HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2018-00023 - GEO Geological Review - 2/24/2018 , GEOZI�I� - ��� Mason County Review Checklist For a Geological Assessment Instructions: This checklist is intended to assist Staff in the review of a Geological Assessment. The Assessment is reviewed for completeness with respect to the Resource Ordinance. If an item is found to be not applicable, the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. The Assessment is also reviewed for clarity and consistency. If the drawings, discussion or recomme ndations are not understandable, they should be clarified. If they do not appear internally consistent or consistent with the application or observations on site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director. Applicant's Name: L-)n QU.r� Permit#: Parcel#'s: Date(s)of the Document(s) reviewed: 1. A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development, with geologic unit designation based on referenced maps. OK?X_Comment: 2. (a) A discussion of the ground water conditions at the site, OK? Comment: (b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water, OK?_)� Comment: (c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage, OK? 'y Comment: (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology, OK? X Comment: (e) A discussion of location of upland waterbodies and wetlands. OK? Comment: 3. The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g. glacial till or outwash sand. OK?_X Comment: 4. A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability (presence of hummocky ground or ground cracks, terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating downslope movement, etc.). OK? X_Comment: 5. A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records. OK? _Comment: 6. An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or its associated buffer or setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of the proposed development. OK? _Comment: 7. A recommendation b the pre parer p p arer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property. OK? _Comment: 8. If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development, then the following are delineated on a geologic map/site map: Page 1 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 (a) the area of the proposed development, OK? Comment: (b) the boundaries of the landslide hazard area (top, both sides, and toe), OK? — Comment: (c) the associated buffers (top, both sides, and toe) OK? Comment: (d) building or other setbacks (top, both sides, and toe). OK? Comment: 9. A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and pro osed development on the site. OK? Comment: Are the Documents signed and stamped?—Y— By whom? VG 1 GE C 6u&o License#: License type: PC FIRST REVIEW Approved ❑ Need more info. If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action? Reviewed by on IZ7// Time spent in review: �� m SECOND REVIEW/UPDATE ❑ Approved ❑ Need more info. If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action? Reviewed by on . Time spent in second review: THIRD REVIEW/ UPDATE ❑ Approved ❑ Need more info. If not approved, what is the next action/recommendation for further action? Reviewed by , on . Time spent in third review: Disclaimer.- Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Assessment Page 2 of 2 Form Effective June 2008 MASON COUNTY Submittal Checklist COMMUNITY SERVICES Geological Assessment Bulldiag,Pfinning,EnYi(onmental Health,Community Hoahh Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geological Assessment and completed,signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geological Assessment for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item is found not applicable,the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Note:Unless specifically documented,this report does not provide compliance to the International Residential Code Sections R403.1.7 for foundations on or adjacent to slopes,Section R403.1.8 for expansive soils or section 1808.7.1 of the International Building Code Section for Foundations on or adjacent to slopes. Applicant/Owner l Parcel# -Jor)4 CI= ' ti01v.,i6 Site Address XXA )EI S7 I' `"1 , 11r P (1) A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development,with geologic unit designation based on referenced maps. Located on page(s) (2) (a)A discussion of the ground water conditions at the site, F'1 Located on page(s)��, (b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water, Located on page(s) (c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage, Located on page(s) �r' (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology, Located on page(s) i (e) A discussion of location of upland waterbodies and wetlands. Located on