HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-0056 Garage amd Utility Room - BLD Permit / Conditions - 2/5/1996 -tI MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar 14�1P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 I> to i I- C:>r II N C3 ty F' 1 n/1 I "r Fo4 INSPECTIONS CALL. J127-9670 SE"y'WFEN 5Pm AND Sam 427-7262 BLD9E3--41056 PARCEL :4201222001 A0 Pt.A T : D I V t BLK : LOT : .JOB ADDRESS : F 1470 SHE L.TON SPRINGS HD OWNER : NARY FRANZEN 412--5062. CONTPACTOR t WESTERN FRAMERS 848--3504 LEGAL t TN 11 Of Of NN .:'Jett'::F::"'.SP.:+C.•'iC•'91an:i'TtFAtlYt.tlddT ..1lftCt'.!�':tt YC.vC1 CLASS OF WORK NEW BEFOR : 0 BATH t 0 IYPF AMOUNT BY DATE RECEIPT TYPE ANOUNz BY BATE RECEIPT TYPE OF USE . . . . :ACC STUB I ES . . . . . . . .0 OCCUP . GROUP . , t 7 Eat.00 . HEM I GHT . .. : 0 ,Oft PRNT 1 131.11 NJP 121151$6 41269 TYPE OFF CONST . . t? F 1 RE"PLACCS . . ., . t 0 PICK $ 52.16 Nit 41216519E 411"149 OCC'UP . LOAD . . . t 0 WOODSTOVFS . . . , t 0 STFE 11 4.50 NJ! 02105196 41209 DWELL .ITN I TS . . . . : 0 PARKING SPACFS r 0 ENCP 1 ?6,AA NJ? 02/05196 412119 INSPECTION AREAS 2 SHOREFL INE7 . .. . . tN TOIAtr 213.5I1 VAINi.AliONt 16416 SETBACKS------ TOILETS . . , . . . . .. . . 0 FUEL TYPES---- --- -- --- 130IL.ERS/COMP---- MOBILE HOME--FRONT . . .N 5 .Oft BATH BASINS , . . . . . : 0 +0-3 HP . t 0 REAR . . . .S .5 .Oft BATH TUBS _ _ — : 0 3-15 HP . t 0 MODEL t SIDE 4 1 ) .E: 5 ..0f t SHOWERS - - . . . . 1 0 FURN <. 100K BTU : 0 15--30 HP , i Q) — T S I DE (2) .W 5 .Oft: WATER HEATERS . . . . t 0 FURN >-100K BTU : O 30 -50 HP . t 0 SHR11I+lE 0 .01t CLOTHES WASHERS . . ; 0 FURN FLOOR . . . : flf 50.f HP . : 0AREA KITCHEN SINKS . . . . : 0 HEAT PUMP . . . . . . : 0 r LOT S 1 ?E . , t Ft_OOR DRAINS . . . _ : 0 VENT SYSTEMS . . . t 0 F.VAP COOLERS t 0 1.FNCTH , 0 RUILDING . . . t 08f DRINKING FOUN°f . . . t 0 VENT FANS . . . . . . t 0 HOODS . . . .. . . . t FJ+ WIDTH . t 0 BASEMENT . . . t Osf LAUNDRY TRAYS . . . . I 0 DOMES . I NC I N :P1DECKS _ - - Os Y D I SHWA,S,HCRS . . . . , . r 0 A I R HANDLING UNITS— COMML . i NC I N t O GAR/CARE' :? 0t4 GAITS DISPOSALS . . 0 <- 10000 cfm . t 0 RFt.00/RFPAIk : 0 AT/DT . t7 URINALS . . . . . . . . . . t 0 ? 10000 cfm . t 0 OTHER UNITS . : 0 MISC PLM FIXTUPES : 0 VAS OUTIFTS . 1 fib PROJECT OESCRIP1100:6AAAOE AMC UTILITY POON PRO.IEC' tUCA(IONtTAK€ 111 PAST AIRPORT R1611.1 AT TEXACO AT SNEITON SPRINAS NO CROSS BLEVINS RD A8091 470 MOUSE ON LEFT SIDE DRIVEWAY PAST POMP HOUSE GRAY AND WRITE 1N15 PFRNIT 11iCONES NUII AND Y019 IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION 40100011fo IS lint covilIEIt6EB 11!TN1N 166 OAtS, UW If CONSTRUCTION 01 WORK IS NUSPINDI D 100 A PERIOD OF' 161 DAYS AT ANY TINE AFTER WOAf IS C1N1lfNCED. EVIDENCE OF CONTINDATION GF WORK IS A PRO61f$S INSPECTION 1111111 THE i84 BAY PERIOD. FIN41 INSPE°TION 116T RE APPROVED BEfORF BUILDING CAN BE OCCUPIER. OWNER 01, ASEN1`- ..__ .�...:k..l - 1-�- •� f 1�. _. _._�._,_ ..._ aAtE t .. �d _' --._ __._. BLR PONT, rev:. #1111191 COMPI..i ANCIE TO ATTACHI~I) CONDITIONS IDS -RIFOU I RED CONCRETE T MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Foot -Setback 9,rZ7._9 date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Founda s date by Set Up date INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Warts FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by 746 41 `I MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 P F t 4 1\.4 1 T C: 0 CJ 0 1 7' 1 C�N Case No . : BLD96- 0056 Fort GARY FRANZEN Page ! 1 1 ) The propost4d revs idenoee structure, or port ions thereof over 30" In he i ht from gradei i ne, mt.ist maintain a 28 ' setback from the Ordinary High Wator Mark of Wooten Lakes 2 ) All approved plans are required to be on"-site for Insppection purpose=s . If Inspeat I on is Called for and plans arenot on site, Approval WILL. NOT be granted . In addition, a ne- l n!;pect i on fee In the amount cif $30 .00 per hour (m i r► i mum 1 hour ) will too charged and must be collected by this department prior to any further Inspections being performed or approval granted . X 3 ) PURSI)ANT TO 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 4305((" ) AND S.FCT I ON 513 , ALL. SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PR6VIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING 'THE: PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A REINSPECTION FEE BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL RC ASSESSED IF OWNFAICONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS . X 4 ) No Occupancy . This structure is limited to M- 1 use only . AnV other use will