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BLD96-0450 HPA - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/7/1996
3 `t4-mac) HYDRAULIC PROJECT S6 APPROVAL ') �s DEP TMENT OF F HERIES _ R.C.W. 75 .20 . 100 General inis ation Bldg. R.C.W. 75 .20. 103 otympia, ton 98504 0 June 5, 1996 (lob 3-6650 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) _ PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES 10 LAST NAME FIRST IN 8 CONTACT PHONE(S) 1 CONTROL NUMBER Duncan, Burton E. (360) 898-2362 00-C1891-01 19 STREET OR RURAL ROUTE a ® 9❑ WRIA East 7550 Highway 106 14 .MARI CITY W�TE 98592ZIP 14 17 Union �ATER T I UT¢RY T.Q. 11 TPE OF PROJECT Hood Canal AdmiraltyI Inlet Rep ace Overwater 13 UARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY SECTION 33 22N 03W Mason Beams and Decking TIME LIMITATIONS: 0 THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN ©AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY Immediately March 14 , 1997 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. SFr IMPORTANT C.FNERAL PROVISIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF APPROV I. NOTE: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reviewed your plans received on June 3 , 1996. WDFW discourages the use of pilings lumber, and other materials treated with creosote and other wood preservatives and recommends instead the use of steel, concrete, or recycled plastic. 1. This project is approved as illustrated in your application subject to the following provisions. 2 . All manmade debris removed from the overwater structure due to the remodel shall be disposed of upland such that it does not enter waters of the state. 3 . This approval is for repair/replacement of the existing overwater structure only and shall not result in expansion of the structure. 4 . The overwater structure shall not exceed: a. 33 . 5 feet in width, above the bulkhead. b. 38 .5 feet in width, at the waterward end. c. 42 feet in length, on the west side. d. 32 . 5 feet in length, on the east side. i u N u 7 1996 MASON GO.PLANNING DEFT. SEPA: DNS by Mason Count final May 24 , 1996 REGIONAL HABITAT MANAGER - Nei Rickard (360) 664-4671 PATROL - Ohl.de 029 [P3] APPLICANT - WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAB. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES DIRECTOR HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL R.C.W. 75 .20 . DEPAR MENT OFF HERIES R.C.W. 75.20. 103 Generat inlet at ion Bldg. Olympia, Y hi ton 98504 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 0 June 5, 1996 (206) 3-6650 (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE--OF 2 PAGES 10 LAST NAME 18 CONTACT PHONE(S) 1 CONTROL NUMBER Duncan, Burton E. (360) 898-2362 00-C1891-01 12 NATERHood Canal [�IWRIA 14 .MARI 5_ all iuirber. and other materials treated with preservatives shall be sufficiently cured to minimize leaching into the water or bed. 6. All treated wood piling and lumber to be used for the project shall meet or exceed the standards established in, "Best Management Practices For the Use of Treated Wood in Aquatic Environments" developed by the Western Wood Preservers Institute, dated January 1995. 7 . Removal or destruction of overhanging bankline vegetation shall be limited to that necessary for the construction of the project. 8. If a fish kill occurs or fish are observed in distress, the project activity shall immediately cease and WDFW Habitat Program shall be notified immediately. 9 . All debris or deleterious material resulting from construction shall be removed from the beach area and bed and prevented from entering waters of the state. 10. No etroleum products or other deleterious materials shall enter sur ace waters. 11. Wood treated with reservatives, trash, waste, or other deleterious materials shall not be burned below the ordinary high h water line (OHWL) . 12 . Pro ect activities shall not degrade water quality to the detriment of fish life. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Neil Rickard, Area Habitat Biologist, at (360) 664-4671. LOCATION: See above. cg:23 :Jun96 cc: Dave Gufler, WDFW Hugo Flores, Mason Co. DCD REV 10/16/88