HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAR2005-00011 - PAR Application - 2/23/2005 ✓e MASON COUNTY 91 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit Processing/Inspections/Addressing Mason County Bldg. 111426 W.Cedar P.O.Box 186 Shelton WA 98584 www.co.mason.via.us (360) 427-9670 Belfair (360) 275-4467 Elma (360) 482-5269 Seattle (206) 464-6968 MASON COUNTY PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE NOTES • BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Debbera Coker (360) 427-9670 EXT 510 E-Mail: dlc@co.mason.wa.us • DATE: 3 oo A e, (��v / Z d c�ivi�? 11VL- • PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: O • PROJECT/PROJECT TRACKING NUMBER: PAR,�,3 d0-5 - ,L-)Od• Jj OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION & USE. / D4,0 %Esrc--� A SSEmt3cr • FIRE WALL REQUIRED: -ZQS FIRE BARRIER REQUIRED: -Z-AICL. • NUMBER OF EXITS REQUIRED/OCCUPANT D.IBC 1004) Cl����'��/� °06 �n p • TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Change of Use: A4 >' //y"-C- - v OG UF7[�L' C/ti/3%i0/✓< • ALLOWABLE AREA: L5 L Tccb le--55&3 ACTUAL AREA: ")17'CIV L/�/i✓G i9 '�� M OO i,+=i C/9'7'I O/V� • SETBACKS TO PROPERTY LINES: N / E / S /W is�, a•f • FIRE RESISTANCE FOR EXTERIOR WALLS: N / E /S /W • DISTANCES TO OTHER STRUCTURES: N / E / S /W • ENGINEERING REQUIRED: y S • ACCESSIBILITY REQUIRED: yS 1c�f/�/�7 flOGczf7� j >7 /[.3dL� �.WX��d'� kRestrooms male/ female Parking spaces To structure • PLUMBING SYSTEMS Occupant load: Pro r,'dc -PI vm.6''� P�/3/✓��ules a.-) Water closets (M/F), Lavatories, Drinking Fountains, Other: NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE: Heated? No/ Yes, Complete NREC Compliance forms(envelope and Mechanical) LIGHTING: Complete NREC Compliance Form VENTILATION: I�r id& C--065 OIL SEPARATOR REQUIRED? Yes / No GEOTECH REPORT REQUIRED? YES / NO OTHER: r PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT BUILDING �( PLUMBING / MECHANICAL � GRADING 5� ��1 �- P ❑ VARIANCE ans ❑ CHANGE OF USE o . FIRE SUPPRESSION 5` f� ► m�ro �r.n-� �� !� SIGN ( " ¢( FENCE (Greater than 6'0" above grade) Lj ADDITIONAL NOTES: WHEN YOU ARE READY, SUBMIT THREE (' COMPLETE SETS OF BUILDING PLANS INCLUDING: • CONSTRUCTION PLANS, • MECHANICAL PLAN, • PLUMBING PLAN AND • NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODENENTILATION & INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE INFORMATION. • DEFERRED SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL • A PLAN REVIEW FEE WILL BE COLLECTED WHEN THE BUILDING PERMIT IS SUBMITTED. VALUATIONS ARE BASED UPON THE ICBO BUILDING STANDARDS VALUATION DATA RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PERMIT FEE WILL BE DETERMINED BASED UPON TABLE 1-A OF THE 1997 UBC. • REFERENCE CODE EDITIONS effective 7/1/2004: 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE C 2003 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 2003 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE /WAC 51-42 2003 NON RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE 2003 Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality Code • DESIGN CRITERIA: SEISMIC ZONE: WIND LOAD 85MPH, Exp B SNOW LOAD: --/0 kdc2003presub I - Case number:PAR j MASON COUNTY PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REQUEST FORM The purpose of the pre-submission conference is to identify and/or eliminate as many potential problems as possible in order for the project to be processed without delay. Representatives for the Fire Marshal's Office, Building Department, Environmental Health, Planning, and Public Works Departments may attend the meeting to discuss rules and regulations applicable to the proposed project. Topics covered during the meeting will include the comprehensive plan, shoreline program, zoning, availability of sewer and potable water, development concepts, building construction, fire protection and life safety concerns of the proposed project.The pre-submission conference will be most informative when you provide accurate and detailed information on the Pre-Application Conference Application Form and the site plan. Applications will be accepted when all information is received and deemed complete. Pre-Application Conferences are held every Wednesday and last one hour. To schedule a meeting complete the application on both sides and return 10 copies of the detailed site plan, along with $205.00 fee, by 4:30 on the Wednesday prior to the proposed Wednesday meeting to the Mason County Department of Community Development, ATTN: Pre-Submission Coordinator, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584. Fax request forms to (360) 427-7798. If you have any questions call(360)427-9670 ext_281. Date of Request: Site Plan Applicant: Submit 10 copies Name: � oo�a (��r��/ �i 4�r; f- , Include the following information Mailing Address: on site plans: /1/�� 5,� /r�l S�g 17 I i�>� �JS �� Daytime Telephone: _g2:2 _cZ yew El" Indicate Scale and North Arrow Representative: L't' Property line dimensions,easements, Name: n& 2 J kAP 47W 1 ru i 7G/i'v / /'SCi)f 3' �, and right-of-ways. Mailing Address: 4//2 /�y�—y V The location of all existing and proposed structures.Include square Daytime Telephone:6kl ) 4-7 (2 (�6221 29-<2-ZEL footage of existing and proposed Parcel Number: 12 digits `�Z1 a�3 H ' d structures. 2.16 2 - j a&00 10 Er Setback distance,in feet from all property lines and structures. Description of Project: tr Existing and proposed road access to Include: 1)Square footage of structure,2)Use of building and rooms(i.e., and from the site. office,warehouse,restaurant,storage,etc),3)Occupancy classification per V" Parking sites IBC, Section 302.1,and construction type.4)Provide wo sets of plans, f W Location of on-site sewage tanks and ---- --- available.Use separate sheet if necessary drainfields. —� i la" Location of drinking water supply.�� Include location on the proposed site G' S F yy i��.�i� L�., i1{ G✓.�� and surrounding parcels. • �d i h� /� d m.'"n r odd ` A j ��'� �� 0" Steep bluffs,wetlands,streams,and bodies of water ,mar P B' Location of fire hydrants and `'7 �C� � emergency vehicle access roads, including grade. 0�/ Surface and storm water run-off routes. ITLANNING\CHARELL&RENEETRES UBM Iss ION IRM r -Has the project been discussed during a previous Pre-Application Conference: If yes,please indicate date. Will the building have employees?If yes,how many? T %?w,—,� eJ` Si�f�,��rf _Sf�T 1pf'vx ra n-t�/y �5, What is the water availability of the proposed project?If there is an existing well,what is the name of the system? �i�fi i�G'/` �'l� �� "� .� f�X- , l,O. 3 What is planned for the on-site sewage system? If you are proposing a new on-site system provide detail on the required site plan. ✓��l��'S�% i 57�i`r��, -5 m APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES 2003 International Building Code/2003 International Residential Code Uniform Fire Code-ANSI Al 17 2003 International Mechanical Code—WAC 51-42 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code—WAC 51-56/51-47 2003 Washington State Energy Code—WAC 51-11 2003 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code—WAC 51-13 Mason County Ordinance To be filled out by Coordinator I:PLANNINOWHARELL&RENEE\PRESUBMISSION.FRM �I NON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT INITIAL REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE In accordance with Washington State's