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BLD2021-01671 SFR - BLD Application - 11/15/2021
MASON(COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES i Parfait NO; PERMIT ASSOTANCE CENTER! .EC P B91LD1W q,PLMNINO-PUBLIC W4 rH-MW WSWAR�i EIED 15515 W.Alder SstreetStMton,WA 98-584 V L Phone SheRat: 00)427,967094352-Fax 360)427.77,98Ptw'vN"?v Wfw(=)�?754W 1 Phow OW;(W)482615269 SUII_IaING, PERMIT A—PPUCATTWO-W.- PROPERTY OWNER 1NF-ORMATION: CONTRACTOR R INFORMAT_ION, NAM-11.-Stcic-o.-ja t.(kc-cw, -C4YAVtc-\k NAME; 1+0"'C- C7y� ADDR>SS MAMING AVOR JES$. CITY, llwN ATE:i.)A- ZIP�- cr.ry, -STATE:—zip PH ONE#!; 3s2r) U-1 -)CIQW PRONE, CEL PRONE#2-. c3 f'4`:?-, :i IRMAIL! 1xm'-1 &jZQft W REG# r-BLN—L4RY -1 CONTACT: OWNER CQNTRACTORCI QTHEIR n NAME jg - --.,I I I EMAIL N Q1-,rL-C&it XQ CT (p y"m co ch MAILING ADDRESS 31C)'e_ OCA?01) LINNft- fdOW CITY VV\Son, STATE PHONE CELL 3ca b u 3 2 :7 a-:z 7R PARCEL 1NITORMATION: PAKE L NUMBER(12 Digit NwWt ) 23 -57--04001 zo-NING ae""I cat eAcA. LEGAL DESCM.PTION(MbrcvmW)/,,-1e-_l,2?, SITE AIDDUS33 01 jE &ICJr cc I r"r- cay Q n,on Fl. JS THE PRO;ECF'WTrJRU4 3-00 V.F OF 31,QPE(5)GUATERTI.MN 14%; Y.Esn NO 9 SALTwATFRo LAxEn iuvEit/awwo Pong wULANV[j SEASONAL RUN01W[] $MAU[j TYPE OF WORK: NEW ICI ADDITION n ALTRRATIONn RLRIOAIR n Cff 11 vsv-.Q'F Smumu(R-cod-k"appar,c9mw4momp Fw.) ts I bc c 1310k, PRIMARY SEASONAL MEB n NUER OF BEDROOM$ NUMBER OF:BATHROOMS HEATS, - A7 YES(WbWr.914g? 'YES(Pon/iFlef3/4-1 n NO PWRJ0EwoRx,,. r3g1w 'I :s+,t2i- t. Sr- §MW FOOTAGE:fwww#r t awtnel 15T F sJ 3R.-D LOO ft, UMEM NT E q .1, §q §q -A 0A -n& 6q.III,COv.9REv.vRCK=%(j�: bq'A. STOP, Gh OTHER GARAGE~�[I�gq,ft, Attached Detochedn CARPORT M,02 Alwbcd n Vvochd n MANUFACTURED HOME 1NFORMATIONI *4 COPIES OF TITS F 1REJ.L0-0-RjF-LA.1N. -RZQy-j�- J)* MAKE MODEL YFAK_L9NGT1t_ w1m. ORDRW MS RATH SERIAL_NUMB:I ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC SEWER n NEW n Exlmio�, PLUMBING IN MUCMRR? YES NO n yyesaffach complefed WomrAdeq(19c Form IV MR1,WMR/FOUNDATION VWNS MP03EVI YES Non Tifir=S FT, M$ PROPOSEI)REDRQO_MS TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER a0mowted b inaccurate result in a stop a permit myoc4tiqq,AOvwwW -ment of givo is by ledges qe§that su Missiori of m. may re p work order or p -ge §"44P Wow,I declare that I am -Ifu that w the -FftrdW-- -repo permit and to do me -o*as,wo 4 -t I am @rme-d to ove ow pe poswlhave obtained permission from all the-possm parties.ac"d pq any easement holder or parties w m,mopq this project The ow or legal of jpw 9a -t repm ru c sstow.represents that the i9formoop pro is accurate ww wmt§employees on cooty -m to"above 00-ribed Property ploy ,of Mason @p-d r owwre w and inspection, or au -rileo MqMfucW is rlgt GgMfq@r—A with ip 160 (§;)for review nork. This pe pu work qpwapplicaoor)bemmps _0 4 void if wo days or if qprisWvgWn work 1-5 suspended foraperjoda _(100_days, PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT 15 BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON COUNTY CODE 1108.42) signalpi,im 0 or N ate D AJKR(Iffust be signed bX the QWVN 1UPARTMIENTAL REVIEW AJrPROVW ,RATE DWI" 1DATJ9 T~- 7 OTWCONWIRMS :BUILDING KPARTMENT PLANN11NOD-EPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL. PUBLUCHRALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: ,--� •BUILDING *PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL t_''3�{IE D 615 W.Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 www.co.mason.wa.us NOV5 2L,2 Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 352• Fax:(360)427-7798 r ip Phone Belfair. (360)275-4467• Phone Elma:(360)482-5?69; ,. �`, ' L PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: 4tw t- c},.r, `:'��ckv.