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BLD2021-00535 SFR - BLD Application - 4/14/2021
MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING•PLANNING•PUBLIC HEALTH•FIRE MARSHAL RECEIVED 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone Belfair(360)275-4467•Phone Elrna:(360)482-5269 APR 14 2021 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 615 W. PROPERTY OWNER _INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFO pRMATION: NAME: �,Yl a ?SC r 1 NAME: PC1�i� �tGtr?I�,(by15'�N(*Ian r MAILING ADDRESS: Vt 'C- Ar-CheY VVW MAILING ADDRESS: 3G0 S Aorc6eA- CITY: W!An STATE: VvA ZIP: 13SA CITY: WksA 0 STATE: VA ZIP: °I PHONE#1:'-' -j(()C V j0 41-IW PHONE:31,^ 1) o CQ CELL: PHONE#2: EMAIL : t�12�Wit G 1M COM EMAIL: L&I REG# L1 611 FEXP. /�/ PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNER® CONTRACTOR® OTHER❑ NAME EMAIL MAILING ADDRESS 3 Da r 9:%AAC VLA CITY STATE yyA ZIP PHONE_fig C5CgW,00 CELL PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) ZONING { IIqY+ I,( (h EIYD4A1� ( LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated)PCL GIrr J� ikb(o-23(R� Pf IQhZf D FIRE DISTRICT SITE ADDRESS TG Ir�C d e4.6V rgJI�► j CITY A 1 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS e5 tln f al IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YESR] NO❑ SNOW LOAD: psf IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apply): SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND ❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF ❑ STREAM ❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW'K ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Etc.) tes&,\cei IS USE: PRIMARY M SEASONAL ❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 3 NUMBER OF BATHROOMS 'Z HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(Whole Bldg) [A- YES (Part[s]ofBldg) ❑ NO❑ (- DESCRIBE WORK �70 5 . �t r ArQ G S l �D Yht �Qyt(e SQUARE FOOTAGE: (proposed) 1ST FLOOR 110 sq.ft. 2ND FLOOR sq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq. ft. BASEMENT sq. ft. DECK sq. ft. COVERED DECK '30 sq.ft. STORAGE sq. ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE I;OU sq. ft. Attached 4 Detached❑ CARPORT sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC ❑ SEWER ] / NEW ❑ EXISTING ❑ PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES M NO ❑ Ifyes, attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERIMETER/FOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES ❑ NOC� EXISTING SQ.FT. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOMS 3 TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such Is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 18o days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) X - 41 Signature of OWNER ust be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUMDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH . D I N G MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: 13 1A20 ZI —065IS6 PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING •PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL I 615 W. Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 RECEIVED VQED Www.co.mason.wa.us Phone Shelton: (360)427-9670 ext. 352• Fax: (360)427-7798 Phone Belfair(360)275-4467• Phone Elma. (360)482-5269 �P� PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICAT101+4! Aldamrst OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRA TOR INFORMATION: NAME: SWA smlib NAME: SehjX MAILING ADDRESS: 3t)p MAILING ADDRESS: 306 t V\49r 2MAG CITY: Qr \ � STATE: ZIP: CITY: AAk i STATE: VA ZIP: I S`PHONE:_ 0[j 0(2 PHONE: TLL: 2°d PHONE: EMAIL : M ' tr1 CI�M EMAIL: L&I REG# EXP. PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): J2220�j 002-SJ© Zoning: ���uTYI ��y Q1� Iva LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Abbreviated): rtLl 0 -23 /kt'-4 51 SITE ADDRESS: ffr A.P"k�,t CITY: 1 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: St gkC -3 svv.rWtivA Cr. vr. TYPE OF JOB: NEW )(. ADD ALT REPAIR OTHER USE OF BUILDING 5 Ingle f(z,0--i LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS— ]ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR BASEMENT GARAGE OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS Type of Fixture No.of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric LPG Natural Gas Ductless_ Toilets Z Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink 2 Furnace 1 Bath Tubs 2 Heat Pump Showers 2 Spot Vent Fan — Water Heater 1 Propane Tank 1 Clothes Washer I Gas Outl s C9 Kitchen Sinks `l Z. Woo Gas el let Stove Dishwasher 1 Kitche xhaust Hood i Hose bibs Dryer Vent 1 Other Solar Panel Other Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL 2018 Washington State Energy Code-Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family-New&Additions(effective February 1,2021) These requirements apply to all IRC building types, including detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings(townhouses). Project Information Contact Information Parcel# 12220-33-00250 Marshall 8 Sena Smith PC 90 of BLA#06-23 300E Russet Ridge Road, Allyn, WA 98524 Instructions: This single-family project will use the requirements of the Prescriptive Path below and incorporate the minimum values listed. Based on the size of the structure,the appropriate number of additional credits are checked as chosen by the permit applicant. Provide all information from the following tables as building permit drawings:Table R402.1- Insulation and Fenestration Requirements by Component,Table R406.2- Fuel Normalization Credits and 406.3-Energy Credits. Authorized Representative Date Date Z All climate Zones(Table R402.1.1) R-Value U-Factor' Fenestration U-Factor b n/a 0.30 Skylight U_Fador b n/a 0.50 Glazed Fenestration SHGC be n/a n/a jCeiling a 49 J 0.026 Wood Frame Wall g,h 21 int 0.056 ------------- -- ----------------- I ---- ------- ---- Floor 30 _ _0.029 f Below Grade Wall`,h 10/15/21 int+TO — 0.042 Slab d,f R-Value&Depth 10, 2 ft n/a IR-values are minimums. U-factors and SHGC are maximums.When insulation is installed in a cavity that is less a Ithan the label or design thickness of the insulation,the compressed R-value of the insulation from Appendix b_ I Table A101.4 shall not be less than the R value specified in the table. The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights. "10/15/21+5TB"means R-10 continuous insulation on the exterior of the wall,or R-15 continuous insulation on the interior of the wall, or R-21 cavity insulation plus a thermal break between the slab and the basement wall at c the interior of the basement wall. "10/15/21+5TB"shall be permitted to be met with R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the wall. "5TB" means R-5 thermal break between floor slab and basement wall. d R-10 continuous insulation is required under heated slab on grade floors. See Section R402.2.9.1. For single rafter-or joist-vaulted ceilings,the insulation may be reduced to R-38 if the full insulation depth j e extends over the top plate of the exterior wall_ R-7.5 continuous insulation installed over an existing slab is deemed to be equivalent to the required perimeter f slab insulation when applied to existing slabs complying with Section R503.1.1. If foam plastic is used, it shall meet the requirements for thermal barriers protecting foam plastics. For log structures developed in compliance with Standard ICC 400, log walls shall meet the requirements for g climate zone 5 of ICC 400. Int.(intermediate framing)denotes framing and insulation as described in Section A103.2.2 including standard h iframing 16 inches on center, 78%of the wall cavity insulated and headers insulated with a minimum of R-10 I insulation. BUILDING RECEIVED APR 14 2021 Prescriptive Path-Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 615 W. Aid-3r Street 2018 Washington State Energy Code-Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family-New&Additions(effective February 1, 2021) Each dwelling unit in a residential building shall comply with sufficient options from Table R406.2 (fuel normalization credits)and Table 406.3(energy credits)to achieve the following minimum number of credits.To claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option selected and the maximum tested building air leakage,and show the qualifying ventilation system and its control sequence of operation. 1. Small Dwelling Unit: 3 credits Dwelling units less than 1,500 sf in conditioned floor area with less than 300 sf of fenestration area. Additions to existing building that are greater than 500 sf of heated floor area but less than 1,500 sf. 2. Medium Dwelling Unit:6 credits All dwelling units that are not included in#1 or#3 3. Large Dwelling Unit: 7 credits Dwelling units exceeding 5,000 sf of conditioned floor area 4. Additions less than 500 square feet: 1.5 credits All other additions shall meet 1-3 above Before selecting your credits on this Summary table,review the details in Table 406.3 (Single Family),on page 4. Summary of Table R406.2 Heating Credits-select ONE Options Fuel Normalization Descriptions heating option User Notes 1 II Combustion heating minimum NAECAb 0.0 ❑ 1 2 Heat pump' 1.0 0 3 Electric resistance heat only-furnace or zonal -1.0 ❑ 4 1 DHP with zonal electric resistance per option 3.4 0.5 ❑ 5 All other heating systems -1-0 ❑ Energy Credits-select ONE Options Energy Credit Option Descriptions energy option from each p --- cat ry r- 1.1 Efficient Building Envelope 0.5 ❑ L 1.2 Efficient Building Envelope 1.0 ❑ 1.3 Efficient Building Envelope 0.5 0 1.4 Efficient Building Envelope 1.0 ❑ 1.5 Efficient Building Envelope 2.0 ❑ 1.6 Efficient Building Envelope 3.0 ❑ iL 1.7 Efficient Building Envelope 0.5 ❑ 22.1 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation - 0.5 0 2 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 1.0 ❑ L2.3 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 1.5 ❑ r 2.4 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 2.0 ❑ 1 3.18 High Efficiency HVAC 1.0 ❑ j 3.2 High Efficiency HVAC _ 1.0 ❑ 3.31 High Efficiency HVAC 1.5 j ❑ 3.4 High Efficiency HVAC 1.5 ❑ IS High Efficiency HVAC 1.5 � j 3.68 High Efficiency HVAC 2.0 ❑ L 4.1 Hi h Efficiency HVAC Distribution System IL 4.2 High Efficiency HVAC Distribution System 1.0 ❑ Prescriptive Path-Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 2 2018 Washington State Energy