Growth Management Act, the Mason County Comprehensive Plan regulates the placement, expansion or modification of commercial, industrial and public facilities to certain areas of the county. In the interest of saving you time and money the Department requires this initial review checklist to be completed and reviewed by this department prior to the submission of any building permits. Applicant Name � Daytime Phone # Mailing Address Site Address Directions to Site y ����•� Septic h or Sewer Water Suppl A Tax Parcel Number# 5Eo Legal Description S:2e- Type of Development s A�o�' Applicant's Signature OFFICIAL USE NGA Approved By Existing Commercial pate II� f EXISTING STRUCTURES Tc ije-. TABLE 3410.7 SUMMARY SHEET—BUILDING CODE Existing occupancy Proposed occupancy Year building was constructed Number of stories Height in feet Type of construction Area per floor Percentage of open perimeter % Percentage of height reduction % Completely suppressed: Yes No Corridor wall rating Compartmentation: Yes No Required door closers: Yes No Fire-resistance rating of vertical opening enclosures Type of HVAC system serving number of floors Automatic fire detection: Yes No type and location Fire alarm system: Yes No type Smoke control: Yes No type Adequate exit routes: Yes No Dead ends: Yes No Maximum exit access travel distance Elevator controls: Yes No Means of egress emergency lighting: Yes No Mixed occupancies: Yes No SAFETY PARAMETERS FIRE SAFETY(FS) MEANS OF EGRESS(ME) GENERAL SAFETY(GS) 3410.6.1 Building Height 3410.6.2 Building Area 3410.6.3 Cornpartmentation 3410.6.4 Tenant and Dwelling Unit Separations 3410.6.5 Corridor Walls 3410.6.6 Vertical Openings 3410.6.7 HVAC Systems 3410.6.8 Automatic Fire Detection 3410.6.9 Frye Alarm System 3410.6.10 Smoke control •' 3410.6.11 Means of Egress •' 3410.6.12 Dead ends ••'' 3410.6.13 Maximum Exit Access Travel Distance ** • 3410.6.14 Elevator Control 3410.6.15 Means of Egress Ernergency lighting 3410.6.16 Mixed Occupancies 3410.6.17 Automatic Sprinklers +2= 3410.6.18 Incidental Use Building score—total value ****No applicable value to be inserted. TABLE 3410.9 EVALUATION FORMULAS° FORMULA T.3409.7 T.3409.8 SCORE PASS FAIL FS-MFS>_0 (FS) — )_ ME-MME>:0 — (MM[E)_ GS-MGS>0 (GS) — (MGS)_ a. FS=Fire Safety MFS=Mandatory Fire Safety ME=Means of Egress MME=Mandatory Means of Egress GS=General Safety MGS=Mandatory General Safety I GAL(o Engineering February 8, 2005 4118 Kyro Road S.E. Tamely Clark Olympia,WA 98503 Mason County Dept. of Community Development Phone:(360)491-7591 P. O. Box 186 (ell:(360)789-1865 Shelton WA 98584 Fax:060)456-3802 Attention: Pre-Submission Coordinator Re: Hood Canal School District 9404 Dear Pre-Submission Coordinator or Ms. Clark, Hood Canal School District is pleased to advise Mason County that they have recently passed a capital improvement bond for major improvements to e-existin site and building. The proposed project will include proms S. w construction modernization of approx>ma s.f of or bus garage improvements and additions, and n see impro S. We have included a complete Pre-Application Conference Request form with the following information and attachments: ■ 1 completed Pre-Application Conference Request form ■ Purchase Order#11780, issued by Hood Canal School District, in the amount of $205.00 ■ 1 Exhibit "A" with legal descriptions including parcel numbers ■ 1 parcel map ■ 1 — 8 '/2" x I survey property map by Holman&Associates ■ 10 - 24" x 36" Concept "A" site plans ■ 2 - 11" x 17" Concept "A" site plans ■ 10 - 24" x 36" Concept `B" site plans ■ 2 - 11" x 17" Concept "B" site plans ■ 2 - 11" x 17" proposed floor plans for Concept"A" site plan 8 2 - I x 17" proposed floor plans for Concept "B" site plan ■ 2 - 24"x 36" topographic site survey maps recently prepared by Bracey& Thomas Surveyors Additional project information: Owner: Hood Canal School District Ron Zier, Superintendent I I I North Highway 106, Shelton, WA 98584 Phone: (360) 877-9700 E-mail: rzier@hoodcanal.wednet.edu Project Gary Larson Manager: GALCo Engineering 4118 Kyro Road SE, Olympia WA 98503 Phone: (360) 491-7591 Cell: (360) 789-1865 E-mail: galcoenggary@comcast.net Proiect Steve Storaasli Architect: Erickson McGovern Architects 120 121" Street S., Tacoma WA 98444-4604 Phone: (253) 531-9197 E-mail: steve@ericksonmcgovem.com We were issued a project SP #12005-00020 when submitting a pre-inspection application last week. Does that SP# still apply? Please forward all project correspondence to GALCo Engineering. For your information, the School District will be acting as lead agency for S.E.P.A. review and plans to issue the checklist next week. I would appreciate if our Pre-Submission Conference could be scheduled for an afternoon time block on Wednesday, February 16, 2005, as I have a medical appointment I cannot change in the morning. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (360) 491- 7591 or cell (360) 789-1865. The Hood Canal School District appreciates your support in this exciting project. Sincerely, Gary A. Larson, P.E. cc: Ron Zier, Hood Canal School District Steve Storaasli, Erickson McGovern r File Number: 94463 EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 1: All that portion of the Southwest quarter (SW %4) of the Southwest quarter (SW %.) of Section two (2), Township twentyone(21) North, Range four(4)West,W.M., lying Easterly of the Easterly right of way line of State Route 106,AND all that portion of the Northwest quarter (NW Y4) of the Southeast quarter(SE%) of the Southwest quarter(SW %) of Section two (2), Township twenty (21) North, Range four(4)West,W.M., lying Easterly of the Easterly right of way fine of State Route 106; AND, All that portion of the South half(S 1/) of the Southeast quarter (SE Y4) of the Southwest quarter (SW%4) of Section two (2), Township twentyone (21) North, Range four (4)West, W.M., lying Easterly of the Easterly right-of-moray kne of State Route 106; exceyfing therefrom the South 250 feet thereof; AND, The Northeast quarter (NE %) of the Southeast quarter(SE %) of the Southwest quarter (SW %) of Section two (2), Township twentyone (21) North, Range four (4) West, W.M.,- EXCEPTING from all the foregoing, all those portions thereof particularly described as follows: 1)All that portion of the Southeast quarter(SE %) of the Southwest quarter(SW %4) of Section two (2), Township twentyone (21) North, Range four(4)West, W.M., particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the South quarter comer of Section two(2); thence North 01052'03" East along the East line of said Southeast quarter(SE Y4) of the Southwest quarter(SW%), 250.00 feet to the North tine of the South 250 feet of the Southeast quarter(SE %) of the Southwest quarter(SW%); thence North 88014'00"West along said North rme, 21.83 feet to the Westerly margin of Reservation Road, County Road No. 43130 and the POINT OF BEGINNING fo the tract of land hereby described; thence continuing North 88°14'00"West along said North line, 209.43 feet; thence North 02"30'02" East, 208.02 feet; thence South 88014'00' East, 209.43 feet to said Westerly margin of said county road; thence South 0213(Y02' West along said Westerly margin, 208.