HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2017-00462 SFR - BLD Application - 5/24/2017 'poi `v614 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES �._, ' PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: I'e►'tuit IYo: _6=7- •BUILDING •PLANNING •PUBLIC HEALTH•FIRE MARSHAL 616 IN.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Phone Shallop:(360)427-9670 ext. 352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone RECEIVED Belfair(360)275-4467•Phone Elrna:(360)482-5269 154 MAY 2 4 2017 BUILDINGBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 615 W. Alder Street PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: je n NAME:CREATIVE DESIGN BUILDERS DBA:HiLINE HOMES MAILING ADD S::�D, I OX AO (o MAILING ADDRESS.11306 62ND AVE E CITY: 0 h�Oyn STATE:W A ZIP: R,R CITY:Puyallup STATE:WA ZIP:98373 PHONE#I: 36� "�.�� —i3��� PHONE:253-840-1849 CELL: 253-606-8280 PHONE#2: t 43 EMAIL :bbosma@hilinehomes.com EMAIL: cw J C�c rd ��2ho�•G�w. L&I REG#HILINH*983BD EXP. 11 /8 /17 CONTACT PERSON : OWNER ( CONTRACTOR ❑ OTHER❑ NAME: /fie'f v- Ac�V'Oe MAILING ADDRESS: R O •1 O\t Zy 6 CITY: t) V\ k do STATE:UkJA ZIP: g SOS Z.- PHONE: CELL: 3bv 420 --e N EMAIL: 9 R<9r PARCEL INFORMATION: }_ors (3. PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) 0 0 0 010 �YNINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated) 5W , l/y Sew 3a ESy��K�1,t� 22- pf yC-vxyaIRE DISTRICT SITE ADDRESS 3 3 2 E- J n uan (A S)r . CITY V h to h DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS \e-{,t, IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES[] NOJ�K IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT: (Check all that apply): SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND ❑ WETLAND ❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF ❑ STREAM ❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW;J" ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Etc.) IS USE: PRIMARY d SEASONAL ❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 3 NUMBER OF BATHROOMS S HEATED STRUCTURE? YES (Whole Bldg)`[r YES(Part[s]of ldg) ❑ NO ❑ DESCRIBE WORK 1�) v-k-) �o�� S '� MI — L=, ,JQ. �91 4 -tt (Valuation/Project Bid Amount: $��j 3.102 , 00 ) SQUARE FOOTAGE: I ST FLOOR C� \ sq. ft. 2ND FLOOR sq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq. ft. BASEMENT sq. ft. DECK_ sq. ft. COVERED DECK,3j2 _sq. ft. STORAGE sq. ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE g08 sq.ft. Attached b< Detached❑ CARPORT sq. ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MODEL YEAR LENGTH ;D:TH B EDR BA SE OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative, represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null &void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED. (MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) X S/Z 7 Sign ture of OWN (Must be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVEDWDATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT I'LANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: 0 ) PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING •PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL RECEIVED 615 W. Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 - - - www.co.mason.wa.us lssa Ph :(360)427-9670 ext. 352• Fax:(360)427-7798 MAY 2 4 2017 ` ���(360)275-4467• Phone Elrna:(360)482-5269 . 615 W. Alder Street PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: V eiY!2 NAME:CREATIVE DESIGN BUILDERS DBA:HiLINE HOMES MAILING ADD SS: F. 0 o K. c�_O 4, MAILING ADDRESS:11306 62nd A,.E CITY: (,vt( 0" STATE: W R ZIP:Q0'5'r Z CITY:Puyallup STATE:wA ZIP:98373 1 sc PHONE: __3 4r o �{ —S�f j j PHONE:253-840-1849 CELL: 253-606-8280 2nd PHONE: 3�0 — S q5_A l Lo EMAIL :bbosma@hiiineh�omes.com r EMAIL: ► eo e,4 Q j3!�'`Z,q ¢j�yA_h.c v , Lo\_, L&I REG#HILINH-983BD EXP. 11 / 8 / 17 PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): -3 Z2.3 Z 7 5 d ooFo Zoning:_ R1_5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated):S w f y 0 4'SeG 3 Z y��Sl i(2 ZZ-/U i' L11 � 3 SITE ADDRESS: 1 3 3 7 C. 0 'I 0.i Net q vt�-5 Ar, CITY: J h c o>1 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: t+) H c q 1., c�c �� I•t �— TYPE OF JOB: NEW ADD ALT REPAIR OTHER USE OF BUILDING s LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS— 1ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR BASEMENT GARAGE OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS Type of Fixture No.of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric LPG Natural Gas Ductless_✓ Toilets 71 Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink -3 Furnace Bath Tubs t CCpn,6 o Heat Pump � �'65 Showers ! Spot Vent Fan Water Heater ! Propane Tank Clothes Washer ( Gas Outlets Kitchen Sinks / Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Dishwasher Kitchen Exhaust Hood i Hose bibs Dryer Vent / Other Solar Panel Other Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OFTHIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. X ignaTure of Owner —I Date — DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Visit us on-line: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-dev/ Rev:1/27/2016 JBN r 1 ■INfi�9�!�110®MIS!��■ �::�■■��nEINE® 1■M�` ■EE■ ''anti Mam. .Wqm NEWS smammm lgMW?m■■MO■M■ S■■MINE\ GIN■■■■■GIN■■ice■■■I Z!mm *dIlm■■ IEEEEME 1'MEMEOIE■ELEIENZE-193-M 11100IN MINE 0 ■■E■■■■■■■OEM m■■■■■■■ mom 0 so INS ME :110 M■■MEMEM2 0 IMMEMMEM IiIN■MEE■■ ■i1i■■INEENEMME■■■MINE■ IMS, I on ME E■■r■MIN■■■■MMEE■■■■INMEiI■ME1� INM■MM IN■■MME■MOM■■E■MEN■Ell IS mom ■MG�1E�11�■MINE ■EEE■MINMMM ME ME ■ 'W.INli■■■■mm . . 'SEEM ON IN■■■M■IN■■■MEMO ! ■ No momMINE mom MEMO EIN MINEIN MIN■■■M■■ME■■I INME■■E■■■■■■E■ E■■E■■IEMEEm_.MEirlol INEEE EM • 0 Name ilkif Parcel # 32-Z 3 L 7S bo 0 j BLD# OQ Mason County �1 I L D I N G Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 2 of 2) Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS Required for this development activity. Title 14,Chapter 14.48 of the Mason County Code(MCC)regulates compliance requirements for Stormwater Management in this jurisdiction.A complete copy of the ordinance can be found on the Mason County website: http//www.co.mason.wa—us/code/commissioners/index.htm Please follow the links to "Title 14,Chapter 14.48 Stormwater Management". Regulated activities shall be conducted only after Mason County Public Works approves a stormwater site plan (Mason County Code Title 14 Chapter 14.48 section 14.48.70). You will receive a copy of the Public Works document entitled "Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots,The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan". This document will assist you in preparing the necessary information and plans for Public Works to review and approve. Per Department of Public Works this document will constitute an approved plan if all of the relevant details* are to be installed in their entirety AND no part of the stormwater system adversely affects any septic system(see Environmental Health information below). If an alternative system is to be used a plan will need to be submitted to Public Works for approval. A design by a registered professional may be required for more complex sites. *These details are found in the document Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan on the pages that begin with"Handout" PLEASE INITIAL BELOW TO INDICATE THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THIS SITE A)_ 1�The relevant details from Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan will be installed in their entirety AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. B) An alternative plan and/or professional design will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. If you have further questions pertaining to parcel drainage and stormwater management Mason County's Public Works Department can provide additional instructions,guidance and examples. (Section 14.48.130)contact Public works at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 450 Mail: P 0 Box 1850, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 415 N 6th St, Shelton WA 98584 If this development has,or will have,a septic/drainfield system you may need to contact Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this,or any other,parcel.You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project. Mason County Division of Environmental Health can be reached at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 352 Mail: P 0 Box 1666, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 426 W Cedar St,Shelton WA 98584 A condition will be added to the building permit that states, in part,that all conditions the stormwater site plan will be met prior to a request for final inspection of the building permit. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor. I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X l��^ / ;/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: ��z3// 7 Page 2 of 2 , SITE PLAN CHECKLIST A COMPLETE, ACCURATE AND DETAILED SITE PLAN IS IMPORTANT TO AVOID DELAYS IN THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF YOUR PROJECT. USE THE CHECKLIST BELOW AS A TOOL TO HELP YOU COMPLETE THE SITE PLAN. Scale: A scale of 1 "=20', is typical but other scales such as 1 "=10' or 1 "-40' are also acceptable. Do not exceed 1 "=60 rth arrow Pro rty line location and dimensions. Label\ckbutting streets Shorelin Surface water: Indicate creeks, streams, la es, ponds, we ands and other bodies of water withi 00 ft of the propose project Wetlands an easonaI Drainage: Show set ack distances from wetlands qr seasonal drainage. Easements: Indic to location and size f road, utility, and private easement. Show All Existing Ddvelop /ructures ntify existing and proposed structures.