HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Response - COM Inspections - 3/6/2008 1 �j RECEIVED Hood Canal School District #404 MAR �W� 111 North Highway 106 [.U1t Shelton, WA. 98584 426 W. CEDAR ST. February 29, 2008 Mr. Mark Core & Mr. Larry Waters Mason County Building Department Building III 426 W. Cedar Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Hood Canal K-8 School Hood Canal School District No. 404 Proposed Response to Item # 9 - Mason County Inspection Report Letter in Response to January 29, 2008 e-mail by Mr. Larry Waters, Building Inspector Mason County. Dear Gentlemen, As required by Mr. Water's e-mail dated January 29, 2008, which is enclosed for reference, the Hood Canal School District agrees to the following: ■ Post signage at the gymnasium side of the double doors that separate the gt m.n, c i cn }h_e n nc +hat c�n}p 'N t cn Chi+' i {-� c•ir�n S nh•-•!I I-.•- y a�ium d ., . ,ommo ., u. �o, u,; _ .,y,.� sh- red with minimum 1 inch lettering. ■ The exit sign will be removed from above the double doors. ■ The occupant load signs in the Gymnasium will be revised to read `Maximum Occupant Load 933'. ■ The occupant load signs in the Commons will be revised to read `Maximum Occupant Load 813'. ■ Once the above four items are complete the set of double doors that separate the Commons from the west classroom wing will be reinstalled. • When permanent bleachers are planned to be installed in the gymnasium, the Hood Canal School District shall apply for all proper permits with Mason County. Furthermore, we understand that exiting for the Commons area and first floor west classroom wing shall be required to meet codes that are current at the time of permit submittal. Please contact if you have any questions. We intend to immediately begin with the required revisions as noted above. Sincerely, I t - av Ron Zier Superintendent Hood Canal School District Enc. From: "Ray Mow" <ray@ericksonmcgovern.com> Subject: Hood Canal - Mason County Letter. Gate: February 29, 2008 12:58.52 PM PST To: <rzier@hoodcanal.wednet.edu>, <Galcoenggary@comcast.net> e- 2 Attachments, 83.7 KB Please see the attached. Adjust as needed. _i r,,,2 In:VUiI. Raymond Mow, AIA Associate Er�ckst,n McGovern PLI._C RayQ Erickson McGovern.com Phone 253 5310206 Fax 253 531 9197 Cell 253 208 3235 b,. HCSD letter to Mason Co... (34.S 1<13) i Ray Mow I From: Larry Waters[Law@co.mason.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday,January 29,2008 2:55 PM To: Ray Mow Cc: Mark Core Subject: Re: Hood Canal K-8 School-Status Your proposal to post the door between the commons area and the gym with a sign stating"Not an Exit'is acceptable. If i as your letter stated the bleachers in the gym are"not'installed.This will lower the occupant load in the gym by 160 which in•):. Ip„nrc the OCOupant load in the cornmons a'r'a. E',as_'A on the!._. ^,Cr•itra.�t!^,a:t cal^.'`. both sraa3 !oad wlli be I,�ss tl 1,000. By code these areas will only be require to have 3 exits.At that point the additional double dc:ors that were 1 added in the hall to area A and the fire door into area C to swing in one direction into the commons. Note:This is viewed as only a temporary solution,when in the future the bleachers are installed the gym and the commons area will again be required to have 4 exits.A separate permit will be required to be applied for and issued.And the double doors into either area A or area C will need to meet what ever the code requires at the time application is made.Mason County at this time is requiring a written statement from the school district that they agree to apply for all the required permits and call for all the required inspections when the bleachers are installed and that they are willing to bring the exit system into full compliance with what ever the code requires based on the new occupant load. >>>'Ray Mow"<ray@ericksonmcgovern.com>1/9/2008 4:23 PM>>> j Mark&Larry, Have you folks had a chance to look at the letter I had mailed out a while ago? I know you have been a little busy with the storms and such. I just got my bridge back(Tahuya River)over Christmas. Please do me a favor and thank who ever at the County got that done so quickly. i Anyway, please review the letter( I attached a copy)and let me know at your earliest opportunity. I believe it to be successful solution. Thank you, Raymond Mow,AIA Associate Erickson McGovern PLLC i Ray@EricksonMcGovern.com i Phone 253 531 n206 Fax 253 531 9197 Cell 253 208 3235 1