._we .A"fa__:___�t. - 'r G (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: - ECasing installed: _......._......Diem. (rote.„_._.�!ir to.::...]:C x. r V Threaded❑ Di__from._.__K.aO••-.i•...�..tK. 1 C welded Q ._......_.._" Dlam. T- C - -- - - Perforations: Yee DQ No pCD _ _ __ -• '% O C Type of perforator used. _.._ •• .:..>~;fs::.__ stir • CSC' SIZE of perforations ......-_........_._.—:In.by--:-.:_:_n..//•• In. _ • 1L 6 ft»to w,.7........»..-..ft. Cr __..__._.._... perforations from - _ - - - � .........._.........- petforatlod tram»--........:..__.fY.t0 Screens: Yes 10 No❑ ,a anu:acturee'e N.m...._ao S nt - TYP...................._............... — Diam...............slot size train__ -r.:.n.to-d• ---lC' -.--- --- - ---- ---- Dism..............Slot sere-------&OR Gravel packed: Yea❑ No❑ size ol.gr_tnnt: Gravel placed from.._........___...__-_�E.tD..-.:.......w..,._._�_.A. ` Surface seal: Yes❑ No O To what depth,- ........._.-t't. y Material used In seal ......_...-_...._..... _ -- --_-- _- - I ? Did any strata contain unsesble watery '- Ne❑-. ' - - -._- Type of water?_..._.........._....._DepL1t of st►a{li_...:_,..,_..:......,-,_ _ - . Method of Mating strata oQ-..-_._._.._...... s._._.._..._........ •- - (7) PUMP: r1 �1 Type:. .... ..... M.a. e..1C.......aFLA.... .....�...__x.P.. ._..._.._.. _ - - --— D art• t . C3 (8) WATER LEVELS: .Le�d.-muan iie7eveel..':: w�»•!t _- - Static level ft.below top or-atati Artesian Pressure...._.._. .____..._Ibs. Per square lneh -Date:•: ......... _......_-.___.___ Artesian water Ia controlled by..... . .-... ._..•_.«_.-. D ?Cap:va�1`L4 etoJ _- LJ ( )9 WELL TESTS: Drawdown Is amount 4ater level to - '-- l lowered beow atatl l e evel : Work started....__..___.____.le.___... Completed......_............._.... D was a pump test made? Yes❑ No[) If Yes.by Whomi_.::.........._..:..._.._.._.. �+ Yield: gat./min-with ft_drawdown after « hn. WELL DRILLER'S•STATEMENT C y - This well was drilled tinder my jurisdiction and this report is E __ r true td ttie beat dt my'knowledge and belief. Recovery data name taken as zero when Pumpaucnid ( (Miter 1eveT ' _ ' I` measured from well top to water level) „ `•+!? lB • w _...... �. Time Water Level I Time Water Lerrei .. Water fwwl NAM$............. .... .._....... ............ ................................._ •"T ., (Person. M.or corlwratl ('Type or pMN .._..........................._............. ._....-..-._...... ...,,.,....._........._.I.......... �... ................................................»....................:..... ............:..•.......-_.-........._.. Address..........................._..........................----...._......_............................_....... y Date of test.._...__..._.___................................. [Signed].......,.... Bailer test............_.....;d./min.with-.............._ft-drawdown after............„_..hn. tWell DNllerl Artestari flow......._.._..........................if.p.m. Date....._._.__._........_._.......__.._. a,� Temperature of water._.._Wae a chemical analYela modal Yes❑ No❑ License No............_.-.......--..........._.Date.._; .._.F..........._._., 19..!F57 jet\ �f USE ADDITIONAL SMIXETS IT NECESSARY) 9.F.No.t736-OS--I Rev-�-'Il). J�j}7a � �a 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 12 Phone#: (360)754-4612 Fax#:(360)754-4848 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY VICINITY MAP ■ +� - �■ I ~ /� { - Ar -o rooaoa.a•�.on.aoarnom or ronr.m own•.. -- - - -- -- N - 10011 Blomberg Street SW,Olympia, WA 98512 l; Phone#: (360) 754-4612 Fax#: (360) 754-4848 2'X2X14 GAUGE WARE FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT w T �./ 1 GROUND SURFACE Sd �/ PROVIDE 3/P-1 1?WISED JJ �� GRAVEL BACKFILL IN TRENCH 1r AND ON BOTH SIDES OF FILTER FENCE FABRIC R THE SURFACE B'MIN Q9t v ` 27(PWDODPOSTS P-` `N ALT:STEEL FENCE POSTS Q"QQ t OQ FILTER FABRIC FENCE NOTES: W 1.FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED INACONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF TS Qgt ARE NECESSARY,FILM BARRIER LL FILM R CLOTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONL USE OF JOINTS.VO4EN JOI Y AT A SUPPORT POST WITH A MINIMUM 84NCH OVERLAP AND SECURELY FASTEEGAT BOTH ENDS TO THE POST. Ln 2.POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF B FEET APART AND DRIVEN iz SECURELY INTO THE GROUND(MINIMUM OF 30INCHES). 