� Cams fie\\ NAME: ©�—Q e MAILING ADDRESS: 3 l D F - O MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: y r k 0 STATE:W A- S 2 CTTY: STATE: ZIP: I'PHONE: (0 0 H-1 A -14$N PHONE: CELL: 2'PHONE: "3(c2 0 Y 7 �) -7+3 3 EMAIL: EMAIL: a 0 Cc4t at (2mcg a morn L&I REG# E-NP. PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): 3 Z'- 2- 09-0 O 1 Zoning. _tS I i.Q e h act LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated): lot I `L r r4 r SITE ADDRESS: 30 , z C $ Z DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: ©r vN c.rczkul fu rf\ Or 5-fh S- re-Cr Tufr �� � �n lea �'ot�anSe�c�l 1-urv� R�5�fi4 t-or RkAe�►\e-`A 5� v\,k O� (�ouek Or TYPE OF JOB: NEW[ ]ADD=ALTQ REPAIR=OTHER USE OF BUILDING i M 0.r�r ae-) LOCATION OF FDCTURES/UNTTS—IST FLOOR[P 2ND FLOOR BASEMENT 0 GARAG OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS Type of Fixture No.of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type Electric0[PGQNatur-al Ga�Ductless�] Toilets Tvce of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink Furnace Bath Tubs Heat Pump Showers Spot Vent Fan Water Heater Propane Tank Clothes Washer Gas'Outlets Kitchen Sinks Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Dishwasher I Kitchen Exhaust Hood 1 _� Hose bibs Dryer Vent Other Solar Panel Other Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation_Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or contractor.I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permit/application becomes null 8 void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OFTHIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. lil 4-l?_1 Signature ini& DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT Zz zrnL PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Rev:1/27/2016 1BN: JID PLAW"ING PLANNING SETBACKS ;r ,'6i }�\ Front:Septic. See EH (North) Rear: 20' (South) NOV 15 2021 Side: 10' (West) cam} Side: Septic. See EH (East) t�+ Y �1 615 W Fi ke \ 7 ARE MEASURED FURTHEST "f I OF TH E BUILDING APPROVED EH Setbacks A.) Drainfield/Reserve requires 10'setbackfrom footing/foundations MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING 13)Septic tank(s)requires 5'setback from all footing/foundations SITE PLAN REQUIRED TO BE ON SITE C.)No foundation/Perimeter Drains within 30ft,downgradient of CHANGES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL Drainfield/Reserve area D.)No Cut Sank(s)(greater than 5ft and over 45 degrees)within By: '_' _ Date: 11/16/2021 50ft,down gradient of Drainfield/Reserve area EH APPROVED *1ip Rhonda Thompson 'I1/24/2021 51 � (4 --j._,_,�.r CD ru / 3. h Out r 10 l f �. I C ..,.w . 1 ! W•L MJ Ml 1N M. � µ tY.L NJ D11 • �j�` 20'- .�moI�w� w w tRAlO W w TRA.I•w w ro i4[i [ ��A".iLT�MYz�� W W ML OII001 W IAI OI W W.IG W W W — _— � — `66 Vol, I T C—A � i ? 1 w 1 b y_T• 0 6 a r m 1 �MRr a "y Rs wl M ® 1 NO OA ME t �.rL W w•1•Io A"Opo M M M]M1 i,c �n$las 1.eoRIRAaTaR WC49 L AAm vellrr A11 '�'-•�• �-Ij• `..,�. ��+. eM•RMMr r>raa rll•Lwow. �'o' lo'-�• iaar w TeNIRACTLR ro LaM•M•1 ne r•Acar,WO.r•Lr A W!l A ALL.TIULT�AIAL Aro nA.w1.«�a4w. 1•aaM• A,4' WAM AOMII•A MOa'O M MmM.1100.�OMLL MOT wee AL rROM r.MMm/l •.ALL dLA ft A w OIML"l A .,ALL•LA••M A ODOR I w T A ODOR M y ML TO W A M1aCR OR ,IO'A TWYM AIWAOLIT A M•r•rRN1y TO w MARIY MAm,MI ANT oTlel IIAi.YMD01w AMEA 1!f M1w (� ywnLATILw %vwr vx.w.c w v aZ- e.v ow�sn MiLL,T'•mow anAm�w.AW To raw aM a1 c Dt3t6Y LOD!Glmli9 N.RITMMM RAIw! M w MIL kA0 d+. 1•. vwo rROJb!.TILL!MLw IA.I N 1'llOrw MMiV AR IMA1 n 0!PAL 9•1lAT FlM r rRodbe nrwel ROOT Alo LwAAa Alfa vwn.