HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2012-00026 - SPI Inspections - 6/21/2012 oN-STATE MASON COUNTY o P� A a N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT > S N Planning Division 1 Y ti P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584 (360)427-9670 U BE KEPT IN THE 1864 F1 LE Site Inspection June 21, 2012 MIA EVANS 50 FINCA STREET SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 Case No.: pgp21 Parcel N 322325051009 Project Description: Pre- i e nspection to determine any restrictions to replace a mfg home with new Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 287 if you have questions. Sincerely, ti Rebecca Hersha Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 6/21/2012 Page 1 of 3 SP12012-00026 Parcel Ws 32232-50-51009, 32232-50-51011 Below are the Planning pre-inspection (SPI2012-00026) results as determined from an on-site visit(June 20th, 2012). A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the pre-inspection was to evaluate Planning Department issues related to the redevelopment of a residential property in Union. The four small, platted lots contains one home that is to be demolished and replaced with a new single-family residence. B. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (ZONING) The zoning designation for the site is Rural Residential 5. The 4 lots will need to be combined in a Declaration of Parcel Combination prior to applying for a building permit. Height Limit: 35 feet from average grade. Side Yard Setback: Even after the DPC, the property width will be only 100 feet,therefore the minimum standard setback for any above grade structure (except fences less than 6 feet in height and temporary structures such as picnic tables)to the side property lines is 10* feet (10%of the lot width). An Administrative Variance ($115)may be applied for to reduce the side setback to as little as 5* feet. Front Yard Setback: This lot has two front yards because it is between two road right of ways. The standard front yard setback is 25* feet. An Administrative Variance(you may use the application for side and front yard setback reduction requests)may be applied for to reduce the front setbacks to as little as 10* feet. The front setback is measured from any structure(except fences less than 6 feet in height and temporary structures such as picnic tables)to either the front property line or the edge of the right-of-way, whichever is more restrictive. If Kuhn Avenue(vacated) does not have an official easement that has been recorded with the County Auditor,the edge of the right-of-way is the edge of the road surface. A reduced front setback of less than 10 feet or a side setback of less than 5 feet would require a Development Regulations Variance(with a public hearing). * Setbacks are measured to the furthest projection of the structure (including decks, roof eves, steps,porches, etc). C. RESOURCE ORDINANCE Landslide, Seismic, and Erosion Hazard Areas: The maximum slopes within 300 feet are approximately 18 percent. However, DNR (Division of Geology & Earth Resources) has mapped the area as low risk for landslides and liquefaction; the Coastal Zone Atlas has mapped the area as `stable' (however there are `intermediate' slopes only 200 feet downhill); and no active faults are mapped in the area, therefore a geotechnical study will not be required unless new information arises that indicates an unstable environment. The site is a borderline erosion hazard area, therefore please take precautions when disturbing the soil and revegetate exposed soils as soon as possible. FEMA Floodplains: N/A. The proposal is not within a regulated floodplain. Fish& Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas: N/A. There are no streams, lakes, saltwater, or `priority habitats/species' in the vicinity. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas: N/A. The proposal is not located in a critical aquifer recharge area. D. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM N/A. There are no shorelines within 200 feet of the site. E: STORMWATER Provisions for surface/subsurface drainage control must be implemented with new construction or development on site and must not adversely impact adjacent parcels. Please consult with the Environmental Health Department if you have questions regarding septic systems. Specific standards for future development contained in County Codes may be found at the County website address http://www.co.mason.wa.us. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. Thank you. Rebecca Hersha,Planner f Community Development Mason County Department o Comm � tY P tY P ii i I � sPl as�a - o00 ACCEPTED BY MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICAT O PLEASE PRINT S2 .00 Fee Required 1. Site Address: Y4,1l er/ J 4 uc l/NioAl 1, 6,)A 1`BSyz Owner: ZY E9A/oK A- Applicant: '11A ✓.fly S Owner Address: Applicant Address: ✓r0 �i'`sc �-�E E— City: St Zip City: ' Circe St Zip Phone: ( ) day Phone: qV q /y 2-8 day Phone: ( ) evening Phone: evening Email Address: Email Address:--o—o"s-,64Z G •�-1- 2. Parcel Ws ?Z232 - �o -,s/009 Legal Description: Aff-Acf/&11 10ir A " 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection: ,�� ��,ti c�/���T �Ei-�.A�,�� t 7r 4. Use of building: �- 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope ( ) saltwater( ) lake ( ) river( ) pond ( ) wetland ( ) seasonal runoff( ) other( stream( ) seasonal creek( ) Directions to Site: 70 bzJ/00 0,1 7a -9_�7 Cy If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity,which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection r th laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signatur Date:ID �� 12— If you would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: Return application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division P.O. Box 186 Shelton,WA 98584 Please include a$255.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer. MORE ON BACK SIDE I:\Community Deve1opment\PAC\SP1\2012 Pre-Inspection.doc Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas(slopes, streams, lakes, wetlands, etc!) existing improvements, as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT ADEQUATE . ILLUSTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. 1� n �OII-e"1 1 - I -- ��D c. 5 � n D /v t4i,' Departmental Review Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: I:\Community Development\PAC\SPI\2012 Pre-Inspection.doc 1 • '7D:AE41 639 1-1 62 7.4317.9451-A253989CF08E 25 12- 09:49a Ping Real Estate 36069801`50 PI . 1800385 szrlarzcw ea;27a •7I1LE INf co BTU 20:00 ttwaa.) co, !iA rim l+Fi>»I3er' $17�q E€� MOM t� " " Lc #ert(iGj,O ven(11)`amd tw'�{ye Cy r 'no(61),Hood�f#al land So.'s1a <�t Union City Vb o B ari9 raodnds of Midstiq Vl/a5hingwn,to;efher with all thaEaisrtl tl tf�s"S " half(S''%)of vacated Kuhn. Avenue adjoining said Lots on the Noah whl_ to by operatlon of taw upon;dts- w t. Pal'�1�. 3��5't�b9 and 30 b5292 ,��1�'1. 7a 'W.tTH a 1:963 VANbK r*Jle home 95f z tifl`id size,VtN No. 1y! 2Xp501,l.icegse too 1,Oc1ted "�roparty. _ 6A t2- v E. TaJl mw