HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2018-00033 for COM2018-000777 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 3/14/2018 GEO Mason County Review Checklist for a Geotechnical Report Instructions: This checklist is intended to assist Staff in the review of a Geotechnical Report. The Geotechnical Report is reviewed for completeness with respect to the Resource Ordinance. If an item is found to be not applicable, the Report should explain the basis for the conclusion. The Report is also reviewed for clarity and consistency. If the drawings, discussion, or recommendations are not understandable, they should be clarified. If they do not appear internally consistent or consistent with the application or observations on site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director. Applicant's Name: rr 1 ( Permit#: 06-4� Parcel#: Date(s) of the Document(s) reviewed: ,�CZo1 1. (a) A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development, OK?_ Comment: (b) A discussion of specific soil types OK? X' Comment: (c) A discuss' n of ground water conditions OK?_ Comment: (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology OK? Comment: (e) A discussion f the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands OK?_X Comment: (f) A discus o of history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records OK? Comment: 2. A site plan that identifies the important development and geologic features. OK? Comment: 3. Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes. OK? Comment: 4. The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall bed Ii Bated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site. OK? Comment: 5. A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes. OK? Comment: 6. A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum seismic safety factor is 1.1 and the quasi-static analysis coeffients should be a value of 0.15. OK?Y Comment: 7. (a) Appropri to restrictions on placement of drainage features OK? Comment: (b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields OK?k_Comment: (c) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings. OK? �l Comment: Page 1 of 2 TT Form Effective June 2008 (d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes. OK? � Comment: (e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes. OK? X Comment: 8. Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of vegetation removal. OK? Comment: 9. Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods. OK? A Comment: 10. An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development. OK? Comment: 11. Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage, erosion control, and buffer widths. OK? �< Comment: 12. Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed mitigation. OK? Comment: 13. A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing.and proposed development on the site. OK? X Comment: Are the Documents signed and stamped? By whom? ray (�U ire License#: Z License type: e FIRST REVIEW Approved ❑ Need more info. If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action? Reviewed by i `ate- 'J -, on Id . Time spent in review: SECOND REVIEW/ UPDATE ❑ Approved ❑ Need more info. Reviewed by on . Time spent in second review: THIRD REVIEW/UPDATE ❑ Approved ❑ Need more info. Reviewed by on . Time spent in third review: Disclaimer. Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 PL-A- NfMNG RECEIVED Mason County Department of Community Development MAY 18 2018 Submittal Checklist For a Geotechnical Report 615 W. Alder Street Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geotechnical Report and completed, signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geotechnical Report for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item found to be not applicable, the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Applicant/Owner/IoWe,w CO /=ilzv t9Is."14cj1�Parcel# 333 23,2 �� _ �6�O Site Address 1�4 SfZeef U.V10.<1 I,l,� l�'/�fJ�•i���(� SP5— 2— (1) (a)A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development, Located on page(s) 7— q (b) A discussion of specific soil types Located on page(s) (c) A discussion of ground water conditions Located on page(s) q (d) A discussion of the upslWe geomorphology Located on page(s) �J (e) A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands Located on page(s) (f) A discussion of history of landslide activity in the activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records Located on page(s) /6 (2) A site plan, which identifies the)mportant development and geologic features. Located on Map(s) /0 z (3) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes. Located on Map(s) /r7 Y1U 2 (4) The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site. Located on Map(s) 2. (5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes. Located on Map(s) /0 , 22/ 2, 3 (6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst-case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5; the minimum seismic safety factor is 1.1 and the quasi-static analysis coeffients should be a value of 0.15. Located on page(s) /0, // . /Z (7) (a)Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features Located on page(s) /L _/3 (b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields Located on page(s) (c) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings Located on page(s) 13 Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. (d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes on the property. l3 Located on page(s) (e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes on the property. j3 Located on page(s) (8) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of vegetation removal. Located on page(s) 1 (9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods. Located on page(s) /3 -/!Y (10) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development. Located on page(s) )7 (11) Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage, erosion control, and buffer widths. Located on page(s) i H (12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed mitigation. �I Located on page(s) (13) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and prop'sed development on the site. Located on Mao(s) /=/6- Z- I, Culzrrs D CUJ ,Ii hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geotechnical Report, dated N / /y, 2olg, and entitled s/ee a,. , ,f-, IncitpMk meets all the requirements of fhe Mason County Resource Ochinance, Landslide Hazard Section, is complete and true, that the assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. (Signature and Stamp) t Wash;n a f i 2439 ease oho Curtis Dean Cushman Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. i 3 Com So !8 - 000-71 G EOTECHNICAL REPORT SLEEPING QUARTERS ADDITION MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #6 . UNION, WASHINGTON r r PREPARED FOR MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #6 r BY ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL is OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON MARCH 14, 2018 • r r r Ir CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARER INFORMATION AAG PROJECT NUMBER: AAG18-015 CONTACT: CURTIS D.CUSHMAN ADDRESS: 8947 BUTTONWOOD LANE NE OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON 98516 TELEPHONE: (360)491-5155 CELL: (360)481-6677 EMAIL ADDRESS: CURTIS.CUSHMAN@COMCAST.NET CLIENT INFORMATION CLIENT: MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#6 TELEPHONE: (360)898-4871 BILLING ADDRESS: MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#6 P.O.Box 39 UNION,WA 98592-0039 SITE ADDRESS: MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#6 E.50 SEATTLE STREET UNION,WASHINGTON CONTACT CAPTAIN CODY DAGGETT MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#6 (360)898-4871 CDAGGETT@MCFD6.COM PARCEL NUMBERS 33232-50-16001 GPS LOCATION: N470 21' 18.15" W1230 05' 59.23" (Proposed Addition Site) AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 2 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL Armktcm GroucmcAL SCOPE OF UNDERSTANDING MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#6 P.O.Box 39 UNION,WA 98592-0039 RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ADDITION FOR MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#6 E.50 SEATTLE STREET UNION,WASHINGTON N470 21' 18.15" W1230 05'59.23" PARCELS 33232-50-16001 MARCH 15,2018 Dear MCFD#6: Mason County Fire District #6 (client) hired All American Geotechnical, Inc. (AAG) through Captain Cody Daggett on March 5, 2018 to prepare a geotechnical report to comply with the Mason County Requirements in the Critical Areas Ordinance in accordance with the Submittal Checklist For a Geotechnical Report for the above property in the city of Union in Mason County, Washington. The site is to be developed by the addition of a mobile home for use as sleeping quarters on a pre-existing asphalt apron currently used as a parking lot on the southwest part of the property. As per your request, we have conducted a soils exploration and slope stability analysis for the above- mentioned parcel. This is to be in compliance with the requirements of Mason County Planning for a geotechnical report due to potential landslide conditions. We have provided two copies for your review and distribution. Landslide hazards will be detailed in the text. Other geotechnical information is likewise included. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions concerning the above items,the procedures used, or if we can be of any further assistance please call us at the phone number listed below. t Wash Respectfully Submitted, ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL,INC. Engir�enng Gedoglsl �, Curtis D.Cushman,L.G.,L.E.G. Senior Engineering Geologist Curtis Dean Cushman AAG 18-01 5 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 3 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL AMMCAN GROTE HNICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE OF UNDERSTANDING 3 INTRODUCTION 6 1) SITE CONDITIONS 6 SURFACE CONDITIONS 6 A) SITE GEOLOGY 7 B) SOIL TYPES 8 C) GROUND WATER CONDITIONS 9 D) UPSLOPE GEOMORPHOLOGY 9 E) UPSLOPE WATERBODIES AND WETLANDS 9 F) LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY 10 2) SITE PLAN 10 3) EXPLORATORY HOLES OR PROBES 10 4) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 10 5) CROSS SECTION 10 6) SLOPE STABILTY ANALYSIS 10 SEISMIC LIQUEFACTION HAZARD 12 GEOSEISMIC SETTING 12 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES 12 7) RESTRICTIONS 12 A) PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE FEATURES 12 B) PLACEMENT OF SEPTIC DRAIN FIELDS 13 C) PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLS AND FOOTINGS 13 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SITE PREPARATION 13 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL 13 D) BUFFERS 13 E) SETBACKS 13 8) CLEARING AND GRADING PLAN 13 9) EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 10) ON AND OFFSITE IMPACTS 14 11) FINAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 14 12) STRUCTURAL MITIGATION 14 13) SITE PLAN 14 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14 PROVISIONS 15 GENERAL 15 CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 15 READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY 15 AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 4 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL • REFERENCES 16 APPENDIX 18 LABORATORY ANALYSIS 19 2009 AASHTO DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 20 . 2012/2015 IBC DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 21 . SLOPE MODELS 22 . STATIC MODEL A-A' 22 . DYNAMIC MODEL A-A' 23 FIGURES 24 FIGURE 1.VICINITY MAP 24 FIGURE 2.SITE PLAN 25 • AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 5 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of our geotechnical consulting services for the proposed sleeping quarters addition on the parcel herein described. The building site is in the southwest part of a square parcel currently developed as the fire station of Mason County Fire District#6 in Union, Washington. In general, the property is terraced on a moderate slope going down to the north toward Hood Canal. A I� drainage defines the west side of the property. The property is on a rise above the main part of Union. The location of the site is shown relative to the surrounding area on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with Captain Cody Daggett representing the client. In general, there will be no grading affecting slope stability, the addition to be placed on an existing asphalt lot on a terraced slope. The addition will be a residential mobile home that will be set back approximately 28 feet from the top of the Landslide Hazard Area (LHA). The approximate layout of this is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Access to the proposed work site is from E. Seattle Street accessed from SR-106 via E McCreavy Road in Union, Washington. The purpose of our services is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site in order to satisfy the requirements of the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance. Specifically, our scope of services for this project includes the following: 1. A review of the available geologic, hydrogeological and geotechnical data for the site area. 2. A geologic reconnaissance of the site area and surrounding vicinity. 3. Investigation and identification of shallow subsurface conditions at the site by characterizing the exposed soil, sampling, and reviewing published well logs. 4. Comparison of the site to published geologic maps, previous field investigations, and open file reports. Inspection of aerial photographs to determine the geomorphology of the site. 5. Evaluation of the landslide,erosion, and seismic hazards at the site per the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance regulations (as of January 1, 2007). 6. Slope modelling. The slope on the west of the building site exceeds a slope of 40% and is greater in height than 10 feet. This area is within 300 feet of the building site. This is considered a Landslide Hazard Area (LHA) Therefore, Mason County requires that a geotechnical report be prepared in accordance with the Mason County Resource Ordinance Sections 17.01.100 through 17.01.104. 1) SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE CONDITIONS The proposed location for a residential mobile home addition is located near the southwest part of the client property. The client property overall slopes gently to the north developed in two terraces, the uppermost one of which will be the residence site. The proposed addition will be back-set 28 feet from the top of the LHA. The LHA itself is approximately 40 feet high with a slope in places of over 100%. The overall site elevation of the entire property ranges from approximately just under 55 feet in the AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 6 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL Amman GrowcwtcAL drainage to approximately 110 feet along its south side. The residence will be placed on a level platform of asphalt at or near the 105 foot contour. Curtis D Cushman, L.E.G. and Blaise Jelinek E.I.T., conducted a site reconnaissance on March 5, 2018. The purpose of a site visit is to physically observe the property and adjacent properties in order to identify any recognized geologic conditions. Subsurface exploration was done by observing exposed soil across the site and near the drainage ravine. Visual observations were documented and site-specific features were mapped. The parcel is almost entirely developed with buildings, asphalt parking areas and broad lawns; and has no native vegetation except for a fringe of mature trees along the ravine. The trees are uniformly straight and vertical and show no signs of slope movement. Some of these are on or are immediately above the top of the LHA and may become hazard trees at some time in the future. At the present time none pose a hazard via uprooting to present structures or the propped mobile home. No evidence of deep-seated slope instability was observed onsite. The mobile home addition will be within the 50-foot vegetation buffer. The location of the mobile home will not involve any removal of exiting vegetation, nor will any footing or access excavation be done. A) SITE GEOLOGY The following is taken from the Geologic Map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Mason County, Washington, by Polenz, M.., et al.; 2010 revised 2015; DNR Open File Report 2010-03. The residence will be constructed on common Vashon till(Qgt) described briefly as follows: Qgt Vashon lodgment till—Unsorted, unstratified mix of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and sparse boulders; typically supported by a sandy matrix; mostly gray; compact, resembling concrete. The drainage cuts though this relatively thin layer to reveal deposits designated Qpuop: QpuoP Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial deposits—Gravel, sand, silt, clay, and diamicton, including tills and paleosols; tan to reddish brown or gray; compact;poorly sorted. This is a thicker unit that defines the sturdy basement beneath the Fraser deposits. As this unit was compacted by the mass of Fraser glaciation, it is likely the steep sides of the ravine reflect this compaction. The nearest water well (Tag BBS 712) is that of P.U.D. Number 1 located on McCreavy just below 51h Street drilled in 1956. As it is located at an elevation of 235 feet and it was drilled to a depth of-166 feet very little of the drill log is useful. However, the log repeatedly calls the drilling "hard," through most of the hole. AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 7 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AmEpucAN GEoTECHNICAL According to the CZAW map #MA_7ith.jpg, the building site is in the Intermediate zone (I), with stable areas (S) above and below it. The CZAW maps shows no major (e.g. mapable) landsides in the immediate area. The site visit confirmed the mapping and descriptions in the literature. The building platform is very stable and suitable for construction. There are no nearby mapped faults and the nearest active fault zone is the Tacoma Fault near Allyn, Washington, to the north. Seismic acceleration is important in modelling the slope stability as the Puget Sound area is in an active tectonic zone and although this fault does not pose an immediate hazard to the proposed building project, low levels of seismic activity are not uncommon and there is always the possibility of a major shock. B) SOIL TYPES The soils are described by the USDA Web Soil Survey as: Mason County, Washington Aa—Alderwood gravelly loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 2t62h • Elevation: 50 to 800 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 25 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F • Frost-free period: 160 to 240 days • Farmland classification: Prime farmland if irrigated Map Unit Composition • Alderwood and similar soils: 85 percent • Minor components: 15 percent • Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Alderwood Setting • Landform: Ridges, hills • Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder • Landform position (three-dimensional): Nose slope, talf • Down-slope shape: Linear, convex • Across-slope shape: Convex • Parent material: Glacial drift and/or glacial outwash over dense glaciomarine deposits Typical profile • A - 0 to 7 inches: gravelly loam • Bw1 - 7 to 21 inches: very gravelly sandy loam • Bw2 - 21 to 30 inches: very gravelly sandy loam • Bg - 30 to 35 inches: very gravelly sandy loam AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia, WA 98516 8 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell #: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GROTECHNI L • 2Cd1 - 35 to 43 inches: very gravelly sandy loam • 2Cd2 - 43 to 59 inches: very gravelly sandy loam Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 39 inches to densic material • Natural drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 18 to 37 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water storage in profile: Very low (about 2.8 inches) On site this soil is seen to be relativelythick comprising the unit found in on-site cuts. It is uniform for P g at least 4 feet in thickness and is a unit whose sand proportion is coarse-grained and contains abundant fine gravel. There is no clay present and the silt fraction is subordinate (See granularity determination, below). It is classified(ASTM) as GM Silty gravel with sand. The soil is not important to the placement of the residence. The mobile home will be placed on pre- existing asphalt as described above. C) GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS The ravine has flowing water, said by Captain Daggett to be due to it being used to accept drain water from a common municipal drain system. No other water was seen except for a small amount of water entering the pre-existing drain on the asphalt. The exit of this drain is likely in the ravine but was not seen. There was no evidence of active surface erosion on or around the asphalt parking lot. Soils nearby were not saturated and were firm. D) UPSLOPE GEOMORPHOLOGY The slope continues up to the south-southwest to a broad ridge approximately 1,100 feet away. At a maximum height of 320 feet, this represents a slope of just over 15%. This does not constitute an immediate hazard to the mobile home site. There are several developed residential properties between the site and the ridge along with roads. These pose no geotechnical hazard to the property. E) UPSLOPE WATERBODIES AND WETLANDS There are none. AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 9 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL A mcm GEoTzcnNt L F) LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY The 7.5-minute quadrangle shows no nearby landslides. In fact, the areas mapped as being underpinned by the QpuoP pre-Fraser units shows no landslide activity. Some small land failures may have occurred, but these would be relatively minor and too small to map. There does not appear to be any evidence of landslide potential at the residence site. LiDAR from the Puget Sound Lidar Consortium (g47123c1 Ibe) shows no evidence of any landslides in the area around the site. 1 There was no evidence of current on-site landslide activity. 2) SITE PLAN The proposed residence location is on Figure 2. The geology is overall Qgt with the QpuoP shown in the drainage. The soil typ a is shown as throughout the site. 3) EXPLORATORY HOLES OR PROBES The site was surface examined, including in the ravine and in cuts roughly at the addition location. Sample location for field evaluation is as shown on Figure 2. 4) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Figure 2 shows the required features of. proposed developments, the boundaries of the hazard (LHA), and associated buffers and setbacks. Water and septic are pre-existing on the property. 