Code-Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family-New&Additions(effective February 1,2021) Summary of Table R406.2(coat.) Energy - Credits-select ONE Energy Credit Option Descriptions(cont.) energy option from User Notes Options each category d 5.1d Efficient Water Heating 0.5 ❑ 5.2 Efficient Water Heating 0.5 ❑ 5.3 Efficient Water Heating 1.0 ❑ 5.4 j Efficient Water Heating 1.5 1 5.5_�Efficient Water Heating_ _ _ 2.0 ❑ 5.6 1 Efficient Water Heating 2.5 ❑ - ------ - 6.1° I Renewable Electric Energy(3 credits max) 1.0 7.1 Appliance Package _ 0.5 0 Total Credits 1 6.01 1 CLEAR FORM a. An alternative heating source sized at a maximum of 0.5 W/sf(equivalent)of heated floor area or 500 W, whichever is bigger, may be installed in the dwelling unit. b. Equipment listed in Table C403.3.2(4)or C403.3.2(5) c. Equipment listed in Table C403.3.2(1)or C403.3.2(2) d. You cannot select more than one option from any category EXCEPT in category 5.Option 5.1 may be combined with options 5.2 through 5.6.See Table 406.3. e. 1.0 credit for each 1,200 kWh of electrical generation provided annually, up to 3 credits max. See the complete Table R406.2 for all requirements and option descriptions. Please print only pages 1 through 3 of this worksheet for submission to your building official. Prescriptive Path-Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 3 2018 Washington State Energy Code—Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family—New&Additions(effective February 1,2021) Table 406.3—Energy Credits(Single Family) Option Description Credits:SF 1.EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE OPTIONS Only one option from Items 1.1 through 1.7 may be selected in this category. Compliance with the conductive UA targets is demonstrated using Section R402.1.4,Total UA alternative,where [1- (Proposed UA/Target UA)]>the required%UA reduction. Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: 1.1 Vertical fenestration U=0.24 0.5 Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: 1.2 Vertical fenestration U=0.20 1.0 Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: Vertical fenestration U=0.28 Floor R-38 1.3 Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab below grade slab R-10 perimeter and 0.5 under entire slab or Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total conductive UA by 5% Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: Vertical fenestration U=0.25 Wall R-21 plus R-4 ci Floor R-38 1.4 Basement wall R-21 int plus R-5 ci 1.0 Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab Below grade slab R-10 perimeter and under entire slab or Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total conductive UA by 15% Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: Vertical fenestration U=0.22 Ceiling and single-rafter or joist-vaulted R-49 advanced Wood frame wall R-21 int plus R-12 ci Floor R-38 1.5 Basement wall R-21 int plus R-12 ci 2.0 Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab Below grade slab R-10 perimeter and under entire slab or Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total conductive UA by 30% Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: Vertical fenestration U=0.18 Ceiling and single-rafter or joist-vaulted R-60 advanced Wood frame wall R-21 int plus R-16 ci 1.6 1 Floor R-48 3.0 Basement wall R-21 int plus R-16 ci Slab on grade R-20 perimeter and under entire slab Below grade slab R-20 perimeter and under entire slab or Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total conductive UA by 40%. Advanced framing and raised heel trusses or rafters Vertical Glazing U-0.28 1.7 R-49 Advanced(U-0.020)as listed in Section A102.2.1, Ceilings below a vented attic and i 0.5 R-49 vaulted ceilings with full height of uncompressed insulation extending over the wall top plate at the eaves. Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 4 2018 Washington State Energy Code—Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family—New&Additions(effective February 1,2021) Table 406.3—Energy Credits(Single Family Option Description Credits:SF 2.AIR LEAKAGE CONTROL AND EFFICIENT VENTILATION OPTIONS Only one option from Items 2.1 through 2.4 may be selected in this category. Compliance based on R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 3.0 air changes per hour maximum at 50 Pascals or For R-2 Occupancies,optional compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 0.3 cfm/sf maximum at 50 Pascals and All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M1507.3 of the International Residential Code or Section 403.8 of the International Mechanical Code shall 2.1 be met with a high efficiency fan(s)(maximum 0.35 watts/cfm), not interlocked with the 0.5 furnace fan (if present).Ventilation systems using a furnace including an ECM motor are allowed,provided that they are controlled to operate at low speed in ventilation only mode. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and the maximum tested building air leakage,and shall show the qualifying ventilation system and its control sequence of operation. Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 2.0 air changes per hour maximum at 50 Pascals or For R-2 Occupancies,optional compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested 2.2 air leakage to 0.25 cfm/sf maximum at 50 Pascals and 1.0 All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M1507.3 of the International Residential Code or Section 403.8 of the International Mechanical Code shall be met with a heat recovery ventilation system with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of 0.65. 1 Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 1.5 air changes per hour maximum at 50 Pascals or For R-2 Occupancies,optional compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested 2.3 1 air leakage to 0.25 cfm/sf maximum at 50 Pascals and 1.5 All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M1507.3 of the International Residential Code or Section 403.8 of the International Mechanical Code shall be met with a heat recovery ventilation system with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of 0.75.1 Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 0.6 air changes per hour maximum at 50 Pascals or For R-2 Occupancies,optional compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested 2.4 air leakage to 0.15 cfm/sf maximum at 50 Pascals and 2.0 All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M1507.3 of the International Residential Code or Section 403.8 of the International Mechanical Code shall be met with a heat recovery ventilation system with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of 0.80.Duct installation shall comply with Section R403.3.7. 1 1 To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall show the heat recovery ventilation system. Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 5 2018 Washington State Energy Code—Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family—New&Additions(effective February 1, 2021) Table 406.3—Energy Credits(Single Family) Option Description Credits:SF 3. HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT OPTIONS Only one option from Items 3.1 through 3.6 may be selected in this category. 3.1 2 Energy Star rated (U.S.North)Gas or propane furnace with minimum AFUE of 95%or 1.0 Energy Star rated (U.S.North)Gas or propane boiler with minimum AFUE of 90%.2 3.2 Z Air-source centrally ducted heat pump with minimum HSPF of 9.5.3 1.0 Closed-loop ground source heat pump;with a minimum COP of 3.3 or 3.32 Open loop water source heat pump with a maximum pumping hydraulic head of 150 feet 1.5 i and minimum COP of 3.6.3 Ductless mini-split heat pump system,zonal control: In homes where the primary space 3.4 heating system is zonal electric heating,a ductless mini-split heat pump system with a 1.5 minimum HSPF of 10.0 shall be installed and provide heating to the largest zone of the !housing unit. ° 3.5 z Air-source,centrally ducted heat pump with minimum HSPF of 11.0.° 1.5 Ductless split system heat pumps with no electric resistance heating in the primary living areas.A ductless heat pump system with a minimum HSPF of 10 shall be sized and installed to provide heat to entire dwelling unit at the design outdoor air temperature. 3.61 1 2.0 jTo qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being !selected,the heated floor area calculation,the heating equipment type(s),the minimum equipment efficiency, and total installed heat capacity(by equipment type). z An alternative heating source sized at a maximum of 0.5 W/sf(equivalent)of heated floor area or 500 W,whichever is bigger,may be installed in the dwelling unit. s To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and the minimum equipment efficiency. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and the minimum equipment efficiency. 4. HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPTIONS All supply and return ducts located in an unconditioned attic shall be deeply buried in 1 ,ceiling insulation in accordance with Section R403.3.7. jFor mechanical equipment located outside the conditioned space,a maximum of 10 linear !feet of return duct and 5 linear feet of supply duct connections to the equipment may be outside the deeply buried insulation.All metallic ducts located outside the conditioned 4.1 space must have both transverse and longitudinal joints sealed with mastic. If flex ducts 0.5 fare used,they cannot contain splices. Duct leakage shall be limited to 3 cfm per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area. Air handler(s)shall be Iocated within the conditioned space. 1 HVAC equipment and associated duct system(s) installation shall comply with the requirements of Section R403.3.7. Locating system components in conditioned crawl spaces is not permitted under this loption. 4.2 (Electric resistance heat and ductless heat pumps are not permitted under this option. 1.0 Direct combustion heating equipment with AFUE less than 80%is not permitted under this option. lTo qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being jselected and shall specify the heating equipment type and shall show the location of the f heatingand cooling equipment and all the ductwork._ Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 6 2018 Washington State Energy Code—Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family—New&Additions(effective February 1,2021) Table 406.3—Energy Credits(Single Family) Option Description Credits:SF S.EFFICIENT WATER HEATING OPTIONS Only one option from Items 5.2 through 5.6 may be selected in this category.Item 5.1 may be combined with any option. A drain water heat recovery unit(s)shall be installed,which captures waste water heat from all and only the showers,and has a minimum efficiency of 40%if installed for equal flow or a minimum efficiency of 54%if installed for unequal flow.Such units shall be rated in accordance with CSA B55.1 or IAPMO IGC 346-2017 and be so labeled. 5.1 0.5 To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall include a plumbing diagram that specifies the drain water heat recovery units and the plumbing layout needed to install it. Labels or other documentation shall be provided that demonstrates that the unit complies with the standard. Water heating system shall include one of the following: 5.2 Energy Star rated gas or propane water heater with a minimum UEF of 0.80. s 0.5 Water heating system shall include one of the following: Energy Star rated gas or propane water heater with a minimum UEF of 0.91 or Solar water heating supplementing a minimum standard water heater.Solar water heating will provide a rated minimum savings of 85 therms or 2000 kWh based on the Solar Rating and, Certification Corporation(SRCC)Annual Performance of OG-300 Certified Solar Water Heating 5.3 Systems or 1.0 Water heater heated by ground source heat pump meeting requirements of Option 3.3. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall specify the water heater equipment type and the minimum equipment efficiency and,for solar water heating systems,the calculation of minimum energy savings. Water heating system shall include one of the following: Electric heat pump water heater meeting the standards for Tier I of NEEA's advanced water heating specification or 5.4 For R-2 Occupancy,electric heat pump water heater(s), meeting the standards for Tier I of 1.5 NEEA's advanced water heating specification,shall supply domestic hot water to all units. If one water heater is serving more than one dwelling unit,all hot water supply and recirculation piping shall be insulated with R-8 minimum pipe insulation_s Water heating system shall include one of the following: Electric heat pump water heater meeting the standards for Tier III of NEEA's advanced water heating specification or 5.5 For R-2 Occupancy,electric heat pump water heater(s), meeting the standards for Tier III of 2.0 NEEA's advanced water heating specification,shall supply domestic hot water to all units.If one water heater is serving more than one dwelling unit, all hot water supply and recirculation piping shall be insulated with R-8 minimum pipe insulation.s Water heating system shall include one of the following: Electric heat pump water heater with a minimum UEF of 2.9 and utilizing a split system,. configuration with the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger located outdoors. Equipment shall meet Section 4, requirements for all units, of the NEEA standard Advanced Water Heating Specification with the UEF noted above or 5.6 2.5 For R-2 Occupancy,electric heat pump water heater(s), meeting the standards for Tier III of NEEA's advanced water heating specification and utilizing a split system configuration with the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger located outdoors,shall supply domestic hot water to all units. If one water heater is serving more than one dwelling unit,all hot water supply and recirculation piping shall be insulated with R-8 minimum pipe insulation.5 s To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall specify the water heater equipment type and the minimum equipment efficiency. Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 7 2018 Washington State Energy Code—Residential Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Single Family—New&Additions(effective February 1,2021) Table 406.3—Energy Credits(Single Family) Option Description Credits:SF 6.RENEWABLE ELECTRIC ENERGY OPTION For each 1200 kWh of electrical generation per housing unit provided annually by on-site wind or solar equipment a 1.0 credit shall be allowed,up to 3 credits.Generation shall be calculated as follows: For solar electric systems,the design shall be demonstrated to meet this requirement using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory calculator PVWATTs or approved alternate by the code official. 6.1 Documentation noting solar access shall be included on the plans. For wind generation 1.0 projects designs shall document annual power generation based on the following factors: the wind turbine power curve;average annual wind speed at the site; frequency distribution of the wind speed at the site and height of the tower. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall show the photovoltaic or wind turbine equipment type, provide documentation of solar and wind access,and include a calculation of the minimum annual energy power production. 7.APPLIANCE PACKAGE OPTION All of the following appliances shall be new and installed in the dwelling unit and shall meet the following standards: Dishwasher—Energy Star rated Refrigerator(if provided)—Energy Star rated Washing machine—Energy Star rated 7.1 Dryer—Energy Star rated,ventless dryer with minimum CEF rating of 5.2 1 0.5 To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option being selected and shall show the appliance type and provide documentation of Energy Star compliance.At the time of inspection,all appliances shall be installed and connected to utilities. Dryer ducts and exterior dryer vent caps are not permitted to be installed in the dwelling unit. Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R 8 . ) Comfort • Sizes 1 • 1hru 1 . turn to the experts Product Data AIR HANDLER TECHNOLOGY AT ITS FINEST The FX4D fan coils combine the proven technology of Carrier fan coil units with Puron®, the environmentally sound refrigerant. These fan coils are loaded with popular features.Factory-installed, refrigerant-specific thermostatic expansion valves (TXV) are standard with these fan coil designs.The designs feature contoured condensate pans with rugged,drain connections,ensuring that little water is left in the unit at the end of the cooling duty cycle.The lack of standing condensate and corrosion free pans improves IAQ and product life,features homeowners appreciate. Standard features include grooved copper tubing and louvered aluminum fins.The large face areas of the refrigerant coils provide k superior efficiency for high SEER and HSPF performance. Coil circuiting has also been updated to make the most of all Carrier heat pumps and air conditioners.Also units come with solid state = fan controls, 1-in (25mm) thick insulation with R-value of 4.2, multi-speed motors, and fully-wettable coils. Units can -- accommodate factory- and/or field-installed heaters from 3 to 30 It also should be noted that the unique cabinet design of these fan coils meet new stringent regulations for cabinet air leakage - a requirement of 2%cabinet leakage rate when tested at 1.0 inches of static pressure. The FX4D fan coil is the Puron®refrigeration design loaded with popular features. It comes in a pre-painted (taupe metallic) galvanized steel casing and is shipped with a cleanable,permanent framed filter, and a factory-supplied power plug. ArmorCoat- provides a tin plating of the indoor coil's copper hairpins. This creates a barrier between the corrosion-causing elements and the coil. These fan coils utilize the latest in electronic commutation motor(ECM)technology through the use of high efficiency,X13, blower motors. i RECEIVED APB 14 2021 --- Al0009 615 W.Alder Street BUILDING Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine STANDARD FEATURES • High efficiency ECM(electronic commutating motor)X-13 motors-all sizes • Integrated motor controls have replaced integrated circuit board • Large,grooved tube,louvered fin coils • Efficient,quiet,time-tested blower housings and diffusers • Sturdy,drainable condensate pans • Cabinet construction features innovations designed to prevent cabinet sweating • Tested for condensate disposal in much tougher conditions than Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute requirements • Super-thick R-4.2 insulation with vapor barrier • Pre-painted galvanized steel cabinet(taupe metallic) • Cabinet design meets stringent regulations for 2%cabinet leakage rate when tested at 1.0 inches static pressure • Installation-flexible,multipoise units • Horizontal hanging provisions on cabinet • No tools required to service filter • Factory-supplied,cleanable and reusable filter • Newly improved filter rack area filter door insulation added for improved air seal • Factory-installed heater packages available(5-through 15-kW) • 3-through 30-kW accessory heaters-field installed • Factory-supplied power plug • Easy plug-in provisions for heater installation • Entry options for high and low voltage wiring hook-up • Simple,5-amp blade fuse(and a spare)to protect 40 VA transformer • Easy coil inspection(removable,snap-in plug on A-coil models) • Leak-preventing sweat connections • Modular cabinets available on 037 through 061 sizes. • Designed for manufactured housing applications. ADDITIONAL FEATURES FX4D • Puron®,environmentally sound refrigerant • Factory-installed Puron®refrigerant thermostatic expansion valves(TXV) • Factory-installed heater packages available • ArmorCoat" coil protection available 2 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE CARRIER FAN COILS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F X 4 D N B 0 1 9 0 0 0 Product Type Heating Size Fan Coil,Multipoise with Puron 000=No Heat 005=5kW Electrical 008=8 kW N-208/230v,1 ph,60 Hz 010= 10kW 015= 15kW Cabinet Style B-Modular Coil Coating F-Single Piece 0=Standard T=ArmorCoat" Capacity _ 019= 18,000 025=24,000 031 =30,000 037=36,000 043=42,000 049=48,000 061 =60,000 ® Use of the AHRI Cenmed F mMark brer area afacturar's ron. oamramFo,nmeN c us pf ce m For veerindl n Ome envnonmemany souM renipe,am of cenmcation for inCiNOual Iaroo'cht.go to .,w..ahriairactory.org. IS0 9001 ArmorCnaf 3 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine DIMENSIONS L SHIPPING WT SNIPPING WT UWT A B C IT F 6 N 3 F ° ILBSI ILBSI SLOPE 'A• NON TIN-COATED TIN-COATED F%IDNF019 49 5/8• 17 5/8' 15 3/1• 15 5/8' 15 3/8' 23 1/8' 23 5/8' 1 - 17' 1 - 122 122 FKADNF025 49 5/8' 17 5/8' 15 3/1• IS 5/8' 15 3/8' 23 1/8' 23 5/8' - 17' 1 - 122 122 FI4DNFO31 53 7116' 21 1/8' 19 114' 19 1/8' 19 3/16' 26 15116' 2T 1/2' - 19' 1 - 146 146 F14DNF03T 49 5/8' 21 1/8' 19 1/4' 19 1/8• 15 11116' 23 1116' 23 1/8' - - - % 157 157 F14DNF043 49 518' 21 1/8' 19 1/4' 19 1/8• 15 11/16' 23 111$' 23 1/8' - - - 1 151 15? F%IDNfT116' 24 11/16' 22 3/4' 22 11 116' 19 1/2' 27 Ill' 26 IS/If' - - - % 185 185 F 11 DNF061 59 3/16' 2l I1/16• 22 3/1• ZZ 11 I16' 25 1l1• 32 15/16' 32 5/0' - - - % 201 201 Not[: IgtE:A1101 il•FROM FRONT 1.SERIES DESIGNATION IS THE IITH POSITION FOR SERVICE OF U417 PRODUCT NUMBER Z.Alt DIMENSIONS ARE IN*INCHES*UNLESS NOTED, UNIT CONNECTION SIZES SUCTION: 018 THRU 025 - 5/8' I.D. SWEAT 131 I THRU 111 3/I• I.D. SWEAT 042 THRU 061 - 7/8' .D. SWEAT 22 1/16' L IOUI D: 3/8' [.D. SWEAT CONDENSATE: 3l1• FPT 10 3116' 11• 7/6' 2 1/8' I• OUTLET AIR 3/4' ALTERNATE 7/8'.I 3/32'.2-DIA. K.O.'S -NOTE: MODULAR FOR HIGH VOLTAGE UNITS W ALTERNATE POWER WIRING A TWO- LL HAVE PIECE 7/8•D IA, K.O. OPPOSITE $1DE CABINET FOR LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING 1/8', 1 3/32' OPTIONAL FIELD CONVERTED 2' DIA. K.O.'S RIGHT SIDE RETURN OPENING FOR HIGH VOLTAGE (SLOPE COIL UNITS ONLY) POWER WIRING 7/8'D IA. K.O. A 1 I/2' 1 il8' FOR LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING 1 15/l6' I' e 1 3I8' TOP VIEW 1 3/16 MA H FOR B 19' NODULAR UNITS 15/16' C II DISCONNECT OR 1 3/4• CIRCUIT BREAKER LOCA T[ON o LOWER. CONTROL. 1 ELECTRIC HEATER i� OPENING ACCESS PANEL 1 1//• 19 13/16' 2 1/2' RIGHT SIDE VIEW INLET AIR • OIL ACCESS PANEL yT-- INLET AfR 2 5/8' I 1 II/16' 4 FITTING ---LIQUID LINE CONNECTION E PANEL SUCTION LINE CONNECTION LIQUID LINE ' CONNECTION LINE 3 I/l6' CONNECTION CONNECTION 10 7116' SUCTION LINE 10 3/4• CONNECTION O 6 3/16' 9 I/2' 5' FILTER ACCESS 1. L OP ENDING PANEL SLOPE COIL DETAILS �ccEss PANEL c Fo�PEL CONELS F0S INLET AIR CONNECTION LOCATIONS SHOWN SLOPE COILS FOR UPFLOW OR HORIZ. DOWNFLOW OR HORIZ. FRONT VIEW LEFT APPLICATIONS RIGHT APANDCATIONS SHOWN WITH 'A' COIL DETAILS CONNECTION ::A• COILS LOCATIONS FOR UPFLOW OR NORIZ. APPLICATIONS DOWNFLOW APPLICATIONS A10032 Fig.I - FX4D-English 4 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine DIMENSIONS (cont.) TES:1. SLOPE COIL I. CONDENSATE PAN DRAIN CAPS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN 'INCHES' UNLESS NOTED, AIRFLOM 2 1116' TYP 1/16' TIP. 12 PLACES I. AIRFLOW 12 PLACES). 3 1//• 1' TYP. F G PRIMARY DRAIN © (2 PLACES). 1 Ill• SECONDARY DRAIN SECONDARY DRAIN PRIMARY DRAIN 2 7/8' 1• TYP I", TTP. 12 PLACES)• (/ PLACES). - i 2 8/16• DOWNFLOW 2 3/16' (FIELD CONVERTED) TYP' 12 PLACES). UPFLOW PRIMARY DRAIN (AS SHIPPED) SECONDARY DRAIN r 5116• TYP.. PRIMARY DRAIN 1 I7/16'+( SECONDARY DRAIN TTP.. © Q 15/8' I t//• 0 5/16' S16•. ® � �TTP,. TTP./ JLLF' 1/I• TTP.. 7/8' 112, TYP,. TIP. TTP.. 1 18' 2 7/8' HORIZ. RIGHT TYP' HORIZ. LEFT s (FIELD CONVERTED) (AS SHIPPED) NOR IZONTAL MOUNT LOCATIONS - DIMPLES PROVIDED IN TOP PANEL. A-COIL AND BACN OF CABINET. IN CABINET BOTTOM. HOLES PROVIDED 136' DIA. HORIZONTAL HANGING HARDWARE TO BE FIELD SUPPLIED. PRIMARY DAMN 1 13/16' r SECONDARY DRAIN TYP. 0 AIRFLOW 2 1/16• TYP. L-1 i/16PLACES AII�F LON' 1/ PLACES) tl2' -1 =L TTP. 1 1/2' S 1/8' TYP. 7/8' 1 3/16' I• TYP. TYP- 7 i/8'i�� © 12 PLACES) F / 3/1 G J�j O SECONDARY DRAIN HORIZ. LEFT SECONDARY DRAIN 1 (AS SHIPPED) PRIMARY DRA[ PRIMARY DRAIN PRIMARY DRAIN 5/16' TTP,. SECONDARY DRAIN O 1• TIP. QO O 12 PLACES)- O O © O T/16' TYP, 112' (1 PLACES)• 3 1/16' 2 II/16' DOWNFLOW ITT I* 7/a 3/16 IF . 2 1 Tr6 P. 1 13 1 (FIELD CONVERTED) (2 PLACES). TYP.* 7/8• U P F LOW HORIZ. RIGHT TTP.. (AS SHIPPED] (FIELD CONVERTED) A10033 Fig.2- FX4D- English 5 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine DIMENSIONS (cont.) L SHIPPING WT SHIPPING WT WT A B C D E F G N J F 1A1 t K�9SC '!INyA SLOPE 'A• NON TIN-COATED TIN-COATED F14DNF019 1260.5 111.7 /00.0 396.9 390.5 587.4 600.1 - 431.6 X - 55.3 55.3 FX4DNF025 1260.5 /17.7 400.0 396.9 390.5 587./ 600.1 - 431.8 X - 55.3 55.3 FX/DNF031 1351.3 536.6 489.0 485.8 A87./ 684.2 698.5 - 182,6 X - 66.2 66.2 FXADNF031 1260,5 536.6 489.0 485.8 398.5 595.3 587.4 - - - X 71.2 71.2 FXADNF043 1260.5 536.6 489.0 485.8 398.5 595.3 587.4 - - - X 11.2 11.2 FX/DNF0/9 1357.3 627.1 577.6 576.3 495.3 692.2 681.1 - - - X 84.1 B1.1 FX/DNF061 1 1503./ 1 627.1 577.5 576.3 641.4 836.6 828.1 NOTE: NOTE: ALLOW 533.4 FROM FRONT 1. SERIES DESIGNATION IS THE IATH POSITION UNIT CONNECTION SIZES FOR SERVICE OF UNIT PRODUCT NUMBER 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN 'MM' UNLESS NOTED. SUCTION: 118 THAU O25 - 15.88 I.D. SWEAT 030 THAU 037 - 19.05 I.D. SWEAT 042 THRU 061 - 22.23 I.D. SWEAT 560.1 LIOUID: 9.53 1.D. SWEAT CONDENSATE: 19.0 FPT 258.8 219.4 22.2 5A.0 25.4 OUILET AIA 19.0 ALTERNATE 22.23, 27.78, 50.80 DIA. K.O.-S FOR HIGH VOLTAGE NOTE: MODULAR ALTERNATE POKER WIRING UNITS WILL HAVE 22.23 DIA. K.O. OPPOSITE SIDE A TWO-PIECE FOR LOW VOLTAGE CABINET CONTROL WIRING OPTIONAL FIELD CONVERTED R IGH1 SIDE RETURN OPENING (SLOPE COIL UNITS ONLY) A 3e.1 22.23. 27.78 50.80 DIA. K.O.'S FOR HIGH VOLTAGE POWER WIRING 22.23 DIA. K.O. 47.6 FOR LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING 30.1 MAX H 1 25.1 482.6 MODULAR UNITS TOP VIEW 3/,9 UNITS TO A1,/ 23.8�•�I}•��C I I OPENING I 31.8 503.2 63.5 I RCUIT BREAKER SCONNECI CI OR RIGHT SIDE VIEW LOCATION INLET AIR LOWER, CONTROL, 6 ELECTRIC HEATER ACCESS PANEL OIL ACCESS PANEL INLET AIA 66.T TA 119.1 FITTING [OUID LINE CONNECTION E PANEL SUCTION LINE CONNECTION LINHECQUID LINE ' INNEC LINE 17.8 • CONNECTION CONNEC 110N 265.1 • SUCTION LINE 273.0 CONNECTION 0 157.2 2F 0 Q O 1 127.D FILTER ACCESS OPENING PANEL 25./ D SLOPE COIL DETAILS ACCESS PANEL CO EIG. FOR SLOPE COILS INLET AIR CON FORTUPFLOW OR .I HORIZ DOWNFLOW OR PORI2. FRONT VIEW LEFT APPLICATIONS RIGHT APPLICATIONS AND SHOWN WITH 'A' COIL DETAILS CONNECTION °A° COILS LOCATIONS FOR UPFLOW OR NORI1. APPLICATIONS DOWNFLOW APPLICATIONS A10034 Fig.3- FX4D-Metric 6 Downloaded from www.ManuaIslib.com manuals search engine DIMENSIONS (cont.) NOTES: 1. CONDENSATE PAN DRAIN CAPS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. SLOPE C O I L 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN 'MM• UNLESS NOTED. AIRFLOW AIRFLOR 11 P TYP. 55.6 TTP. 11 PLACES)- © 25./ TTP. $2.6 PRIMARY DRAIN 12 PLACES)- F G SECONDARY ORAI 31.6 SECONDARY DRAIN O PRIMARY DRAT © I 73.0 25.A TYP, 11.1 TIP. -1F- 31,8 I2 PLACES)• 1/ PL ACESI- 55.6 31.8 $5.1 TTP. 82.6 DOWNFLOW (2 PLACES)- UPFLOW (FIELD CONVERTED) (AS SHIPPED) PRIMARY DRAIN SECONDARY DRAI PRIMARY DRAIN /6.0 +{}�- gjp,- SECONDARY DRA]N TTP'• © O 31.R 11.3 p ® © O B.o iTP.- 2.T 12,7 16.0 5/.0 31.8 TYI,• TTP22?- TTP.• 11.3 TTP.- L F 22 2 73.0 TTP.- HORIZ. LEFT I21.0 HORIZ. RIGHT (AS SHIPPED) (FIELD CONVERTED) A-COIL - NOR IZONTAL MOUNT LOCATIONS - DIMPLES PROVIDED IN TOP PANEL. AND BACK OF CABINET. IN CABINET BOTTOM. HOLES PROVIDED 3.45 DIA, HORIZONTAL HANGING HARDWARE TO BE FIELD SUPPLIED. PRIMARY DRAIN 46.0 SECONDARY DRAIN TYP- AIRFLOW 55.6 TTP, 11,1 TTP. 11 PLACES)• ® © Lio AIRFLOW (1 PLACES) 12./ TIP• 36'1 1/9.1 B.0 22.2 30.2 TYP• 25.1 TTP. F 120.6 G TTP• 200.0 © (2 PLACES) 17.6 0 SECONDARY DRAIN HOR I Z. L E LEFT SECONDARY DRAIN t (AS SHIPPED) PRIMARY DRAIN PRIMARY DRAI PRIMARY DRAIN r'Tip.. . SECONDARY DRAIN 46. TY P.• © 25.1 TTI. 12 PUCESI• O O © O O O79.(1 PLACES)- E35.1 11.8 .3 DOW N F L OW 55.6 120.6 119.2 TYP. (FIELD CONVERTED) lo.: z.7 12 PLAc[s)- 100.0 TTP.• 16.o UPFLOW TTP. HORIZ. RIGHT TT2p;: (AS SHIPPED) (FIELD CONVERTED) A10035 Fig.4- FX4D-Metric 7 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine PHYSICAL DATA ' FACTORY NOMINAL COOLING DIMENSIONS SHIPPING ORDERING NO. INSTALLED CAPACITY(Btuh) Height Width Depth WEIGHT HEAT(kW) 9 FX4DNF0190,T)00 - 18,000 49 5/8-in 17 5/8-in 22-1/16-in 122 Ib FX4DNF019005 5 1261mm 447mm 560mm 55 kg FX4DNF025(0,T)00 - 24,000 49 5/8-in 17 5/8-in 22-1/16-in 122 Ib FX4DNF025005 5 1261mm 447mm 560mm 55 kg FX4DNF031(0,T)00 - 30,000 53 7/16-in 21 1/8-in 22-1/16-in 1461b FX4DNF031008 8 1357mm 536mm 560mm 66 kg FX4DNF037(0,T)00 - 36000 495/8-in 21 1/8-in 22-1/16-in 157lb FX4DNF037010 10 1261mm 536mm 560mm 71 kg FX4DNF043(0,T)00 - 42000 495/8-in 21 1/8-in 22-1/16-in 1571b FX4DNF043010 10 1260mm 536mm 560mm 71 kg FX4DNF049(0,T)00 - 48000 537/16-in 2411/16-in 22-1/16-in 185lb FX4DNF049010 10 1357mm 627mm 560mm 84 kg FX4DNF061(0,T)00 - 59 3/16-in 24 11/16-in 22-1/16-in 201 Ib FX4DNF061010 10 60,000 1503mm 627mm 560mm 91 kg _ FX4DNF061015 15 53FX4DNB031T00 - 30,000 7/16-in 21 1/8-in 22-1/16-in 1461b 1357mm 536mm 560mm 66 kg FX4DNB037T00 - 36,000 53 7/16-in 21 1/8-in 22-1/16-in 1751b 1357mm 536mm 560mm 79kg FX4DNB043T00 - 42,000 53 7/16-in 21 1/8-in 22-1/16-in 1751b 1357mm 536mm 560mm 79kg FX4DNB049T00 - 48,000 53 7/16-in 24 11/16-in 22-1/16-in 1851b 1357mm 627mm 560mm 84 kg FX4DNB061T00 - 60000 593/16-in 2411/16-in 22-1/16-in 2011b 1503mm 627mm 560mm 91 kg 6th digit: B-Modular cabinet,F-Single piece cabinet 10th digit: 0-Standard copper coil,T-ArmorCoat' SPECIFICATIONS 043 0.• 0. COIL Puron®Refrigerant TXV-factory installed hard-shutoff,bi-flow type for heat pump application Metering Device TXV 2 ton 3 ton ___ 4 ton Rows/Fins Per In. 3/14.5 Face Area(Sq.Ft.) 2.97 3.46 4.45 5.93 7.42 Configuration Slope A FAN CFM(Nominal) 1 600 1 800 1000 1200 1 1400 1 1600 2000 Motor Type(ECM) X-13 I X-13 X-13 X-13 I X-13 X-13 X-13 Motor Hp 1/3 1 1/3 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 3/4 3/4 FILTER 21-1/2-in/546 mm X 16-3/8-in/417 mm 19-7/8-in/505 mm 23-5/16-in/585 mm CABINET CONFIGURATION OPTIONS 1-pc 1-pc/Modular 8 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine PERFORMANCE DATA AIRFLOW PERFORMANCE (CFM) MODEL& BLOWER 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 SIZE SPEED Tap 5 776 745 696 660 609 572 Tap 4 683 644 589 548 494 461 FX4D 019 Tap 3 683 644 589 548 494 461 Tap 2 631 563 500 443 409 361 Tap 1 625 524 457 417 367 319 Tap 5 956 920 891 851 816 780 Tap 4 825 795 757 722 674 634 FX4D 025 Tap 3 825 795 757 722 674 634 Tap 2 726 695 635 598 543 509 Tap 1 631 563 500 443 409 361 Tap 5 1189 1151 1104 1050 1003 959 Tap 4 1041 998 944 886 837 772 FX4D 031 Tap 3 1041 998 944 886 837 772 Tap 2 924 876 817 752 704 660 Tap 1 779 693 628 571 526 476 Tap 5 1363 1332 1294 1253 1207 1157 Tap 4 1237 1206 1160 1121 1070 1013 FX4D 037 Tap 3 1237 1206 1160 1121 1070 1013 Tap 2 1095 1058 1007 951 888 824 Tap 1 1014 885 773 673 609 549 Tap 5 1519 1490 1454 1419 1379 1332 Tap 4 1437 1403 1366 1333 1294 1245 FX4D 043 Tap 3 1437 1403 1366 1333 1294 1245 Tap 2 1257 1226 1191 1141 1090 1033 Tap 1 1237 1206 1160 1121 1070 1013 Tap 5 1757 1725 1693 1653 1614 1576 Tap 4 1664 1626 1593 1552 1517 1477 FX4D 049 Tap 3 1664 1626 1593 1552 1517 1477 Tap 2 1459 1420 1379 1336 1298 1259 Tap 1 1301 1241 1195 1150 1102 1039 Tap 5 2030 1995 1961 1927 1888 1842 Tap 4 1811 1775 1740 1703 1664 1613 FX4D 061 Tap 3 1811 1775 1740 1703 1664 1613 Tap 2 1665 1632 1593 1556 1507 1453 Tap 1 1462 1418 1371 11 1327 1278 1228 —Airflow outside 450 cim/ton. NOTES: 1. Airflow based upon dry coil at 230v with factory-approved filter and electric heater(2 element heater sizes 018 through 037,3 element heater sizes 043 through 061). 2. Airflow at 208 volts is approximately the same as 230 volts because the X-13 motor is a constant torque motor.The torque doesn't drop off at the speeds the motor operates. 3. To avoid potential for condensate blowing out of drain pan prior to making drain trap: Return static pressure must be less than 0.40 in wc. Horizontal applications of 043-061 sizes must have supply static greater than 0.20 in wc. 4. Airflow above 400 cfm/ton on 049-061 size could result in condensate blowing off coil or splashing out of drain pan. 9 Downloaded from www.Manualstib.com manuals search engine v 0 E 0 a a 3 CD T T o T 0 T 0 T o 0 7� y.y cn CD X �X X W X W X N X X N Z � o �o tOo �"'v " v Jv ("v 'O00 m� OI J r Cm N O tp O N Z O W N O V S 7 O£ OO J NO O S NO V n cn A D O O C t0 fir m NN NNNN NN N NN V�NN NN NN c � �0 2m11 ) 2 O Op AOW O VNVNV NVNN JNN NN NNVNJNN NVNN N N ` O — — . p"r^^'( -4 N" V(ONV(ONJ (ONJ(ON J (ON V(ONVtON V (ONV (ON V (ONV(ON V(ON J0N V (ON V(ON V(ONJV7NV (ON V (ONV(ON � r C \1 N_ QQ�D ��pp pp�� �(pp pp�� AA p ((J��( ((7n� A A tJ ,p ti OOi to WNv MOOS O(00 S(71� SOODWO� V (On pNj�OVD� Fi (VON W� ODOA W A V�OND � NW(On WOAD(NO V V V A W W W(WO AW iNOSAONiWOWNS� ^a (p VOOf pp��O)O(n Nfn 0�U7N(�01 (nAAA O1N (11AAAAAAAAAA AA W W W W W W W W W W W W W NNNNNNNNNNNN =W I"•I 7 O (OV WNi(O OD J 0(0 ODN W(O(O OD N�O CD J OW N CD CA W � �OJ V 00DV W (nA W� �W-+OWODOD V(T (nusA W co � �<O f010 � Oq N _. 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Contact manufacturer for cooling capacities at conditions SHC CORRECTION FACTOR other than shown in table. ENTERING AIR DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE(°F) 2. Formulas: 79 78 77 76 75 Under 75 Leaving db=entering db-sensible heat cap. 81 82 83 84 85 Over 85 1.09 x CFM BYPASS Leaving wb=wb corresponding to enthalpy of air leaving FACTOR ENTERING AIR DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE(*C) coil(hlwb) 26 25 25 24 24 Under 75 hlwb=hewb-total capacity(Btuh) 27 28 28 29 29 Over 85 4.5 x CFM Correction Factor where hewb=enthalpy of air entering coil.Direct interpola- 0.10 .098 1.96 2.94 3.92 4.91 Use tion is permissible.Do not extrapolate. 0.20 0.87 1.74 2.62 3.49 4.36 formula shown 3. SHC is based on 80*F(27°C)db temperature of air enter- 0.30 0.76 1.53 2.29 3.05 3.82 below ing coil. Below 80°F(27°C)db,subtract(Correction Fact- Interpolation is permissible. or x CFM)from SHC. Above 80*F (27*C)db, add(Cor- Correction Factor=1.09 x(1 -BF)x(db-80) rection Factor x CFM)to SHC. 4. Bypass Factor= 0 indicates no psychometric solution. Use bypass factor of next lower EWB for approximation. MINIMUM CFM AND MOTOR SPEED SELECTION FAN COIL SIZES HEATER kW FX 3 5 8 9 10 15 18 20 24 30 019 525 525 525 - 600* - - - - - 025 700 700 700 - 700 775* - - - - 031 - 875 875 - 875 875 - 1060* - - 037 - 1050 970 970 970 920 - 1040 - - 043 - - 1225 1225 1225 1225 1225 1225 - - 049 - - 14M 1400 1 1400 1 1460 1400 1 1400 14W 14W 061 - - 1750 1750 1 1750 1 1750 1750 1 1750 1750 1750 Indicates medium speed(blue).All other motor speeds at low tap. AIR DELIVERY PERFORMANCE CORRECTION COMPONENT PRESSURE DROP(in wc) AT INDICATED AIRFLOW(DRY-TO-WET COIL) FX CFM SIZE 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 019 0.034 0.049 0.063 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 025 0.016 0.027 0.038 0.049 0.059 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 031 -- -- -- 0.049 0.059 0.070 0.080 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 037 -- -- -- -- -- 0.055 0.064 0.073 0.081 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 043 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.049 0.056 0.063 0.070 -- -- -- -- -- 049 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.038 0.043 1 0.049 1 0.054 10.059 -- -- 061 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.027 1 0.031 10.035 10.039 0.043 11 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine PERFORMANCE DATA (cont) - FACTORY-INSTALLED FILTER STATIC PRESSURE DROP(in wc) UNIT SIZE CFM FX4D 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 019,025 0.012 0.022 0.048 0.072 - - - - - 031,037,043 - - 0.036 0.051 0.07 0.092 0.12 - - 049,061 - - - - - 0.073 0.086 0.105 0.13 ELECTRIC HEATER STATIC PRESSURE DROP (in wc) 019-037 043-061 HEATER EXTERNAL STATIC HEATER EXTERNAL STATIC ELEMENTS kW PRESSURE ELEMENTS KW PRESSURE CORRECTION CORRECTION 0 0 +.02 0 0 +.04 1 3,5 +.01 2 8,10 +.02 2 8,10 0 3 9,15 0 3 1 9,15 -.02 4 20 -.02 4 1 20 -.04 6 18,24,30 -.10 The airflow performance data was developed using fan coils with 10-kW electric heaters(2 elements)in the 019 through 037 size units and 15-kW heaters(3 elements)in the 043through 061 size units.For fan coils with heaters of a different number of elements,the external available static at a given CFM from the curve may be corrected by adding or subtracting available external static pressure as indicated above. ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEATERS HEATER kW Q VOLTS/ STAGES(kW INTERNAL FAN COIL SIZE HEATING CAP.** PART NO. 240V PH OPERATING) CIRCUIT USED WITH Q230V PROTECTION KFCEHO401 NO3 3 230/1 3 None 018-024 9,400 KFCEH0501 N05 5 230/1 5 None 018-060 15,700 KFCEHO801N08 8 230/1 8 None 018-060 25,100 KFCEH0901N10 10 230/1 10 None 018-060 31,400 KFCEH3201 F20 20 230/1 1 5,20 Fuse$ 030-060 62,800 KFCEH1601315 15 230/3 5,15 None 036-060 47,100 KFCEH2O01318 18 230/3 6,12,18 None 042-060 56,500 KFCEH3401 F24 24 230/3* 8,16,24 Fuse 048,060 78,300 KFCEH3501F30 30 230/3* 10,20,30 Fuse 648,060 94,100 KFCEH2401C05 5 230/1 5 Circuit Breaker 018-060 15,700 KFCEH2501C08 8 230/1 8 Circuit Breaker 018-060 25,100 KFCEH2601C10 10 230/1 10 Circuit Breaker 018-060 31,400 KFCEH3301 C20 20 230/1 5,20 Circuit Breaker 030-060 62,800 KFCEH2901 N09 9 230/1 t 3,9 None 036-060 28,200 KFCEH3001F15 15 230/1 5,15 Fuse# 024-060 47,100 KFCEH3101C15 1 15 230/1 5,15 Circuit Breaker 024-060 47,100 ' Field convertible to 1 phase. t Field convertible to 3 phase. t Single point wiring kit required for these heaters in Canada. ** Blower Motor heat not included. ESTIMATED SOUND POWER LEVEL WBA) CONDITIONS OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY* UNIT SIZE Ext Static FX CFM Pressure 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 019 600 0.25 64.7 60.7 56.7 53.7 51.7 49.7 45.7 025 800 0.25 66.0 62.0 58.0 55.0 53.0 51.0 47.0 031 1000 0.25 67.0 63.0 59.0 56.0 54.0 52.0 48.0 037 1200 0.25 67.8 63.8 59.8 56.8 54.8 52.8 48.8 043 1400 0.25 68.4 64.4 60.4 57.4 55.4 53.4 49.4 049 1600 0.25 69.0 65.0 61.0 58.0 56.0 54.0 50.0 061 2000 0.25 70.0 66.0 62.0 59.0 57.0 55.0 51.0 * Estimated sound power levels have been derived using the method described in the 1987 ASH RAE HVAC Systems S Applications Handbook,Chapter 52, p.52.7. 12 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine • ELECTRICAL DATA FOR UNITS WITH FACTORY-INSTALLED HEAT HEAT PACK SINGLE CIRCUIT DUAL CIRCUIT FX4DNF MTR MTR VOLTS/PH/ Htr. Htr. MODEL NO. HP FLA HZ INSTALLED Heater MCA MOCP Amps MCA MOCP Amps MCA MOCP MKFCEH Amps 1_1/1_2 L7/L2 L1/L2 L3/L4 L3/L4 L3/L4 019005 1/3 2.8 208/230/1/60 0501 N05 18.1/20.0 26.1/28.5 30/30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 025005 1/3 2.8 208/230/1/60 0501 N05 18.1/20.0 26.1/28.5 30/30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 031008 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 0801N08 28.9/32.0 41.3/45.2 45/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 037010 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 0901N10 36.2/40.0 50.4/55.1 60/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 043010 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 0901N10 36.2/40.0 50.4/55.1 60/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 049010 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 0901N10 36.2/40.0 52.8/57.5 60/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 061010 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 0901N10 36.2/40.0 52.8/57.5 60/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 061(0,T)015 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 1501F15 54.2/59.9 75.3/82.4 80/90 36.2140.0 52.8/57.5 60/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 MCA-Minimum Circuit Amps MOCP-Maximum Overcurrent Protection ELECTRICAL DATA FOR UNITS WITHOUT ELECTRICAL HEAT SINGLE CIRCUIT MTR MTR MAXIMUM BRANCH CIRCUIT MODEL NO. HP FLA VOLTS/PH/HZ MCA OVERCURRENT MIN WIRE SIZE* AWG PROTECTION FX4DNF019(0,1)00 1/3 2.8 208/230/1/60 3.5 15 14 FX4DNF025(0,T)00 1/3 2.8 208/230/1/60 3.5 15 14 FX4DNF031(0,T)00 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 5.1 15 14 FX4DNF037(0,T)00 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 5.1 15 14 FX4DNF043(0,T)00 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 5.1 15 14 FX4DNF049(0,T)00 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 7.5 15 14 FX4DNF061(0,T)00 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 7.5 15 14 FX4DNB031T00 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 5.1 15 14 FX4DNB037T00 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 5.1 15 14 FX4DNB043T00 1/2 4.1 208/230/1/60 5.1 15 14 FX4DNB049T00 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 7.5 15 14 FX4DNB061T00 3/4 6.0 208/230/1/60 7.5 15 14 Use copper wire only.Use 75°C only in this application.When using non-metallic(NM)sheathed cable,wire size required should be based on that of 60°C conductors,instead of wire sizes shown in table above