HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAR2020-00003 - VAR Inspections - 11/10/2020 Vi:tson('uua:ay Peianit Center r I_tit:: MASON COUNTY 1 COMMUNITY ITY SERVICES VAR 2o'Zc 60003 Bate ->* fi 15 lk t ld,T St Bldg 9 Shelton Wa 99 $$ Phone:{.•fis)42'-9670 ext 352 a fay::- !)437. N�V Rm)uree Ordinance Variance. �'2, t) 6 15 ' U 2Q20 I Iae r Public blearing: $2.,3 0 Street Applicant will also be billed€Ur ad%eertisinv-wst_s. PLANNING Resource Ordinance Variance Application The purpose of this application is to allovv the County to consider requests to vary tit" adapt certain numerical standards of the ll:csource Ordinance where the strict application would deprive property owners of reasonable use of iheir property. The minisnum reasonable use for a residence. (leeks, and acwessory structures in a residentially zoned area shall be defined by the lesser of 40 percent of the area of the lot or 2,550 square feet. A public hearing accompanies Variances and application k)r a Variance clots not guarantee approval. ,�ppiicant tvatrae (SILK R V,`c i�E� i Property Owners OaH Mailing Address t o 7401 � (%'voNt W� 4.7 ti Phone t -50- M V IN it pz mre, 3�) ' 7 7'7-_�1 Ernaii f tcKC touljcANAL_ }tt tGKKcSE�t�tfy4Fltt Site Addres Legal Chscription 1 NWI tlOol) CAWAL 0 -0P t I,?- Z 4 W € Z9r5' t 3 4- 19, -4 VAC ��rrt�5 pro*t f)escriptiura WARF-rou. e EA PA 9 a(J w trtt It T"C' t3 i/F-F� g(jjj-1)1Pb WOULD 9E IJ'jFf FkDP T IHE �JZCA- ' �f tT1 CAA-)" R^ , b - � ! uk0, Esa i P Off 5F—� P0­1EPTi41 I Please provide a site plan that includes the following: 1. Indicate Scale and North Arrow. ?. Property lute dimensions,a mments,and right-of-ways. 3. The!ovation of all ex i ling and nr:f=erst d qnrci«res.'Include s:uare fholava'ref' 3,;r an.l M,—no.wd structures. 4. Setback distance,in feet from all property litte5 and structures. Exist :: and proposed Y=d n c.e.:s t^and ; 6. Parking spaces. 7: Location of ou-site sewage tanks and drainfrelds. g. Location of drinking water supply.Include location on the proposed site turd surrounding parcels. 9. Steep bluffs,wetlands,streams,and lxrdies of water. an a separate piece of paper(#of pages attached: 2- -_,), please explain the reason for the Variance request and respond to the following, I. Describe the specific modification from the terms of the Chapter required. 2. Describe the reasons for the variance. s. - t,,u '�a) v-ta i33l(`G:; a,trlxs �a. awls?-+,ti tr,su_;ti +.t:c *. e:..: _. .,. ,__ ,• ,.... .`,..<.,.., '. ._. circumstances exist, Please address each of the lblicnwing standar&s and how the pruixrsai p4rtains to these circumstances. 11lat t`lw oriel aIpplirafion of tlr NO-- dirr± si{uxal or tperfgrr ante standarrds n?rTchides cat' significantly interrms with a reasonable use of the property not otherwise prohibited by County regulations:, b. That the hardship which serves as a basis for the granting of the variance is specifically related to the property of the applicant, and is the result of unique conditions such as irregular lot shape, size,or natural features and the application of the County-regulations,and not,for example,from deed restrictions or the applicant's own actions-- C. i iiat tau design of the project will be Compatible Nvith other per-nrrtted activities in the area and will not cause adverse effects to adjacent properties or the environment; d. That the variance authorized does not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by the other ptupe,ties in the area,asrd will be the titiuitrtual creu:asaly io alti)id relief" e- That the public int=crest will suf er no substantial detrimental effect; f. No variance shall be granted unless the owner otherwise lacks a reasonable use of the land. Such variance shall be corlsistent with the; Mason County Comprehensive flan, L3c�4 erltrnent Regulations,Resource Ordinance and other county ordinances,and with the Groewh Management Act. Mere lass in va l eve only shall not justify°a variance, LJ Provide a list(preferably printed on mailing labels or legal sized envelopes)of all property owners' mailing addresses within 300 feet of your parcel boundaries. Addresses are to he obtained from the Mason County Assessor's Office. Bldg. 1. twe Applicants)Signature �'t c-�- ----- Publication Cost Agreement Publication cost is the responsibility of the applicant. Final permit processing will not occur unlit advertising fees have been paid to the newspaper by the applicant.The Shelton-Mason County JOUrnal will bill the applicant dircctl�. I I WE understand that I WE, must sign a:nd date the attached acknowledgment indicating and that I application in order for it to be considemd as complete. &AAA4 I 1 -4 1(21 LV__ Lke L,W SignaTm Of Property Owner Date Print Nanic OR LPL ED 615 Nov �0?020 1. Describe the specific modification from the terms of the Chapter required. 