` nclues, decks, roof overhangs, cantileve , an that will be demolished. Proposed Building Footp nt: Use scale to show distances to property lines, existing tr ctures, septic tank and drainfield. Stake or flag foot ri of osed structure. Sewage Disposal stem: Id ntify septic tank location and drainfield. Existing/propo ed Buffers: Incl de open space, fences, sidewalks a arkin areas. Retainin Is: Proposed and e 'sting. Slopes/Site contours (Topography • Identify any slopes greater than 15%, fills or cuts great than Oft. that are located within 300 ft of the propose project. Use Contour lines or arrows to show the direction o the slo e Wells: Show existing/ proposed. Waterfront projects: Show all structures o`n adjacent property. Driveway/ Site Access Stormwater Run-off Path: Identify stormwater path and direction of flow. Name rvl�l f- C V• —•1 Parcel# � Z2,3 Z 7< 66670 BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 1 of 2) Per Mason County Code,Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment',with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface'. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction,installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 'Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This fable' Surface Type Length X Width = Area * All dimensions in feet Buildings X = X = Measurements for buildings are taken at the -- perimeter of the farthest projections (example: X = eaves/gutters) X = Driveways X = X = Length of drive begins at the right of way X = Parking Areas X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Others X = _ X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = --- development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area (sum of all areas) If the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X Owne Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date:_5123117 If the Total Impervious Surface Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. Page 1 of 2 OPTION DESCRIPTION CREDIT(S) 5a EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5a: 0.5 X All showerhead and kitchen sink faucets installed in the house shall be rated at 1.75 5 GPM or less.All other lavatory faucets shall be rated at 1.0 GPM or less.` To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall specify the maximum flow rates for all showerheads,kitchen sink faucets,and oth r lavatory faucets. 5h EFFICIENT WATE HEATING 5b: 1.0 Water heating system hall include one of the following: Gas,propane or oil wa r heater with a minimum EF of 0/uipment 74 or Water heater heated by ound source heat pumequirements of Option 3c. or For R-2 occupancy,a 'en 1 heat pump water hF greater than 2.0 that would supply DHW to all th units through a cep insulated with R-8 minimum pipe insulation. To qualify to claim this credit, a building permall specify the option being selected and shall speci the water heaterpe and the minimum equipment efficiency. 5 c EFFICIENT WATER HEATIN c: I S Water heating system shall includ ne of th ollowing: Gas,propane or oil water heater wi a min' um EF of 0.91 or Solar water heating supplementing a um standard water heater.Solar water heating will provide a rated minimum s ings of 85 therms or 2000 kWh based on the Solar Rating and Certification Corpo i (SRCC)Annual Performance of OG-300 Certified Solar Water Heating Syste s or Electric heat pump water heater th a mini m EF of 2.0 and meeting the standards of NEEA's Northern Climate S cifications fo Heat Pump Water Heaters To qualify to claim this credi a building pe it drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall spec' the water heater uipment type and the minimum equipment efficiency and,f r solar water heating stems,the calculation of the minimum energy savings. 5d EFFICIENT WATER ATING 5d: 0.5 A drain water heat rec ery unit(s)shall be installed, ich captures waste water heat from all the showers, d has a minimum efficiency of 4 %if installed for equal flow or a minimum effici cy of 52%if installed for unequal fl w.Such units shall be rated in accordanc SA B55.1 and be so labeled. To qualify to clai this credit,the building permit drawings s 11 include a plumbing diagram that sp ified the drain water heat recovery units and plumbing layout needed to in it and labels or other documentation shall be pr ided that demonstrates t the unit complies with the standard. 