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 2) A tract of land Southeast quarter (SE %) of the Southwest quarter (SW %) of Section two (2), Township twentyone (21) North, Range four (4) West, W.M., particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the South quarter corner of said Section two(2); thence North 01°52'03' East, along the centerline of said Section two (2), 458.01 feet;thence North 88014'00' West, 19.48 feet to the Westerly right-of-way tine of Reservation Road, County Road No. 43130, and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence continuing North 88014'00" West, 209.43 feet; thence North 02°30'02" East, 180.01 feet; thence North 88014'00" West, 132.57 feet;thence North 00°54'29" East, 688.68 feet to the North line of said Southeast quarter (SE%) of the Southwest quarter (SW %); thence South 89005'31" East, along said North line, 100.00 feet to the Westerly right-of--way line of Reservation Road, County Road No. 43130; thence along the Westerly right-of-way line of said county road; South 26042,080 East, 131.25 feet, South 29105'20" East, 123.25 feet, South 30021'51" East, 95.32 feet, South 23-54'15- East, 101.81 feet, South 12051'07' East, 34.50 feet, South 05030'11" East, 76.44 feet, South 01050'42" East, 134.29 feet, South 00°41'49"West, 176.76 feet, and South 02030'02"West, 56.41 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel Nos. 42102 34 60000 and 42102 34 60030 Parcel 2: The South 100 feet of all that portion of the Northeast quarter(NE %) of the Southwest quarter (SW %) of Section two (2), Township twentyone (21) North, Range four (4) West, W.M., lying Westerly of the Westerly right-of-way line of Reservation Road, County Road No. 43130. Parcel No. 42102 3160010 .. .. .. .NWT ow I 33 s - 10/91 3100020 T r i b-a i S 3 oc. s o/i43 5- 14/136 3i60019 • ,��l�,►QG,� Tr. 10 a4 �•14/1.1 Z: NE: SE S Tr. 6 3460000 3300010 N W SE SW E •_------ R/W sw sw w 101 ex 3460000 38 NW SE SW W R/W 8- 14/71 Tf.. 9 Tr, 4' 3400000 •� �+ ► � /d S'W S w 33Eo010 gE SE SW eK. Tr. I E 141 81, W 106 �. 6i• 44 sw sw 3300000 3400010 �- �y3 3�00020 ' ��gbocxo s BE SW W s 250' ex. 3460020 R/W ? REV 12-27-s 1 3 FOR RE'�ERENC� C/S� ()Nl. Y NO TE'set I viuus wwv I:; At. DESCRIPTION,' _ 4 AC HORE°a"o°AMP BOOK 10 PA ar 91 sfE MArPoRmwQr rwsourwAsraw owrew /OErAA l�vnlL«e rOUnrmaoo.Lrr 0r r/a SOurNWfSr atkr oWR1a7P Or sic noN z 9a0 as rOWNSW IV MUM RANCE 4 WfJr. PKA1,L MG � N 89• CIS' Jr' W 999.17 fAdrf,,.?'>r dR/09 AND WfdrfNL Y W'A cowry, Cx/srta. � — 40A t[ . ROAD/NC AW AS NEW fA)N ROAD, GaANf Y OCrr, roWY L id,'• rAvrp At r/H'AY'/W mpe sou re 2saOo pre r ��j ".10"/.�' No a ,J" ✓ D r �� rhrwar irr4ul oAtra JM/Jr +Get L AM rm r•f1RTA7N a�fltlt dDYTNWfdT ONE ar Jr S a9' OS' Jr E 4109 d r d I 1 MOW Or'pW SOUrh4Yfdr OW OWRrdR Or u e4 Aj OF SAO SfCM L YAVG fASMU Y Of"0 AR/nt AAO rNA r nk ri w or rst swrN naoo fif r or rmt NORTNEAd r mr OLY mw of Me"UrNWfsr ea &g OWRrfR Or SAGO SfC row L rwa wfd rrhY.Y W' t i SA/O CQLwrr ROAQ ` 4 29.14 AC. }.fir• 4. � � '`dt'J° \ II -- ;nd• ,j�Npy�A _KASTM CAP Sift r O),At aJ� •.LMIf d rAKf Sf aV' SCALE ' atIto PAN O its at.t be : Ae� Q rr sett• SLIBD�IS/ON � r°w9 �� '+) � LIA kAC JA'C R rMht A'K R IW,IkAI � LSD' MNM4r �• ` : 4'f 0 h W N IL a /)�/pY�Mjy}I�Mp��My : It It _ J q• ea S 1. In LLIt R ' _ A,11 C a rC 7 K N N 39 it _ It Arrtya I I.f4N �f S IB' 14' 00" E B4SS6 / aao.lr N N•.Ifra'AYI' W NalrrN L",,S0Url1?3QQ0 ntr r l a '"Pnn l, N N0�•) / wat ,uwrtecti auulutc Holman 8 Associates Survey h0/../"./Land,$—#Y.n ThN+Ir!w"effI tw"Afl 3 lw"itwi,/,M w*AV MY&*am to' e0 W0r/Rtn7Y00d SAefla� N•0, rare fw n.w 1LIt. IC.,.Mf a-Oct n_lS�t..-_.--1► U w 1—tl•01 MI r.,.Yr.10r r)ro.xr..,IMuAA 4t.1 III Hood CanOl School D%Sirici No. 404 (roR r6-P99 9636') ►rY....-.r(..__.....11 1qI.. ....�tl IN tquM rl n,rn/st 9N,.N4i' In 0wa It a1ri bvwu .w-I/AY I•Jfi •' tCC IIONG Igwµpa^P/MA9rI(RAA'GCIIYdJT IKM of ICAU r'r100' _.... /Ia O.GH t�?/A>