HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2018-00722 ReRoof - BLD Permit / Conditions - 7/10/2018 Inspection Line(360)427-7262 MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (360)427-9670, ext. 352 Mason County 615 W Alder St Shelton, WA 98584 1854 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT BLD2018-00722 OWNER: PETE BUECHEL RECEIVED: 7/10/2018 CONTRACTOR: ASCEND ROOFING COMPANY LLC 360.868.2730 or 360.515.8733 LICENSE: ASCENDRC896I ISSUED: 7/10/2018 SITE ADDRESS: 270 E WARREN DR UNION EXPIRES: 1/10/2019 PARCEL NUMBER: 322325500011 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WONDERVUE TR 11 & INT IN TR A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: RE-ROOF PERMIT FOR SFR 4/12 &6/12 PITCH — COMP TO COMP— BROCKDALE RD, MCREAVY RD, R ON WARREN DR TO SITE ADDRESS ON USING EXISTING SHEATHING & INSULATION THE RIGHT General Information Construction&Occupancy Information Square Footage Information No. of Bedrooms: Type of Constr.: Type of Use: SF Insp.Area: No. of Bathrooms: Occ. Group: Lot Size: Deck: Type of Work: RR Fire Dist.: 6 No. of Stories: Occ. Load: Building: Valuation: Building Height: Occ. Status: Basement: Manufactured Home Information Setback Information Shoreline& Planning Information Make: Length: Ft. Front: Ft. Shoreline: Ft. Water Body: Rear: Ft. Slope: Ft. SEPA?: Model: Width: Ft. Side 1: Ft. Shoreline Desig.: Year: Serial No.: Side 2: Ft. I Comp. Plan Desig.: Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures FEES Type Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt Building State Fee GMM 7/10/2018 $6.50 S3201800000001 Re-Roof Fee GMM 7/10/2018 $ 117.50 S3201800000001 Total $124.00 BLD2018-00722 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 1 of 3 CASE NOTES FOR BLD2018-00722 CONDITIONS FOR BLD2018-00722 f 1) Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential Arks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-647-0982. T person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. X 2) Single rafter joist roof rep la ent shall be insulated to a minimum of R-38 allowing for a minimum of one-inch continuous vented airspace above the level of insulation. X 3) Existing roof deck shall be insulated to a minimum of R-38 if: The roof is un-insulated or existing insulation is removed to the level of the sheathing, OR All insulation in the roof eiling was previously installed exterior to the sheathing or non-existent. X 4) WIND LOADS- Roof coverings shall be designed and tested to withstand the maximum basic wind speed. The basic wind speed for Mason County is 85 MPH. X 5) REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF COVERINGS. Roof coverings shall be applied in accordance with the applicable provisions of the current code and the manufacturer's installation instructions. A drip edge shall be pr ided at eaves and gables of shingle roofs. (IRC 2012 R905.2.8.5) X 6) All construction must meet or exceed all local ordinances and the international codes requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Oc pancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in permit revocation. X BLD2018-00722 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 2 of 3 7) The demolition and disposal of debris must meet the regulations of Mason County and Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA). It is unlawful for any person to cause or allow the demolition (or major renovation) of any structure unless all asbestos containing materials have been identified and removed from the area to be demolished. Work shall not commence on an asbestos project or demolition project unless the owner or operator has obtain written approval from ORCCA.2490 B Limited Lane NW, Olympia WA 98502, 360.586.1044/800.422.5623 www.orcaa.org X 8) All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspeqnbn or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason County ordinan and building regulations. X 9) All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may extend the time for action for a period not exce ding 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holder have prevented ac from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. X OWNER/BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s) for review and ins ection. This permit/application becomes null &void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended d of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF AYS WIL VALIDATE THE APPLICATION. Signature 9 Date OWNER - REPRESENTATIVE - CONTRACTOR Print Name (Circle one to indicate) BLD2018-00722 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 3 of 3 W o CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME C o __ w Footings 1 Setbacks Gas piping By Ribbons n o Interior Date By Interior-Date By Date By M tv Exterior Date By Exterior-Date B r N Point Load l isolated Footings INSULATION By m BG l SLAB INSULATION Date —Date By Data By FIRE DEPARTMENT m Foundation Wails Floors Date By Dete By Data By DECKS FRAMING walls Date By Date By Data By PROPANE TANKS PLUMBING Vault Date By Date By OTHER Groundwork Attic Type_ Date By Date 6y Date By D.W.v DRYWALL Type- -0 Date By Int.Brace Wail Date By _ � Date By FINAL INSPECTION � ti Water Line Fire Seperation N co O Date By Date By Date �'(�—( ByJ � p AD s Pass or Request Inspect. c Ty of Insp- Fail Date Date Done By Comments N o ---� N Jn s v N O n O 7 Q. O y O N fD 3 f f ill fD 0 Jul 09 18 09:27a Ascend Roofing Co LLC 3608682625 p.2 ` MASON CDU`NT x3�13�4� BEPAR i MEN 1 OF COURRUNITY DEVELOPMENT tUrason County Bldg- III.426 West Cedar Street PO Box 279, Shettan,WA 9658- ;riL tivv�nr co-mason.wa.US (360)427-9670 Beliair(360)275'r467 E1ma(360)482-5269 rites.PLTCAI+�£.�7�OR!'V�'ITO�T= Malin-4d dzess 2-70 E Oa. um D t'_ CifS_1kyjavX St-ate 1A)f 7 ip Code 9$59Z Phone (moo) 81g- 0059 Cell Ern—A-i CO1tiTRACiOR L�03M4--g0'-N;- company ltiasne gddress 9 E I've J Z-3p Code > p-RCEL S 3dd— ?Q E /�t��✓_✓/�.1 r _ Gitp t c_n�•e y. 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