HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2005-00894 - SWG Application / Design - 11/22/2005 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT Official use only OF HEALTH SERVICES n a PERMIT NUMBER: SWO 426 W.CEDAR STREET PO BOX 1686 DATE RECENED: SHELTON,WA 98584 (360)427-9670,Ext.362 RECEIPT NUMBER: -�--- 2 E m m APPLICANT DATE CNE/f�(APPLICABLE ITEMS o 0 US ANEW SYSTEM O LIN AOORESS DAYTIME PHONE O REPAIR SYSTEM ID T9LE 6 REPAIR m CITY STATE ZIP INGLE FAMILY O OTHER Pbesa desmlbe . 2 SITE ADD SS DRINKING WATER SOURCE 3 NAME IGNER PHONE UMBER O PRIVATE INDMDUAL WELL P D P VATE TWO-PARTY WELL G f�MMUNITY/PUBLIC WATER N E O INSTALL R YSTEM /J Q 4' SYSTEMWFI* v"ud l 'll�� UMBER OF LOT SIZE: ACRES FT X H SYSTEM NAME: W BEDROOMS ft S Lmy SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS FOR LOCATING SITE /o/n rleoH UA" oA1 — p4sr ALWR4XOOK 0a+ OLyNIPta v1r4e , -ny Iso ®snd up a m �a LL ow Att+ do—i ^ +• kat - MARKLwO Ivltl'I PINK RIbboN- 5"yAq to 6 Al This application is for design approval only. h An installation permit will be required to install the system. Ir • All systems mqulm ongoing Op -re end MWntene w as specAkdln Meson County Onsee Standart • All ones sewage systems must be eeslgned by a Lkensed Ones Wastewater Designr m Prdessianat +Inlsa/pMF7 /sa I.� approval is grantee. riOV nn AYi IV • A Masan Count'Certified Installer must in.18H all onsee sewage system;unless Peon-Ppmval is granted. f, l jJ�•� lO.,:, • Ones sewage system design eppmval eees not imply otherbuiVing see appmvels. • Any change hem the specified use ofm PMPQmV or any see aeemtton aRecttng the system design my. • This permit expires 3 years Ymrn the dab o/see review.Dental of mis pemie may be appealed M the HeaIM 09ker within f0 c Y4 a dental date. Official use only below this line ROIL LOGS COMMENTS/CONDITIONS SOIL- wry E awily ly ' : �./�.e%L•. /LJd TEXTURE DE S=sank L—bem Si=sift C=WY E=exVame rv^��r�• SIPIGNATURE DATE D IGN PROVFDBY DATE DESIGN EXPIRATION DATE Reri•e4 an3aoos iY-Health Department Yellow Copy-Designer Pink Copy-/+PPlicanl Ma*wro&-kand Records R „moaw,.l999 A tlulgn will be rtwlewed when$d in efeadhs NEJ)lkswing items ere submitted: pt�dd /om� yge�ed�vvl toWApotW�s,MlunYq' been and � e(Mw+�w6tbn eW .Inckmilk V�p ssits hlW,r o�iid e Parch Number: Designer's Name: e C e Designer's Phone M: — Z� Applicant's None: / G Assessor's Portal No.: Mailing Address: / 7 Subdivision: O/,i�ln,lf" �r" 9tsl� 'chy Sms as (N.aNwwfsbdBbd)t a) �i Treatment Device - O Olmdan Biofilter 0 Send Filter O Mound Cl Sand Lined Drainfield OAerobicUnit-Makc(Model: ODsinfectioaUnit - Make/Model: i DreiMleld Type Prouute wO�rBed dravBY q'Trench O—Dralarock oraveelll"Chambers Septic Tank/Dralydleld Specifications Laterals LA to NumborofBedrooms 3 "Lcb u "'APPROVEDDeny R Septic Tank Capacity t LengthDiameter MC HEALTH DEPT t.aS is gel Receiving ei ingSoan�.(i� ndlft- Separation OK 1 6 Z005 9 ft Required Square Footage /A1� Designed Square Footage (000 R' Total Number ofOrifrPJC)Drlfices _ 40 Paeent Reduction Taken �O �(� TtmchBed Width 3 Diameter TFmch/Bed Length Spacing G,o in Elevation Measurements Manifold Schedewclass 40 NineSlope Original Dninfieldter Area Slope / 7 %% � New Slopo if Altered 1T Diameter . in Depth Depth of Exuevation from in Pretested Manifold Configuration Used? 0 Yes No Original Grade Nwlare) in Transport Pipe (nownelopc) Sch Class "0 Designed Vertical Separation 'p�U ft n Diameter in Gmwlless Chambers Required? ❑Yes ON. 130ptamai Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump Required? ,®Yes ONo � DosWDay o Pump/Siphon SpecMcegons Quantity ind Chamber Capacity Difference in Elevation Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Pump Controls: Timor(or)Elapse Time Meter(circle ff rewired) Orifice: —yB If Timm: Pump On .pump off Uppermost OrIG"is ff igha, ❑Cower than Pore Shu Cheek the following componeuts if They drain between dotes: Capacity®Total Pressure Head: .bee toff 12 Lataels E'Mmifold V Transport Calculated Total Pressure Head: 57,511 S (Ahadt Pump Ctiave) tan PAGE/CF7PAGFS NOV ( �2005 Mason Co. Land Records DESIGN FORM- PAGE TWO Rerhed Ae,a 74,iWS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch " Test holo locations )3 Dninfield orientation and layout Referenced depth from original grade: 7 Property tines ffi TrmdvW dimensions and critical Ef Septic tang lid and drainfield cover O Existing and proposed wells within distmw within layout depth 100 ft of property lines Cl D-Boxt"I"YL"hrcationa Cl Critical distance measurements to cues, A Septic tank/pump chamber location Reference depth from original grade banks,and autism water 0 Observation port location and restrictive stnts: O location and orientation of curtain A Clem-out location 8� Laterals.hmchlbed top and bosom drain and all absorption components M Manifold placement ❑ Curtain dram collector Location and dimension of Primary A Orifice Placement ❑ Sand augmentation system and reserve area H Lateral placmnen4 with distances to IN Buildings Qyt o edge of but Othererosa-aectiam detach jr Direction of slope indicator le ArdibWvisual alarm referenced . Observation ports and chaso outs O Waterline H Scale of drawing shown on scale bar J3 Rods/easements/driveways/ puking tf ' �und sec t O Critical resource Inds(itappticeble) IW North arrow and scale of drawing shown m scale bar YVGs � fd Additional Information y + cIP� tr Design slaked out ❑ Operation and Maintenance Notice E ED ESIGNER Attached IR g ❑ Walvm(s)Attached - The undersigned designer does, ❑does not,waive the rewirement to be nod d by the installer of the installation and given 48 ham to perform a final inspection prim tow net ofDes a Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason Coun Department of Health Services and determined h to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulati A Enviroumthtal Health Specialist / Date Caution: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER 771E FOUDWING CONDMON: J The design is stamped'Approved"by Mason County Deputmmt of Health Scrvices. J The On-site Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date Is: / loAll J The system is Installed by a certified Installer,unless prior authorisation is obtained frbrorMaxon County Department of Health Sevvices. 01 Dramfichi site conditions have not been attend to adversely affect conditions of design approval Mason Co. Land Records SY.:..., ,5;, ,: � ..t ..le.LF3. 5: 'v.h9..p.'�4'•". F:Y.cI': .'. MM ..S uu ^°35Y� �5 "-��sa r' L6••2 ` � j 8 J•! � �'• •.�. }1M101• 1Y fl �}mFyf�y, ` W' 1�- �•. i•00°0•SYS !( ,8 n Oyu lJ ICOI O J S P Y M1 •,i(( • Fr i0 1 I 4 .um 0 a b � M •9.th,:6y H$ 'y FfFid ut >S�: l,a,vonla ' 2 r 4JJ A , n .it C nO d(g V b( ig( a/,• (\p�;, ih •. i �.'.y .. �•: .dgd �•4 b d u• a: Ik •I . 'l w:; I .rote . s ^ \.' 'J\, ,.ry . 0. a G W ppG�� J p 4i � - . "�—..d� •)� rq g��,yl � ,, o �td�• Ac rx r" P'• ( ��'� u• ` Ai -��V�wrr1 visin _ a .. r PAG40F! PAGES NOV 18 2005 loth ason Co. an-"ecords /b�D71� IeIKAI fi¢AN.FI�A/CG .�,✓N.T.SfIAG d� R L A . TeSF Now IQ V QooposeA -iLq*toY� K wl Ius 1sb° 7 ; Y } , y APPROVE 5 MC HEALTHpE PJo r i NOV ! 8 2005 RES Mason Co. Land Records gasp+��o 3` - Ko` Fee.fwr— tif..