HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2024-00349 SFR - BLD Application - 3/13/2024 Permit No• MASON COUNTY R E C L- 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit Assistance Center,,Building,Planning MAR 13 2024 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA .'j' T(PIg W. Alder Street PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME&Q,I L4 W (y)d C-1oria Tnad. iiW NAME: MAILING ADD),2ESS:PC apk iglolo J MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: f3g-lLel(r STATE:WA ZIP:QS G` CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE#1:?Z(,-3t01?05Q.' --f{j1 e PHONE: CELL: PHONE#2: D EMAIL: EMAIL: /1110 C6 12402ac4 L&I REG# E)P. PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNER) CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER❑ NAME EMAIL i'�ule-.'A ( @ MAILING ADDRESS CITY. ,1 ct S[ATE Ot Z_IP 9R'S PHONE .3L,e2 �3 jQ may' CELL WUE PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) �.�( - UD.�)/ ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated) (-A �F 'f''� RE DISTRICT !GJCA SITEADDRESSIqU RE" laio9 F-X CTTY (mi l j^ Q -iQT DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS IlOoftti5r1ot'Q. lid to 4i reS5 9� f,17 U >afpY' Si IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YESQ NO❑ SNOW LOAD:_psf IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Checkall that apply): SALTWATER Q LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM �/❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW,Q ADDITION❑ ALTERATION❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commerrrat Bldg,Etc)&6 I d ,t 0Q__ IS USE: PRIMARYjg SEASONAL❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS_Z NUMBER OF BATHROOMS z HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(WholeBW,@ YES(ParrlslofBldg)❑ NO❑ ,'DESCRIBE WORK e C([Ian (- i I SQUARE FOOTAGE:(proposed) 1ST FLOOR__sq.ft. 2NDFLOOR_8j2Dsq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq.ft. BASEMENT sq.ft. DECK 165 sq.ft. COVERED DECK sq.ft. STORAGE sq.ft OTHER sq.ft GARAGE sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ CARPORT sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: N, *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGEISEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC ffi SEWER❑ / NEW❑ EXISTING ja PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES ff NO❑ Ijyes,attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERIMETER/FOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YESX NO[] EXISTING SQ.FT. 9-L-Z- EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOMS_Z _ TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of Interest regarding this project.The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This pernitlapplicadon becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or If constnxbon work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) X 3 - « -?n?q na ure of OWNER(Mustbe n d by the OWNER Date DEPARiMiNTALREVIEW t. PROVED -IPATf DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: w u)-� 1 PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING •PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL RECEIVED 615 W.Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 www.co.mason.wa.us MAR 13 *2024 Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352• Fax:(360)427-7798 :. Phone Belfair:(360)275-4467• Phone Elma:(360)482-5 6 M 1cqp) 5 W. Alder Street PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: d . NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Fo 25 b MAILING ADDRESS: CITY:Ba_jkc kr' STATE: ZIP:c76_C)3K CITY: STATE: ZIP: I`PHONE: ;34-D IMOO PHONE: CELL: 2nd PHONE�G,0 :340 goEa EMAIL : EMAIL: 1-n CDC! L&I REG# EXP. PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): _ Jar7�r�(o -4a 00 a/I Zoning: R R 9A LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated): TRH 1- 1 R Z I a-q LDS 3 _X 4 Tax 69,(!3 FC SITE ADDRESS: J J qC?J /V E NORTh.Sk7DRt &t CITY: p,Er,Fg i f DIRECTIQQNS TO SITE ADD Ss- /YE I)bRth,5 hor2 f-C) Ac r,e55 Fb5rac( Wst noun, t� fl-F arl�e�y. TYPE OF JOB: Ro-bu% ��'e-r �x i5�ti vl F&c, Pr lot, NEW®ADD=ALT=REPAIR=O HERD USE OF BUILDING f�251 dot Jf I LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS— I sT FLOOR[Ij:]2ND FLOOR=BASEMENT=GARAGED OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS Type of Fixture No.of Fixwres Fees Fuel Type:Electric=PC>ONatural Gas=Ductless= Toilets � oZ T Type of Unit No.of U s Fees Bathroom Sink �Z Furnace 117 Bath Tubs q Heat Pump 3 Showers iQ Spot Vent Fan :? _30 Water Heater T Propane Tank X,' r► Clothes Washer 9 Gas Outlets Z Kitchen Sinks !6 WoodJ�Pellet Stove Dishwasher Kitchen Exhaust Hood L— Hose bibs 3h Dryer Vent 1D Other Solar Panel Other n — Base Fee R�� Base Fee .30 TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OFTHIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. 4 x V 1 w fzOZ�L Si at re of Owner Ll Date DEPART NTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL a 1 ��TDI�YELL ///\' h�TO WELL 1 1 7 / •'�„�' � r / dE&T �''� 4p _=� Ana E%IS nc g, y xF�^aoTE of S w n.Ez sT.si •�- % V Z o When reserve is \ I I �W o IM installed it willb w need to maintain 30ft from \ \ I \ \ w o3 downgradient \ I —' foundation drains ���11J „„„GTNDG,MNE,DNEMNNIN DFE.aTING�,N TDNEGFooT— Iz —DING ENE MPT FROM SET—NON CONFORMING STRUCTURE EH APPROVED NO CNN GF INLOT COVERSGEORaoLR 1 _ ])E}EMRT FROM STORMWATER.LESS STRUCTURE IS LESS TNIW 2—SR Rhonda Thompson 04/29/2024 LETmM EXISTING SITE PLAN NEW SITE PLAN w- RtfD1I DIAEa 9[RM IE�SIIE RaW EH Setbacks A.) Drainfield/Reserve requires 10'setback from footing/foundations B.)Septic tanks)requires 5'setback from all footing/foundations C.)No foundation/Perimeter Drains within 301t,downgradient of Drainfield/Reserve area D.)No Cut Bank(s)(greater than 5ft and over 45 degrees)within 501t,down gradient of Drainfield/Reserve area A1.1 i Feanar --- ETR,MGARltEtt nRxrnar na,IRewaolwr Ewx[sREKeawn. RECEIVED 61010A-tv?q? Simple Heating System Size:Washington State k1iAR 13 2024 This heating system sizing calculator is based on the Prescriptive Requirements of�g 2918 Washington State Energy Code(WSEC).This tool will calculate heating loads only.ACCA procedures for sizing cooling systems should be used to determine cooiin;loads. Please complete the green drop-downs and boxes that are applicable to your project.As you make selections in the drop-downs for each section,some values will be calculated for you.If you do not see the selection you need in the drop-down options,please contact the WSU Energy Program at energycode@energy.wsu.edu or (360)956-2042 for assistance. This tool is for the permitting purposes only. A Manual J calculation is required to meet the requirement of the 2018 Washington State Energy Code. Prove +rn(onnafion Contact h;loriratron New 2 bedroom,3 bath single family r Jane Wiley__ 14991 NE No th Share Rd. Belfair,WA 98S28 11971 NE North Shore Rd.,Belfair,WA 98528 8059..E Heating System Type: o All owes systems OO Heat Pump To see detailed instructions for each section,place your cursor on the word"Instructions" Design Temperature Deisgn Temperature 29 Instructions Design Temperature Difference(AT) 41 ,1T-Indoor(70 degrees)-Oi ddoor Design Temp Area of Building Conditioned Floor Area Instructions Conditioned Floor Area(sq ft) Average Ceiling Height Conditioned Volume Average Ceiling Height(ft) 17,270 Glazing a., U-Factor X Area = UA Instruct C.280 211.68 Skylights U-Factor X Area ■ UA Instruct,<,. . 