be In violation of the Uniform Bu I I d i nq Codes and Mason Count fieegu 1 at i ons urt i oss 4 "Chango of I!ser" permit i approved . X a ) The use, hand I I ng and storage of hazardous mater I a I or t I ammab I e and combustible I I qu i csry in excess of 10 cia I )r)ns IS n+:rt all owed without 1:he approval cot the Mason County F I re . Marsha l .. X -?i A II 6) ALt__ CONSTRUCT 1 ON MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL rODES AND UBC REQUIREMENTS . X_ l I CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date by Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic d date by ate by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by J 1 MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar RO. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 7 ) Changes to approved building plans that offeot. comp I i anoe to the 1991 Washington State Energy Code, 1991 ventilation and indoor Air Oua I i ty Code, the Un 1 form Sul 11 111(4 Code and/or Mason county llegu tat Ions must be approved by Mason County prior to construction 0 ) ALL CONSTRUCTION MUs r MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL CODES . IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE' CALL M;3 '4 OFFICE BEFORE CGN3,TRUCT I ON . X 9) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTE0 REQU I REC.) PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE .x 10) THIS STRUCTURE IS CONS I DE RFD UNHEATED SPACE (NOT T O EXCEED 1 WATT/SOUARF FOOT OR 3 .A B'rU/HR/SQUARE FOOT) . AT SUCH TIME THIS CONDITION CHANGES, A CHANGE OF USE PERMIT AND A MECHANICAL PC-RMi T SHALL BE APP1 I ED FOR AND APPROVF D PRIOR TO THE CHANGE . X 11 ) Ownerlbuiicier assumes all responsibility if drainfleld area 1s encumbered . • X CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date PLUMBING by date by date by Attic OTHER Groundwork date b date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by j i I j i I I I j I I j i I I I � j j j j j Building Permit # MASON COUNTY' BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location /�Z70 -.3W�o.c,1 SZrz!LN�s Pi. t J This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: L; feu Wove- Ctri p syppoR rzl/It' CST T.euss -79 le5 �oc� Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 5D i Jul' /j /a.c/ /� J�l S �.//EY,P.¢% 71-6 Z. C V.9 «C r6> L-T o� RZ;1rZ �0 0441K /ZA7e-- 446FQ 5�e*l—,ED �usj �/ o A a �"7A- w/34)e io Ae -5 You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK /Vl,4101AE,D 1 A/ 1-?E 0. ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department 9t/111, Date - 3 f Inspector ■ �� NOT MnV T T ,� Building Permit # MASON COUNTY ' BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR Z SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 7i sS Ae�5 '`/ Gy�'T" ,f�aoxli AeC /V,, r- v��s• d To You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department Date Inspector ■ loos NnT MOV THI TmL* ' Building Permit #�G MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance I You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to � Department 1- Gt i /V, Date _ '` Inspector Gt G ■ o« * NOOT ► MOAV T141 h, T ' L* M Building Permit #q., -GY) MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location �s This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department Date ��- Inspector �t `� 54 � ■ �� NOT MOV Tki'mift, T ' kw Page No. 1 CONDITIONS/CORRECTIONS FOR CASE NO.: BLD96-0056 GARY FRANZEN E1470 SHELTON SPRINGS RD 01/29/96 1) Sideyard Setback -- The proposed residence structure, or portions thereof over 30" in height from grade line, must maintain a 28' setback from the Ordinary High Water Mark of Wooten Lake. 2) PLANS REQUIRED ON SITE -- All approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If inspection is called for and plans are not on site, Approval WILL NOT be granted. In addition, a Re-Inspection fee in the amount of $30.00 per hour (minimum 1 hour) will be charged and must be collected by this department prior to any further inspections being performed or approval granted.;;X 3) POST ADDRESS -- PURSUANT TO 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, SECTION 305(C) AND SECTION 513, ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS. A REINSPECTION FEE, BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNER/CONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS.;;X 4) M-1 Use Only -- No Occupancy. This structure is limited to M-1 use only. Any other use will be in violation of the Uniform Building Code and Mason County Regulations;unless a "Change of Use" permit is approved. X 5) Flammable & Combustible Liquids -- The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal.;;X 6) ALL CONSTRUCTION -- ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODES AND UBC REQUIREMENTS. X 7) Changes to Approved Plans -- Changes to approved building plans that effect compliance to the 1991 Washington State Energy Code, 1991 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality;Code, the Uniform Building Code and/or Mason County Regulations must ;be approved by Mason County prior to cons truct ionX 8) Excessive Corrections -- ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL CODES. IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE;CALL THIS OFFICE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION.;X 9) Field Correct -- CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE.x 10) UNHEATED STRUCTURE -- THIS STRUCTURE IS CONSIDERED UNHEATED SPACE (NOT TO EXCEED 1 WATT/SQUARE FOOT OR 3.4 BTU/HR/SQUARE FOOT). AT SUCH TIME THIS CONDITION CHANGES, A CHANGE OF USE PERMIT AND A MECHANICAL PERMIT SHALL BE APPLIED FOR AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE. X MASON CO Permit No. ' IINZ'Y BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PLaSE PRINT #1 Omer -1culf-I �-vLL+7P y) Phone# --sDfo Site Address , prj City 'ziv 1 4r10 St_l � Zi.p — Directions�" to Job Site- �� ICc 1 t�( �_�f y r 1raYf ram( /1 CL '� �C C< CC) 1-�wS e v i F fi 5'1 C L k­+L Owner Mailing Address I �' Y��(- City IDu11U(i St Zip Lien/Title Holder_�{<vr� j Address < �C�r ;,,. rn =U /ec' U City_._ ��C�� r��,.�., ,c � � l n Yj St Zi #2 Contractor Name r" (JfCContractor Reg#W--STLF(2 QV.PM4 Address _ — C-- Expiration date ff City UP Stl--�ip.90TO Phone #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. I Connect to Septic?_jj _ Public Water Supply Well (If residential, proof of potable water may be required) 44 arcel No. 47n _211 - N ( O Legal Description P, LLB N(-'J #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) Ist Fl / 2nd Fl / 3rd Fl 1 Loft / Basement Deck / #bedrooms _ #bathrooatas�_ Garage ' 46(-/=Carport / (Circle: Attached or Detached?) Other U1111A P"VI sq ft t L �f 6 Use of buildinCrG'jAL/I}f;�T_ Describe work • - #7 Type of Job: New_____ Add Alt Repair � Woodstovelin Lul Re-Roof Bulkhead Other D #8 MOBILE HOME ILV NFORMATION A 7 1996 Model Year Make Model PE a Length_ Width Serial No. - RV10ES #Bedrooms #Bathrooms Type of Heat 9 Any water on or adjacent to property: saltwater lake river pond wetland seasonal runoff other Show following on the mite Plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Scale: Name of Fronting Street Date: APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELO I F APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW I i I VW_L ng Fixtures ($2 each) Fee Na.' Toilets Vent Systems X 3 . 00 Bath Basins Vent Fans X 3 . 00 Bath Tubs No. Bailers/Compressors Showers 0-3 HP 6 . 00 Hot Water Htr 3 -15 HP 6 . 00 Laundry Washer 15-30 HP 6 . 00 Sinks 30-50 HP 6 . 00 Floor Drains 50 + HP 6 . 00 Laundry Basins No. Air Handling Unit Dishwasher <= 10000 cfm. 7 . 50 Disposal > 10000 cfm. 7 . 50 Urinals Other Other Evap Coolers Hoods Permit Basic Fee 3 . 00 Fire Suppression TOTAL PLUMING $ Domes . Incin. Comml . Incin. Reloc/Repair 6 . 00 Mechanical Fixtures Gas Outlets X 2 . 00 No. Fuel Types Woodstove separate Furn < 100K BTU 6. 00 Other Furn >- 100K BTU 6. 00 Furn - Floor 6 . 00 Permit Basic Fee 10 . 00 Heat Pumps 6 . 00 TOTAL MECHANICAL $ I NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANYTIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED OWNERS AFF=Vrr cONTRAcsORS AFF=Vrr I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAY RCN 18.27 , AND AN AWARE IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I AM AWARE OF THE OF THE MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WILL Be IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER X BY � DATE DATE Return permit to: Department of General Services 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: DEPAR .. AL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE CEMY Approved Coed Hold Approval Planning: �m5 Environmental Health: ,i.Lm�r nWzA%wk<� &'a,,„V\j1a 13 119 Building Plan Review: 0 112' Occupancy Group:—-t w Fire Marshall: Other: FEES llSpecial Conditions: 11 Ilsite Inspection ( 1( II II I 131•°o II 11 IlBuilding Permit II 8�1 1-2- 10,3 11 Ilviolation Fee I Il II I I 11 ((violation Investigation Fee I II II it I s .II I( Ii Plan Check ( CID II 11 I 11 II Plumbing Fee I II II II I I II 11 IlMechanical Fee I II II II I II 11 IlWacdstove Fee I II II l li jlBuilding State Fee I llsuilding Valuation: ' II 11 TOTAL I1