� �> E �D DE'IGt!'r'R PI ES.11 �• 0'1 3" Vo 3 40 �RI�1 FIFt,D FORVIEW n'g? JW v Dw�i"zs" J.'i n gP- s QV vP SCo..Q2 1 " - 10` y R161t1A+. G4/+DE —r-y + o��l/+• pT ur, (!It V.. S lo ' IS' 21 7 IO P'pO� b' APPROVE �` as a � �I s� MC HFp_ Ilr,r 16 [00< TRENCH END tHADLI FOLD ( 430'1 ORIFICES (ab`fiPl ( B ORIFICES) 30' FROM MANIFOLD M'FROM ELBOW SCREW ON CAP ELBOW V" FROM END OF DITCH 45 DEGREE ELBOW NOTE, LATERAL _ 0=OBSERVATION PORTS--TO BE 4" END OF _ PVC PIPE FROM BOTTOM OF TRENCH DITCHI y� TO FINISHED GRADE. REMOVABLE 6 DETAIL CAP SHALL BE INSTALLED ON CLEAN OUT OBSERVATION PORT PIPE. ANCHOR ON BOTTOM WITH GLUED ON TEE. NOTE, CLEANOUT TO BE FROM 0 TO 6 MINIMUM OF $ IN SYSTEM. INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE. MARK ENDS WITH REBAR. CLEAN OUT LATERALS ARE TO BE CENTERED REQUIRED AT END OF EACH LATERAL. IN TRENCHES PAGE fUF 7PAGES Nov t 9 7M Mason Co. Land Records DL'TERMINE THE TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD: Selected residual pressure: 2.00 It. �O Transport pipe friction baacss: ,30 A. I.m# f qZ n. ......... 'IS n. Line 02 571 n........... ' 19 n. Line/) (00 n........... .ZL n. Line/I b9 n............ .25 n. Line„s -IS n............. .2s n. Taal elevation fin................ 2 .n. TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD:...... ��FT. T M�P PR QED e.M1.— 0 <La^ egl rH o .;• Jp NXf un 4f� At EFFL4 r, Y: FILt cP PAGL'!40F7pnces NOV j 8 l�ason---Ce�an ecorf s Performance Data ]2 Pump Characteristics R Melw LW SrMrnrbk — M.olMrMh SW25111 SW33 I - 6 A.1wwIk AN SW25A1 SW17A1 — — — Nw,yrs IN 1/3 is A Id lyd rlP, 1.0 10.0 z IH HP Motor lAr SAdr{Pdr(A"6) R./.M. I550 o r n".0 Ydtyr Ilf r Nw1r AO o ,o ]r oo ro so so «rAarr.us.GPM. Oplrtlw Mrrwblwl To.V~r 1201 A."od Total Head(feet) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 RIMA DrrAlr A 1/4 UP 44 41 36 33 29 26 23 18 12 6 0 It'.60 N 0r„A GPM 1/3 NP 1 47 45 43 40 37 34 30 22 Ib l0 plAwyr Shr I-I/2'RM , S.W,"romp" I/2. Dimensional Data I IAM wolk 306, Prrrrr(wl 11/3,S)TW, 10'aL ]In _ .� son ]f....+d....,•.r 1 411r,w+wM MIN, v I IIO NPr wlvW.l ]:Id UISCIIMGf 10.nnNn•n1.rvrM.N• Materials of Construction MNwN Nandr Sled 1 n•/OII Y.a Mr•NW ] VI , M,rmN FyM4 NdNn NI F. Melw Xm W N. wd.•IwNFw.fNl fortr,t(a, (ml hrr I Swr Slrrl - --._.-----r M PPROV'E7 M A "d Sod lMrs:(M6rr/(Mork _ I HIF44TH OEv _ SAdl Srd s.d lid 5A�,SleddF, -:F(,' 1. 6 lelo-N rotor 1 n Im lo.ln NN p 10 AN Itk s In V V Offff 111W4 Mrown Slott,OwIlT NARGf nrwm _ Im"IM1.1 S' loRowIIIltMM --.1. .._ ..I. - ShdnN/late Pk]lk 7 ruin• au Irdenm Slrinlm SlottI L PrGF60F 71'^cs AURORA/HYDROMATIC Pumps, Inc. NOV $ ?OOS 1840 R,,..... D,,,ra A.I.1—A nl.:_ N-,It Mason Co. Land Records Installation/Maintenance Pressure Distribution Systems 1. Install laterals with contour of the ground. 2. Install trench bottoms level. 3. Install locator tape or rebar on top of all drainfield laterals. 4. Install observation ports as indicated on the plot plan (minimum-2 per drainfield with bottom extending to the drainrock/native soil interface). 5. Install drain field during dry weather and soil Fonditions, any soil smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 6. Install threaded clean-outs at the ends of all laterals ( cap must extend to within 6 inches of finished grade and be marked with locator tape or rebar.) .7: install audio/visual high water alarm. 8. Install 118 inch mesh non-corrosive pump screen (min. 12 sq. fl surface area- not to interfere with controls or floats.) Or Pump screen may be substituted with Bio tube in septic lank.Pull bic-tube once a yr & flush back into tank. 9. Install anti siohon valve above ruimn in ryT^^.,hnnh.. to prevent the pump chamber from siphoninq into drainfield. to. Tee to Tee construction between laterals and manifold with orifices oriented at 6 O'clock. Install laterals to the manifold with orifices at 12 O'clock, (do not glue), after pressure test and Health Dept. approval , turn orifices down (6 O'clock) and glue laterals to manifold. W. Filter fabric required over drain rock prior to backfilling. If the drain rock extends above natural grade run the filter fabric at least 2 inches down the trench wall. 12. Encase all water lines within to' of drainfield area 13. Divert all storm water runoff away from on-site sewage system. 