per NEC Article 336-26. NOTE:0 branch circuit wire length exceeds 100 ft(30 m),consult NEC 215-2 to determine maximum wire length.Use 2%voltage drop. FLA-Full Load Amps 13 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine v 0 E 00 , a 0 3 E ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEATER ELECTRICAL DATA BRANCH CIRCUIT 7n HEATER AMPS m p INTERNAL 2OW230V Min Ampa4My Min Win Slia(AING) Min Gnd WireSin Max Fur/Ckt Bkr Amps Max Wire L." klN HEATER H CIRCUIT 208/23OV- 208/230Vt 2091230V NO/230V 203P230V(Fhi PART NO, 8 PROTEC- E TION SINIa OW CirtWI Single Dual Ckwll SkgM Dual CkLd1 SkyM Dual CkaM Sk19M Dual ClreuM SINI. Deal Ckadt A 240v ION CkauM L/J2 IA,IA Circuit 1 LI.L2 L3,L4 Ck" Ll.L2 V,L4 Ck L7,L2 L3,I4 CW" L11 W.L4 Cir-K Ll,l2 Lt,U O 3 KFCEHO401No3 3 2.3 1 None 709/12.0 - - 15.107.3 - - 12/12 - - 12/12 - - 2VM - - 67168 - - 3W KFCEH0501NO51 5 3A 1 Nom 7&7/20.0 - - 28.8618A - - 7d10 - - 10110 - - 30130 - - 66/66 - - 7 KPCEH0501 N052 6 92 1 Nona 1&1/20.0 - - 311/99S - - 8/8 - - 10/10 - - 35/35 - - 85/BB - - m KFCEH2401C061 5 &a 1 CM BIo 1&1/20.0 - - 2&0/28.4 - - 10/10 - - 10/10 - - 30/30 - - 5W86 - - P1 KFCEM2401 C052 5 38 1 CM Bkr /&1/20.0 - - 31.Z33.5 - - 8/8 - - 10/10 - - 35/35 - - 95/89 - - n T KFCEH08011008 8 6.0 1 Nam 28d32.0 - - 44.7/485 - - 818 - - 10/70 - - 45/50 - - - n 00 KFCEH2501CM 6 8.0 1 CM Bkr2&9/32.0 - - 44.7/4BS - - dB - - 10/10 - - 4y50 - - Sd80 - - KFCEH290INDS 9 8A 7 Nona 324/36.0 - - 49.5/53.5 - - ate - - 10110 - - 50160 - - 54/87 - - KFCEH2901NOR" 9 6.8 3 Nona 18A1120.8 - - 32.0/345 - - 8/9 - - 1d10 - - 35/35 - KFCEHO901N10 10 7.5 1 None 36.2/400 - - 53A/38.5 - - 6/a - - 10/10 - - woo - - 78/80 - - XFCEH260/C10 10 75 1 CM Bkr 36.2/40.0 - - 53.81585 - - 6/6 - - 10/10 - - 6g50 - - 70/00 - - KFCEH3001F15 16 11.3 1 Fur 642/30.9 362/40.0 18.1/20.0 7"B3A 53.8/5&5 227/25.0 4/4 6/6 10/10 1 am 10/10 10/10 80/90 "W 26M am 78/80 7g75 KFCEH3101CIS 15 11.3 1 CM Bkr - 3&2/40.0 1&1/20.0 - SUMS 227/25.0 - 6/6 10/10 - 10/10 10110 - WM 25/25 - 78/80 75176 KFCEN1601315 15 1113 3 None 31.3134.6 - - 47.7/51A - - 0/6 - - tollo - - Sd®D - - 5890 - - XFCEH2O01318 18 1&5 3 None 37.6141.5 - - 55.5/80A - - 816 - - Iwo - - own - - 76M - - KMEMMIF20 20 1&0 1 Fur 72a79.9 382/40.0 3&2/4&0 98A/106.4 53.8/58.5 46,3150.0 32 wa am V6 10/10 10/10 100/110 am 50M 85/109 780) SO/59 KFCEH3301C20 20 150 1 CM Bkr - 36.2/40.0 36.2140.0 - 53.6158.5 45.3/50A - 6/6 am - 10/10 1d10 - WM 50/50 - 78/90 59(59 r-� 24 1&0 3 Fuse 50.1155.4 - - 71.2MA - - 4/4 - - 8/8 - - B19SD - - 94/95 - - A KFCEH3401F24" 24 18.0 1 Fuse 8&7/96.5 - - 116.91127.9 - - 1/1 - - N6 - - 1251150 - - 115/116 - - 30 22.5 3 Rs 82a1®2 - - BB.M96.0 - - KFCFJ13501F301} 30 225 7 Fur 109.0/120.0 - - 144.8/159.5 - - 0/00 - - 918 - - 1501175 - - 1171150 - - FIELD MULTIPOINT WIRING OF 24-AND 30-kW SINGLE PHASE kW H HEATER AMPS MIN AMPACITY MIN WIRE SIZE(AWG) MIN ONO MAX AMPS BKR MAX WIRE LENGTH HEATER PART A 208/230V 208/230V' 208/23OVt WIRE SIZE 2081230V 208/230V(FT); NO. S 2W*30V 240V 209V E L1,L2 L3,1.4 L6,L6 L1,L2 L3,L4 L5,L6 L1,L2 L3,L4 L5,L5 L1,L2 L3,L4 L5,L6 L1,L2 L3,L4 L5,L6 KFCEH3401 F24tt 24 18.0 1 289132.0 28.9/32.0 28.9/32.0 44.7/48.5 362/40.0 362/40.0 8/8 8/8 8/8 10/10 45/50 40/40 40/40 59/60 73/73 73/73 KFCEH3501 F30tt 30 1 22.5 1 38.2/40.0 36.2140.0 362/40.0 53.8/58.5 45.3150.0 45.3150.0 6/6 8/8 818 10/10 Mao 50/50 50/50 78/80 59159 59/59 * Includes blower motor amps of largest fan coil used with heater. t Copper wire must be used.If other than uncoated(non-plated),75aC ambient,copper wire(solid wire for 10 AWG and smaller,stranded wire for larger than 10 AWG)is used,consult applicable tables of the National Electric Code(ANSI/NFPA 70). # Length shown is as measured 1 way along wire path between unit and service panel for a voltage drop not to exceed 2%. •' Field convertible to 3 phase. tt Field convertible to 1 phase,single or multiple supply circuit. NOTES: 1. For fan coil sizes 018-037. 2. For fan coil sizes 042-061. 3. Single circuit application of F15 and F20 heaters requires single-point wiring kit accessory. ' HEATER ELECTRICAL DATA FACTORY-INSTALLED HEATER OPTIONS* MODEL 019 025 1 031 037 1 043 1 049 061 FX4DNF 5 5 1 8 10 1 10 10 10,15 For field-installed heater/fan coil combinations,see Accessory Electric Heaters. ELECTRIC HEATER INTERNAL PROTECTION HEATER kW PHASE FUSE CKT BKR* QTY/SIZE QTY/SIZE 5 1 — 1/60 8 1 — 1/60 9 1/3 — — 10 1 — 1/60 15 1 2/30-2/60 2/60 15 3 — — 18 3 — — 20 1 4/60 2160 24 1/3 6/60 — 30 1/3 6/60 — * All circuit breakers are 2 pole. When using units with 20-,24-,and 30-kW electric heaters,maintain a 1-in. (25 mm)clearance from combustible materials to discharge plenum and ductwork and maintain a distance of 36 in.(914mm)from the unit.Use an accessory downflow base to maintain proper clearance on downflow installations. Use flexible connectors between ductwork and unit to prevent transmission of vibration.When electric heater is installed,use heat resistant material for flexible connector between ductwork and unit at discharge connection.Ductwork passing through unconditioned space must be insulated and covered with vapor barrier ACCESSORIES ITEM ACCESSORY PART NO.* FAN COIL SIZE USED WITH 1. Disconnect Kit KFADK0201 DSC Cooling controls and heaters 3-through 10-kW KFA6130201 CFB 019,025 2. Downflow Base Kit KFACB0301CFB 031,037,043 KFACB0401 CFB 049,061 3. Downflow Conversion Kit t KFADCO201 SLP Slope Coil Units—019,024,031 KFADC0401 ACL A-Coil Units—037,043,049,061 4. Downflow/Horizontal Conversion Gasket Kit KFAHDO101 SLP All 5. Horizontal Water Management Kit(25 pack) KFAHCO125AAA All 6. Single-Point Wiring Kit KFASP0101SPK Only with 15-and 20-kW Fused Heaters KFAFK0112SML NA 7. Filter Kit(12 Pack) KFAFK0212MED 019,025 KFAFK0312LRG 031 037,043 KFAFK0412XXL 049,061 FNCCABCCO014 (FILXXFNC0014) NA FNCCABCCO017 019,025 Fan Coil Filter Cabinet (FILXXFNC0017) 8' (Fan Coil Filter Media) FNCCABCCO021 (FILXXFNC0021) 031,037,043 FNCCABCCO024 049,061 (FILXXFNC0024) 9. PVC Condensate Trap Kit(50 pack) KFAET0150ETK All 10. Air Cleaner 240-volt Conversion Kit KEAVCO201240 All * Factory authorized and listed,field-installed. t KFAHD0101 SLP must also be purchased for downflow applications. t KFAHD0101 SLP must also be purchased for downflow or horizontal applications. 15 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine ACCESSORY KITS DESCRIPTION SUGGESTED AND REQUIRED USE ' 1. Disconnect Kit The kit is used to disconnect electrical power to the fan coil so service or maintenance may be performed safely. SUGGESTED USE:Units for 3-through 10-kW electric resistance heaters and cooling controls. 2. Downflow Base Kit This kit is designed to provide a 1-in.minimum clearance between unit discharge plenum,ductwork, and combustible materials.It also provides a gap-free seal with the floor. REQUIRED USE:This kit must be used whenever fan coils are used in downflow applications. 3. Downflow Conversion Kit Fan coils are shipped from the factory for upflow or horizontal-left applications.Downflow conversion kits provide proper condensate water drainage and support for the coil when used in downflow applications.Separate kits are available for slope coils and A-coils. REQUIRED USE:This kit must be used whenever fan coils are used in downflow applications. 4. Downflow/Horizontal Conversion Gasket Kit This kit provides the proper gasketing of units when applied in either a downflow or horizontal application. REQUIRED USE:Fan coils in either downflow or horizontal applications. 5. Horizontal Applications-Water Management Kit This kit provides proper installation of fan coils under conditions of high static pressure and high relative humidity. _ SUGGESTED USE: All fan coils. 6. Single Point Wiring Kit The single point wiring kit acts as a jumper between Ll and L3 lugs,and between the L2 and L4 lugs.This allows the installer to run two heavy-gauge,high-voltage wires into the fan coil rather than 4 light-gauge,high-voltage wires. SUGGESTED USE:Fan coils with 15-and 20-kW fused heaters only. 7. Filter Kit(12 pack) The kit consists of 12 fan coil framed filters. These filters collect large dust particles from the return air entering the fan coil and prevents them from collecting on the coil.This process helps to keep the coil clean,which increases heat transfer and,in turn,the efficiency of the system. SUGGESTED USE:To replace filters in fan coils. REQUIRED USE:All units unless a filter grille is used. 8. Fan Coil Filter Cabinet This cabinet is mounted to the fan coil on the return air end and designed to slip over the outer fan coil casing.The cabinets are insulated using the same insulation as production fan coils.They are designed for the removal of particulates from indoor air using FILXXFNC00(14,17,21,24)media filter cartridges.These fan coil media filter cartridge kits are designed for the removal of particles from indoor air.The cartridge is installed in the return air duct next to the air handler or further upstream. SUGGESTED USE:All fan coils. 9. Condensate Drain 1Yap Kit This kit consists of 50 PVC condensate traps.Each trap is pre-formed and ready for field installation.This deep trap helps the system make and hold proper condensate flow even during blower initiation. SUGGESTED USE:All fan coils. 10. Air Cleaner 240-volt Conversion Kit The AIRA electronic air cleaner comes ready for 115-v operation. REQUIRED USE:This kit is required when running 240-volt circuit to air cleaner. Copyright 2010 Carrier Corp.- 7310 W.Morris St.- Indianapolis,IN 46231 Printed in U.S.A. Edition Date: 09/10 Catalog No: FX4D-01 PD Manufacturer reserves the right to change,at any time,specifications and designs without notice and without obligations. Replaces NEW 16 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 4/20/2021 Carrier 25HCE4,ComfortT"' 14 Heat Pump, 15,3 ton,25HCE4 COVID 19 Business Resource Page �qP E I RC E ©Sign In I®Register I®Account I O Ca j PHELPS t-Call Us Today $y ii� ��Ci..yto .u,S Ku Enter keyword or pai PRODUCTS PRAM'_' SERVICES I TRAINING&EVENTS CONTACT US Home»HVAC Residential Systems»Heat Pumps»Item Detail ITEM DETAIL: 25HCE436AO03 DESCRIPTION: Carrier 3 ton 14 seer comfort HP Turn to the experts Carrier 25HCE4,Comfort"14 Heat Pump,15,3 ton,25HCE4 AVAILABILITY. Login for Availability BRAND: Carrier Finished Goods-Carrier UNITSIZE: 1 MFG PART NUMBER: 25HCE436A003 QUANTITY: - + UOM: EA/1.00 v ADDTO LIST i I Features Specifications Documents [Performance] CFM 3165 Cooling Capacity 32600-35000 COP 3.62 EER 11.5-13 Energy Star Rated No ETL Certified No ETL Listed No Heating Capacity 20200-34600 HSPF 8.2 BUILDING LEED Certified No Maximum SEER 15.5 SEER 14-15.5 Tonnage 3 UL Listed Yes UL Recognized Yes [Physical] RECEIVED Air Flow Vertical Compressor Scroll ���: Condenser Motor HP 1/5 Condenser Motor RPM 1100 615 W. folder Street Condenser Motor Type Direct Drive Equipment Type Heat Pump https://www.peirce.com/defauIt.aspx?page=item detail&itemcode=25HCE436A003 1/6 4/20/2021 Carrier 25HCE4,ComfortTM 14 Heat Pump, 15,3 ton,25HCE4 Height 28.44 in High Pressure Yes Inverter No Length 31.19 in Liquid Line Fitting Sweat Liquid Line Size 3/8 in Low Pressure Yes Maximum Piping Length 250 ft. Metering Device TXV Minimum Ambient Temperature-200 F Refrigerant R-410A Rows 1 Sound Blanket Yes Sound Level 77 dBA Stage 1 Suction Line Fitting Sweat in Suction Line Size 3/4 in Weight 170 lb Width 31.19 in [Electrical] Cycle 60 Full Load 1.1 Locked Rotor 75 Maximum Fuse Size 30 Minimum Circuit 20 Phase 1 Rated Load 15.1 Voltage 208/230 [Shipping] Country Of Origin USA Country Of Origin-ISO Code US Package Quantity lea Height 33.25 in Length 33.38 in Shipping Point 38017;38611 Weight 201 lb Width 33.38 in Accessory Items for 25HCE436AO03 Description Availability Manufacturer Pric Line Set 3/8 X 3/4 50Ft 3/8 Wall Insul Mueller Streamline / EA 383450 Co ✓r t iR �--� See Item Details Disconnect Non Fused 60A Metal Motors and / EA 60NF Armatures Inc See Item Details Disconnect Non Fused 60A Metal W/Gfci Motors and / EA 60NFGFI Armatures Inc See Item Details https://www.peirce.com/defauIt.aspx?page=item detail&itemcode=25HCE436A003 2/6 4/14/2021 Maytag 22 cu.ft.Bottom Freezer Refrigerator in Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel-MBF2258FEZ-The Home Depot Home Improvement You're shopping Delivering Olympia v 98501 v Search S Cart 0 items L? 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Get 24/7 support and our 3-day Service Guarantee Learn More Delivery and Installation Y u M 'a a a Home Depot Dryer Delivery & Washer and Dryer Dimensions Installation Taking accurate measurements in your home is This video will walk you through the simple steps critical when purchasing a new washer and dryer. you must take in order to ensure a successful Here are step by step instructions on how to do it delivery and installation of your new Dryer from The correctly. Home Depot. SHOP ALL WASHERS & DRYERS LEARN MORE ABOUT DELIVERY& INSTALLATION Please ensure the following prior to delivery: • A new electrical cord • A 240V electric outlet within 4 ft. of hookup • Verify that your outlet type matches the approved types shown above • Empty&unplug your old appliance Customers Who Viewed This Also Viewed https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-W hite-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-ENERGY-STAR... 4/12 4/14/2021 Maytag 7.4 cu.ft.240-Volt Smart Capable White Electric Vented Dryer with Hamper Door and Steam,ENERGY STAR-MED7230HW-T... Maytag 7.4 cu. ft. Maytag 7.0 cu. ft. Maytag 7.0 cu. ft. Whirlpool 7.0 cu. LG Electronics 7.3 240-Volt Smart 240-Volt White 240-Volt White ft. 240-Volt White cu. ft. Ultra Large > Capable White Electric Vented Electric Vented Electric Vented White Smart (672) (306) ****-1 ** *1 ****1 $80800 $71800 U28 0584 00 00 Was$899 Was P99 Was$6% Was$649 V Add To Cart Add To Cart Add To Cart Add To Cart Add To Cart a Product Overview Internet#312379051 Model#MED7230HW Store SKU#1005177011 Store SO SKU#1005158708 Info &Guides Specifications Capacity (cu. ft.) 7.4 See Similar Items Matching Washer Type Top Load Matching See Similar Items Depth (in.) 29.88 See Similar Items https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-W hite-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-ENERGY-STAR... 5/12 4/14/2021 Maytag 7.4 cu.ft.240-Volt Smart Capable White Electric Vented Dryer with Hamper Door and Steam, ENERGY STAR-MED7230HW-T... Stackable Not Stackable See Similar Items Steam Function Steam See Similar Items Vent Type Vented u M See Similar Items a a Voltage (volts) 240 Width (in.) 27 See Similar Items Dimensions Depth With Door Open 90 Degrees (In) 45.88 Door Opening Height (In.) 0 Door Opening Width (In.) 0 Product Depth (in.) 29.88 Product Height (in.) 45 Product Width (in.) 27 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-W hite-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-EN ERGY-STAR... 6/12 4/14/2021 Maytag 7.4 cu.ft.240-Volt Smart Capable White Electric Vented Dryer with Hamper Door and Steam,ENERGY STAR-MED7230HW-T... Details Amperage(amps) 30 Appliance Category Dryer Appliance Type Electric Dryer Capacity - Dryer(cu. ft.) 7.4 Color/Finish White Color/Finish Family White Control Type Touch Door Material Glass Door Shape Square Door u Door Style Hamper U. Dry Cycles Damp Dry,Wrinkle Free ` Dryer Drum Material Powder-Coated Steel Drum Dryer Features Adjustable End-of-Cycle Signal,Door Window,Four-Way Venting,Interior Light,Sensor Dry,Timed Dry,Wi-Fi Enabled Dryer Fuel Type Electric Exhaust Vent Location Bottom,Left Side,Rear,Right Side Included No Additional Items Included Lint Filter Location Front Matching Washer Type Top Load Matching Number of Drying Cycles 13 Number of Drying Temperatures 5 Pedestal Model# None Power Options Hardwired,Plug-in Product Weight (lb.) 117.4 lb Remote Access Remote Access https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-White-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-ENERGY STAR... 7/12 4/14/2021 Maytag 7.4 cu.ft.240-Volt Smart Capable White Electric Vented Dryer with Hamper Door and Steam,ENERGY STAR-MED7230HW-T... Requires Hub? No Hub Required Returnable Non-Returnable Smart Home Smart Home Enabled Smart Home Protocol Wi-Fi Stackable Not Stackable Stacking Kit Model# None Steam Function Steam Vent Type Vented Voice Control Hub Required No Hub Required for Voice Control Voltage (volts) 240 u Works With Alexa, Google, Proprietary App, Siri 'a a a, L6 Warranty/ Certifications 9 Certifications and Listings Energy Star,UL Listed Manufacturer Warranty Ten Year Limited Warranty Compare Similar Electric Dryers > CURRENT PRODUCT Brand Maytag Maytag LG Electronics Whirlpool Name 7.0 cu. ft. 240-Volt Whi 7.4 cu. ft. 240-Volt 7.3 cu. ft. Ultra Large 7.4 cu. ft. 240-Volt Sn to Electric Vented Drye Smart Capable Whi White Smart Electric V art White Electric Drys r with Moisture Sensin to Electric Vented D ented Dryer with EasyL with AccuDry System g ryer with Hamper D oad Door &Sensor Dr and Steam Refresh, E https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-W hite-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-EN ERGY-STAR... 8/12 4/14/2021 Maytag 7.4 cu.ft.240-Volt Smart Capable White Electric Vented Dryer with Hamper Door and Steam, ENERGY STAR-MED7230HW-T... oor and Steam, EN y, ENERGY STAR NERGY STAR ERGY STAR $71800 $89800 Price $89900 $99900 wee �sss:ee Save$81.00(10%) Save$101.00(10%) Ratings ****� (306) ****� (998) * � (1337) ****� (203) Capacity - Dryer (cu. ft.) Product Depth (in.) �a LL Dryer 1 LHtj Features Stackable Matching Washer Type Steam Function Product Width (in.) Door Style Vent Type Voltage (volts) View Product View Product View Product View Product https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-W hite-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-ENERGY-STAR... 9/12 4/14/2021 Maytag 7.4 cu.ft.240-Volt Smart Capable White Electric Vented Dryer with Hamper Door and Steam, ENERGY STAR-MED7230HW-T... Questions & Answers 2).3 Questions 43Answers Ask a New Question LIM Sort By: i Y Questions with Most Answers o .n a a, + is there additional plumbing for the steam in dryer? 4 Asked by nick May 14, 2020 Answers + can we use a three prong plug with this dryer since we have a three prong 4 outlet. Answers Asked by Sharon April 30, 2020 + What does code F3E2 mean 3 Asked by Jenn November 25, 2020 Answers + How long (in minutes) does the "Steam Refresh cycle" take? 2 Asked by PGupta December 30, 2020 Answers 02 > I;nnn.(:;nrP.d Prndt jc:t.q https://www.homedepot.com/p/Maytag-7-4-cu-ft-240-Volt-Smart-Capable-W hite-Electric-Vented-Dryer-with-Hamper-Door-and-Steam-ENE RGY-STA... 10/12 Name Q 1 Parcel# BLD#?.>ZI -66535 BUILDINQ Mason County <C, a P� epartment of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 1'4 2) Per Mason County Code, Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment',with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surfacez. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction,installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 2Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X Width = Area *All dimensions in feet Buildings &` % X _ I 3L7 ' 20 ' X = ( 1 2 1 Measurements for buildings are taken at the perimeter of the farthest projections(example: X = eaves/gutters) X = Driveways ZVi X X = Length of drive begins at the right of way X = Parking Areas 1 N G X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks G X = X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition X _ above table Others X = X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area (sum of all areas) ,.. If the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- describ ope r review and inspection as may be required. X Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: T 1 C 4 d 2- If the Total Impervious Surface Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. Pagel of 2 Name 7f`(Y111"1'` Parcel# 222 7(NZ BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 2 of 2) Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS Required for this development activity. Title 14, Chapter 14.48 of the Mason County Code(MCC)regulates compliance requirements for Stormwater Management in this jurisdiction.A complete copy of the ordinance can be found on the Mason County website: hi!pHwww.co.mason.wa—us/code/commissioners/index.htm Please follow the links to"Title 14, Chapter 14.48 Stormwater Management". Regulated activities shall be conducted only after Mason County Public Works approves a stormwater site plan (Mason County Code Title 14 Chapter 14.48 section 14.48.70). You will receive a copy of the Public Works document entitled "Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan". This document will assist you in preparing the necessary