5) CROSS SECTION 1 Two (2)cross-sections are in the Appendix. They are along line A-A' which includes the building site. ' 6) SLOPE STABILTY ANALYSIS The Slope Stability Analysis is as follows following the Mason County Resource Ordinance of 2009: ' 17.01.100E5(6) -- A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst-case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum seismic [dynamic] safety factor is 1.1 and the quasi-static analysis r coefficients should be a value of 0.15. ' Slope stability was modeled using the GALENA 6.1 program in both static and dynamic conditions (ca= 1 0.208). "Static" condition refers to an "as is" state of a given slope. "Dynamic" puts seismic AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 10 ' Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 1 ALL AmEwAN GEouLcHNI `AL acceleration into the model for earthquake conditions. The factor for ground acceleration (ca) was determined from the Peak Ground Acceleration from the USGS Seismic Design Maps, included in the Appendix. Factors of safety were determined using the Bishop (semi-circular) method. The site was modeled as a two-layer model. The parameters are provided in the output in the appendix. A ground water table was not included in the model. Spread footings were included in the models, represented as the continuous load in the model. The model was loaded with a uniform load of 2000lb/ft starting at the edge of the proposed structure. The models represent the steepest slopes in the vicinity of the property and the steepest slopes on property. The upper layer is the Qgt Vashon lodgment till. The Qgt was modeled with a unit weight of 1251bs per cubic foot, common for the Vashon till deposits. Despite classification as a soft rock, it is locally friable, so cohesion of 300 lbs per square foot and phi angle of 38 degrees were selected as conservative values for Qgt in the model. The lower layer is the QpuoP Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial deposits, Vashon recessional outwash. This material is exposed in the drainage to the west of proposed structure, and would be encountered beneath the Qgt. The QpuoP was modeled with a unit weight of 125lbs per cubic foot, cohesion of 400 lbs per square foot and phi angle of 40 degrees. These were selected as conservative values for QpuoP in the model. Testing a range of failure circles identifies the worst-case scenario: therefore, the initial parameters in the A-A' in a model with a total length of 117.9 feet, the toe is at 60 feet, the building envelope is from 107' to 117' feet, the initial upslope location is at 107', and the initial radius is 55 feet. These initial positions were tested over a range of 20 feet, 20 feet, and 10 feet respectively; with 50 positions tested over each range. Our computations in both the Static and Dynamic condition analyzed at least 125,001 possible failure circles for each case. The graphical output of this data is presented in the appendix. Under static conditions, the slope generally did not show susceptibility to deep failure that would cause damage to the proposed addition. See Appendix for model output and cross-sections. Under dynamic loading (Ca=0.208), the computations demonstrated that the slope is safe and not susceptible to a deep- seated movement. The following are the Factors of Safety (FoS) attained for the section with respect to its current topographical representation. Factors of Safety for Mason County Fire District#6 Pro osed Annex Analysis Factor of Safe Static Factor of Safe (Dynamic)_ A-A', 3.42 2.24 These calculated Factors of Safety (FoS) meet the requirements set forth by Mason County that is, 1.50 for static and 1.1 for dynamic loading scenarios. Thus, based on our slope models representing critical slopes at the subject site, it is apparent that the building site is not susceptible to damage by deep-seated movements or instability. The values input were selected to be as conservative as possible so the FoS are likely higher. This analysis shows this particular site to be stable. AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 I Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL Amm GEOTIECICAL No other slopes qualified as Landslide Hazard Areas. SEISMIC LIQUEFACTION HAZARD The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004) maps the site area as having a Very Low liquefaction potential. The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann(September 2004)maps the area as site Class C. Site class C is a very stiff soil or soft rock. GEOSEISMIC SETTING According to the Seismic Zone Map of the United States contained in the 2006 International Building Code (IBC),the project site is located where the maximum spectral response acceleration is 45 percent of gravity (g). We recommend following seismic factors for design purposes. • Site Class: C (stiff soil/soft rock) • Spectral response acceleration, short period(SMs): 1.434g(Fa= 1.05) • Spectral response acceleration, 1-second period(SM1): 0.776g(F,= 1.55) LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES These numbers will only be needed if there are excavations of any sort in this glacial material and soils. Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the bases of footings and floor slabs and as passive pressure on the sides of footings. An allowable coefficient of friction of 0.40 may be used to calculate friction between the concrete and the underlying native soil. We recommend the following be used to determine the lateral earth pressures considering the onsite GM: • + (soil friction angle) 34 degrees • Ko(at rest earth pressure coefficient) 0.441 • Ka(active earth pressure coefficient) 0.283 • Kp(passive earth pressure coefficient) 3.54 • y(soil unit weight) 125 pcf 7) RESTRICTIONS A) PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE FEATURES The mobile home will be drained into a pre-existing drain in the asphalt. The residence will not add any capture area to the pre-existing asphalt parking lot. The geometry of the site indicates the flow from the AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 12 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL A zw m GaoTacnNicAL residence will go into the drain. The drains of the addition should be daylighted to the south to insure this direction of flow. No surface water should be directed toward the bluff. B) PLACEMENT OF SEPTIC DRAIN FIELDS The drain fields are pre-existing. C) PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLS AND FOOTINGS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SITE PREPARATION There is no grading or footing excavation required for site preparation as the mobile home will be placed on the pre-existing parking lot. Utility attachments will involve minor trenching if any at all. If any excavation occurs on or near a steep slope all deleterious material will be removed and sub-soils reached. Any material that is excavated may be stockpiled and later used for erosion control and/or landscaping. Surficial material unsuitable for these tasks should be removed from the project site. No structural fill should be needed. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL None will be needed. D) BUFFERS The 50-foot vegetation buffer from the top of the LHA will be intruded upon by the proposed residential placement. However,no vegetation will be disturbed due to the pre-existing development of the property and the location of the mobile home on the asphalt. E) SETBACKS The residential site is well outside of the hazards as defined by the slope stability model and the resultant Factors of Safety. (Figure 2). 8) CLEARING AND GRADING PLAN No clearing or grading is needed for the residence. 9) EROSION CONTROL PLAN It is our opinion that the potential erosion hazard of the site is not a limiting factor for the proposed developments. There will be no removal of natural vegetation at the mobile home site. AAG 18-01 5 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 13 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AmERI 'AN GEOTECHNICAL The possibility of down-slope contamination is highly unlikely if proper control methods are employed. A silt fence may be installed if trenching or other activity is done at or near a steep slope. A revegetation plan should not be required. 10) ON AND OFFSITE IMPACTS There should be no notable on- or offsite impacts if the project is completed according to the recommendations of this report and in accordance with all regulations. No geotechnical impact is anticipated in the placement of the residential mobile home. 11) FINAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS . All final conditions will follow the design by the Engineer of Record and compliance with all regulatory . agencies. If this and the above recommendations are followed, final development conditions will be achieved. 12) STRUCTURAL MITIGATION There is none. 13) SITE PLAN Please see Figure 2. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of the site reconnaissance, subsurface observations, and our experience in the area, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed project. The proposed mobile home location is stable relative to deep-seated instability and will not be affected by the proposed addition. The proposed . structure does not undermine adjacent slopes. Drainage is pre-existing and will not be augmented by the mobile home. No disturbance of the 50' vegetation will occur. While the ravine does not show any indications of failure, it should be monitored to insure there is no undercutting or other severe erosion that may eventually lead to land failure, however minor. Vegetation should be maintained in the area, preferably native species good for stabilizing slopes. 10 AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 14 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL AmERICAN GE,OTECHNIC iL PROVISIONS GENERAL We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of the Mason County Fire District #6 and their authorized agents for the proposed development in Mason County, Washington. Site inspections, research, and mapping have culminated in this report. This report is intended to meet the requirements of the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance. This report does not specify setbacks for: line-of-sight setbacks, FWHCA setbacks, eagle tree setbacks, wetland setbacks, or property line setbacks. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions,expressed or implied, should be understood. Clients and property owners must understand that, while a slope may be found to have an acceptable Factor of Safety related to deep-seated mass wasting, surficial failure and landslides can and do occur on . steep slopes. The property owners should monitor the stability of their property following construction. r Moreover, acceptable Factors of Safety do not guarantee there cannot be failures. It is the responsibility of the property owners to understand that there are always risks in building on or near steeply sloped areas. r CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for r managing construction operations to minimize risks to onsite personnel and to adjacent properties. READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY Some clients, design professionals, and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. All American Geotechnical includes these explanatory "limitations"provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. r The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, geotechnical engineering or geologic reporting does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. r r AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 15 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 r r r ALL AmpticAN GaoTF.cHNICAL REFERENCES MAPS DeLorme 3-13 TopoQuads(2002),Source Data USGS,Yarmouth,Maine. Dragovich,Logan,Walsh,and Schasse(2002), Geological Map of Washington—Northwest Quadrant(Geological Map GM- 