HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2015-00828 Heat Pump - BLD Permit / Conditions - 10/1/2015 Inspection Line (360)427-7262 MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (360)427-9670, ext. 352 Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar Shelton, WA 98584 "{ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT BLD2015-00828 OWNER: JIM SMITH RECEIVED: 9/23/2015 CONTRACTOR: ROBBINSAIR INC. LICENSE: ROBBIA1024KN EXP: 2/19/2016 ISSUED: 10/1/2015 SITE ADDRESS: 6581 E STATE ROUTE 106 UNION EXPIRES: 4/1/2016 PARCEL NUMBER: 322325010901 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: UNION HOOD CANAL LAND & IMP CO BLK 109, LOTS 1-3 EX S 6 2/3' & PTN OF VAC OLYMPIC AVE & SPRAGUE STADJ. & PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: CHANGING OUT FORCED AIR OIL FURNACE TO FORCED AIR HEAT FOLLOW ST RT 106 TO BLUE HERON CONDOS PUMP General Information Construction&Occupancy Information Square Footage Information No. of Bedrooms: Type of Constr.: Type of Use: MF Insp.Area: No. of Bathrooms: Occ. Group: Lot Size: Deck: Type of Work: MEC Fire Dist.: 6 No. of Stories: Occ. Load: Building: Valuation: Building Height: Occ. Status: Basement: Manufactured Home Information Setback Information Shoreline&Planning Information Make: Length: Ft. Front: Ft. Shoreline: Ft. Water Body: Rear: Ft. Slope: Ft. SEPA?: Model: Width: Ft. Side 1: Ft. Shoreline Desig.: Year: Serial No.: Side 2: Ft. Comp. Plan Desig.: Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures FEES Type Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt Heat Pump 1 Building Special inspection GMM 9/23/2015 $73.00 S1201500000001 Mechanical Permit Fee GMM 9/23/2015 $ 18.20 S1201500000001 Mechanical Base Fee GMM 9/23/2015 $28.50 S1201500000001 Total $ 119.70 BLD2015-00828 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 1 of 4 CASE NOTES FOR BLD2015-00828 CONDITIONS FOR BLD2015-00828 1) Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800 47-0982j The person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. X 2 2) Own Age�Jbsponsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.28. X�IG'/� 3) ALL FURNACE INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM EFFICIENCIES SET FORTH IN THE CURENT EDITION OF THE WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE (WSEC). ANY PORTION OF THE MECHANICAL SYSTEM THAT IS ALTERED OR REPLACED SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM ST ET FORTH IN THE WSEC AND INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE. X 4) All construction must meet or exceed all local ordinances and the international codes requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Occupancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in X r, ati �. BLD2015-00828 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 2 of 4 5) Installation of heating equipment in a single-family residence shall meet the requirements of the current IECC/WSEC R403, applicable sections of the IRC, and IMC. ` Heating equipment shall be sized in accordance to ICC/WSEC, Section R403.6. Heating and design load calculations for the purpose of sizing HVAC systems are required and shall be calculated in accordance with accepted practice, including infiltration and ventilation. Design calculations shall be available for inspection during inspection. Referencing IRC M1601.4, all ducts, air handlers, filter boxes, and building cavities shall be sealed. All joints of duct systems and seams shall be made substantially air tight by means of tapes, mastics, liquid sealants, gasketing or other approved closure systems. Closure systems used with rigid fibrous glass ducts shall comply with UL181Aand shall be marked 181A-P for pressure-sensitive tape, 181A-M for mastic or 181 A-H for heat-sensitive tape. Closure systems used with flexible air ducts and flexible air connectors shall comply with UL181 B and shall be marked 181 B-FX for pressure-sensitive tape or 181 B-M for mastic. Duct connections to flanges of air distribution system equipment or sheet metal fittings shall be mechanically fastened. Mechanical fasteners for use with flexible nonmetallic air ducts shall comply with UL 181 B and shall be marked 181 B-C. Crimp joints for round metal ducts shall have a contact lap of at least 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) and shall be mechanically fastened by means of at least three sheet-metal screws or rivets equally spaced around the joint. Closure systems used to seal metal ductwork shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Duct tape is NOT permitted as a sealant on any ducts. When ducts are located in unheated spaces the ducts hall be insulated to R-8 DUCT TIGHTNESS TESTING shall be conducted by person(s) trained to perform such testing. A signed affidavit documenting test results in accordance to IECC/WSEC Section R403.2.2 shall be provided to the Mason County Building Department prior to the final occupancy inspection. Affidavit forms are available on at the WSU-Energy Program website titles, "Duct Leakage