3.A TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED APPROXIMATELY 8 INCHES WADE AND 12 4G NCES DEEP ALONG THE LIE OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. C� 4,WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED,A WIRE MESH ` SUPPORT TH ORT FENCE SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO E UPSLOPE SIDE Qg a L OF THE POSTS USING HEAVY-DUTY WARE STAPLES AT LEAST 1 INCH LONG,TIE WARES OR HOG RINGS.THE WIRE SHALL EXTEND INTO THE TRENCH A MINIMUM OF 41NCHES AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 38 INCHES ABOVE THEORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. j \'� 6 5.THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED RED 5\' O�GO TO THE FENCE AND 2D INCHES OFFABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED 11 V INTO THE TRENCH.THE FABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 30 INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE.FILTER FABRIC SHALL NOT BE STAPLED TO THE EXISTING TREES. �!4O 8.WHEN EXTRA-STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC AND CLOSER POST SPACING IS USED,THE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE MAP BE ELIMINATED,IN SUCH A CASE,THE FILTER FABRIC IS STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECTLY TO THE G2�/�pE O POSTS WITH ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OR ABOVE NOTES APPLYING. WD/0 SL 7 FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL NOT BE REMOVED BEFORE THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENNRY STABILIZED. OS.FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL.ANY S 2� z `\�J Qgt REDUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. o O Qgt co GENERAL ERDEION CONTROL NOTES: 1. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE BEGTHE PROJECT ENGIN Qgt A SHALL NSPECTCANDAP ROVETHE INSTALLATION OF EER AND THE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 2.EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE ITEMS ON THIS PLAN.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE L/O INSTALLATION SILTATION OF EXISTINGINANCE OF ALL EROSION OR PROPOSED DRAINAGE FACAUTROL MEASURES. I� 0 SHALL BE ALLOWED.CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT MIGRATION 6 / OF SILTS TO OFF SITE PROPERTIES. 3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE DAILY SURVEILLANCE OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS Q / TO THEEROSION CONTROL MEASURES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE gt ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS DETERMINED NECESSARY BY THE COUNTY INSPECTOR AND/OR THE PROJECT ENGINEER.FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN CIVIL PENALTIES BEING LEVIED AGAINST THE CONTRACTOR ANC/OR PROJECT OWNER. 4.DURING THE WET SEASON(NOVEMBER TO MARCH)ALL DISTURBED SOILS SHALL BE STABILIZED WTHIN 49 HOURS AFTER STOP OF WORK EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE,BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, COVERING THE EFFECTED AREA INCLUDING SPOIL PILES WITH PLASTIC SHEETING,STRAW MATTING,JUTE MATING,STRAW MULCH, OR WOOD CHIPS.SEEDING OF THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL TAKE PLACE AS WEATHER PERMITS. S.ALL SEEDED R SODDED AREAS SHALL BE CHECKED REGULARLY Q TO MAKE SURE VEGETATIVE COVERAGE IS COMLETE.AREAS SHALL BE REPAIRED,RESEEDED,AND FERTILIZED AS REQUIRED, O 8.TRACgNG OF SOIL OFFSITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.IF ANY SOIL IS (o TRACKED ONTO A COUNTY STREET,IT SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE END R THAT WORVJNG DAY.ANY FURTHER TRACIONG OF MUD WILL TEN Q\O BE PREVENTED BY SWEEPING OR WASHING OF THE VEHICLES TIRES O BEFORE DRIVING ON A COUNTY STREET. M 7.NO MORE THAN 500 LF OF TRENCH ON A DOW NSLRE OF MORE THAN 5 PERCENT SHALL BE OPENED AT ONE TIME, S.EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE R TRENCHES. 9.TRENCH DEWATERING DEVICES SHALL BE DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOTADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS,DRAINAGE SYSTEMS R OFFSITE PROPERTIES. 10.ALL STORM SEWER INI.ETS RECEIVING RUNOFF FROM THE PROJECT DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED SO THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER WILL BE FILTERED BEFORE ENTERING THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM. 11.ALL OFFSITE CATCH BASINS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SILTATION. 12.ALL DISTURBED AREAS SWILL BE SEEDED OR SODDED UPC"COMPLETION OF WORK.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT COMPLETE COVERAGE OF THE DISTURBED AREAS IS ROW DIED THAT GROWTH OF THE VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 13.CATCH BASINS SHALL TRAP SEDIMENT OR FILTER FABRIC MUST BE PLACED UNDER GRATE UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLSHED.