HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-0673 SFR and Deck - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/28/1996 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 _ t , I L 1-7) 1 N 0 PF— RMI F{it; i`i t 1 s . NS :a',LL $ - 0 BETWEEN Spm AND Aim 427-7262 Ot.1396-0673 PAPCFYL. :322325052017 PLAT -UNPLO 52 Calea BL.K : 52 L.OT : ,JOB ADDRESS : E 100 T'ACOMA ST UNION OWNER : OACK: WANS 898-3833 CONTRACTOR : HUNTS MOB I t. F 1ItN,F LEGAL. ., 01101 NOO$ CANAL LAN$ A IIIP CO BL.K: 52 1,01 11-19 CLASS OF WORK . .. sNEW BFI)R : 3 13A'THc I 111Pk AMOUNT 8Y DATE RECEIPT TYPE 0.001101 BY OA1f. RECEIPT TYPF OF USE . . . . :MF-I STORIES . . . . . . . : 1 OCCUP . GROUP . . :r BI DG , HE i C HT . . r 0 .OT t FNCP t 261011 CPO 06128196 000i $1H 1 4.!,# cp" M29196 0e00 TYPE: OF C.ONS'r . . :7 F I RED PL ACES . . . . , 0 RLC 11 4 .00 ",PO W612C196 6000 OCCUP . LOAD._ : 0 WOODSTOVFS , . . . : 0 �Pill ; AD.## CPO 06126196 0106 � DWELL .UN T TS . . . . : 0 PARKING SPACES: 0 PI.CK 11 11,40 O?N 08120196 0006 INSPECTION ARFAs 3 SHORE L. INE7 . . . . :N "HOOF 1 00.06 CPO 06011196 9#10 101AL: 288.91 VALMLATION. 43560 . �^=�xaswaxamnta�.Lasn;<:�:uz::+m:.wrsrmssrs.-_-x�-s.:axse.wao ... •arrr^+sa':auan� SETBACKS- e,---__.___s...._ ._w_ ToI LETS . . . . . . . . , :° a 0 -FUEL 'TYPFS--._.-______. BOILERS/COMP__-_ MOBILE: HOME--- FRONT . . . O .Oft BATH ERASiNS , . . . . - : 0 : 0-3 NP . : 0 ! HEAR . . . . 0 Oft BATH TUGS . . . . . . . . : 0 3-15 HP . : 0 MODE'L. :FLEETWOO(I Ir S I DE t 1 ) 0 .01 1- SHOWERS . . . . . . . . , . : 0 FIJRN < 100K BTU : 0 15--30 Hp' : 0 -MAKE:_ -__. ..... SIDE(2.. ) . 0 .0P t WATER HEATFRS . . . . : 0 FURN >-100K BTUs 0 30-50 HP . , 0 LAKEPO l NTE SHPL. I NE: 0 .0f t. CL.OTHE'S WASHERS, . , : 0 TURN -- FLUOR . . . s 0 f"0 HP . : 0 - YEAR AREA - AREA ___-_ ._.._ _.__.- _. _.- KITCHEN SINKS . . . . : 0 HFAT PUMP.. . . . . . 1 0 9E3 i` L.01 17.E _ % FLOOR DRAINS _ . . :, . . : 0 VF NT SYSI EMS . . . : 0 F VAP COOLERS : 0 i..E'NGT'H :44 BUILD 1 NG>:. ,..: ., . , 09 DRINKING FOUNT . . . : 0 VENT FANS . . . . . . 0 HOOPS . . . , . , . ! 0 WIDTH . s27 i� BASEMENT. . . : ost LAUNDRY TRAYS.,, . : 0 DOMES . I NC I N 40 -S EP IAL #------ f DECKS , . .-t 'P 240st DISHWASHERS . . . . . . : 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS— COMMI., 1 NC I N :0 TBD GAR!CARPr'? OFf GAA3 DISPOSAL.S . . . : 0 -I0000 oft . , 0 RE:LOC/REPAIR : 0 AT/DT : :7 URINAL..S . . . . . . . . . . : 0 > 0000 G-tm . : 0 OTHER UNITS . ; 0 M I S'C PLM F I XT'IFRF`.y : 0 GAS OUTLETS . 0 PROJECT 3ESCRiPT1AKrNOPIIf NONE, DECK PROJECT IOCATION:11CREAY1 RO '10 510, TURN Lf:f1, ONE RIOCK TO TACOMA ST, TOHN 1116111, 101 AT_ COCHA OF 519 AND TAkOMA 1111 111111 111411104 1111 AN$ VOID 11 10111 11 CONSTROCIIQN 1Q1111I7.F0 IS NOT C9MIIENCER WITHIN 16f DAYS 01 If CONSTAVCTION OR NORI! IS OUSPER9ER FOR A PE;RI09 OF III# $AYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK 19 COMMENCED. EVIDENCE OF CONTINUATION OF 1C111! IS A PROARESS INSI"E0ION N11011 THE 188 1'AT PFRIOD. FINP'i 'NSPFCTIon NUS1 BE T APPROVED Rfr91f NLII(OINO CAN EF OCCUP11:0. I 0WNf1 OR Rl8_P1MT, rev: +13131191 C,)MPI, I ANC.F.. TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REOU I RFU r fv;RETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME ,otings-Setback date by Ribbons .,ate by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINALjAkSPECTION date by dat b n/ date by k _�� nr►,��+. �.,s a-tr k �d t �e C Cr .,C c 10 i I I MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 Case No . : BLD96-0673 For : JACK WRNS Pages 1 1 ) The use, handling and a-toragge of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible- liquids In excess of 10 Gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal . X 6 ) Proposed structure or anv port icon thereof greater than 50" In hoIght from Urade I Ine, must maintain a minimum of 6 ' setback from all property lines . easements and 10 ' from all County and State Road right of ways . X_ ytwo-' 3 ) Approved por site- plan . 4 ) Structure must be setback 6 ' from all utility and drainage easements a total of 10 ' from oaoh property I lire , or a var lanne m+,st be obtained from the Building Department . _ X____ ._, 5 ) A I i approved p I an., are requ I reed to he or:•-s i to for I rr. eot I on purpose^ . i f I nspeot i on i :i called for and tans are not on site Approval WILL NOT be ranted . In addition a Re- Inspection fee In The amount of $30 .Oki per hour (minimum 1 hour ) will he charged ' and must he collected by this department pr I fOr to any turther inspections being performed or approval granted , Y, 6) PURSUANT TO 1991 UNIFORM BU 11_G I NG CODE SECT I GN ;30!5(C: ) AND :SECT 1 ON 513 , ALI SITES LIUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PR6V1DED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND 1,F*G 1 Bl.F FROM THE STPFE T OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY , MASON COUNTY S11 I l.D 1 NQ DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS OF COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A REINSPEOTIOM F'FF , BASFD ON PATI S IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1991 UNIFORM BUILDIN" CODE W11 L BE AS SEbSED IF OWNER/Co NTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR 10 REQUESTING I N?PECT I ONS . X CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic d date by ate by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by a MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 part )f the plans rind must remain attached the j thereto . It is the respond lifty of the h a Ep l l crant to make correot i ons indicated on the p l axis from t hey correction I l cst s ,. Onca te plans are marked APPROVFV, they may not be oheanged or altered without authorization from the Hisi lding Off iolai . The permit holder Is reponsible to retain the vomplete: approved set of plans on site for the duration of there project . Failure to tromp I y will result 1 rr failure of required building i n3pect i ons . Every pormit sha I i expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permits is not commenced within 180 days from the date of isoliartue or If the hui ldinr• or work aiuthor i zed by :such k)ermi is I s suspended or abandoned at an- , t nme Eaf ter the work Is commenced for a per- I od of 180 dl js . X 8 ) ALL CONSTRUCTION MOST MEET OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODES AND UBC REQU I RF.MENTS . X T S) Proposed structure or, e:,rtlorts thereof with ern projection over 30" in height from grade line must ma i ntta i n a v soparat i on d i stanoe Between adjacent structures and that furt4est projection . X 10) ALL CONSTRUCTION MAST MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL CODES . i F ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL THIS OFFICE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION . X 1 1 ) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE F 'FLD COPRECTED Aug RFOU i Rf ft PER MASON C00N"l Y BU I I.D 1 NG DFPARTMEN•r AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE .x 12) Al i mobi lelmFanuf in. tured home landings or decks must be freestendinq ( self supporting) . The I argeas t landing or deck permitted without drawings or a building permit Is 36" x 36" . Anv I and i ng or deck that If, 30" or, more in height from walk i ng surface to finish grade requires a guardrail . Any landin or deck that has 4 or wore risers requires a handrail . Any landing or, clock 1 ar qer ban 36" x 36" must be permitted which re qtt i res strractural drawings and a building permit application . This instaiIatIon rermit does NOT include any landing or detc t, larger than the 36" x 36" sa i ce . X i - - - -- -------..____.- CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by it I Building Permit # MASON COUNTY ` BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE' Job Location E This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to -k, r t— Department d Date Inspector -L l 1*OTAL 01 ' N T � M V H , Building Permit # MAS`ON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRE TION NOTICE Job Location ad -r-,4c0Vr-LA- '5-7- This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance � aC,ki .sG Pot ate ► (� (-/O �C ZJ P--T- C-(e-0 S 3 0 0 f-e— ID 0 F P Q J= cJ 0 You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OKto Department Date -2G Inspector no * No OT MUV THI,w& T ' ,* � Building Permit #qo--06-73 MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location �P, Po'--�AL2�AA - . This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance O vd rot in5A 1' .e�1 uio You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK yall for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to �Rarv�. G,l'a�T1�1b � � �� �� Department�� We Cj�?) " 2 ' Inspector 01000 NOOT MnV THImith, T 'aiow I x FIT " � / ♦ A I , � -' -{ r {� ; 1 f `•1•`t I {--.i }-.i-�i T-t...t r ,•.r� ,,�-'� _ '-.r -t-- � �y �V `,JW + ! 