HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2010-00080 - SPI Inspections - 10/27/2010 oN.STgTF MASON COUNTY o Py A a N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F o N Planning Division 7 N y ti P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 of �o (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection October 27, 2010 ALLEN BURT TO BE KEPT IN THE 21084 FERN STREET NE PARCEL I- I LE INDIANOLA WA 98342 Case No.: SP12010-00080 Parcel No.: 322325400012 Project Description: PRE SITE INSPECTION TO DETERMINE RESTRICTIONS & SETBACKS Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI) was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at(360) 427-9670, ext. 287 if you have questions. Sincerely, Rebecca Hersha Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 10/27/2010 Page 1 of 4 SP12010-00080 ' •J Site Inspection 10/27/2010 Case No.: SP12010-00080 Comments: Below are the Planning Department's pre-inspection results for Kathy King and architect Allen Burt as determined from an on-site visit (October 26, 2010): INTRODUCTION The purpose of the pre-inspection was to evaluate Planning Department issues related to the expansion of a small house on a waterfront parcel. Parcel number 32232-54-00012 located at 60 E Madrona Beach Lane in Union. The lot is on the north side of State Route 106 and has about 65 feet of waterfront on the south shore of the Hood Canal. The lot is flat, approximately 140 feet deep, and Madrona Beach Lane bisects the lot. Ms. King stated that the lot was once two lots but that they had been combined, however, there is no evidence of that in County records or in the legal description of the property. It appears that the house and side yard is on one lot - lot 12 of Madrona Inc. There is an existing concrete bulkhead that is approximately 8 feet in height, as well as a concrete boat ramp. There is an existing cabin approximately 10 feet (measured from roof eave) from the shoreline bulkhead. And there is an existing, attached, wood deck that extends to the waterward edge of the bulkhead. SLOPE OR LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREAS Nearby slopes were measure to be about 30 percent, therefore geological review is required for new construction. The assessment must meet the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance section 17.01.100 EA (enclosed). The assessment must also state that the hazards of any landslide area can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent harm to property, public health, and safety and must also assure that the project will cause no significant environmental impact. A Geotechnical Report may be needed if, through a Geotechnical Assessment, it is determined necessary. The geologist and/or geological engineer must submit the enclosed checklist with his/her Assessment. SHORELINE SETBACKS The shoreline designation for the area is Urban Environment per the Mason County Shoreline Master Program, and setbacks are be determined by both the Shoreline Master Program and the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter of the MCRO. The standard buffer and setback for residential development on rural shorelines is 100 feet. However, when there 10/27/2010 Page 2 of 4 SP12010-00080 Site Inspection 10/27/2010 Case No.: SP12010-00080 are neighboring homes to the north and south within 150-feet of the lot line, so the shoreline setback may be determined by an imaginary line drawn between the northerly house's roof eves, but only if that setback line is at least 35 feet from the bulkhead. In this case, the common line setback may not be used because it is less than 35 feet. New construction on this property shall meet the minimum 35-foot* shoreline setback (which includes 20 feet of protected natural buffer). A Resource Ordinance Variance shall be applied for to reduce the 35-foot shoreline setback for a proposed house or other structure that requires a building permit. A Habitat Management Plan (HMP) is required (in addition to the Variance) if the proposed setback is less than 20 feet. A Shoreline Master Program Variance is also required (in addition to the RO Variance and HMP) if the proposed setback is less than 15 feet. The Mason County Code Title 15 Variance review criteria are enclosed. Ten Percent Option: Ten percent expansion within the 35 foot setback is allowed without applying for a Variance. The Mason County Resource Ordinance Section 17.01.110 (F)(1) states, "The remodel, repair, or change of use of an existing building shall be approved within its existing footprint, plus or minus ten percent as long as the modification does not increase any intrusion into the FWHCA or its buffer." Footprint is defined as, "The total area of the first floor of a structure..." not including uncovered decks and patios. IMPERVIOUS SURFACES Per the Mason County Shoreline Master Program Use Regulations, impermeable surfaces are limited to 60 percent of the area of the lot. This includes paved areas or gravel driveways, roof area, concrete patios, etc. This should not pose a problem because there is undeveloped land on the portion of the property uphill of the road. TheFloor Area Ratio limit of 1:2 at o 0 noted in the Development Regulations does not apply on a lot of such small size. FRONT AND SIDE YARD SETBACKS The zone designation for the site is Rural Residential 5. Standard building setbacks for new construction in this zoning are a 25 foot* front yard (measured to road right of ways or access easements) setback and a 20 foot* side yard (measured to property lines) setback. However for lots that are 100 feet in width or less, the standard setback is 10% of the lot width. In this case the side yard setback is 6.5 feet.* An administrative variance may be 10/27/2010 Page 3 of 4 SP12010-00080 Site Inspection 10/27/2010 Case No.: SP12010-00080 applied for to reduce the setback to the side yard down to 5 feet and reduce the setback to the road right of way (front) down to 10 feet. STREAMS AND WETLANDS No streams or wetlands are on or near this property. Specific standards for future development contained in County Codes may be found at the County website address http-//www.co.mason.wa.us. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. * Setbacks are measured to the furthest projection of the structure (including decks, roof eves, steps, porches, etc). 10/27/2010 Page 4 of 4 SP12010-00080 I MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT $255.00 Fee Required 1. Owner: K AT 1 IJ 4..)JV �/ Applicant: � �I Lon 13 U Ram' Site Address:_(60 sr, /Vl A D R.J V.4 9FI4CN L IU, Applicant Address: - T N - Owner Address: y 4'+ AM2, City:,'t0/A/u as A St !y Zip y'� 3 X City:5 FA StkM Zip /6 Phone:(3b0 ) �!V — 79 7 day Phone:( day ���G� Phone:( evening Planner: Email Address: .�a ,�f.,g o C0�1/./sl�/�Y� SNIP 1)(4VAK Compps�Plan F Type 9f Use Water Body ttDb QX - 2. Parcel No. 2 2 3 2 -Str°-D-0 / 7, Q bw_/L Z 0PLi�'r(,avc-.t/ Cdli� Parcel No. - - J Legal Description: 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection: oe -,�e✓zn m 2 Res 4. Use of building: 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope( ) saltwater) lake( river pond( ) wetland( ) seasonal runoff( ) other stream( ) seasonal creek( ) Directions to Site: If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection,or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signature: Date: A0 If you would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: Return application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division P.O.Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 Please include a$255 .00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer When completed,this form becomes part of the parcel file. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY:Accepted by: Date: MORE ON BACK SIDE Revised: 12/30/08 t Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas (slopes, streams, lakes,wetlands,etc.) existing improvements, as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT ADEQUATE ILUSTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. �CD r• � � X 1 r h ' 1i o0 0 i" l Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: