HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG Onsite Survey - 7/28/1995 �I MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of HEALTH SERVICES Shelton,Washington 98584 (360)427-9670•Bedolr.275-4467 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSONAL HEALTH WATER QUALITY P.O. BOX 1666 303 N.FOURTH P.O.BOX 1666 July 28, 1995 Phil Bayley P.O. Box 270 Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Parcel Number: 32235-32-00010 Site Address: 8791 Hwy 106 Dear Mr. Bayley, We want to thank you for your cooperation with the Mason County Department of Health Services, Office of Water Quali- ty, sanitary survey of your on-site septic system. Your septic system was not found to be failing. If problems were observed during the survey that had the potential to shorten the life of your septic system, they were noted by field staff. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the non-failing status of your system, and to advise you of any such problems. The following are observations our staff made on 7/27/95 while surveying your property: The septic system appeared to be functioning at the time of dye testing. Attached are some general comments about on-site sewage treatment/disposal systems. If you have any further ques- tions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (360) 275- 8733 . Sincerely, 6Af Grant A. Holdcroft, R.S. Lower Hood Canal Lead 9 RecyUed ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM SURVEY LOWER HOOD CANAL CLEAN WATER DISTRICT /^ Project: LHC Area: #8 UNION Date:2-21-95 OWNER INFORMATION: Tun c '7w t.L 1 3 10 4r11 " V- l a td BAYLEY ET UX PHIL C PO BOX 278 SHELTON WA 98584 SITE INPORMA77ON: 11 Parcel#: 32235-32-00049 Owner's Phone: 47(-Q713 Ate• 8791 Higghway . #106 City: Union State: \� Ar _ zip: go,a? Bung Type:.(F-Full Tuna Residence; S -Seasonal Reaidmce; C -Commem el; M-Multi-family Residence; V-vacant) St)fio System Type: S (S - S'taoda[d tank and dtainfield: P-Preasue Distawtion; F- sand Filter; M-mound; T - Deep Trench; H-Out House; O - Other; U - uvlaown) Installation Date: l v 7 r; Year Last Pumped: i 4 u s ra n (EN r Year or U- Urfarown) System Location: 13 (F-Front Yard; B - Back Yard; S -side Yard; A- Adjacent Lot; U - Unknown) Number of Residents: i Shoreline(Y/N): Y OCCUPANT INFORMATION(complete only if different than owner): Occupant's Title: _(am, affis, ars) First Name: Last Name: Occupant's Phone: Would you like Information on Water Conservation? *, (Y/N) Would you be interested in a Community Workshop? rj (Y/M PERMISSION FOR ACCESS TO INSPECT THE SEP77C SYSTEM- y (Y" SIGNATURE: Date: 2-22-95 Comments: ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM SURVEY LOWER HOOD CANAL CLEAN WATER DISTRICT Project: LHC Area: #8 UNION Date:2-221-95 OWNER INFORMATION : Tun c J`um_. 13 16 4fi1 &kt c, I aaj BAYLEY ET UX PHIL C PO BOX 278 SHELTON WA 98584 SITE INFORMATION : Parcel # : 32235-32-0008H Owner's Phone: 4?6-9713 Address' 8791 Highway #106 City: Union State: WA Zip: gRcR? Building Type:_ (F-Full Tina Resde ; S - Saso.1 Resdenca; C -Cum--d; M - Multi-family Residence; V-Vacant) Septic System Type: S (S - SW deal tmk.ed drawfidd; P -Prossme Distrtlwtie.; F-s.nd Fdter; M -Mouod; T- Deep Trench; H-Out House; O - Other; U-U-k-o n) Installation Date: t 9 7 6 Year Last Pumped: l 9 R c a n (Enter Year or U- ih ben ) System Location: B (F-Front Yard; B -Back Yard; S -side Yard; A-Adjscent Lot; U-Unlmoam) Number of Residents: i Shoreline(Y/N ): Y - OCCUPANT INFORMAHON(complete only Ndifferent than owcer): Occupant's Title: _(an; Hens, ea) First Name: Last Name: Occupant's Phone: Would you like Information on Water COnSerVatlOn? (Y/N) Would you be interested in a Community Workshop? ra (YIN ) .. PERMISSION FOR ACCESS TO INSPECT THE SEPTIC SYSTE&E (Y/N ) SIGNATURE:,/' e, % Date: 2-22-95 Comments: LOWER HOOD CANAL FIELD INSPECTION FORM Initial Information: Area: $ U,rr,f o- - Added to databwe(Y/I): Y Owner Name: Ptw.lu lair Permission to Inspect 7: Site Address: -, 1 6/- Appointment Required 7: 7 Parcel#: 3_y Z 3!r-3.2- oDo 16 Appointment Date: b s4- Occupant Name: Inspections: Leven: to F S Level IC: Level2: 6 13 Rs- Inspection Team: LH L 9- Updated database(Y/I): Inspection Results: `�+rinagcc� pf �ACC5 Distance between septic tank and surface water: - G. 100 (ft) Distance between septic tank and well: tti (ft) Distance between drainfield and surface water: L t M (ft) Distance between drainfield and well: In (ft) Occupancy(occupants/bedrooms): t Other(Larger on-site, business..etc...): The septic system appeared to be functioning at the time of The drainfield area may be compromised due to vehicular traffic. (i.e.: parking, driving) There are indications of poor system maintenance. (i.e.: lack of regular pumping, leaky plumbing, slow drains, excessive chemical dumping, high water usage) _ Construction was noted in the drainfield area. Sewage was observed entering surface water, confirmed by visual dye and fecal coliform count of>2000100m1. _ An unpemutted outhouse was observed. Other: Additional Comments: System Classification* Pass: 7-�1- 95 Fail: Suspect: Failure Priority: eaa,u� 1: .3: N =rtlMc w YwY gc,awnq wl( w .4: a umw cp k auth : ac t[Yfwah W Vul Scy. wg mK J: 9a.5:Prmu* fl@Imf ml mwruL w1f�aa.wYu.�:00ca uwcugiabk k•Wletiaw;oWmiUm�y fuller ry�lmaaat mining .uR wYa.S:Pe�•dy wWain(odaf) LOWER HOOD CANAL FIELD INSPECTION FORM Initial Information: �+ Area: g a-- Added to database(Y/I): Owner Name: Pki l -aai.la,u Permission to Inspect?: —� Site Address: r- 1 I #4utu 10�_ Appointment Required?: —� Parcel#: 3 2 Z 3 S-2 2. - 000 I G Appointment Date: Occupant Name: Inspections: Level 1: b 8 S Level IC: Level 2: 13 `q/g— Inspection Team: Lff L-I- Updated database(Y/1): 7' Inspection Results: `80 ,a a4c yiM cl 11),y cc 5 TT Distance between septic tank and surface water: G. 10 0 (ft) Distance between septic tank and well: w 00 Distance between drainfield and surface water: L t M (R) Distance between drainfield and well: Occupancy(occupants/bedrooms): I Other(Larger on-site,business..etc...): The septic system appeared to be functioning at the time ofa a' The drainfield area may be compromised due to vehicular traffic. (i.e.: parking, driving) There are indications of poor system maintenance. (i.e.: lack of regular pumping, leaky plumbing, slow drains, excessive chemical dumping, high water usage) _ Construction was noted in the drainfield area. Sewage was observed entering surface water; confirmed by visual dye and fecal coliform count of>200fc/100m1. _ An unpermitted outhouse was observed. Other: Additional Comments: System Classification: Pass: Fail: Suspect: Failure Priority: eria 1: ne3: M.qg I: Viwl Dye.W W a avf mB cow 4: minmt wfrc w.�c.aut ;to w d+amh wMg W vcn.9i4.Rm S}ny.): Sufret ksPe[tla�ml col aNaet wvfvc wYsr.<:Uhcr we«Wbb owll,iiw�:�nmxvmdY(Wet tl��mE«mG ,uA'rc wtla.5:Ptim,�y rMha4c,(oJw) Sr1 iAGRAM— .- IP 2sto,a --f CA< 167p l ytd 3/QS DYE PACKET RESULTS mod Suia 1 Ae4iew Sm.]Rdri $erin 3 Retrieve sitr NumLv Dae Datc RauW Dale Date RaulY Datc Dote RwW Date Date AmW Plead RNicve Placed Retrieve Placed RWieve Plead Retrieve BACTERIOLOGICAL RESULTS Site Date Results Number