3,:�., ; ,t•�'. r , r , r..,. f 1.9., �. ;.: �mm J ; 1G S/ O U— F�J v.SE Q DECK t o v M0 L� vN )— CZ VIL 71 44 ' 1 _ �J eserve 3 K501 —� gyp/ primary 3 'x50 ' vox� , eserveP • 7 J —primary x —i o R e s e r use DE_3.__x 5.0 75' St14 .5 cC .r Sep d�oe5 PLOT PLAN t peQ� �ea��r ALLEN PIERCE So�Co a`! 6-q PARCEL # 322325052017-19 Ma 1' - `57 _-TEST .HOLES i -$cafe: 1 ►' = 20' .. 4O' f BEM 71 � /i 111 91 j I iwm F Fit}w- BOx � ul i cmft FR"E CLAMP N [fl � WIT41 STRAP __ -I_ `.. .� t BEAM MAME w TO AACWOR - f:RO JkD i EM w IF fH1S ANGLE EXCEEDS Q 5° FRAME CLAAAP MUST W ? • ENLARGED VIEW I 87 ITYACHED TO THE OPPOSITE BEAR/ AS NMDICATED BY THE ENLAR "' J y � �'O ,:>OTTED f1AIfE5 0 FRAME SEW !0- A X jetC. CoUCRMCYL*0ER SUGGESTEDWREN Z 4 ATTACRED TO OPPOSITE FRAME. 3 _ ; II A PROPER EARTH ANC 40R r �'�� L �al j FOR soil CONDITM HOOK FRWE CLAMP ON WTS1DE EpT713M � n-tWE OF MOBILE HOME FRAME. RACE ST SAP �-- re) I BETWEEK FRAME AND~AS StX WN W SKE CH r mij STRAP TIGHT AND ATTACH TO ANCHOR y TFNSVW HEAD. ��k FRAME CLAMP WITH STRAP INSTALLATION °' • M. MINl1 TE MAN ANCHORS, INC. m FAST FLAT ROCK, N.C. M `' ATCA7EL FC!11V:'S ,�.� �1Ts► � Permit No. MASON COUNTY le . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 PLEASE PRINT #1 n e r 1�� ��Q✓0 �a its Phone# Site Addresses/o 0 - -d L' o m a S`f' Fire District#� City U rn i o r St /)'. Zip 9�� Directions to Job Site A G C re-P J U �� To �t� l(J �"�� � 2 41- 0 h e- (Z��10 C- o yvt a_ K n r 19 Gt 1" , ©f a T L� D r vJ e c-F 4,74 1 -7/2 1-7-0 w a-- Owner Mailing Address City U �' st-4L2' —zip9a- Lien/Title Holder Address --,0 , © x )!o to q Clty l 54- St U , _Zip 9ga�D 7 #2 Contractor Name Contractor Reg # Address Expiration Date City St Zip Phone # #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. Connect to Septic?_ I Public Water Supply_Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If resid tial, proof of potable water is required) UnIUYL_ H0CX-J e L&rl 1 l ►zc.Piv #4 X rcel No. Z — ZG - 5v�Ai'7 ZtA : 5a c.4+5 : l-7-0 Legal Description d-{ < i Z, 0 cL 04J o o J 5 V)a /.,ram c1 4 0-,*%/ `/©I• / O F a4i5,l PGtC12 6 / R2eo rdS 2)G(r2 fir, -rh2r �o ( O -l�CL #5 Building Square�ootage: (existing opose�d� y 1st FI / 2nd FI / 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms / #bathrooms / Garage J Car rt / (Circle: Attached or Detached?) Other- _ .�;,� sq. ft. / / #6 Use of building (L Describe work #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Other M D #8 OBILE ANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION ode ear /9 9G Make a e Model 0�rd(tq Length 44 Width =r 7 Serial No. 7`,e D SUN # Bedrooms # Bathrooms Type of Heat E e Cf r i c-, Purchase Price 6 T �������• #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan i Lot Di nensidns Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW Plumbing Fixtures ($3.25 each Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6.50 each) y No. Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, Bath Basins Heatpump, Other _Bath-Tubs No. Units Fees Showers Fu rn BTU Hot Water Htr — Heatpumps _Laundry Washer _ Vent Systems Sinks _ Spot Vent Fans Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins _ HP Dishwasher No. Air Handling Units _Disposal _ cfm# Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems Other Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 Fixe'd,Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit Basic Fee 16.25 _ Auto Fire Sprink Sys 35.00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ No. Other _ Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Sto NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 16.25 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OFTHE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER ��- n QLl� X BY DATE �p� ��o DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: Ala Cf-11- L fifws 6� EAE : Se A17?o D CQg15r1-10r.!►S LOX5-1 Environmental Health: Building Plan Review ace Occupancy Group: Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES e.6C. t SCE Building Permit C)O Plan Check _(A 0 Plumbing Fee Mechanical . Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee 50 Other b\A• %A Other Building Valuation: Q- TOTAL FEE