page(s)", (3) The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil,e.g.glacial till or outwash sand. Located on page(s) y (4) A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability(presence of hummocky ground or ground cracks,terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating downslope movement,etc.). Located on page(s) -2, (5) A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records. Located on page(s) (6) An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or Its associated buffer or setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of the proposed development. Located on page(s) (7) A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnlcal Report should be required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property. Rev.February 2018 i Located on page(s) (8) If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development,then the following are delineated on a geologic map/site map: (a) the area of the proposed development, Located on Map(s) 0/4 (b) the boundaries of the landslide hazard area(top, both sides,and toe), Located on Map(s) 04i (c) the associated buffers top, both sides,and toe), i� Located on Map(s) / (d) building or other setbacks (top, both sides,and toe). Located on Map(s) A214 (9) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site. Located on Map(s) rite hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Ge logical Assessment, dated rE� and entitled J ) 1 h - c7c' .�� �;t�s'S>' ; r i , �',} P•�h/1,C v� L"o �r meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance,Geologically Hazardous Areas Section, is complete and true, that the assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. r NYAs (Signature and Stamp) Page 2 of 2 Disclaimer.Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done In this Geological Assessment. DE-CIVIL, PLLC P.O. Box 446 F Tacoma,WA 98401 Ph(253)228-0513 www.de-civil.com February 24, 2018 Mr. Dale Dowler Geologic Assessment: Landslide 7516—50'Street W Hazard Geotechnical Letter University Place.,WA 98467 XXX East 4th Street Mason County,Washington C/o Mr. Mike Spingola PN:322325-2-0014&0016 Job: 18-037 Spingola.LHGL INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed residential building to be located at XXX East 4th Street in Mason County, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the attached Site Vicinity Map, Figure 1. Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with you, and our January 25, 2018 site visit. We understand that you are in the process of applying for a building permit for a new residence to be located on the currently undeveloped parcel(s).The building will be situated in the west side of the site the north end of the undeveloped lot. The building will most likely be comprised of concrete and wood frame construction. Clearing and grading is expected to be limited to that required to develop sufficient access to the new building site. SCOPE The purpose of our services is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site as a basis for assessing potential adverse impacts to and from the slopes located within the site area. We understand that because of the height and inclination of the slopes on the site,a geotechnical assessment is being required by Mason County to address geologic hazards at the site. Specifically,our scope of services for the project included the following: 1. Visiting the site and conducting a geologic reconnaissance to assess the site's soil,groundwater, and slope conditions. 2. Assessing the landslide hazards in accordance with the current Mason County ordinances. No subsurface explorations or laboratory testing were completed as part of this assessment. However,we were able to observe the near surface soil conditions in exposed soils on the site and review available septic test pit records. The services described in this report were prepared under the responsible charge Glen Coad, PE. Mr. Coad meets the qualifications contained in the Mason County codes to prepare a landslide hazard geological assessment. Mr. Coad understands the requirements of the current Landslide Hazard Area Chapter and the definitions of the applicable terms contained within it. Individuals under the responsible charge of Mr. Coad has performed a landslide hazard geotechnical assessment, conducted a field investigation, and researched available historic records on the above referenced site. In our opinion,the scope of services completed for this project is adequate to meet the requirements of the Department and it does not appear that an active landslide hazard area exists within 300 feet of the site. 18-037 Spingola.LHGL February 24,2018 Page 2 SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The subject parcel is located at XXX East 4th Street in Mason County, Washington. The