information and plans for Public Works to review and approve. Per Department of Public Works this document will constitute an approved plan if all of the relevant details*are to be installed in their entirety AND no part of the stormwater system adversely affects any septic system (see Environmental Health information below). If an alternative system is to be used a plan will need to be submitted to Public Works for approval. A design by a registered professional may be required for more complex sites. *These details are found in the document Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan on the pages that begin with"Handout" PLEASE INITIAL BELOW TO INDICATE THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THIS SITE A) '5G The relevant details from Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan will be installed in their entirety AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. B) An alternative plan and/or professional design will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. If you have further questions pertaining to parcel drainage and stormwater management Mason County's Public Works Department can provide additional instructions,guidance and examples. (Section 14.48.130)contact Public works at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 450 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DR SHELTON, WA 98584 If this development has,or will have,a septic/drainfield system you may need to contact Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this,or any other,parcel.You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project. Mason County Division of Environmental Health can be reached at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT.352 615 W ALDER ST SHELTON,WA 98584 A condition will be added to the building permit that states, in part,that all conditions the stormwater site plan will be met prior to a request for final inspection of the building permit. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described pro for review and inspection as may be required. X _ Owner/Agent/ ontracto (circle one)Date: e '1� Page 2 of 2 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS �TANDUNG Plan Number: 1.GENERAL NOTES L Johnson,Jock002 A.WIND EXPOSURE AND SPEED 85 MPH,EXPOSURE B st Draft 1/26/21 B.ROOF LOAD 40 LB.(25-7-0-8) 2nd Draft 2/24/21 C.RAIN-2'PER HOUR FOR ROOF DRAINAGE DESIGN D.FLOOR LOAD 52 LB.PSF(40 LIVE LOAD,12 DEAD LOAD) Owner Info: 3rd Draft 3/9/21 DECKE. LOAD 60 PSF F.SOILS PER IRC TABLE R405.1,IBC SECTION 1804 4th Draft 3/17/21 G.FROST DEPTH.18'H,SOIL HEARING PRESSURE ,0 PSF Marshall & Sena Smith ArOX 120,0 ' I.AIL CLASSIFICATION TYPE,GROUP IV J.ALL GLASS IN DOORS,SIDELIGHTS,AND BATHROOMS,TO BE 300 E Russet Ridge Road ! Psalm- 20-4&5 K.TEMPERED GLASS SEISMIC DESIGN-CATEGORY D 2.FOUNDATIONS Allyn, Washington 98524 P# 12220-33-00250 A.FOOTINGS SHOWN ON PLAN AS MINIMUM AND TO BE POURED ON CENTER OF WALL DIMENSIONS. FOOTINGS ARE TO BE POURED ON UNDISTURBED OR PROPERLY COMPACTED SOIL. A 4' PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE IS TO BE LAID AROUND PERIMETER OF Site I n f Oi 1 FOOTING AND OVERLAID WITH 1/2'TO2'WASHED DRAIN ROCK B.FOUNDATION TO BE BUILT TO SIZE SPECIFIED ON PLACEDDRAWINGIN AND THI C CIFIED IS S 30 DANES WITHE MINIMUM F UN AT ON PLAN. REQUIREMENTS. 300 E Russet Ridge Road O C.REINFORCEMENT STEED TO BE AS SPECIFIED THICKNESS P C L 9 o f B L A #0 6-2 3 \ / CALLED OUT DRAWINGS AND TO HE DETAILED AND PLACED IN WI ACCORDANCE WITH BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE AND TO BE DEFORMED STEEL BARS CONFORMING TO All r ASTM A615,GRADE 40. (GRADE 60 ON#5 6 #6 REBAR) Mason County, Washington D. n y , or CONCRETE.SHALL BE'READY-NIXED CONCRETE'AND Parcel # 12220-33-00250 SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C94(5 SACK OR BETTER) 3.FRAMING 0,450 Acres _ A.FLU' TO FRAMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OF ' / / DRAVINGS. 1.TO HAVE ALLOWABLE FLOOR LOAD IN ACCORDANCE WITH IRC I garage o(�I 2.ALL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF FLOOR HE PROPERLY \ SET FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IRC. 3.STRUCTURAL LUMBER TO BE#2 OF R BETTER • I Con H.WALLS 1.EWITH XTERIOR WOAD FRAMED WALLS TO BE 2'x6'O #2 I.STUDS AT 16'O.C. HEIGHT OF EXTERIOR WALLS TO HE AS SHOWN Scope of the Project: Drive 2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SHEATHED WITH 1/8' STRUCTURAL PLYWOOD OR IF PROPER LET-IN BRACING IS TO BE USED IT ILL HEE DETAILED D IN PLAN. I 3.ALL WINDOW HEADERS AND BEARING WALL BEAMS TO 3 Bedroom Home HE 4'x10'UNLESS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS. • 4.INTERIOR WALL TO 2'x4'CONSTRUCTION PLACED AT 16' 1 rStory I - O.C. STUD HEIGHT TO BE AS SHOVN. 1 r u L l Bath 5.INTEROR BATHROOM WALLS WITH EXTENSIVE PLUMBING Bath • /FIXTURES MAY HAVE 2'x6'FRAMED COMFORTABLE WALLS TO BE PROVI➢ECLEARANCE AND f -, _ / Pro Osed 201-L 'Y 6.BATHROOM WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE MOISTURE NG SPACE. 1 Three Quarters Bath Res deuce O- W RESISTANT CEMENT PLASTER TILE,OR APPROVED EQUAL TO 70 2 Car Garage • Q C 8 INCHES ABOVE DRAIN E SHOWERS R TUB RA WITH SHOWERS. 1,701 S Ft / - / O Z C.ROOFS DRAWINGS WILL SPECIFY TRUSS OR RAFTER fl, I / /1 Q CONSTRUCTION. `"'11 • LLJ 1.ENGINEERED TRUSS DETAIL TO BE CHECKED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR BUILDING➢ESIGNER BEFORE INSTALLATION. \ 2 STANDARD ROOF LOAD TO APPLY TO DRAWINGS TO BE A 40 (`./J PSF TOTAL LOAD UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. / y/ LL] 3.ROOF SHEATHING TO BE 1/2'CDX STANDARD,OR 7/16'OSB • j AND ROOFING PRODUCTS USED. \ J D.CONNECTIONS- ALL ALL CONNECTORS ARE SPECIFIED AS ACCORDANCE CONNECTORS OR EQUIVALENT. \ Q 1. NAILING SCHEDULE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 23-1-0,UHC Co LL 4.ENERGY CODES COMPLY WITH WASHINGTON STATE 2015 ENERGY CODE o A.ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE SEALED INTO WALL WITH PROPERLY C3 23�-11" W INSTALLED WINDOW WRAP AND CAULKING. City of Allyn Applicable Codes / F� B.ALL FRAMING INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN CONDITIONED TO -/ _J UNCON➢ITIONED WALLS AND FOUNDATIONS TO HE CAULKED TO X Z STOP AIR LEAKAGE. -2015 International Residential Code and Amendments (IRC) j I C N C.ALL PENETRATIONS FOR PLUMBING,WIRING,AND DUCTING -2015 International Bulldln Code and Amendments (IBC) o TO HE SEALED g D.VENTILATION DUCTS SHALL HAVE R-4 INSULATION -2015 International Fire Code and Amendments (IFC) 0- I COVERING -2015 International Mechanical Code and Amendments (IMC) ¢ 5,INSULATION- -2015 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) A.ROOF/CEILING TO HAVE MINIMUM OF R-49 BLOWN INSULATION g B.FLOOR,R-30 10'MATT INSULATION -2015 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) _- C.WALLS,R-21 6'BATT INSULATION -2015 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code (VIAC) 1).ALL EXTERIOR WALLS,TO HAVE EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING C"j TYPES OF VAPOR BARRIERS. 1.TYVEK HOUSE WRAP(PREFERABLE) �J A 2.TYPAR HOUSE WRAP L /V1v,,, UJ,, 3.IS LB.IC 7 LB.FELT PAPER. J J.� t P PROV E D I MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS - _I �� ^ -` I 1. CLOTHES DRYER LOCATED U AN AREA THAT IS HABITABLE OR FV�fAiG+ ,� PLANNING • W CONTAINING OTHER FUEL BURNING RPPLIANCES SMALL BE EXHAUSTED TO 10 �4,J'T v S j 1, THE OUTSIDE. EXHAUST DUCT LENGTH IS LIMITE➢TO 25 FT.WITH 2 2. ELEMENTS F(byd: 2.0 1::+ 44�.• W $ITS PLAN P,I--"`�:i ;.€.:.,:/ -.�tq SITE 2. ELEMENTS OF APPLIANCES WHICH CREATE A GLOW,SPARK,OR FLAME SHALL BE LOCATED A MINUMUM OF 18'ABOVE THE GARAGE FLOOR. ,�n - CFlAwGES $ty�4-L 4 1':. r'..1' 10VAL 3. EXHAUST DUCTS TO HE CONSTRUCTED OF SMOOTH-BORE,NONCOMBUSTIBLE $1 C�.2. 5 Strom- s�df_ o / MATERIALS. APPROVED FLEX CONNECTION CONNECTIONS NOT EXCEEDING 6 FT, a9tfT I/ CD I \ IN LENGTH MAY HE USED IN CONNECTION WITH DOMESTIC DRYER EXHAUST. a 4. HOT WATER TANKS HAVING FLEXIBLE PIPE PREVENT OVER FOUR FEET TALL.SHALL BE STRAPPED DOWN TO PREVENT OVERTURN IN AN CASE OF EARTHQUAKE. Note, SITE INF❑ PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS OBTAINED FROM MASON L PROVIDE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE FOR HOT WATER TANK DRAIN TO THE COUNTY MA P S IFTE R OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING WITH DRAIN END NOT MORE THAN TWO FEET NOR LESS THAN 6'ABOVE THE GROUND,POINTING DOWN. 2. PROVIDE AN AIR GAP FOR THE➢ISHWASHER IF PROVIDED. M - / R' / 3. PRO ➢E AN APPROVED BACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE AT ALL HOSE - <¢, BIBS. 4. PROVI➢E q CLEAN-OUT WHERE BUILDING DRAIN AND BULL➢ING SEWER- wm; LINES CONNECT.5. EACH HORIZONTAL DRAINAGE PIPESHALL HE PROVIDED WITH A CLEANOUT AT ITS UPPER TERMINAL LIBOLT RESIDENTIAL DRAFTING,INC.,IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SAFETY PROGRAMS, ❑ METHODS OR PROCEDURES OF OPERATION OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DESIGNS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. - - DRAWINGS ARE ALSO NOT BE USED IN ANY MANNER THAT WOULD CONSTITUTE A DETRIMENT .RECEIVED \\ // / / L1U�1t DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO LIBOLT RESIDENTIAL➢RAFTING,INC. i i / / LIBOLT RESIDENTIAL DRAFTING,INC. Q-COPYRIGHT 2004 Residential 1 I \vi - .- IF THIS DRAWING�IS LESS THAN APR 2U2 1 DraftingN 24'X36'IT IS A REDUCED PRINT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY. - � \ 1 1 - t ' E CLYOE 110 Park View Dr. THEJOB,CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE,M .ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON _ 4,�`"a, s4� Lynden,VA 98264 THE JOB,AND LIBOLT RESIDENTIAL DRAFTING,INC.,MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATIONS a S Lyrd 9,WA 05 FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THESE DRAVINGS. SHOP DETAILS SHOULD I ➢ate 3/1105 BE SUBMITTED TO LIBOLT'RESI➢ENTIAL DRAFTING, INC.,FOR REVIEW BEFORE PROCEEDING ��C �A/. e,� ,. ` 7/21 WITH FABRICATION. 5 �/y / e a, Site Plan �. � � Page: A ANY 1 S�yown,c,;�. THESE PLANS ARE TO BE USED F THE CONSTRUCTION THIS PROJECT. _ ANY USE OF THESE PLANS FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT OR ON ANY OTHER SITE BY THIS 1"=10'Scale CLIENT OR ANY OTHER CLIENTS WITHOUT NOTIFICATION AND MONETARY COMPENSATION SHALL DEEMED A DETRIMENT TO LIBOLT RESIDENTIAL DRAFTING INC,. 0 5' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 75' 100' of 7