+rol rw MIL I•IMM11Nx 1 ML•LIRILM+ 6C IMIM1(,C�M.ATTIIYI M/M v II.LA,"M.M410fa M TIIO rLAN.N.Il w MIIwNl1m N MIWwTm MnVRT Lr/MI•I/�M NmIT•7 MrMMMLIL A.M)R•LIALAL LAYOMf I'm ymcw 1 OLMNLAnMM llT1GIeLT OIA.OR.MOOAO/IMO]. LONILLT A rRM�lWORK MlGWMIf.AI.ucTRr•.�comwALTLw t R� •• �N DATAI OV#MAPtLZMT r/11017 I cwlM•MI MONM00.w—wATTa O!Irm •IIAIi IlGLM rRI.1ART rare n1o11 aaLMl•Ir•IMr RY r.Ml+s 1 rwL u esnuL NMA1T�pr1IIAT w.mLI��m MerN. w MIrILOIflL1Mw Tow AIaKs TIrMMIIalf Maw M sTAwA. •Mr•Cw w A f y AOVNrm GORE 2018-IRCi,W5EG 510 F.T11TAM'LAIlIrldl w.w"•MR srM T LOOK MI A RMW MO laoo MAm N:A TAM91T• WI G IA 4M•MOO MINLL w No LeMe wN•,• WIND SPEED IIO MPH n.I 64 L w ANGIMMMO aA.,.,w/•OR•A.I1faAm I T�ALLID'C` M�.WI UIM7N,MM �IM2 FLA -MO MO A:annm M NMOMO§F' MI LMIL.M •T 5EI5MIG ZONE 0-2 � '� • w.T.I IMTr TD OVI I N,.IIOAILe LlnMoe cwwwrnl A.l r'aR IIM•1 raL MIL u1.n MV.•.M STAR MTMD SNOW LOAD 90 P9P LI®IT_! AM MTm.V�IM1w.N MM CQ A.] PRAMM M M•,- •.�- SOIL BRb 1500 P9F an AODRd6 2M FROIlO[.OI M LT wiM W ru n I LOUT, r•>♦T 110. OrOM11•M x.Au.TAwy.»ro IN17 MN.w NINROOM TaaA.lAalr�. PRO`'T DE" 12' eo C.ALompo r ST � MAM NM'M AW LMOMM.AAw!•C Itl11C r•NAILIM 1'IOOII ILM•I%MW 00 M MWA II ALL•�XI M14 Oriro AID F=TO w TOroTIULTm LWWK IN 4MM !.791w0 ATTLL ALLM IM/m I ATTIL YRT—M W OR I N0 N MwMr OIM 1 O AY!�. • IaIDATMM NM wLT1011 C �e ]A AlA•AMwMs bo ry lr sTm MNMLL w cc.rLerm M-PLA"IURIc McArvr1 INw w • OOAIOR YIATIML• PA+RCAIi NIR�EE7Q NW A M.RAO•.O A.MAaoO rr LONIROL OR MVAM A.OMLL roT w ROIMMIrN !.r110VR 11GM!•wl•N re.M`I!t I'Ola GON•11lMiTkIM MN41lOIDD•.iwMMr. ♦ 1MlL•CINA'1 MO••OGT�M1 ORr p• ro Mn A NlI11V OOM.NZL nLNR IOw N t!< 9]71Z�-011001 I 9L IOILAT!ALL►IR/J'•VI•O®M OIIAI{J'ATL wR�YA OR FlIOOwUO OR W111'rIC.WIOIw 17.PLN MM 11R'.1LTIMAL lw M TAro PM —ova TNwI D1YG. 1 AWRMM M LM. lm N1111N TIM•L • III/.M _-------••--M•�..-� wooc .,. � rain orvLa lauvawlor '�NI Tr'DIiCt 9NIG'ilfl® � �T •ly7 J�Ml�ill t �/1215 �d15213H WOl a1F arty"" Ail a r--- ----- ---- I • I I I I 8 i �� � � II I I I I I I L I I I I gEll I I I I I Ell � I I z a I I mm I I a I I L_L_I I I jj4 I I II � II I I I I I I 1 1 f I I I r 1 '✓ I I I b I I j I I =l I I I I I I I I I I } ' ---I —-_� ------------- F z 0 U o L- � � W � o in i I I I I I I 1 ` , I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I > I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I a pail LAI HIM El I I I II J I I I I ® I I II I s� i i I I I I 1 I , I I �I I i i I � ® El I ► t t t11 STEVE i THFFANY GAMP86.L s a�roRr , ► BALDING DE516N ING. W IXT�t10R i'LNAT101iS ]0ZI-6 �Tarari+® ,• •�•� II I paa ATTIC VlNTILATION n 1 ffflll IpIAI ATTL.IIM/nOIA!. WIN. .O.l. MM lye.0Y 04 .M R]ww.9 saw"-M.OwAI ____________________ ~�'�' O��• M MOW I1.AVM wmb. e •ALL Mlif Tp MOMI 1"M _ m+a wo ruai m s s.aaw nvwl N IwlATO. IhL IM♦IAiIOM 4 w.ws w00..w 0.. R JI..W 04 wwm IN waAn. fY.lt u I... [ E .. ,a. .w. r+fv�las MJa.woa 7a win..wo4 w`•w�wn Me4 r •/dC�ORIP O�AG UVE DRIP MP" s�won Ai��i�r � w L � v rrenlwWw i .wwus-we wn..zee T 1 TT� W MYM lOMIMn. V wALLL xonON r N ® I. N w wa.+o oa wN�nb�n s 1 SN051/.�l 1 9hI�L1 Yl�16211� 1 1 Ul•11M M 1 60 # � - 3{]i i�� ilaw�1� x.w• yyyo.��w� 1 �nra �=b � �^W VO.,2.92PWUUWAOMM J � Name �' c a t\� Parcel# 3113'L S-L O4'O0 Mason Cou q J L 1.Cj IN GOV 15 Department of Community Developmentl,5 W. Aloe, Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 1 of 2) Per Mason County Code,Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment`,with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface'. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction,installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 'Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of Stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X Width = Area 'All dimensions in feet Buildings X X = Measurements for buildings are taken at the perimeter of the farthest projections(example: X = eavestgutters) X = Driveways X = X = Length of drive begins at the right of way X = Parking Areas X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X Others X X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area (sum of all areas) if the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X Owner/Agent/Contmctor(circle one)Date: ZZ, X Zc) If the Total Impervious Surface Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet.please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. Page 1 of 2 Name SA CO L CGr.,0 10e\\ Parcel# 32231 51, oroo\ BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 2 of 2) Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS Required for this development activity. Title 14,Chapter 14.48 of the Mason County Code(MCC)regulates compliance requirements for Stormwater Management in this jurisdiction.A complete copy of the ordinance can be found on the Mason County website: bM�/www.co.mason.wa—us/cMe/commissioners/mdex.htm Please follow the links to"Title 14,Chapter 14.48 Stormwater Management". Regulated activities shall be conducted only after Mason County Public Works approves a stormwater site plan (Mason County Code Title 14 Chapter 14.48 section 14.48.70).You will receive a copy of the Public Works document entitled"Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots,The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan".This document will assist you in preparing the necessary information and plans for Public Works to review and approve. Per Department of Public Works this document will constitute an approved plan if all of the relevant details*are to be installed in their entirety AND no part of the stormwater system adversely affects any septic system(see Environmental Health information below). If an alternative system is to be used a plan will need to be submitted to Public Works for approval. A design by a registered professional may be required for more complex sites. *These details are found in the document Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan on the pages that begin with"Handout, PLEASE INITIAL BELOW TO INDICATE THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR TfUS SITE A) The relevant details from Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan will be installed in their entirety AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. B) An alternative plan and/or professional design will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. If you have further questions pertaining to parcel drainage and stormwater management Mason County's Public Works Department can provide additional instructions,guidance and examples.(Section 14.48.130)contact Public works at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT.450 Mail:P 0 Box 1850,Shelton WA 98584 Physical:415 N 6th St,Shelton WA 98584 If this development has,or will have,a septicidrainfield system you may need to contact Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this,or any other,parcel.You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project.Mason County Division of Environmental Health can be reached at: Phone:(360)-427-9670 EXT.352 Mail:P 0 Box 1666, Shelton WA 98584 Physical:426 W Cedar St, Shelton WA 98584 A condition will be added to the building permit that states,in part,that all conditions the stormwater site plan will be met prior to a request for final inspection of the building permit. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges clmow edges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: Page 2 of 2