parcels are somewhat irregular in shape and measure approximately 160 feet in length (north to south) by 130 feet in width (east to west)and encompasses approximately 0.47 acres when combined. The lots have been largely cleared of trees at some point in the past.Access to the site is from East 4th Street, a public road. The west area of the site is moderately sloped with grades of 10 to 15 percent with a steeply sloped area along the east side of the property. This steeply sloped area appeared to be 30 to 50 percent grade with an overall elevation height of 20 to 30 feet. The slope was well vegetated with trees and appeared to be in a stable condition.The site is bounded by similar residential properties on the south, north,west and east. No seepage was observed at the time of our site visit. No evidence of deep-seated slope instability was observed at the site or the adjacent areas at the time of our site visit. No erosion, or other soil movement was observed at the time of our site visit. At the time of our site visit the property was well vegetated with trees,grass, and shrubs. Site Soils The Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey for Pierce County mapped the soils in the area of the site as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Aa & Ad). The Alderwood soils are derived from glacial till under conifers typically have very low infiltration capabilities. Slopes generally range from 0 to 15 percent and 30 to 50 percent and are listed as having a Slight and Severe erosion hazard respectively. Based on our site observations we anticipate that dense till soils are present at depths of 4 feet or less. A copy of the NRCS Web Soil Survey map for the site vicinity is attached as Figure 2. Site Geology The Geologic Map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5 minute Quadrangle, Mason County, Washington by Micheal Polenz, Jessica L. Czajkowski, Gabriel Legorreta Pulin, Trevor A. Contretas, Bendan A. Miller, Maria E. Martin,Timothy J. Walsh, Robert L. Logan, Robert J. Carson, Chris N.Johnson, Rian H.Skov,Shannon A. Mahan and Cody R. Cohan, June 2010 (Revised 2011) indicates that the site is underlain by Vashon glacial till (Qgtt). This glacial soil was deposited during the most recent Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, approximately 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.The glacial till consists of a mixture of clay,silt,sand,and gravel that was deposited at the base of the prehistoric continental glacial ice mass and were subsequently over-ridden. Glacial soils overridden by glacial ice can be considered over-consolidated, which typically exhibit high strength and low compressibility characteristics.An excerpt of the above referenced map in included as Figure 3. The Puget Sound Coastal Zones Atlas has the site mapped as "S" for Stable with outlying areas marked with a "I" Intermediate slope stability,see Figure 4 Coastal Zones Atlas. No groundwater seepage was observed on the site or adjacent areas. Landslide Hazard Indicators—per Mason County,Chapter 8 The Code of Ordinances for Mason County, Chapter 8,Section 52,Article 140 states that a landslide hazard area is any of the following: A. Areas with an indications of earth movement such as debris slides,earthflows,slumps,and rock falls. B. Areas with artificial over steepened or un-engineered slopes. i.e.,cuts or fills. C. Areas with slopes containing soft or potentially liquefiable soils. D. Areas over steepened or otherwise unstable as a result of stream incision,stream bank erosion,and undercutting by wave action. E. Slopes greater than fifteen percent(8.5 degrees)and having the following: 18-037 Spingola.LHGL February 24,2018 Page 3 a. Hillsides intersecting geologic contacts with a relatively permeable sediment overlying a relatively impermeable sediment or bedrock(e.g.,sand overlying clay);and b. Springs of groundwater seepage. F. Any area with a slope of forty percent or steeper and with a vertical relief often or more feet except areas composed of consolidated rock. A slope is delineated by establishing its toe and top and measured by averaging the inclination over at least ten feet of vertical relief. The following information may be used as a guide by the county to indicate areas that have a higher likelihood of meeting the classification criteria previously listed: A. The areas identified on the Mason County Soil Survey Map as having slopes greater than fifteen percent. B. The areas identified on the Coastal Zone Atlas,Volume 9,of Mason County,Washington as: a. Unstable—"U" b. Unstable Old Slides—"UOS" c. Unstable Recent Slides—"URS" d. Intermediate Slopes—"I" e. Modified Slopes—"M" C. The areas identified as Class 2, 3,4,or 5 of the maps: "Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington" by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Earth Resources, 1977; `The Geological Map of North Central Mason County, Washington," by R.J. Carson 1976, U.S.Geologic Survey OFR 76-2. D. Areas mapped as landslide deposits (Map Unit Qls) on the" Geologic map of the Longbranch 7.5- minute quadrangle,Thurston, Pierce, and Mason Counties, Washington by R. L. Logan, T.J. Walsh, and Michael Polenz. One sheet,scale 2:24,000,2003;Geologic map of the Squaxin Island 7.5-minute quadrangle, Mason and Thurston Counties,Washington, by R. L. Logan, Michael Polenz,T.J. Walsh, and H. W. Schasse. One sheet, scale 1:24,000, 2003; Geologic map of the Shelton 7.5-minute quadrangle, Mason and Thurston Counties, Washington, by H. W. Schasse, R. L. Logan, Michael Polenz,and T.J. Walsh. One sheet,scale 1:24,000, 2003;and Geologic map of the Summit Lake 7.5- minute quadrangle,Thurston and Mason Counties,Washington, by R.L. Logan and T.J.Walsh. Forty- two by thirty-six inch.Color sheet,scale 1:24,000,2004. CONCLUSIONS Based on our site evaluation,it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the future construction of the proposed residence and related appurtenances. It is also our opinion that an active landslide hazard area does not exist on or within 300 feet of the site. Landslide Hazard Indicators—per Pierce Mason County Chapter 8 Mason County, Chapter 8, Section 52, Article 140 uses the above referenced checklist to define a landslide hazard area. Based on our observations of the site and review of published information,we offer the following comments. No evidence of landslide activity, or significant erosion was observed at the site at the time of our site visit. Some slopes steeper than 15 percent were observed on or near the site, but no intersecting contacts were observed or are mapped in the site vicinity. There were some slopes steeper than 40 percent with more than 10 feet in height located on the site. We did observe slopes greater than 30 percent with more than 10 feet of height on the site associated with native slopes east of the building site. It is anticipated that the future building will not be located within the height of the slope divided by three (approximately 10 feet), therefore it is anticipated that it will be able to meet prescriptive setback requirements. If these requirements cannot be met we will be available to provide additional recommendations or setback reduction criteria. Some clearing and 18-037 Spingola.LHGL February 24,2018 Page 4 grading may occur on the steeper slopes occurring on the site. Provided appropriate soil erosion control and site stabilizing measures are employed, we do not anticipate that it will be a limiting feature to site development. No groundwater seepage was observed at the site. No planes of weakness or rockfall hazards were observed at the site. No other landslide hazard criteria were observed at the site or the immediate adjacent areas. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the Dowler's and members of the design team for use in evaluating a portion of this project. Subsurface conditions described herein are based on our observations of exposed soils on the parcel. This report may be made available to regulatory agencies or others, but this report and conclusions should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. Subsurface conditions can vary over short distances and can change with time. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty,express or implied, should be understood. We trust this is sufficient for your current needs. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, Development Engineering, PLLC �r GL ~ ti n Owner WGC Doc ID:18-037 Spingola.LHGL Attachments: Figure 1:Vicinity Map Figure 2:USDA Soils Map Figure 3:USGS Geological Map Figure 4:Coastal Zones Atlas Figure 5:Site Plan �`tlglon rr N b W Yy C elee"ADr-....i Pant C-tlsNCrA�c E PlrtatS�- - -_.@ g➢�9++a Arc- -_. u^Ridge Rn E%30 x�O d Es 1 Approximate Site Location Not to Scale I DE-CIVIL, PLLC D P.O. Box 446 Site Vicinity Map Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph(253)228-0513 XXX East 4th Street www.de-civii.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-03' February 2018 Figure 1 Sal Map--Mason County`Nasnington A _ r Q= C= 4ZI'S 4= 4= - 4Q2W 4MO s�d: r- { ('Y+f C3. y. K.. _. �;jam'•�p 'y ! + ti 7� I muse � ;. a.,..,�•..�::t.:i<- ..:. C: 4r ns" i �' 14p5ak�111Afpitidm Abid+�!(11'•B.573st c a m +® m we c ra 3110 ® um /V "$w'Y w.b'ram can.