4ldE?r S, trOOt The applicant requires the buffer/setback for a type-F stream be reduced from 150ft to 109ft, where the closest point of the proposed warehouse expansion would be. 2. Describe the reasons for the variance. The applicant is expanding an existing warehouse to accommodate the need for more space for employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The proximity of the stream and the lot shape make expanding the existing warehouse impossible without encroaching on the stream buffer. 3. No variance shall be granted unless the County makes findings of fact showing that certain circumstances exist. Please address each of the following standards and how the proposal pertains to these circumstances. a. That the strict application of the bulk, dimensional or performance standards precludes or significantly interferes with a reasonable use of the property not otherwise prohibited by County regulations; The subject parcel is currently zoned for commercial use, and it includes the main office and a warehouse for Hood Canal Communications. Approximately 70ft' of the existing warehouse is in the 150ft stream buffer, and the proposed expansion is oriented in a way to minimize the amount of the building within the buffer to ±1,400ft2. No other areas suitable for a building are outside the stream buffer. b. That the hardship which serves as a basis for the granting of the variance is specifically related to the property of the applicant, and is the result of unique conditions such as irregular lot shape, size, or natural features and the application of the County regulations, and not, for example, from deed restrictions or the applicant's own actions; The subject property is owned by the applicant, and the hardship is a result of having no other suitable areas on the property that will accommodate a building without encroaching on the stream buffer. The stream parallels the northern property boundary and encompasses ±0.5 acres of the property. c. That the design of the project will be compatible with other permitted activities in the area and will not cause adverse effects to adjacent properties or the environment; The parcel is currently zoned for commercial use, as is several other properties in the area. The design of the project is compatible with other permitted activities in the area and will not cause any adverse effects to adjacent properties or the environment. The Habitat Management Plan which accompanies this application will result in a net benefit to the stream buffers ecological functions as well as fish and wildlife habitat. d. That the variance authorized does not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by the other properties in the area, and will be the minimum necessary to afford relief; Several other properties within the area have existing structures right up to the stream bank. The proposed warehouse expansion is oriented in a way that it would be 109ft at its closest point to the stream, and only have ±1,400ft'within the stream buffer itself. e. That the public interest will suffer no substantial detrimental effect; Approval of this project and Habitat Management Plan will have a net benefit to the stream buffer's ecological functions and fish and wildlife habitat. The project site is currently maintained as a gravel lot and ±1,400ft2 of vegetated stream buffer will be restored in an area adjacent to the project, which is currently used as parking. f. No variance shall be granted unless the owner otherwise lacks a reasonable use of the land. Such variance shall be consistent with the Mason County Comprehensive Plan, Development Regulations, Resource Ordinance and other county ordinances, and with the Growth Management Act. Mere loss in value only shall not justify a variance. No other suitable building sites exist on the property to accommodate this warehouse expansion. Approval of this variance with the accompanying Habitat Management Plan will result in a net ecological benefit to the stream buffer and fish and wildlife habitat.This project is consistent with the Mason County Comprehensive Plan, Development Regulations, Resource Ordinance, and all other county ordinances, as well as the Growth Management Act.