50),published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004), The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington, published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004), The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington,published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Polenz, M., and others (2010), Geologic Map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Mason County, Washington,Washington State Department of Natural Resources Open File Report 2010-03. Rogers, A. M., Walsh, T. J., Kockelman, W. J., and Priest, G. R. (1996), Map showing known or suspected faults with quaternary displacement in the Pacific Northwest, published by U.S. Geological Survey OFR 91-441-0, Plate 1, scale 1:2,000,000. Washington State Department of Ecology (1979), Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington, Volume 9, published by Washington State Department of Ecology. PUBLICATIONS Ambrose(1981),Simplified Design of Building Foundations,Table 2.5,pages 48-57,published by John Wiley&Sons,Inc. ASTM International(2005),Annual Book of Standards 2005,Section 4, Volume 4.08,published by ASTM International,West Conshohocken,Pennsylvania. Bloom(1991),Geomorphology,published by Prentice-Hall,Inc.,Upper Saddle River,New Jersey. Gallagher, Patricia M. (October 27, 2000), Passive Site Remediation for Mitigation of Liquefaction Risk, Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Virginia. International Code Council,Inc.(2006),2006 International Building Code,published by International Code Council,Inc. Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation (1994), Munsell Soil Color Charts (1994 Revised Edition), published by Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation,New Windsor,New York. McCarthy(1993), Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations, published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,New Jersey. Ness,Fowler,Parvin(1960),The Soil Survey of Mason County, Washington, USDA Soil Conservation Service,in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture,and Washington Agricultural Experimental Station, and the Soils Conservation Service. Parks, Neal, Koloski, Laprade, Molinari, Butler, and Lorentson (November 2006), Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geology Reports in Washington, published by Washington State Geologist Licensing Board,Olympia,Washington. Prakash(1981),Soil Dynamics,Figure 6.3,page 173,published by McGraw-Hill,Inc. Sowers(1979),Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Geotechnical Engineering,Macmillan Publishing Co.,Inc. AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 16 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 r r ALL AwtRICAN GEOTIECHNICAL Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)(2005), Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 2006 M41-10,prepared by WSDOT Engineering Publications,P.O.Box 47408,Olympia,Washington. WEBSITES rMason County Government Information Services (http://www.co.mason.wa.us) Mason County Codes,Ordinances,and Regulations ' (http://www.co.mason.wa.us/code) Puget Sound Lidar Consortium (http://pugetsoundlidar.ess.washington.edu/l idardata/index.html) Slope Stabilization Erosion Control Using Vegetation A Manual of Practice for Coastal Bluff ' (http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/9330.htmi) Vegetation Management Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners (http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/933 I.htm1) rUnited States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service r (http://soildatamart.nres.usda.gov) rWashington Administrative Code (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/) Washington Department of Ecology (http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/welllog) (https:Hfortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatlas/viewer.htm, r r AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 17 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 r ALL Amptic.AN GF.O TE,CHNICAL APPENDIX Laboratory Analysis USGS Seismic Design Specifications Slope Models Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Plan AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 18 Phone#:(360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL AwEpa m GaoTzmNicAL LABORATORY ANALYSIS Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnieal Engineering • Special Inspection . Materials Testing a Emirolunental Consulting ' , .a...►`" Sieve Report Project:Q.C.-All American Crv+av imical Date Beceh:rd:5-Mar-I S ASTM D-2487 Unified Soils Classification System Project#:ISS010 Sampled By:SBO GM,Silty Gravel with Sand Client:All Amerman Geotechmc2l Inc. Date Iested:7-Mar-18 Sample Color: Soeare:Mason County Fire Department Tested Br.JE Brown •CCREDITE M- Sam le#:518-0332 ASTM D-2216,ASTM D-2419,ASTM D-018,ASTM D-SW DP1-0.031 Zan %Gmd-48.9% Coen of Curvature.CC'2.55 Sp"iBcadons Do.) 0.062 non %Smd-39.1% CoeS.ofUmfoumt5•.Cu-120.63 No Specs Dur,-0.143 man %Sik&Clay-12.0Y. Fmaness Modulus-4.36 Sample%leers Specs,NA Dom,-1,095 nan Liquid Unit-da Pleme L®tl-da D0p-4.521 = PW6ciy lodes-n'a Moisture%,as sampled-4.3% Dina,-7,532 am Sean Equry lint-nla Reg'd sand Eq,malmt- D(,-51 192 eao Frsct re%,I Face-n'a Req'd Fracture%,I Fece- Dus1 Ratio- 49.189 Fractwe'ti_2+Faces-n'a 'd Fraetme%.2-F-= ASW C-1 AS71d D4913 Actual Ltespelated ws".,s.Cuvr.mn Camulative Camabdre ?"S St. Test pom"t &pets Spec. L00irs: Nettie Paa Passin Me: Min OOX 00.0Ye O.OY ,m,, ;�`wyt MLa I E E iiiii mA 2.00" 300.00 1 1 . 10.00" 250.00 OOP/ 100.0% O,01% B.0" 200.00 100',b 100.0% 0.0Ye 6.00" I50.00 lOOY. 100.0% 0.0% 4.00" 100.00 lW% I00.01/6 0.0Y. 3.OD" 75.00 IODX IODX 100.0% OR% 2.50" 63.00 94X 94% 100.0% 0.01% 2.00" 50.00 90% 90% 100.0% 0.0% ,vr ma• 1.75" 45.00 90% 90% 100.0% 0.0% 1.50" 37.50 99% 8r/. 