—*n k-WGS84 EdWb:urM Z-1GN WGSo4 111 Natwal Resources Web Sat Survey 2/24/2018 -mm Conservation Service Nabonal Cooperative Sal Survey Page 1 of 3 Approximate Site Location 0 WNot to Scale DE-CIVIL, PLLC USDA Soils Map D P.O. Box 446 Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph(253)228-0513 XXX East 4th Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 2 O i e 7 i i (I I r d„� BWl 2. gMISf 0 Mud i14--l� ` i'•d„i$ i pi0.1 of Qbr,•-- 7 K O M l . S H s �' l . Q PUop _ v- L A T r$ 9a ' �f $7 �I � 1 •, of� �., �. y ., � r� :�� r_y t t��r:.�,.�. 1, Oaf $ , .l .F -_ram Q ' •'-�,J� ✓.�_ J „i�' _ :. 7 , ,,,ypp►'��� Opo 1 x 1 :.�.Y. r t!//Il,r, ..{•.._,�,,.l���lt�'Jl ."'�J •� ... Y``�t j/. A; Approximate Site Location 0 I Not to Scale DE-CIVIL, PLLC P.O.Box 446 Geological Map Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph(253)228-0513 XXX East 4th Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington I Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 3 i d Approximate Site Location Not to Scale T` DE-CIVIL, PLLC Slope Stability Map P.O. Box 446 Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph(253)228-0513 XXX East 4t'' Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 4 - ST�uE.GRRi.Sota 3�IL'3a. 4li110n County Dept. ►faith S v C� APPROY O (CIS- n (J o a1I. CrLEhREI, AIeEA E Ate 1"• 10 TEST BOLES Not to Scale DE-CIVIL PLLC Site Plan P.O.Box 446 D Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence th Ph(253)228-0513 XXX East 4 Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 5 i DE-CIVIL, PLLC P.O. Box 446 Tacoma,WA 98401 Ph (253) 228-0513 www.de-civil.com February 24, 2018 Mr. Dale Dowler Geologic Assessment: Landslide 7516—50th Street W Hazard Geotechnical Letter University Place., WA 98467 Mason County, Washington C/o Mr. Mike Spingola PN: 322325-2-0014&0016 Job: 18-037 Spingola.LHGL INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed residential building to be located at XXX East 4th Street in Mason County, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the attached Site Vicinity Map, Figure 1. Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with you, and our January 25, 2018 site visit. We understand that you are in the process of applying for a building permit for a new residence to be located on the currently undeveloped parcel(s). The building will be situated in the west side of the site the north end of the undeveloped lot. The building will most likely be comprised of concrete and wood frame construction. Clearing and grading is expected to be limited to that required to develop sufficient access to the new building site. SCOPE The purpose of our services is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site as a basis for assessing potential adverse impacts to and from the slopes located within the site area. We understand that because of the height and inclination of the slopes on the site,a geotechnical assessment is being required by Mason County to address geologic hazards at the site. Specifically, our scope of services for the project included the following: 1. Visiting the site and conducting a geologic reconnaissance to assess the site's soil,groundwater, and slope conditions. 2. Assessing the landslide hazards in accordance with the current Mason County ordinances. No subsurface explorations or laboratory testing were completed as part of this assessment. However,we were able to observe the near surface soil conditions in exposed soils on the site and review available septic test pit records. The services described in this report were prepared under the responsible charge Glen Coad, PE. Mr. Coad meets the qualifications contained in the Mason County codes to prepare a landslide hazard geological assessment. Mr. Coad understands the requirements of the current Landslide Hazard Area Chapter and the definitions of the applicable terms contained within it. Individuals under the responsible charge of Mr. Coad has performed a landslide hazard geotechnical assessment, conducted a field investigation, and researched available historic records on the above referenced site. In our opinion,the scope of services completed for this project is adequate to meet the requirements of the Department and it does not appear that an active landslide hazard area exists within 300 feet of the site. 18-037 Spingola.LHGL February 24, 2018 Page 2 SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The subject parcel is located at XXX East 4th Street in Mason County, Washington. The parcels are somewhat irregular in shape and measure approximately 160 feet in length (north to south) by 130 feet in width (east to west) and encompasses approximately 0.47 acres when combined. The lots have been largely cleared of trees at some point in the past. Access to the site is from East 4th Street, a public road. The west area of the site is moderately sloped with grades of 10 to 15 percent with a steeply sloped area along the east side of the property. This steeply sloped area appeared to be 30 to 50 percent grade with an overall