0.50 68.00 Insulation Attic U-Factor X Area - UA Instructions 0.026 0.00 Single Rafter or Joist Vaulted Collins U-Factor X Area UA Instructions 0.026 �QO� 23.61 Above Grade Walls(see Flgun+ U-factor X Area UA Instructions 0.056 MINVI 1 -7-.1 Floors U-Factor X Area UA Instructlor,=, 0.025 908 22.7C Below Grade Walls and Slabs(see F,gore 1) Wall U-Factor X Area UA Wall&Slab I None 10 Depth JSAect nesitext sty dopth Slab F-Factor X Length UA Slab on Grade(see Figure i) F-Factor X Length UA Instructions -- -- Location of Ducts Instructions Duct Leakage Coefficient 1.000 Sum of UA 430.43 Envelope Heat Load 17,648 Btu/Hour Figure 1. Sum of UA x AT Air Leakage Heat Load 7,647 Btu/Hour Volume x 0.6 x AT x 0.018 Above Grade Building Design Heat Load 25,295 Btu/Hour Air leakage+envelope heat loss Building and Duct Heat Load 25,295 Btu!Hour Ducts in unconditioned space:sum ofbuildino heat loss x 1.10 Ducts in conditioned space sum of building heat loss x 1 Maximum Heat Equipment Output 31,618 Btu/Hour Buildina and duct heat loss x 1.40 for forced air furnace Buildina and duct heat loss x 1.25 for heat Dun7D (07101113) 7fY.{Ctu�<: Name < , Parcel#,32;J_ ,!_LSO 111 I BLD# ut i �Cf!rO Ue_I-Q 2415- 1 nq Fc,01-P i^irk f REC Mason County M1rn" ^��' Department of Community Development Small Parpel Stormwater Management ApplicationJWorksheet (page 1 of 2) . , to Per Mason County Code,Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment',with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface'. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction,installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 'Common imuervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X I Width = Area *All dimensions in feet Buildings X .:4 ' _ X _ Measurements for buildings are taken at the X _ perimeter of the farthest projections (example: eaves/gutters) X = Driveways X = X = Length of drive begins at the right of way X = —Parking Areas ?G X Z = e X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks 3 X = ` t- X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Others X = X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area(sum of all areas) t`' If the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read, acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described ropetty for review and inspection as may be required. X Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: If the T Impervious Surfac Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. -�k- 511r i e.vic' �`� wd/ �j2 1>75-ra// .d Page 1 of or) rh4e- C 011 �5lo 2 5ide5 76�� n �3 RECEIVED 3 MAR 13 2024 615 W. Alder Street TO WELL` ` O�TO W\ EXISTING I I^�°/ EXISTING 66.4,• � /� 68.<,• a1 • RNEWAV / \ ' -'b• -NEWTIV / \ OLD g'0• / \ OLD �'9,6• INFIELD J pQY v �W ,;y Nqw[-B HOUSE • �' EXIS NG • INSIDE NT0 FOO (� r 2-BR H USE TO 2 *14-8 TO BT EMOEF 2 y� BE MOED m Sp ro 1,727 E Lue zg`O- mJ 19-0 m w a1 -17' z z \ ° Dir � — �z w N z LL \ \ w Z \ \ U zw III K Lu f>n > rn�Qw NOTE: d Z LU rn 1)NEW STRUCTURE TO REMAIN INSIDE OF EXISTING STRUCTURES FOOTPRINT BUILDING EXEMPT FROM SETBACKS-NON CONFORMING STRUCTURE 2)NO CHANGE IN LOT COVERAGE OR IMPERVIOUS 3)EXEMPT FROM STORMWATER AS LESS STRUCTURE IS LESS THAN 2,000 SF EXISTING SITE PLAN0 NEW SITE PLAN --�p SCALE: 1'= 20•-0' SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" 1�3oA7 R�evmn DOSTM SITE PLAN NEW SITE PLAN bcr Al - 11 PERIAf SE' IF SHEET MEASURES LESS TH4N24*)W VISA REDUCED PRINT REDUCE SCALE AL'LOFDMGLY