6 RENEW E ELECTRIC ENERGY: 0.5 For each 1 00 kWh of electrical generation per each housing unit pr\reirement ly by on-sit wind or solar equipment a 0.5 credit shall be allowed,up General n shall be calculated as follows: For so electric systems,the design shall be demonstrated to meet usin a National Renewable Energy Laboratory calculator PVWAmentation noting solar access shall be included on the plans. �!Fwind generation projects designs shall document annual power ged e following factors: ewind turbine power curve;average annual wind speed at the site;frequency distribution of the wind speed at the site and height of the tower. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall show the photovoltaic or wind turbine equipment type, Provide documentation of solar and wind access,and include a calculation of the minimum annual energy power production. 7 WSEC/ Ventilation Code Compliance Application Submit with heating/cooling system size worksheet (see instructions #4) Owner: Parcel#: Type of project: r r,1 3 2 Z 34- 75 00 oqv 5 F Total Sq. Ft. 15t Floor: 2"d floor: Heated Basement: of heated area:: J 1 / ,-)5 Heating System Type: O Electric wall heater O Electric Central Furnace O LPG Furnace O Heat Pump with electric furnace O Heat pump with gas furnace 0 Ductless Heat Pump O Boiler, specify fuel type: O Other: Specify: ❑ Prescriptive Option Table R402.1.1 (see table on previous page) Compliance Method W Component Performance, R402.1.3 — Calculation worksheets required Must Check one:: ❑ Other (Specify): Check one 0 Whole House Ventilation system ❑ Whole House Ventilation Ventilation using exhaust fans&window or wall Integrated with a Forced Air ❑ Other, describe: fresh air vents (M1507.3.4). If using System (M1507.3.5) System window vents be sure to order windows with vents. Referencing Table R406.2, "Additional Residential Energy Efficiency Requirements," all residential units must develop credits as specified in Table 406.2. Identify and describe which option(s)will be used to comply. If the table is not attached to this form you can access the table on our website at: htt .co.mason.wa.us/forms/Communi Dev/iecc wsec. df Va) Description: Small dwelling units: less than 1,500 sq. feet of heated or cooled floor Additional area and less than 300 sq. ft fenestration area (skylights, doors, windows, etc). Energy *Including additions to existing building that are greater than 500 sq. ft. of heated floor Efficiency ­,,but less than 1,500 sq ft of floor area. Requires 1.5 credits Requirements C)a edium dwelling units that are not included in (a) above (small dwelling), OR (c) below Energy credits rge dwelling) 26&-k.5 cre required. EXCEPTION: Dwelling units serving R-2 occupancies shall require. Requires 2.5 35 credits. See page two for description. c) Large dwelling unit is a dwelling unit that exceeds 5,000 sq. ft. of heated or cooled floor area. Requires 4.5 credits d) Additions less than 500 sq feet. Requires .5 credits (Fenestration is defined in the IECC as skylights, roof windows, vertical windows, opaque doors, glazed-doors that include products with glass and non-glass glazing materials. Describe Energy Credit Option(s): 1. HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3D (1.0 CREDIT)-DUCTLESS SPLIT SYSTEM HEAT PUMP,ZONAL CONTROL Using Option number(s): 2. EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5A(0.5 CREDIT)-ALL SHOWERHEAD AND KITCHEN SINK FAUCETS INSTALLED IN THE HOUSE SHALL BE RATED AT 1.75 GPM OR LESS.ALL OniER LAVATORY FAUCETS SHALL BE RATED AT 1.0 GPM OR LESS. 3d,5a 5. TOTAL CREDITS-(1,5 3 FENESTRATION'SCHEDULE USE FOR ENERGY CREDIT, a) SMALL DWELLING OPTION & COMPONENT PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE List all windows, doors, skylights. (If needed, attach an additional sheet) 'Fenestration is defined in IECC Chapter 2 as skylights, roof windows, vertical windows, opaque doors, glazed-doors that include products with glass and non-glass glazin materials. Manufacturer Location U-Factor Size Quantity Total (rough opening) Square Feet Milgard Dining .24 6x6'10 1 41 Milgard BR#3 .25 6x5 1 30 Milgard KIT .25 4x3'6 1 14 Milgard IVIBR .25 6X4 1 24 Milgard GIRT RM .25 5X5 1 25 Milgard BR#2 .25 5x4 1 20 Milgard Mbath .25 3x3 1 9 TAM Skylight GIRT RM .49 6X2 1 12 Codel FRONT DR .20 3x6'8 1 20 Codel Garage 2'8x6'8 1 18 Total Fenestration: windows, skylights and door area 213 4