elevation height of 20 to 30 feet. The slope was well vegetated with trees and appeared to be in a stable condition.The site is bounded by similar residential properties on the south, north, west and east. No seepage was observed at the time of our site visit. No evidence of deep-seated slope instability was observed at the site or the adjacent areas at the time of our site visit. No erosion, or other soil movement was observed at the time of our site visit. At the time of our site visit the property was well vegetated with trees, grass, and shrubs. Site Soils The Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey for Pierce County mapped the soils in the area of the site as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Aa & Ad). The Alderwood soils are derived from glacial till under conifers typically have very low infiltration capabilities. Slopes generally range from 0 to 15 percent and 30 to 50 percent and are listed as having a Slight and Severe erosion hazard respectively. A copy of the NRCS Web Soil Survey map for the site vicinity is attached as Figure 2. Site Geology The Geologic Map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5 minute Quadrangle, Mason County, Washington by Micheal Polenz, Jessica L. Czajkowski, Gabriel Legorreta Pulin, Trevor A. Contretas, Bendan A. Miller, Maria E. Martin,Timothy J. Walsh, Robert L. Logan, Robert J. Carson, Chris N.Johnson, Rian H. Skov, Shannon A. Mahan and Cody R. Cohan, June 2010 (Revised 2011) indicates that the site is underlain by Vashon glacial till (Qgtt). This glacial soil was deposited during the most recent Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, approximately 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.The glacial till consists of a mixture of clay, silt, sand,and gravel that was deposited at the base of the prehistoric continental glacial ice mass and were subsequently over-ridden. Glacial soils overridden by glacial ice can be considered over-consolidated, which typically exhibit high strength and low compressibility characteristics. An excerpt of the above referenced map in included as Figure 3. The Puget Sound Coastal Zones Atlas has the site mapped as "S" for Stable with outlying areas marked with a "I" Intermediate slope stability, see Figure 4 Coastal Zones Atlas. No groundwater seepage was observed on the site or adjacent areas. Landslide Hazard Indicators—per Mason County,Chapter 8 The Code of Ordinances for Mason County, Chapter 8, Section 52, Article 140 states that a landslide hazard area is any of the following: A. Areas with an indications of earth movement such as debris slides,earthflows,slumps, and rock falls. B. Areas with artificial over steepened or un-engineered slopes. i.e., cuts or fills. C. Areas with slopes containing soft or potentially liquefiable soils. D. Areas over steepened or otherwise unstable as a result of stream incision, stream bank erosion, and undercutting by wave action. E. Slopes greater than fifteen percent(8.5 degrees) and having the following: 18-037 Spingola.LHGL February 24, 2018 Page 3 a. Hillsides intersecting geologic contacts with a relatively permeable sediment overlying a relatively impermeable sediment or bedrock(e.g., sand overlying clay); and b. Springs of groundwater seepage. F. Any area with a slope of forty percent or steeper and with a vertical relief often or more feet except areas composed of consolidated rock. A slope is delineated by establishing its toe and top and measured by averaging the inclination over at least ten feet of vertical relief. The following information may be used as a guide by the county to indicate areas that have a higher likelihood of meeting the classification criteria previously listed: A. The areas identified on the Mason County Soil Survey Map as having slopes greater than fifteen percent. B. The areas identified on the Coastal Zone Atlas,Volume 9, of Mason County,Washington as: a. Unstable—"U" b. Unstable Old Slides—"UOS" c. Unstable Recent Slides—"URS" d. Intermediate Slopes—"I" e. Modified Slopes—"M" C. The areas identified as Class 2, 3, 4, or 5 of the maps: "Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington" by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Earth Resources, 1977; "The Geological Map of North Central Mason County, Washington," by R.J. Carson 1976, U.S.Geologic Survey OFR 76-2. D. Areas mapped as landslide deposits (Map Unit Qls) on the" Geologic map of the Longbranch 7.5- minute quadrangle, Thurston, Pierce, and Mason Counties, Washington by R. L. Logan, T. J. Walsh, and Michael Polenz. One sheet,scale 2:24,000, 2003; Geologic map of the Squaxin Island 7.5-minute quadrangle, Mason and Thurston Counties, Washington, by R. L. Logan, Michael Polenz, T.J. Walsh, and H. W. Schasse. One