Affidavit"or"Duct Leakage Testing Results (Existing Construction)." Duct tightness testing is of required if the air handler and all ducts are located within the heated space. X 6) The demolition and disposal of debris must meet the regulations of Mason County and Olympic Region Clean Air Agency(ORCAA). It is unlawful for any person to cause or allow the demolition (or major renovation) of any structure unless all asbestos containing materials have been identified and removed from the area to be demolished. Work shall not commence on an asbestos project or demolition project unless the owner or operator as obtai d written approval from ORCCA.2490 B Limited Lane NW, Olympia WA 98502, 360.586.1044/800.422.5623 www.orcaa.org X 7) All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Masn finances and building regulations. 8) All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may extend the time for action for a period got exceeding 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holders ed action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. X BLD2015-00828 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 3 of 4 OWNER/ BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null &void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. Signature / Date OL Z/ / C kAI�5 OWNER - REPRESENTATIVE - CONTRACTOR Prin Name (Circle one to indicate) BLD2015-00828 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 4 of 4 gst/. 2.1/2015 MON 17: 23 FAX U002/002 Fo�4-mUST BE COMPLETED IN INK r PERmiT IrO„ -00S z?> PLEASE PRESS HARD MASON COUNTY PLUMBING/MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 420 W.Oedar)P.O.Box 166 snellap WA 00684 sheltbn nga)427-9670 Belfair(2901176-H6 E`me oag)A92.5291) 4PPLIC TINFORMATIONw CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONI owner Contractor Nat'n ` Malling Address (a�{r V^ Mollln Address t7Y 2 Ct d Slate Zip Coda City State jet. Zip Cod g O Phone( �Olher Ph.0 Ph. Other Ph.(_� Lien/Title Holder_ Contractor Reg.# 'rOdreSs Explratlon / S'E:PTIC INFORMATION-Connect to New Sep(lr, Existing Septic (::ol)I)ecl to Sewer System 1\18me ut Sewer System PARCEL INFORMATION-12 digit Tax Parcel No. �'�'��l Flre Dlstrict ;S Ale r -r. L�egat Descflptlon r z 2 1 �,(}. w� a�fe'A'ddreea(Please Include street name,alraat number and city) i TZ oirecllona to sites a uo ¢�--1�L t � .I to, 14 your property within 200'of the fallowing:Body of Water(Name) Sallwater_, River/Creels. Pond Weiland Seasonal Runoff Slroam__ Mopes or Buis _ TYPE OF JOB Now_Add Alt Repalr other Use of Building Location of Flxlures/Unils lst Floor 7.nd rieor _Basornent Garage Closet PLUMBING FIXTURES(Show Number of Bach) F ICAL UNITS Fuel Type: Eloctrlc_ 1h of F�uce No.of Flxturea Fetia Natural Gas- Heatpump Toilets N No,or Lintlfl ee 5alhroom Sink Bath Tubs ps Slnowors _ Spot Fen Water Heater pTank J, T Clolhes Washer Gee Outlets �Kitchen Sinks Wood/Gae/Pellet Stove Q!shweaher Kitchen Exhaust Flood r°-loeebibo L Dryer Vent _._.— .Qther __ __ Other Basle Fee Base Fee ! TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL _. A FLOOR PLAN AND PLOT PLAN MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF FIXTUREIUNIT. 9TICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL Q VOID IF WORK Oft uoNSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED 13 NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 100 DAYS OR IF 1 ;:ONSTRUCTION WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 16D DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER THE WDRK IS r:OMMENCEO, 2'ROQF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK Is BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION, The owner or aaanl an owner's behalf,represents that the 1;iitormQtion provided is accurate and grants empinyces of Meson County access to tho shave described property and structures for review and {, ,;napectlon of this project. Acknowledgment of such Is by slgnslUae below: I OWN 0R AFFIDAVIT-1 coni(y that I em exemPl frnm the ieyulraments of the CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT-I certify that 1 am rrumnlly rayietererl as a �,;uhlraclof Registration Law RCW 18 27 and em aware of the ordinanGn contractor in the state of Washington sad that I am aware of the orolnence cregauem■rlls for which lots parmlt Is Issued and that all work Wit be done k1 requirements regulating the work for whloil Ale,permit a is,u6d and Pit wnrlt coororm,nce lhe,ewith. No ohanees shalt be mach wllhout flral obtaining anall be done in nonrnrmance therewilh changes sha11 be made wlthQu itappraval. first obtaining aponyal. X Date X Dale FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND THIS POINT Accepted by _, Deta SubITIILL21 Amount OUe Recelpl No. �t 1 i,S iLl t9 n N'ttt AT fi . � ,AIUding Drparhamtt Group Type Gansu. �Fllertning Department i CU1er ,.,.L.- i:, ,mil Fna Sllo Impeellon ,;:rFtan Review Fee UFC Plan Review Fee Grmuiny 3 Base Fee Other j�. Miechanlcal 6 ttasa Fee Other - ' Pre-Paid,<Submittal 1 l woomt➢asrPellet Stove fee dulellon hee TOTAL FEES