100.0% 0,M. 1.25" 31.50 85% 95% 100.0% 0.01% 1.00" 25.00 81% 91% 100.0% 0.01% 3l4' 19.00 78Y. 7r,G 100.0% 0.0% 5/6 16.00 75% 75% 100.0% O.W.112: 1250 V% 70% 100.0% 00% 3l8' 9.50 65% 65% 100.0% 0.0% a wn 1l4" 6.30 57Y. 57% 100.0% 0.0Y. #4 4.71 51% 51% 100.0% O.OX #8 236 39% 100.0% 0 . 11Of #10 2.00 3rti 3r/. 11.0% 0.0Y. #16 1.19 31% 100.0% 0.01/. #20 0.250 211% 2r/. 100.0% 0.0% #30 0.600 25% 100.01/. 0.0% #40 0.425 2r/ 22Y. 100.0% 0.0% a ran #50 0.3M 20% 100.0% 0.0% #60 0.2M 11% 1rc 100.0% 1.oi #90 0.180 17% 17% 100.0% 0.0% °� ar naro o 60` #100 0.150 15% 15% 100.01/6 0.0% 0140 0.106 13% I00.01% 0.0% 1170 0.090 13% 100.0% 0.0% #200 0.075 12.0Y. 12.0% 100.0% 0.0% M,rt i� - ara.rs..r rs. aa.-,.rMf-hr.rr,ei..rrr►..r ..rrywarr �rrcur�••.r�arrrr.a►r-arar..rwrre. rr�..�r...ar. ..1..• ►rs..ww-.err Comments: &%Uvred M AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia, WA 98516 19 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell #: (360)481-6677 AU. 4- wRICAN GEOTECHNICAL 2009 AASHTH DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS El= Design Maps Summary Report User-Specified Input Report Title MCFD#6 Tue March 13, 2018 17:32:38 UTC Building Code Reference Document 2009 AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Desig (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2002) Site Coordinates 47.355040N, 123.0998°W Site Soil Classification Site Class C -"Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock" Risk Category I/II/III r 1; S r1 14 tit i�H '1(11 USGS-Provided Output PGA = 0.416 g Az = 0.416 g DesKr Response Spect+jm 1Q Ss = 0.919 g Sos = 0.949 g 1 w S, = 0.354 g SDI = 0.512 g aw Qeo a a aeo Qua a.o Q.M Q10 Q00 a00 QZo Q440 aea ago 100 1 m 1 b 1 W ;u ZOo Pva4 T(see) Although this information is a product of the U.S.Geological Survey,we provide no warranty,expressed or implied,as to the accuracy of the data contained therein.This tool is not a substitute for technical subject-matter knowledge. AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia, WA 98516 20 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL AmEnicAN Gr®'T`EcHN ICAL 2012/2015 IBC DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 2« Design Maps Summary Report User-Specified Input Report Title MCFD#6 Tue Harch 13,2018 17:30:42 UTC Building Code Reference Document 2012/2015 International Building Code (which utizes USGS hazard data available in 200S) Site Coordinates 47.355040N, 123.09980W Site Soil Classification Site Class C-"Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock" Risk Category I/II/III Sit WISH w/` m �s RFS ATION M A11 USGS—Provided Output SS = 1.4349 S, = 1.434 g SDs = 0.9S6 g S, = 0.597 g SM1 = 0.776 g SD, = 0.S17 g For information on how the SS and S1 values above have been calculated from probabilistic(risk-targeted)and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response,please return to the application and select the"2009 NEHRP"building code reference document. MCEP Response Spectrum Design Response Spectrum asp aw a?a a aw N am a�o an am 010 am aX au sea aW 1m 1m 140 163 190 2013 am am a40 am an Im +m 14W 1W im Ym Pews T(oft) Pew4 T(see) Although this nfomiation is a product of the U.S.Geological Survey,we provide no warranty,expressed or implied,as to the accuracy of the data contained therein.This tool is not a substitute for technical subject-matter knowledge. AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia, WA 98516 21 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell #: (360)481-6677 ALL AM E RI CAN GEoTIECHNICAL SLOPE MODELS STATIC MODEL A A / ) C3 bsC-5 « a3 A ! a � . � I I § # . a ` . ■ . \ � � § ° s ■ R m « � , $ f D r 7 k ) f— � M\ k / AAG18»15 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA98 16 22 Phone#: (36)413155 Cell#: (36)41-67 ALL AmEpicAN GimacnNicAL � DYNAMIC MODEL A A c e ƒI , c p ƒ < E £ \ ! e /f{ % o jeer $ p . _k\ , ■ k } 2 \b J § ! � R _ � ■ � ■ 8 � R ■ R , § £ e § § ! q 17 \ E } � ± AAG18»15 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, W& 98516 ZZ Phone k (36)4 1a155 Ed| % (6)4a!»677 � ALL AMERICAN IROTECHNICAL V FIGURES FIGURE 1.VICINITY MAP 123'08'00'W 123.07'00'W 123.06'00'W 123°05'00'W WGS84 123.N'00'W Z s Z DNA 1 i THE GR[i T BEND'_} 9 T efNo 8 n a C,9,1 O O D Nud ; MIT �rr�sA♦ T.I.�r A Y gNq.� -'Mas County Fire E 511 Seattle Street 33 2-50-1600A ? S OKOMII N :N O n fLA jdr 1+7 g t � c5, r 1 _ _ r � � I fir 1 er taa 123-08'00'W 123*07*00'W 123.06'00'W 123.05'00'W WGS84 123.04'00'W i►ut Kim rer.r ir.TOtO+G1001 Nr.r o.r�pr��..,.�coal AAG18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia, WA 98516 24 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GROTECHNICAL FIGURE 2.SITE PLAN AAG 18-015 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 25 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#:(360)481-6677 1 NOTES This is not a survey. This map is a presentation — of information from county, state, and federal �� 1 agencies, client provided information, and onsite ; observations; for discussion purposes of the O report with which this map is included. Water, sewer, and electric will be connected to �- the main building. Roof water will discharge O tv eet upon asphalt and flow to existing catchbasin. 38 Site Geology QgoVashon Lodgement Till ;'" ,� 90 o poop Pre-Fraser-Olympic source �' hoc Q glacial and non-glacial de ! eo g deposits g p ;c�/ 95 1 � E 4th Street fi puo Site Soil ' f Existing o A 1 Firestation ! ti Aa Alderwood gravelly loam, , ON 0 to 15 percent slopes. 100' _ X Existing Prop Sleeping Firetruck o Wash; ; , rter 27 X 68 Garage SCALE 1"=50' =5 Sample r►g:na.�n9 Geologist 243s ��,� •�� f used ----- �� — 30 Curtis Dear. � � 11 E 4th Street All American Geotechnical, Inc. Project Drawn By: Site Plan 32232-50-16001 Number: BWJ Permit Number: Parcel Numbers: Figure 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE Sleeping Quarters Addition Mason County Fire District#6 50 E Seattle Street Olympia, Washington 98516 AAG18-015 3/6/18 Union, WA Applicant Name: Site Address: 2