sheet, scale 1:24,000, 2003; Geologic map of the Shelton 7.5-minute quadrangle, Mason and Thurston Counties, Washington, by H. W. Schasse, R. L. Logan, Michael Polenz, and T.J. Walsh. One sheet, scale 1:24,000, 2003; and Geologic map of the Summit Lake 7.5- minute quadrangle,Thurston and Mason Counties,Washington,by R. L. Logan and T.J.Walsh. Forty- two by thirty-six inch.Color sheet,scale 1:24,000, 2004. CONCLUSIONS Based on our site evaluation, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the future construction of the proposed residence and related appurtenances. It is also our opinion that an active landslide hazard area does not exist on or within 300 feet of the site. Landslide Hazard Indicators—per Pierce Mason County Chapter 8 Mason County, Chapter 8, Section 52, Article 140 uses the above referenced checklist to define a landslide hazard area. Based on our observations of the site and review of published information, we offer the following comments. No evidence of landslide activity, or significant erosion was observed at the site at the time of our site visit. Some slopes steeper than 15 percent were observed on or near the site, but no intersecting contacts were observed or are mapped in the site vicinity. There were some slopes steeper than 40 percent with more than 10 feet in height located on the site. We did observe slopes greater than 30 percent with more than 10 feet of height on the site associated with native slopes east of the building site. It is anticipated that the future building will not be located within the height of the slope divided by three (approximately 10 feet), therefore it is anticipated that it will be able to meet prescriptive setback requirements. If these requirements cannot be met we will be available to provide additional recommendations or setback reduction criteria. Some clearing and 18-037 Spingola.LHGL February 24, 2018 Page 4 grading may occur on the steeper slopes occurring on the site. Provided appropriate soil erosion control and site stabilizing measures are employed, we do not anticipate that it will be a limiting feature to site development. No groundwater seepage was observed at the site. No planes of weakness or rockfall hazards were observed at the site. No other landslide hazard criteria were observed at the site or the immediate adjacent areas. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the Dowler's and members of the design team for use in evaluating a portion of this project. Subsurface conditions described herein are based on our observations of exposed soils on the parcel. This report may be made available to regulatory agencies or others, but this report and conclusions should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. Subsurface conditions can vary over short distances and can change with time. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty,express or implied, should be understood. We trust this is sufficient for your current needs. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, Development Engineering, PLLC WA t J '•vyr � Glen Coad, P Owner WGC Doc ID:18-037 Spingola.LHGL Attachments: Figure 1:Vicinity Map Figure 2:USDA Soils Map Figure 3:USGS Geological Map Figure 4:Coastal Zones Atlas II )on yr_ b c H W � 36o,...._.._ PYik _r.GreaYthn69'--�yy {{-Inlier Are f'59 rag—A— _ 1 1 JJj� on'idg<_N!. e 3 s a = I Approximate Site Location Not to Scale DE-CIVIL, PLLC D P.O. Box 446 Site Vicinity Map Tacoma, WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph(253) 228-0513 XXX East 4th Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 1 i Sal Map--Mason County.Wasbington m,mot �+m ® aso ago a ,� ar .� .i . j .: t „ �t E j l n Ab cc c Aij CA jo r Ac +' P L"S A t► � --�' VI® Z. Z z � lAp.,ale:1:11AFpiridm Atr>�pe(IS'xas)3et ti N 0 u � m I® Z10 F� 0 1'bG7pr VAbl4Otr Cona muxir»:V.CSa6 Edg ti-l111A7a-1Qi WCi51j4 i tire.% Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2242018 �i Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 Approximate Site Location (D n Not to Scale I DE-CIVIL, PLLC USDA Soils Map P.O. Box 446 .J Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph (253)228-0513 XXX East 4 t h Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 2 I T,n si 8M9 L Mud M 12-1 af O QPUoP I at / J y •� QPUOP hi-I Q9aQmw ; i Approximate Site Location Not to Scale DE-CIVIL, PLLC Geological Map P.O. Box 446 Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph(253) 228-0513 XXX East 4th Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 3 i i i r" E SF��ke St Rd E Wand Dr Approximate Site Location Not to Scale DE-CIVIL, PLLC Slope Stability Map P.O. Box 446 Tacoma,WA 98401 Dowler Residence Ph (253) 228-0513 XXX East 4th Street www.de-civil.com Mason County, Washington Job No:18-037 February 2018 Figure 4