14. No curtain drains allowed within to' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down-slope edge of the drainfield and reserve area. 15. have the septic tank and pump chamber pumped or inspected every 3 to 5 years. 16. Inspect and clean pump screen every 6-12 months as needed . �. . Inspect floats and test high water alarm every 6-12 months as needed. I8. All materials and workmanship must meet County and State regulations. 19. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Health Department will make this design null and void. 20. All manhole lids and access, sampling, or inspection ports must have locking covers. 21, All pressure systems with pump chamber higher than drainfield must have a 1/8" hole drilled in the discharge pipe above the pump to prevent siphoning. 22 . All transport lines under driveways must be encased to prevent. crushing . 23. O 4 R IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROPERTY LINES. I ` NOV 1 8 2005 VALE 7 of 7 1AGES Mason Co. Land Records MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES December 16, 2005 PO BOX 1666 SHELTON.WA 98584 SHELTON (360)427-9670 FAX (360)427-7798 Arrow Construction ELMA (360)482-5269 230 E Warren DR BELFAIR (360)2754467 Union WA 98592 SEATTLE (206)464fi968 RE: Design for ISSAC Case No: SWG2005-00894 Parcel No: 322345100041 Your design forthe above referenced parcel has been review and is APPROVED. Please refer to the comments section of this letter for any additional information. Please call me at (360) 427-9670, ext 547 if you have any questions. Si erely, t A Penn Orth Environmental Health Mason County Health Services COMMENTS: Installation permit required prior to installation. 12/16/2005 1 of 1 SWG2005-00894 M MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES n 426 W. CEDAR ♦ PO BOX 1666 ♦ SHELTON,WA 98584 N (360)427-9670, Ext. 352 y YSTEM INSTALLATION (p KTANK REPLACEMENT ONLY(Attach Supplemental Tank Replacement Fonn) H H O CERJ7 EIED INSTALLER G MEOWNER Official use only ICANT PL 9NAME PERMIT NO SWG ♦n PLICANT ADDRESS Q FfIJA) R c ISSUE DATE O-I�Q-(]l/ ^' ITY D STATE ZIP PS RECEIPT NUMBER ) ��S r v U U FINAL INSPECTION (Q IN LER N0V 19 EAAN B INESS NAME CALL-IN DATE �t MAILINGADDRESS DAYTIME PHONE INSPECTION APPOINTMENT Z I DATE/TIME / C Clry STATE ZIP ASBUILT ON SITE? O YES ONO P OPER7 Ro JIS'�'R Cr (f CD I hereby agree to comply with all requirements of the Mason County Department of Health Services Onsite Regulations and Standards. Upon completion of �ypP($ IQ Department and the Designer shall be notified. All work shall be I u overed until inspected. A Completed asbuilt from the installer or designer must be pffpvQgi@he time of final inspection. The applicant has the right to appeal decisions of the ealth Department. J,AASON COUNTY ILU This permit is valid for one year from the issue date or the L expiration date of the septic design, which ever occurs first. IUI SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED INSTALLER OR HOMEOWNER INSTALLER DATE P lb�, Official use only below this line IRk FINAL INSPECTION COMMENTS . U� INSTALLATION APPROVED BY DATE Revision Date:62¢005 White Copy-Health Department Yellow Copy-Installer Pink Copy-Applicant 6/2I2005